Music Theory Lesson 12 by Kennis Russell

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Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

The Importance of the Major Scale

The method of teaching music theory we will
learn is based on the “Major Scale.” A “Scale” is
simply a sequence of notes in which we end on
the same note we start, only an octave higher.
There are many different kinds of scales; Major,
Example of a Major Scale: The C Major Scale
Minor, Pentatonic, Chromatic, Whole Tone …
The most important scale is the Major Scale. In fact, it is so fundamental, usually when a
musician referrers to the Major Scale, the word “Major” is dropped. For example; instead of
calling it the C major scale, it is simply called the C scale.
The distance from the start and end note of
the Major Scale is commonly called an Octave.
There are better ways to define an octave, but
for the purposes of keeping the Major Scale as
Example of an Octave: C to C our reference this definition serves us well.
It’s also important to understand the term harmony. Harmony is when more than one note is
played at a time. Most commonly, harmony is recognized as chords. Almost all chord theory
can be understood by using the
Major Scale as a reference. By the
end of this course we will be able to
recognize a simple chords like a C
Major chord, or as complicated as a
Bbm7b5, and identify exactly what notes Example of Harmony: The C Major Chord

make up the chord based on the Major Scale. (Note: the full course by Kennis Russell
will be released in March of 2016. Subscribe to and
the newsletter at to stay to date on the release of the full
Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Sharps # and Flats b

Let’s stop and take a look at the piano keyboard. From now on I will simply refer to the piano
keyboard as the keyboard. If we are not familiar with the keyboard, we need to spend some
time learning it. We need to be able to look at any white or black key on the keyboard and
identify each key by name.

Note that term “Up” and “Down” are used often. To go “Up” is to move to the right on the
keyboard and “Down” is to the left. Up and Down are also identified by symbols. The Sharp
symbol looks like a Tic Tac Toe (# = Sharp), and the Flat symbol looks like a lower case B (b =
Flat). # is up and b is down. An easy way to remember # and b is that if we step “down” on
something we will make it flat (b), and if we touch something sharp (#) wer hand will go up.
Note that all black keys on the keyboard are either sharp or flat. White notes are called
Naturals. The symbol for natural is (♮); however we will only used in special cases.

Notice that all black notes have two
names. For instance, C# is also Db.
This is called an “Enharmonic”. An
Enharmonic is the same note with
two different names. Which name
we call a note is determined by the
relationship to the notes around it. Example of an Enharmonic: C#/Db

Think of it this way. One man can be addressed to by two different names based on who is
addressing him. He may be called as “Son” by his father, or he may be called “Dad” by his son.
He is the same person, but the name in which he is called is determined by who is addressing
him. In the same way we may call a note C# because wer reference note is C, but I may call
the same note Db because my reference note is D. We will go into more detail of when to call
an enharmonic by what name later in the book. For now I just want we to be aware of what
an enharmonic is, the same note with two different names. In order to make thinks simpler,
for the first few lessons we will refer to most enharmonic notes by their # name.
Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Another concept we must fully understand are “Whole-step” and “Half-step”. Let’s look at our
keyboard again, but this time we will look at just the top portion.

A “Half-Step” is the distance from a given note

to a note directly above or below it. This is the
smallest distance between two notes. Using the
keyboard above, half-steps are easy to identify.
Simply start at a note and look at the note to the
left or right. That is a half-step. Here are a few
examples of half-steps; C to C#, F to F#, and G# Examples of Half-steps: C to C#, and E to F

to A. Half-steps are very easy to see, especially when moving from a white note to a black
note or vice versa. However, there are two half-steps that move from a white note to a white
note; B to C, and E to F. Go ahead and memorize this, write it down a hundred times on a
piece of paper, tattoo it on wer arm if we have to. If we forget that; B to C and E to F do not
have a # or b (a black note) in between them, we will constantly be making mistakes. For the
purposes of this lesson, there is no E#, Fb, B#, or Cb. This is very important, so please
memorize it.

A “Whole-step” is the distance from a given note to a note two half-steps above or below.
Two halves make a whole. Just like two halves of a pizza makes a whole pizza, two half-steps
make a whole-step. Here are a few examples of whole-steps; C to D, A to B, and F# to G#.
When looking at the keyboard, we may be tempted to define a whole-steps simply as going
from a given white note to the white note
directly up or down, or going from a given
black note to the black note directly up or
down. Thinking of whole-steps this way will
get us in trouble. Remember there are no #’s
or b’s between B to C or E to F. So a whole-
Examples of Whole-steps: B to C#, and F to G
Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

step up from B is not C, rather, whole-step up from B is C#. And a whole-step up from D# is
not F#, rather, whole-step up from D# is F. At first glance it may look like the distance is
further than a whole-step, but it is not, we must count the half-steps. We will get very good at
recognizing whole-steps and half-steps as we progress through this course.

Major Scale Formula

There are many methods to finding out which notes are in the major scales. We will learn
other methods later in this course, but for now we will figure out the major scale simply by
applying the “Major Scale Formula”. The Major Scale Formula is similar to a simple math
formula. In math we have formulas, like A2 + B2 = C2, we simply plug the numbers into the
formula and we get the correct answer.

The formula for the major scale is -W-W-H-W-W-W-H-. We will now abbreviate Whole-
step with a W, (W = Whole-step) and abbreviate Half-step with an H, (H = Half-step). In
mathematical terms the Major Scale Formula would look like this. (W = 1, H = .5 and Starting
note = SN, Ending Note = EN); SN + W + W + H + W + W + W + H = EN.

Major Scale Formula Applied to the C Major Scale

Let’s use the major scale formula to determine the C Major Scale (or “C Scale”). The starting
note is C, we goes up a whole-step to D, then go up a whole-step to E, up a half-step to F, up a
whole-step to G, up a whole-step to A, up a whole-step to B, lastly up a half-step to C. The
example below shows how we use the Major Scale Formula to write down the notes in the C


Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Note that all scales start and end on the same note name. For example; the C Scale starts and
ends on C, the G scale starts and ends on G and the A Scale starts and ends on A. If we ever
end on a different note than we started on, we know we have made a mistake applying the
Here is another example of applying the major scale formula to the A Scale. Notice that the
whole-step up from B is C# and the whole-step up form E is F#.

Major Scale Formula Applied to the A Major Scale

As we determine the notes in the Major Scale, we also determine the order of the notes and
refer to them by their number. For example; in the C Scale the 1 is C, 5 is G, and 7 is B. These
numbers will become very important to us later in this course, but for now I just want we to be
aware of the numbers associated with each note as we apply the Major Scale formula. Sense
every scale starts and ends on the same note name, the end note’s number can be thought of
as an 8th note of the scale or as the 1st. We will notate this last note as 8/1.
It is important to also note that all letter names will be represented within Major Scale. In
other words every Major Scale will have an A, B, C, D, E, F, and G in the scale. Some notes may
be # or b, like F# or Bb, but every letter name will be represented.
In every major scale we will start and end on the same letter name (an Octave), so though 8
notes are in the scale there are actually only 7 letter names. For example; the notes in the E
Major Scale are E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E. Note that it starts and ends on E, and there are a
total of 7 letter names, and all letter names are represented.

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Lesson 1 Important Notes, Terms and Definitions

Def: Scale: A sequence of notes in which we end on the same note we start, only an octave
Def: Octave: The distance from the start and end note of the Major Scale.
Def: Harmony: when more than one note is played at a time.
Note: # = Sharp, b = Flat, and ♮ = Natural
Def: Sharps or Flats
Def: Enharmonic: The same note with two different names
Def: Half-step: is the distance from a given note to a note directly up or down from it.
Def: Whole-step: The distance from a given note to a note two half-steps up or down from it.
Note: There are no #’s or b’s between B and C, or E and F.

Note: Major Scale Formula: -W-W-H-W-W-W-H-

H = Half-step
W = Whole-step
Note: All letter names will be represented within Major Scale.
Note: Every scale will start and end on the same letter name.
Note: A total of 7 individual letter names will be in every Major Scale.

How to Apply the Major Scale Formula (Quick Reference)

1. Start on the 1st note of the scale (Start note as the Key Name)
2. Go a Whole-step up from the 1st note to find the 2nd
3. Go a Whole-step up from the 2nd note to find the 3rd
4. Go a Half-step up from the 3rd note to find the 4th
5. Go a Whole-step up from the 4th note to find the 5th
6. Go a Whole-step up from the 5th note to find the 6th
7. Go a Whole-step up from the 6th note to find the 7th
8. Go a Half-step up from the 7th note to find the 8/1 (octave same note as 1st)

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Lesson 1 Homework

Choose the correct answer below each question.

Key of C


1. What is the 3rd note of the C scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
2. What is the 4th note of the C scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
3. What is the 6th note of the C scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Key of A
A C# D F# A

4. What is the 2nd note of the A scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
5. What is the 5th note of the A scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
6. What is the 7th note of the A scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
Key of G

7. What is the 3rd note of the G scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
8. What is the 4th note of the G scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
9. What is the 7th note of the G scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Key of D
D E F# C# D

10. What is the 4th note of the D scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
11. What is the 5th note of the D scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
12. What is the 6th note of the D scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#

Key of E
E A B C# E

13. What is the 2nd note of the E scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
14. What is the 3rd note of the E scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
15. What is the 7th note of the E scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Key of F (This key uses b’s instead of #’s, so enharmonic notes will be “b”)


16. What is the 2nd note of the F scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
17. What is the 4th note of the F scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
18. What is the 7th note of the F scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab

Key of Bb (This key uses b’s instead of #’s, so enharmonic notes will be “b”)

Bb F G A Bb

19. What is the 2nd note of the Bb scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
20. What is the 3rd note of the Bb scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
21. What is the 4th note of the Bb scale? (Choose correct answer below)
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Choose answer below each question.

22. How many different notes are in a major scale? (Not including the Octave)
a. 5 b.7 c. 8

23. What is an Octave?

a. The distance from the start note to the end note of the Major Scale.
b. A note that is 8 half-steps above or below a given tone.
c. The same note with two different names.

24. In a Major Scale, all the letter names need to be represented?

True or False
25. What is a Half-step?
a. A note directly above or below a given note
b. A note half of an octave above or below a given note.
c. A note that is played so fast it is hard to hear.

26. What is a Whole-step?

a. A note that is eight notes above or below another given tone.
b. When all of the notes of the scale are played in a row.
c. A note two half-steps above or below a given note.

27. What is the Formula for the major Scale? (H = Half-step, W = Whole-step)
a. -W-H-H-W-W-W-H-
b. -W-W-W-H-W-W-H-
c. -W-W-H-W-W-W-H-

28. What is an Enharmonic?

a. The same note with two different names.
b. A note less than a half-step above or below a given tone.
c. When more than one or more # or b is in the scale.

29. Which notes have no #’s or b’s between them?

a. D to E b. E to F c. G to A

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

30. Determine the notes in the C scale using the major scale formula

31. Determine the notes in the E scale using the major scale formula

32. Determine the notes in the G scale using the major scale formula

33. Determine the notes in the Bb scale using the major scale formula (Use flat enharmonics
with the Bb scale)

34. Determine the notes in the F scale using the major scale formula (Use flat enharmonics
with the F scale

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Lesson 1 Homework Answer Key

1. E
2. F
3. A
4. B
5. E
6. G#
7. B
8. C
9. F#
10. G
11. A
12. B
13. F#
14. G#
15. D#
16. G
17. Bb
18. E
19. C
20. D
21. Eb
22. b
23. a
24. True
25. a
26. c
27. c
28. a
29. b
30. C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C
31. E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E
32. G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, G
33. Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb
34. F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Lesson 2: Intro to Thinking in Numbers

Translating the Major Scale to Numbers

We now understand the “Major Scale Formula” and how to apply it to any key. We will now
translate the major scale into numbers. Once we begin to think of notes as numbers instead
of letter names the doors to understanding how music is organized are thrown wide open.
Translating, or converting, the Major
Scale into numbers is as simple as
starting with the 1st note of the scale
and giving it the number 1, the 2nd
note of the scale is given the number
C Major Scale written with letter names 2, the 3rd note of the scale 3… this
continues up to the 7th note of the
scale as 7. Take a look at the example
to the left. In the C Major Scale the
1st note C=1, 2nd note D=2, 3rd note
E=3, 4th note F=4, 5th note G = 5, 6th
C Major Scale translated into numbers note A=6, the 7th note B=7, and then
we are back to the first note of the scale “C” which can be translated 8 or 1 depending of its
context. We will refer to the 8th note of the scale as 8/1, because sometimes we look at it as
the octave “8” and sometimes as if the scale is starting over again at “1”.
The goal to thinking in numbers is to be able to convert any Major Scale into numbers in the
head. This may seem like a daunting task, but with a little bit of memorization and practice it
becomes second nature.

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Let’s translate the A Major Scale

into numbers. Just as the
previous example, we give the
1st note of the scale the number
1, 2nd note the number 2, and so
A Major Scale written with letter names
on until we get to the octave
(back to the 1st note of the
scale). In the A scale the 1st note
A=1, 2nd note B=2, 3rd note C#=3,
4th note D=4, 5th note E = 5, 6th
note F#=6, the 7th note G#=7,
and A=8/1 A Major Scale translated into numbers

Importance of Thinking in Numbers

It is very important for musicians to think in numbers. In this course, we will fully develop and
understand this concept and practically apply it. Take a few moments to study the chart
below of all the Major Scales and their corresponding numbers. We can use this chart as a
reference when translating major scales into numbers.

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

Why Think in Numbers

Before we move deeper into the nuts and bolts of applying numbers in music theory, I’d like to
give some basic example of when thinking in numbers is useful. Once we can think in
numbers, an entire language that musicians use to communicate is understood. Here are a
few examples of how musician talk in numbers to communicate music. Don’t worry if you
don’t understand what is being said as all of this will be explained throughout the full course.
All of these examples are in the Key of “C”.
“Go back to the one” = the next note or chord is C.
“We are doing a 2, 5, 1 turn around” = We will play Dm, G, C, when we repeat.
“We are going to the 4” = We are playing an F chord next.
“Go up a 3rd from C” = Go to the E note.
“The 6th degree of the Scale” = The A note
“Play the minor 2 chord” = Play a Dm chord.
“Add a Major 7th in that C Chord” = Add a B note to the C Chord
“Hit the 5sus of the new key to modulate up” = Play a Gsus chord as a transition chord
when we move up to the key of C.

Notating Chords with Numbers

As we saw in the previous example, musicians use numbers to verbally communicate, however
number are perhaps more common in written form with chord notation. It is often more
effective to communicating the chord of a song in numbers instead of letter names. Rather
than writing chords with the letter name like “C” or “Dm”, those chords are written with
numbers like “1” or “2m”. Below is an example of a simple chord progression notated with
numbers. At the top of the page the key of the song is indicated and that is the only place an
actual letter name is necessary.
This example translated into letter
names is (C Dm F G). At first
glance this might seem like an
unneeded extra step. After all, if
we can use letter names to
indicate chords in the first place,
then why even bother having to Example of a Chord Chart in the key of “C” notated with number

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

make our brain translate numbers into letter names? This question has merit. Actually it
often makes more sense not to use numbers to notate chords, but there are times when
notating with numbers instead of chord names is extremely useful and more effective.

Chicken Scratch!
Notating in numbers is useful when the
key of a song may need to be transposed
on the fly. To “Transpose” means to play
music (notes or chords) in a different key
from that originally notated, to move
music (notes or chords) upwards or
downwards in pitch. Take a look at the
example to the right. Let’s suppose we
are playing a new song with a band. We
start in one key and realize that the key is
too low or too high for the singer. If we
have a chart written in letter names,
everyone has to scratch out the old
chords and write in the new ones. Then,
let’s suppose the second key does not Example of Letter Chart Turning to Chicken Scratch

work either and we have to also cross out

all of the second set of chords we wrote out and write in the third set of. It does not take
much for an entire chord chart to look like chicken scratch once we start crossing out chords
and writing new ones using letter names. Furthermore, our example of “Chicken Scratch” is a
simple four chord progression. Imagine an entire page, or pages, of music that looks like that.
It would be difficult to read effectively.

The Nashville Number System

Years ago in the 50’s this was a common problem among studio musicians in Nashville TN.
Studio musicians would show up to record a new song for an artist, given a sheet of music only
to discover that the singer wanted it in another key. Valuable studio time (and money) was
wasted converting chord charts into new keys. A system of notating with numbers was

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

developed called the “Nashville Number System.” Now musicians with basic music theory
knowledge could play the given chart, written in numbers, in any key!
Notating in numbers is not just for Nashville studio musicians. Cover bands and
contemporary church praise and worship teams are just a couple of types of bands that have
great success notating with numbers. A common problem in these types of bands is multiple
musicians knowing the same song in differing keys. This is not a problem when musicians can
play by numbers.
Once we develop this skill, even
if the other players in the band
cannot play by numbers, or we
don’t have number charts, we
can translate chord charts to
numbers in the head, and then
back into chords in the new key.
So if the chord chart is written in
C and the key it needs to be
played in is in G, we simply
translate in the head C=1 (in old
key), 1= G (in new key). Again,
this may seem like a daunting
task, but it becomes second
nature to think in numbers after
Example of Translating Chord to a New Key in the Head
a while.
Using Numbers in Chords
Another way numbers are used
in to indicate which numbers of
the scale are to be added to a
chord. This is done by attaching
a number to the letter name, like
C9 or Dm7. For example; if F Example of Chords with Numbers Attached
chord has a 2 attached, his
indicates the second note of the F Major Scale is to be added to the F Chord. The second note
of the F Major Scale is G, so to play an F2 chord, simply add a G note to the notes we are
already playing in the F Chord. This will be explained in great detail in another lesson in this
course. For now, we should understand that contemporary music theory is based upon the
Major Scale and the ability to translate the Major Scale into numbers.

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Lesson 2 Homework: Thinking in Numbers

Use the Major Scale Formula in lesson one to complete 1-5. Use the above chart
as a reference if needed.

1. Determine the notes in the C scale using the major scale formula

2. Determine the notes in the E scale using the major scale formula

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

3. Determine the notes in the G scale using the major scale formula

4. Determine the notes in the Bb scale using the major scale formula (Use flat enharmonics
with the Bb scale)

5. Determine the notes in the F scale using the major scale formula (Use flat enharmonics
with the F scale)

6. Determine the notes in the D scale using the major scale formula

7. Determine the notes in the Eb scale using the major scale formula (Use flat enharmonics
with the F scale)

Music Theory 101: Reading Music NOT Required!

8. What is the 2nd note of the scale in the key of C?

A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
9. What is the 6th note of the scale in the key of F?
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
10. What is the 6th note of the scale in the key of E?
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
11. What is the 3rd note of the scale in the key of Bb?
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
12. What is the 5th note of the scale in the key of A?
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
13. What is the 4th note of the scale in the key of F?
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
14. What is the 6th note of the scale in the key of D?
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
15. What is the 3rd note of the scale in the key of Eb?
A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
16. What is the 5th note of the scale in the key of Bb?
A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
17. What is the 2th note of the scale in the key of A?

A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
18. What is the 7th note of the scale in the key of C?

A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G#
19. What is the 3rd note of the scale in the key of F?

A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab

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Lesson 2 Homework Answer Key

1. C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C
2. E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E
3. G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, G
4. Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb
5. F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F
6. D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D
7. Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb
8. D
9. D
10. C#
11. D
12. E
13. Bb
14. Bb
15. G
16. F
17. B
18. B
19. A

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