Updated Resume
Updated Resume
Updated Resume
To obtain a teaching position at the elementary level Loras College
Dubuque, IA
TEACHING EXPERIENCES Expected Graduation: May 2019
Special Education Student Teaching Placement Present
Lincoln Elementary School; Dubuque, IA BA in Elementary Education
Scaffold for students in a pull-out classroom Endorsement: Instructional Strategist I
Facilitate interventions Minor: Spanish
Elementary Education Student Teaching Placement Winter 2019
Universidad de Granada
Galena Primary School; Galena, IL Granada, Spain
Third Grade Summer 2018
Planned daily lesson plans for multiple academic areas
Prepared various instructional strategies HONORS
Encouraged student collaboration Dean’s List
Practiced classroom management All Semesters
Elementary Education Clinical Placement Fall 2018 Master Communicator Award
Lincoln Elementary School; Dubuque, IA Community development award in
Kindergarten the residence halls voted on by
Worked one on one with students in reading fellow staff members
Created engaging math and social studies lessons
Du-Buddies Co-President July 2017 – Present Hills & Dales Spiritual Enrichment
Loras College; Dubuque, IA
Plan and organize events for buddies with special needs
Honors Project
Communicate with parents and staff of buddies
2016 – Present
Collaborate with other members of executive board
A Night to Remember Formal
Fundraise and make financial decisions
Collaborate with an
interdisciplinary team to plan and
Para Educator September 2016 – January 2019
host a formal dance for individuals
St. Mark Youth Enrichment; Dubuque, IA
with special needs
Responsible for the safety and care of elementary students
Work with community sponsors to
Led children in age appropriate crafts and games
fundraise and collect donations
Enforced rules and policies of the program
Student Success Mentor August 2018 – December 2018
Google Sites
Loras College; Dubuque, IA
Supported first year students academically in an
Document Camera
introductory level class
Developing Webquest
Planned social events for students
Parent Communication Platforms
Religious Education Teacher September 2015 – May 2018
St. Joseph the Worker Parish; Dubuque, IA COMPETENCIES
Taught 5th grade students about the Catholic faith Collaboration
Planned engaging activities and lessons Adaptability
Participated in professional trainings to improve teaching Classroom Management
Lesson Plan Development
CPR & First Aid Certified
Alexandra Schiavoni
(630) 777-5069 ‖ [email protected]
1450 Alta Vista Street LC Mailbox #1137 Dubuque, IA 52001
Rebecca Monhardt
Instructor of Education
Loras College
1450 Alta Vista St.
Dubuque, IA 52001
[email protected]
Kate Laskowski
Classroom Teacher – 3rd Grade
Cooperating Teacher
Galena Primary School
219 Kelly Lane
Galena, IL 61036
563.451.9412 Cell
[email protected]
Lisa Moldenhauer
Retired Classroom Teacher
Supervising Teacher
[email protected]