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The key takeaways are that wood is a renewable and sustainable building material that has environmental benefits. It also discusses the growth of wood reserves in the US.

The purpose of the document is to provide general dowel equations for calculating lateral connection values in wood structures.

The document covers topics like input parameters, yield modes, example problems, and equation derivations related to calculating lateral connection values for dowel connections in wood.




P/2 P/2

qm qm

Ms Mm Ms
qs qs

ood Council
American W

orest &
P aper
The North American wood products industry is dedicated to building a
sustainable future

Only one primary building material comes from a

renewable resource; cleans the air and water, providing
habitat, scenic beauty and recreation as it grows; utilizes
nearly 100% of its resource for products; is the lowest
of all in energy requirements for its manufacturing;
creates fewer air and water emissions than any of its
alternatives; and is totally reusable, recyclable and
100% biodegradable: wood. And it has been increasing
in US net reserves since 1952, with growth exceeding
harvest in the US by more than 30%.

Part/Title Page Part/Title Page

Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Part II: Example Problems

2.1 Bolted Connection with Gap . . . . . . . . 9
Part I: General Dowel Equations 2.2 Lag Screw Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.3 Nailed Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Calculation of Lateral Connection 2.4 Nailed Connection with Reduced
Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 Input Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Other Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Part III: Equation Derivation . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Yield Mode -Actual Versus Predicted . 4
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Figure Page Figure Page

1 Connection yield modes . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 Connection yield modes

assumed loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2 General conditions of dowel
loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4 Single shear connection, Mode II . . . . 17

Table Page Table Page

1 General dowel equations . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Dowel bearing strengths, Fe,

for various connection materials . . . . . 7
2 Reduction terms adjusting
P5% values to nominal design values . . 6 5 Dowel bending strength
estimates, Fb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Dowel bearing strength
estimates, Fe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Bending strengths, Fb, for
dowel type fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Copyright © 1999
American Forest & Paper Association, Inc.

D = dowel shank diameter, in. G = specific gravity
Ds = dowel diameter at max. stress in side KD = diameter coefficient for wood screw, nail
member, in. and spike connections
Dm = dowel diameter at max. stress in main K2 = angle to grain coefficient for bolt and lag
member, in. screw connection
Dr = fastener root diameter, in. Ms = side member dowel moment resistance, in.-
Fb = dowel bending strength, psi lbs.
Fb,pl = proportional limit dowel bending Mm = main member dowel moment resistance, in.-
strength, psi lbs.
Fb,5% = 5% offset dowel bending strength, psi P = nominal lateral connection value, lbs.
Fb,ult = ultimate dowel bending strength, psi P5% = nominal 5% offset lateral connection value,
Fe = dowel bearing strength, psi lbs.
Fe,pl = proportional limit dowel bearing strength, Z,Z’ = nominal and allowable lateral design value
psi for a single fastener connection, lbs.
Fe,5% = 5% offset dowel bearing strength, psi fN c = concrete compressive strength, psi
Fe,ult = ultimate dowel bearing strength, psi g = gap between members, in.
Fe* = dowel bearing strength parallel to grain, psi Rs = side member dowel bearing length, in.
Fez = dowel bearing strength perpendicular to Rm = main member dowel bearing length, in
grain, psi qs = side member dowel-bearing resistance,
Fes = side member dowel bearing strength, psi lbs./in.
Fem = main member dowel bearing strength, psi qm = main member dowel-bearing resistance,
Fu = tensile strength, psi lbs./in.
Fy = tensile yield strength, psi t = thickness, in.




1.1 Introduction
The yield limit equations specified in the National construction. This report covers calculation of
Design Specification® (NDS® ) for Wood lateral values for single dowel type fastener
Construction (AF&PA, 1997) for bolt, lag screw, connections using a generalized and expanded
wood screw, nail, spike and drift pin connections form of the NDS yield limit equations. These
provide a mechanics-based approach for general dowel equations apply to NDS connection
connection design. This approach, which was conditions, but also permit rational and consistent
incorporated in the NDS for Wood Construction in treatment of gaps and fastener moment resistance,
1991, permits the designer to determine effects of and consideration of various connection limit
member thickness, member strength, fastener size, states. General information is provided in Part I of
and fastener strength on lateral connection values this report. Part II contains example problems and
for the majority of connections found in wood Part III provides equation derivations.

1.2 Calculation of Lateral Connection Values

The general dowel equations in Table 1 apply to Property estimates of dowel bearing
calculation of lateral values for single dowel-type resistance and dowel moment resistance should be
fastener connections between wood-based based on the limit state being investigated. In this
members and connections of wood-based members Technical Report, proportional limit load is the
to steel and concrete/masonry components. Dowel load at which the load-deformation curve deviates
bearing resistance, dowel bearing length, and from a straight line fitted to the initial linear
dowel moment resistance are explicitly considered portion of the load-deformation curve. The 5%
in the general dowel equations for calculation of offset load is the load at which the load-
lateral connection values. Additional variables that deformation curve intersects a line represented by
influence lateral connection values include: the initial tangent modulus offset 5 percent of the
C fastener type; fastener diameter. The 5% offset load is
C fastener failure modes (e.g. tension, intermediate between proportional limit and
bearing, and shear); ultimate loads and represents the nominal yield
C fastener spacing, edge, and end distance; value for dowel bearing strengths and fastener
C connection fabrication and tolerances; bending strengths in the NDS. The ultimate load
C connection geometry; limit state is synonymous with the limit state at
C multiple fasteners and group action; maximum load. Note that failure load, which is
C member strength at the connection; and typically less than ultimate load and which
C adjustments for end use. generally occurs after ultimate load has been
Guidelines and recommended practice for the reached, is not a limit state that can be modeled by
above variables are provided in the NDS for Wood the general dowel equations.
Construction. The term “nominal” is used to designate
values that have not been modified by design
1.2.1 Nominal Limit State Values “adjustment” factors, such as load duration, wet
service, etc., as shown in NDS Table 7.3.1.
Nominal lateral connection values at various limit
states (see ASTM D 5652, Figure 4) such as 1.2.2 Nominal Design Value
proportional limit, 5% offset, and ultimate
(maximum) load are obtained by taking the The nominal design value, Z, is the minimum of
minimum calculated value, P, using all yield mode the calculated 5% offset strength, P 5%, for all yield
equations in Table 1.



mode equations in Table 1 divided by applicable moment resistance, and dowel bearing length). For
reduction terms in Table 2. lag screw and wood screw connections, identical
In the NDS, reduction terms are integral values result when the dowel moment resistance in
with the yield limit equations and appear in the the main member is set to 75% of the dowel
denominator of each of the available yield mode moment resistance in the side member (Mm = 0.75
equations (See and Table 2). These terms Ms). Nominal design values for drift bolt and drift
adjust nominal yield values (based on the 5% pin connections equal 75% of the nominal design
offset yield point) to values representative of value for bolts of the same diameter.
nominal proportional limit based design values of
early editions of the Specification. In this Reduction Terms for P5% Values
Technical Report, reduction terms and calculation
of yield mode values are separated to permit direct Reduction terms in Table 2, which adjust P5%
calculation of limit state values of proportional values to nominal design values are identical to
limit, 5% offset and ultimate load. When using those used in the NDS yield limit equations. Table
this Technical Report to calculate nominal lateral 2 also provides guidance on reduction terms for
design values from the NDS, 5% offset property yield modes not covered in the NDS due to
estimates of dowel bearing resistance and fastener simplifying assumptions used to develop the NDS
bending yield strength should be used. Note that yield limit equations. Reduction terms adjusting
fastener bending yield strengths and dowel bearing ultimate or proportional limit values to nominal
strengths appearing in the NDS are based on 5% design values have not been established.
offset property estimates and are identical to 5% Proportional limit and ultimate values of fastener
offset property estimates presented in this report. bending strength and dowel bearing strength,
Nominal design values, Z, are identical to however, are provided (see 1.3.1 and 1.3.2) to
NDS yield limit values for bolt, nail and spike demonstrate the applicability of the general dowel
connections provided equivalent input parameters equations at various limit states.
are used (e.g. dowel bearing resistance, dowel

1.3 Input Parameters

Basic information needed to calculate lateral 1.3.2 Dowel moment resistance
connection values includes dowel-bearing
resistance, dowel moment resistance, dowel Dowel bending strength and applicable section
bearing length, and gap distance. modulus are used to determine dowel moment
resistance, Ms and Mm, in the side and main
1.3.1 Dowel bearing resistance member respectively. Dowel bending strengths are
generally based on test methods outlined in ASTM
Dowel diameter and dowel bearing strength are F 1575, estimates of dowel tensile strength as
used to determine dowel bearing resistance, qs and determined by ASTM F 606, or tabulated tensile
qm, in the side and main member respectively. For values for the dowel material. A guide for
wood-based members, dowel bearing strength estimating bending strength is outlined in Table 5.
estimates based on dowel bearing strength of the Table 6 contains specific dowel bending strengths
material should be used and are generally based on including 5% offset dowel bending strengths
test methods outlined in ASTM D 5764. Table 3 assumed for tabulated NDS connection values.
provides guidance for estimating dowel bearing
strengths. Table 4 contains specific dowel bearing 1.3.3 Dowel bearing length
strengths including 5% offset dowel-bearing Dowel bearing lengths, Rs and Rm, represent the
strengths assumed for tabulated NDS connection length of dowel bearing in the side and main
values. member, respectively. For double shear
connections, the minimum length of bearing in
either of the side members should be used. The
tapered tip of a lag screw should not be included in
determination of bearing length (See NDS



Appendix L for typical lag screw dimensions). For 1.3.4 Gap distance
most wood-to-wood and wood-to-metal bolted
connections, where the longitudinal axis of the bolt Gap distance, g, is the distance measured between
is perpendicular to the faces of connected adjacent faces of connected members. Gap
members, the dowel bearing length in the side and distance equals zero for connected members with
main member equals the side and main member adjacent faces in contact.
thickness respectively. For wood-to-concrete
connections, embedment length in the concrete
should be used as the dowel bearing length in the
concrete member.

1.4 Other Considerations

1.4.1 Penetration Effects type and installation, washer or fastener head size
(e.g. nail or screw head size), and amount of
The NDS penetration depth factor is applicable dimensional change in connected members. Single
when lateral capacity is based on checking yield shear connections exhibiting yield mode II, IIIs, or
modes considered in the NDS for nail, spike, wood IIIm, shown in Figure 1, are prone to be influenced
screw and lag screw connections only. It by end fixity. For double shear, connections
conservatively reduces available NDS yield mode exhibiting mode IIIs behavior are prone to be
values to account for yield modes not explicitly influenced by end fixity. These yield modes are
addressed. prone to be influenced by end fixity because they
When checking all six yield modes using are limited by dowel bearing resistance as the
the general dowel equations, it is not necessary to dowel rotates. The moment resistance contributed
reduce calculated lateral values by the NDS by end fixity tends to force fastener yielding in a
penetration depth factor, Cd. To do so would yield connection otherwise controlled by wood bearing.
very conservative design values, since the effect of In all cases, it is necessary for the washer or
main member bearing length on connection fastener head to maintain contact with the member
capacity is rationally addressed by considering all in order to realize the contribution of end fixity.
connection yield modes (See Figure 1). As a result, consideration of dimensional changes
When nail, spike or wood screw resulting from wood shrinkage, influence of load
penetration, including tip, is reduced below 10D level, wood bearing beneath the washer or fastener
(10 fastener diameters) the impact of neglecting the head, and fastener type should be addressed before
reduction in bearing capacity due to the reduced accounting for end fixity in design. End fixity is
fastener tip diameter can become significant. For conservatively ignored in the development of
penetration less than 10D, the user should exclude general dowel equations and the NDS yield limit
the fastener tip length from their assumed dowel equations.
bearing length (Note: Tip lengths of diamond
point nails, such as common and box nails, range 1.4.3 Friction
from approximately 1.3 to 2.0 nail diameters in
length). In all cases, limiting minimum penetration The effect of friction between members is largely
depths in accordance with NDS minimums (e.g. dependant on type of fastener, condition of wood,
6D for nails and spikes, 4D for wood screws and amount of shrinkage, and relaxation of the wood
lag screws) should be maintained. member. Friction is usually not accounted for in
wood connection design because the amount of
1.4.2 End Fixity frictional force is difficult to predict and in many
instances may not exist as wood shrinks or the
End fixity refers to resistance to rotation provided connection relaxes. Frictional resistance to
at the end(s) of the dowel. This action is not slipping of connection members is conservatively
specifically addressed in the derivation of the NDS ignored in the development of the general dowel
yield limit equations nor in the general dowel equations and the NDS yield limit equations.
equations. Contribution of end fixity is dependant
on several factors including load level, fastener



1.5 Yield Mode Actual Versus Predicted

The general dowel equations and the NDS yield single fastener connections with sufficient end and
limit equations assume that the connection yields edge distances are indicative of connection
in accordance with one of the yield modes depicted yielding up to ultimate load but do not represent
in Figure 1 and as described in Part III - Equation damage observed at failure. Wood splitting along
Derivation. Predicted yield modes at various limit a line of fasteners, formation of a shear plug,
states up to ultimate load are in agreement with fastener shear, and fastener withdrawal are typical
yield modes observed from connection tests. It failures observed in connections tested beyond
should be noted that predicted yield modes for ultimate load.



Figure 1 Connection Yield Modes

Single Shear Connections Double Shear Connections

Mode I m

Mode I s

Mode II

Mode III m

Mode III s

Mode IV



Table 1 General Dowel Equations

Yield Mode Single Shear Double Shear Description
Im P ' q m Rm P ' q m Rm Main member bearing

Is P ' q sRs P ' 2 q s Rs Side member bearing

General equation for member bearing
&B% B 2 & 4AC &B% B 2 & 4AC
II-IV P' P' and dowel yielding
2A A
Inputs A, B, & C for Yield Modes II-IV
1 1 Rs Rm 2
q sRs q mRm
II1 A ' % B ' %g% C ' & & Side and main member bearing
4q s 4q m 2 2 4 4

1 1 Rm q m Rm
IIIm1,2 A ' % B ' g% C ' & M s& Main member bearing and dowel
2q s 4q m 2 4 yielding in the side member
1 1 Rs q sRs
IIIs 2 A ' % B ' %g C ' & & Mm Side member bearing and dowel
4q s 2q m 2 4 yielding in the main member
1 1 B ' g C ' &M s& M m
IV 2 A ' % Dowel yielding in the side and main
2q s 2q m
P = nominal lateral connection value, lbs. g = gap between members, in.
Rs = side member dowel bearing length, in. D = dowel shank diameter, in.
Rm = main member dowel bearing length, in. Fb = dowel bending strength, psi
qs = side member dowel-bearing resistance= FesD, lbs./in. D s = dowel diameter at max. stress in side member, in.
qm = main member dowel-bearing resistance= FemD, lbs./in. Dm = dowel diameter at max. stress in main member, in.
Fes = side member dowel-bearing strength, psi Ms = side member dowel moment resistance2, in-lbs. = Fb(Ds3/6)
Fem = main member dowel-bearing strength, psi Mm= main member dowel moment resistance2, in-lbs.= Fb(Dm3/6)
Yield Modes II and IIIm are not applicable to double shear connections.
For proportional limit values, Ms = Fb,pl(BDs3/32) and Mm = Fb,pl(BDm3/32).

Table 2 Reduction Terms Adjusting P5% Values to Nominal Design Values

Fastener Type Yield Mode Reduction Term
Bolts, drift pins Im, Is 4 K2
II 3.6 K2
IIIm, IIIs, IV 3.2 K2
Lag screws Im†, Is 4 K2
II†,IIIm†, IIIs 2.8 K2
IV 3 K2
Nails, spikes Im†, Is, II†, IIIm, IIIs, IV KD
Wood screws Im†, Is, II†, IIIm†, IIIs, IV KD
K2 = 1 + 0.25(2/90) KD = 2.2 for D# 0.17”
2 = maximum angle of load to grain (0E#2#90E) KD = 10D + 0.5 for 0.17” < D < 0.25”
for any member in a connection KD = 3.0 for D$ 0.25”
D = fastener shank diameter

Yield modes and corresponding reduction terms are not provided in the NDS.



Table 3 Dowel Bearing Strength Estimates, Fe

Material Proportional limit, Fe,pl 5% Offset, Fe,5% Ultimate, Fe,ult
parallel-to-grain 0.67 Fe,ult Fe,5% Fe,ult
perpendicular-to-grain 0.50 Fe,ult Fe,5% Fe,ult
0.024” # t < 0.1875” 0.67 Fu Fu 3Fu
t $ 3/16” 0.67 Fu Fu 1.5Fu
Concrete3 2.5 fNc 3fNc 5fNc
t = thickness, in.
fNc = compressive strength, psi
Fu = tensile strength, psi
5% offset and ultimate dowel bearing strengths for wood-based products are based on test methods outlined in
ASTM D 5764.
Fe,ult based on AISC (1989) and AISI (1996).
Fe,ult based on Vintzeleou (1986). Experimental verification of Fe,ult (Biolzi, 1990) based on concrete compressive
strength, fNc, of 2700 psi. F e,pl, F e,5%, and Fe,ult estimates should be limited to concrete compressive strengths
of 2700 psi or less.

Table 4 Dowel Bearing Strengths, F e, for Various Connection Materials

(Tabulated Nds Connection Values Are Based on Fe,5%) 1,4
Material2 Fe,pl (psi) Fe,5% (psi) Fe,ult (psi)
Lumber (bolt, drift pin, lag screw)
parallel-to-grain 7862G1.07/D0.17 11200G 11735G1.07/D0.17
perpendicular-to-grain 3178G1.15/D0.51 6100G1.45/D0.5 6355G1.15/D0.51

Lumber (nail, wood screw) -3 16600G1.84 -3

ASTM A653 Grade 33 (0.036”<t<3/16”) 30,150 45,000 135,000
ASTM A36 (t>3/16”) 38,860 58,000 87,000
Concrete (fNc = 2000 psi) 5,000 6,000 10,000
G = specific gravity (Oven dry weight and volume) fNc = compressive strength, psi
D = fastener shank diameter, in t = thickness, in
Calculation of connection values using NDS yield limit equations or general dowel equations is not limited to
materials or dowel bearing strength values provided in this table.
Fe,5% for lumber based on Wilkinson (1991). Data from Wilkinson report on dowel bearing strength was used to
derive other Fe values for lumber.
Fe,pl and Fe,ult for nails and spikes are 80% of the values for bolts of equivalent diameter.
See Additional References for information on dowel bearing strength, Fe , of panel products.



Table 5 Dowel Bending Strength Estimates, Fb

Fastener Type Proportional limit, Fb,pl 5% Offset, Fb,5% Ultimate, Fb,ult
Bolts, lag screws, drift pins Fy Fy/2 + Fu/2 Fu

Common nails, box nails, spikes, lag 0.6Fb,ult Fb,5% Fb,ult

screws (D# 3/8”), wood screws1
D = fastener shank diameter, in. Fy = fastener tensile yield strength, psi
Fu = fastener tensile strength, psi Fb = dowel bending strength, psi
Bending strengths are generally based on fastener bending tests outlined in ASTM F 1575.

Table 6 Bending Strengths, Fb, for Dowel Type Fasteners (Tabulated NDS
Connection Values Are Based On Fb,5%)1
Fastener Type Fb,pl (psi) Fb,5% (psi) Fb,ult (psi)
Bolt, lag screw, drift pin 36,000 45,000 60,000

Common nail, box nail, spike, lag screw,

wood screws3
0.099 # D # 0.142 78,000 100,000 130,000
0.142 < D # 0.177 69,000 90,000 115,000
0.177 < D # 0.244 54,000 80,000 90,000
0.244 < D # 0.273 48,000 70,000 80,000
0.273 < D # 0.344 42,000 60,000 70,000
0.344 < D # 0.375 36,000 45,000 60,000
Threaded hardened steel nail4
0.120 # D # 0.142 - 130,000 -
0.142 < D # 0.192 - 115,000 -
0.192 < D # 0.207 - 100,000 -
D = fastener shank diameter, in.
Fb = dowel bending strength, psi
Calculation of connection values using NDS yield limit equations or general dowel equations are not limited to
fastener bending strength values provided in this table.
Bolt, lag screw, drift pin - SAE J429-Grade 1 with Fy,min = 36,000 psi and F u,min = 60,000 psi. Use of the dowel
bending strength estimate outlined in Table 5 results in a Fb,5% equal to 48,000 psi, however, 45,000 psi has
been assumed for consistency with the bending strength assumption used for tabulated values in the NDS.
Common nail, box nail, spike, wood screw, lag screw (D# 3/8”) with low to medium carbon steel. See Loferski
(1991) for bending yield strength of nails.
Threaded hardened steel nail with medium carbon steel.




Example problems are based on the application of For each example problem, connection
the general dowel equations to single fastener values in parenthesis represent yield mode values
connections. Connection values for all yield calculated using NDS yield limit equations. Note
modes are provided for each example and that NDS connection provisions are not directly
minimum values for each configuration are applicable for several of the conditions and limit
underlined. Connection values have not been states covered in the Example problems and that
adjusted for conditions of end use such as load certain yield modes are excluded from
duration, wet service, and temperature. Connection consideration. For cases where NDS connection
end and edge distances are assumed to be in provisions apply, values from the general dowel
accordance with applicable NDS provisions. equations and NDS yield limit equations are
identical provided equivalent inputs are used.

Example 2.1 - Bolted Connection With Gap

Problem Statement: Determine the nominal connection uses a single ½ inch diameter bolt
design value for a single shear bolted connection (SAE J429 Grade 1), and the load is applied
between sawn lumber members. Compare the parallel and perpendicular to grain.
values for gap distance (g) equal to 0 inch, ¼ inch,
and ½ inch. Rs,Rm = 1.5 inches
D, Ds, Dm = 0.5 inch
Given: The parallel and perpendicular to grain Fb,5% = 45,000 psi
dowel bearing strengths are equal to 4800 psi and Fe* = 4800 psi, Fez = 2550 psi
2550 psi, respectively. Both side and main g = 0, 0.25, 0.5 inch
member thicknesses are 1-1/2 inches. Each

Bearing length, in. & Yield mode value, lbs

grain direction
Main Side Im Is II IIIm IIIs IV
Gap distance, g = 0 in.
1-½* 1-½* 900 (900) 900 (900) 414 (414) 550 (550) 550 (550) 663 (663)
1-½* 1-½z 720 (720) 383 (383) 250 (250) 380 (380) 324 (324) 442 (442)
1-½z 1-½z 383 (383) 383 (383) 176 (176) 289 (289) 289 (289) 387 (387)
Gap distance, g = ¼ in.
1-½* 1-½* 900 900 370 482 482 576
1-½* 1-½z 720 383 224 341 284 393
1-½z 1-½z 383 383 157 258 258 349
Gap distance, g = ½ in.
1-½* 1-½* 900 900 333 426 426 501
1-½* 1-½z 720 383 202 307 250 350
1-½z 1-½z 383 383 142 231 231 315
Underlined values represent nominal design values. Connection values in parentheses represent yield mode
values calculated using the NDS yield limit equations.



Example 2.2 - Lag Screw Connection

Problem Statement: Determine the nominal Consider side member loading parallel and
design value for a single shear lag screw perpendicular to grain and main member loading
connection between sawn lumber members. parallel to grain. Case 2 handling of fastener
Compare values assuming that fastener moment moment resistance is consistent with the treatment
resistances in the side and main member are: of fastener moment resistance in the NDS yield
limit equations for lag screws and wood screws.
1) equal and based on the fastener root diameter,
Dr (e.g. connection with fully threaded lag screw); Given: The parallel and perpendicular to grain
dowel bearing strengths are equal to 6150 psi and
2) unequal with fastener moment resistance in the 2950 psi, respectively. Side member thickness is
main member equal to 75% of the fastener moment 2-1/2 inches and lag screw bearing length in the
resistance in the side member, Mm = 0.75 Ms where main member is 6 inches. Each connection uses a
Ms is based on the unthreaded shank diameter, D single 3/4 inch diameter lag screw.
(e.g. connection with unthreaded shank slightly
extended into the main member); and Rs= 2.5 inches, Rm = 6 inches
D = 0.75 inch, Dr = 0.579 inch
3) equal and based on the unthreaded shank Fb,5% = 45,000 psi
diameter, D ( e.g. connection with unthreaded Fe* = 6150 psi, Fez = 2950 psi
shank extending deep into the main member). g = 0 inch

Bearing length,
in. & grain Yield mode value, lbs
Side Im Is II IIIm IIIs IV
Case 1
2-½* 6919 2883 (2226) 3311 3381 1573 (1210) 1222 (1004)
2-½z 5535 1106 (854) 2297 2325 763 (585) 787 (647)
Case 2
2-½* 6919 2883 (2883) 3311 3480 1693 (1693) 1685 (1685)
2-½z 5535 1106 (1106) 2297 2389 867 (867) 1085 (1085)
Case 3
2-½* 6919 2883 (2883) 3311 3480 1793 (1693) 1801 (1685)
2-½z 5535 1106 (1106) 2297 2389 952 (867) 1160 (1085)
Underlined values represent nominal design values. Connection values in parentheses represent yield mode values
calculated using the NDS yield limit equations.



Example 2.3 - Nailed Connection

Problem Statement: Determine the nominal direction for both side and main members is
design, proportional limit, 5% offset, and ultimate parallel to grain.
values for a single shear nailed connection between
sawn lumber members. Rs= 1.5 inches
Rm = 2.0 inches
Given: Proportional limit; 5% offset; and ultimate D, Ds, Dm = 0.162 inch
dowel bearing strength are equal to 4088 psi, 4637 Fe,pl = 4083 psi, Fb,pl = 69,000 psi
psi, and 6093 psi respectively. The side member Fe, 5% = 4637 psi, Fb, 5% = 90,000 psi
thickness is 1-1/2 inches and penetration into the Fe,ult = 6093 psi, Fb,ult = 115,000 psi
main member is 2 inches (p = 2.0 inches). A g = 0 inch
single 16d (0.162 inch diameter x 3-1/2” long)
common nail is used in the connection. The load

Yield mode, lbs

Nominal design value 683 512 (512) 252 208 (242) 190 (190) 141 (141)
Proportional limit value 1323 992 488 455 350 195
5% offset value 1502 1127 554 532 417 310
Ultimate value 1974 1481 728 698 546 401
Underlined values represent nominal values for the given limit state. Connection values in parentheses represent
yield mode values calculated using the NDS yield limit equations.

Example 2.4 - Nailed Connection With Reduced Penetration

Problem Statement: Determine the nominal diameter x 3-1/2” long) common nail is used
design value for a single shear nailed connection to make the connection.
between sawn lumber members.
Rs= 1.5 inches, Rm = 1.5 inches
Given: Side and main member thickness equals 1-
D, Ds, Dm = 0.162 inch
1/2 inches, and have a dowel bearing strength
Fe, 5% = 4637 psi, Fb, 5% = 90,000 psi
equal to 4637 psi. A single 16d (0.162 inch
g = 0 inch

Yield mode, lbs

Nail Size Im Is II IIIm IIIs IV
16d common 512 512 (395) 212 190 (146) 190 (146) 141 (109)
(0.162" dia. x 3 ½")
The underlined value of 141 lbs. represents the nominal design value calculated in accordance with the general
dowel equations and recommendations for treatment of fastener bearing length in the main member. Connection
values in parentheses represent yield mode values calculated using the NDS yield limit equations multiplied by
the NDS Penetration Depth Factor, Cd, of 0.77.




The yield model used to develop the general dowel Rm = side member bearing length, in.
equations considers effects of dowel moment Fes = side member dowel bearing
resistance and dowel bearing resistance on a strength, psi
connection’s lateral strength. Based on the Fem = main member dowel bearing
European Yield Model (Soltis 1991), connection strength, psi
strength is assumed to be reached when: (1) D = dowel shank diameter, in.
compressive strength of the member beneath the
dowel is exceeded; or (2) one or more plastic Modes II-IV
hinges forms in the dowel. Behavior of the For modes II-IV, consideration of conditions where
connection is assumed to be in accordance with limiting or maximum moments act on the dowel
yield modes depicted in Figure 1. Dowel loading simplifies equation derivation. These basic
is assumed to be uniformly distributed and conditions are shown in Figure 2. In Case B,
perpendicular to the axis of the dowel (e.g. ideally maximum moment is based on dowel bearing. In
plastic deformation). Effects of end fixity, tension Case C, maximum moment is based on dowel
forces in the fastener, and friction between bending. Note that maximum moments for both
members is ignored. cases occur at points of zero shear.
Each yield mode addresses a specific Maximum moment due to dowel bearing,
loading condition on the dowel such that the dowel shown in Case B of Figure 2, represents a load
will remain in static equilibrium. General dowel condition where the dowel is sufficiently large to
equations can be obtained by considering prevent yielding of the dowel (dowel bending).
equilibrium of forces within a connection For calculation purposes, let q define member
exhibiting behavior in accordance with yield bearing resistance (lb/in) determined by the
modes I - IV. Applying this concept, a free-body equation q = FeD, R define member bearing length
diagram for each yield mode can be drawn, and (in), and let x represent the location of zero shear
principles of statics can be used to develop the (x = R-2a). The resulting maximum moment due to
general dowel equations. dowel bearing, Mb, equals qa2. Recognizing that a
= (R-x)/2 and x = P/q and substituting results in Mb
Mode I = (q/4)(R-P/q)2.
Yield modes Im and Is model connections limited Subscripts s and m indicate side and main
by uniform bearing in the main and side member in the following equations for maximum
member(s). Figure 2 Case A, shows that moment due to dowel bearing:
maximum load, P, is determined by the following
equations: Single Shear:
qs P
P = qmRm Mb s ' Rs&
P = qsRs 4 qs

Similarly, considering the geometry of a double 2

shear connection, maximum load, P, is determined qm P
Mb m ' Rm &
by: 4 qm

P = qmRm
P = 2qsRs Double Shear:

where, 2
qs = side member dowel bearing qs P
Mb s ' Rs&
resistance = FesD, lbs./in. 4 2q s
qm = main member dowel bearing
resistance = FemD, lbs./in.
Rs = side member bearing length, in.



Maximum moment due to dowel bending, is where,

shown in Case C of Figure 2. In this case, Fb, Fb,pl = dowel bending strength
maximum moment is limited to the moment Ds = dowel diameter at
provided by the dowel in bending which is maximum stress in side
represented by a concentrated moment acting at the member
point of zero shear (x = P/q). Moment resistance Dm = dowel diameter at
of the dowel assuming ideally plastic behavior is maximum stress in main
expressed as follows: member
F b Ds
Ms ' Assumed loading conditions for each of
6 the yield modes I-IV is provided in Figure 3.
Each mode consists of an interaction of dowel
Fb D m bearing and dowel bending as shown in Figure 2.
Mm '
6 Considering equilibrium of the dowel for each
particular yield mode (by summing moments
about a fixed point on the dowel), and using
If elastic behavior is assumed, such as when relationships for maximum moment defined above,
estimating values at proportional limit, the moment characteristic equations for the maximum load, P,
resistance of the dowel can be expressed as can be determined as follows:
Single Shear:
B Fb, p l D s
Ms '
3 2 1 1
P2 % %P g& (ML s%ML m) ' 0
2q s 2q m
B Fb, p l D m
Mm '
3 2

Figure 2 General Conditions of Dowel Loading

Case A Case B Case C


q q q

a b a b
l l l

x x
Shear, V Shear, V Shear, V


M l M max M max

M oment, M M oment, M M oment, M

P = V = ql P = V = qx P = V = qx
2 2
M l = ql /2 M max= q a M max= M dowel



Double Shear: Single Shear:

P2 1 1 Pg qs P
% % & (ML s%ML m) ' 0 Mb s ' Rs &
4 2q s 2q m 2 4 qs

qm P
where, Mb m ' Rm &
4 qm
MLs = maximum moment developed in
the side member at xs
MLm = maximum moment developed in
the main member at xm Substituting Mbs and Mbm into the characteristic
g = gap distance (assumed to be equal equation for MLs and MLm results in the following
for double shear connections) quadratic equation expressed in terms of known
properties of qs, qm, Rs, Rm, and g, and a single
Variables, MLs and MLm, represent values unknown variable, P.
of maximum moment due to dowel bearing or
dowel bending depending on the mode being Single Shear:
considered. An example single shear connection
2 2
with assumed loading for yield mode II is provided 1 1 R R q Rs q Rm
P2 % % P s %g% m & s % m '0
in Figure 4. Shear and moment diagrams are also 4q s 4q m 2 2 4 4
provided. As shown in Figure 4, maximum
moments, MLs and MLm for mode II occur at
distances xs and xm from connected faces and are Mode IIIm
based on moments, Mbs and Mbm, due to dowel Mode IIIm models a connection limited by dowel
bearing. bearing in the main member and dowel bending in
Derivation of the general dowel equations the side member. The maximum load, P, is
assumes that critical stresses in the dowel occur at determined by solving the characteristic equation
locations of maximum induced moment. This is for P where:
appropriate for dowels having a constant diameter
in the side and main member. Dowel diameters in Single Shear:
the side and main member, however, do not need
to be equal. For connections where dowel Ms = dowel bending moment in the side
diameter is not constant within a member, it is member
conservative to assume that the least diameter
occurs at the location of maximum moment. qm P
Mb m ' Rm &
Alternatively, critical stress in the dowel can be 4 qm
determined by considering the applicable moment
and dowel section properties along the length of
the dowel. Substituting Ms and Mbm into the characteristic
Yield modes II and IIIm are not possible for equation for MLs and MLm results in the following
double shear connections as the assumed symmetry quadratic equation expressed in terms of known
of double shear connections does not permit these properties of qs, qm, Rm, Ms, and g, and a single
modes to occur. unknown variable, P.

Mode II Single Shear:

Yield Mode II models a connection limited by
dowel bearing in the side and main members. The R q Rm
1 1
maximum induced moment was previously P 2
% % P g% m & M s% m '0
2q s 4q m 2 4
determined as follows:



Mode IIIs Double Shear:

Mode IIIs models a connection limited by dowel
bearing in the side member(s) and dowel bending 2
P2 1 1 P Rs q Rs
in the main member. The maximum load, P, is % % %g & s % M m ' 0
determined by solving the characteristic equation 4 4q s 2qm 2 2 4
for P where:

Single Shear: Mode IV

Mode IV models a connection limited by dowel
qs P
Mb s ' Rs& bending in the main and side member(s). The
4 qs maximum load, P, is determined by solving the
characteristic equation for P where:

Mm = dowel bending moment in the main Ms = dowel bending moment in the

member side member(s)
Mm = dowel bending moment in the
Double Shear: main member

qs P
2 Substituting Ms and Mm into the characteristic
Mb s ' Rs & equations for MLs and MLm results in the following
4 2q s
quadratic equations expressed in terms of known
properties of qs, qm, Ms, Mm, and g, and a single
Mm = dowel bending moment in the main unknown variable, P.
Single Shear:
Substituting Mbs and Mm into the characteristic
1 1
equation for MLs and MLm results in the following P2 % % P g & M s% M m ' 0
quadratic equation(s) expressed in terms of known 2q s 2q m
properties of qs, qm, Rs, Mm, and g, and a single
unknown variable, P.
Double Shear:
Single Shear:
P2 1 1 Pg
% % & M s% M m ' 0
2 4 2q s 2q m 2
1 1 R q Rs
P2 % % P s % g & s % Mm ' 0
4q s 2q m 2 4



Figure 3 Connection Yield Modes Assumed Loading

Single Shear Connections Double Shear Connections

P P/2 P/2

qm qm

Mode I m


P P/2 P/2

Mode I s
qs qs qs


qs qm

Mode II
qs qm


Mode IIIm
qs qm

P P/2 P/2

qs qm qs qm qm qs
Mode IIIs Mm
qs qs qs


P P/2 P/2

qm qm qm

Ms Mode IV Ms Mm Ms
qs qs qs




Figure 4 Single Shear Connection, Mode II

Main member

Single Shear
Dowel Joint

Side member

Rs Rm
as bs
qs qm


Single Shear
Dowel Joint with
Uniform Loading

qs qm

Shear Diagram, V

M max

Moment Diagram, M



References Additional References

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