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Philippine National Bank vs. Seeto

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2. PNB VS. SEETO of the value of the check.

A second communication of the same tenor was sent on

[No. L-4388. August 13, 1952] April 26, 1948, to which respondent answered asking that plaintiff's contemplated
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner vs. BENITO SEETO respondent. suit be de-
Although the drawer of a check is discharged from liability only to the ferred while he was making inquiries about the reasons for the dishonor of the
extent of the loss caused by unreasonable delay in presenting the check check. Thereafter, respondent refused to make the refund demanded, claiming that
for payment, an indorser is wholly discharged thereby irrespective of any at the time of the negotiation of the check the drawer had sufficient funds in the
question of loss or inquiry. (Negotiable Instruments Law, sections 84 and drawee bank, and that had the petitioner's Surigao agency not delayed to forward
186.) the check until the drawer's funds were exhausted, the same would have been paid.
Thereupon petitioner presented a complaint in the Court of First Instance of
Surigao, alleging that respondent Benito Seeto gave assurances to petitioner's
agency in Surigao that the drawer of the check had sufficient funds with the drawee
UNREASONABLE.—Section 186 of the Negotiable Instruments Law
bank, and that upon these assurances petitioner's agency delivered the P5,000 to
the respondent after the latter had made a general and unqualified indorsement
VOL. 91, AUGUST 13, 1952 757
thereon. Respondent denied having made the alleged assurances. Upon this issue
Philippine National Bank vs. Seeto
petitioner submitted two witnesses at the time of the trial, who testified that it was
not the practice of petitioner's agency to cash out of town checks, and that the check
1. expressly requires that a check must be presented for payment within a was cashed because of the assurances given by the respondent that the drawer. had
reasonable time after issue. A delay of 27 days from the date of sufficient funds, and that he (respondent) would refund the amount paid by
indorsement to that of the presentation of the check for payment at the petitioner's agency in case the check is dishonored. Respondent denied having given
drawee bank, is unreasonable, and consequently, discharges completely the assurances. The trial court found, notwithstanding respondent's denial to the
the indorser from liability. contrary, that the respondent made an undertaking to refund the amount of the
check in the event of dishonor. In support of this finding it found that as the drawee
1. 3.ID.; ID.; PAROL EVIDENCE ON OBLIGATIONS OF INDORSER bank is not in Cebu, it was impossible for petitioner's agency to make an immediate
ADMISSIBLE.—Assurances made by an indorser that the drawer has verification of the drawer's solvency, and must have taken precautions to protect
funds, which assurances induced the bank to cash the check, are itself against loss by requiring the respondent to give assurances that he would
admissible issible in evidence but they are merely expressions of the return the amount of the check in case of nonpayment. It also found that there was
obligations of the indorser as prescribed in Section 66, Negotiable no unreasonable delay in the presentation of the check, and, therefore, rendered
Instruments Law. judgment sentencing respondent to refund the amount he had received for the
PETITION for review by certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals. check.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. 759
Ramon B. de los Reyes for petitioner. VOL. 91, AUGUST 13, 1952 759
Montano A. Ortiz for respondent. Philippine National Bank vs. Seeto
On appeal to the Court of Appeals, this court held that petitioner was guilty of
LABRADOR, J.: unreasonably retaining and withholding the check, and that the delay in the
On March 13, 1948, respondent Benito Seeto called at the branch of the Philippine presentment for payment was inexcusable, so that respondent was thereby
National Bank, petitioner herein, at Surigao, Surigao, and presented a check, No. discharged from liability. It also held that parol evidence is incompetent to show
A—21096, in the amount of P5,000 dated at Cebu on March 10, 1948, payable to that one signing a check as indorser is merely a surety or guarantor, rejecting the
cash or bearer, and drawn by one Gan Yek Kiao against the Cebu branch of the evidence adduced at the trial court about the respondent's assurances and promise
Philippine Bank of Communications. After consultation with the employees of the to refund. It, therefore, reversed the judgment of the trial court and dismissed the
branch, Seeto made a general and unqualified indorsement of the check, and complaint, with costs. Against this judgment an appeal by certiorari has been
petitioner's agency accepted it and paid respondent the amount of P5,000 therefor. brought to this Court, petitioner Philippine National Bank contending that the
The check was mailed to petitioner's Cebu branch on March 20, 1948, and was Court of Appeals erred in applying sections 143 and 144 of the Negotiable
presented to the drawee bank f or payment on April 9, 1948, but the check was Instruments Law and declaring respondent Benito Seeto discharged of his liability
dishonored for "insufficient funds." So the check was returned to petitioner's as indorser of the check, and in not admitting parol evidence to show that
Surigao agency, and upon receipt thereof by it on April 14, 1948, said branch respondent made oral assurances to refund the value of the check in case of
immediately sent a letter to the respondent herein demanding immediate refund dishonor.
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In support of petitioner's first assignment of error, it is argued that inasmuch been prejudiced or not by the delay is perfectly immaterial. It is not inquired into.
as a check need not be presented for acceptance, unlike a bill of exchange as The law presumes he has been prejudiced." According to the court
required by Section 143, Section 144 of the law is not applicable to the case at bar in Carroll v. Sweet (1891) 128 N. Y. 19, 13 L. R. A. 43, 27 N. E. 763, "presentment
but Section 84, which provides: in due time as fixed by the law merchant was a condition upon performance of
SEC. 84. Liability of person secondarily liable, when instrument dishonored.— which the liability of the defendant, as indorser, depended, and this delay was not
Subject to the provisions of this Act, when the instrument is dishonored by excused, although the drawer of the check had no funds, or was insolvent, or
nonpayment, an immediate right of recourse to all parties secondarily liable because presentment would have been unavailing as a means of procuring
thereon accrues to the holder. payment." Only when there is affirmative proof that the indorser knew when he
It is true that Section 143 and 144 of the law are not applicable, because these are cashed the check that there would be no funds in the bank to meet it can the rule
provisions having to do with the presentation of a bill of exchange for acceptance, be avoided. Otherwise, the failure to present the check in due course for payment
and are not applicable to a check, as to which presentment for acceptance is not will discharge the indorser, even though such presentment would have been
required. unavailing. Start v. Tupper (Vt.) supra." (11 A. L. R. Annotation, pp. 1028-1029.)
It is also true that Section 84 is applicable, but its application is subject to the We have been unable to find any authority sustaining the proposition that an
condition imposed by Section 186, to the effect that the check must be presented indorser of a check is not discharged from liability for an unreasonable delay in
for payment within a reasonable time after its issue. presentation for payment. This is contrary to the essential nature and character of
760 negotiable instruments—their negotiability. They are supposed to be passed on
760 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED with promptness in the ordinary course of business transactions; not to be retained
Philippine National Bank vs. Seeto or kept for such time as the holder may want, otherwise the smooth flow of
SEC. 186.—Within what time a check must be presented.—A check must be commercial transactions would be hindered.
presented for payment within a reasonable time after its issue or the drawer will There seems to be an intimation in the decision appealed from that inasmuch
be discharged from liability thereon to the extent of the loss caused by the delay. as the check was drawn payable elsewhere than at the place of business of the
Counsel for petitioner, however, argues that inasmuch as the above section drawer, it must be presented for acceptance or negotiation within a reasonable
expressly provides for the discharge of the drawer from liability to the extent of the time, and upon failure to do so the drawer and all indorsers thereof are discharged
loss caused by the delay, and, on the other hand, it is silent as to the liability of the pursuant to Section 144 of the law. Against this insinuation the petitioner argues
indorser, the latter may not be considered discharged from liability by reason of the that the application of sections 143 and 144 is not proper, and that it may not be
delay in the presentment for payment under the general principle inclusio unius presumed that the check in question was not drawn and executed in Cebu, the
est exclusio alterius. We find no reason nor merit in the argument. The silence of residence or place of business of the drawer. There is no evidence at all as to the
Section 186 as to the indorser is due to the fact that his discharge is already place where the check was drawn. However, we have already pointed out above
expressly covered by the provision of Section 84, the indorser being a person that neither Section 143 nor Section 144 is applicable. But our ruling
secondarily liable on the instrument. The reason for the difference between the 762
liability of the indorser and that of the drawer in case of dishonor is that the drawer 762 PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED
is not probably or necessarily prejudiced thereby, while an indorser is, actually or Philippine National Bank vs. Seeto
by legal presumption. that respondent was discharged upon the dishonor of the check is based on Sections
Innumerable decisions have already been rendered in the state courts of the 84 and 186, the latter expressly requiring that a check must be presented for
United States to the effect that although the drawer of a check is discharged only payment within a reasonable time after issue.
to the extent of loss caused by unreasonable delay in presentment, an indorser is It is not claimed by the petitioner on this appeal that the conclusion of the Court
wholly discharged thereby irrespective of any question of loss or injury. (Swift & of Appeals that there was unreasonable delay in the presentation of the check for
Co. vs. Miller, 62 Ind. App. 312, 113 N. E. 447, cited in Brannan's Negotiable payment at the drawee bank is erroneous. The petitioner concedes the correctness
Instruments Law, p. 1134, Nuzum vs. Sheppard, 87 W. Va. 243, 104 S. E. 587, 11 of this conclusion, although for purposes of argument merely. We find that the
A. L. R. 1024, Ibid.) conclusion is correct. The fact, admitted by the witnesses for the petitioner, that
"The proposition maintained in the reported case (Nuzum v. Sheppard, ante. 1024) checks of the drawer issued subsequent to March 13, 1948, drawn against the same
that the indorser of a check, unlike the drawer, is relieved of liability thereon by an same bank and cashed at the same Surigao agency, were not dishonored
unreasonable delay in presenting the same for payment, whether or not he is positively shows that the drawer had enough funds when he issued the check in
injured by the delay, is supported by the great weight of authority. (Cases cited.) question, and that had it not been for the unreasonable delay in its presentation for
"The Court, in Gough v. Staats (N. Y.) supra, says: "Upon the question of due payment, the petitioner herein would have been able to receive payment therefor.
diligence to charge an indorser, whether he has The check is dated March 10 and was cashed by the petitioner's agency on March
761 13, 1948. It was not mailed until seven days thereafter, i.e., on March 20, 1948, or
VOL. 91, AUGUST 13, 1952 761 ten days after issue. No excuse was given for this delay. Assuming that it took one
Philippine National Bank vs. Seeto week, or say ten days, or until March 30, for the check to reach Cebu, neither can

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there be any excuse for not presenting it for payment at the drawee bank until April may have committed an error in disregarding the evidence submitted by petitioner
9, 1948, or 10 days after it reached Cebu. We, therefore, find no reason for at the trial of the assurances made by respondent herein at the time of the
disturbing the conclusion of the Court of Appeals that there was unreasonable negotiation of the check, such error was without prejudice, because the supposed
delay in the presentation of the check for payment at the drawee bank, and that as assurances given were part of his obligations as an indorser, which were discharged
a consequence thereof, the indorser, respondent herein, was thereby discharged. by the unreasonable delay in the presentation of the check for payment.
With respect to the second assignment of error, petitioner argues that the The judgment appealed from is, therefore, affirmed, with costs against the
verbal assurances given by the respondent to the employees of the bank that he petitioner.
was ready to refund the amount if the check should be dishonored by the drawee Parás, C. J., Feria, Bengzon, Padilla, Tuason, Montemayor, and Bautista
bank is a collateral agreement, separate Angelo, JJ., concur.
763 Judgment affirmed.
VOL. 91, AUGUST 13, 1952 763
Philippine National Bank vs. Seeto _______________
and distinct from the indorsement, by virtue of which petitioner herein was induced
to cash the check, and, therefore, admissible as an exception to the parol evidence
rule. Petitioner's contention in this respect is not entirely unfounded. In the case
of Tan Machan vs. De La Trinidad, et al., 3 Phil., 684, this court held that parol
evidence is admissible to show that parties signing as principals merely did so as
sureties. In the case of Robles vs.Lizarraga Hermanos, 50 Phil., 387, it was also
held by this court that parol evidence is admissable to prove "an independent or
collateral agreement which constituted an inducement to the making of the sale or
part of the consideration therefor." (Ibid., p. 395.) In Philips vs.Preston, 5 How. (U.
S.) 278, 12 L. ed. 152, the Supreme Court of the United States held that any prior
or contemporaneous conversation in connection with a note or its indorsement, may
be proved by parol evidence. And Wigmore states that "an extrinsic agreement
between indorser and indorsee which can not be embodied in the instrument
without impairing its credit is provable by parol." (9 Wigmore 148, section 2445
[3].) If, therefore, the supposed assurances that the drawer had funds and that the
respondent herein would refund the amount of the check if the drawer had no
funds, were the considerations or reasons that induced the branch agency of the
petitioner to go out of its ordinary practice of not cashing out of town checks and
accept the check and to pay its face value, the same should be provable by parol,
provided, of course, that the assurances or inducements offered would not vary,
alter, or destroy the obligations attached by law to the indorsement.
We find, however, that the supposed assurances of refund in case of dishonor of
the check are precisely the ordinary obligations of an indorser, and these
obligations are, under the law, considered discharged by an unreasonable delay in
the presentation of the check for payment.
Sta. Mesa Slipways & Engineering Co. Inc., vs. Court of Industrial Relations
SEC. 66. Liability of general indorser.—* * *
And, in addition, he engages that on due presentment, it shall be accepted or
paid, or both, as the case may be, according to its tenor, and that if it be dishonored,
and the necessary proceedings on dishonor be duly taken, he will pay the amount
thereof to the holder, or to any subsequent indorser who may be compelled to pay
it. (Italics ours.)
There was no express obligation assumed by the respondent herein that the drawer
would always have funds, or that he (the indorser) would refund the amount of the
check even if there was delay in its presentation, so that while the Court of Appeals
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