As required by ISO 14001 clause 4.3.2: The following environmental legislation has been identified as being applicable to MRF Name
The Environmental Protection (Duty Disposal of waste arising from All waste streams
of Care) (England) (Amendment) Wastes to be stored securely. factory and office activities. are securely stored
Regulations 2003 and the Waste in labelled
Controlled wastes to be disposed Evidence of compliance:
Waste Management – Management Duty of Care Code of cages/containers?
E1 of to a licensed waste carrier. Documented transfer of waste
General Practice 1996.
from the organisation to a
Vetting of waste carriers.
waste carrier signed by both All waste carriers
Enforced by the Environment Agency
parties. Retained for 2 years. licence are valid and
or SEPA.
on file?
Highways Act 1980 (England and This legislation requires that Security on site. Controls in place?
Wales) waste in skips must be secure Locked/secure bins.
Environmental Protection Act 1990 from access by the public. MRF
Waste Management – Environment Act 1995. Name ensures that the site is
Storage of Skips secure from the general public
Enforced by the Environment Agency and that no waste is stored
or SEPA. outside customers’ premises.
Landfill Tax Regulations 1996. Tax payable for landfill waste to Tax affects cost of disposal. Annual waste
reflect the full environmental Higher tax for active waste tran
E9 Waste Management Enforced by Customs and Excise. costs of disposing of waste to than for inert. sfer
landfill. not
Environmental Protection Act 1990, MRF Name is required to meet all Under the EPA 1990, the Current COTC
Part II: Waste on Land. of the requirements of the party to whom the licence is qualifications?
licences as defined in the licence issued has to be a “fit and
Waste Management Licensing documents (Ref. EAWML/75188). proper person”. The Is MRF Name
(England, Wales) (Amendment and competence needed to meet complying with the
related provisions) Regs 2005 (SI (Waste Management this requirement is waste tonnage
803). Licensing legislation determined through COTC limits outlined
amended on 04-01-07 from qualifications held by within the Waste
Regs 1994, to Regs 2005 members of staff. Management
Waste Management – Waste Management Licensing
E10 (Amendments to cover Licence?
Licence (Amendment) Regulations 1996 (SI
exemptions for requiring a
waste management licence).
Waste Management Licensing
(Amendment) (England) Regulations
2002 (SI 2002/674).
Aims: To reduce the waste Disposal is free if you were Choice to reuse
arising from electrical and sold the equipment after 13th equipment or
electronic equipment. August 2005 or if you are donate before
replacing with equivalent EEE. recycling.
To improve the environmental
performance of all those involved This service will be delivered Evidence of
in the life cycle of electrical and through the producer take- contractual
The Waste Electrical and Electronic electronic products. back scheme. You must pay arrangement with ?
Equipment Regulations (SI 2006 for WEEE where you are to dispose of WEEE?
No.3289) were laid before Parliament Any businesses using EEE must discarding EEE purchased
E16 Resource Consumption on 12th December 2006 and came comply with the new regulations, before 13th August 2005, or Consignment note
into force on 2nd January 2007. meaning you must store, collect, where you are not replacing numbers will be
treat, recycle and dispose of EEE with an equivalent. used when
Enforced by the Environment Agency. WEEE separately from your other Payment must also be made if disposing of
waste. Similar to Waste Transfer you cannot trace the producer equipment?
Notes, you must obtain and keep or their compliance scheme,
proof that your WEEE was given or if you choose to negotiate
to a reputable waste with producers to accept the
management company and cost of treating and disposing
treated and disposed of in an your WEEE.
environmentally sound way.
Under the Anti-Pollution Works
Evidence of risk
Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/1006)
The Environment Agency can
serve an Anti-Pollution Works Chemicals, solvents, diesel oil
Anti-Pollution Works Regulations Notice on a company if they and other.
E17 Releases to Water 1999 (SI 1999/1006). perceive that an activity is Substances/materials used on
causing or may cause pollution to site.
Enforced by the Environment Agency. controlled waters. This means
primary responsibility for carrying
out and funding the works can be
placed with the polluter.
Interpretation: No spillages
recorded – Potential
Significant harm is being caused
spillage from
Contaminated Land (England) or there is significant possibility
solvents, spill kits in
Regulations 2000. of such harm being caused; or
place and staff
Spillages of chemicals,
Pollution of surface waters and trained in
Enforced by Local Authority. solvents and other substances
E22 Land Contamination ground water is being, or is likely procedures?
used on site.
to be, caused.
(Contaminated land Regs
amended on 04-01-07 from Regs Remediation notices for
2000, to Regs 2006). measures to restore controlled
waters to acceptable standard
that have been affected by
contaminated land.