Tunisie Ins Les Premiers Resultats Du Recensement General de La Population 2014

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Solution Brief

Extending network visibility From the above considerations, it is clear that a modern
Service Assurance System has to include also the monitor-
from Core to Access ing of the old CS legacy networks, at least in the critical
Fueled by the explosive growth of LTE data traffic, VoLTE
On the other side operators are reluctant to invest in TDM
presents significant challenges for mobile network opera-
tools, they know the legacy networks will be replaced soon
tors (MNOs) to both achieve their business objectives as
or later, they would prefer to monitor the whole infrastruc-
well as meet the reliability and quality expectations of their
ture using future proof IP monitoring tools.
existing 2G/3G circuit-switch voice subscribers.

Early deployments by leading MNOs show that real-time The solution

QoE monitoring of signaling and media is required to de-
tect and diagnose issues affecting customer satisfaction.
Ethernizer E-615B

Microtel’s Ethernizer family products are the solution to this

challenge, enabling operators to manage a mixed infra-
structure with the same tools, bringing all-locations and all
layers visible to the Centralized Monitoring System through
the IP Probes, no matter if IP or TDM technology is used.

What does this product do:

 Performs SS7 translation to SIGTRAN,

 With the new Voice&Signaling product it also encapsu-

lates Voice Data into RTP protocol, so making possible
to feed the IP probe both with TDM Signalling and Voice


VoLTE analytics systems are usually connected into strate-

gic interfaces in the evolved packet core (EPC). However,
centralized visibility does not show the whole picture: visi-
E1/T1 STM-1
bility of all network domains that the VoLTE call passes is a IP Network

key point. The interconnection with legacy networks has to

be considered.
ETHERNIZER Packet Broker
For calls originating on VoLTE and breaking out to the CS
(Circuit Switch) network, or using CS network for the inter-
connection between two VoLTE operators, TDM network
have to be accessed to reconstruct complete network visi- IP Probe

bility. Every time a PS/CS conversion occurs, it may add

delay, and potentially degrade the voice quality.

Model Input Physical Output Physical Protocol Conversion

Interface Interface
The Challenge E-313SA up to 128 E1 2x1G+2x10G SS7 (HDLC and ATM) to
E-613SA Ethernet SIGTRAN
Tapping key locations across CS network interconnection
E-315B Up to 16 STM-1 2x1G+2x10G SS7 (Voice & Signaling) to IP
and TDM RAN interfaces is critical to localize VoLTE issues E-615B Ethernet

to their origin. The ability to troubleshoot the complete call E-313B up to 16 STM-1 2x1G+2x10G SS7 (HDLC) to SIGTRAN
E-613B Ethernet
path means that Operators can determine where call quality
F-352E/T up to 128 E1/T1 2x1G Ethernet Gb-over-FR to Gb-over-IP
starts to degrade, and at what point impairments such as
F-352F up to 4 STM-1 2x1G Ethernet Gb-over-FR to Gb-over-IP
latency, packet loss and jitter are introduced.

Microtel Innovation S.r.l. Microtel Innovation is a 1

Via Armentera 8, Cinetix Group Company www.microtelinnovation.com
38051 Borgo Valsugana TN(Italy) [email protected]
Solution Brief

A Telecom Operator cuts actual OPEX A Telecom Operator cuts CAPEX by

by 78% in 3 years 67% and OPEX by 78%

A major European Mobile Operator recently went through A major European Mobile Operator recently took the deci-
an heavy cost reduction process, driven by High Level Man- sion to upgrade its Test and Monitoring System to include
agement, in particular focusing in OPEX reduction. additional legacy network links, to couple with existing trou-
bleshooting issues, in particular due to interconnection net-
The original topology of their Service Assurance System
work, and to be ready for VoLTE deployment.
was including several Probes, distributed across the net-
work; 12 were TDM probes interfacing STM-1 links. A first The original topology called for 26 Probes distributed across
attempt to reduce OPEX costs was to renegotiate the an- the network, one for each site. In addition to them, the Net-
nual maintenance costs for these TDM probes, but it could- work Engineering Dept planned for at least 6 additional
n’t go under 260.000€ for all 12 probes for 3 years, due to TDM probes, to interface STM-1 links, some of them to be
the high maintenance costs of these old technology deployed co-located with the existing IP Probes, the others
probes. This was absolutely not in line with the cost re- in remote sites, to ensure all critical monitoring aspects are
duction target decided by the High Level Management. covered.

Moreover, the Network Engineers were worried about the The capital expenses associated with the additional TDM
risks associated with keeping alive these legacy Probes, monitoring Probes was 293.000€: this expense was com-
since they were planned to go out of life in a couple of pletely out of the allocated budget.


The Customer decided to look for a different strategy, with
With the Microtel Ethernizer, the customer was able to cre-
the goal to effectively achieve a huge and sustained OPEX
ate a future proof network monitoring strategy with com-
plete network visibility and all at a cost that was under
The decision was to buy Microtel Ethernizers to replace budget. Using Microtel Ethernizer to interface the legacy
the existing TDM probes, so converting TDM traffic to IP links allowed Network engineers to use the current IP
and feeding existing IP Probes. Probes.

Twelve Microtel Ethernizers have been purchased, to re- The net result of choosing the Microtel Ethernizer was to
place the TDM probe, for a total price of 192.000€. The extend the monitoring system at a fraction of the cost. In-
yearly maintenance cost is 19.000€, for a total cost of stead of the 293.000€ required to purchase the 6 TDM
230.000€ in 3 years (considering that the first year is cov- Probes, the Operator bought 6 Ethernizer for less than
ered by warranty). As a consequence, instead of spending 100.000€, a 67% savings.
260.000€ for 3 years OPEX, the Operator decided to buy As an additional benefit, annual maintenance costs went
twelve Ethernizer, for a total 3 year cost of 230.000€, so down from 43K per year to 9K per year.
saving 30.000€ in 3 years and cutting the yearly OPEX
from 86.000€ to 19.000€, a 78% savings

Cost per the Cost per OPEX CAPEX OPEX OPEX

first 3 years additional year cut by cut by (per year) cut by

TDM probes 260.000€ 86.000€ - TDM probes 293.000€ - 43.000€ -

Ethernizer 230.000€ 19.000€ 78% Ethernizer 96.000€ 67% 9.600€ 78%

Microtel Innovation S.r.l. Microtel Innovation is a 2

Via Armentera 8, Cinetix Group Company www.microtelinnovation.com
38051 Borgo Valsugana TN(Italy) [email protected]

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