General Resources For Teaching Differential Equations
General Resources For Teaching Differential Equations
General Resources For Teaching Differential Equations
Most of the materials in this list are free through some sponsored or open source effort or committed
individuals to a free and open exchange and have some modeling content in addition to thorough text
narrative on theory and techniques. Most often they are readily available for download, usually in pdf
version, but sometimes in other versions as well, e.g., TeX. We comment on them below after citation.
The reader can click on the Table of Contents Entry to get to these various materials and once there can
click on the Entry title to get back to this Top of the Document page. The file is completely searchable.
Table of Contents
Text Books See complete list here.
Class Notes
(All of these materials are FREE and appear in author alphabetical order.)
This site offers listings of books from all areas of mathematics. A good number of these are old
books which Google has made available through its Google Books program found at .
(1) Conrad, Bruce. P. 2010. Ordinary Differential Equations: A Systems Approach. and
This is an author posted second edition to the text which was originally published by Prentice Hall
in 2003.
The pdf is heavily peppered with very helpful hot-links to definitions, equations, statements and
solutions to exercises which can be hot-linked back and forth, and other issues in the text for
reference, solutions are provided. The book has everything, motivation by models, lots of exercises
and solutions, theory with readable proofs. As an example in the first chapter on First-Order
Differential Equations there are models, lots of attempts to reach out and touch other fields, e.g.,
biology and chemistry, solution strategies, e.g., separation of variables and integrating factors,
numerical methods, geometric analysis, and more.
The author treats second order linear differential equations in conjunction with linear systems and
also discusses nonlinear systems. Much of the material is treated through geometric approaches
with emphases on such notions as phase plane, stability, equilibrium, etc.
The author says, “The text is available from either of the links below. Within the text you
will find hyperlinks, which are in red. These will take you to one of the following:
· A numbered equation or theorem
· A figure
· The answer to an odd-numbered exercise
· The definition of a word.
“Hyperlinks in the answers to the exercises will are available to return to the exercise or to
get a detailed answer. If you follow a hyperlink to a place other than an exercise answer,
you will need to get back to the place you were reading.
“The purpose of linking certain words to their definitions is to remind you that it is
important to know the definitions of these words, and to give you the opportunity to view
the definitions as needed. To help you quickly locate the relevant definitions, I have used
an alternate color for the word being defined. One version of the text uses green; the
other uses blue. There are no other differences in the versions of the text. Please select
the version that works best on your computer’s screen.”
From the Open Educational Resources by the African Virtual University, this text (in .doc and .pdf
version) with introduction and overview video and is meant to be used as a classroom guide as
well as a text with small group work. There are no applications offered. From the web page we
“This module consists of two units, namely Introduction to ordinary differential equations and
higher order differential equations respectively. In unit one both homogeneous and non-
homogeneous ordinary differential equations are discussed and their solutions obtained with a
variety of techniques. Some of these techniques include the variation of parameters, the method
of undetermined coefficients and the inverse operators. In unit two series solutions of differential
equations are discussed. Also discussed are partial differential equations and their solution by
separation of variables. Other topics discussed are Laplace transforms, Fourier series, Fourier
transforms and their applications.”
(3) Finan, Marcel B. 2015. Electronic Textbooks. Accessed 8 March 2015.
A First Course in Quasi-Linear Partial Differential Equations for Physical Sciences and
Engineering; and
A First Course in Quasi-Linear Partial Differential Equations for Physical Sciences and
Engineering: Solution Manual.
The texts combine theory with proofs and examples of techniques with very little modeling. The
proofs are very readable. So if students wish to delve into theory this is a good place to read.
(4) Joyner, David. 2007. Introductory Differential Equations Using SAGE. Accessed 15 May 2014. .
This pdf text offers rather direct (not much modeling) coverage of the basic differential
equations through boundary value, Fourier series, and partial differential equations (heat and
wave) with SAGE code at every opportunity to show how the grinding mathematics can be
easily done in SAGE.
(5) Lebl, Jiri. 2014. Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers. Accessed 1 May 2014.
There is a pdf and html version of the text as well as a purchasable paperback version. The text
has pretty much all the basics, but has only a few exercises and there is very little modeling.
However, the sections on second order differential equations do consider frequency response
issues. The author claims, “The book has been selected as an Approved Textbook in the
American Institute of Mathematics Open Textbook Initiative.”
Several members of the SIMIODE community (John Thoo and Dina Yagodich) have used this
text and found the material to be quite good. Moreover, the author is quite responsive to
(6) Sloughter, Dan. 2015. Difference Equations to Differential Equations. Accessed 8 March 2015. .
This is a calculus book with the last chapter devoted to ordinary differential equations topics. The
effort begins with a study of numerical methods and goes through traditional technique strategies
such as first order and second order linear differential equations, with sections on series solutions
and phase plane approaches. There are very few applications in the text to motivate the
differential equations under study. However, there is a section on “pendulums and mass-spring
systems.” At the end of each section there are technique problems and some modeling problems.
(7) Terrell, Robert. 2014. Notes on Differential Equations (Version 5: 2014) . Accessed 8 March
The author offers Octave code for this text. In the Preface the author says, “I may point out that
the title is not Solving Differential Equations; we derive them, discuss them, review calculus
background for them, apply them, sketch and compute them, and also solve them and interpret
the solutions. This breadth is new to many students.” To which we might add, “and to faculty.”
There is a nice feature the author describes at the start of the text, “Some of the exercises have
the format, `What’s rong with this?’ These are either questions asked by students or errors taken
from test papers of students in this class, so it could be quite beneficial to study them.”
There is a very readable mix of theory, application, computer algebra system which is very
The material does discuss the usual suspects, heat and wave partial differential equations as well
as the vibration of a drum head, but does cover Laplace Transform. The path to Fourier series is
historical and very interesting. The last chapter is a “tribute” to chaos with attempts to model
weather, well, futile attempts!
“These Notes on Differential Equations are an introduction and invitation. The focus
is on
(1) important models
(2) calculus (review?) in applied contexts
“I may point out that the title is not Solving Differential Equations; we derive them, discuss them,
review calculus background for them, apply them, sketch and compute them, and also solve
them and interpret the solutions. This breadth is new to many students.
The notes, available for many years on my web page, have evolved from lectures I have given
while teaching the Engineering Mathematics courses at Cornell University. They could be used
for an introductory unified course on ordinary and partial differential equations. There is minimal
manipulation and a lot of emphasis on the teaching of concepts by example.”
(8) Trench, William F. 2013. Elementary Differential Equation. Books and Monographs. Book 8.
Accessed 1 May 2014. .
Trench, William F. 2013. Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems.
Books and Monographs. Book 9. Accessed 1 May 2014. .
Both texts are also available at Scholar Commons of the University of South Florida Textbook
Collections. .
Both texts also available as Approved Textbooks at the American Institute of Mathematics
(AIM) at .
This is the most widely cited and referenced free online text for differential equations and is
very complete.
Annotation: These two books are exactly what they say they are. Moreover, they are FREE. Go
to the Digital Commons site at Trinity University, San Antonio TX USA
( ) and you can freely download either version and a
number of other texts. The author has gone to great lengths to offer a reasonable level of
theory for first course, a great number of worked examples and illustrations of techniques and
applications, and a good number of interesting applications problems grouped at the end of
reasonable sections occur in the first two general areas of study for ordinary differential
equations, e.g., first order and second order ordinary differential equations. While there are
scattered about a few application type exercises throughout the text beyond these first two set
of applications, the text is mostly a rich treatise and an informal style conversation with the
reader about the techniques and usefulness of the various solution strategies of ordinary (and
in the case of Book 9 partial differential equations). These texts have had years of use through
commercial publishers and the author has now made them freely available to the public in this
Open Access venue. It is interesting to note that these books are very high in the Top 10
Faculty Downloads but are not in the Top 10 Student Downloads. Nevertheless, we found the
texts to be very comprehensive, very readable, engaging, and mathematically correct and
complete. We believe a teacher could send a student to a specific section, ask them to read
the material, follow the examples, and submit some of the exercises as evidence of command
of the technique, perhaps to be followed up by an exam or quiz question.
• An elementary text should be written so the student can read it with comprehension
without too much pain. I have tried to put myself in the student’s place, and have chosen
to err on the side of too much detail rather than not enough.
• An elementary text can’t be better than its exercises. This text includes 2041 numbered
exercises, many with several parts. They range in difficulty from routine to very
• An elementary text should be written in an informal but mathematically accurate way,
illustrated by appropriate graphics. I have tried to formulate mathematical concepts
succinctly in language that students can understand. I have minimized the number of
explicitly stated theorems and definitions, preferring to deal with concepts in a more
conversational way, copiously illustrated by 299 completely worked out examples. Where
appropriate, concepts and results are depicted in 188 figures.
Although I believe that the computer is an immensely valuable tool for learning, doing, and
writing mathematics, the selection and treatment of topics in this text reflects my pedagogical
orientation along traditional lines.
All the formulae one could want are offered, and in most cases, derived in these texts. In the
sections on Numerical methods there are rich illustrations with tables and comparisons of
methods to motivate the value and need for numerical approaches. The Heat Equation is just
presented with no derivation or intuitive motivation while the Wave Equation is thoroughly
presented and motivated.
Further, with respect to technology, in the section on Fourier Series of Book 9, p. 599 the
author says,
“The computation of Fourier coefficients will be tedious in many of the exercises in this
chapter and the next. To learn the technique, we recommend that you do some exercises in
each section `by hand,’ perhaps using the table of integrals at the front of the book. However,
we encourage you to use your favorite symbolic computation software in the more difficult
(9) Waterman, Gregg. 2014. Ordinary Differential Equations for Ordinary People. Accessed 15
September 2015.
This pdf text is very nicely written with “learning outcomes” and “performance criteria” in each
section, chapter summaries, and many motivational examples and illustrations for science and
engineering students. There are section by section worked examples and applications, exercises
and occasional “Theoretical concerns” subsections in the text which are good to think about. The
author uses words that engineering students should be comfortable.
The Table of Contents is hot-linked to permit the reader to jump right to the desired section
instead of scrolling. There is also a hot-linked index at the back of the book which enables readers
to get immediately to what they are looking for. Even though there are not any deep physical
derivations there are plausibility discussions and reality checks upon completion of a topic, e.g.,
the beam equation.
The author says, “This book is designed for engineering students rather than mathematics
students, with an emphasis on the roles of parameters and initial/boundary conditions, and
interpreting ODEs and their solutions physically whenever possible.”
This text deals only with ordinary differential equations topics and has no partial differential
equations sections. However, there is a thorough section on boundary value problems.
The author has a web page for his differential equations course at Oregon Institute of Technology, . Here, in addition to the complete
text divided out by reasoned chapters, he lists many resource, MANY(!), for his students and
anyone who visits his rich site.
BTW in addition to his differential equations course the author has written a number of other on-
line texts: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Introductory Linear Algebra, Mathematical
Foundations, and Introductory Mathematical Probability.
This is a work in progress, but the 331 page first attempt holds forth with theory and good
narrative as well as several exercise sets and a reasonable reference section. We quote from the
author’s Summary. Indeed, the version which is currently up (as of 5 November 2015) was
updated 14 September 2015.
Craig A. Tracy, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, University of California Davis, has produced
a beautiful book with theory and very instructive derivations of physical models with differential
equations, both classical and modern. The complete 173 page pdf download can be found at PROF
Tracy’s course page:
Once there click on Lectures on Differential Equations .
This is a set of lecture notes which could serve as a text book in a differential equations course,
certainly as a good resource on specific coverages. The text is interlaced with Mathematica and
MatLab code for modest command activities. After a topic is introduced almost immediately an
application is introduced, e.g., interest accounts after integrating factors. This is followed by
conservative system approach to mechanics and Total Energy conservation. The exercise sets are rich
applications of the differential equations under study and will pull students further into the use of
methods to solve interesting problems.
Difference equations are used to model physical phenomena such as a weighted string to produce
the wave equation and the heat equation, while rich and deep detail is offered in quantum harmonic
oscillator study.
Along the way many basic fundamental identities are established and used to support theory and
furtherance of the applications.
(14) Chasnov, Jeffrey. 2014. Lecture Notes on Introduction to Differential Equations. . Accessed 5 November 2015.
Jeffrey R. Chasnov is a Professor of Mathematics at the Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology and his home page announces several online texts
among them this differential equations text, but also includes Lecture Notes on Mathematical
Biology at which contains some very
nice mathematics surrounding differential equations issues of population modeling and epidemic
modeling. There are no exercises in the mathematical biology book. The notes, Lecture Notes to
Numerical Methods, has a chapter on numerical methods in differential equations with MatLab
Dr. Chasnov has a rich set of YouTube videos in which he very patiently explains solution strategies
and applications. His book Differential Equations with YouTube Examples can be found at . Indeed, he has a
large presence on YouTube in which he offers many
solid explanatory videos on techniques and background.
The differential equations text is 128 pages and develops and motivates the theory of the material
nicely, with links to YouTube lectures to assist. While there are no exercises this text could serve very
well for the fundamentals of differential equations
(15) Teschl, Gerald. 2012. Ordinaryi Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. . Accessed 5 November 2015.
The author is a professor of the University of Vienna says in his text,” his is a preliminary version of
the book
This 364 page text is a quite theoretical approach and uses Mathematica code to illustrate the
16. Robinson, James. C. An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. Cambridge
Universityi Press. Accessed 5 November 2015.
This refreshing, introductory textbook covers standard techniques for solving ordinary
differential equations, as well as introducing students to qualitative methods such as
phase-plane analysis. The presentation is concise, informal yet rigorous; it can be
used for either one-term or one-semester courses.
Topics such as Euler’s method, difference equations, the dynamics of the logistic map
and the Lorenz equations, demonstrate the vitality of the subject, and provide
pointers to further study. The author also encourages a graphical approach to the
equations and their solutions, and to that end the book is profusely illustrated. The
MATLAB files used to produce many of the figures are provided in an accompanying
Numerous worked examples provide motivation for, and illustration of, key ideas and
show how to make the transition from theory to practice. Exercises are also provided
to test and extend understanding; full solutions for these are available for teachers.
This 415 page work proceeds with a nice mixture of theory and application with lots of graphical
illustrations to depict both. There is much attention to the qualitative approach to the study as
The solution strategies are offered in the usual order with illustrations from physical models
mostly. Although, there are some interesting twists introduced right in the text early in each
strategy, e.g.. Newton’s Law of Cooling in an unheated building with a varying ambient
temperature is studied as an example of integrating factor strategy.
There are digressions to help the reader, e.g., combining two oscillating terms is addressed as a
two page aside in a just in time manner.
An entire chapter is devoted to oscillations and the exercises here begin to get rich, e.g.,
buoyancy problems are offered. An interesting exercise about the undue oscillations in the
London Millennium Bride is offered as well. And when it comes to forcing functions there is nice
materials e.g., washing machine motion. Resonance is richly discussed with some historical
material presented for motivation.
Both series and numerical methods solution strategies are offered in good manner. And there is a
nice section on difference equations as well.
The study of linear systems is rich in qualitative analyses, but no real applications. Ecological
systems are given a chapter, but again, no application exercises, just a setting for qualitative
Partial differential equations are not discussed in the text. As such there is no attention to Fourier
series either.
The style of the book is almost conversation in places which makes for a good read for students.
17. Moler, Clive. Ordinary Differential Equaitons. Book Chapter. . Accessed 5 November 2015.
This is a 53 page Chapter on Ordinary Differential Equations presumably from a larger text byi
Clive Moler, the inventor of MatLab, and offers rich illustration of interesting applications using
MatLab with code and graphics.
There are some very interesting applications and models here and attention to numerical method
when needed is rich.
18. Phillips, H.B. Differential Equations. John Wiley & Sons. 1922. 84 pp. . Accessed 4 October 2016.
This is a freely available reprint of a classic work in which the author, a professor of mathematics
at MIT, offers up the traditional materials on ordinary differential equations with concise
narratives on techniques, rich examples and applications, exercises of the techniques involved
and the applications or models. Answers to all problems are given and in this version there are
some hand written corrections as well.
The techniques do not involve Laplace Transforms and the material confines itself to first and
second order differential equations. The exposition is very clear and could serve as a source for
standard material with practice problems and solutions as well as a source for modeling activities
with small, direct applications.
19. Malham, Simon J.A. Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. 95 pp.
This is a nice set of noted on which a course can be based. There is ample material on first and
second order, linear systems, and Laplace Transform methods for setting up and solving
differential equations. Some applications are offered and while most of the exercises are
technique driven there are a few applications. The text is nicely hyperlinked as well.
Some of the examples included are coupled pendula with spring between the respective bobs,
good explanations and illustrations of various damping types, great treatment of resonance and
beats, with intuitive derivations based on the nature of the terms and their physical meaning.
At the end of most sections there is a summary of the solution strategies with step by step
20. Tenenbaum, Morris and Harry Pollard. 1963. Ordinary Differential Equations: An
Elementary Textbook for Students in Mathematics, Engineering, and the Sciences. 819 pp.
equations-copy.pdf . Accessed 4 October 2016.
This is a monster book and all inclusive with rich examples, e.g., there is a whole chapter called
“Problems leading to differential equations of first order.” It is 89 pages long and VERY rich in
applications and models. These include geometric problems, dilution and accretion problems,
interest problems, temperature problems, decomposition and growth, second order processes,
problems of motion, pursuit models, and much more. There are also rich sets of comments
interlaced in the narrative which provide reflection and motivation.
There is also a section on “Problems giving rise to systems of equations, special types of second
order linear and nonlinear equations solvable by reducing to systems” and it is 91 pages long.
As one might imagine in a text of this size there is rich coverage of the traditional differential
equations topics including series solutions, Laplace Transforms, numerical methods, and
existence and uniqueness proofs.
There are extensive exercises with many solutions offered and the examples in the text are
worked out in great detail.
This is an encyclopedic work and could serve as a text book or resource book for a first course in
differential equations.
21. Shen, Wen. 2015. Lecture Notes for Math 251: Introduction to Ordinary and Partial
Differential Equations. 234 pp.
This is a well-written set of notes covering the traditional material in a first differential equations
course including Laplace Transforms and introduction to partial differential equations. The style
is by narrative spiced with examples. There are no exercises. However, the examples and the
step-by-step analysis offered in their support are worth sending students to read and the teacher
can supply exercises which build on the author’s examples.
The text is hot-linked from the Table of Contents for ease of use. There are many graphical
illustrations in support of the presentation.
This could serve as a complete text for a course, but exercises and activities need to be supplied
by the teacher.
22. Desjardins, Steven J. and Remi Vaillancourt. 2011. Ordinary Differential Equations,
Laplace Transforms, and Numerical Methods for Engineers, Notes for the Course MAT 2384 3X.
Departement de mathematiques et de statistique/Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Universite d’Ottawa /University of Ottawa Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 6N5. Accessed 17 October 2016.
This text is jam packed with thoroughly worked out presentations, problems, and exercises (with
solutions) as well as MatLab code in support of the by-hand analyses. The text covers the usual
firs- and second-order ordinary differential equations with suitable applications to reinforce the
subject and to introduce new concepts, e.g., two mass spring systems are used to motivate the
conversion from two second-order equations into a linear system of four differential equations.
After such introductions and motivations the Laplace Transform approach is given a chapter as
are series method. Finally, the next hundred page (pp. 153-252) of the text is devoted to
Numerical Methods. The text rounds out with solutions to "starred" exercises from all chapters
and an extensive list of formulae and tables.
There is sufficient detail and attention to topics to more than address interests/needs in an
introductory course, e.g., the existence and uniqueness theorems are stated nicely, but not
proven, rather applied to show just that - the existence and uniqueness.
While the applications are not up front in motivating the study of differential equations, nor that
rich in number, they are nicely done with diagrams using French and English(!) labels. There are
no modeling activities assigned here.
The notes read smoothly and there is ample conversational style in which students will see the
details. There is no attempt to hide anything and the flow is smooth in presentation.
This book could be the source and resource for a course which otherwise might concentrate on
Bibliographies Containing Differential Equations Resources
(1) Math Forum at Drexel University, 2014. Browse and Search the Library. Home : Math Topics :
Differential Equations. Accessed 1 May 2014. . List
with hot-linked connections to a good number of resources.
(2) Wolfram Library Archiv. 2014. Mathematics-Calculus and Analysis -Differential Equations .
Accessed 1 May 2014. . List with
hot-linked connections to over 321 resources.
(3) MERLOT (Multimedia Educational resource for Learning and Online Teaching). 2014. Mathematics
and Statistics-Mathematics-Differential Equations. Accessed 1 May 2014. . List with hot-linked connections to a good number
of resources.
(4) +Plus Magazine. 2014. Teacher package: Differential equations. Accessed 5 May 2014. . Essays on application sof
differential equation with good narrative and informed descriptions. No exercises or specific
(5) Mathematics at Texas A&M University. 2014. Resources for Ordinary Differential Equations.
Accessed 1 May 2014. . List with hot-
linked connections to a good number of resources.
(6) Scheick, Ted. 2014. University of North Carolina Mathematics. Differential Equations, Linear
Algebra and Technology. Accessed 1 May 2014. . List with hot-linked connections to a good
number of resources.
(7) SIMIODE. 2014. SIMIODE - Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with
Differential Equations. Accessed 1 May 2014. An on-line community of teachers
and students in which students learn differential equations through modeling and use of
technology throughout the learning process. Refereed teaching materials, functioning interest
groups, small project groups, project spaces, modeling scenarios, data sets, videos, all devoted to
teaching differential equations through modeling and technology.
(11) Zhiao, Di. 2010. Differential Equation Models for Systems Biology: A Survey. Contains
over 92 references in the area of differential equations and systems biology and offers rich
illustrations of same in the 30 pages of this document. Accessed 15 May 2015.
Very careful, considerate, and motivated presentations. Could be used to introduce or review
There are many worked examples and lessons. We list them here by name and number: Laplace
Transform (16), Linear Algebra (13), Ordinary Differential Equations (12), and Systems of
Differential Equations (4).
Here one finds informal, yet technically competent, descriptions of solving strategies presented.
Sometimes the chat slows things down, but students might like the chat. The coverage is great in
terms of topics.
Once at the above website you get to a full, and I mean full, panorama of YouTube lessons which
are terrifically good. Exceptionally clear and complete set of videos on just about all DE topics.
Very well presented with clear examples and reasoned steps for students to follow. Wonderful
(6) Patrick JMT -Just Math Tutoring (Patrick Jones). Accessed 8 March 2015.
Videos of worked examples with explanation are offered for differential equations techniques.
Presentations are good, not great, and do offer some intuitive ideas as well as algorithmic
Video sites coming from other fields
(1) Flipping Physics. Accessed 8 March 2015.
Very clever videos made by one high school teacher who plays many parts. There are a number
of experiments, good many physics/mathematics concepts discusses, lots of chatter which is
quite engaging and humorous, and high quality video.
This site contains links to math videos. The PORTAL boards (last boards) link to sites containing
not one, but several videos. You can post your own videos also. One needs to register. Many
items are pointers to, say, YouTube, for example Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Steven
Strogatz, Cornell University pointed to at
list=PLbN57C5Zdl6j_qJA-pARJnKsmROzPnO9V where we find, “This course of 25 lectures,
filmed at Cornell University in Spring 2014, is intended for newcomers to nonlinear dynamics
and chaos. It closely follows Prof. Strogatz's book, `Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With
Applications to Physics..’”
Sources Containing Modeling Resources
(1) Gross, Louis and Michael Knorrenschild. 2013. Text Books on Mathematical Modeling in Biology.
Compiled from the Internet by Michael Knorrenschild. Modified by Louis Gross, Oct. 1995, May
2000, March 2001, June 2003. Accessed 1 May 2014. . Thoroughly annotated list of
materials as of 2003. May be updated somewhere, though.
(5) Ryu, Jaeku. 2015. ShareTechNote. Engineering Math Math – Differential Equations. . Accessed on 31 May
The author and maintainer of this wonderful site is a Protocol Software Engineer at Anritsu,
Ottawa, Canada Area specializing in telecommunications.
This is a remarkable set of rich resources for engineering education and we note the strong
conviction of the author(s) as to the role of differential equations in engineering, for from the
introduction we quote:
“I would say to many of friends and juniors working in engineering area. `If you
are good at two topics, Matrix and Differential Equations, you would be good at
ANY of the engineering field.’ Of course, just being good at math would not
automatically lead you to success in the field, but we cannot deny the fact that
mathematical understanding is very crucial in most of engineering.
“In this page, I would like to explain the basic concept of differential equation
and it's applications as easy as I can do, but in some cases it is hard to avoid
tackling the mathematical equations directly.”
There are many engineering specialties offered at this site and all re rich in illustrations, example,
narrative in support of theory and practice. However, what is best is the flow of the narrative and
the rich illustrations and step-by-step. Example after example are offered from many fields of
engineering and pharmacokinetics as well with Governing Law principle first and then a gentle
building of the differential equation with examples to show the model in action.
The site is also rich with a very remarkable Personal Interest page in which the author(s) give a
list of questions and resources as well as favorites that will fascinate and drawn in the reader.
We illustrate (with a screen capture) the flare offered in this one example (or the first part of this
one example) on a Vehicle Suspension System in which the differential equation model is built
carefully and meticulously.
(6) LeMasurier, Michelle. 2006. Nonstandard Topics for Student Presentations in Differential
Equations. PRIMUS. 16(4): 349-357.
This is an amazing paper in which the author offers 33 presentation topics with full paginated
citations from 27 references. At Hamilton College, where the author teaches, students give oral
presentations and this material provides a wealth of options for them, but in the context of SIMIODE
and modeling first differential equations we are given a real treasure chest of rich resources. No
doubt your library has access to this well-established and rich journal, PRIMUS - Problems, Resource,
and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. Get this article!!!
We quote the Abstract of the paper, "An interesting and effective way to showcase the wide variety
of fields to which differential equations can be applied is to have students give short oral
presentations on a specific application. These talks, which have been presented by 30–40 students
per year in our differential equations classes, provide exposure to a diverse array of topics that are
generally not covered in a typical differential equations course, and include applications in biology,
economics, chemistry, ecology and physics. We will discuss these presentations and provide a list of
(classroom tested) presentation topics along with their references, which are from textbooks readily
available in most school libraries."
Quick, Short, Direct Modeling Descriptions
(1) British Columbia Institute of Technology, Math Department. 2014. Tables of Examples of
Applications to Various Areas of Technology. Contains five short illustrations. Accessed 1 May
2014. .
Class Notes
(1) Dawkins, Paul. 2014. Paul's Online Math Notes - Differential Equations . Accessed 1 May 2014.
Engaging style of presenting traditional materials with a few, limited applications in such areas as
(2) Grigg, Nathan. 2015. Differential Equation Lessons. From Nathan Grigg’s Teaching Archives . Accessed 5 May 2015.
Several topics, standards like separation of variables, integrating factors, Euler’s method, Laplace
Transform. Also some modeling problems, like tank with dyed water and credit card interest, are
offered in lecture note with videos of problems and models worked.
(3) Olds, Victoria. 2000. Unit 10 – First Order Differential Equations with Applications. . Accessed 14 May 2015.
These are some straightforward narrative notes offering solution techniques with explanation
and illustration along with examples worked out and traditional illustrations of elementary
modeling, e.g., carbon dating, cooling, mixing, and falling object.
(5) Panfilov, Alexander. 2010. Qualitative Analysis of Differential Equations. Theoretical Biology,
Utrecht University, Utrecht Netherlands. . Accessed 15 May 2015.
Notes and exercises for seven day course with complete introduction to mathematical essentials,
definitions, illustrations, examples, exercises, dictionary, and rich illustrations of qualitaltive
study approach.
(6) 2010. Biomedical Engineering Course Notes. BME2305. Chapter 7 of CDM, Numerical Modeling
in Biomedical Systems – Dynamic Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations. . Accessed 15 May 2015. Offers motivated
(by biomedical examples) illustrations of numerical concepts in solutions of ordinary differential
equations. Covers broad dynamical systems approach with examples as well. Offers MatLab
code. A set of problems are firmly rooted in biological applications and require numerical efforts.
(7) Mahaffy, Joseph M. 2013. Calculus for the Life Sciences – Lectures Noes – Introduction to
Differential Equations. San Diego State University.
Accessed 15 May 2015. Contains lots of illustrations and definitions and presents models from
Malthusian Growth, Springs, Evaporation. 128 frames carefully organized.
Good Questions for Students
1. MathQuest. 2013. Resources for Clickers and Classroom Voting in Collegiate Mathematics.
Carroll College, Helena MT USA. . Accessed 4 May 2015.
This is an exceptional list of meaningful and thoughtful questions on which students can vote
(i.e. multiple choice) in many areas of mathematics and we specifically single out the hundreds
of questions in the area of differential equations.
Under Question Libraries for Specific Courses we find hundreds of thoughtful questions (all
multiple choice) in which students have to really think to answer. Moreover, there is an
opportunity to obtain teacher’s editions of the questions in which discussion about the issues
raised or the answers or incorrect answers are offered.
Click Here for the complete set of voting questions for differential equations.
Click Here for these questions in a larger font, which may be more useful if you plan to cut
and paste these questions from the pdf file into PowerPoint.
Click Here, for the differential equations and linear algebra voting questions ordered
following Farlow, Hall, McDill, & West's "Differential Equations and Linear Algebra" 2nd
Questions by topic:
Separation of Variables
Logistic Models
Mixing Models
Linear Operators
Geometry of Systems
Nonlinear Systems
Laplace Transforms
These are the libraries that we use here at Carroll College. For libraries of classroom voting
resources in mathematics from people at other institutions see our Resources page, which
has links to libraries for Statistics, College Algebra, Group Theory, and more.
Larry Friesen, Department of Mathematics at Butler Community College, El Dorado KS USA, shares this
news about a very nice program to display slope and direction fields:
“I thought your group might like this JavaScript app, especially if you do a lot of phase planes and
systems, It is written by Darryl Nester, Mathematics, Bluffton University, Bluffton OH US, and
runs on tablets and smartphones. You can find a version here:
Friesen continues, “I have been working with him on beta testing and getting the features we
need. I haven't found anything else out there that doesn't require a plug-in or $$$ or java.”
“Darryl Nestor of Bluffton University created Slope and Direction Fields. I love it! It comes right
up with a sample equation, and you get instant gratification from clicking on the graph to input
an initial condition, which can be repeated to show as many solutions as desired. There is no
complicated learning curve for the basic idea!
“You can see an immediate listing of the last trajectory, and time series if you are investigating a
system. You get no-nonsense instant printing (on one page) of that equation, graph, and details.
It is straightforward to enter your own equation(s) and there are options for numerical entry of
initial condition, numerical method, and a number of examples already set up.
“This is a fabulous resource for beginning ODE courses — exactly what I was so desperately
asking for at the JMM 2016, but did not find there! I hope it will help lots of other students and
From the author’s Technical Notes, “The contents of this page are © 2016 Darryl Nester. It is available to
anyone who wishes to use it (like most things on the Internet). Please send me an email
([email protected]) if you have found it to be useful, or if you have suggestions.”
The author has a rich set of tools of this type freely available at .
In using the software it is very user friendly, giving immediate and easily used feedback when a syntax
error is made and the options are very helpful for students (and teachers). It offers easy to use send and
print options. The author has a running list of Technical Notes in which features (completed and planned)
are outlined.
19 March 2016 Author update:
I wanted to let you know that I have decided to "graduate" the beta page to "regular" status, so that all
of the beta features are now available at
(The previous "regular" version is saved as slopefields4.html, so if any bugs are revealed, I can revert
* In addition to saving the current settings by copying the link on the page, you can also give direct
links to specific pre-sets by name — e.g.,
* #7 *
It is a fairly easy task to add additional presets, so if you have a particularly interesting application, please
send me the link. (At some point, I'll probably "prune out" some of the less-exciting BDH presets, so it
does not get too full.)
r-project. 2015. Accessed 8 March 2015. .
(1) Soetaert, Karline , Thomas Petzoldt, and R. Woodrow Setzer. 2010. Solving Differential Equations
in R. Accessed 1 Mary 2014. The R Journal. 2(2): 5-15.
Abstract: Although R is still predominantly applied for statistical analysis and graphical
representation, it is rapidly becoming more suitable for mathematical computing. One of the fields
where considerable progress has been made recently is the solution of differential equations. Here
we give a brief overview of differential equations that can now be solved by R.
(2) Ellner, S. O. and J. Guckenheimer. 2011. An introduction to R for dynamic models in biology. . Accessed 15 May 2015.
Offers code and basic narrative about solving differential equations systems, phase plane
analysis, Markov simulations, general simulations, The authors say, “These notes for computer
labs accompany our textbook Dynamic Models in Biology (Princeton University Press 2006), but
they can also be used as a standalone introduction to R as a scripting language for simulating
dynamic models of biological systems.”
MapleSoft. 2014. User Community-Application Center-Mathematics- Differential Equation.
Accessed 1 May 2014. . Some 76
differential equations applications using Maple computer algebra system.
Wolfram Research. 2014. Wolfram Alpha Topics – Differential Equations. Accessed 5 May 2014. Listings of commands for
Wolfram Alpha related to differential equations.
Matlab. 2015. Accessed 8 March 2015. .
From the web page “MATLAB and Simulink are the tools of inspiration and innovation, used at
more than 5000 universities worldwide.” There are examples, courseware, and videos.
Maxima, a Computer Algebra Syilstem. Accessed 8 March 2015. .
FREE software package based on MACSYMA. From the web page, “Maxima is a system for the
manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor
series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations,
polynomials, sets, lists, vectors, matrices and tensors.
“Maxima yields high precision numerical results by using exact fractions, arbitrary-precision
integers and variable-precision floating-point numbers. Maxima can plot functions and data in two
and three dimensions.”
Civilized Software, Inc. Accessed 16 September 2015 .
MLAB, an advanced mathematical and statistical modeling system, is an ideal tool for
mathematical and statistical exploration, and for solving simulation and modeling problems such
as chemical kinetics, pharmacological compartmental models, multiple site ligand binding,
neurophysiological modeling, and ultracentrifuge models, to name just a few. MLAB is especially
designed to handle differential equation models.
Descriptive material plus a collection of technical reports showing the application of MLAB are
available. Please take a look at whatever you wish from the selections offered. Especially note
the Technical Application Notes and Examples!
The rich set of materials and mathematical support papers are worth attention to anyone
teaching a differential equations course or modeling effort. The background and theory are
offered as are algorithms for parameter estimation and data analysis. We publish two very good
support papers from the developers on line at .
Gnu Octave. 2015. Accessed 8 March 105. .
From the web site, “GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for
numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear
problems, and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics
capabilities for data visualization and manipulation. Octave is normally used through its interactive
command line interface, but it can also be used to write non-interactive programs. The Octave
language is quite similar to Matlab so that most programs are easily portable. “Octave is
distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.”
SAGE. 2015. Accessed 8 March 2015. .
FREE software package with growing community of users. From the web page, “SageMath is a free
open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many
existing open-source packages: NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R and many
more. Access their combined power through a common, Python-based language or directly via
interfaces or wrappers. Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple,
Mathematica and Matlab.
(1) MIT Open Courseware. 2014. (Ordinary) Differential Equations. Taught by Arthur Mattuck.
Accessed 1 May 2014.
spring-2010/. Complete course resources including videos of all lectures, course notes, Mathlets,
Exams, Recitation Section Material, Solutions.
(3) Veeh, Jerry Alan. 2002. Lecture Notes on Ordinary Differential Equations. Accessed 5 May 2014. . An 88 page
set of notes covering basics through Laplace transforms with examples and exercises.
(4) Zeilberter, Doron. 2014. Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics. Accessed 1 May 2014. . Complete lecture notes with exams,
quizzes, and solutions.
(7) OpenLearn. 2015. The home of free learning from The Open University.
statistics/mathematics-education . Accessed 6 May 2015. This site offers some portions Free
OpenLearn courses of Open University in modeling and differential equations. Such units as
Modelling pollution in the Great Lakes, Analysing skid marks and Developing modelling skills are
given freely and have worthwhile reads and examples as well as some exercises with solutions. A
unit called, “Modelling with first order differential equations,” offers a workbook on problems
involving motion of a particle in one dimension, friction, air and water resistance. Detailed
narrative and structure development make this a nice student read.
(8) Blomhøj, M., T.H. Kjeldsen, and J. Ottesen. 2014. Compartment Models. . Accessed 15 May 2015. This is a
Chapter on compartment models from unknown text. From first page we quote the authors,
“Background: It is important to master the ability to develop models. Modeling of dynamical
systems plays a very important role in applied science, and compartment models are among the
most important tools used for analyzing dynamical systems.
Aim: The aim with this chapter is to learn more about development of compartment models.”
(1) CODEE: Community of Differential Equations Educators. 2014. CODEE Digital Library. Accessed 6
May 2014. Online digital CODEE Journal offering resources and
discussions on use of materials for teaching differential equations.
(2) College Math Teaching: Differential Equations. 2014. Accessed 5 May 2014. . Over 26 Blog
entries on teaching differential equation in which many issues are raised.
(3) Biegert, Mark. and Math EncountersBlog. 2015. . Accessed 6 April
2015. The blog author says, “I am an electrical engineer by training who is currently working as a
hardware development director for a telecommunications company. Over the years, I have
become more and more impressed with the ability of relatively small amounts of mathematics
to help shed light on significant technical problems.
“There are many types of mathematical analyses. They range from very detailed modeling
exercises that are impressive, but are really for specialists, to "Fermi problems" that are exercises
in gross approximation. This blog will steer a middle course and will look at the simple
mathematics that crops up in the daily life of a working engineer.”
Five very nice blog entries, with lots of materials, are offered when one searches with
“differential equation.”
(1) Rasmussen, C. and K. Whitehead. 2015. Research Sampler 7: Learning and Teaching Ordinary
Differential Equations.
ordinary-differential-equations Accessed 5 April 2015. Sections covered are: Making
Connections between Representations, What Lies Beneath Correct Answers?, Numerical
Approximations and Graphical Prediction, Proofs of Graphical Predictions, The Cultural Status
of Graphical Representations, Student Understanding of Systems and Second Order
Differential Equations, Technology, The Differential Equations Classroom, To Sum Up, and
(2) Wangler, T. G. 2015. Paradigm Lost: A Modern Approach to Teaching Ordinary Differential
Equations. . Acessed 5 June
2015.Thoughtful presentation about the general milieu of teaching differential equations.
(4) Judson, T. W. ODE Reviews – Reviews of articles related to the teaching and learning of ODE’s. . Accessed 10 November 2016. We quote from the web page
itself, “Most of these references have appeared in the College Mathematics Journal. The
individual articles are available through JSTOR by clicking on the `Article’ link in the reference.
Some of the articles have short summaries attached; some of these summaries appeared in
Math Reviews.”