Schools Division Office of Olongapo City District II-A Olongapo City
Schools Division Office of Olongapo City District II-A Olongapo City
Schools Division Office of Olongapo City District II-A Olongapo City
District II-A
Olongapo City
The dialogue was conducted on February 23, 2019at around 3:30 PMwhen all parties concerned
namely; Mr. Gabriel, Mrs.Ubungen, Ms. Lumanog, Mrs. Estioko, Mrs. Villavicencio, Ms. Gipal,Mrs.
Gestiada (Principal), Mrs. Cabarle (Head Teacher) and Mr. Nestor Balois (PSDS) were already at the
Principal’s Office.
III. Agenda
A dialogue was scheduled days after Sir Balois (PSDS)made a separate conference with Mr. Gabriel
regarding the written complaint of Ms. Gipal, Mrs. Ubungen, Ms. Lumanog, MrsEstioko, Mrs
Villavicencio and the student.
All the issues stipulated in the written complaints were brought out and discussed with Mr. Manuel
Gabriel. After having noted all the statements reflected in the said complaint, Mr. Gabriel
acknowledged his mistakes and asked forgiveness to each of them. He also said that he has made some
reflections and that he learned his lesson regarding his negative behaviour in dealing with his
Furthermore, he stated that he will not commit the same mistakes again in order to keep himself away
from any disciplinary actions or sanctions that could be possibly meted by someone who is unbecoming
of a government employee.
As what was transpired, all parties involved should signed and be given a copy of the dialogue on or
before March 1, 2019.
Head Teacher