WKM 370d6 Iom Manual PDF
WKM 370d6 Iom Manual PDF
WKM 370d6 Iom Manual PDF
W ® 370
0D6 B
Ball Vaalve
nstallation, Op
n, and M
nance M
All the info
ormation contaained in this manual is the exxclusive properrty of Cameronn. Any reprodu uction or use off the
calculationns, drawings, photographs, procedures or in nstructions, eitther expressed
d or implied, is forbidden witthout
the writtenn permission oof Cameron or iits authorized agent.
Initiial Release 01
February 2015
3001‐30 / Rev 003
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 2 Mar‐16
ATERIALS ............................................................................. .............................................................................. 5
SCOPE .................................................................................................. .............................................................................. 9
NAMEPLATTE INFORMATION ............................................................... ............................................................................ 10
STORAGE ........................
. ..................................................................... ............................................................................ 11
VALVES DELIVERED BYY WKM .......................................................... ............................................................................ 11
RATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................... ............................................................................ 11
N SAFTEY INFORMATION .............................. ............................................................................ 11
INSTALLLATION ................................................................................. ............................................................................ 12
FIELD TEESTING................................................................................. ............................................................................ 13
OPERATTION ..................................................................................... ............................................................................ 13
RE .................................................................. ............................................................................ 14
ATION – GREASSE INJECTION ................................................ ............................................................................ 15
DISASSEEMBLY .................................................................................. ............................................................................ 18
NG ....................................................................................... ............................................................................ 19
INSPECTTION .................................................................................... ............................................................................ 20
MBLY ................................................................................... ............................................................................ 20
PERATOR ASSEEMBLY .......................................................... ............................................................................ 25
TROUBLLESHOOTING ....................................................................... ............................................................................ 28
N ................................................................... ............................................................................ 29
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 3 Mar‐16
The procedu
ures included iin this book are to be performed in conjunnction with thee requirementss and recommendations
outlined in API Specifications. Any repaairs to the equ
uipment coverred by this boook should be done by an aauthorized
Cameron ervice representative. Cameron will not be
se b responsiblee for loss or eexpense resulting from any failure of
equipment or any damage e to any prope erty or death o or injury to anny person resu ulting in wholee or in part fro
om repairs
performed b by other than authorized Caameron person nnel. Such unaauthorized rep pairs shall also serve to term
minate any
contractual or other warraanty, if any, on n the equipmen nt and may alsso result in equ uipment no lon nger meeting aapplicable
requiremen ts.
of this manual are maintaine
File copies o ed. Revisions aand/or additio ns will be mad de as deemed necessary by Cameron.
The drawinggs in this book are not drawn n to scale, but tthe dimensionss shown are acccurate.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 4 Mar‐16
370D6 Series Standard G
Gearless Valve ((see parts list in Table 1)
Figuree 1 – 370D6 Seeries Standard LLess Gear Valvve
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 5 Mar‐16
Tablee 1 – Parts Listt for Standard G
Gearless Valvee
Item Qtty Descripption
111 1 Body
112 1 Tailpiecce
113 1 Lower C Cover Plate
114 1 Adapter Plate
121 * Body Sttuds
123 * Body Nuts
124 * Cap Screws – Lower C Cover Plate/ Addapter Plate
132 1 Trunnioon Bearing
134 1 Lower SStem Bearing
135 1 Upper SStem Bearing
146 1 Stem Ke ey
151 1 Nameplate (Not Show wn)
153 2 Cautionn Tag (Not Show wn)
161 2 Grease Fitting
162 2 Check VValve
163 1 Stem Grease Fitting
171 1 Bleed Fitting
184 3 Torque Pin
185 1 Locatingg Torque Pin
211 1 O‐Ring, Tailpiece
212 1 BACK‐U UP RING, TAILPIECE (Only For Class 1500 & 22500)
221 2 O‐Ring, Stem
222 2 Back‐Up p Ring, Stem
224 1 O‐Ring, Lower Cover P Plate
225 1 BACK‐U UP RING, LOWEER COVER PLATTE (Only For Class 1500 & 250 00)
231 2 O‐Ring, Seat, Outer
232 2 Back‐Up p Ring, Seat, Outer
233 2 O‐Ring, Seat, Inner
241 1 Stem Th hrust Washer
241b 1 BALL TH HRUST WASHER (Only For 6” 900/1500 And d All 8”Through
h 16”)
311 1 Ball
312 1 Trunnioon
321 1 Stem
322 * Stem Re etaining Screw w
323 2 Ball Drivve Pin
325 * Pipe Pluug
330 2 Seat Assembly
341 2 Seat Spring
351 1 Ground d Spring
es depend on vvalve size and cclass. Customer assembly draawings availablle upon requesst shall specifyy
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 6 Mar‐16
370D6 Stan
ndard Wrench Head Valve (see parts list in Table 2)
Figure 2
2 – 370D6 Seriees Standard W
Wrench Head Vaalve
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 7 Mar‐16
Table 2
2 – Parts List fo
or Standard Wrrench Head Valve
Item Qty Deescription
111 1 Boody
112 1 Taailpiece
113 1 Lo
ower Cover Platte
114 1 Wrench Plate
121 * Boody Studs
123 * Boody Nuts
124 * Caap Screws – Low wer Cover Platte / Wrench Plaate
132 1 Trunnion Bearingg
134 1 Lo
ower Stem Bearing
135 1 Uppper Stem Bearing
146 1 Steem Key
151 1 Naameplate (Not Shown)
153 2 Caaution Tag (Nott Shown)
161 2 Grrease Fitting
162 2 Chheck Valve
163 1 Steem Grease Fittting
171 1 Bleeed Fitting
185 1 Lo
ocating Torque Pin (Not Show wn)
211 1 O‐‐Ring, Tailpiecee
212 1 BAACK‐UP RING, TTAILPIECE (Only For Class 15000 & 2500)
221 2 O‐‐Ring, Stem
222 2 Baack‐Up Ring, Sttem
224 1 O‐‐Ring, Lower Co over Plate
225 1 BAACK‐UP RING, LLOWER COVER R PLATE (Only FFor Class 1500 & 2500)
231 2 O‐‐Ring, Seat Outter
232 2 Baack‐Up Ring, Se eat, Outer
233 2 O‐‐Ring, Seat, Inn
241 1 Steem Thrust Wassher
311 1 Baall
312 1 Trunnion
321 1 Steem
322 * Steem Retaining SScrew
323 2 Baall Drive Pin
325 * Pippe Plug
330 2 Se
eat Assembly
341 2 Se
eat Spring
351 1 Grround Spring
411 1 Wrench Head
412 1 Wrench Screw
413 1 Weather Protecttor
414 1 Wrench Washer
es depend on vvalve size and cclass. Customer assembly draawings availablle upon requesst shall specifyy
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 8 Mar‐16
370D6 balll valves 2” FP to 16” FP are fuull bore, througgh conduit, bi‐‐directional, annti‐blowout steem, double blo
and bleed in closed and o open position, with trunnion mounted ball for easy operaation. These vaalves can be
equipped w with plastic seaat inserts made
e of RTFE, NYLON, or PEEK ass the customerr requires. All tthe seats are self‐
relieve typ
pe seats to elim
minate cavity prressure lock. AAll valves have a built‐in sealaant injection syystem for
emergencyy seat seal and also a stem se ealant fitting fo
or stem seal reecovery. The vaalve uses backeed self‐lubricatting
PTFE sleeve bearings and d thrust washers for low torq que operation.
The 370D6
6 valves are avaailable in the sizes and classe
es as per Table 3.
Unless otherwise specifieed on the purcchase order, alll the small sizees of valves aree equipped with a wrench head
(noted W in Table 3) as sstandard; all otther valves are equipped withh a gear operator (noted G in n Table 3). Thee hand
wheel can be removed frrom the gear shaft by taking out the roll pinn.
ble 3 – 370D6 SSeries Ball Valvve Availability
Valvve Availability
Valve Classs/Size 15
50 300 600 900 1500 2
10RP G
10FP G
12RP G
12FP G
14FP G
16FP G
All valves aare built with trim selection aand seals as the customer reqquires. Contacct a WKM repreesentative for
proper trimm selection forr the required aapplication.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 9 Mar‐16
The valve iinformation, in
ncluding trim, is clearly identiified on the va lve nameplatee that is permanently affixed on
the valve. Figure 3 showss a standard vaalve nameplate e and Table 4 ddetails the info
ormation stamp ped on the
nameplate e.
Figuree 3 – 370D6 Ba
all Valve Standdard Nameplatte
Table 4 – Na
ameplate Inforrmation
em Preprintt Stamp
If full bore
e, size is the no
ominal bore sizze
1 Size
If reduced d bore, size is e
end size x boree through ball xx end size
2 Class Valve Classs Designation as defined perr API 6D
3 SN* Valve’s un
nique Serial Nu
4 BM Valve Bill of Material part number
Maximum m Operating Pre essure; the woorking pressuree of the valve @
@ 100°F
and at maaximum tempe erature
6 API API Numb ber the valve iss in compliancee with
7 Body** Body Matterial Symbol
8 Temp Operatingg Temperature Range
9 Model Valve’s Model Designatiion
1 Stem** Stem Matterial Symbol
1 Ball** Ball Material Symbol
1 Seat** Seat Mate
erial Symbol
1 Seals** Seals Matterial Symbol
1 DOM Date of M
1 MIT Maximum
m Impact Temp
1 LN API Licensse Number
*‐ Most important datta for obtainingg replacementt parts
**‐ Consult a WKM Re epresentative for material's s
f symbol corresp
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 10 Mar‐16
Following ttesting and prior to shipment, valves are drrained of wateer and through bores and flan nge faces are ccoated
with grease and covered by protectors. This will prote ect the valves for a minimum
m of six monthss in covered sttorage
date of shipment. For long pe
from the d eriods of storagge and particullarly harsh envvironments (i.ee. as found in an
uncoveredd marine atmossphere) additioonal precaution ns must be takken.
All 370D6 vvalves should b
be stored in the full open possition as receivved, with the flange seal surffaces and the b
greased, and the protecttors installed on the flanges. If long term st orage is necesssary, the valvee should be
ed according to
conditione o standard engineering practices; contact a WKM represeentative for lon ng term storage
Valves shall be operated and maintaine
ed strictly in acccordance withh these proced
dures. Operatioon or maintenaance
ures constitute
outside of these procedu es abuse of the product and vvoids all warrannty and claimss.
When speccial operation is required, a fformal written request to thee company must be made forr approval to
operate in this manner iff warranty and product liabiliity is to be maiintained.
Before anyy work is performed on a valvve, personnel w
working on thee valve must ob btain the proper work permiits
required by his employerr. Personnel sh
hall always use safety precau tions set forth by the law and regulations
required by his employerr. Personnel sh
hall also be awaare that any veenting or drain
ning of fluids frrom the valve sshall
n accordance w
be done in with safety and environmentaal procedures eenforced at thee particular loccation.
The mainte
enance person nnel doing the repairs shall be
e well trained and familiar w
with all of the in
contained in this manual.
opriately used for the intende
The valves shall be appro ed purpose. Anny safety or prrotection devicces on the valvee shall
not be permanently removed or altered unless writte en approval is rreceived from a WKM repressentative.
Transport, unpacking, liftting, and conne
ections to the different typess of systems (eelectric, pneum
matic, hydraulicc
systems, etc.) shall be maade by expert and qualified p
Should anyy difficulties orr abnormalitiess arise that can
nnot be solved by the techniccian, contact a WKM
Any serviciing not covered by these insttructions must be made by a n authorized sservice center, after preliminary
approval h
has been given by a WKM rep presentative.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 11 Mar‐16
Before insttallation, ensure the grease ffittings and seaaling surfaces oof connection fflanges were n
not damaged during
transportation. Clearly id
dentify the valvve through its nnameplate, ch eck its weight with the packiing list or relevvant
documentss, and then plaace it on a horizontal surface using suitablee handling equiipment.
equipment musst be provided which is appro
Handling e opriate for thee total weight o
of the package. Pay particular
attention tthat slings do n
not damage the
e gear or actuaator.
For 370D6 valves 8FP to 16FP use the lifting lugs or eyyes on the valvve for slinging.. Do not use liffting lugs or eyes
on the gear or aactuator, if pre
provided o esent.
To avoid thhe ingress of debris or sand into the ball annd seat area, thhe protective ccovers should nnot be removed
until the vaalve is ready to
o be installed in
n the line. Whe
en the valve is ready to be in
nstalled in the lline, remove th
protective plastic or woo oden flange pro otectors.
During insttallation the vaalve must be fu
ully open and tthe line sectionns, between which the valve will be installeed,
must be aligned, cleaned d, and correctlyy spaced. Shou
uld the valve bee closed, the eexposed face off the ball mustt be
protected with grease orr other anti‐adhesive productt.
When the valve has butt welding ends,, welding on thhe line must bee performed ussing the proper welding
procedure. After weldingg, clean and check the weld b
bead and repaiir as required.
WKM 370D D6 valves are b
bidirectional an nd may be installed with eithher end facing uupstream. Thee valve should bbe
installed in
n such a way ass to facilitate m
maintenance, e
easy access to tthe valve fittin
ngs, and actuatting operationss.
370D6 valvve standard po osition is with tthe stem in the
e vertical, upwaards position aand gear/wrennch on the top side
of valve. In
n this position tthe drain/bleed fittings are lo
ocated in the l owest part of tthe body which allows for th
most effecctive drainage. However, the valve may be installed in anyy position as faar as stem locaation, but the d drain
fitting will not be in the lowest part of body and the d drainage may nnot be as effecctive.
CAUTION: If the valve caannot be prope erly drained (ssee Section 6.11) and the line’’s foreign partticles removed
d, the
seats may wear out, get damaged, or aaccumulate paarticles and waater that may prevent easy o operation andd
mance. It is the responsibilityy of the user to
affect the valve perform o determine if the applicatioon may includee
abrasive particles and th
he valve may bbe need to be iinstalled in a ddifferent positiion than the sttandard stem‐‐
upwards p position.
When instaalling the valve
e, allow for posssible deformaations caused bby the expansio
on of the line. The valve musst not
support the line. Avoid any strain in the
e valve body.
CAUTION: Do not overlo
oad the valve b
beyond the dessign piping loaads stated on tthe requiremeents.
Use studs, nuts, and raise ming to ASME B16.5. Alternaately
ed face gaskets or ring joints as per size an d class conform
tighten the
e studs using a cross pattern method, severral times, follo wing the proceedure recommmended by ASM ME
PCC‐1‐2010 “Guidelines ffor Pressure Booundary Bolted d Flange Joint Assembly” or ggasket manufaacturer specificcation.
CAUTION: While all 370DD6 trunnion baall valves have
e self‐relievingg seats as standdard equipment, it is
recommen nded that apprropriate safegu
uards be put in
nto place to prrevent exceed ding the pressu
limits given by the manu
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 12 Mar‐16
When fieldd testing is required, the follo
owing procedures are recom mended:
1. En nsure that the test fluids are compatible with the valve seeat and seal m material
2. Flush the system m to remove fo oreign material that may be iin the line as a result from installation
prrocedures to avoid damagingg the ball and sseats
3. If performing lin ne shell testingg, the valve shaall be in half oppen position. TThe maximum line pressure can be
1‐‐1/2 times the valve maximum cold working pressure
4. If performing se eat testing, make sure the valve is fully clos ed. The maxim mum pressure ffor seat testingg is
thhe maximum co old working prressure
5. Affter completion of testing, pu urge all test flu
uids from the vvalve
CAUTION: If the seats arre tested to a h
higher pressure than the maaximum cold w
working pressuure, the seats ccan be
permanently damaged. If a higher testt pressure is desired contactt a WKM repreesentative for details.
370D6 seriies ball valves o
only work in th
he fully closed or fully open pposition; thesee valves work fo
or on/off service
WARNING G: These valvess shall never bee operated partially open orr partially closeed. Throttling (partial opening) or
“pinching”” flow may cauuse non‐uniforrm wear on seaats and ball ovver the sealingg surfaces wheere it is exposeed to
the flow line, preventingg tight shut‐offf.
he valve, turn ggear hand wheel clockwise un
To close th ntil it stops; too open the valvve turn the geaar hand wheel
counter‐cloockwise until itt stops.
All the wre
ench operated valves have th
he wrench leveers aligned alonng with valve through bore w
when opened aand
perpendicuular with the th
hrough bore w
when closed.
perated valves have the gear indicator align
All gear op ned with the vaalve through bo
ore when open
ned and
perpendicu ular with the th
hrough bore w
when closed. Thhe gear also haas “OPEN” and “CLOSE” markkings.
eseating torquee is higher than the run torque. Turn the hand
While opening or closingg, the ball mustt reseat; this re
wheel untiil the gear has a positive stop
If the valve
e is operated b uator, carefullyy read the actuuator operationn manual.
by a power actu
CAUTION: The end stopss have been sh hop set to assu
ure the correctt 90 degree rottation from the fully open to o fully
closed possition. Do not cchange their adjustment. If tthe valve is no
ot correctly resseated at the eend of openingg or
closing, the ball and the seats can quicckly be damaged when expo osed to flow prressure, preventing tight shuut‐off.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 13 Mar‐16
These valves can be operrated by one person. It is recommended thhat no extensio ons be used forr operating thee
ng an extension
valve. Usin n or power too
ol to operate thhe valve voids aall warranty an
nd claims, and may result in
Under normal working co
onditions, 370D6 ball valves are designed ffor lengthy, reliable service. TThe following
recommennded practices and procedurees will ensure o
optimum perfoormance.
All valves ccan be drained and lubricated
d depending on application cconditions, or aanytime if desired. Valves maay
accumulate water, scale,, deposits, and other foreign matter duringg their service. These materiaals may damage the
valve in the following waays:
1. Att low temperatture, ice may fform inside the
e valve and hinnder its normall operation
2. Fo oreign matter may prevent thhe valve from fully closing annd the ensuingg throttling mayy damage the ball or
thhe seat seals
3. Fo oreign matter may get caughht between thee ball and the sseat and damagge their surfacces
A drainagee schedule is thhe best way to prevent damage caused by fforeign matterr. However, it is recommendeed
that drainaage should be ccarried out in tthe following ccases:
1. Whenever the v
W valve does not close
2. Be efore and during the cold seaason
3. Affter washing th he line
4. Affter hydraulic ttest
5. Pe eriodically to remove the acccumulation of b body debris. Thhe frequency m
may be established based on
n the
coontaminants in n the applicatio
For a drain
nage procedure
e, the followingg procedure is recommendedd:
NOTE: The time to drain the vaalve depends o on the size of tthe valve and tthe fluid in the line; significan
me may be req quired if the lin
ne contains a ggas fluid. If the valve is draineed in the open position, the ttime
will be shorter ccompared to if drained in the e valve in the c losed position due to the sm maller body cavvity to
drrain when the valve is fully open.
2. Slowly open the
e bleed fitting ((171) located o
on the lower si de of the bodyy.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 14 Mar‐16
CAUTION: Open the draiin fitting slowlly until the pre
essure in the b
body cavity hass been discharrged. Make surre the
dy does not unscrew while lo
fitting bod oosening the fiitting stem. If necessary, usee another wrench to preventt the
fitting bod
dy from unscre
be removed if there is press ure in the linee. Grease fittings should neveer be
CAUTION: Grease fittinggs should not b
operators are faactory lubricated for life. If desired, the geaar can be lubriccated using the lube fitting
The gear o
located on the side of the
e gear operatoor.
WKM 103 Sealant part numbers:
- K1 155812 Gunn Cartridge
- K1 155849 1 gaal – 10 lbs.
- K1 155853 3 gaal – 30 lbs.
- K1 155857 5 gaal – 50 lbs.
- K1 155866 16 ggal – 150 lbs.
- K1 155869 55 ggal – 551 lbs.
WKM Lubrricant 58G partt number – K15
54208 – Gun Cartridge
For Lubricaation and temp
porary seat or stem seal resto
oration with thhe valve underr line pressure,, follow the
ns below:
1. Fill the WKM higgh pressure gre ease gun with valve sealant
2. Make sure the v
M valve is in the ffully open or fu
ully closed posiition. For 2”, 3”, and 4” Classs 150 & 300 valves,
ubrication is reccommended in n the fully open
n position
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 15 Mar‐16
Warning: BBack up the se
eat grease fittinng so only the safety vent caap will be remo
oved from thee fitting. Carefu
remove thhe safety cap frrom the seat ggrease fitting. N
NEVER removee the grease fitting when thee valve is undeer
3. emove safety vvent cap from grease fitting. Attach grease gun connectio
Re on onto greasee fitting and injject
ealant. If injecttion of the seallant is difficult,, flush the valvve seats and attempt to inject sealant againn.
4. Re d seat grease fiitting as appliccable, or the steem fitting. Rep
epeat process for the second place safety caps on
all grease fittinggs.
Fiigure 4 – Typica
al Injection Fittting Figure 5 –– Vent or Bleed Fitting
ows a list of recommended lu
Table 5 sho ubricants by th
he cleaner/sea lant manufacturer for the ind dicated servicee and
conditions. Use of other lubricants with
hout WKM app proval voids alll warranty andd claims. Contact WKM
representaatives for availaability.
Table 5 – Manufactu
urer Recommennded Lubricants
Flush/Sealaant Recommenndations
TThe valve Cleaaner/Sealant
Service Cleaner//Sealant Manuufacturer
oduct Manufacturer''s contact
WKM VAL‐TEX information caan be found beelow:
Flush Valve flushh
Standard vaalve lubricant WKM 58G 2000 light lube Headquarters
Natural Cameron Valvees & Measurem ment
Standard seealant WKM 103 80 bulk/ 800‐HS stick
Gas 3250 Brairparkk Drive, Suite 3
Standard lo
ow Temp. 50 bulk / sttick
Severe leakk sealant 80+PTFE b ulk / stick Houston, TX 77 7042
TTel. (281) 499‐‐8511
Flush Valve flushh
Order 1‐800 323‐9160
Sour Gas Standard vaalve lubricant WKM 58G 2065 light lube Fax (281) 261‐‐3588
Standard seealant WKM 103 65 bulk / sttick
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 16 Mar‐16
Standard lo
ow Temp. 65 bulk / sttick w
Severe leakk sealant 80+PTFE b ulk / stick
Flush Valve flushh
Standard vaalve lubricant WKM 58G 2300 light lube
Dry CO2 Standard se ealant WKM 103 302 bulk / stick
Standard lo
ow Temp. 65 bulk / sttick
VValves Inc. of TTexas
Severe leakk sealant 80+PTFE b ulk / stick 10600 Fallstonn Rd.
Flush Valve flushh Houston, TX 77 7099
Standard vaalve lubricant WKM 58G 2000 light lube TTel. (281) 530‐‐4848
Standard seealant WKM 103 80 bulk/ 800‐HS stick Order 1‐800‐627‐9771
Crude Oill
Standard lo
ow Temp. 50 bulk / sttick wwww.valtex.co om
Severe leakk sealant 80+PTFE b ulk / stick
Table 6 listts the recommended quantity of lubricant p
per valve size aand class.
Table 6 – Recomm
mended Lubricaant Quantities
Lubricant and Flush Volume (per vallve size and claass)
Valve size Valve class Lubricant p
per seat (ounc es) Valve Flu
ush per seat (o
2” 150‐300 12 ‐
2” 600‐2500 3 5
3” 150‐300 16 ‐
3” 600‐2500 4 7
4” 150‐300 20 ‐
4” 600‐2500 5 9
6” 150‐1500 7 13
8” 150‐900 9 17
10” 150‐900 12 21
12” 150‐900 14 26
14” 150‐600 16 30
16” 150‐600 20 36
Several higgh pressure guns can be used
d for lubrication:
Figure 6 – Screw/Prime H
Hand Gun FFigure 7 – Buckket‐type Gun
Part No. 21 PPart No. K065189
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 17 Mar‐16
Figure 8 – A
Air Over Hydra
aulic Foot Pump
p FFigure 9 – Adap
pter Fitting
Part No. 23
330398‐01 PPart No. K296434
The 370D6
6 valves can be rebuilt if nece
essary. The disaassembly and rreassembly of the valve requ
uires proper liftting
equipmentt and normal m
maintenance to ools.
ned by the individual customer specificationn; however thee following listt is suggested aas a
Spare parts are determin
minimum ffor typical maintenance operrations:
- Sttem and ball raadial bearings
- Sttem thrust wasshers and ball tthrust washer (if applicable)
- All O‐rings and aapplicable backk‐up rings
- eat springs
- Se
eat subassemb blies
- Drain fitting
- Grease injectionn fittings
CAUTION: Prior to disasssembly, the vaalve must first be isolated fro
om system preessure and flow w. Operate the
valve at least two times and drain the valve to make e sure there is no residual prressure left in the body.
After observing the abovve precautions,, remove the vvalve from the pipe line systeem. Set the valvve in a clean place
free of dusst and/or metaallic chips.
1. Operate the Valve to the close
ed position.
CAUTION: Prior to disasssembly, verify that there is n
no pressure in the body caviity. Operate th
he valve at leasst two
times to bleed any residual pressure.
2. Sttand the valve on the body flange end. Care e should be takken to avoid damaging the seealing surface of the
raaised face or ring groove (if applicable).
3. If wrench operated – remove the wrench screw on top of tthe stem, the w washer, and th he wrench.
4. If actuated valve e – check the aactuator operation manual annd remove thee actuator.
5. If gear operated d – loosen the ggear mountingg hardware whhile lifting the ggear until it com
mes off of the stem.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 18 Mar‐16
6. Reemove stem ke ey. Unscrew thhe adapter platte or lever platte cap screws aand remove thhe adapter platte
paaying attention
n not to damagge the torque ppins.
7. Unscrew the ste em grease fittin
ng and the plug (if applicablee), unscrew thee stem retainer screw(s) and
emove it.
CAUTION: Failure to rem
move the stem retainer screw
w (one or two as applicable)) will prevent tthe stem remo
body and may cause severe sstem and screw
from the b w damage durring the followwing step.
8. Caarefully pull the stem out of the body. To reemove the steem, install a capp screw througgh the gear plaate
nto the threade ed hole locatedd on the top off the stem. Usee a rubber mallet to hit again
nst the gear plaate
annd gently pull tthe stem out. R
Remove the O‐‐rings, back‐upp rings, and steem thrust wash her and use a
sccrewdriver to aalso remove the stem bearinggs.
9. Re
emove the cap
p screw from th
he stem, and aagain utilize thee gear plate to
o remove the trrunnion from tthe
10. Reemove the low
wer cover plate
e O‐ring and baack‐up ring (if aapplicable). Carefully removee the ground sp
ocated between the trunnionn and ball.
oosen and rem
11. Lo move the body nuts.
12. Lift the tailpiece
e off of the bod
dy paying atten
ntion not to daamage the bod
dy O‐ring.
emove the tailpiece O‐ring and back‐up rin
13. Re ng if applicable .
14. Using a strap, lifft the ball out o
of the body and lower it ontoo wood blocks. Take out the drive pins and
nspect the trun
in nnion bearing aand thrust bearing (if applica ble). Remove bbearings as necessary.
emove the seaat ring from the
15. Re e tailpiece, takking care not too damage the sseals.
emove the O‐rrings and the b
16. Re back‐up ring fro
om the seat asssembly.
emove the seaat spring from tthe tailpiece po
17. Re ocket.
epeat steps 15
18. Re 5‐17 for removal of the body seat assemblyy.
emove the draain fitting and ggrease fittings.
19. Re
CAUTION: Abrasive clean ning products should never be used, especcially on sealin
ng area. If watter jetting is ussed,
ompressed airr.
dry with co
- Cllean all metalliic parts with a soft cloth satu
urated with a soolvent. Observve all sealing su
- Cllean the grease e fittings and, if present, the grease channeels.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 19 Mar‐16
Clean the ssealing rings and the gasketss with a soft clloth. If necessaary, wash them
m with soap and rinse them with
clean wate
After clean
ning, all valve ccomponents sh
hould be inspeccted for damagge, dents, scorring, wear, or ccorrosion. If an
damage is found, procee ed with the rep
pair where posssible or with reeplacement of the parts.
plete inspectio
For a comp on procedure, tthe following o
operations sho uld be carried out:
1. Chheck the metallic parts for daamage along thhe sealing surffaces and on m
moving surfacess. Particular
atttention should
d be paid to suurface nicks and
d corner damaage.
2. Make sure that
M the sealing rings and gasketss are not slasheed, extruded aand/or otherwiise damaged.
3. Chheck for scratcches and platin
ng defects on th
he surfaces of the bearings, tthe thrust wasshers, the O‐rin
grrooves, the ball, and the seatt components.
4. nspect all replacement compo
In onents that are
e going to be uused to ensuree damage has n
not occurred in
sttorage or transsportation.
5. If any damage iss found, the minor repairs should be carriedd out by traineed personnel, o
otherwise conttact
WKM represent
W tative.
The minor repairs that m
may be carried o
out on site by maintenance ppersonnel shall be in accordaance with the
following p
1. Use standard en
ngineering pracctices to repairr the damagedd metallic surfaaces.
2. emove surface
Re e nicks on ball aand stem by ussing a mild abrrasive such as SScotch Brite paads.
3. emove all corn
Re ner damages byy using a mild aabrasive or witth a bearing sccraper.
4. eplace all faultty parts and co
Re omponents.
5. Flush lube and ssealant while the valve is disaassembled.
After inspe
ecting the parts and getting tthe replacemen
nt parts as req uired, use the following proccedure to assemble
the 370D6 ball valve:
1. Pllace the body, on the ANSI flaange, on a cleaan and solid suurface that will hold the weigght of the assem
vaalve securely. P
Place the tailpiiece on the ANSI flange. Takee care not to daamage the seaaling surfaces.
2. If studs have been removed, in nstall the studss in the body w mping up and the short end
with the ID stam
hreaded into th
th he body and sccrew them dow wn completely.. Remove any p h may have flaked
particles which
offf the studs.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 20 Mar‐16
3. In
nspect the seatts, paying carefful attention to o the insert seaaling surfaces. Reject and rep place all seats with
diings, scratchess, or any other physical defeccts. Install the O O‐rings and thee backup ring. The back‐up ring
hould be on the head side of the seat as shown in Fig. 10.. Apply lubricant until compleetely covering the
O‐rings and back‐up ring.
Figure 10 – 370D6 Seat Asssembly
4. nstall the O‐ringgs and back‐up
In p ring (as applicable) to the t ailpiece and co
over. If the valvve size and class
equire back‐up p rings, those sh hall be position
ns above the O O‐ring towards the flange of tthe part as sho own in
deetail J and detaail K of Fig. 1 an
nd Fig. 2.
5. nstall the radial bearings on the stem using a bearing tool shown in Fig. 11. The lower bearing is wid
In der
han the upper bearing. Both bearings shall fit into the dessignated groovves.
Figure 11 – Sttem Bearing Insstallation
Using the ssame tool, insttall the O‐rings. Install the back‐up rings ab ove the O‐ringgs on the stem gear side, as sshown
in Fig. 12.
Figure 12 – Stem O‐ring Insstallation
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 21 Mar‐16
6. Innstall the ball thhrust washer (if applicable) aand the trunnioon radial bearing in the ball ttrunnion bore.
7. Grease the ball drive pin holess and install the drive pins. M Make sure the d drive pins are p
placed correctly in
thhe holes and do o not stick abo
ove the ball.
8. Apply a coat of lubricant on th he entire surfacce of body andd tailpiece seatt pockets and install the seat
spprings into the seat pockets.
9. Lo ower one seat assembly, with h the insert faccing up, into thhe body pockett. Press the seaat using a prop per
toool until the O‐‐rings and backk‐up rings are ccompletely enggaged in the po ocket. Take care to avoid
daamaging the se eat insert.
10. Re epeat the proccedure with the e other seat innto the tailpiec e seat pocket.
11. Lift the ball and slightly lower into the body until it rests onn the body seaat, then orient the ball trunniion
ho ole with the bo ody trunnion h hole. The ball shhould be in thee closed positio on and symmeetrically orienteed
ovver the body se eat. There should be an equaal amount of thhe body seat vvisible on both sides of the baall.
12. Grease the bodyy trunnion hole e and stem hole.
13. Se et the ground sspring on top o of the trunnionn with a generoous amount off grease, and push the trunniion
nto the body bo ore hole until tthe trunnion engages the balll. Use a rubber mallet if neceessary. Install tthe
ower cover platte over the trunnion and thre ead at least tw
wo cap screws u until the coverr plate back facce
coontacts the bod dy trunnion booss face.
14. Flip the tailpiece e over using thhe proper liftingg equipment. LLift the tailpiecce and start low wering it onto the
bo ody. Before the tailpiece enggages the studss, orient it suchh that the greaase fittings of the tailpiece arre on
thhe same side as the grease fitttings of the bo ody, towards t he front of thee valve or alignned with the stem
bo ore (if applicabble). At the sam
me time, the taailpiece end flaange bolt holess must be align ned with the bo ody
ennd flange bolt holes. After these two alignm ments are com mpleted, slowly lower the tailp piece onto thee body
un ntil it rests on tthe ball.
15. In nstall two nuts,, 180°apart, an nd tighten sequ uentially until tthe tailpiece is contacting thee body around d the
enntire flange. Install the remainder of the nu uts.
16. Th he stem should d be installed aat this time.
NOT TE: The ball waas installed in tthe closed posiition and the ddrive pins should be aligned w with the valve bore.
Check to make surre the drive pin ns are in the co
orrect place onn the ball holess. Orient the sttem (as shown in
Fig. 13) with the key groove tow ward the valve b body markingss and the drive pin holes mattching the drivee pins
in thhe ball. Orient the bearing sp plits towards thhe stem key grooove and drivee the stem into o the body usin ng a
rubb ber mallet untiil the stem com mpletely engagges the ball andd drive pins.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 22 Mar‐16
Figure 13 – Stem Orientation foor Installation
17. If a wrench operated valve, usse the following procedure too install the wrrench (as detaiiled in Fig. 14):
a. Install tthe stem thrusst washer over the stem withh the Teflon baacking oriented d towards the b ball.
b. Install tthe locating pin into the corrrectly sized holle.
c. Install tthe lever plate
e over the stem
m. The lever plaate should fit o
over the locatin
ng pin with thee key
es oriented tow wards the valvee body markinggs and the tailppiece.
d. Install aall cap screws and torque as required per TTable 7.
e. Install tthe key. The keey should not sstick above thee stem.
f. Install tthe weather prrotector.
g. Install tthe wrench he ead and secure the washer annd screw on to op of the stem.
ure 14 – Wrencch Operated Vaalve Assembly
18. If a bare stem vaalve, use the fo
ollowing proce
edure to install the adapter p
plate (as detaileed in Fig. 15):
h. Install tthe stem thrusst washer over the stem withh the Teflon baacking orientedd towards the b ball.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 23 Mar‐16
i. Install tthe torque pins and the locatting pin into thhe correctly sizzed holes.
j. Install tthe gear adaptter plate over tthe stem. The plate should fit over all the p
pins including tthe
locating pin, with the e key grooves o
oriented towarrds the valve body markings aand the tailpieece.
k. Install aall the cap scre
ews and torque e as required pper Table 7.
l. Install tthe key. The keey should not sstick above thee stem.
Fiigure 15 – Gea
ar Adapter Platte Assembly
19. In
nstall the stem retaining screw
w(s). Thread th
he screws unti l contacting th
he stem and turn back a half tturn.
CAUTION: If the stem retaining screw is not backed off and remain
ns in contact w
with the stem, the valve torq
ase and affect actuator perfo
may increa ormance.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 24 Mar‐16
1. With the gear po
W ositioned with tthe indicator caap down, install the mountingg studs provided d with the ordeer.
2. Beefore sliding the gear complettely against the e adapter plate,, check the possition of the han nd wheel gear sshaft.
On all 370D6 serries valves the sshaft will be oriented to the toop right. The sh haft will always be at 90° from
m the
ceenterline of the
e valve and never at an angle.
3. Affter correctly positioning the hhand wheel geaar shaft, slide thhe gear operator towards thee adapter plate.. Start
all nuts onto thee studs and tighten them with the proper opeen end wrench.
4. Reemove the indicator cap. Usin ng the hand wheel, turn the haand wheel gearr shaft so that tthe key slot on the
sttem and operattor are aligned with each othe er.
5. Using a rubber m mallet, tap the kkey gently into the key slot unntil it is below th
he top of the sttem. Do not usse
exxcessive force tto drive the keyy. If the key does not fit propeerly, recheck thhe alignment off the key slots. If the
keey sticks out ab
bove the end off the stem slightly rotate the ggear shaft to maake sure the keey is engaging the
addapter plate grooove. Another key or punch should be used to drive in the key to preventt damaging the gear
opperator key slot.
6. Looosen the locknnuts and rotatee both stop scre ews on the gearr operator coun nter clockwise.
7. Too set the closed
d stop, turn the
e hand wheel ge ear shaft clockw
wise until the kkey stops on thee adapter platee
grroove. Back off a quarter turn,, then turn the close position stop screw clocckwise until it sstops and tighteen
appproximately 1 Ft‐lb. for each inch of valve b bore. Retighten the locknut. Th he hand wheell gear shaft sho ould
allways be turne ed in the closed
d direction to se et the closed sttop, so that all slack will be taaken out of thee
geearing. This enssures a more aaccurate stop se etting.
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 25 Mar‐16
Figure 16 – G
Gear Operator A
8. Affter setting the
e closed stop aa quick check can verify that iis has been corrrectly set. Turrn the hand whheel
geear shaft towards the open p position, and th
hen return the valve to the closed position until contactinng the
closed stop. Afte er fully closingg the gear, marrk the ball withh a circle tangent to the adap
pter flow bore ((or
boody flow bore)) in a plane 90°° with the stem m axis. Open thhe ball halfway and measure the minimum
diistance from thhe ball corner ((ball flow boree to sphere corrner) to the maark. The distance should meeet the
diimension L dettailed in Table 9.
Tablee 9 – Dimension n L
Distance frrom Ball Corner to Mark
Dimen nsion L
Valve Size Valve Class
(+/‐ 0
2" FP & 3" RP 150‐900
1 0.67"
2”FP 1500
1 0.96"
2”FP 2500
2 1.28"
3”FP & 4””RP 150‐900
1 0.87"
3”FP 1500
1 1.19"
3”FP 2500
2 1.81"
4”FP & 6””RP 150‐900
1 1.03"
4”FP & 6””RP 1500
1 1.24"
4”FP & 6””RP 2500
2 1.87"
6”FP & 8””RP 150‐600
1 1.05"
6”FP & 8””RP 900‐1500
9 1.37"
8”FP & 10
0”RP 150‐600
1 1.19"
8”FP & 10
0”RP 900
9 1.40"
10”FP & 1
12”RP 150‐900
1 1.35"
12”FP & 1
14”RP 150‐600
1 1.50"
12”FP & 1
14”RP 900
9 1.74"
14”FP 150‐600
1 1.56"
16”FP 150‐600
1 1.87" Figure 17 – Diimension L
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 26 Mar‐16
Tablee 7 – Installatio
on Torque for B
B7, B7M, L7, annd L7M Studs aand Cap Screw
ead Size Dry/Zinnc Plated (Ft‐lb
bs.) Cad/TTeflon Coated (Ft‐lbs.)
3/8”‐ 16UNC 19 11
1/2”‐ 13UNC 45 27
5/8”‐11UNC 88 52
3/4”‐10UNC 153 90
7/8”‐ 9UNC 243 143
1”‐ 8UNC 361 213
1 1/8”‐ 8UN 523 305
1 1/4”‐ 8UN 726 421
1 3/8”‐ 8UN 976 562
1 1/2”‐ 8UN 1278 733
1 5/8”‐ 8UN 1653 934
1 3/4”‐ 8UN 2054 1169
1 7/8”‐ 8UN 2539 1440
2”‐ 8UN 3094 1750
Table 8 – NPT F
T Fitting Installattion Torque
Fitting T
Thread Size Installlation Torque (Ft‐lbs.)
1/4” NPT 25
3/8” NPT 39
1/2” NPT 75
3/4” NPT 135
1” NPT 288
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 27 Mar‐16
Table 9 –Troubleshootting
Issue Probable Caause Repaair
Inject antifreeze solution into valve bod
Iced up d
due to restricted flow or low
w Check the ccompatibility o
of antifreeze so
temperaature to avoid daamaging the seeals. Drain periodically
Will nott open or close
to eliminate water accum mulation
Impropeer setting of ge
ear or actuator
Reset gear or actuator stoops
Accumulation of foreiggn material in
Drain the vvalve – see draiinage procedure
the bodyy
d to operate Infrequeent operation, lack of
Grease the valve – see lubrication proceedure
Gear harrd to operate oor stuck Check gearr. Lubricate or replace
Operatoor not properlyy installed Check gearr operator
Foreign material between seat and Grease the valve – see lubrication proceedure.
ball Operate seeveral times to wipe clean
Check the aadapter plate o
or gear operator for
Valve no
ot fully closed
fully closed
d position
Leak arround the seat Worn orr damaged seat inserts
Disassemblle the valve an
nd replace worn parts
and/or b
or stops not pro
operly set Adjust stop
ps to proper seettings
Disassemblly the valve and replace seat O‐ring.
Worn orr damaged seat O‐ring seal
Check O‐rin
ng material forr application*
Grease the stem. Disassemble the valvee and
Leak aaround stem Worn orr damaged stem
m O‐ring seal replace steem O‐ring.
Check O‐rin ng material forr application*
Disassemblle the valve an
nd replace adap pter O‐
Worn orr damaged adaapter O‐ring
Leak between body and seal
ng material forr application*
Check O‐rin
adaapter plate
Adapterr studs and nutts not properlyy
Tighten nutts to specified torque
Disassemblle the valve an
nd replace coveer plate
Worn orr damaged low
wer cover plate
Leak between body and O‐ring se
ng material forr application*
Check O‐rin
lowerr cover plate
Cover plate cap screwss not properly
Tighten cap
p screws to speecified torque
n the fitting
Debris in Inject small amount of cleeaner to flush debris
Grease fitting leaking Tighten saffety cap or replace fitting.
ed fitting WARNING: Never removee the entire fittting
with the vaalve under presssure
*Contact aa WKM represe
entative for pro
oper trim selecction for the reequired applicaation
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03
TC 28 Mar‐16
3250 Briarpark Drive, Suiite 300
Houston, TTX 77042
Tel 281 499 8511
845 SE 29thh Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73129 9
Tel 405 631 1321
For more iinformation: w
C‐003001‐30 / Rev 03 29 Mar‐16