LKPD Opinion Dan Thought
LKPD Opinion Dan Thought
LKPD Opinion Dan Thought
Dwi Wahyuni, S.Pd
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks
2. Peserta didik mampu mengungkapkan secara lisan ungkapan yang menyatakan
pendapat dan pikiran berdasarkan situasi tertentu dengan baik dan benar
B. Petunjuk Kerja
1. Pay attention to the expressions of giving opinion and thought
2. Identify the expressions of asking opinion, giving opinion, agreeing opinion,
disagreeing opinion, impolite opinion and avoiding opinion.
C. Pernyataan Materi
1. Pengertian/Definition
- Opinion is a thought or belief or judgement about something or someone.
(Cambridge Advance learner’s, 2008)
- Opinion is also consists with the thoughts or beliefs that a group of people have.
- Argument is a statement which consist of reason or reasons why you support or
oppose an idea or suggestion, or the process of explaining them.
- It can use the words such as first, second, etc for arranging arguments.
2. Topik
- Situasi yang memungkinkan munculnya pernyataan tentang pendapat dan
pikiran yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI
- Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi siswa dengan pendidik, teman, adik,
kakak, dsb.tentang berbagai kegiatan siswa sehari-hari di rumah, sekolah, di
dalam maupun di luar kelaskosa kata terkait dengan kehidupan sehari-hari,
tugas sekolah, kebersihan lingkungan, dsb.
Contoh-contoh topik
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
- Alcohol should be illegal.
- Studying grammar is more important than practising conversation skills.
- Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.
- Dogs make better companions than cats.
- Reading English is more difficult than writing English..
- High school students should wear uniforms.
- Rock and Roll is the best kind of music.
- The government should pay for post secondary education
Expressing of Asking Opinion
What do you think about………? How do you like?
What do you think of…….? How was the trip?
What is your opinion? How do you think of Mahar’s idea?
Why do they behave like that? How do you feel about this dicition?
Do you think it’s going? Do you agree that ...?
Expressing disagreement with an Opinion
I am sorry, I don’t agree with I think you are wrong
That’s not the same thing at all
I am not sure I agree with you
It is not justified to say so
I don’t agree with you
I am not convinced that….
I am afraid I have to disagree
with you I can’t say I agree with this, and here’s
I do not believe that.
I am not sure
I disagree with you.
D. Pertanyaan
Activity 1
Identify the following expression and give a tick (√) at the correct column.
Asking Giving Agreeing Disagreeing Impolite Avoiding
Opinion Opinion Opinion Opinion opinion
Activity 2
The underline expressions below are several opinions. Some of them are polite and
some are impolite. Highlight an opinion with:
red: if it is an impolite way of disagreeing
blue: if it is a polite way of disagreeing
green: if it is a polite way of giving an opinion
yellow: if it is an impolite way of giving an opinion
Activity 3
Read the following dialogue then identify the sentences which show agreement and
Siti : Why are you looking so sad?
Jane : I was reading an opinion article on bullying. It made made me extremely sad.
Siti : Ah! People like to exaggerate things, bullying as a such is no big deal.
Jane : No, I don’t think so. Bullying is prevalent in our society. It is important that
everyone should be made aware of this social evil.
Siti : I don’t agree with you. Little bit teasing here and there is acceptable.
Jane : I am of the opinion that no one has any right to harass or make people feel
inferior. No one should have that kind of power.
Siti : Hey! Stop! you are getting too serious!
Jane : Yes! You should be serious about it as well. I would like to point out that
bullying is everyone’s problem and responsibility. If you condone bullying in
any way, shape or form it means you are taking part in it whethere it is directly
or indirectly by being silent.
Agreement : _______________________________________________.
Disagreement : _______________________________________________.
Activity 4
Identify these expressions of giving opinion and thought!
Asking opinion
Giving opinion
I believe that, yes. There are so many places to go in Jakarta. But it’s not easy to travel
around the city.
Activity 5
Choose one of the topics given below, write an opinion conversation using the
expressions you have learned. Using the role-play approach, act it out in front of the
Social Media • Pollution
Smoking • Poverty
Global Warming • Drug Abuse
E. Sumber Belajar
Buku Siswa:
- Mahkrukh Bashir.2017. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA/ SMK/ MAK Kelas XI.
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
- Th. M. Sudarwati dan Eudia Grace. 2014. PATHWAY TO ENGLISH for Senior Hig
School Grade XI general programme. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Palembang, 13 September 2018
Dr. Mgrt. Dinar Sitinjak, M.A Dra. Zuraida, M.Pd Dwi Wahyuni, S.Pd
NIP. 195710041988032001 NIP. 196205051988032004 NP.201507952929
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Peserta didik mampu menemukan gambaran umum ungkapan terkait pendapat dan
pikiran dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
2. Peserta didik mampu menyusun teks tulis berbentuk dialog untuk menyatakan dan
merespon ungkapan menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
B. Petunjuk Kerja
1. Arrange the jumbled dialogue into correct order
2. Fill in the blank with suitable expression
3. Answer the multiple choice questions
C. Pernyataan Materi
1) Definition :
Giving opinion and thought is expression that is used for talking about argument
or opinion of two or more people
2) Social function
To give opinion or to express our opinion
3) Language Features
- Ungkapan menyatakan pendapat I think, I suppose, in my opinion
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
In my opinion …. As I see it ….
I think …. I reckon ….
Personally, I think … I am compelled to say ….
In my experience …. By this I mean ….
I strongly believe that … To my mind ….
As far as I am concerned …. I would like to point out that…
From my point of view … In my humble opinion …
As I understand …. What I mean is….
4) Examples of Dialogue
Personal point of view
Ahmad : What do you think of English material?
Siti :I think English is the most difficult language that I have learned .
Ahmad : What do you mean?
Siti. : English is different from Bahasa, it has many term to arrange
anything and it makes me confused.
Yuli : I think Rina’s answer to the question is not right. It should be
Vivi : I think it is ‘vinegar’ too, not ‘wine’.
Yani : In my opinion, our volley ball team needs a new coach.
Mr.Zulfan cannot handle too many teams himself.
Firda : I agree with you.
Rahmat : Our English should be more active, I suppose. Why don’t we
meet three times a week?
Rully : I agree, but after the final exam. Now we are very busy
preparing for it.
D. Pertanyaan
Activity 1
Arrange this jumbled dialogue between Mr. Bryan and Mr. Andy into correct
(1) Mr. Bryan : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels?
(2) Mr. Bryan : It is beautiful, I think. oh you have many novels in your new house.
(3) Mr. Andy : What do you think of my new house?
(4) Mr. Andy : I don't think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.
(5) Mr. Bryan : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.
(6) Mr. Andy : Yeah some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.
(7) Mr. Bryan : But, I watch the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going to
(8) Mr. Andy : I feel they are great novels.
Activity 2
Fill in the blank with the suitable expressions!
1. Tania : Dad, ____________________ of this house? Shall I buy it?
Dad : ______________________ it’s ok. You should buy it.
2. Tommy : Where shall we have our lunch?
Nia : _________________________ the Japanese restaurant at the corner?
Japanese restaurant at the corner is good.
Tommy : __________________________, the food is satisfying and the service
is really wonderful.
3. Jim : _______________________________ would be the
best time to visit the museum?
Dean : ________________________________we go to the museum at 10
o’clock. Only a few visitors go to the museum in the moerning, so we
can inspect the collection seriously.
4. Rudy : ___________________________________________Bobby will
come on time?
Sinta : No, _______________________________________he will. He
never comes on time.
5. Sony : _____________________________ hot around here ?
Rita : _____________________________. The air conditioner is not
working properly.
Activity 3
Answer the following questions!
Kate : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Yani : ....
Kate : I hope you have a nice trip.
1. Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I am thinking of going to Bali Sorry d. I have nothing to do
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you e. I don’t know what to do
c. It’s not your business
Era : I don’t think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in this
3. Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I know it d. In my opinion
b. I am thinking of e. See you
c. He forget it
Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dirk: Thanks, Jake.
Jake: No problem!
7. From the dialogue above, Dirk is...
a. Asking for help d. Asking for an opinion
b. Giving help e. Asking for help
c. Giving opinion
E. Sumber Belajar
Buku Siswa :
- Mahkrukh Bashir.2017. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA/ SMK/ MAK Kelas XI.
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia.
- Th. M. Sudarwati dan Eudia Grace. 2014. PATHWAY TO ENGLISH for Senior Hig
School Grade XI general programme. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Situs internet :
Dr. Mgrt. Dinar Sitinjak, M.A Dra. Zuraida, M.Pd Dwi Wahyuni, S.Pd
NIP. 195710041988032001 NIP. 196205051988032004 NP. 201507952929
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Peserta didik mampu menjelaskan informasi yang terdapat dalam dialog terkait
pendapat dan pikiran dengan tepat.
2. Peserta didik mampu menampilkan dialog terkait ungkapan yang menyatakan
pendapat dan pikiran.
B. Petunjuk Kerja
1. Read the text carefully.
2. Answer the questions
3. Pay attention to the language feature
4. Do the activities in this worksheet.
C. Pernyataan Materi
Examples Dialogue of Asking and giving opinion.
At a department store in Bali, a tourist from Washington, Miley and Daniel are
going to by some clothes.
Daniel : This store has various items. There are many clothes and souvenirs
Miley : Yes, you’re right.
Daniel : What do you think about this shirt?
Miley : Mmmm… but I don’t think red is the right color for you. I think
blue will be better.
Daniel : Do you really think so? I think red is nice.
Miley : Actually, I think red is too bright for you.
Daniel : mmmm… I guess you’re right.
Miley : But there is no blue shirt here. Let’s ask to the shopkeeper.
Daniel : Yeaaah…
Kayla : Oh.. Hi Vic. I’m going to the library.
Victoria : Oh... Hey maybe you can also borrow teen lit or chick lit there?
Kayla : Well, I think that’s impossible, Vic. Because I don’t like those
books. In my opinion, the stories are not so interesting and sometime
they’re so boring.
Victoria : I see. According to me, the books are okay. The stories are based
on the everyday facts in teenagers life.
Kayla : Then, we have different opinion about it Vic. And I appreciate your
D. Pertanyaan
Activity 1
Complete the following dialogue, then act it out in front of the class!
Activity 2
Pay attention to the dialogue below then answer the questions!
Helmi : Retno, what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming?
Retno : I think everyone should start life changing their way of life.
Helmi : What do you mean?
Retno : Well, we have to start to de what we can, to help to reduce global warming.
Helmi : What do you suggest that we should do?
Retno : Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should start saving electricity,
start recycling.things, start using public transport means, buying and consuming
as much as we need only, etc. Basically just save anything that we can.
Helmi : Wow. You know a lot of things about reducing global warming. Where did you
learn all of that from?
Retno : Well, I read newspapers, magazines, and also search for information in the
internet. Actually, I want to inform what I’ve learned to everyone so that
everybody can start helping to save our mother nature.
Helmi : You’re so awesome. How about if you write it in our school magazine next
Retno : That’s a great idea. I’ll do that.
1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. What is the dialogue about?
3. Who were involved in the dialogue?
4. What is the best action to reduce global warming?
5. What should we do to reduce global warming?
6. Where can you find the information about global warming?
7. Does Retno agree to write about global warming in school magazine?
8. When does the school magazine publish?
9. What is Retno’s reason to write about global warming?
10. The word it in the bold type refers to ....
E. Sumber Belajar
Buku Siswa :
- Mahkrukh Bashir.2017. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/MA/ SMK/ MAK Kelas XI.
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia.
- Th. M. Sudarwati dan Eudia Grace. 2014. PATHWAY TO ENGLISH for Senior
Hig School Grade XI general programme. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Situs internet :
Dr. Mgrt. Dinar Sitinjak, M.A Dra. Zuraida, M.Pd Dwi Wahyuni, S.Pd
NIP. 195710041988032001 NIP. 196205051988032004 NP. 201507952929
Answer key:
Pertemuan ke-1
Activity 1:
1. Asking opinion 6. Agreeing opinion
2. Giving opinion 7. Asking opinion
3. Disagreeing opinion 8. Disagreeing opinion
4. Impolite 9. Asking opinion
5. Avoiding opinion 10. Avoiding opinion
Activity 2:
1. blue 6. green
2. blue 7. green
3. red 8. yellow
4. red 9. blue
5. green 10. yellow
Activity 3
Agreeing with an opinion: I am of the opinion that no one has any right to harass or make
people feel inferior
Disagree Opinion with an opinion: I don’t think so, I don’t agree with you
Activity 4
Asking opinion What about banning mobile phones in our school?
I’ve just read a novel. Here... have you read this? How do you feel
about this novel?
Giving opinion I personally think your result in this semester is very good, keep
your grades.
In my opinion students should use mobile phones for learning
Agreeing with an I believe that, yes. There are so many places to go in Jakarta. But
opinion it’s not easy to travel around the city.
Activity 5
The answer can be various. Below the example.
Topic: social media
Elsa : "What do you think about social media,Helen?
Helen : "I think social media can bring us to do some bad habbit.
Elsa : "Can you tell me the reason why?
Helen : "Yes,..because of social media there are lots of people wasting their time in a long
time. It make them lazy to do the other thing that more important than social media.
By the way,do you agree with me,Elsa?
Elsa : I don't agree with your opinion. According to me, social media has a good influence
for the youngster of our country. By social media, they can get some new things,
they can have a new friend, they can sell or buy something, they get a lot of
informarion, and they can relex theirselves with it.
Helen :"Both of us are not the same and have some different "point of view"
Elsa :"Yes, Helen. But we must remember one thing that different is beautiful like"Bhineka
Tunggal Ika".
Helen :"I see, Elsa.Thanks
Elsa :"Ok, Helen.
Pertemuan ke-2
Activity 1
(3)- (2)- (6)- (1)- (8)- (5)- (4)- (7)
Mr. Bryan : It is beautiful, I think. oh you have many novels in your new house.
Mr. Andy : I don't think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.
Mr. Bryan: But, I watch the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going to rain
Activity 2
1. What do you think, I think
2. How about, I agree with your opinion
3. When, In my opinion
4. Do you think, I don’t think so
5. Do you feel, I think so too
Activity 3
1. A 5. B
2. A 6. C
3. D 7. D
4. B 8. A
Pertemuan ke-3
Activity 1
It can be various answer
Jane : I agree with what you are saying but have you ever think that we need a new car.
Beni : But it still can ride right?
Jane : For sometimes, yes. But don't you remember ? Our car won't be rode yesterday.
Beni : hmm… you are right. I agree, I never thought of that.
Activity 2
1. At school
2. About global warming
3. Helmi and Retno
4. everyone should start life changing hteir way of life.
5. there are lots of things that we can do. We should start saving electricity, start
recycling.things, start using public transport means, buying and consuming as much as
we need only, etc. Basically just save anything that we can.
6. I read newspapers, magazines, and also search for information in the internet.
7. Yes, she does.
8. Next month.
9. She wants to inform what I’ve learned to everyone so that everybody can start helping to
save our mother nature.
10. Global warming.