Modelling Brittle Failure of Rock: V. Hajiabdolmajid, P.K. Kaiser, C.D. Martin
Modelling Brittle Failure of Rock: V. Hajiabdolmajid, P.K. Kaiser, C.D. Martin
Modelling Brittle Failure of Rock: V. Hajiabdolmajid, P.K. Kaiser, C.D. Martin
Observations of brittle failure at the laboratory scale indicate that the brittle failure process involves the initiation, growth, and
accumulation of micro-cracks. Around underground openings, observations have revealed that brittle failure is mainly a process
of progressive slabbing resulting in a revised stable geometry that in many cases take the form of V-shaped notches. Continuum
models with traditional failure criteria (e.g. Hoek–Brown or Mohr–Coulomb) based on the simultaneous mobilization of cohesive
and frictional strength components have not been successful in predicting the extent and depth of brittle failure. This paper
presents a continuum modelling approach that captures an essential component of brittle rock mass failure, that is, cohesion
weakening and frictional strengthening (CWFS) as function of rock damage or plastic strain. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
1365-1609/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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732 V. Hajiabdolmajid et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 731–741
simultaneous cohesion
and friction mobilization
τ (a) σ'
Fig. 1. (a) Terzaghi’s model; (b) Taylor’s model for soil (after Schofield [11]); (c) analog for rock; sequential mobilization of cohesion then frictional
1.1. Strain-softening soil
As Schofield [11] pointed out ‘‘there is no true 1.5%
cohesion on the dry side of critical state’’. In dense soil 1.0
pastes, the peak strength is due to interlock and friction
among particles and not due to the chemistry of bonds. 0.75%
ci 0.8
While friction is immediately mobilized and the fric- Cohesion
tional strength component is proportional to the normal Loss II
cr 0.6
or confining stress, at low normal stress, the interlock
resistance can be mobilized and then lost, leading to the 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
typically observed strain-softening behavior of dense σ'3 (kg/cm2)
soils (the Taylor model; Fig. 1b). In other words, Eq. (2)
should be written in a form whereby both strength terms Fig. 2. Bilinear failure envelope for stiff clay (developed as a function
are a function of plastic strain e: of axial strain) illustrating transition from mostly cohesive (I) to an
almost exclusively frictional yield mode (II) (modified after Schmert-
t ¼ cðeÞ þ s0 ðeÞtan f: ð4Þ mann and Osterberg [12]).
Consequently, the shear strength equation must be with a particle flow code (PFC) model by Diederichs
written in the form of Eq. (4), with a strain-dependent [14], showing internal stress variations at a constant
cohesion and a strain-dependent effective stress terms. external confinement of 20 MPa. Hence, the frictional
In the low confinement range, the stress path will retract strength is not everywhere fully mobilized to the level
after reaching the cohesive strength surface as illustrated determined by the average stress represented by the
in Fig. 1b. center of the cone [15,29].
Martin and Chandler [13] demonstrated that the In this paper results from continuum models using
frictional strength component of granite is only mobi- conventional failure criteria and the strain-dependent
lized after a significant amount of the rock’s cohesional cohesion weakening-frictional strengthening (CWFS)
strength is lost. Originally, it was thought that the concept are compared.
friction rather than effective contact stresses, producing
the frictional strength component, needed to be mobi-
lized. In otherwords, variable friction at a constant 2. Brittle failure around a circular test tunnel
stress was implied rather than variable stress with
constant friction. Between 1990 and 1995 Atomic Energy of Canada
This difference in interpretation is important as it is Limited carried out a Mine-by Experiment at the URL,
not the friction that depends on strain but the effective in Pinawa, Man., Canada. This well documented
normal stress s0 (e) causing a gradual development of experiment involved the excavation of a 3.5-m-diameter
the frictional strength component. Damage is induced in circular test tunnel in massive granite [16]. The
brittle rock when it is stressed beyond a damage primary objective of the experiment was to investigate
initiation threshold. As a result, the effective normal brittle failure processes. To achieve this objective
stress s0 inside the rock is highly variable and at some the tunnel was excavated by 0.5–1 m rounds using
locations, less than the stress applied at the boundary. a line-drilling technique and displacements, strains,
This is illustrated by the stress cone in Fig. 3, produced stress changes and micro-seismic emissions were
monitored with state-of-the art instruments. Martin
et al. [3] reported observations of the brittle failure
process resulting in classic V-shaped notches, in the
region of maximum compressive stress (Fig. 4). Read
[17] showed in an extensive characterization report
of the damage zone around the tunnel that the extent of
the compressive stress-induced damage was confined
to the notch regions. Outside the notch little damage
could be visually observed. Martin [8] noted that the
extent of the damage in the roof was greater than
that observed in the floor because of the confining stress
provided by the muck in the floor and also because
the stress path in the floor was significantly different
from that in the roof. Based on low P-wave velocities
and acoustic emission measurements, Read [17] noted
that the tensile zones in the side walls of the tunnel
were damaged, even though no cracking or fracturing
could be visually observed.
One of the objectives of the Mine-by Experiment was
to assess the predictive capability of numerical models in
capturing the extent and shape of the failed zone. For
this purpose, the in situ stresses near the tunnel were
determined accurately: s1 ¼ 6073 MPa, s2 ¼ 457
4 MPa, s3 ¼ 1172 MPa [18]. Extensive laboratory
testing was carried out and the Hoek–Brown failure
parameters were defined: (sc ¼ 224 MPa, m ¼ 28:11;
s ¼ 1). This failure criterion is shown in Fig. 5 together
with the stress required to initiate damage (acoustic
emissions) in the laboratory (sci ¼ 71 MPa+1.5s3) and
Fig. 3. Internal stress variations at an external confinement of 20 MPa
(PFC) model by Diederichs [14]. Variable stress flow patterns between in situ (s1 2s3 ¼ 70 MPa). Given the well-defined stress
particles lead to local stress variations producing internal localized, state, the simple circular geometry of the excavation, the
low or tensile confining stress zones. essentially intact, massive granite, predicting the extent
734 V. Hajiabdolmajid et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 731–741
Event Failed Zone
r f = 1.
Fig. 4. Shape of the failed zone observed around the circular test tunnel. Also shown are micro-seismic events locations in the notch area (+), and
acoustic emission locations () in the tensile failure zone (after Read [17]).
75 MPa
Failed Zone Profile
125 50
σ1=150 MPa 25
Fig. 6. Various post-peak responses used in continuum models.
75 MPa
very small values in the post-peak range to represent (a) developed around a circular tunnel in massive, brittle
a rapid loss in cohesion of the rock mass to about 20% granite. None of these traditional approaches could be
of peak, and (b) a reduction in friction to the rock basic used to predict the failed zone a priori with any degree
friction angle. of confidence.
Fig. 9 shows results from FLAC2d with mr ¼ 1 and
sr ¼ 0:01: As with the elastic-perfectly plastic model this
approach underestimate the depth of failure. However,
it overestimates the lateral extent of failure. Read and 4. Strain-dependent CWFS model
Martin [24] combined this approach with an element
removal scheme, which over predicted the depth and Hajiabdolmajid [10] adopted a constitutive model in
extent of failure by a factor of 2. which the plastic strain-dependencies of various strength
In summary, the conventional approaches commonly components in brittle failing rocks are considered. This
adopted for rock failure modelling all failed to predict is illustrated by the schematic diagram in Fig. 10. Fig. 10
both the shape and extent of the failed zone that also schematically illustrates the cohesion loss and
frictional strength mobilization in compression tests.
Localization of micro-cracks and formation of a macro-
shear plane (shear band) leads eventually to the full
Failed Zone Profile mobilization of the frictional strength after the initial
cohesion (ci ) is lost and reaches its residual value (cr ).
The process of slabbing around underground openings
cannot directly be compared with the shear banding
process in laboratory compression tests, even though it
also involves a process of cohesion loss and frictional
strength mobilization. The cohesional component of
strength is the predominant strength component at the
early stage of brittle failure and cohesion loss is the
predominant failure process leading to the observed
brittle behavior. The cohesive strength is gradually
Failed elements in shear
destroyed by tensile cracking and crack coalescence. The
normal stress-dependent frictional strength can only be
fully mobilized after the cohesional component of
strength is significantly reduced, much damage has
accumulated, and when the rock fragments can move
relative to each other in shear. The delay in frictional
Fig. 9. Extent of damage with an elastic-brittle plastic constitutive strength mobilization of the frictional strength is the
model with mr ¼ 1 and sr ¼ 0:01: characteristics of the brittle failure in geomaterials in
Compression Test
Onset of σ3=σt to 0
Microcracking σ1
III σ3
Axial stress
Around Opening
Strength cr
Frictional Strength
εcp εfp
Axial strain
Elastic Cohesional Cohesional
+ Frictional
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Mobilization of the strength components in the CWFS model: (a) in the laboratory compression tests, (b) around underground openings: ci
and cr are the initial and residual cohesion, respectively, and epc and epf represent the plastic strain components when the frictional and cohesive
strength components have reached these ultimate values [10].
V. Hajiabdolmajid et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 731–741 737
brittle fracturing (extensile cracking) is the dominant Maximum
Frictional Strength
mode of failure. Initial Cohesion Frictional Strength
A typical stress–axial strain curve from simulated Lac
du Bonnet granite using PFC2d by Diederichs [14] is
shown in Fig. 11. The stress–strain curve shows the Residual Cohesion
characteristics inflection in slope at about 0.7–0.8 of the p
peak strength and rapid strain weakening immediately εf =0.5 %
after peak. Also shown in Fig. 11 are the incremental
p Plastic Strain Plastic Strain
‘‘snap-shots’’ of tensile and shear crack growth, which εc =0.2 %
are very similar to the laboratory findings reported by
Fig. 12. Illustration of the cohesion-loss and frictional strength
Lockner et al. [25]. The accumulative numbers of tensile
mobilization as a function of plastic strain.
and shear cracks are also shown in Fig. 11. Even though
the sample is confined with 20 MPa, the total amount of
tensile cracking dominates shear cracking by a ratio of
approximately 50:1 and that there is very little new crack in situ failure cases. For the Mine-by tunnel model, the
growth after the macro-scale failure zone has formed laboratory damage-controlled tests on Lac du Bonnet
(between 0.5% and 0.6% axial strain). Vasak and Kaiser granite reported by Martin [27] and Martin and
[26] used this concept to simulate the failure processes Chandler [13] were used to establish the plastic strain
near horse-shoe-shaped tunnels subjected to dynamic limit for cohesion loss. From back analyses of the failure
loading (rock burst). zone by slabbing around the Mine-by tunnel, it was
In the CWFS model the plastic strain limits at which found that the plastic strain (or damage) necessary for
the cohesional component of strength reaches a residual the destruction of the cohesional strength (epc ) is in
value, and the frictional strength component mobilizes general lower than the plastic strain required for the full
are two material properties that in reality depend mobilization of the frictional strength (epf ). For Lac du
primarily on heterogeneity and grain characteristics. Bonnet granite the strain-dependent cohesive and
However, they should be calibrated on laboratory and frictional strength mobilization were linearized as
illustrated in Fig. 12 and introduced into the continuum
modelling code FLAC2d. Hajiabdolmajid [10] argued
that while the plastic strain limit for cohesion loss can be
Incremental Shear Cracks considered a true material property, the circumstances
(strain limit) under which the frictional strength reaches
its full mobilization depends to some extent on the
loading system characteristics (geometry and loading
Incremental Tensile Cracks
rate). He attributed the very low strength observed
around the Mine-by tunnel to a delayed mobilization of
the frictional strength (i.e., in the epf > epc ), compared to
300 10000
the high strength obtained in the laboratory compres-
sion tests in which the frictional strength reaches its full
Crack rate (Events per 0.005% strain)
Axial Tensile
250 stress mobilized capacity with less damage or cohesion loss
1000 (i.e., in the laboratory epf oepc ). This strain-dependent
Total number of cracks
0.81 Peak
200 Final
strength mobilization can be used to determine the
brittleness of the failing rockmass [28].
The plastic strain limits listed in Table 1 together with
Axial stress (MPa) &
150 100
Shear the initial and ultimate strength parameters were used to
simulate the brittle failure of Lac du Bonnet granite,
near the Mine-by tunnel. The cohesion was reduced
Crack rate (AE) from its initial peak value of 50 MPa to its residual value
15 MPa after 0.2% plastic strain. The initial cohesion
was taken as 78% of scm =2 or the anticipated long-
0 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
term cohesion without friction mobilization. Dilation
Axial strain (%) was held constant at 301, and the tension cut off was
10 MPa. FISH programming language in FLAC2d was
Fig. 11. Axial stress versus axial strain in PFC test on material with
equivalent properties of Lac du Bonnet granite (after Diederichs [14]). used to introduce the effect of non-simultaneous
Also shown are the number of tensile and shear cracks as well as the mobilization of frictional and cohesional components
crack rate per unit strain. of strength in to a continuum model.
738 V. Hajiabdolmajid et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 731–741
th (MP
c= =0
c> cr
0.1% Notch Profile
Plastic Strain
n (φ)
σ n ta
c=cr εp=0.5%
Fig. 14. Contours of plastic strain (full cohesion loss at epc =0.2% to cr ). The progressive frictional strengthening inside the notch leading to failure
arrest at the notch tip is illustrated by the profile of (s% n tan f) superimposed on the contour plot.
V. Hajiabdolmajid et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 731–741 739
0.8 Experimental results
φr 2400
Cohesion weakening
0.2 1200
Frictional strength
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 600
(σ1+σ3)/2c* 400
Cohesional strength
Fig. 15. Bilinear yield envelope developed resulting from the cohesion
weakening-frictional strengthening model. c ¼ 2c: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Average normal stress (kPa)
The strength envelopes that are commonly used to 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
assess stability of underground openings are either the Normal stress (kPa)
linear Mohr–Coulomb envelope or the non-linear Fig. 16. Results from direct shear laboratory tests using solid blocks
Hoek–Brown envelope with a downward curvature. containing voids, laboratory data from Lajtai [30]; model result form
The CWFS model results in an upward-bent bilinear Hajiabdolmajid [10].
envelope of the form shown in Fig. 15. Fig. 15 was
obtained by tracking the history of several grid points frictional strength mobilization characteristics was
located in the V-shaped notch region of the test tunnel. adopted [10].
The peak strength of this region is only a function of The consequence of non-simultaneous mobilization of
the rock mass cohesion while the post-peak strength strength components again is a ‘‘bilinear’’ upward-bent
degrades toward the residual frictional strength. Fig. 15 failure envelope. At low confinement or normal stresses,
shows that some points (open squares) in the notch the semi-elliptical failure envelope (Fig. 16) corresponds
region have reached the residual level with others still to the zone in which the cohesional component of
possess higher cohesion strength component. strength is mobilized and consumed by tensile failure.
However, at elevated normal stress, the cohesional
component of strength is significantly reduced or
eliminated and the strength is mainly due to the
5. Modelling brittle failure in jointed rock frictional strength component, illustrated by the shaded
Lajtai [30] carried out direct shear tests on solid In Fig. 16, the second horizontal axis represents the
plaster blocks containing two voids to represent cracks true normal stress in the rock bridge as there is no
or fracture. The rock bridges between the voids make up contact stress at the ‘‘open joints’’. It can be seen that all
50% of the plane through the voids (Fig. 16). The of the cohesive strength is lost when the actual normal
plaster material had a tensile strength of approximately stress reaches the uniaxial compressive strength of the
1.1 MPa, a uniaxial compressive strength of 4.1 MPa rock (4100 kPa). At this point, rock bridges are
and a basic friction angle 371. The test results of Lajtai completely crushed under the applied normal stress
[30], shown in Fig. 16, illustrate the transition from (before application of shear) and only the residual,
predominantly cohesional to frictional strength con- frictional strength can be mobilized. This provides
trolled failure. Lajtai’s results showed that at low further credence to the argument of cohesion loss in
normal stresses, rock subjected to direct shear loading, the left portion of the bilinear failure envelope.
fails by tension-induced damage or cohesion loss and at The notion that the yield envelope for cohesive
high normal load in shear with full frictional strength materials is bilinear is not new. Schofield and Worth
mobilization. This data clearly support the notion of a [31] demonstrated that this type of yield envelope was
bilinear failure envelope for brittle and jointed rock appropriate for stiff over-consolidated clays and used
masses. The direct shear test as shown in Fig. 16 was this notion to lay the foundations for critical state soil
simulated, using the continuum-modelling code FLAC2d mechanics. Taylor [32] also suggested this type of yield
with the CWFS model. Instead of a bilinear model for envelope for interlocked sands. Fig. 17 illustrates that
the frictional strengths and cohesion loss, a non-linear the bilinear yield envelope is applicable for a range of
model for full cohesion loss and relatively rapid geomaterials including brittle rock.
740 V. Hajiabdolmajid et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 731–741
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