Mil STD 1629
Mil STD 1629
Mil STD 1629
Normal execution Normal execution Normal execution Normal execution Normal execution Normal execution Normal execution Normal execution Normal execution
of standard PS of standard PS of standard PS of standard PS of standard PS of standard PS of standard PS of standard PS of standard PS
operations operations with no operations with all operations with operations operations with no operations operations operations
abnormal flow pumps available both Rising Mains flooding
BUSINESS Any abnormality in levels operational Any external or Any indication of a Any indication of Any malicious
AS penstock Any abnormality in internal power Any flooding of fire could lead to a regional threat or action
USUAL operation could Any abnormality in pump operation or Any Rising Main failure could lead the PS could lead an Investigation earthquake event could lead to an
lead to an wet well levels capacity could blocks or leaks to an Investigation to an Investigation could lead to an Investigation
Investigation could lead to an lead to an could lead to an Investigation
Investigation Investigation Investigation
LEVEL 1 ALARM minor leak wet well level operational minor leak any unplanned evidence of any fire alarm actual evidence of
INVESTIGATION OR abnormally abnormality OR external power flooding on site OR earthquake malicious
minor fluctuating pressure loss in outage actual fire event is felt threat against
Potential mechanical OR (no loss of Pump any Rising Main OR within the PS on site staff or
Incident fault exceeds Station capacity) internal power that is safely facility/asset(s)
“High Level” failure/ controllable
4.80 metres MCC fault
Activate Incident Activate Incident Activate Incident Activate Incident Activate Incident Activate Incident Activate Incident Activate Incident Activate Incident
response on response on response on response on response on response on response on response on response on
LEVEL 2 ALARM major leak wet well level any unplanned major leak, site generator flooding fire that earthquake evidence of
INCIDENT or blockage increases above pump failure complete unavailable inhibits PS cannot be event results in malicious
OR “High Level” reducing pressure loss OR access or safely PS structural action against
Potential major AND Total Pump or failure of MCC major operations controlled damage that staff or
Emergency mechanical exceeds Station one Rising repair on site inhibits facility/asset(s)
fault “High High Capacity (TPSC) Main requiring operations
Level” external
5.50 metres assistance
Activate Emergency Activate Emergency Activate Emergency Activate Emergency Activate Emergency Activate Emergency Activate Emergency Activate Emergency Activate Emergency
response on response on response on response on response on response on response on response on response on
failure imminent wet well level any unplanned failure of one all power supplies flooding or flood fire or fire earthquake staff injury or
(interventions continues to pump failure Rising Main predicted to be damage that damage that major structural trauma
LEVEL 3 ALARM increase above
insufficient within reducing TPSC AND unavailable severely impacts severely impacts damage that OR
EMERGENCY “High High Level”
network below 105% signs of failure in within Safe PS operational PS operational severely impacts facility or
reconfiguration or AND AND second Rising Shutdown Time capacity capacity PS operational asset(s) damage
Potential failure imminent
diversion time) available pumps Main and OR capacity that severely
Failure (interventions operating above internal bypass MCC replacement impacts PS
insufficient 80% of remaining unavailable required operational
within Safe operational capacity
Shutdown Time) capacity