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Hda Esr 1546

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Reissued March 1, 2008

This report is subject to re-examination in two years.

ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. Business/Regional Office # 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 # (562) 699-0543
Regional Office # 900 Montclair Road, Suite A, Birmingham, Alabama 35213 # (205) 599-9800
www.icc-es.org Regional Office # 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478 # (708) 799-2305

DIVISION: 03—CONCRETE All carbon steel parts receive a minimum 5 :m thick

Section: 03151—Concrete Anchoring galvanized zinc coating. The HDA-R is fabricated from
stainless steel with corrosion resistance equivalent to AISI 316
REPORT HOLDER: or AISI 316T. Dimensions and installation criteria are set forth
in Tables 1 through 4 of this report. This anchor is
HILTI, INC. manufactured using metric units. Strength design information
5400 SOUTH 122nd EAST AVENUE is provided in Tables 5 and 6 of this report. An example
TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 calculation is provided in Figure 3 of this report.
(800) 879-8000 3.2 Carbon Steel HDA:
HiltiTechEng@us.hilti.com 3.2.1 Cone Bolt: The cone bolt for the M10 through M16
sizes is cold-formed from carbon steel and conforms to DIN
EVALUATION SUBJECT: EN ISO 898-1, Class 8.8. The cone bolt for the M20 size
consists of an anchor rod, a cone and a circlip. The anchor
rod for the M20 size is machined from carbon steel and
conform to DIN EN ISO 898-1, Grade 8.8. The cone is
machined from steel conforming to DIN EN 10083-3. The
circlip consists of steel conforming to DIN 6799-15. The cone
bolt is equipped on one end with rolled threads terminating in
a dog-point. A parabolic cone is formed on the other end. A
Compliance with the following codes: gap is provided in the thread for a painted red setting mark
(used for visual setting control). This mark becomes visible
# 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) only when complete installation of the anchor has been
# 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) achieved. As packaged, the dog-point end of the rod is
equipped with a removable clear plastic cap to protect the
# 1997 Uniform Building Code™ (UBC) thread during the setting process. An alphabetic length code
as listed in Table 1 of this report is stamped on the end of the
Property evaluated: rod to permit determination of the nominal embedment depth
Structural of the installed anchor. To prevent disassembly and possible
improper installation of the anchor, the cone bolt is locked into
2.0 USES the sleeve by means of an indentation in the sleeve.
The Hilti HDA Undercut Anchor is used to resist static, wind, 3.2.2 Sleeve: The sleeve is machined from precision steel
and seismic tension and shear loads in cracked and tubing conforming to DIN EN 10083-1 for sizes M10–M16 and
uncracked normal-weight and structural sand-lightweight DIN 2391-2/DIN 2393-2 for size M20. At the installed end of
concrete having a specified compressive strength 2,500 psi # the anchor, the sleeve is equipped with six hinged bearing
fNc # 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa # fNc # 58.6 MPa). The anchoring elements in a radial array. Two diametrically opposed
system is an alternative to cast-in-place anchors described in elements are equipped with brazed tungsten carbide tips to
Sections 1911 and 1912 of the IBC and Section 1923 of the facilitate the undercutting process during setting of the anchor.
UBC. The anchors may also be used where an engineered In the fully installed position, the bearing elements rest on the
design is submitted in accordance with Section R301.1.3 of parabolic curve of the cone and bear on a form-fit undercut in
the IRC. the concrete. The opposite end of the sleeve is equipped with
two D-shaped slots to engage the setting tool.
3.2.3 Washer: The M10 through M16 sizes are equipped
3.1 HDA: with spring washers conforming to DIN 6796 (with the
The Hilti HDA Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Undercut exception of the surface structure). The washers are provided
Anchors, designated as the HDA and HDA-R, respectively, with a Dacromet coating. The M20 size is equipped with a
are self-undercutting undercut anchors. The HDA and HDA-R washer fabricated from carbon steel conforming to DIN 6340
are each comprised of six components as shown in Figure 1 and galvanized.
of this report. The HDA and HDA-R are available in pre-set 3.2.4 Hex Nut: The M10 through M20 sizes are equipped
(HDA-P and HDA-PR) and through-set (HDA-T and HDA-TR) with a hexagonal nut formed from carbon steel conforming to
configurations as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 of this report. EN ISO 4032, Grade 8, and galvanized.

are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an
endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to any finding
or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report.

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Copyright © 2008
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3.2.5 Plastic Retention Ring: The expansion sleeve is f c′

equipped with a red plastic ring stamped with the name HILTI. Npn,fNc = Np,cr (lb, psi) (1)
The ring nests in the recess provided in the sleeve at the 2,500
terminus of the expansion sections. It prevents displacement
of the concrete into the recess at ultimate load levels.
f c' (N, MPa)
3.3 Stainless Steel HDA-R: N pn , f ' = N p , cr
17 .2
3.3.1 Cone Bolt: The anchor rod and cone bolt are
machined from stainless steel conforming to DIN EN 10088 The values of Np,cr are given in Table 5 of this report. In
type 1.4401, 1.4404 or 1.4571. The geometry and function are uncracked concrete, pullout failure does not govern.
as described in Section 3.2.1. The cone bolt is equipped with 4.1.5 Requirements for Static Steel Strength of Anchor
a clear plastic cap as described in Section 3.2.1 of this report. in Shear Vs: In lieu of the value of Vs as given in ACI 318
3.3.2 Sleeve: The sleeve is machined from solid bar stock Section D.6.1.2(c), the values of Vs given in Tables 5 and 6 of
stainless steel conforming to DIN EN 10088 type 1.4401, this report must be used.
1.4404 or 1.4571. The geometry and function are as described 4.1.6 Requirements for Static Concrete Breakout
in Section 3.2.2 of this report. Strength of Anchor in Shear, Vcb or Vcbg: Static concrete
3.3.3 Washer: The spring washer is fabricated from breakout strength shear capacity must be calculated in
stainless steel and conforms to the geometrical requirements accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.2 based on the values
of DIN 6796. provided in Tables 5 and 6 . The value of le used in ACI 318
Section D Eq. (D-24) must taken as no greater than hef.
3.3.4 Hex Nut: The hex nut conforms to DIN 934, Grade
A4-80 (in future EN 24032). The height of the nut is equal to 4.1.7 Requirements for Static Concrete Pryout Strength
the diameter of the cone bolt. of Anchor in Shear, Vcp or Vcpg: Static concrete pryout
strength shear capacity must be calculated in accordance with
3.3.5 Plastic Retention Ring: As described in Section 3.2.5 ACI 318 Section D.6.3 based on the values described in
of this report. Tables 5 and 6.
3.4 Concrete: 4.1.8 Requirements for Interaction of Tensile and Shear
Forces: The effects of combined tensile and shear forces
Normal-weight and structural sand-lightweight concrete must must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.7
conform to Sections 1903 and 1905 of the IBC and UBC.
4.1.9 Requirements for Minimum Member Thickness,
4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION Minimum Anchor Spacing and Minimum Edge Distance:
In lieu of ACI 318 D.8.3, values of cmin and smin as given in
4.1 Strength Design:
Table 5 of this report must be used. In lieu of ACI 318 Section
4.1.1 General: Design strengths are determined in D.8.5, minimum member thicknesses hmin as given in Table 5
accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D (ACI 318) and this of this report must be used.
report. Design parameters are provided in Tables 5 and 6 of 4.1.10 Structural Sand-lightweight Concrete: When
this report. Strength reduction factors N, as given in ACI 318 anchors are used in structural sand-lightweight concrete, Nb,
D.4.4, must be used for load combinations calculated in Npn, Vb and Vcp must be multiplied by 0.60, in lieu of ACI 318
accordance with Section 1605.2.1 of the IBC or Section Section D.3.4.
1612.2.1 of the UBC. Strength reduction factors N, as given in
ACI 318 Section D.4.5, must be used for load combinations 4.1.11 Requirements for Seismic Design: For load
calculated in accordance with Section 1909.2 of the UBC and combinations including earthquake the design must be
Appendix C of ACI-318-05. performed according to ACI 318 D.3.3, as modified by Section
1908.1.16 of the IBC. The nominal steel strength, the nominal
4.1.2 Requirements for Steel Strength in Tension: The concrete breakout strength and the nominal pullout strength
static steel strength in tension must be calculated according for anchors in tension and the nominal concrete breakout
to ACI 318 Section D.5.1.2. The values used to calculate steel strength and pryout strength for anchors in shear are the
strengths are described in Table 3 of this report. same for seismic and static loading. They must be calculated
4.1.3 Requirements for Concrete Breakout Strength in according to ACI 318 D.5 and D.6, respectively, taking into
Tension: Concrete breakout strength in tension must be account the corresponding values given in Table 5 of this
calculated according to ACI 318 Section D.5.2.2 using the report. The nominal steel strength Vs,seismic for anchors in shear
values of kcr as given in Table 5 of this report. Concrete must be taken from Tables 5 and 6 of this report.
breakout strength in tension in regions where analysis 4.2 Allowable Stress Design:
indicates no cracking in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.6
must be calculated with Qc,N as given in Table 5 of this report. Design values for use with allowable stress design (working
Splitting failure under external load does not govern the stress design) must be established as follows:
resistance of the HDA. In lieu of ACI 318 Section D.5.2.7, the Rd
modification factor for edge effects must be computed in Rallow,ASD = (2)
accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.2.5. Ca,min must be equal
to or greater than Cmin reported in Table 5.
where Rd = N @ Rk represents the limiting design strength in
4.1.4 Requirements for Pullout Strength in Tension: The tension (NNn) or shear (NVn) as calculated according to ACI
pullout strength of the anchor in cracked concrete is governed 318 D.4.1.1 and D.4.1.2 and Section 4.1 of this report. Limits
by anchor displacement under conditions of crack width on edge distance, anchor spacing and member thickness as
cycling. In accordance with ACI 318 D.5.3.2, the nominal given in Section 4.1.5 of this report must apply. Example
pullout strength in tension in cracked concrete must be allowable stress design values for illustrative purposes are
calculated according to the following equation: shown in Table 7.
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Correction factor " is calculated as a weighted average of 5.7 Anchor spacing and edge distance as well as minimum
the load factors for the controlling load combination. In member thickness comply with Table 5 of this report.
addition, " must include all applicable factors to account for
5.8 Prior to installation, calculations and details
nonductile failure modes and required over-strength.
demonstrating compliance with this report must be
4.2.1 Interaction: In lieu of ACI 318 Sections D.7.1, D.7.2 submitted to the code official for approval. The
and D.7.3, interaction must be calculated as follows: calculations and details must be prepared by a
registered design professional where required by the
For shear loads V # 0.2 @ Vallow, ASD, the full allowable load in
statues of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be
tension Tallow,ASD may be taken.
For tension loads T # 0.2 @ Tallow, ASD, the full allowable load
in shear Vallow,ASD may be taken. 5.9 Since an ICC-ES acceptance criteria for evaluating data
to determine the performance of undercut anchors
For all other cases: subjected to fatigue or shock loading is unavailable at
this time, the use of these anchors under such
T V conditions is beyond the scope of this report.
+ # 1.2 (3)
Tallow,ASD Vallow,ASD
5.10 Anchors may be installed in regions of concrete where
4.3 Installation: cracking has occurred or where analysis indicates
cracking may occur (ft > fr), subject to the conditions of
Installation parameters are provided in Tables 1 through 4 of this report.
this report and in Figures 1 and 2 of this report. Anchors must
be installed per the manufacturer’s instructions and this report. 5.11 Anchors may be used to resist short-term loading due to
Stop drill bits and setting tools are provided by the wind or seismic forces, subject to the conditions of this
manufacturer. Required hammer drill specifications are report.
provided in Table 1 of this report. 5.12 Where not otherwise prohibited in the code, anchors are
4.4 Special Inspection: permitted for use with fire-resistance-rated construction
provided that at least one of the following conditions is
Special inspection is required in accordance with Section fulfilled:
1704.13 of the IBC and Section 1701.5.2 of the UBC. The
special inspector must be on the jobsite continuously during • Anchors are used to resist wind or seismic forces only.
anchor installation to verify anchor type, anchor dimensions, • Anchors that support a fire-resistance-rated envelope
concrete type, concrete compressive strength, hole or a fire-resistance-rated membrane are protected by
dimensions, anchor spacings, edge distances, slab thickness, approved fire-resistance-rated materials, or have been
anchor embedment, and tightening torque. evaluated for resistance to fire exposure in accordance
5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE with recognized standards.

The Hilti HDA and HDA-R anchors described in this report • Anchors are used to support nonstructural elements.
comply with the codes specifically listed in Section 1.0 of this 5.13 Use of zinc-coated carbon steel anchors is limited to dry,
report, subject to the following conditions: interior locations.
5.1 Anchor sizes, dimensions and minimum embedment 5.14 Anchors are manufactured by Hilti AG, Schaan,
depths are as set forth in the tables of this report. Liechtenstein with quality control inspections by
5.2 The anchors are installed in accordance with the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (AA-668).
manufacturer’s published installation instructions and 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED
this report, in concrete with a specified strength of fNc =
2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 to 58.6 MPa). Data in accordance with the ICC ES Acceptance Criteria for
Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements (AC193), dated
5.3 The values of fNc used for calculation purposes must not November 2007.
exceed 8,000 psi (55.1 MPa).
5.4 Loads applied to the anchors are adjusted in accordance
with Section 1605.2.1 of the IBC and Sections 1612.3 or 7.1 The anchors are identified by packaging labeled with the
1909.2 of the UBC for strength design and in manufacturer's name (Hilti, Inc.) and address, anchor
accordance with Section 1605.3 of the IBC and Section name, anchor size, evaluation report number (ICC-ES
1612.3 of the UBC for allowable stress design. ESR-1546), and the name of the inspection agency
(Underwriters Laboratories Inc.). The anchors have the
5.5 Strength design values are established in accordance letters HI HDA and the anchor designation embossed on
with Section 4.1 of this report. the sleeve.
5.6 Allowable design values are established in accordance
with Section 4.2 of this report.
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DESIGNATION t1 lB code lS SW dS1 dS2 dS3 dC dB

HDA-P 20-M10x100/20 20 150 I 100 17 19 16.8 18.5 19.5 10

HDA-T 20-M10x100/20 20 150 I 120 17 19 16.8 18.5 19.5 10
HDA-P 22-M12x125/30 30 190 L 125 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12
Carbon Steel Anchors

HDA-P 22-M12x125/50 50 210 N 125 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12

HDA-T 22-M12x125/30 30 190 L 155 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12
HDA-T 22-M12x125/50 50 210 N 175 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12
HDA-P 30-M16x190/40 40 275 R 190 24 29 26 29 29 16
HDA-P 30-M16x190/60 60 295 S 190 24 29 26 29 29 16
HDA-T 30-M16x190/40 40 275 R 230 24 29 26 29 29 16
HDA-T 30-M16x190/60 60 295 S 250 24 29 26 29 29 16
HDA-P 37-M20x250/50 50 360 V 250 30 35 32 35 36 20
HDA-P 37-M20x250/100 100 410 X 250 30 35 32 35 36 20
HDA-T 37-M20x250/50 50 360 V 300 30 35 32 35 36 20
HDA-T 37-M20x250/100 100 410 X 350 30 35 32 35 36 20
HDA-PR 20-M10x100/20 20 150 I 100 17 19 16.8 18.5 19.5 10
HDA-TR 20-M10x100/20 20 150 I 120 17 19 16.8 18.5 19.5 10
Stainless Steel Anchors

HDA-PR 22-M12x125/30 30 190 L 125 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12

HDA-PR 22-M12x125/50 50 210 N 125 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12
HDA-TR 22-M12x125/30 30 190 L 155 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12
HDA-TR 22-M12x125/50 50 210 N 175 19 21 18.8 20.5 21.4 12
HDA-PR 30-M16x190/40 40 275 R 190 24 29 26 29 29 16
HDA-PR 30-M16x190/60 60 295 S 190 24 29 26 29 29 16
HDA-TR 30-M16x190/40 40 275 R 230 24 29 26 29 29 16
HDA-TR 30-M16x190/60 60 295 S 250 24 29 26 29 29 16
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches
Max. thickness of fastened part.

Retention Ring
Marking: Hilti HDA-T do M.. hef/tmax (e.g.: Hilti HDA-T 30-M16x190/40)
Elements Sleeve Embed. Spring
Plastic Cap
Cone Depth Mark Washer
Hex Nut

Carbide Cutting
Element *

*Socket size
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M10 M12 M16 M20
HDA M10 to M20 and HDA-R M10 to M16
TE 25, TE 35, TE 56 TE 75, TE 76,
Hilti hammer-drill for anchor installation TE 76, TE 76 ATC
(TE 35 only for HDA-R) TE 76 ATC
Hammer-drill power setting for anchor installation TE 25: first gear power setting II power setting II
J 3.7-4.7 7.0-9.0 8.0-9.0
Single impact energy of equivalent hammer-
drill (ft-
(2.7-3.5) (5.2-6.6) (5.9-6.6)
Rotational speed under load rpm 250-500 150-350 280
Hilti setting tool
20-M-10 (TE 56) 22-M12 (TE 56)
Nominal drill bit diameter dbit mm 20 20 22 22 30 30 37 37
mm 107 107 134.5 134.5 203 203 266 266
Minimum hole depth ho
(in.) (4.21) (4.21) (5.30) (5.30) (7.99) (7.99) (10.47) (10.47)
mm 12 21 14 23 18 32 22 40
Clearance hole diameter in part
being fastened (in.) (0.47) (0.83) (0.55) (0.91) (0.71) (1.26) (0.87) (1.57)

mm 0 10 0 10 0 15 0 20
Minimum thickness of fastened part tmin
(in.) 0 (0.39) 0 (0.39) 0 (0.59) 0 (0.79)
Nm 50 50 80 80 120 120 300 300
Maximum torque Tmax (ft-
37 37 59 59 89 89 221 221
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inches, 1 Nm = 0.7376 ft-lbf.
See Table 4.
Use metric bits only. See Table 3.
Actual hole depth for HDA-T is given by minimum hole depth + (t - tpl) where t is given in Table 1 and tpl is the thickness of the part(s) being


Hilti stop drill bit Max. drilling depth dbit
End Type
mm in. mm -
TE-C-B20x100 107 4.21 20 TE-C
TE-C-B20x120 127 5.00 20 TE-C
TE-C-B22x125 134.5 5.30 22 TE-C
TE-C-B22x155 164.5 6.48 22 TE-C
TE-C-B22x175 184.5 7.26 22 TE-C
TE-Y-B20x100 107 4.21 20 TE-Y
TE-Y-B20x120 127 5.00 20 TE-Y
TE-Y-B22x125 134.5 5.30 22 TE-Y
TE-Y-B22x155 164.5 6.48 22 TE-Y
TE-Y-B22x175 184.5 7.26 22 TE-Y
TE-Y-B30x190 203 7.99 30 TE-Y
TE-Y-B30x230 243 9.57 30 TE-Y
TE-Y-B30x250 263 10.35 30 TE-Y
TE-Y-B37x250 266 10.47 37 TE-Y
TE-Y-B37x300 316 12.44 37 TE-Y
TE-Y-B37x350 366 14.41 37 TE-Y
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Max. drilling depth Connection end

Marking: Hilti C/Y dbit -



Anchor Designation Required Stop Drill Bit Designation Required Setting Tool
HDA-P 20-M10x100/20 TE-C-B20x100 or TE-Y-B20x100 TE-C-HDA-ST 20-M10
HDA-T 20-M10x100/20 TE-C-B20x120 or TE-Y-B20x100 TE-Y-HDA-ST 20-M10
HDA-P 22-M12x125/30
TE-C-B22x125 or TE-Y-22x125 TE-C-HDA-ST 22-M12
HDA-P 22-M12x125/50
Carbon Steel Anchors

HDA-T 22-M12x125/30 TE-C-B22x155 or TE-Y-22x155 TE-Y-HDA-ST 22-M12
HDA-T 22-M12x125/50 TE-C-B22x175 or TE-Y-22x175
HDA-P 30-M16x190/40
HDA-P 30-M16x190/60
TE-Y-HDA-ST 30-M16
HDA-T 30-M16x190/40 TE-Y-B30x230
HDA-T 30-M16x190/60 TE-Y-B30x250
HDA-P 37-M20x250/50
HDA-P 37-M20x250/100
TE-Y-HDA-ST 37-M20
HDA-T 37-M20x250/50 TE-Y-B37x300
HDA-T 37-M20x250/100 TE-Y-B37x350
HDA-PR 20-M10x100/20 TE-C-B20x100
TE-C-HDA-ST 20-M10
HDA-TR 20-M10x100/20 TE-C-B20x120
Stainless Steel Anchors

HDA-PR 22-M12x125/30
HDA-PR 22-M12x125/50
TE-C-HDA-ST 22-M12
HDA-TR 22-M12x125/30 TE-C-B22x155
HDA-TR 22-M12x125/50 TE-C-B22x175
HDA-PR 30-M16x190/40
HDA-PR 30-M16x190/60
TE-Y-HDA-ST 30-M16
HDA-TR 30-M16x190/40 TE-Y-B30x230
HDA-TR 30-M16x190/60 TE-Y-B30x250

0.5-1.0 mm 0.5-1.0 mm

Tmax Tmax

Setting Instructions for Pre-Set HDA-P Setting Instructions for Through-Set HDA-T
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Nominal anchor diameter
Design parameter Symbol Units M10 M12 M16 M20
Anchor O.D. mm 19 21 29 35
(in.) (0.75) (0.83) (1.14) (1.38)
1 hef,min mm 100 125 190 250
Effective min. embedment depth 11
l (in.) (3.94) (4.92) (7.48) (9.84)
mm 80 100 150 200
Minimum edge distance cmin
(in.) (3-1/8) (4) (5-7/8) (7-7/8)
mm 100 125 190 250
Minimum anchor spacing smin
(in.) (4) (5) (7-1/2) (9-7/8)
mm 170 190 270 350
Minimum member thickness hmin
(in.) (6-3/4) (7-1/2) (10-5/8) (13-3/4)
Anchor category 1,2 or 3 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Strength reduction factor for tension,
steel failure modes
3 φ - 0.75
Strength reduction factor for shear,
steel failure modes
3 φ - 0.65
Cond. A 0.75
Strength reduction factor for tension,
concrete failure modes
3 φ
Cond. B 0.65
Strength reduction factor for shear, Cond. A 0.75
concrete failure modes
Cond. B 0.70
Yield strength of anchor steel fy lb/in 92,800
Ultimate strength of anchor steel fut lb/in 116,000
Tensile stress area Ase in2 0.090 0.131 0.243 0.380
Steel strength in tension Ns lb 10,440 15,196 28,188 44,080
Effectiveness factor uncracked
kuncr - 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Effectiveness factor cracked concrete kcr - 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
kuncr/kcr Ψc.N - 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Pullout strength cracked concrete Np,cr - 8,992 8,992 11,240 11,240 22,481 22,481 33,721
Steel strength in shear static
Vs lb 5,013 6,070 7,284 8,992 13,556 16,861 20,772
7, 8
Steel strength in shear, seismic
Vs,seismic lb 4,496 5,620 6,519 8,093 12,140 15,062 18,659
Axial stiffness in service load range in
cracked / uncracked concrete
10 β 10³ lb/in. 80 / 100
Actual hef for HDA-T is given by hef,min + (t - tpl) where t is given in Table 1 and tpl is the thickness of the part(s) being fastened.
See ACI 318-05 Section D.4.4.
For use with the load combinations of ACI 318-05 Section 9.2. Condition A applies where the potential concrete failure surfaces are crossed
by supplementary reinforcement proportioned to tie the potential concrete failure prism into the structural member. Condition B applies where
such supplementary reinforcement is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs.
See ACI 318-02 Section D.5.2.2 and Section 4.1.2 of this report.
See ACI 318-02 Section D.5.2.6 and Section 4.1.2 of this report.
See Section 4.1.4 of this report.
For HDA-T see Table 6.
See Section 4.1.11 of this report.
Splitting failure under external load does not govern the resistance of the HDA. In lieu of ACI 318 Section D.5.2.7, the modification factor for
edge effects must be computed in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.5.2.5. Ca,min must be equal to or greater than Cmin reported in Table 5.
Minimum axial stiffness values, maximum values may be 3 times larger (e.g. due to high strength concrete)
To calculate the basic concrete breakout strength Vb, l equals hef . In no cases shall le exceed 8do. See ACI 318-05 Section D.6.2.2.
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Steel Strength Steel Strength

Thickness of fastened part(s) in Shear, in Shear,
Anchor Designation Static Seismic1
mm in. Vs Vs,seismic
10 ≤ t < 15 3/8 ≤ t < 5/8 13,938 12,589
HDA-T 20-M10x100
15 ≤ t < 20 5/8 ≤ t < 13/16 15,737 14,163
10 ≤ t < 15 3/8 ≤ t < 5/8 16,636 15,062
Carbon Steel Anchors

HDA-T 22-M12x125
15 ≤ t ≤ 50 5/8 ≤ t < 2 18,659 16,636
15 ≤ t < 20 5/8 ≤ t < 13/16 30,574 27,427
20 ≤ t < 25 13/16 ≤ t < 1 34,621 31,248
HDA-T 30-M16x190
25 ≤ t < 30 1 ≤ t < 1-3/16 38,218 34,396
30 ≤ t ≤ 60 1-3/16 ≤ t < 2-3/8 41,365 37,093
20 ≤ t < 35 13/16 ≤ t < 1-3/8 45,187 40,690
HDA-T 37-M20x250 35 ≤ t < 50 1≤t<2 50,807 45,636
50 ≤ t ≤ 100 2≤t<4 54,629 49,233
10 ≤ t < 15 3/8 ≤ t < 5/8 15,512 13,938
Stainless Steel Anchors

HDA-TR 20-M10x100
15 ≤ t < 20 5/8 ≤ t < 13/16 16,186 14,613
10 ≤ t < 15 3/8 ≤ t < 5/8 20,233 17,985
HDA-TR 22-M12x125
15 ≤ t ≤ 50 5/8 ≤ t < 2 22,256 20,008
15 ≤ t < 20 5/8 ≤ t < 13/16 35,745 32,148
20 ≤ t < 25 13/16 ≤ t < 1 37,768 33,946
HDA-TR 30-M16x190
25 ≤ t < 30 1 ≤ t < 1-3/16 39,566 35,520
30 ≤ t ≤ 60 1-3/16 ≤ t < 2-3/8 40,915 36,869
For pound-inch units: 1 mm = 0.03937 inch, 1 lbf = 4.45 N.
See Section 4.1.10 of this report.


Effective Allowable
Embedment Tension (lbf)
(inches) f 'c = 2500 psi
M10 3.94 5,290
M12 4.92 7,700
M16 7.48 14,285
M20 9.84 22,340
SI conversions: 1 lbf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa, 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
1. Single anchor with static tension load only
2. Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage
3. Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading)
4. 30% dead load and 70% live load, controlling load combination 1.2D + 1.6L
5. Calculation of weighted average for α = 0.3*1.2 + 0.7*1.6 = 1.48
6. Normal weight concrete
7. ca1 = ca2 ≥ cac
8. h ≥ hmin
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Given: A A AN
2 HDA-P M10 anchors under static
tension load as shown.
hef = 3.94 in. (100 mm).
Slab on grade, f’c = 3,000 psi. s = 5”
No supplementary reinforcing.
Assume uncracked concrete.
Condition B per ACI 318 D.4.4 c)
Calculate the allowable tension load 1.5hef
1.5hef c = 4”
for this configuration.
Code Report
Calculation per ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report.
Ref. Ref.
Step 1. Calculate steel strength of anchor in tension
D.5.1.2 Table 5
Ns = nAse fut = 2 × 0.090 × 116,000 = 20,880 lb

Step 2. Calculate steel capacity φ Ns = 0.75 × 20,880 = 15, 660 lb D.4.4

Table 5
An §4.1.1
Step 3. Calculate concrete breakout strength of anchor in tension N cbg = ψ ec , Nψ ed , Nψ c , Nψ cp , N N b D.5.2.1
Ac § 4.1.3

Step 3a. Check 1.5hef = 1.5(3.94) = 5.91 in > c 3.0hef = 3(3.94) = 11.82 in > s D.5.2.1 Table 5

Step 3b. Check smin = 4 in. < 5 in., cmin = 3-1/8 in. < 4 in., hmin = 6-3/4 in. < 7 in. ∴ ok D.8 Table 5

Step 3c. Calculate ANo and AN for the anchorage: ANo = 9hef2 = 9 × (3.94)2 = 139.7 in2
D.5.2.1 Table 5
AN = (1.5hef + c)(3hef + s) = [1.5 × (3.94) + 4 ][ 3 × (3.94) + 5 ] = 166.7 in2 < 2 ⋅ ANo ∴ ok

Step 3d. Calculate ψec,N: eN‫ = ׳‬0, ψec,N = 1 D.5.2.4 Table 5

1.5 1.5
Step 3e. Calculate Nb: Nb = k f' c hef = 24 × 3,000 × 3.94 = 10, 281lb D.5.2.2 Table 5

Step 3f. Calculate modification factor for edge distance: ψ 4

ed , N = 0.7 + 0.3 = 0.90 D.5.2.5 Table 5
Step 3g. ψ c, N =1.25 D.5.2.6 Table 5

Step 3h. ψcp,N= 1.0 - § 4.1.3

166.7 § 4.1.3
Step 3i. Calculate Ncbg: Ncbg = × 1× 0.90 × 1.25 × 10,281 = 13,802 lb D.5.2.1
139.7 Table 5

Step 4. Controlling design strength: φ Ncbg = 0.65 × 13,802 = 8,971lb < φ Ns ∴ φ Ncbg controls. D.4.4 c) Table 5


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