Intelligent Robot Motion Control & Data Acquisition System For Industrial Monitoring Using Image Processing Techniques
Intelligent Robot Motion Control & Data Acquisition System For Industrial Monitoring Using Image Processing Techniques
Intelligent Robot Motion Control & Data Acquisition System For Industrial Monitoring Using Image Processing Techniques
The image process program compares with the web- RECEIVER SECTION:
cam image inputs with the forward signs features from
training program to detect the forward sign[7]. Once a
forward sign is detected by image processing program
image motion control program will rotate the robot
to aim the forward sign and then move toward it[5].
Similarly for remaining signs also the image process
program compares with the webcam inputs and the
controller will move the robot in different directions
(like left, right, backward, stop) based on image[13].
3.2.Keil Micro vision 3 IDE: [5] Jitendra N. Chourasia, Preeti Bajaj, “Centroid Based
DetectionAlgorithm for Hybrid Traffic Sign Recognition
The µVision development platform is easy-to-use and System,” icetet, pp.96-100, 2010 3rd International Con-
it helps you quickly create embedded programs that ference on Emerging Trends inEngineering and Tech-
work. The µVision IDE (Integrated Development Envi- nology, 2010.
ronment) from Keil combines project management,
source code editing, program debugging, and complete [6] A. D. L. Escalera, J. M. A. Armingol, and M. Mata,
simulation in one powerful environment. Code writ- “Traffic signrecognition and analysis for intelligent ve-
ten in ‘EMBEDDED C’The µVision3 IDE and Debugger hicles “, Image and VisionComputing, vol. 21, pp. 247–
is the central part of the Keil development tool chain. 258, 2003.
µVision3 offers a Build Mode and a Debug Mode.
[7] N. Kehtarnavaz, N.C. Griswold and D.S. Kang, “Stop-
sign recognitionbased on colour-shape processing”,
CONCLUSION: Machine Vision and Applications 6(1993), pp. 206–208.
[8] Loy G, Barnes N, “ Fast shape-based road sign de-
In this paper, an efficient approach for the detection
tection for a driverassistance system”, Proceedings of
andrecognition of road sign have been proposed, and
the IEEE/RSJ internationalconference on intelligent ro-
tested onreal life video. The detection stage utilizes a
bots and systems, vol 1,pp 70–75,2004.
robust method ofcolour segmentation by employing
the YCBCR colour space.A template matching tech-
[9] Gonzalez RC, Woods RE , “Digital image process-
nique has been proposed for shapeclassification of all
ing”, 2nd edn.Prentice Hall, January, 2002.
possible potential road sign. Finally, theperformance of
the developed road sign recognition systemhas been
[10] Torresen J, Bakke J, Sekanina L,”Efficient recogni-
evaluated extensively through various tests on reallife-
tion of speed limitsigns”, Proceedings of the 7th inter-
video captured with a vehicle-mounted camera. The-
national IEEE conference onintelligent transportation
experimental results have shown that the proposed
systems, pp 652–656, October 2004.
method isfast and accurate.
[11] S.H. Hsu, C.L. Huang, “Road sign detection and rec-
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