Cisco Packet Tracer Mobile Android 2 - 0 Release Notes
Cisco Packet Tracer Mobile Android 2 - 0 Release Notes
Cisco Packet Tracer Mobile Android 2 - 0 Release Notes
0 Android
Packet Tracer Mobile Apps version 2.0 for Android is based on Packet Tracer version 6.2 that provides users with the ability to
design, configure, and troubleshoot computer networks at a CCNA-level of complexity. These notes provide detailed
information about this release, including content, known issues, and support information.
Release Content
Packet Tracer version 2.0 Mobile Apps for This simulation-based networking technology mobile app for Android is
Android compatible with Packet Tracer version 6.2, CCNA R&S and CCNA
Security courses Packet Tracer activities.
Product Overview
Certain devices with customized Androids do not work; for example HP Slate 21 (Android
4.2.2), Asus Memo Pad ME172V
Software Overview The simulation engine is based upon Packet Tracer 6.2
Initial App Setup The application requires Internet, Get Network State, Get Tasks, and Write to External
Storage permissions
First App Startup and User Users must be authenticated by NetSpace after every installation, reinstallation or an
Authentication application cache clear.
Users may use the NetSpace Login option any time after the initial prompt to be
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authenticated with NetSpace to open files directly from NetSpace.
Network Connectivity An Internet connection is required when starting PT for the first time after an installation,
reinstallation or an application cache clear so that the users can be authenticated. After the
initial authentication, an Internet connection is not required.
App Startup The application takes up to 20 seconds to start up, depending on the hardware specs.
Startup goes through stages, starting with a splash screen for a few seconds, then white
screen, followed briefly by a smaller splash screen, and finally in the startup screen
File Saves Saving any file opened from the Local repository, Netspace, or Dropbox will result in Save
As to another location.
Files may only be saved to the Saves repository or Dropbox. Saving to Netspace is not
Files with scripts that are unsigned, or signed with a non NetAcad certificate will be
rejected and will not open in PT Mobile
If no PT instance is running, opening a PKA/PKT directly from the filesystem will launch PT
with the file opened. If PT is already running in the background, the file will not be opened
in order to preserve current work.
User Experiences The command line has no blinking cursor and left/right navigation. The command output is
always at the end of the command line
Basic Alphanumeric keys work on hardware keyboards with the CLI. Control keys do not
Switching devices in the action bar will only display devices within the same cluster
In module view, devices that don't fit front and back on top of each other are displayed side
by side (phones, TV)
The Workspace button will display the current cluster and allows returning to the current
Other Notes Activity Grader or PT Bridge is not supported. Files saved in PT Mobile can be opened
from PT Desktop to use Activty Grader or PT Bridge.
Fast Forward button in realtime mode will result in fast forward time of 10 seconds, no
feedback will be provided
User can filter PDU type by tapping the filter button on Event list which opens up the filter
window. If you do not see certain PDUs, check the filters
Files with scripts that are unsigned, or signed with a non NetAcad certificate will be
rejected and will not open in PT Mobile
User Experiences There are only a minimal number of preference options that are available. Some of them
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correspond to the desktop preferences, while most are Android specific.
Use the action bar on top to navigate, and to switch between simulation and realtime mode
Not all activity interfaces are locked in PKA files due to differences in available interfaces
and configuration options
Clusters Clusters work differently from the desktop. A parent cluster icon is used to navigate to the
parent level. Creating a cluster requires using multi select to select a device first and then
create a cluster from the selected devices. After multi selecting devices, tap on the
workspace to bring up a contextual menu for creating clusters from the selected devices.
You can also drag a device over a cluster cloud and add it into the cluster
Send via Email You can share the file via email.
The Wireless Router uses desktop apps and is not configurable using the desktop browser
The WAN cloud configuration works differently, with a different logical grouping of
The activity timer does not sync with the file’s time setting (countdown timer, or regular
The Event list will only capture 1000 packets instead of 3000. Reset the simulation to
continue capturing more
Activity Authoring All Extensions control are unavailable Command line devices do not have
a GUI configuration and therefore
does not have the “Equivalent IOS
Command” feature.
Physical View GUI configuration for CLI devices is not Copy and Paste is not universally
available. Use the CLI to configure such available. Due to a bug in Android,
devices some versions of Android may
crash Packet Tracer when copy or
paste is done
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Background images Not all desktop apps, or wireless router ACL filtering is not available in the
configurations are available. Only the PDU list
commonly used ones are available
PKZ files Cannot re-cable a link Cannot fire PDU’s that were
previously created
Custom device icons Algorithm settings cannot be changed PDU list does not contain all
columns found in the desktop
PDU Scenarios are not supported, only a Constant delay feature is not available No challenge mode in PDU view
single default scenario
Common cartridge is not supported. Layer 2 configurations on interfaces are IP Phones, Analog Phones, Access
not available Points and some other devices
have no configurations
Script authoring is not available. Files that Cannot create custom devices templates.
have properly signed scripts will run, but However files that uses a custom device
no interfaces will be available template will open properly
For general assistance with issues related to downloading or installing Cisco Packet Tracer,
contact the Global Support Desk. To access the Support Desk, log in to Academy Connection and
click Help at the top of the page, then select Academy Support.
Please report bugs and errors through the Curriculum and Assessment Quality Support site. To
access this site, log into Academy Connection and click Help at the top of the page, then select
Curriculum and Assessment Quality Support. Select the Contact Curriculum Team tab,
provide as much detail as possible, and then click Submit.
For Android specific issues, feature requests, or general feedback, use Google Play for your
feedback. Future development is heavily dependent upon positive feedback.
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registered trademarks or trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. All other
trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership
relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0802R)
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