Membrane Separation Processes
Membrane Separation Processes
Membrane Separation Processes
Bernan, Shariff Molzir
Calma, Joseph
Maat, Daren
Quiño, Rasti
Membrane Separation Processes
• where qf is the total feed flow rate in 𝑐𝑚3 (STP)/s; q0 is outlet reject
flow rate in the same unit; and qp is outlet permeate flow rate, 𝑐𝑚3
(STP)/s. The cut or fraction of feed permeated, Ɵ,
• The rate of diffusion or permeation of species A (in a binary of A and
B) is given below
• where PA’ is the permeability of A in the membrane, 𝑐𝑚3 (STP) cm/(s
𝑐𝑚2 cm Hg); qA is the flow rate of a in permeate, 𝑐𝑚3 (STP)/s; Am is
membrane area, 𝑐𝑚2 ; t is membrane thickness, cm; Ph is the total
pressure in the high pressure (feed) side, cm Hg; pl is the total
pressure in the low pressure or permeate side, cm Hg; x0 is the mole
fraction of A in the reject side; and yp is the mole fraction of A in the
permeate. Note that phx0 is the partial pressure of A in the reject gas
• A similar equation can be written for component B:
• This equation relates yp, the permeate composition, to x0, the reject
composition, and the ideal separation factor α* is defined as
4.2 Solution of equations for the design of
complete-mixing case
• For the design of a complete-mixing model, there are seven variables,
xf, x0, yp, Ɵ, α*, pl/ph, and Am, four of which are independent
variables. Let us consider two common cases.
• Case 1. xf, x0, α *, and pl/ph are given and yp, Ɵ , and Am are to be
determined by solution of the equations. Eq. (16) can be rearranged
4.3 Minimum concentration of reject stream
• If all of the feed is permeated, then Ɵ = 1 and the feed composition xf
= yp. For all values of Ɵ< 1, the permeate concentration yp > xf.
Rearranging Eq. (16) to give
• which means that x0 is a monotonic increasing function with yp. When
yp is at its minimum value of xf, the reject composition have its
minimum as
• where dq is the total flow rate permeating through the area dAm.
Dividing Eq. (26) by (27) gives
• This relates the permeate composition y to the reject composition x
at a point along the path. It is similar to Eq. (16) for complete-mixing.
• Case 1. The values of xf, x0, α*, and Pl/Ph are given and yp, Ɵ,
and Am, are to be determined. Ɵ * or Ɵ can be calculated
from directly from Eq. (29). Since all other variables are
known, yp can be calculated from Eq. (19). The membrane
area Am is calculated from Eq. (30) numerically.
• Case 2. xf, Ɵ, α*, and Pl/Ph are given and yp, x0, and Am, are
to be determined. This is trial and error. An initial value of x0
is assumed and substituted into Eq. (19) to calculate yp.