Cash Flow Statement: Comparative Analysis of Financing, Operating and Investing Activities

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ISSN (Print) 2277—7261

Cash Flow Statement: Comparative Analysis of Financing,

Operating and Investing Activities.
Ajay G. Paliwal1 Mukesh B. Ahirrao 2,Dr. V.S.Rana 3
Management Student, M.B.A Dept,
S.S.B.T‘s College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, MS, India.
Asst. Prof., M.B.A Dept,
S.S.B.T‘s College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, MS, India (Corresponding Author),
Associate Prof & HOD, M.B.A Dept,
SSBT‘s College of Engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, MS, India.
Email:[email protected]

Abstract: Cash flow statement is an important it is necessary to undertake the in-depth analysis of
tool to analyze the cash position of business cash flow statements.
firm. It can denote changes in cash position
during two financial years. Concern is the II. Literature Review:
world’s second largest manufacturer of micro
irrigation system and the business model of A] Cash Flow Statement Analysis:
concern is loaded with heavy working capital as Cash flow statement provides information about
huge fund is blocked in trade receivables. the cash receipts and payments of an enterprise for
Recently, the concern has reported fluctuating a given period. It provides significant information
turnover for last three years in its annual that compliments the profit and loss account and
reports. Hence it is necessary to judge the balance sheet. A cash flow statement is a statement
sufficiency of the cash position to support the which provides a detailed explanation for the
success story of company. This study is based on change in a firm‘s cash during a particular period
financial figures disclosed by company in three by indicating the firm‘s sources and uses of cash
consecutive years. Study involves comparative during that period. Cash flow statement classifies
analysis of cash flow from three business cash flow during the period from operating,
activities i.e. operating, financing and investing. investing and financing activities.
Accordingly the sufficiency of cash position is
concluded and some recommendation is made a] Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
to overcome the scenario. Cash generated by production and sales of business
is reflected under this head. It comparatively
Keywords: Cash flow Analysis, Financing denotes inflow of cash from operating activities
Activities, Investing Activities, Operating and outflow of cash for business operating
Activities. expenses. E.g. cash from operation is the revenue
net of expenses.
I. Introduction:
b] Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
The concern is the listed midcap company limited This section of Cash flow statement denotes cash
by shares. it is the largest micro irrigation company generated from activities to finance the business
in Asia and second largest in world. The operation. E.g. cash receipt on account of issue of
company‘s revenue model is said to be loaded with equity shares or debentures etc. and cash paid to
heavy working capital as major part of revenue is such stake holders. Dividend to equity shares or
linked with Govt. subsidies. interest on debenture etc.
Recently the company has disclosed its Q3
(December 2014) financial result in press release c] Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
reporting that turnover is declining and overall This section denotes cash invested in long term
receivable level stands around 137 days. assets e.g. purchase of machinery and other long
It reported that the decline in business is short term term assets as well as other current assets such as
in nature and caused by the extreme whether purchase of equity shares of other company etc.
condition and decline in oil and polymer prices [6]. and cash receipts from such investing activities e.g.
Such 137 days as overall age of receivables dividend received, interest received sales of
denotes that majority of revenue is noncash in machinery and scrap etc [5].
nature. Considering such current business scenario,

ISSN (Print) 2277—7261

III. Objectives of the Study:

 To ascertain the sources of cash and uses of
 To ascertain the net changes in cash indicating
the difference between sources and uses of
cash by three activities during the period of
 To measure the weight of such sources and
uses of cash against cash profit position of the
 To identify the strength and weakness in cash
Figure 6: Sales (Sources Annual Reports)
flow position of the firm.
Interpretation: Figure 1 denotes fluctuation of sales
IV. Research Methodology:
during the three years that is 2011-12, 2012-13 &
2013-14. As well as according to the press release
A] Research Type:
of concern (10th Feb 2015) domestic business is
declined by 12.7 % and export business is
It is an analytical research based on the secondary
marginally declined by 3.4 % in the current
data. It investigates the financial figures of the
quarter. This reflects that currently firm is
concern using theoretical framework of cash flow
operating in a uncertain business environment.
statement analysis. Figures of cash flow statement
Farmers are the customers of firm and during
of 3 years i.e. 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 is
current financial year unexpected rainfall has
comparatively analyzed to indentify strength and
affected the agriculture sector throughout the year
weakness in cash flow of the business.
and throughout the country. This suggests a tough
time ahead and it can lead the concern towards the
B] Type of Data: Secondary Data
insufficient cash position to support the breakeven
Secondary data involves figures denoted regarding
cash inflow and cash outflow in cash flow
7. Analysis of Operating Activity:
statement reported in annual report of the business
firm for three years i.e. 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-
Table 7: Analysis of Operating Activity (In Millions)
14. Also some important information is collected
by various sources of secondary data such as
books, websites, and official release of business Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Cash from
2393.24 3727.94 5199.01
C] Analysis tools and techniques: Operations
Cash Operating 33931.5 38798.5
Figures are analyzed using basic mathematical Expenses 1 9
tools like average and percentage etc. and it is
interpreted using various kinds of charts and (Source: Annual Reports)

V. Data Analysis & Interpretation:

6. Analysis of Revenue

Table 6: Net Revenue in Million

Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Sales 37810.92 35109.48 41331.12

(Sources: Annual Reports of the Concern)

Figure 2: Operating Activity (Source: Annual Report)

Interpretation: Figure 2 denotes comparative

weight of cash generated from operating activity
and total cash operating expenses. Total cash

ISSN (Print) 2277—7261

operating expenses is total operating expenses net

of depreciation and amortization. Total cash
operating expenses includes unpaid expenses. This
figure reflects that total cash operating expenses is
14.36, 09.10 and 07.46 times more than cash from
operation during 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14
respectively. It is very large if compared with cash
from operation. As well as in Q3 2015 firm has
suffered loss of Rs. 29.9 Crores. It denotes that
cash earning is not sufficient.

8. Analysis of Working Capital Changes:

Table 8: Changes in Working Capital (In Millions)

Figure 3: Changes in Current Assets
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Inventories 8011.96 11570.43 11730.81

Debtors 20286.08 15986.79 14846.96

Cash &
2811.73 1716.94 1219.41

Other Assets 2849.72 3245.44 3400.83

Loans &
2402.39 3951.68 5852.14

Total 36361.88 36471.28 37050.2 Figure 4: Changes in Current Assets

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Interpretation: Table 3 denotes working capital is
S/Term increased in 2012-13 as compared to 2011-12 and
15800.03 14211.91 14968.58 there is no change in 201314. Figure 3 reflects that
sundry debtors are the major part of current assets
11744.54 11688.86 11000.39 which is improved in 2013-14. And figure 4
denotes that trade payables and short term
Other borrowings are major part of current assets. High
Current 4198.75 4202.66 4597.56
Liabilities weight of sundry debtors, trade creditors and
borrowings denote that large volume of the
509.85 329.5 354.73 business transitions are credit transactions
indicating insufficient position of cash.
Total 32253.17 30432.93 30921.3
9. Analysis of Investing Activities:
Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Table 9: Analysis of Investing Activity (in Millions)
4108.71 6038.35 6128.89

(Source: Annual Reports)

(Source: Annual Reports)

ISSN (Print) 2277—7261

Interpretation: Figure 6 denotes the comparative

weight of cash inflow and cash outflow from
financing activities. During the year of 2011-12
cash inflow is more than cash outflow. Both inflow
& outflow in 2011-12 is attributed to borrowings
and repayments of borrowings. Both are at par in
2012-13 and cash inflow is attributed to issue of
equity shares and term loan borrowings as well as
cash outflow is primarily associated with
repayment of term loan, working capital loans and
interest on the same. In 2013-14 cash outflow is
twice as compared to cash inflow. Cash inflow is
Figure 5: Inflow & Outflow from Investing Activities marginally attributed to issue of equity shares and
primarily term loan borrowings as well as cash
Interpretation: Figure 5 denotes the comparative outflow is primarily associated with repayment of
weight of cash inflow and cash outflow from term loan and interest on the same.
investing activities. During the three years of 2011-
12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 cash inflow is 22.60, 11. Analysis of cash flow from all 3 activities.
04.74 & 02.75 times more than cash inflow. In
2011-12, Cash outflow is associated with purchase Table 11: Cash flow from 3 Activities (In Millions)
of fixed assets. In 2012-13, cash outflow is
associated with purchase of fixed assets and
investments. And in 2013-14 cash outflow is 2013-
associated with purchase of fixed assets, purchase Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 14
of investments and loan given to subsidiary. Net Cash From 3727.
2393.24 5199.01
Operating Activities 94
10. Analysis of Financing Activity: Net Cash Flow Used
in Investing 4422.36 4439.55
Table 10: Cash flow from financing activities (In Millions) Activities
Net Cash Used in 3772.
1024.59 411.54
Financing Activities 24
Net Decrease in 486.8
1004.53 1123.15
Cash Position 3

(Source: Annual Reports)

(Source: Annual Reports)

Figure 7: Cash flow from 3 activities

Interpretation: Figure 7 denotes the comparative

weight of cash flows all 3 activities i.e. financing
activities, operating activities and investing
activities. The net cash from operating activities is
increased in 2012-13 by 2.17 times and again it is
declined in 2013-14 by 01.39 times. Net cash flow
Figure 6: Financing Activities used in investing activities is almost at par in 2011-
12 & 2012-13 but in 2013-14 it is declined by
02.33 times. Similarly net cash used in financing

ISSN (Print) 2277—7261

activities is declined by 59.83 % and inclined by promoting sales of fruit processing and
89.09 % in 2013-14. Net cash balance is increased onion dehydration and consolidating the
by 11.80 % in 2012-13 and declined by 56.65 % in operations in plastic division for short
2013-14. term purpose until uncertainty is get over.
 The burden of external borrowings is
VI. Key findings of the study: excessive and company should get it
repaid through raising the equity fund
D. Sources of Cash & Uses of Cash: from employee stock options.
 The said business firm during the period  Company can also think to more diversify
of Analysis has raised the additional fund its business in cash based business model.
from issue of equity shares marginally This will provide the firm long term
and short term and long term commercial stability in coping with adverse impact of
borrowings to finance the working capital trade receivables.
and expansion of business.
 Most of the fund is utilized for purchasing VIII. Conclusion:
& modernizing fixed assets for increasing  Cash flow analysis is important to
the installed capacity of plastic processing identify weaknesses in business operation
and tissue culture. And increase in other that can lead the firm towards liquidity
investments is investment to new crunch. Through cash flow analysis,
sustainable agro commercial finance Ltd. company can identify the unproductive
 Also big part of cash flow is absorbed by use of fund as well as to ascertain and
loss in current period. plan future cash flow.
 The business model of the firm is geared
E. Net Changes in Cash & its distribution in 3 with heavy working capital but still it is
business activities. sustainable in long term period. But
currently it is facing a short term
 The net position of cash is almost uncertainty in plastic division.
decreased in 2013-14. That is 50 %  In spite of decline in cash position in
against previous year cash position. current period, it is quite sufficient to
 Fund used in investing activities during support established capacity.
2013-14 is almost 51.33 % and fund used  The burden of external borrowed fund
in financing activities is at par with cash and its interest cost is increased in cash
from operation. flow of the firm in recent years.
 Most of the cash flow is associated with  Management responded this situation
external borrowings and its repayment very positively by establishing a non
with interest cost that is excessive in banking financial institution that will take
nature. care of the burden of trade receivable of
micro and plastic divisions. As well as
F. Strength And Weakness In Cash Flow management has well aligned and
Position: diversified the business model of firm.
 The sales of the concern are fluctuating
during these three years. The external References:
environment is quite uncertain due to
unexpected rainfall and decline in oil and [1]. (2012). Annual Report 2011-12. Jalgaon.
[2]. (2013). Annual Report 2012-13. Jalgaon.
polymer prices. [3]. (2014). Annual Report 2013-14. Jalgaon.
 During the period of analysis business [4]. Chandra, P. (2010). Financial Management Theory and
firm is facing a liquidity crunch indicating Practice (7th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill
sufficient cash is not earned to support the Education Private Limited.
[5]. Monga, C. R. Cash Flow Statement. In P. Kumar (Ed.), A
established capacity. This is evident from Complete Success Package BSNL JAO (pp. 57-62). New
the fact that majority of revenue is Delhi, India: Arihant Publications (India) Ltd.
blocked in trade receivables for near [6]. (2014). Press Release: Unaudited Standalone and
about 6 month. To meet this gap, burden Consolidated Results for the quarter / 9 months ended
31st Dec 2014. Jalgaon: Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.
of outside fund and its interest cost is [7]. The ICFAI University. (2005). Financial Accounting &
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VII. Suggestions:
 The concern hereby recommended that it
should try to increase its overall sales by


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