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Mindfulnees Self Compassion Workplace

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Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 8 (2018) 8–16

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Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

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Empirical research

Mindfulness and self-compassion as tools in health behavior change: An T

evaluation of a workplace intervention pilot study☆

Kristin A. Horan , Maija B. Taylor1
Bowling Green State University, United States


Keywords: While interventions teaching general mindfulness and self-compassion have been effective in promoting health
Health behavior change intervention and participation in health behaviors, more research is needed to evaluate the effect of targeted interventions
Mindfulness that teach participants to apply mindfulness and self-compassion to health behaviors. A sample of 24 university
Self-compassion employees participated in a 10-week health behavior change intervention that featured psychoeducation in
mindful and self-compassionate nutrition, exercise, and stress management and engagement in guided group
exercise. The intervention produced significant improvements in mindfulness, self-compassion, mindful health
behaviors, and some health behaviors, well-being measures, and some body composition and physical fitness
measures. This program had high satisfaction and low attrition rates. These findings provide initial evidence that
targeted mindfulness and self-compassion may be useful components of health behavior change interventions.

1. Introduction Malik, Blake, & Suggs, 2014) and stress management (Richardson &
Rothstein, 2008; van der Klink, Blonk, Schene, & van Dijk, 2001). Ad-
Despite the many benefits associated with regular participation in herence rates also show room for improvement, as attrition rates reach
health behaviors (e.g. consumption of a nutritious diet, engagement in an average of 18% in health behavior change trials (Crutzen,
physical activity, effective management of stress; Danaei et al., 2009), Viechtbauer, Spigt, & Kotz, 2015). Although the positive effects of
research on health behaviors of United States citizens indicates that workplace health promotion programs are encouraging, more research
there is room for improvement. A substantial proportion of adults do is needed to improve retention and effectiveness of workplace health
not meet nutrition or physical activity guidelines (Britten, Marcoe, behavior interventions. The inclusion of mindfulness and self-compas-
Yamini, & Davis, 2006; Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2013; Moore sion in traditional programs could improve outcomes in health behavior
& Thompson, 2015; National Cancer Institute [NCI], 2015) and report change programs.
managing stress with unhealthy activities (American Psychological
Association [APA], 2008). Thus, the promotion of health behaviors is a 1.2. Mindfulness and self-compassion
major priority for federal, community, and organizational entities. The
workplace is a popular point of intervention (Mattke et al., 2013) due to Mindfulness is the ability to bring one's attention to experiences in
the ease of population access, the potential for early intervention, the the present moment in a nonjudgmental way (Kabat-Zinn, 1990). Self-
possibility of healthcare cost containment, and the potential for morale compassion is defined as the process of being open to one's personal
and productivity improvements (Conrad, 1987). failures, inadequacies, and suffering and responding to them with
common humanity, mindfulness, and self-kindness (Neff, 2003).
1.1. Current workplace interventions promoting diet and exercise Mindfulness and self-compassion are related to positive health beha-
viors and better physical health (Jordan, Wang, Donatoni, & Meier,
Despite efforts to promote health behaviors in the workplace, sys- 2014; Loucks, Britton, Howe, Eaton, & Buka, 2015; Neff, 2012).
tematic reviews and meta-analyses of worksite interventions have Researchers have theorized that mindfulness training increases at-
documented primarily small or variable effects on diet (Geaney et al., tentiveness to one's experiences and acceptance of and willingness to
2013), physical activity (Conn, Hafdahl, Cooper, Brown, & Lusk, 2009; experience uncomfortable internal states (e.g., thoughts, feelings,

Author note: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies from public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Correspondence to: Department of Psychology Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403-0232, United States.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K.A. Horan), [email protected] (M.B. Taylor).
Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0232, United States.

Received 19 May 2017; Received in revised form 1 February 2018; Accepted 20 February 2018
2212-1447/ © 2018 Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K.A. Horan, M.B. Taylor Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 8 (2018) 8–16

physical sensations; Forman & Butryn, 2015; Katterman, Kleinman, eaters demonstrate less eating guilt and lower eating disorder psycho-
Hood, Nackers, & Corsica, 2014; Mantzios & Wilson, 2015; Tapper pathology (Kelly, Vimalakanthan, & Carter, 2014; Wasylkiw,
et al., 2009). These skills are believed to increase individuals' capacity MacKinnon, & MacLellan, 2012).
to disengage from internal and external cues that can trigger craving Mindful exercise is broadly defined as the act of bringing non-
and reduce automatic, impulsive, and emotion-driven patterns of health judgmental present awareness to any type of physical activity (Salmon,
behavior. This is believed to increase individuals' ability to consciously n.d.). Mindful exercise involves purposeful attentiveness to one's phy-
engage in behaviors that are consistent with personal health goals. sical movement, physiological sensations during movement, and ana-
Researchers have proposed that self-compassion, which emphasizes tomical alignment (Justice, 2013; La Forge, 2005; Salmon, n.d.) and
forgiveness and kindness towards the self, buffers individuals against approaching physical activity with an open, non-judgmental attitude.
guilt, shame, and rumination after perceived mistakes in health beha- Mindful exercise, both broadly defined as awareness during physical
viors, which frees up cognitive and emotional resources for self-reg- activity and narrowly defined as mind-body exercise such as yoga and
ulation (Adams & Leary, 2007; Mantzios & Wilson, 2015; Terry & Leary, tai chi, is associated with positive physical and mental health outcomes
2011). This may help individuals quickly reorient to their health goals (La Forge, 2005), and exercise efficiency and satisfaction (Tsafou,
after a lapse. Self-compassion may also help individuals engage in Lacroix, van Ee, Vinkers, & De Ridder, 2016). Self-compassionate ex-
health behaviors out of a desire to be kind to their bodies and selves ercise can be described as initiating and maintaining exercise for rea-
more generally, which may increase intrinsic motivation (Neff, 2003). sons related to self-kindness, such as to increase health and energy
Mindfulness and self-compassion may be useful tools in interven- (rather than obligatory or compensatory reasons). Although this con-
tions designed to increase participation in health behaviors because struct is novel in the literature on exercise, similar constructs such as
they will likely help individuals increase awareness of personally-va- intrinsic motivation to exercise have been linked to increased well-
lued or self-compassionate motivations to engage in health behaviors, being (Magnus, Kowalski, & McHugh, 2010) and greater exercise ad-
enhance their self-regulatory capacity, and allow them to reorient to herence (Ryan, Frederick, Lepes, Rubio, & Sheldon, 1997; Sallis &
health values and goals more quickly after lapses in health behaviors. Hovell, 1990).
Mindful stress management involves approaching distressing
1.3. Interventions utilizing mindfulness & self-compassion to improve health thoughts or physiological manifestations of stress with non-judgmental,
present-moment awareness (Grossman, Niemann, Schmidt, & Walach,
1.3.1. General mindfulness and self-compassion interventions 2004). Self-compassionate stress management can be framed as re-
Some randomized control trials demonstrate that interventions sponding to distressing thoughts or situations with kindness towards
teaching general mindfulness techniques produce improvements in diet oneself and self-soothing (Neff & Germer, 2013). Individuals who are
quality (Timmerman & Brown, 2012), physical activity (Tapper et al., higher in self-compassion report less anxiety when evaluating their
2009), and weight (Forman et al., 2013; Tapper et al., 2009). Although weaknesses and increases in self-compassion correspond to decreases in
they restricted their examination to weight loss trials for overweight rumination and thought suppression (Neff, Kirkpatrick, & Rude, 2007).
and obese adults, a recent meta-analysis also demonstrated that More mindful individuals tend to have less intense appraisals of stres-
mindfulness-based interventions produced large effect sizes for eating sors and use less avoidant coping techniques and more approach coping
behaviors and small effect sizes for BMI (Rogers, Ferrari, Mosely, Lang, techniques (Weinstein, Brown, & Ryan, 2009). Taken together, self-
& Brennan, 2017). Some randomized control trials teaching self-com- compassion and mindfulness appear to help people be more open to
passion demonstrate improvements in health behaviors such as their weaknesses, improve appraisals of stressors, and use less avoidant
smoking cessation (Kelly, Zuroff, Foa, & Gilbert, 2010) and weight and more approach coping techniques, which could all aid in stress
(Mantzios & Wilson, 2015). management and improve well-being.
However, in some interventions teaching broad mindfulness tech- Although the concept of targeted mindful and self-compassionate
niques, participants do not show improvements in health behaviors or health behavior change interventions is novel, existing evidence does
do not differ from a standard care group (e.g. Chacko, Yeh, Davis, & show promise. Pilot studies of mindful eating interventions show im-
Wee, 2016; Kearney et al., 2012). One explanation for such differences provements in weight, eating disinhibition, binge eating (Dalen et al.,
is that programs may achieve more consistent positive effects when 2010) and the management of Type II Diabetes (Miller, Kristeller,
they teach participants how to tailor mindfulness and self-compassion Headings, Nagaraja, & Miser, 2014). Interventions teaching mindful or
to their health behaviors, rather than teaching the concepts broadly. self-compassionate eating demonstrate positive results in clinical sam-
ples, producing improvements in binge eating (Dalen et al., 2010;
1.4. Interventions teaching targeted mindful and self-compassionate health Kristeller & Hallett, 1999; Kristeller, Wolever, & Sheets, 2014; Leahey,
behaviors Crowther, & Irwin, 2008), sub-clinical disordered eating patterns
(Alberts, Thewissen, & Raes, 2012), and eating disorder recovery (Gale,
Mindful eating is food consumption that is modulated by appro- Gilbert, Read, & Goss, 2014).
priate eating cues, including hunger and satiety. It involves high levels Physical activity-focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (a
of eating inhibition, attentiveness to personal eating behavior, and therapy that features mindfulness-based components) interventions
awareness of external cues to eat as well as low emotional respon- have produced significant improvements in exercise (Butryn, Forman,
siveness to eating and low engagement in distracting activities while Hoffman, Shaw, & Juarascio, 2011) and weight loss (Fletcher, 2011).
eating (Framson et al., 2009). Mindful eating is associated with better Mindfulness-based stress reduction has been shown to be effective in
diet quality and physical health (Beshara, Hutchinson, & Wilson, 2013; the reduction of stress in non-clinical populations (Chiesa & Serretti,
Framson et al., 2009; Moor, Scott, & McIntosh, 2013). We define self- 2009) and in encouraging improvements in markers of physical and
compassionate eaters as individuals who are attentive to dietary slips or mental health (Grossman et al., 2004). Although interventions pro-
minor weight gain that is inconsistent with their goals, who respond to moting self-compassion for stress-management are less common, ex-
these experiences with acceptance that these deviations and changes isting studies demonstrate positive outcomes for mental health and
are an inevitable part of the human condition, and do not experience a support the pairing of mindfulness and self-compassion-based instruc-
decrease in their self-regard as a result. We also propose that when self- tion in a single intervention (e.g. Neff & Germer, 2013).
compassionate eaters eat healthfully they have a primary goal of im- Most targeted interventions feature a narrow focus, applying
proving their health and well-being and they choose to not engage in mindfulness and self-compassion to one health behavior. In one ex-
incredibly restrictive and unsatisfying weight loss strategies that un- ception, Daubenmier et al. (2016) tested whether an intervention fea-
dermine personal preference and dietary balance. Self-compassionate turing basic mindfulness, mindfulness for stress management,

K.A. Horan, M.B. Taylor Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 8 (2018) 8–16

meditation, mindful eating, and mindful walking, could add incre- Table 1
mental value to a diet and exercise program. Findings showed that the Intervention description.
diet, exercise, and mindfulness program group showed significantly
Week Psychoeducation Component Guided Group
greater improvements in metabolic outcomes and weight loss. This Exercise
study provides support for the metabolic benefits of mindfulness in-
terventions that directly teach how to weave mindfulness into eating, 1 Introduction to Mindfulness, Self-compassion, and
exercise, and stress management.
2 Mindful Physical Activity I: Strength Training
Exercise 101
1.5. The present study Principles of mindful movement
Applying mindfulness to exercise
3 Mindful Nutrition I: Dance-based Aerobics
We investigated whether training adults in mindful and self-com-
Nutrition 101
passionate health behaviors can promote health behavior engagement. Mindfulness of wholesome food choices
Based on previous research, we expect to observe the following changes Mindfulness of consequences of food choices
from pre-test to post-test: 4 Mindful Stress Management I: Yoga
Evolutionary perspective on stress
Hypothesis 1:. The intervention will improve mindfulness and self- Negative health feedback loop
compassion. Practices for distressing emotions part one
5 Mindful Physical Activity II: Circuit Training
Hypothesis 2:. The intervention will improve participation in health Mental soundtrack during exercise
behaviors and mindful health behaviors. Thought traps during exercise
Sharpening attention to inner cues during
Hypothesis 3:. The intervention will improve indicators of well-being. exercise
6 Mindful Nutrition II: Kickboxing
Hypothesis 4:. The intervention will improve objective indicators of Principles of mindful eating
health status and physical fitness. Triggers of mindless eating
Types of hunger
7 Mindful Stress Management II: Strength Training
Stress reaction vs. stress response
1.5.1. Nonequivalent dependent variable
Common mind traps
The setting of intervention delivery necessitated the use of a single- Practices for distressing emotions part two
group pre-test post-test design. We utilized a non-equivalent dependent 8 Mindful Physical Activity III: Dance-based Aerobics
variable, a variable that should be unaffected by the intervention, to Sharpening intention to exercise
increase confidence that observed effects are not simply due to novelty Sharpening attention to inner cues before and
after exercise
(Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002).
Mindfulness and motivation to exercise
Hypothesis 5:. The intervention will not produce significant changes in 9 Mindful Nutrition III: Yoga
Self-compassion and food choices
job design characteristics from pre-test to post-test. Self-compassion and body image
10 Mindful Stress Management III: Circuit Training
Mindful interpersonal relationships
2. Material and methods Concluding reflection and long-term
maintenance of health behaviors
All research activities were approved by the university's Human
Subject Review Board and all participants signed informed consent
documents. The health behavior change program was offered through group exercise. Participants completed weekly workbook activities,
the wellness programming office of a Midwestern university. University including guided experiential activities and reflection, goal setting and
faculty and staff were the targeted sample. The intervention was de- implementing goals, planning activities, and information about nutri-
signed to be delivered in the workplace such that it was offered in the tion and physical activity guidelines. Participants were also offered
university recreation center at a convenient time for employees. optional individual health coaching sessions.2
Participants were recruited through the wellness office's newsletters The authors served as instructional and exercise leaders for all
and website banner, as well as an informational email sent by the re- sessions. The first author is a doctoral student who researches
searcher to all active faculty and staff. The intervention was described Occupational Health Psychology, with content expertise in areas of
in recruitment materials as a program aiming to increase health beha- stress management. She also had three years of experience teaching a
viors through mindfulness and self-compassion. variety of formats of group fitness classes, was certified as a Group
Participants were 24 university faculty and staff (Mage = 51.8, SDage Fitness Instructor through the Aerobics and Fitness Association of
= 12.2, 79% female). Most participants were non-Hispanic white America, and was certified in CPR, AED, and first aid through the
(n = 18, 78%). Minority group members included two African American Red Cross at the time of intervention delivery. The second
Americans, one Hispanic white, one Asian American, and one multi- author is a doctoral student who researches Health Psychology, with
racial individual. A large portion of the sample (44%) reported that content expertise in mindful and self-compassionate eating and ex-
their household income was between $50,000 and $74,999 per year, perience co-leading three weight loss groups and contributing to one
17% reported an income of $75,000 to $99,999, 22% reported an in- health promotion program.
come of $100,000 to $149,000, and few participants reported an in- At the program conclusion, participants completed a follow-up
come below $50,000 (8%) or above $150,000 (9%). In terms of parti- survey and fitness assessment. At the beginning of the program, parti-
cipants’ highest educational attainment, 44% of the sample had a cipants submitted a $100 deposit, which was returned based on parti-
Master's degree and 44% of the sample had a doctoral degree. cipation and completion of program requirements. Participants
Participants completed a ten-week health behavior change program
that followed the format outlined in Table 1. Participants completed a
Utilization of the optional health coaching sessions was low. Three participants at-
baseline survey and a fitness assessment conducted by a certified per-
tended health coaching sessions to learn the material that they missed during an absence
sonal trainer employed by the university recreation center. Following and one participant attended a health coaching session to discuss a difficulty with health
baseline testing, participants attended weekly meetings, which featured behavior change. This low utilization prohibits an analysis examining whether partici-
thirty minutes of didactic psychoeducation and thirty minutes of guided pation in the health coaching component was associated with enhanced outcomes.

K.A. Horan, M.B. Taylor Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 8 (2018) 8–16

Table 2 (1 = never and 5 = always for frequency scales; 1 = strongly disagree

Internal consistencies of survey measures. and 5 = strongly agree for agreement scales) was used.
Measure Pre-test α Post-test α
2.2.4. Mindfulness
Survey Measures The 24-item Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire – Short Form
Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire – Short Form (FFMQ-SF; Bohlmeijer, ten Klooster, Fledderus, Veehof, & Baer, 2011)
Non-reactivity Subscale 0.62 0.62
questionnaire was used to measure respondents’ level of general
Observing Subscale 0.85 0.73
Acting with Awareness Subscale 0.79 0.84 mindfulness. An example item includes “Usually when I have distres-
Describing Subscale 0.89 0.84 sing thoughts or images I can just notice them without reacting.” This
Non-judging Subscale 0.87 0.85 measure has five subscales corresponding to each of the five facets of
Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form 0.88 0.91 mindfulness: observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging
Participation in Health Behaviors
of inner experience, and non-reactivity to inner experience.
PACE+ Dietary Fat Screening Measure 0.73 0.58
Participation in Mindful Health Behaviors
Mindful Eating Questionnaire 0.85 0.86 2.2.5. Self-compassion
Mindful Exercise Measure 0.74 0.76 The 12-item Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form (SCS-SF; Raes,
Well-being Variables
Pommier, Neff, & Van Gucht, pp. 702, 2011) was used to measure self-
Satisfaction with Life Scale 0.91 0.87
Fuel tank component of the State Energy Measure 0.77 0.82 compassion. The measure is comprised of self-compassion items that
Physical Symptoms Inventory 0.77 0.74 assess self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness and reverse
scored self-critical judgment items that assess self-judgment, isolation,
Note. N = 19. and over-identification. An example item is “I try to see my failings as
part of the human condition.”
received 50% of the deposit back if they attended at least five meetings,
and received 100% of the deposit back if they attended at least eight 2.2.6. Participation in health behaviors
meetings and completed all pre-test and post-test components. While Diet quality was measured using the Dietary Screener Questionnaire
the use of a deposit returned based on participation does limit gen- [DSQ] and the PACE+ Dietary Fat Screening Measure (NCI, 2013;
eralizability of findings related to adherence when comparing the cur- Prochaska, Sallis, & Rupp, 2001). The DSQ features 26 items assessing
rent program to non-incentivized programs, it is unlikely to hinder the frequency of consuming a variety of foods and drinks in the past
generalizability when comparing the program to the 69% of workplace month. This measure provides estimations of daily consumption of
health promotion programs that feature participation-based incentives fruits and vegetables, whole grains (ounces), total added sugar (teas-
(Mattke et al., 2013). poons), added sugar from sugar-sweetened beverages (teaspoons), fiber
(grams), dairy (cups), and calcium (milligrams). Most items were
2.1. Measures measured on a Likert scale, ranging from 0 (Never) to 9 (2 or more
times per day). A sample item is “During the past month, how often did
All measures outlined below were used at pre-test and post-test. you eat cookies, cake, pie or brownies? (Do not include sugar-free
Internal consistencies observed at both time points can be found in kinds)?”
Table 2. The PACE+ Dietary Fat Screening measure (Prochaska, Sallis, &
Rupp, 2001) features 21 items assessing the frequency of consuming a
2.2. Fitness assessment measures variety of high-fat foods during the previous week. Scores of 16 or
above have good sensitivity (81%) in terms of detecting high fat intake
2.2.1. Anthropomorphic measurements (30% or more calories from fat over three days). Items are measured on
The personal trainer recorded the participant's weight, body mass a Likert scale, ranging from 0 (Did not eat this week) to 5 (More than
index, body fat percentage using an OMRON fat loss monitor handheld twice each day). A sample item is “In the past 7 days, how often did you
electrical conductance device (model HBF-306C),3 and body cir- eat bacon, sausage, or chorizo?”
cumference measured in inches at the abdomen, natural waist, hips, Self-reported physical activity was measured using the Short
thigh, calf, and arm. Questionnaire to Assess Health Enhancing Physical Activity (SQUASH;
Wendel-Vos, Schuit, Saris, & Kromhout, 2003). The scale asks partici-
2.2.2. Physical fitness measurements pants to recall the frequency, duration, and effort of any physical ac-
The personal trainer measured the participant's resting heart rate by tivity performed for the purposes of commuting, leisure activities,
taking the pulse along the carotid artery. Cardiovascular endurance was household chores, and work activities. Higher scores are assigned to
measured using a three-minute step test, in which participants stepped individuals that report more frequent and vigorous physical activity.
up onto a platform elevated at 12 in. to the beat of a metronome set at Total physical activity and the leisure subscale scores were analyzed,
96 beats per minute for three minutes. Pulse was taken for one minute given that programming targeted an increase in leisure time physical
following the step test, with a lower pulse indicating better cardiovas- activity.
cular endurance. Muscular endurance was measured with a one-minute
abdominal crunch and a push-up or modified push-up test to exhaus- 2.2.7. Participation in mindful health behaviors
tion. Flexibility was measured using maximal reach obtained during a The 28-item Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ; Framson et al.,
standard three-trial sit and reach test. 2009) was used to assess the frequency with which participants engage
in five aspects of mindful eating. An example item is “I recognize when
2.2.3. Survey measures I’m eating and not hungry.” Because no scale currently exists to mea-
The pre-test and post-test surveys contained all measures outlined sure mindful exercise, a scale was created for this study. The five-item
below. Unless stated otherwise, a standard five-point response scale scale was constructed such that each item reflected a principle of
mindful movement, as defined by Salmon, (n.d.): Moving with aware-
ness, beginner's mind, letting go of preconceptions, non-judgmental
If the body fat percentage could not be measured using the handheld device due to
elevated body fat percentage (> 47.5% in the present study), an estimate of body fat
awareness, and sharpening attention and intention. An example item is
percentage was calculated using the girth formula (McArdle, Katch, & Katch, 2006), “I listen to the cues that my body is sending me during exercise or
which utilizes circumference measurements at the abdomen, thigh, and calf sites. physical activity.”

K.A. Horan, M.B. Taylor Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 8 (2018) 8–16

2.2.8. Well-being measures Table 3

Well-being measures have an established presence in research on Program satisfaction and perceived effectiveness.
occupational stress (Danna & Griffin, 1999) and stress management
interventions (DeFrank & Cooper, 1987). We chose to measure changes
in well-being, rather than changes in stress, due to the roots of mind- Global Program Satisfaction 4.58 0.77
fulness in acceptance-based approaches. Acceptance-based approaches Satisfaction with Didactic Component 4.32 1.00
Satisfaction with Workbook Activities 4.21 0.92
are oriented to increase engagement in functional and value-driven
Satisfaction with Group Exercise Component 4.89 0.32
behavioral responses to difficult internal experiences (e.g., stress) and Perceived Program Effectiveness – Nutrition 3.74 1.33
improve well-being and quality of life rather than reduce the frequency Perceived Program Effectiveness - Physical Activity 4.26 1.15
or intensity of difficult internal experiences (Hayes, Follette, & Linehan, Perceived Program Effectiveness - Stress Management 4.21 1.03
2004). The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Perceived Program Effectiveness - Mindfulness 4.37 1.12
Perceived Program Effectiveness - Self-compassion 4.42 1.12
Griffin, 1985) was used to measure subjective well-being, as con-
ceptualized as global life satisfaction. This five-item scale asks partici- Note. N = 19; M = mean; SD = standard deviation.
pants to rate their level of agreement with statements such as “In most
ways, my life is close to ideal.” consumption at pre-test and post-test that exceeded 40 teaspoons per
Physical well-being, as conceptualized as energy, was measured day. This method allowed data from this participant to be retained in
with the fuel tank component of the State Energy Measure (Britt, the analyses.
McKibben, McFadden, & Kelley, 2013). Participants were asked to de- Pre-test and post-test data were compared using paired samples t-
scribe how “full” their physical, mental, and emotional energy tanks are tests. For significant comparisons, effect sizes were calculated using the
as if their personal energy tank is like a gas gauge in a car. The in- standard deviations formula for Cohen's d. This method is re-
structions were modified to feature a recall period referring to energy commended by Dunlap, Cortina, Vaslow, and Burke (1996), who argue
over the past month, rather than state energy. The 13-item Physical that this method is most appropriate for correlated designs (paired
Symptoms Inventory (PSI; Spector & Jex, 1998) was used to measure samples) because other methods that depend on pooled standard de-
physical well-being, as conceptualized as strain. Participants were viations overestimate the effect size. Effect sizes are interpreted based
presented with a list of commonly reported physical symptoms, such as on rules of thumb summarized by Lakens (2013).
a headache or a backache, and asked how often they had experienced
each symptom in the previous month.
3.2. Process variables

2.2.9. Nonequivalent dependent variable

Three participants dropped out of the program prior to completion,
The authors chose a variable that was unlikely to change in response
meaning that the attrition rate was 12.5%, which is more favorable
to the intervention for the nonequivalent dependent variable analysis:
than the average attrition rate of 18% observed in treatment conditions
job design characteristics. The following subscales of the Job Diagnostic
of health behavior change interventions (Crutzen et al., 2015). The
Survey (Hackman & Oldham, 1975) were used: task interdependence,
average attendance among those who completed the program was 8.2
autonomy, completion, variety, task significance, feedback, and results.
sessions (SD = 1.6), meaning that most participants missed between
An example item is “My job requires me to work closely with other
one and two of the weekly meetings.
people (clients or other people in my organization).” One participant
In the post-test survey, participants were asked to rate their sa-
who indicated that they experienced a major job change since taking
tisfaction with various components of the interventions and their per-
the pre-test was excluded from the nonequivalent dependent variable
ceived effectiveness of the program on a scale from 1 to 5 (“not at all
satisfied” to “very satisfied;” “not at all effective” to “very effective”).
For descriptive statistics on program satisfaction and perceptions of
3. Results and discussion
program effectiveness, refer to Table 3. These indices revealed that
program satisfaction perceptions of effectiveness tended to be high.
All data cleaning and analyses were performed using IBM SPSS
Statistics Version 23.0 (IBM Corp, 2015), except for the DSQ data. This
3.3. Fitness assessment findings
data was entered into an excel file and cleaned and then variable
summary scores were calculated using a SAS software scoring syntax
Findings from the fitness assessment analysis can be found in
that is available online (NCI, 2016), which we ran in SAS Version 9.3
Table 4. There was a significant reduction in abdominal circumference,
(SAS, 2011). Then the variable summary scores were transferred to
t(15) = 2.94, p = 0.010, d = 0.15, and a significant increase in thigh
SPSS for analysis.
circumference from pre-test to post-test, t(15) = - 5.15, p < 0.001, d
= 0.49. Muscular endurance significantly increased, as measured by
3.1. Exclusions, missing data, outliers, and analysis
both abdominal crunches, t(14) = - 2.76, p = 0.015, d = 0.38, and
push-ups, t(14) = - 3.08, p = 0.008, d = 0.57.
One individual participated in a similar health behavior change
program during the same time frame as the current study and was ex-
cluded from all analyses. When a participant was missing an item on a 3.4. Survey findings4
scale, we imputed their mean response on other items of that scale
(prior to calculating scaled scores), if the participant had completed at Results of the analysis of survey variables can be found in Table 5.
least 70% of the scale (or N – 1 items for scales with fewer than five Participants significantly increased scores on all subscales of the Five
items; Roth, Switzer, & Switzer, 1999). In other cases of missing data,
conservative methods such as pairwise or list-wise deletion were used, 4
Although family-wise error may be a concern, a modified alpha level based on the
rather than no-change analyses or group-mean imputations (e.g. number of comparisons (p = 0.001) is likely too conservative based on the small sample
Goetzel et al., 2016). size. The following findings were still significant based on the modified p value: the in-
crease in thigh circumference, the increase in the observing and non-reactivity facets of
We imputed four outlier scores with the closest non-outlier values
mindfulness, the increase in self-compassion, the increase in mindful eating, and the in-
(Winsorize; Ghosh & Vogt, 2012) from the sample for the respective crease in mindful exercise. Therefore, we can be more confident that these findings are
scales. The individual with the four outlier scores had estimated added not attributable to family-wise error, but the small sample size prohibits using this
sugar consumption and added sugar from sugar-sweetened beverage modified alpha level as the criteria for significance.

K.A. Horan, M.B. Taylor Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 8 (2018) 8–16

Table 4
Results of dependent samples t tests for fitness assessment analyses.

Variable Mean (SD) at Pre-test Mean (SD) at Post-test T-test Results

Weight 176.09 (45.32) 175.57 (44.65) t(16) = 0.57, p = .574

Body Mass Index 29.05 (8.24) 28.74 (8.12) t(16) = 0.82, p = .423
Body Fat Percentage 35.23 (9.37) 34.92 (9.07) t(16) = 0.49, p = .633
Resting Heart Rate 82.27 (15.06) 83.60 (13.05) t(14) = −0.47, p = .644
Body Circumference
Abdomen 38.26 (7.82) 37.11 (7.68) t(15) = 2.94, p = .010
Waist 35.44 (7.13) 34.92 (6.51) t(15) = 1.47, p = .163
Hip 43.57 (6.27) 43.75 (5.60) t(15) = - 0.57, p = .575
Thigh 23.31 (3.51) 24.94 (3.10) t(15) = - 5.15, p < .001
Calf 15.26 (1.67) 15.02 (1.47) t(15) = 2.33, p = .034
Arm 11.98 (2.20) 11.70 (1.67) t(15) = 1.01, p = .327
Cardiovascular Endurance 115.50 (27.38) 117.57 (13.16) t(13) = - 0.44, p = .670
Muscular Endurance
Abdominal Crunches 37.00 (13.62) 42.00 (13.02) t(14) = - 2.76, p = .015
Push-ups 16.87 (8.09) 22.53 (11.45) t(14) = - 3.08, p = .008
Flexibility 17.83 (3.20) 18.03 (2.55) t(14) = - 0.43, p = .671

Table 5
Results of dependent samples t-tests of survey analyses.

Variable Mean (SD) at Pre-test Mean (SD) at Post-test T-test Results

Non-reactivity 12.80 (2.59) 16.32 (2.67) t(18) = - 6.43, p < .001
Observing 13.26 (3.40) 15.79 (2.25) t(18) = - 4.75, p < .001
Acting with Awareness 14.84 (3.52) 17.51 (2.70) t(18) = - 3.19, p = .005
Describing 17.74 (4.09) 19.42 (2.95) t(18) = - 2.48, p = .023
Non-judging 14.84 (4.32) 16.95 (3.75) t(18) = - 2.28, p = .035
Self-compassion 2.92 (0.76) 3.64 (0.71) t(18) = - 4.68, p < .001
Participation in Health Behaviors
Dietary Quality
Added Sugar (tsp) 11.52 (8.03) 9.56 (7.88) t(18) = 1.84, p = .082
Added Sugar from Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (tsp) 4.72 (7.58) 5.54 (11.71) t(18) = −0.57, p =.577
Fruits and Vegetables (excluding fried potatoes; cups) 2.70 (0.69) 2.87 (0.97) t(18) = - 0.90, p =.380
Fiber (g) 15.11 (4.39) 15.64 (4.35) t(18) = - 0.58, p = .571
Whole Grains (cups) 1.06 (0.99) 1.20 (1.00) t(18) = - 0.49, p = .632
Calcium (mg) 665.36 (148.11) 633.10 (146.76) t(18) = 0.86, p = .401
Dairy (cups) 1.12 (0.48) 0.99 (0.53) t(18) = 1.08, p = .295
Dietary Fat 17.37 (8.20) 14.63 (5.60) t(18) = 2.58, p = .019
Physical Activity
Total Score 6695.72 (2802.96) 9443.06 (9751.19) t(17) = - 1.25, p = .230
Leisure Activity Score 897.39 (688.11) 1326.94 (851.57) t(17) = - 2.31, p = .034
Participation in Mindful Health Behaviors
Mindful Eating 2.62 (0.39) 3.00 (0.34) t(18) = - 4.08, p = .001
Mindful Exercise 3.42 (0.66) 4.07 (0.59) t(18) = - 4.63, p < .001
Well-being Variables
Life Satisfaction 4.39 (1.32) 5.09 (1.02) t(18) = - 3.46, p = .003
Energy 4.02 (1.13) 4.89 (1.17) t(18) = - 3.23, p = .005
Strain 1.67 (0.39) 1.64 (0.35) t(18) = 0.51, p = .619
Nonequivalent Dependent Variable
Job Characteristics
Task Interdependence 4.53 (0.62) 4.59 (0.51) t(16) = - 0.57, p = .579
Autonomy 4.24 (0.56) 4.53 (0.51) t(16) = - 2.06, p = .056
Task Completion 4.24 (0.90) 3.94 (1.25) t(16) = 0.93, p = .369
Task Variety 4.53 (0.72) 4.53 (0.80) t(16) = 0.00, p = 1.00
Task Significance 4.24 (0.90) 4.24 (0.83) t(16) = 0.00, p = 1.00
Feedback 3.65 (1.22) 3.53 (1.07) t(16) = 0.70, p = .496
Results 3.94 (0.83) 4.12 (0.86) t(16) = - 0.77, p = .455

Note. N = 19.

Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire- Short Form (FFMQ-SF), with Cohen's exercise, t(18) = - 4.63, p < 0.001, d = 1.04, significantly increased.
d effect sizes ranging from 0.47 for the "describe" subscale to 1.34 for Affective well-being as measured by life satisfaction, t(18) = - 3.46,
the "non-reactivity" subscale. Self-compassion significantly increased p = 0.003, d = 0.59, and physical well-being as measured by energy, t
from pre-test to post-test, t(18) = - 4.68, p < .001, d = 0.98. (18) = - 3.23, p = 0.005, d = 0.76, significantly improved. Finally,
In terms of participation in health behaviors, participants reported results of the nonequivalent dependent variable check revealed that job
significantly reducing their consumption of dietary fat, t(18) = 2.58, characteristics did not significantly change.
p = 0.019, d = 0.39 and increasing their leisure time physical activity, t
(17) = - 2.31, p = 0.034, d = 0.55. Other dietary variables and total
4. Discussion
physical activity did not significantly change from pre-test to post-test.
Mindful eating, t(18) = - 4.08, p = 0.001, d = 1.04, and mindful
This study investigated whether training adults in mindful and self-

K.A. Horan, M.B. Taylor Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 8 (2018) 8–16

compassionate health behaviors could improve effectiveness and re- have been high. These results may not extend to individuals who are
tention of workplace health behavior interventions. Effect sizes for not interested in and willing to develop their mindfulness, self-com-
significant comparisons revealed that the program participation was passion, or health behavior skill sets. The sample was primarily female
associated with small positive effects for objective indicators of health and non-Hispanic Caucasian. Females and racial and ethnic minorities
and fitness, small to medium effects sizes for participation in health may be influenced by different social and cultural norms than males
behaviors, medium effect sizes for well-being, medium to large effect and majority group members and may therefore respond differently to
sizes in mindfulness and self-compassion, and large effect sizes for certain aspects of mindfulness-based health behavior change programs.
participation in mindful health behaviors. This study provides pre- The sample was also characterized by a higher level of educational
liminary evidence to support a pilot worksite program that combines attainment and household income than national averages, which would
psychoeducation on how to apply mindfulness and self-compassion to likely result in lower barriers to health behaviors and health main-
health behavior routines and health behavior change. tenance for individuals in our sample. Future research should test the
Consumption of dietary fat significantly decreased, but there were intervention on a more diverse sample to evaluate the program's ef-
no significant changes in other dietary variables. It is possible that fectiveness across gender, racial and ethnic groups, and socioeconomic
participants decided to change dietary behaviors in a sequential statuses. Finally, although the stress management component aimed to
fashion, initially focusing on changing dietary fat (Prochaska, Spring, & improve well-being rather than reduce stress, future research could
Nigg, 2008). This may have been due to a desire to reduce un- include self-reports of perceived stress or physiological indicators of
manageable change burden. Thigh circumference increased, which stress as outcome variables.
seems counterintuitive to program goals, but could indicate positive
changes in ratios of lean muscles to adipose tissue following the in- 4.3. Conclusion
troduction of strength training. Our results revealed no significant
changes in weight, body mass index, body fat percentage, cardiovas- This study was the first logical step in proof of concept and feasi-
cular fitness, resting heart rate, flexibility, some body circumference bility in examining the incorporation of targeted mindfulness and self-
variables (e.g., waist, hip, and calf circumference), and most dietary compassion instruction into health behavior change interventions. It
variables. These variables may be characterized by longer change provides initial evidence that this type of intervention can produce
processes than the other outcome variables in this study and may take improvement in mindfulness, self-compassion, mindful health beha-
longer than 10 weeks to manifest. viors, and some health behaviors, measures of well-being, and objective
health indicators. Additionally, the process data indicate that such an
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low attrition rate. In this study, we provide an intervention template
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designed to help participants apply mindfulness and self-compassion to erature on mindfulness and self-compassion applied to health beha-
their health behavior routines. The process variables also indicate that viors.
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