2019 01 en PG Eee International Small PDF
2019 01 en PG Eee International Small PDF
2019 01 en PG Eee International Small PDF
Laboratory Furniture.........................................................................................8
Media .............................................................................................................14
Services ........................................................................................................282
Some training solutions included in this product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and environmental protection (CE marking).
If you are located in a country where this marking is required, please contact your
Festo sales representative before placing an order.
Electronics and electrical engineering > Learning solutions
Comprehensive solutions Modular design concepts Safety rules! Success with seamless
interconnection of learning methods
Over the years, we have built a rich Instructors from all over the world Electric currents can be hazardous
portfolio of learning solutions cover- have access to our broad spectrum and can cause damage or injury if A broad array of products, including
ing electrical engineering and elec- of learning solutions. From self-con- not handled properly and carefully. hardware, simulation software, web-
tronics, justifiably, given their great tained training packages to full- based training products, and exten-
importance in all areas of produc- fledged systems, modularity is the During the design phase of our learn- sive curriculum, seamlessly inter-
tion, as well as process and factory common denominator. ing systems, we paid special atten- connect to provide instructors with
automation. tion to safety features – from safe the most comprehensive, industri-
connection leads to new ground- al-based training programs available
The integration of the US-Canadian Modularity enables instructors to ing methods – to avoid mishaps like worldwide.
company Lab-Volt in 2014 further exactly match requirements and ex- electric shocks and short-circuits.
strengthened our expertise by add- pand their solution over time, as Workbooks also tackle security pro-
ing new products specialized in elec- needs evolve, without unnecessary cedures to instill safe work habits
trical engineering, telecommunica- duplication of equipment, optimizing and techniques.
tions, and electronics. the return on investment.
2 www.festo-didactic.com
Electronics and electrical engineering > Learning solutions
Qualification in foundational
Electricity and electronics learning Electric power technology learning Communications and radar
solutions solutions technology learning solutions
Our FACET® electronics training sys- Our unique program in electric pow- This category encompasses training
tem, and several training packages, er technology addresses today’s in- systems like satellite, microwave,
help students learn electrical princi- creasingly diversified training needs. antenna, digital and communica-
ples, electronic circuitry, and compo- Covered topics include electric ma- tions, and more. The systems are
nents. Solutions cover fundamentals, chines and power circuits, motor fully operational, enabling realistic
digital and communication electron- controls and drives, power electron- learning in networks and protocols,
ics, and industrial electronics and ics, and renewable energies, as well baseband processing and modula-
electricity. as power generation, transmission, tion, transmission and propagation,
distribution, and protection. and radar technology.
www.festo-didactic.com 3
Electronics and electrical engineering > Holistic and turnkey training solutions
4 www.festo-didactic.com
Electronics and electrical engineering > Holistic and turnkey training solutions
Virtual Tour
➔ www.festo-turnkey-solutions.com
www.festo-didactic.com 5
Electronics and electrical engineering > Flexible room concepts
6 www.festo-didactic.com
Electronics and electrical engineering > Flexible room concepts
Main components of
room concept
www.festo-didactic.com 7
Laboratory Furniture
Learnline ........................................................................................................12
Laboratory furniture > Frameline
Mobile and flexible
Flexible tables
Frameline side tables provide a con-
venient and secure space for setting
up devices and experiment mate-
rials. They provide extensive table
space and ample leg room. Thanks
to their sturdy, high-quality construc-
tion, the tables are guaranteed to
be suitable for even strict require-
ments. They are also available with
a fold-out table top for space-saving
www.festo-didactic.com 11
Laboratory furniture > Learnline
Stationary Learnline
Ergonomic and flexible
The stationary solution Move up into another dimension: Quality from Festo
profile columns as set-up space We don’t make compromises when it
With the stationary workstation sys- Use the versatile profile columns as a comes to quality. Workmanship and
tem, Learnline combines the require- set-up space, compatible with Quick- functionality are of the highest level.
ments for typical desk systems with Fix, for equipment sets or for attach-
high functionality. They provide am- ing additional components vertically. The rigid design and the high-qual-
ple desk space and legroom. ity coating of the work surface and
frame guarantee a long service life
despite many stresses and strains.
Learnline can handle the rigorous
routine of everyday teaching.
www.festo-didactic.com 13
Software .........................................................................................................16
Some training solutions included in this product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and environmental protection (CE marking).
If you are located in a country where this marking is required, please contact your
Festo sales representative before placing an order.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Flexible training programs and cours- The training programs are optionally Industrial Training Zone
es from Festo Didactic allow instruc- available as follows: – Electrical Theory
tors the freedom to be creative, in- – CD-ROM – Industrial Electrical
creasing student motivation. – License for local networks – Mobile Electrical
(on request) – AC/DC Motors and Drives
Highlights – Web-based training (WBT) for – Brushless DC Motors
– Unparalleled didactic and Classroom Manager or MindSight
multimedia course topics – For installation on your servers See pages 29 and 31 for complete
– Scope for self-study during or in your Learning Management lists of available courses and pro-
classroom-based training system grams in additional fields and topics.
– Learning scenarios can be – For integration in open-source
individually customized software
– Varied program functions, such as (such as Moodle, Ilias, etc.)
a glossary, search function, notes
– Can be used in conjunction with a Festo Didactic also provides custom-
Learning Management System – ized E-Learning packages for specific
Classroom Manager or MindSight needs, and gladly offers step-by-step
– Can be integrated into training guidance and advice, from the de-
concepts which use other media sign phase through the installation
(Word, Excel, PDF, etc.) of a complete Learning Management
– Some can be used in conjunction System.
with specific training systems
– Participant guidance
– Monitoring of learning progress
This interactive multimedia training – Definition and overview of Using the everyday example of a From the table of contents:
program provides an introduction to protective measures to prevent car park access control system, the – The function of actuators in
the complex topic of protective mea- direct contact trainee learns the basics of a mecha- mechatronic systems
sures. It explains what electrical pro- – Protection by insulating active tronic system. – Electric motors
tective measures are and how they components – DC motor
are classified. Trainees will also be- – Protection by covering or cladding Building on this, the training pro- – Torque and current
come familiar with all the legal regu- – Protection by barriers gram determines what function the – Behavior of DC motors
lations in this area. – Protection by distance actuators have in the controller. A DC – Induced voltage and speed control
– Definition and overview of motor is then studied in more detail – Characteristic torque/speed curve
The measures that are effective in protective measures to prevent as an example of a typical actuator, – Working with data sheets
preventing direct and indirect contact indirect contact E.g., its structure and the laws which – Determining the transmission ratio
are outlined using various specific – Production by disconnecting power govern its operation. Further chap-
examples and functional principles. supply ters cover speed control and the use Order no. On request
– Mains systems (TN, TT, IT systems) of data sheets, as well as the trans-
Finally, there is an explanation of – Protection by disconnection mission ratios which can be achieved
how protective measures are test- – Testing protective measures by using a gearbox.
ed and what actions should be tak- – Measurement and measuring
en in case of an accident involving devices
electricity. – Safety and assistance
– Summary and questions to check
From the table of contents: understanding
– The dangers of electricity
– Humans and electricity Order no. On request
– Electric shock hazards
– What are electrical protective
measures and how are they
– Protection levels
– Protective measures, protection
– Differences between DIN stan-
dards, VDE regulations and DIN-
VDE standards, statutory require-
ments, and legal consequences.
www.festo-didactic.com 17
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
The “Electrical engineering 1” train- Various tools are built-in to the train- The “Electrical engineering 2” train- From the table of contents:
ing program is one of a series of new ing program, such as Excel work- ing program is one of a series of new – Electric charge
programs in the field of electrical sheets, an integrated calculator, PDF training programs in the field of elec- – Capacitor
engineering and electronics. These files, and various downloads. The trical engineering and electronics. – A capacitor in a DC circuit
programs are real-world oriented and training programs contain both a These programs are real-world ori- – A capacitor in an AC circuit
authentically structured. Case stud- comprehensive glossary and a full ented and authentically structured. – Applications of the capacitor
ies from practice provide a concise text search. Case studies from practice provide a – Variable capacitor
illustration of the topics covered. All concise illustration of the topics cov- – Coil
training content is taught by means From the table of contents: ered. All training content is taught by – A coil in a DC circuit
of audio clips. Additionally, the nar- – Closed circuit means of audio clips. Additionally, – A coil in an AC circuit
rative text can be viewed on the site- – Electrical conductivity the narrative text can be viewed on – Applications of the coil
map. – Units and symbols the sitemap. – Physical variables
– Ohm’s Law – Calculating with changing values
Trainees experience a regular – Measuring in the circuit Various tools are built into the train- – Light switch-off delay
exchange of input and output, with – Voltage supplies ing program, such as Excel work- – Electrical behavior of a grinder
phases of presentation and expla- – The resistor as a component sheets, an integrated calculator, – Power generation and transmission
nation alternating with phases of – Series connection of resistors PDF files and various downloads.
activity and interaction. This enhanc- – Parallel connection of resistors The training programs contain both Order no. On request
es motivation and learning. – Voltage divider a comprehensive glossary and a full
– The resistor as a sensor text search.
Progress monitoring exercises are – Battery-powered screwdriver
scheduled after a maximum of five – Measuring range extension
pages of learning, with the goal of – Temperature controlled heating
having trainees repeat, apply, and – Level detection
develop what they have learned
themselves. Exercises are incorpo- Order no. On request
rated during teaching, at the end of
each learning step, and within the
case studies. During an exercise,
the program responds to each of the
trainee’s answers with the appropri-
ate feedback.
18 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Electronics 1 Electronics 2
The “Electronics 1” training program Various tools are built into the training The “Electronics 2” training program From the table of contents:
is one of a series of new programs in program, such as Excel worksheets, is one of a series of new programs – Signal types
the field of electrical engineering and an integrated calculator, PDF files and in the field of electrical engineer- – Integrated circuits
electronics. These programs are re- various downloads. The training pro- ing and electronics. These programs – Operational amplifier (OpAmp)
al-world oriented and authentically grams contain both a comprehensive are real-world oriented and authen- – AC voltage of various frequencies
structured. Case studies from prac- glossary and a full text search. tically structured. Real case studies – Characteristic values of amplify-
tice provide a concise illustration of provide a concise illustration of the ing circuits
the topics covered. All training con- From the table of contents: topics covered. All training content – Circuit technology of amplifiers
tent is taught by means of audio – Semiconductor technology is taught using audio clips. Addition- – Filters
clips. Additionally, the narrative text – Diodes ally, the narrative text can be viewed – Bistable flip-flop
can be viewed on the sitemap. – Bipolar transistors on the sitemap. – Single flip-flop
– Field-effect transistors – Sine wave generator
Trainees experience a regular – Regulated power supply Various tools are built into the train- – Rectangle generator
exchange of input and output, – Audio amplifier ing program, such as Excel work- – Thyristor-controlled drilling
with phases of presentation and – Audio amplifier with sound control sheets, an integrated calculator, machine
explanation alternating with phases PDF files and various downloads. – Brightness control with triac
of activity and interaction. This Order no. On request The training programs contain both – Adjusting the speed of an
enhances motivation and learning. a comprehensive glossary and a full electric screwdriver
text search.
Progress monitoring exercises are Order no. On request
scheduled after a maximum of five
pages of learning, with the goal of
having trainees repeat, apply and
develop what they have learned
themselves. Exercises are incorpo-
rated during teaching, at the end of
each learning step, and within the
case studies. During an exercise, the
program responds to each of the
trainee’s answers with the appropriate
www.festo-didactic.com 19
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Sensors in pneumatics Content extracts: Sensors for object detection Content extracts:
This training program deals in detail – Project: Selection of sensors in This training program deals in detail – Project: Selection of sensors
with the sensors used to detect end one of the clamping units of a with the sensors used to detect ob- in a milk bottling plant
position on cylinders and with pres- processing centre jects in automated systems. Based – Object detection in industrial
sure and flow sensors in pneumatic – Advantages and disadvantages on a complex example from indus- practice
systems. Based on a complex exam- of various end position sensors trial practice, trainees are taught to – Switching characteristics of
ple from industrial practice, trainees on cylinders select the suitable sensors. The nec- proximity sensors
are taught to select suitable sen- – Simple displacement encoders essary basic knowledge for this is – Hysteresis
sors. The necessary basic knowledge on cylinders provided in the Technical Knowledge – Connection technology: Two-wire
for this is provided in the Technical – Use of pressure sensors to improve and Components modules, to which technology, three-wire technology,
Knowledge and Components mod- safety in pneumatic systems they can refer at any time. four-wire technology
ules, to which they can refer at any – Use of flow sensors to safeguard – NO/NC (Normally Open, Normally
time. system cycle times All training content is taught by Closed)
– Output signals from sensors means of audio clips. Additionally, – Inductive sensors: Construction
All training content is taught by – Connection technology the narrative text can be viewed. and mode of operation, factor-1
means of audio clips. Additionally, – NO/NC (Normally Open, Normally sensors, special designs, flush
the narrative text can be viewed. Closed) fitting sensors, application
– Switching functions examples
– Sensors for end position detec- – Optical sensors: Diffuse sensor,
tion: Pneumatic and mechanical through-beam sensor, retro-reflec-
limit switch, reed switch, transistor tive sensor, background fade-out,
switch, Hall sensor, position sensor fibre optic cable, light types, reflec-
– Types of pressure measurement tion types, adjustment, contrast
– Sensors for pressure measure- sensor, color sensor
ment: Mechanical pressure switch, – Capacitive sensors: Construction,
electronic pressure sensor, mode of operation, usage and
– Sensors for flow measurement: examples
Volumetric flow meter, effective – Ultrasonic sensors: Construction,
pressure principle, ultrasonic flow mode of operation, applications
meter, mass flow meter, heat-loss
method Order no. On request
20 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
The “Electric drives 1” interactive – Familiarization with different The training program “Electric From the table of contents:
multimedia training program pro- DC motors drives 2” further explores the mate-
vides an engaging introduction to – General (functional principles, rial covered in “Electric drives 1” and Controlling DC motors
the world of electric motors. commutation, technical data, also includes new topic areas. – Armature reaction
brushless DC motor, load depen- – Speed control
The first section sets out the basic dency, difference between series This learning program is suitable for – Four-quadrant operation
principles of electric drives. The and parallel connection) beginners and advanced students.
second section illustrates the – Parallel connection behavior The first two chapters address Controlling AC motors
construction and functioning of – AC motors the topic of controlling DC and AC – Motor characteristic curve
DC motors, while the third section – Difference in power supply motors. The third chapter focuses – Open-loop and closed-loop
deals with the special features of AC (DC, AC, three-phase AC) on the energy efficiency of electric speed control
motors. – Familiarization with different drives, looking at economic and envi- – Frequency converters
AC motors ronmental aspects. – Smooth start-up
From the table of contents: – General functional principle
– Basic principles of electric drives (difference between synchronous Energy efficiency
– Familiarization with different mo- and asynchronous motor), techni- – Economic aspects
tor types (stepper motor, asynchro- cal data, rating plate, characteris- – Degree of efficiency
nous motor, universal motor) tic curves and their interpretation, – Minimising losses
– Mechanical principles (conversion definition of reactive, apparent, – Reliability
of mechanical/electrical energy, and effective power) – Energy efficiency measures
motor – generator, circuit diagram – Single-phase AC motor – Environmental aspects
and current direction, transmission – Three-phase AC motor special – Merits of electric motors
variables (force, mechanical pow- cases (stepper motors)
er, efficiency etc.), definitions of – Summary and review exercises Order no. On request
torque and speed)
– Electronic principles (basic prin- Order no. On request
ciple of the motor, Lorentz force
using the example of a conduc-
tion loop, electrical and magnetic
fields, occurrence of torque, right-
hand rule)
www.festo-didactic.com 21
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
This course is intended to be used Topics covered: This site-license eLearning course is eSeries
in conjunction with either the – Power Circuits and Transformers intended to be used in conjunction en 579791
Computer-Assisted 0.2 kW Electro- – AC/DC Motors and Generators with the DC and AC Power Circuits
mechanical Training System (LabVolt Training System (LabVolt Series
Series 8006 or the Electromechanical eSeries 8010-1).
Systems Simulation Software). en 586998
es 586999 This eLearning course covers courses
It contains all the technical content SCORM DC Power Circuits and Single-Phase
and exercise procedures of two en 587000 AC Power Circuits, each of which has
manuals: Power Circuits and Trans- es 589189 a pretest and posttest. Each course
formers, and AC/DC Motors and Stand-alone includes the topics covered in the
Generators. Each course begins with en 587001 book-based content and their related
a pretest and ends with a posttest. es 589190 hands-on exercises. Exercise proce-
Each course includes the topics cov- dures are presented in enhanced PDF
ered in the book-based content and format. Completed sheets may be
their related hands-on exercises. printed, saved to a specific location,
Exercise presentation of technical or sent via email to the instructor.
content is accompanied by voiceover Exercise presentation of technical
narration to minimize the amount of content is accompanied by voiceover
on-screen reading. narration to minimize the amount of
on-screen reading.
22 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Industrial Controls
Training System
www.festo-didactic.com 23
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
The eSeries for FACET® program The basic design of the FACET® The Brushless DC Motors course Topics covered:
consists of 30 courses, each carefully courses is always similar. They begin provides an interactive training ex- – Motor Components
designed to foster recognition, un- with a 50-question pretest and con- perience that explains how to de- – Commutation
derstanding, experimentation, clude with a 50-question posttest. termine and calculate motor speed, – Motor Performance
troubleshooting, application, and Each course is made up of a quantity torque, and power, how motors and – Selecting a Brushless Motor
evaluation of analog and digital of units based on the complexity of drives operate, and how to identify
electronics circuitry. the accompanying board. Each unit the hardware and firmware involved eSeries format, 50 users, first year
has a Fundamentals section followed in motor operation. The course also 120V/60Hz
They are grouped into four main by many exercises that allow stu- covers the safety considerations re- en 585631
topics: dents to apply the information from lated to electromechanical system
– Basic Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals. Each exercise con- operation.
– Digital and Microprocessor cludes with graded review questions.
Electronics The units conclude with a 10-ques-
– Industrial Electronics tion quiz.
– Communications Systems
See page 56 for details.
Rich in comprehensive content and
competency-based, hands-on learn-
ing activities, each course gives stu-
dents critical skills in one or more of
the key areas of electronics study.
Courses are designed to be self-
paced, autonomous training.
24 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
www.festo-didactic.com 25
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
The Electrical Theory course provides Topics covered: The Mobile Electrical course provides Topics covered:
an interactive training experience – Fundamentals an interactive training experience – Electrical Fundamentals
designed to teach the fundamental – Basic Physics designed to teach the fundamental – Circuit Fundamentals
principles behind electrical systems. – Circuit Fundamentals principles behind electrical systems – Circuit Analysis
– Circuit Analysis of mobile equipment. It explains the – Basic Magnetism
The course begins with the basic – Basic Magnetism various physics laws related to elec- – Circuit Components
concepts: atoms, charge, voltage, – Magnetic Circuits trical power, and describes the ba- – Electrical Testers
and current. The course then con- – Single-Phase AC Circuits sic terminology and formulas behind – Charging and Starting Systems
tinues with an in-depth, theoretical – Magnetic Induction electrical systems.
approach to circuit analysis, basic – Poly-phase AC Circuits eSeries format, 50 users, first year
magnetism, magnetic induction, and The course covers the basic electrical 120V/60Hz
single- and poly-phase ac power eSeries format, 50 users, first year system common to almost all com- en 585515
circuits. The course theory-based, 120V/60Hz bustion engine vehicles, and how the 220V/50 Hz
and is designed to train electrical en 585483 battery, charging, and starting sys- en 585516
technicians. 220V/50 Hz tems function and interact with each 220V/50 Hz
en 585484 other. Finally, it also covers the ba- es 585517
220V/50 Hz sics of digital multimeters and their
es 594157 use for various electrical tests.
26 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
The Industrial Electrical course Topics covered: The AC/DC Motors and Drives course Topics covered:
describes the components, func- – Electrical Fundamentals provides an interactive training ex- – System Components
tions, and interactions of electrical – Circuit Fundamentals perience designed to teach the fun- – AC/DC Motors
systems. It covers various topics – Circuit Analysis damental principles behind electrical – Selecting a Replacement Motor
related to electrical systems: – Basic Magnetism motors and drives. It explains how or Drive
circuits, basic magnetism, circuit – Circuit Components to identify and calculate the speed, – Line Protection and Filtering
components, and electrical testers. – Electrical Testers torque, and horsepower of a motor, – Electrostatic Concepts
– Charging and Starting Systems how motors and drives operate, and – AC/DC Drive Hardware
The course also explains the formu- how to identify the hardware and – AC & DC Braking
las, laws, and basic terminology of eSeries format, 50 users, first year firmware involved in their operation. – Testing the System
electricity. The Industrial Electrical 120V/60Hz – Checking the System
course is specially designed to teach en 585458 The course teaches how to match – Using the HIM with the Drive
the basic principles of electrical sys- 220V/50 Hz system components to their respec- – Selecting a Drive
tems directly where it is required. en 585459 tive applications and covers the safe-
220V/50 Hz ty considerations associated with op- eSeries format, 50 users, first year
es 594153 erating electromechanical systems. 120V/60Hz
en 585530
220V/50 Hz
en 585531
220V/50 Hz
es 594160
www.festo-didactic.com 27
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Learning management system
A perfect work environment Content editing and management Communication tools Highlights
MindSight allows for content cus- Instructors can communicate with – Carefully selected tools that
MindSight is a powerful learning tomization, reorganization, and students about projects, progress, optimize the learning environment
management system (LMS) that op- administration. Easy-to-use tools notes they save in the journals, etc. – Extensive science and technology
erates all components of the mul- enable the addition of information, They can send messages to the en- E-Learning course library
timedia curriculum, as well as the course building from existing con- tire class or selected students. The – Compliant to SCORM 1.2
classroom management system. tent, and SCORM package uploading. blog feature further enhances com- – Adapted to high school, vocational,
It is used to present, report, and Tools also enable the operation of munication among teachers and stu- college, or university students
customize the technical subjects for external applications. dents. – Customizable and scalable to suit
multimedia courses, such as eSeries evolving needs
or ITZ courses. It offers full manage- MindSight embeds image files, Test editor – Complementary training lab
ment of classroom, groups, and video files, slideshows, PDFs, doc- The Test Editor also allows instruc- equipment and programs for
content access. uments, spreadsheets, and Flash tors to create custom exercises, blended learning
files into Sharable Content Objects quizzes, and tests to assess custom- – Can be branded to customers’
MindSight can be connected to train- (SCOs). This customized content can ized content that has been uploaded visual identity
ing hardware, such as FACET, or as a be seamlessly incorporated into the into the eSeries curriculum.
stand-alone, E-Learning program. curriculum. Extensive courses library
Grades and reports To quickly add content to MindSight,
Classroom and user management Content delivery Student results can be viewed in instructors can choose from an ex-
User accounts can be created or im- The right content can be assigned to real time. Grade weighting can be set tensive collection of eLearning cours-
ported with only a few simple clicks, the right students in just a few clicks. to fit specific needs. MindSight has es, called eSeries.
or with a specified course code that A scheduling tool limits access to the a wide variety of reports that can be
allows students to self-register. courses that are appropriate only for generated either in well-designed, eSeries courses are optimized when
Groups can be organized by class pe- scheduled periods. printable PDFs or exported to a bundled and integrated directly into
riod, course, or any other criteria, for spreadsheet for customized format- MindSight because they benefit from
easy management. Teacher Annotations ting and inclusion in an external its unique features, but they can also
Screens in the eSeries curriculum management system. be used outside of MindSight.
can be edited to ensure that stu-
dent understanding is maximized. The courses include theory, videos,
Instructors can mask existing text, exercises and/or job sheets with pro-
add directions or explanations, and cedures, tests and quizzes, etc.
highlight important details through
directional text boxes.
28 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
– Other languages, formats, and license options are offered.
– More than 15 STEM-related courses are also available.
Visit www.labvolt.com for details.
www.festo-didactic.com 29
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Classroom Manager
Learning management system
Simple, professional, affordable: All the digital training media are The Classroom Manager defines We’ve got great offers for ordering
The Classroom Manager learning compiled in a central library for course structures and sets time all the training programs with the
management system direct access, greatly reducing frames, dates for attendance, train- Classroom Manager – take a look at
course preparation time. ing aids, access requirements and the table.
– Create and manage users and certification options. Participants
user groups Participants are provided with the and potential applicants can access Please note:
– User self-registration corresponding material for each ses- this information as required. – WBTs that have already been
– Individual assignment of training sion, but instructors can also create installed from CD-ROM cannot
topics to users or groups new media for tests or question- Has everyone done their homework? be integrated into the Classroom
– Monitor learning progress in the naires as needed for the completion The Classroom Manager also pro- Manager after installation. To do
tutor cockpit of courses or training sessions. vides a clear picture of participants’ this, you will require a new version.
– Easy integration of own resources learning success. With the progress – The WBTs and Tec2Screen® courses
– Option to design own courses by monitoring system you always have are not included in the scope of
using existing learning units an overview of course attendance delivery for the Classroom Manag-
– Individual creation of certificates and the progress of each student. er. Please order separately.
– Support for SCORM standards 1.2
and 1.3 The Classroom Manager also allows Refer to the product description or
students to keep an eye on their the Internet for details of the WBTs
The Classroom Manager is the ideal courses: the qualifications on offer and Tec2Screen® courses, as well as
platform for quick, and tailored are displayed clearly, and registering the available languages.
management and implementation is quick and easy.
of online training courses. The Class- System requirements
room Manager provides the user – Windows 2000 Server
with classroom seminars, E-Learning (web edition) or later
modules, and Tec2Screen® courses – Flash Player 8.0 or later
as needed. – Administrator access is essential
for installation
– In addition to Classroom Manager,
a number of free open-source
components need to be installed
(Apache 2.x/MySQL 4.x or 5.x/PHP
4.x/Zend Optimizer). These are
supplied in the installation bundle.
– For standard installation, the
required ports are 80 (Apache)
and 3306 (MySQL)
– The hardware should be an Intel/
AMD x86 or x86-64 platform. No
minimum requirements for CPU,
memory or hard disk
30 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Fluid engineering
– Pneumatics
– Hydraulics
– Electropneumatics
– Electrohydraulics
Electrical engineering
– Electrical safety measures
– Electrical engineering 1
– Electrical engineering 2
– Electronics 1
– Electronics 2
Automation technology
– Sensor technology 1
– Sensor technology 2
– Discover MPS® 200
Campus/enterprise license On request – Actuators – DC motor
ASP solution On request – Electric drives 1
Note: Contact your sales representative for more licensing options. – Electric drives 2
– Open- and closed-loop control
Tec2Screen® Manager 20/20 is free to download after ordering the courses/ – GRAFCET
simulations. It can be used as an alternative to Classroom Manager for pur- – PLC programming in accordance with IEC 61131
chase when the learning management system is not necessary. – LOGO! Training
– Fieldbus technology
– Machine vision
– Safety engineering
– Process automation
– Turning
– Milling
– Drilling
– Materials science
Technology and Environment
– The fascination of technology
– Renewable energies
Lean Management/Lean Production
– Value stream analysis and mapping
– Poka Yoke
– 5S – Workstation organization
– TPM – Total Productive Maintenance
www.festo-didactic.com 31
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
Content Builder
Design and create your own training media
Create digital training media quickly The authoring tool, Content Builder, Create interaction! Integrated facili- Order no. 576293
and inexpensively allows the development of high- ties for creating interaction scenar-
quality digital training media, such ios mean additional motivation for
Create whole training scenarios to as classic web-based training, students. Intelligent functions allow
build and deepen knowledge! Tec2Screen® courses, or material for you to produce ready-to-use results
blended learning scenarios. without any need for programming
Easy creation of exercises and tests, knowledge.
thanks to a wide choice of exercise Content Builder is the perfect tool for
types and ready-made interaction a wide range of needs, from training Speak many languages! The lan-
scenarios. PowerPoint import func- projects to public relations. Wheth- guage import and export function
tionality allows rapid E-Learning. To- er dealing with data, facts, or argu- allows you to create multilingual
gether, these features enable opti- ments – Content Builder can be used training media in next to no time.
mized workflow in the production of to communicate information in a Texts to be translated can be easi-
training media. structured and stylish way. ly output, and the automatic import
function allows the translations to
The numerous appealing templates simply be inserted at the same loca-
provide attractive form as well as tion in text or audio formats.
functionality, and additional content
can be inserted via drag and drop, or
by importing it from other digital me-
dia formats, such as PowerPoint.
32 All training programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems – with as many licenses as you need.
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/courses/LMS
www.festo-didactic.com 33
Media > Software > Tec2Screen®
Connected Learning for Electricity and Electronics
The concept consists of: Exciting courses for Training content Training content
– Tec2Screen® app explorative learning – Resistor for alternating current: – Boolean laws:
– Courses Videos, animations, measuring ohmic, capacitive and inductive commutative law, associative law,
– Simulations exercises, and test assignments resistors distributive law, De Morgan’s laws
– Tec2Screen® Manager for inspire students to explore and – Phase shift – Simple Boolean relationships
20 users/workstations discover. The measuring instruments – Design and function of low- and
– Learning management system: integrated into the courses addition- high- pass filters Further courses:
Classroom Manager ally make interactive troubleshoot- – Cut-off frequency of a filter – Basic logic functions
– Connects ing exciting. – Disjunctive and conjunctive
– Tec2Screen® hardware Further courses: normal form
– Optional learning systems Completing the courses offline – Resistor for alternating current: – Schmitt triggers, astable and
outside of the lab, is also possible, ohmic, capacitive and inductive monostable multivibrators
so that technical knowledge can be resistors – Bistable multivibrators
learned anywhere at any time. – Phase shift
– Design and function of low- and
high- pass filters
– Cut-off frequency of a filter
What actually is
Connected Learning?
Understand the real world better The learning management system New interfaces: Connects The hardware
thanks to simulations The Classroom Manager manages To explore the connection between As a basic unit, the Tec2Screen® base
As a component of modern training courses and simulations, as well the real and the virtual world, we links the iPad® with the patented
systems, the Tec2Screen® simu- as self-made documents and have developed the Connects – plug- Connects. The iPad® can also be
lations can be used to test and materials. The trainer assigns these in interface modules with a patented used as a fully functional tablet,
simulate controllers and applications to the students individually and can interface. The Connects enable direct independently of the Tec2Screen®,
for PLC technology under realistic simultaneously record their learning interaction between software and in the classroom and elsewhere.
conditions. The new knowledge progress. hardware, and thus direct interaction
encourages practical and safe exper- between theory and practice. Festo Didactic won the 2015 iF
imenting without real consequences Design Award for the Tec2Screen®.
or the need to purchase additional Unique: the signal flow is completely
hardware. transparent and easy to follow.
www.festo-didactic.com 35
Media > Software > Tec2Screen® > Courses
Tec2Screen® Courses
Ohm’s law, power, work, energy Resistors and consumers Voltage sources, adaptations Capacitors, parameter-dependent
resistors, measuring
Training content Training content Training content
Basic electrical variables Connecting ohmic resistors/ Voltage sources: series connection Training content
– Voltage, current, charge consumers in series – Internal resistance Capacitors in DC circuits
– Measuring voltage and current – Laws governing the series – Load conditions – Functional principle and designs
connection of ohmic consumers – Calculating capacitance
Ohm’s law – Calculating components and Voltage sources: parallel connection – Permittivity and dielectric
– Deriving Ohm’s law from equivalent resistances – Even and uneven voltage properties
measurements and applying it – Line resistances and voltage drop – Even and uneven internal – Electrolytic capacitors
– The resistor as a component: – Series resistors for bulbs or LEDs resistances – Charge and discharge curves
designs, value ranges, colour – With and without load resistance – Typical applications
coding Connecting ohmic resistors/ – Series and parallel connection
consumers in parallel Adaptations – Capacitors as energy storage
Power, work, energy – Laws governing the parallel – Interfaces between electrical devices
– Learning about the terms power connection of ohmic consumers circuits
and work and how to calculate – Calculating components and – Voltage adaptation Parameter-dependent resistors
them equivalent resistances – Power adaptation – Non-linear, voltage-depen-
– Calculating costs when using – Power ratings of voltage sources – Current adaptation dent, temperature-dependent,
electrical energy light-dependent resistors
Mixed circuits Required Connects – Characteristics, applications,
Required Connects – Practice: Deriving laws from – 2x Multimeter Connect characteristic curves
– 2x Multimeter Connect measurements – 1x Analog In Connect – Components for protective circuits,
– 1x Analog In Connect – Kirchhoff’s second law alarm systems
– Kirchhoff’s first law de/en 8034079
de/en 8028129 – Resistor networks Measuring and measuring errors
– Potentials and potential The accessories mentioned below are – Multimeters: designs, safety,
The accessories mentioned below are differences required to conduct the courses. resolution, accuracy
required to conduct the courses. – Direct and indirect measuring
Required Connects – 1x Equipment set TP 1011 of resistance values
– 1x Equipment set TP 1011 – 1x Multimeter Connect Fundamentals of electrical engineering/ – Measuring circuits and measuring
Fundamentals of electrical engineering/ – 1x Analog In Connect electronics errors
de/en 8034077 Required Connects
– 2x Multimeter Connect
The accessories mentioned below are – 1x Analog In Connect
required to conduct the courses.
de/en 8034078
– Equipment set TP 1011
Fundamentals of electrical engineering/ The accessories mentioned below are
electronics required to conduct the courses.
www.festo-didactic.com 37
Media > Software > Tec2Screen® > Courses
Tec2Screen® Courses
Tec2Screen® Manager
The Tec2Screen® Manager 20/20 is available as a free download and can be used as
an alternative to Classroom Manager for purchase. The following license levels are
available for courses and simulations:
– 20 users/20 workstations
www.festo-didactic.com 39
Media > Software > FluidSIM®
FluidSIM® 5
Pneumatics/hydraulics/electrical engineering
For more than 20 years, FluidSIM® Testing in real time Speed made visible Wide range – maximum convenience
has been the world’s leading circuit Whether in a training environment The new simulation core of Fluid- Pneumatics, hydraulics, electrical
diagram design and simulation or in an engineering office, the sim- SIM® 5 achieves simulation rates engineering: the libraries are avail-
program for pneumatics, hydraulics, ulation of control systems and pro- up to 10 kHz. The parameters of all able separately or together in the
and now also for electrical engineer- cesses has long been standard in actuators can be precisely adjust- same program. The user decides
ing. Being able to freely design con- industry, helping to minimize losses ed. FluidSIM® 5 writes the simula- which of the libraries to use in the
trol systems is motivating, and pro- due to crashes and ensuring great- tion results in millisecond cycles program. All technologies interact
motes creativity and focus. Beyond er efficiency and improved quality. and delivers them as a text file! The optimally in a circuit diagram or
that, FluidSIM® provides teachers The parameters of all components new simulated oscilloscopes make project.
with a wealth of text, images, and are identical to those of the training frequencies up to 100 kHz visible.
videos for multimedia-based lesson packages from Festo Didactic and Flexible installation and use
planning. Experience real-time can be fully adapted to the charac- Learning with fun and success Online registration, network license,
simulations with apprentices, spe- teristics of other components. Theory is necessary for learning, but usage at home: FluidSIM® 5 offers
cialists, or students and celebrate real practice provides motivation many license models that facili-
successful learning at all levels! The many aspects of GRAFCET and promotes successful learning! In tate economical learning scenarios
GRAFCET long-ago replaced the dis- many situations, FluidSIM® 5 can in a school or in a company. A new
One tool for all needs placement-step diagram in training. easily be used as a controller for the learner administration function even
As a teacher and trainer, you are FluidSIM® 5 does even more with real system: the EasyPort makes it allows you to provide and monitor
the expert who masters tasks that GRAFCET: possible – convenient, digital; and licenses for learning groups and to
are needed to prepare effective les- – Editing – for documentation analog! New: with the joystick, use the software at home.
sons, which is why FluidSIM® 5 of- conforming to standards FluidSIM® 5 is not only fun, but it
fers the expert mode. Your trainees – Visualizing – for maximum clarity now also allows several switches
should initially concentrate on the – Monitoring – colored signals and valves to be operated simulta-
essentials. They can work and learn indicate where the process is neously.
successfully in the standard mode, running correctly or not at all
which has a reduced range of func- – Control – for manufacturer-neutral
tions and offers advantages for the control of all fluid systems and
learning process. electrical systems
Professional CAD according Libraries for new technologies Simulation in high definition Convenient documentation
to standards – Libraries for all levels of pneumat- – Signal processing up to 10 kHz – Project administration, drawing
– Convenient drawing with alignment ics and hydraulics training pack- – Virtual oscilloscope for frequencies sheets
lines and new snap functions ages, including control technology up to 100 kHz – Individual drawing frames in
– Easy insertion of new symbols and proportional technology – Simultaneous simulation of all all sizes
into existing connections – New: drives in pneumatics circuits in a project – Automatic bills of materials, flow
– Variable drawing frames – Vacuum technology – Simulated values can be shown at path numbering, switching element
– Continuous scaling and rotation – Sensors in pneumatics run-time tables, terminal diagrams, cables,
– Dimensioning functions – Safety in pneumatic systems – Several switches can be operated wiring lists, and tubing lists
– Intersection calculation of lines, – Mobile hydraulics with the joystick – Exports into all common formats
rectangles, and ellipses – Electrical engineering, electronics
– Circuits with contacts Learning material included FluidSIM® for homework
Completely according to standards – Slides, pictures, animations, sec- – New expansion for administering
– All symbols to DIN ISO 1219 or GRAFCET in various modes tional drawings, video sequences external users over the Internet
DIN EN 81346-2 – GrafEdit: create GRAFCETs in – Description of the physical-mathe- – Administration of learning groups
– Connection identification according compliance with the standard matical simulation models – Integrated chat functions
to new equipment identifier – GrafView: visualize the control – Training program for FluidSIM® – Simple administration by the tutor
– GRAFCET according to the current sequence represented as beginners
standard a GRAFCET – Details of all components at the
– GrafControl: control the process push of a button
with the GRAFCET, including error – Completed sample presentations
simulation and process monitoring for your training course
– GrafPLC – Language changeover at run-time
– Multilingual (standard German/
www.festo-didactic.com 41
Media > Software > EasyPort
EasyPort USB
Interface for measuring, open-loop control, closed-loop control
EasyPort USB
Real training equipment – Simulation box, – Simulation box, – Simulation box, – Any PLC
digital/analog digital/analog digital/analog – Simulation box, digital
– MPS® PA – MPS® PA – MPS® PA – EduTrainer®
– TP 210 – MPS® – TP 210
– TP 610 – TP 301 – TP 610 Recommendation:
The CODESYS® starter kit
EasyPort USB is the PC EasyPort USB is the PC EasyPort USB is the with CECC-LK and EasyPort
interface for receiving interface to control actual PC interface to control USB contains everything
analog measurements and processes or simulations an actual closed-loop that is needed to start on
digital signals. on a PC via an actual PLC. controlled system. the subject of control
➔ Page 101
Measurement data logged Actual process, controlled Closed-loop controlled
via: via: system, controlled via: Simulated process,
– FluidLab®-PA – S7-PLCSIM – FluidLab®-PA displayed via:
– FluidLab®-P – FluidSIM® – FluidLab®-P – CIROS®
– FluidLab®-H – CODESYS® from version 2.0 – FluidSIM®
– EasyVeep®
www.festo-didactic.com 43
Media > Teachware
Teaching materials for basic and advanced training
Theory and practice, our range Technical literature and textbooks Workbooks Dictionaries and manuals
The technical literature and text- For more than 50 years, Festo Symbols, rules, standards, formulae,
– Electric power technology books provide the basis for studying Didactic has been at the forefront etc. You don’t need to have every-
– Power transmission and technologies and processes. For of industrial training with training thing in your head, but you do need
distribution trainers and teachers, they are es- packages with equipment sets and to know where to find it!
– Industrial controls sential for preparing courses. They tailored workbooks that include ex-
– Protective relaying also provide practical exercises with ercises and sample solutions (in- GST
– Electricity and electronics professional guidelines for those cluding CD-ROM). The exercises are ISIE 7µRTERBUCHÙDERÙ!UTOMATISIERUNGSTECHNIK
– Communications and who do not enjoy self-study on a PC. based on real industrial practices
radar technology
and have been successfully imple-
mented in a wide range of special- LECTR
ized training. E UTO
A wide range of different teaching
materials for ongoing basic and
advanced training are available for
these topics.
S M 6
– The license types are valid for all
Festo Didactic training materials.
– The full rights of use are set
out in the legal information
contained in the purchased
training materials.
Document protection – –
Reproduction rights X X
Multilingual version* – X*
www.festo-didactic.com 45
Media > Teachware > Electricity and electronics
230 V UDC
50 Hz
230 V/18 V
0 (Y1) –
0 (Y2) –
Workbook Workbook
TP 1012 TP 1013
& +
e + y
10 50
V °C
8 40
B1 6 30
B2 4 20
2 10
0 50 100 150 200 250 s 300
www.festo-didactic.com 47
Media > Teachware > Electricity and electronics
L3 E4 E5 E6
S9 S10 S11
S3 S4 S5
E2 E3
S6 S7 S8
M S12 S2 S13
E7 E1 E8
N 3 4 3
4 4 3
S1 S2 E1
3 3 3 3
3 4 3
S3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 T1 E2, 3
3 3
3 3
Programming Microcontroller FACET® Power supply systems Building automation with KNX
The 50-hour introduction course to Courseware is available for all and protective measures Modern buildings demand a wide
microcontroller programming course FACET® circuit boards to foster un- The workbook for power supply sys- variety of technologies, the most im-
introduces the concepts of develop- derstanding, experimentation, trou- tems and protective measures cov- portant being intelligent building au-
ing electronic systems using micro- bleshooting of analog and digital ers in detail the topic of the safety of tomation, as a modern building can-
controllers. Students learn what a electronics circuitry: electrical systems in accordance with not function without it.
microcontroller is, how to construct – DC Fundamentals DIN VDE.
circuits and systems based on mi- – DC Network Theorems The workbook for the basic princi-
crocontrollers, and how to program – AC 1 Fundamentals The specific conditions and the mea- ples of building automation intro-
microcontrollers using the Flowcode – AC 2 Fundamentals sures for avoiding dangerous situa- duces the relevant topics in realis-
software. The course is suitable for – Semiconductor Devices tions are explored using realistic sit- tic projects. Focus is on the software
BTEC National in Engineering unit – Transistor Amplifier Circuits uations. Different types of networks tools, equipment, and configuration,
6, Microcontroller systems for en- – Transistor Power Amplifiers (TN-C, TN-CS, TT and IT network), as well as their interaction and ex-
gineers. – Transistor Feedback Circuits protection against direct and indi- tended options.
– Power Supply Regulation Circuits rect contact, protection against elec-
Table of contents: – Operational Amplifier tric shock (including in the event of a The workbook contains:
– Introduction Fundamentals fault), protection through RCD, and – Sample solutions
– Intro to microcontrollers – Operational Amplifier Applications initial and repeat testing of electrical – Training notes
– Using E-blocks – Digital Logic Fundamentals systems and devices are explained in – Worksheets for the student
– Flowcode – first program – Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1 project form. – Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics
– Flowcode – examples – Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2
– Programming exercises – Digital Signal Processor The workbook contains: N. Karlsson
– Arduino adjustments – Microcontroller System – Solutions Edition 2013, 110 pages, in color,
Development – Didactic notes in folder.
Matrix Technology Solution Limited – 2-Bit Microprocessor – Worksheets for the student
Edition 06/2018 – Microprocessor Application Board – Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics Campus license:
80 pages, in color, in folder. – Breadboard de 8023444
– FET Fundamentals J. Stumpp en 8023445
Campus license: – Transducer Fundamentals Edition 2012, 230 pages, in color, es 8023446
en 8094009 – Thyristor and Power Control in folder.
– Magnetism/Electromagnetism Campus license:
– Motors, Generators, and Controls de 567307
– Power Transistors and en 567309
GTO Thyristors es 567311
– Analog Communications fr 567313
– Digital Communications 1
– Digital Communications 2
– Fiber Optic Communications
– Communications Transmission
-T1 -T2
L+ L+
L- L-
A1 A2 E2 E1
n = f [IE]
www.festo-didactic.com 49
Media > Teachware > Electricity and electronics
Stefan Hesse
Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Fundamentals of
servo motor drive technology stepper motor drive technology Lexikon der elektrischen
C1 C2 G UL
12V E AM5610 V 1k 5V
10nF 10nF
0 1 2 3 4 V
www.festo-didactic.com 51
Electricity and Electronics
Electronics Training System – FACET® ............................................................54
Some training solutions included in this product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and environmental protection (CE marking).
If you are located in a country where this marking is required, please contact your
Festo sales representative before placing an order.
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > System description
FACET® and eSeries – System overview Flexibility in delivery Rugged construction for durability
A completely integrated system The FACET® training workstation con- To accommodate a variety of training The hardware components of the
sists of a base unit and your choice situations, the system offers multi- FACET® system are highly safe and
The FACET® with eSeries training in a series of 30 boards to choose ple configurations. Whichever you designed for durability.
system is a unique combination of from, covering a wide range of elec- plan to use, FACET® workstation
hardware and software, providing a tronics topics. can be ordered as a stand-alone or A complete electronic workstation is
complete learning solution for Elec- USB-connected version. formed when a training board is in-
tronics training. Each board comes with comprehen- serted into the base unit. The built-in
sive, hands-on instruction with the- The courseware can be delivered in a guide and stopper protects the unit
This modular training system encom- ory and practice. This courseware is standard, paper-based curriculum or, from damage.
passes four areas of electronics: offered in traditional paper format or be a computer based interactive
– Basic principles of Electricity on a computer based platform. multimedia courseware, the eSeries. The unique zero insertion force (ZIF)
and Electronics Furthermore, the eSeries can be or- connector with a lockable knob in-
– Digital and Microprocessor The computer based courseware, dered as an autonomous courseware sures the integrity of the connection.
Electronics called eSeries for FACET®, can run as or, managed by our Learning The connector is gold-plated for add-
– Industrial Electronics stand-alone or within the MindSight Management System, the Mind- ed durability.
– Communications LMS platform, providing a seamless Sight. This LMS can configured as a
integration of courseware delivery LAN- or Web-based software. Power is distributed to the board by
and classroom management. the base unit, which is fully protect-
When combined with the LMS Mind- ed against short circuits, reverse
Conventional or virtual instrumenta- Sight and eSeries courses, FACET® voltage and overcurrent.
tion is required to complete the train- becomes a totally connected learning
ing set up. system for electronics that enhances The fact that there is no high voltage
learning speed and retention. makes the system completely safe
for students.
FACET® is suitable for a multitude
of training purposes in education-
al, industrial, R&D and training lab-
54 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > System description
The Boards – learning optimization Learning with hands-on Features – Student-controlled circuit
The Boards are made of quality FACET® incorporates built-in circuit – Durable construction where modification capability
grade PCB mounted on a sturdy poly- modification and fault insertion mechanical components are – Instructor-controlled fault
styrene tray for added rigidity. capabilities. Circuits can be faulted capable of millions of cycles insertion capability
Durable, industrial-grade compo- to teach real-world troubleshooting. of operation – Computer-activated circuit
nents are capable of withstanding Students must then locate, isolate, – Voltage regulation and protection modification and fault insertion
millions of cycles of operation. Pre- and troubleshoot the malfunction against over-voltage and short capability (computer-controlled
wired circuits minimize wiring time. through a series of troubleshoot- circuit conditions for safety in system)
ing steps, including the use of test training – Choice of stand-alone, LAN,
The components are clearly iden- instruments. Up to twenty CMs and – Gold-plated zero insertion force or Web based configuration
tified with silk-screened circuits. twelve faults are introduced from the (ZIF) connector technology
Active components are mounted on base unit, reducing the need for con- – Silk-screened circuit and
sockets for easy replacement. necting leads and allowing practical component identification
assessment of a student’s under- – Circuit boards mounted in sturdy
standing of a circuit. trays for easy handling and
connection to base unit
– Minimal wiring required saves
lab time
– Variety of industrial-grade com-
ponents provide broad, hands-on,
real-world training experience
www.festo-didactic.com 55
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > eSeries
Available topics:
Basic Electricity and Electronics Digital and Microprocessor Industrial Electronics Communications Systems
– DC Fundamentals Electronics – Transducer Fundamentals – Analog Communications
– DC Network Theorems – Digital Logic Fundamentals – Magnetism/Electromagnetism – Digital Communications 1
– AC 1 Fundamentals – Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1 – Motors, Generators, and Controls – Digital Communications 2
– AC 2 Fundamentals – Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2 – Power Transistors and GTO – Fiber Optic Communications
– Semiconductor Devices – 32-Bit Microprocessor Thyristors – Transmission Lines
– Transistor Amplifier Circuits – Digital Signal Processor – FET Fundamentals – QPSK/OQPSK/DPSK
– Transistor Power Amplifiers – Microcontroller System Develop- – Thyristor and Power Control
– Transistor Feedback Circuits ment Circuits
– Power Supply Regulation Circuits – Microprocessor Application Board – Breadboard
– Operational Amplifier
– Operational Amplifier Applications
eSeries bundles :
Basic EE for MindSight, en 585750 Digital&μP for MindSight, en 585757 Industrial E for MindSight, en 585763 Comm E for MindSight, en 585769
Basic EE for SCORM, en 585752 Digital&μP for SCORM, en 585759 Industrial E for SCORM, en 585765 Comm E for SCORM, en 585771
Basic EE for Stand-Alone, en 585753 Digital&μP for Stand-Alone, en 585760 Industrial E for Stand-Alone, en 585766 Comm E for Stand-Alone, en 585772
56 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET®
MindSight Learning
Management System
Please see pages 28–29
for more information.
www.festo-didactic.com 57
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Base units
58 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics
The DC Fundamentals Training Circuit – Resistance, Current, and Voltage Consisting of nine training circuit – Superposition Solution for
Board is used by students to perform in a Series Resistive Circuit blocks and a constant-source cur- a Two-Source Circuit
practical exercises that demonstrate – Resistance, Voltage, and Current rent block, the DC Network Theo- – Millman’s Theorem Solution for
DC principles. Students will become in a Parallel Resistive Circuit rems Circuit Board enables students Two-Source Circuit
familiar with all the components to – Resistance, Voltage, and Current in to perform practical exercises that – Thevenizing a Single-Source and
be able to successfully identify and a Series-Parallel Resistive Circuit demonstrate theoretical DC princi- a Dual-Source Network
isolate the circuit blocks on the train- – Power in a Series, Parallel, and ples. When a circuit has two volt- – Thevenin Resistance (Rth) and
ing board and perform trouble-shoot- Series-Parallel Resistive Circuit age sources in different branches, Thevenin Voltage (Vth) of a
ing exercises. – The Rheostat theorems are used to solve for volt- Bridge Circuit
– The Potentiometer age and/or current in these circuits – Thevenin to Norton Conversion
Topic Coverage – Voltage and Current Dividers where Ohm’s Law cannot be applied. – Norton to Thevenin Conversion
– Instrument Familiarization – The DC Ammeter/ Ohmmeter/ – Tee and Wye or
– FACET® Base Unit Familiarization Voltmeter Topic Coverage Pi and Delta Networks
– DC Fundamentals Circuit Board – Troubleshooting DC Circuits 1 – Component Location and – Transformation of Delta and
Familiarization Identification Wye Networks
– Symbols and Schematics – Circuit Board Operation – Troubleshooting Basics
– Basic Safety Rules – Currents and Node Currents in a – Troubleshooting DC Networks
– Electrical Safety Rules Two-Element Branch Circuit
– Circuit Resistance, Circuit Current, – Voltages in a Three-Element
Circuit Voltage Series Circuit
– DC Power Sources in Series and – Algebraic Sum of Voltages
in Parallel Series in a Series Circuit
– Opposing DC Sources – Generating Loop Equations
– Identify Types of Switches – Generating Node Equations
– Switching Concepts – Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current
– Ohm’s Law: Circuit Resistance, Law with a Two-Source Circuit
Circuit Current, Circuit Voltage – Mesh Solutions of a
Two-Source Circuit
www.festo-didactic.com 59
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics
AC 1 Fundamentals AC 2 Fundamentals
Circuit Board 91003 Circuit Board 91004
This Circuit Board contains nine Topic Coverage The AC 2 Fundamentals Circuit Board Topic Coverage
circuit blocks on which students – The Oscilloscope is designed as a continuation of the – Series RLC Circuits
perform varied troubleshooting exer- – The AC Waveform Generator AC 1 Fundamentals program. – Parallel RLC Circuits
cises in the AC 1 Fundamentals pro- – AC Amplitude Measurement – Series Resonant Circuits
gram. Students identify and isolate – Measuring AC Voltage, Current, and – Q and Bandwidth of a
the following circuits: Generator Im- Impedance with an Oscilloscope Series RLC Circuit
pedance, AC/DC Waveforms, Phase – Measuring and Setting Frequency – Resonant Frequency
Angle, Inductance/Inductive Reac- – Inductors in a Parallel LC Circuit
tance, Transformer, Capacitance/ – Phase Angle – Q and Bandwidth
Capacitive Reactance, RC Time Con- – Inductors in Series and in Parallel – Power Division
stants, and RC/RL Wave Shapes. – Fundamentals of Inductive – Power Factor
Reactance – Low-Pass Filters
– Inductive Reactance and – High-Pass Filters
Impedance – Band-Pass Filters
– Series and Parallel RL Circuits – Band-Stop Filters
– What is an Electromagnet? – Troubleshooting Basics
– Transformer Windings – Troubleshooting the AC 2
– Mutual Inductance Fundamentals Circuit Board
– Transformer Turns and
Voltage Ratios
– Transformer Secondary Loading
– Capacitors
– Capacitors in Series and in Parallel
– Fundamentals of Capacitive
– Series and Parallel RC Circuits
– RC Time Constants
– RC/RL Waveshapes
– Troubleshooting Basics
– Troubleshooting the AC 1
Fundamentals Circuit Board
60 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics
The Semiconductor Devices Circuit Topic Coverage The Transistor Amplifier Circuits Topic Coverage
Board contains nine circuit blocks – Semiconductor Component Board allows students to perform – Circuit Location and Identification
pertaining to skills training in semi- Identification practical exercises that demonstrate – Multistage Amplifier Introduction
conductor circuits. – Control of a Semiconductor Switch transistor amplifier principles. – Common Base Circuit DC Operation
– Diode and DC Characteristics – Common Base Circuit AC Operation
After completion of the FACET® pro- – Half-Wave Rectification Students will identify and isolate – Common Emitter Circuit
grams in AC and DC Fundamentals – Full-Wave Diode Bridge Rectification faults within the following six circuit DC Operation/AC Operation
and AC and DC Circuits and Analysis, – Power Supply Filtering blocks: Attenuator, Common Base/ – Common Collector Circuit
students are ready to train on the – Voltage Doubler Emitter, Common Collector, Bias Sta- DC Operation/AC Operation
Semiconductor Board. – Diode Waveshaping bilization, RC Coupling/Transformer – Temperature Effect on
– The Zener Diode Coupling, and Direct Coupling. Fixed Bias Circuit and
Students in this program will be – Zener Diode Voltage Regulation Voltage Divider Bias Circuit
responsible for analyzing and trou- – Testing the Junctions of a Transistor – Transistor Parameters
bleshooting the following circuits: – PNP Transistor Current Control Familiarization
Diodes and Half-wave Rectification, Circuit – Using the Transistor Specification
Full-wave Rectification with Power – Emitter-Base Bias Potentials Sheet
Supply Filters, Zener Diode Regu- – Collector Current vs. Base Bias – RC Coupled Amplifier DC Operation
lator, Diode Waveshaping, Voltage – Transistor DC Circuit Voltages – RC Coupled Amplifier AC Voltage
Doubler, Transistor Junction, PNP – Transistor Load Lines Gain and Phase Relationship
DC Bias, and Transistor Load Lines – Troubleshooting Basics – RC Coupled Amplifier Frequency
and Gain. – Troubleshooting the Semiconductor Response
Devices Circuit Board – Transformer Coupled Amplifier
DC Operation/ AC Operation/
Frequency Response
– Direct Coupled Amplifier
DC Operation/AC Operation
– Direct Coupled Amplifier
Frequency Response
– Troubleshooting Basics
– Troubleshooting Transistor
Amplifier Circuits
www.festo-didactic.com 61
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics
The Transistor Power Amplifiers Topic Coverage The Transistor Feedback Circuit – Shunt-Series Multistage
Circuit Board is designed to teach – Circuit Location and Identification Board enables students to perform Amplifier Current Gain
troubleshooting of transistor power – Transistor Power Amplifier Intro- practical exercises that demonstrate – Shunt-Series Multistage
amplifier circuitry. duction Transistor Feedback principles. Amplifier Output Gain
– Single-Ended Power Amplifier – Shunt-Series Multistage
Training on this Circuit Board DC Operation The circuits found on this board Amplifier Voltage Gain
includes identifying and isolating the – Single-Ended Power Amplifier include: Series Feedback/Shunt – Shunt-Series Multistage
following circuits: Single-Ended AC Voltage Gain and Power Gain Feedback, Multistage Shunt-Series Amplifier Output Impedance
Power Amplifier, Phase Splitter, Push- – Phase Splitter DC Operation Feedback, Attenuator, Multistage – Differential Amplifier Operation
Pull Power Amplifier, Attenuator, – Voltage Gain and Input/Output Series-Shunt Feedback, and the – Single-Ended and Differential
Complementary Power Amplifier, and Signal Phase Relationship Differential Amplifier. Gain Characteristics
Darlington Pair. – Push-Pull Power Amplifier – Common Mode Gain and
DC Operation Topic Coverage Rejection Ratio
– Push-Pull Power Amplifier – Component Location and – Troubleshooting Basics
AC Voltage and Power Gain Identification – Troubleshooting Feedback
– Complementary Power Amplifier – Series Feedback Amplifier Amplifier Circuits
DC Operation Operation
– Complementary Power Amplifier – The Effect of Feedback on AC Gain
AC Voltage Gain and Power Gain – The Effect of Negative Series
– Darlington Pair Current Gain Feedback on Bandwidth
Characteristics – The Effect of Series Feedback on
– Darlington Pair Input and Output Input and Output Impedance
Impedance – The Effect of Shunt Feedback on
– Troubleshooting Basics AC Gain
– Troubleshooting Transistor Power – The Effect of Shunt Feedback on
Amplifiers Bandwidth
– The Effect of Shunt Feedback on
Input and Output Impedance
Transistor Power Amplifiers 91007 en 580949 Transistor Feedback Circuits 91008 en 580961
Transistor Power Amplifiers 91007 fr 580950 Transistor Feedback Circuits 91008 fr 580962
Transistor Power Amplifiers 91007 es 580951 Transistor Feedback Circuits 91008 es 580963
62 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics
The Power Supply Regulation Circuits Topic Coverage The Operational Amplifier Funda- Topic Coverage
Board provides comprehensive, – Circuit Location and Identification mentals Circuit Board provides com- – Operational Amplifier Types and
hands-on instruction in the terminol- – Power Supply Regulator Introduc- prehensive, hands-on instruction Packages
ogy, principles, and applications of tion in the terminology, principles, and – Circuit Board Recognition and
power supply regulation circuits. – Shunt Regulator Operation applications of the circuitry used in Description
– Line Regulation analog applications. – Basic Operational Amplifier
Following a carefully designed in- – Load Regulation Characteristics and Parameters
structional program, students will – Series Regulator Operation Following a carefully designed in- – DC, AC, and other Characteristics
become familiar with all components – Voltage Feedback Regulator structional program, students will of the Inverting Amplifier
of the board; will be able to isolate, Operation become familiar with all components – DC, AC, and other Characteristics
identify, and test a series of circuits; – Voltage Feedback Load Regulation of the board; will be able to isolate, of the Non-inverting Amplifier
and will perform troubleshooting – Foldback Current Limiting Active identify, and test a series of circuits; – The Voltage Follower DC Operation
exercises to demonstrate mastery of Protection Circuit and will perform troubleshooting ex- – The Inverting Gain-of-One Amplifier
the course objectives. – Current Regulator Operation ercises to demonstrate mastery of – The Voltage Follower AC Operation
– Current Regulator Line Regulation the course objectives. – Inverting Summing Amplifier
– Current Regulator Load Regulation Operation
– Three-Pin IC Regulator Operation – Summing, Scaling, and Averaging
and Voltage Regulation – Non-Inverting Summing Amplifier
– Three-Pin IC Current Regulation Operation
and Power Efficiency – Summing Amplifier Configurations
– DC-to-DC Converter Operating – Difference Amplifier DC Operation
Characteristics – Difference Amplifier AC Operation
– DC-to-DC Converter Voltage – Open-Loop Operation
Regulation and Efficiency – Zener-Clamped Operation
– Troubleshooting Basics – The Sine Wave to Square Wave
– Troubleshooting Power Supply Converter
Regulation Circuits – Troubleshooting Basics
– Troubleshooting Operational
Amplifier Circuits
Power Supply Regulation Circuits 91009 en 580973 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 91012 en 581009
Power Supply Regulation Circuits 91009 fr 580974 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 91012 fr 581010
Power Supply Regulation Circuits 91009 es 580975 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 91012 es 581011
www.festo-didactic.com 63
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Basic Electricity and Electronics/Digital and Microprocessor Electronics
The Operational Amplifier Applica- Topic Coverage The Digital Logic Fundamentals Topic Coverage
tions course provides comprehen- – Component Location and course provides comprehensive, – Component Location and Identi-
sive, hands-on instruction in the Identification hands-on instruction in the terminol- fication
terminology, principles, and applica- – Band-Pass Filter Operation ogy, principles, and applications of – Operation of General Circuits
tions of operational amplifiers. – The Integrator digital logic circuits. – IC Package Fundamentals
– The Differentiator – AND/NAND Logic Functions
Following a carefully designed in- – Low-Pass Filter Frequency Following a carefully designed in- – OR/NOR Logic Functions
structional program, students will Response structional program, students will – Exclusive OR and NOR Gates
become familiar with all components – Low-Pass Filter Phase and become familiar with all components – Dynamic Response of XOR/XNOR
of the board; will be able to isolate, Transient Response of the board; will be able to isolate, Logic Gates
identify, and test a series of circuits; – High-Pass Filter Frequency identify, and test a series of circuits; – DC Operation of a NOT and an
and will perform troubleshooting ex- Response and will perform troubleshooting ex- OR-TIE
ercises to demonstrate mastery of – High-Pass Filter Phase and Tran- ercises to demonstrate mastery of – Transfer Characteristics of a
the course objectives. sient Response the course objectives. Schmitt and a Standard LS TTL
– Band-Pass Filter Frequency Gate
Response – Set/Reset Flip-Flop
– Band-Pass Filter Phase Response – D-Type Flip-Flop
– DC Characteristics of an Active – Static JK Flip-Flop Operation
Voltage-to-Current Converter – Dynamic Operation of a JK Flip-Flop
– AC Characteristics of an Active – Output Enable Control of a
– RMS or Average Calibrated Volt- Tri-State Gate
age-to-Current Converter – Sink and Source Control of a
– Troubleshooting Basics Tri-State Gate
– Troubleshooting Operational – Static Trigger Levels of a TTL and
Amplifier Circuits CMOS
– Dynamic Transfer Characteristics
of TTL and CMOS
– Static Control of a Data Bus
– Dynamic Control of a Data Bus
– Troubleshooting Basics
– Troubleshooting Digital Circuits
Operational Amplifier Applications 91013 en 581021 Digital Logic Fundamentals 91014 en 581033
Operational Amplifier Applications 91013 fr 581022 Digital Logic Fundamentals 91014 fr 581034
Operational Amplifier Applications 91013 es 581023 Digital Logic Fundamentals 91014 es 581035
64 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Digital and Microprocessor Electronics
The Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1 Topic Coverage The Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2 Topic Coverage
course provides comprehensive, – Component Location and Identi- course provides comprehensive, – Component Location and
hands-on instruction in the terminolo- fication hands-on instruction in the terminolo- Identification
gy, principles, and applications of dig- – Operation of General Circuits gy, principles, and applications of dig- – Operation of General Circuits
ital circuits. – IC Package Fundamentals ital circuits. – IC Package Fundamentals
– Basic Counter Control Functions – Fundamental BCD Decoder
Following a carefully designed in- – Ripple Counter Waveforms Following a carefully designed in- Operation
structional program, students will – Synchronous Counter Circuit structional program, students will – Fundamental Priority Encoder
become familiar with all components Waveforms become familiar with all components Operation
of the board; will be able to isolate, – Synchronous Counter Circuit of the board; will be able to isolate, – Fundamental ADC Operation
identify and test a series of circuits; Glue Logic identify and test a series of circuits; – Fundamental DAC Operation
and will perform troubleshooting ex- – Basic Operating Modes of the and will perform troubleshooting – Data Selector and Multiplexer
ercises to demonstrate mastery of Shift Register exercises to demonstrate mastery of – The LS151 Multiplexer and
the course objectives. – Shift Register Circuit Waveforms the course objectives. LS155 Demultiplexer
– Fundamental Binary Addition – 1-Line-to-8-Line Demultiplexer
– Binary Addition with Input and – LED Decoder/Driver
Output Carry – 7-Segment LED Display
– Fundamental Binary Comparisons – ODD and EVEN Parity
– Comparators and Counter – Parity Generator/Checker Glue
Modulus Control Logic
– Troubleshooting Basics – Troubleshooting MSI IC Circuits
– Troubleshooting Digital Circuits – Troubleshooting Basics
– The 74LS193 Counter – Troubleshooting Digital Circuits
– The 74LS283 4-Bit Adder
– The 74LS194 Shift Register
– The 74LS285 Comparator
Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1, 91015 en 581045 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2, 91016 en 581057
Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1, 91015 fr 581046 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2, 91016 fr 581058
Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1, 91015 es 581047 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 2, 91016 es 581059
www.festo-didactic.com 65
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Digital and Microprocessor Electronics
The Digital Signal Processor circuit Topic Coverage The Microcontroller System Develop- This academic version includes a
board introduces students to the – Familiarization with DSPs and ment course provides comprehensive, range of templates and macros for
vast field of digital signal processing DSP programming, overview of the hands-on instruction in the terminolo- popular add-on E-Block kits.
and applications. DSP Circuit Board, the Integrated gy, principles, and applications of
Development Environment (IDE) microcontroller programming. The board can either be used with
The courseware covers the basic con- and Project Structure the FACET® base unit or as a stand-
cepts of digital signal processing, as – DSP Architecture, Processor Arith- This board features a USB program- alone trainer.
well as DSP architectures, memory, metic, the Data Computation Unit, mable PIC microcontroller; on-board
addressing, I/O, and peripherals. It Memory, and Addressing peripherals include LEDs, switches, Topic Coverage
also presents several essential as- – I/O and Peripherals, an Application four 7-segment display, LCD display, – Digital vs. Analog
pects of real-time DSP processing, Using I/Os and Peripherals keypad, light sensor, variable voltage – Inputs and Outputs
such as sampling, A/D and D/A con- – DSP Real-time Processing, source for A/D acquisition, and – Memory
version, and the Fast- Fourier Trans- Sampling and Analog-to-Digital/ Vernier™ sensors inputs. – 16F877A Architecture
form. Digital-to-Analog Conversion, the – Programming
Fast Fourier transform (FFT), An extension surface expands the – Digital Outputs and Clocking
A version of Code Composer Studio, Optimizing DSP applications capabilities of this board for bread- – Digital Inputs
a typical Integrated Development – Signal Processing Applications, boarding or for a wide range of – Basic Loops
Environment (IDE) used to develop, FIR and IIR Filters projects using optional E-Blocks. – Display a Message
debug, and compile DSP applica- – Calculations and Input
tions, is bundled with the board. The chip is programmed with Flow- Conditioning
The source code for the applications Code. A single license academic – Decisions and Macros
used in the courseware is also in- FlowCode v8 is included. Students – The 7-Segment Display
cluded. learn programming using a graphical – String Variables and ASCII Code
programming environment. Flow- – A Simple Hi-Fi
Practical techniques such as the use Code allows you to quickly and
of library functions, DSP application easily develop complex electronic
optimization, and digital filtering al- systems.
gorithms, are also covered in the
Microcontroller System Development 91030 en 581210
Microcontroller System Development 91030 fr 581211
Microcontroller System Development 91030 es 581212
Digital Signal Processor 91031 en 585736 FlowCode IDE, Academic license for PicMicro v7, single license 585809
Digital Signal Processor 91031 fr 585737 FlowCode IDE, Academic license for PicMicro v7,10 users license 585810
FlowCode IDE, Academic license for PicMicro v7, site license 585811
Workbooks, also order:
Student Manual, en 583850 Workbooks, also order:
Instructor Guide, en 583851 Instructor Guide, en 580487
Supplementary media: Supplementary media:
eSeries for MindSight, en 593578 eSeries for MindSight, en 581203
eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 593580 eSeries for Stand-Alone, en 581206
66 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Digital and Microprocessor Electronics
This board provide comprehensive, Topic Coverage This Circuit Board is an add-on to The Temperature Controller uses two
hands-on instruction in the terminol- – Circuit Board Introduction and the 32-Bit Microprocessor (Model temperature transducers whose out-
ogy, principles and applications of Operation 91017). It allows students to study put current is a function of their tem-
32-bit μC microprocessor systems. – Bus States how microprocessors can control and perature. One transducer is thermal-
– 32-Bit Bus Transfers communicate with external devices. ly bonded to a resistor that is used
The 80386DX CPU is used to demon- – Read and Write Cycles The Application Board has two appli- as a heater. The microprocessor con-
strate microprocessor, memory, I/O – CPU Initialization cation circuits: a DC Motor Controller, trols the turning on and turning off of
concepts, analog systems via con- – Memory Control Signals and a Temperature Controller. the heater, whose status is indicated
verters, as well as serial and parallel – Memory Address Decoding by an LED indicator. The other trans-
protocols. – Memory Data Transfers The DC Motor Controller has a motor ducer is used as a room temperature
– DAC and ADC Ports whose speed and direction of rota- reference, allowing the microproces-
A keypad and a LCD display allow – PPI and Keypad Interface tion can be controlled by the micro- sor to perform closed-loop control of
direct user interaction with the CPU. – Display and Serial Ports processor. Mounted on the motor’s the temperature.
An on-board logic probe, single bus – Maskable and Non-Maskable shaft is a fan blade that makes it eas-
cycle execution mode, and the prac- Interrupts ier for students to see the direction The course can be performed
tical, hands-on approach of the – Exceptions of rotation. The motor’s shaft also through the interactive computer-
courseware guide students. – Immediate, Register, and Memory has an encoder disk with optical in- based learning (CBL) provided with
Addressing Modes terrupter that provides feedback on the Circuit Board 91017 course, or
This board can be interfaced with – Instruction formats the motor speed to the microproces- in a conventional way by using the
higher-level FACET® boards, such as – 80386 CPU Instructions sor, allowing closed-loop control of manuals provided with the Circuit
Transducer Fundamentals; Motors, the motor speed. Board 91017 course.
Generators and Controls; and Fiber
Optic Communications. It can also in-
terface with Application board 91062
for additional exercises.
www.festo-didactic.com 67
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Industrial Electronics
The Breadboard is a complement to Topic Coverage The FET Fundamentals course pro- Topic Coverage
Digital Logic Fundamentals (Model – Astable Multivibrator vides comprehensive, hands-on in- – Component Location and Identi-
91014). The Breadboard module con- – Bistable Multivibrator struction in the terminology, prin- fication
sists of three printed circuit boards – Monostable Multivibrator ciples and applications of JFET, – Unijunction Oscillator Operation
designed so that students can easily – Schmitt Trigger MOSFET, and UJT. Following a care- – JFET Operating Characteristics
connect and change circuits without fully designed instructional program, – The Effect of Gate Bias on Pinch-off
the need to solder components. students will become familiar with – JFET Dynamic Characteristic Curves
all components of the board; will be – JFET Amplifier DC Operation
Students gain the understanding of able to isolate, identify, and test a – JFET Amplifier Voltage Gain
the physical characteristics of com- series of circuits; and will perform – JFET Current Source DC Operation
ponents like pinouts, size, power, troubleshooting exercises to demon- – JFET Current Source Power and
and impedance voltage limits. The strate mastery of the course objec- Load Voltage Variation
breadboard comes with all the leads tives. – Zero Bias Characteristic of a
and components required to con- MOSFET
nect the studied circuits. These cir- – MOSFET Modes of Operation
cuits include astable, bistable, and – MOSFET Voltage Amplifier
monostable multibrators, as well as – Dual Gate MOSFET Mixer
Schmitt trigger (wave-squaring) cir- – UJT Operating Characteristics
cuits. A voltage source powered from – UJT Waveform Generation
the base unit provides the voltages – Hartley Oscillator Operation
required to power the circuits. These – Colpitts Oscillator Operation
voltages are accessible from an addi- – Thermistor Operation
tional solderless breadboard. – Photoresistor Operation
– Fiber Optic Light Transfer
The practical, hands-on approach of – Troubleshooting Basics
the courseware guides students in – Troubleshooting FET Circuits
the observation and measurement – FET Specification Sheets
of signals with an oscilloscope. As – Unijunction Transistor
a prerequisite, students should be Specification Sheets
familiar with the operation of bipolar – Transducer Specification Sheets
transistor circuits.
68 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Industrial Electronics
The Transducer Fundamentals course Topic Coverage The Thyristor and Power Control Topic Coverage
guides students through the circuits – Introduction to Transducers Circuits course provides comprehen- – Thyristor Component
and devices used to interface com- – Introduction to the Circuit Board sive, hands-on instruction in the Familiarization
puter and control circuits. Students – Temperature Measurement fundamental terminology, principles, – Thyristor Circuit Fundamentals
learn the principles of input and out- – Temperature Control and applications of thyristor and – Test a Silicon-Controlled
put transducers and how physical – Thermistor Characteristics power control circuits. Rectifier (SCR)
quantities, such as heat, position, – Resistance Temperature Detector – SCR DC Operation
proximity, and force, are converted (RTD) Characteristics Following a carefully designed in- – Gate Trigger Voltage and
to electrical signals for detection and – Thermocouple Characteristics structional program, students will Holding Current
processing. – Capacitance Sensor become familiar with all components – SCR Half-Wave Rectifier
– Touch and Position Sensing of the board; will be able to isolate, – SCR Control of a Half-Wave
This circuit board can be interfaced – Strain Gauge Characteristics identify, and test a series of circuits; Rectifier
with the 32-Bit Microprocessor cir- – Bending Beam Load Cell and will perform troubleshooting – SCR Control of a Full-Wave Rectifier
cuit board to demonstrate the prin- (Strain Gauge) exercises to demonstrate mastery of – Half-Wave Phase Control
ciples of data acquisition and micro- – Ultrasonic Principles the course objectives. – Full-Wave Phase Control
processor control. – Distance Measurement – UJT Characteristics
– Infrared Transmission/Reception – UJT Half-Wave and Full-Wave
– IR Remote Control Phase Control
– Force Measurement – Bidirectional Conduction
– Computerized Temperature Control – The Four Triggering Modes
and Measurement and Comput- – Half-Wave Phase Control
erized Force Measurement:These – Full-Wave Phase Control
exercises and computer interface – Troubleshooting Basics
require the optional 32-Bit Micro- – Troubleshooting Thyristor and
processor board (91017) plus, Power Control Circuits
accessories: 9 V Power Supply
(91730), and Flat Ribbon Cable
– Troubleshooting Transducer
Transducer Fundamentals 91019 en 581096 Thyristor and Power Control Circuits 91011 en 580997
Transducer Fundamentals 91019 fr 581097 Thyristor and Power Control Circuits 91011 fr 580998
Transducer Fundamentals 91019 es 581098 Thyristor and Power Control Circuits 91011 es 580999
www.festo-didactic.com 69
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Industrial Electronics
The Magnetism/Electromagnetism Topic Coverage The Motors, Generators, and Con- Topic Coverage
course is an extension of the AC 1 – What is Magnetism? trols course provides comprehen- – DC Motor Circuits Familiarization
Fundamentals training board that – Magnetic Fields sive, hands-on instruction in the – Stepper Motor and AC Motor
provides comprehensive, hands-on – Making a Magnet terminology, principles, and appli- Circuits
instruction in the terminology, princi- – What is an Electromagnet? cations of the DC motor, AC synchro- – Analog DC Motor Positioning
ples, and applications of magnetism – The Solenoid nous motor, phase shifter, and step- – PWM DC Motor Positioning
and electromagnetism. – The Relay per motor. – Analog and Pulsed Speed Control
of a DC Motor
Following a carefully designed in- Following a carefully designed in- – Variable Frequency Control
structional program, students will structional program, students are – The Tachometer Generator
become familiar with all components able to perform troubleshooting ex- – The Stepper Motor
of the board; and will be able to iso- ercises on analog and pulse-width – The Stepper Motor Controller
late, identify, and test a series of cir- modulated (PWM) DC motor posi- – Troubleshooting
cuits. tioning, analog and PWM DC motor – Microprocessor Interface:
speed control, variable frequency This exercise and computer inter-
speed control of an AC synchronous face require the optional 32-Bit
motor, operation of a tachogenerator Microprocessor board (91017)
circuit, and speed and position con- plus accessories: 9 V Power Sup-
trol of a stepper motor with optional ply (91730), and Flat Ribbon Cable
computer interface. (91627).
70 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems
In the Power Transistors and GTO Topic Coverage The Analog Communications course Topic Coverage
Thyristors course, students per- – Power Transistors and provides comprehensive, hands-on – Analog Communications Concepts
form practical exercises that demon- GTO Thyristor Identification instruction in the terminology, prin- – Circuit Board Familiarization
strate the use of several power elec- – Overview of the Circuit Blocks ciples, and applications of analog – Amplitude Modulation (AM)
tronic, self-commutated switches. – Familiarization with the Driver communications. – RF Power Amplifier
The course contains six types of Circuit Block – Balanced Modulator
switches that are implemented with – Familiarization with the Load In this course, students receive – RF Stage
a MOSFET, an isolated-gate bipo- Circuit Block hands-on circuit training and acquire – Mixer, IF Filter, and Envelope
lar transistor (IGBT), a fast IGBT, a Basic Operations of Power Bipolar skills to measure radio signals with Detector
bipolar resistor, a Darlington resis- Transistors an oscilloscope. Students also learn – Balanced Modulator and LSB Filter
tor, and a GTO thyristor. Learning of – Basic Operation of Power the functions of oscillators, filters, – Mixer and RF Power Amplifier
switches is expanded with a Driver MOSFETs and IGBTs amplifiers, LC networks, modulators, – RF Stage, Mixer, and IF Filter
section, consisting of an opto-isola- – Basic Operation of GTO Thyristors limiters, mixers, and detectors in – Product Detector and Automatic
tor and driver for power thyristors; – Switching Time and Conduction communication circuits. Gain Control
a Load section, consisting of resis- Voltage Drop – Frequency Modulation (FM) and
tive and inductive components; and – Switching Power in an Inductive Phase Modulation (PM)
general-purpose, fast, and ultra-fast Load – Demodulation
free-wheeling diodes. – Free-Wheeling Diode Recovery (Quadrature Detector)
Time – PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) Circuit
– Losses in Electronic Power and Operation
Switches – FM Detection with a PLL
– The Bipolar Power Transistor – Troubleshooting Basics
– The Darlington Power Transistor – Troubleshooting Analog
– The GTO Thyristor Communications Circuits
– The Power MOSFET
– The IGBT
– The Ultra-Fast IGBT
Power Transistors and GTO Thyristors 91026 en 581171 Analog Communications 91018 en 581084
Power Transistors and GTO Thyristors 91026 fr 581172 Analog Communications 91018 fr 581085
Power Transistors and GTO Thyristors 91026 es 581173 Analog Communications 91018 es 581086
www.festo-didactic.com 71
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems
The Digital Communications 1 course Topic Coverage The Digital Communications 2 course Topic Coverage
provides comprehensive, hands-on – Concepts of Digital Communica- provides further comprehensive, – Circuit Board Familiarization
instruction in the terminology, prin- tions hands-on instruction in the terminol- – Introduction to Digital
ciples, and applications of digital – Circuit Board Familiarization ogy, principles, and applications of Transmission
circuits, including: Sampler, Sample/ – Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) digital circuits, including: NRZ, RZ, – Encoding and Decoding
Hold, Adder, Ramp Generator, Com- Signal Generation Manchester Encoding and Decoding, – FSK Signal Generation
parator, Limiter, Filter, CODEC, PLL, – PAM Signal Demodulation Clock Synchronizer, Frequency-Shift – FSK Asynchronous Detection
Compressor, Expander, Integrator, – PAM Time-Division Multiplexing Keying (FSK) Generation, FSK Asyn- – FSK Synchronous Detection
Differentiator, Latched Comparator, (TDM) Transmission chronous and Synchronous Detec- – PSK Signal Generation
Speaker Amplifier, and Channel Sim- – PAM TDM Reception tion, Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) Gen- – PSK Synchronous Detection
ulator. – Pulse-Time Modulation (PTM) eration, PSK Synchronous Detection, – ASK Signal Generation
Signal Demodulation Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK) Gener- – ASK Asynchronous Detection
Following a carefully designed in- – PTM Signal Generation ation, ASK Asynchronous and Syn- – The Channel Simulator
structional program, students will – Pulse-Code Modulation chronous Detection, Channel Effects, – Effects of Noise on ASK and
become familiar with all components (PCM) Signal Generation and and FSK/DPSK (Differential Phase- PSK Signals
of the board; will be able to isolate, Demodulation Shift Keying) Modem. – Effects of Noise on Asynchronously
identify, and test a series of circuits; – PCM Signal TDM and Synchronously Detected
and will perform troubleshooting – Delta Modulation (DM) Transmitter Following a carefully designed in- FSK Signals
exercises to demonstrate mastery of – DM Receiver and Noise structional program, students will – Operation of an FSK Modem
the course objectives. – Channel Bandwidth become familiar with all components – Operation of a DPSK Modem
– Channel Noise of the board; will be able to isolate, – Troubleshooting Basics
– Troubleshooting Basics identify, and test a series of circuits; – Troubleshooting Digital
– Troubleshooting Digital and will perform troubleshooting ex- Communications 2 Circuits
Communications 1 Circuits ercises to demonstrate mastery of
the course objectives.
72 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems
The Fiber Optic Communications Topic Coverage The Transmission Lines circuit board a step generator that produces a
course provides comprehensive, – Circuit Board Familiarization provides students with the theory 50-kHz square-wave voltage for tran-
hands-on instruction in the theory – Introduction to Fiber Optic and measurement skills required to sient behavior testing, and a signal
and practice of fiber optic communi- Communications implement and test communications generator that produces a sinusoidal
cations technology. – Scattering and Absorption Losses transmission lines. Courseware cov- voltage of variable frequency
– Connectors and Polishing ers the principles and operational (5 kHz – 5 MHz) for steady-state be-
Following a carefully designed in- – Numerical Aperture and Core Area characteristics of transmission lines, havior testing. Each generator has
structional program, students will – Bending Loss and Modal conducting transmission line mea- several BNC outputs providing dif-
become familiar with all components Dispersion surements under transient (step test- ferent output impedances. A load
of the board; will be able to isolate, – Light Source ing) and sinusoidal steady-state con- section, consisting of a configurable
identify, and test a series of circuits; – Driver Circuit ditions, and valuable foundational network of resistors, inductors, and
and will perform troubleshooting ex- – Source-to-Fiber Connection information on the theory and prac- capacitors, permits connection of dif-
ercises to demonstrate mastery of – Light Detector tice of time-domain reflectometry ferent load impedances to the receiv-
the course objectives. – Output Circuit (TDR), as well as impedance match- ing end of each line.
– Fiber Optic Test Equipment ing and transformation.
– Optical Power Budgets Topic Coverage
– Analog Communications The circuit board uses two 24-meter – Characteristics of Transmission
– Digital Communications: (78.7 feet) RG-174 coaxial cables Lines
This exercise and computer inter- which can be used separately or con- – Transmission Line Measurements
face require the optional 32-Bit nected end-to-end. Each line has five Under Transient (Step Testing) and
Microprocessor plus accessories: probing points that permit observa- Sinusoidal Steady-State Conditions
9 V power supply, and Adapter. tion and measurements of signals
Additional option includes along the line, using an oscilloscope.
Polishing Kit Two generators are provided to study
– Troubleshooting the transmission line behavior:
Fiber Optic Communications 91025 en 581159 Communications Transmission Lines 91028 en 581192
Fiber Optic Communications 91025 fr 581160 Communications Transmission Lines 91028 fr 581193
Fiber Optic Communications 91025 es 581161
www.festo-didactic.com 73
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems
Circuit Board 91029
74 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Circuit Boards > Communications Systems
www.festo-didactic.com 75
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Accessories
Virtual Instrument Package
A powerful package Complete software suite The interface unit Virtual Instrument Package, Model 1250
The Virtual Instrument Package, The complete Virtual Instrument The Virtual Instrument unit is a light- Order no. 8098535
LabVolt Series 1250, replaces Package consists of an interface unit weight, compact interface module
conventional desktop test equip- for data acquisition connections, and powered from a standard AC power
ment with a powerful, space-saving, a Windows-based software. The in- wall outlet.
virtual instrumentation package that terface is connected to the computer
gives students state-of-the-art tools via a USB connection. On the front panel of the Virtual In-
to measure, analyze, observe, and strument unit, two BNC connectors
display the results of electronic cir- The software displays the various in- and a pair of safety banana sockets
cuit tests. struments in separate windows and provide access to the various virtual
includes the following virtual instru- instruments. A third BNC connector
Fully integrated with the FACET® ments and signal source: provides the signal generator output.
Electronics Training program, the – Dual-Channel Oscilloscope A BNC connector on the back panel
Virtual Instrument Package enables – Multimeter of the Virtual Instrument unit is the
students to conduct all experiments – Spectrum Analyzer access to the external trigger input of
of the FACET® curriculum. – Waveform Generator the virtual oscilloscope.
This package operates under any one The Virtual Instrument unit samples
of the following Microsoft Windows the signals applied to its various in-
operating systems: puts to provide raw signal data that
Windows 7, Windows 8, is used by the virtual instrument
and Windows 10. software to measure, filter, and dis-
play the input signals. The high sam-
It is also possible to interface the pling rate of 1 GS/s provides the
unit with MATLAB® and LabVIEW® Virtual Instrument unit a 250 MHz
software for advanced control and bandwidth that is amply sufficient for
analysis. the observation and analysis of the
various signals in the FACET® Elec-
tronics Training program.
76 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Accessories
www.festo-didactic.com 77
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Accessories
Digital Multimeter/Function with NEMA 5-15 cord line Dual-Trace Digital Storage with NEMA 5-15 power cord
Generator, LabVolt Series 1247 en 580851 Oscilloscope, LabVolt Series 798 en 585695
The Digital Multimeter/Function Gen- es 580852 The Dual-Trace Digital Storage Os- with CEE 7 cord line
erator, designed as a general-pur- with CEE 7 cord line cilloscope is a low-cost oscilloscope en 585696
pose instrumentation module, pro- en 580853 that is ideally suited for general pur- with AS-3112 cord line
vides the necessary test equipment es 580854 pose use in any classroom laborato- en 585694
(except oscilloscope) to perform with AS-3112 cord line ry. Two low-capacitance probes are
the lessons in the FACET® program. en 580855 included with the unit.
This instrument consists of a sine/
square/triangle waveshape function Features and Benefits:
generator and an auto-ranging digi- – Color, 7-inch LCD
tal multimeter. The instrumentation – Multilingual, on-display menu
shares a common power input and – 40 MHz bandwidth
is housed in a portable enclosure. – 1 GSa/s maximum sampling rate
All components, switches, and ter- – USB and RS 232 ports
minals are mounted in a tamper-re- – Compact design
sistant manner. The system’s design
protects the instruments from inad-
vertent short circuits and overloads
within the FACET® system.
78 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > FACET® > Accessories
www.festo-didactic.com 79
Electricity and Electronics > System description
www.festo-didactic.com 81
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
Possibilities of expansion:
Set of components for digital technology ➔ Page 87
Set of components for control technology ➔ Page 89
Equipment set TP 1023 Opto-electronics ➔ Page 90
5 Operational amplifier 576621
www.festo-didactic.com 83
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
Possibilities of expansion:
PSURemote Software, de/en 574179 3
Set of components for digital technology 574193
The setting and measurement software for TP 1010, TP 1011 and TP 1011 M
Also order:
www.festo-didactic.com 85
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
Possibilities of expansion:
I/O level converter 5 V ‹–› 24 V 576622
IC zero insertion force socket 576623
Set of components for control technology 8023963
TP 1012
The worksheets support the learn-
er in the information and planning
phase as well as with execution,
monitoring and documentation.
All exercises require independent
performance, evaluation and docu-
mentation from the learner. I/O level converter 5 V ‹–› 24 V IC zero insertion force socket
I/O level converter for the implemen- High-quality IC socket for tool-free
Festo Didactic
Campus licence:
de 8023432 for digital technology or microcon- digital technology.
The exercises in the workbook con- en 8023433 trollers on functional models. – 16 pins in a 2.54 mm grid
tain concrete, realistic projects with es 8023434 – Supply voltage DC/24 V via 4 mm – Tool-free assembly using
problem descriptions, parameters fr 8023435 safety plug clamping lever
and project tasks. – 8 inputs 5 V via 2 mm safety plug, – Contacting with 2 mm safety plug
8 outputs 5 V via 2 mm safety plug Order no. 576623
– SysLink connection with 8 inputs
and 8 outputs 24 V
– Acceptable current load per DC/24
V output 300 mA, protected
against short circuits an
– Sum of the output currents:
max. 2 A
Order no. 576622
www.festo-didactic.com 87
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
Control technology explained The equipment set permits fast and Components included Training content
simply and comprehensibly flexible construction of different con- – 1x 2 differential inputs with – Structure of a control circuit
trollers and thus allows simple in- subtracter – Spring response, dynamic
The training package Basic principles spections of behaviour based on the – 1x P element behaviour
of control technology provides a fast interaction with controlled systems – 1x I element – Standardising physical variables
and easy-to-understand introduction of different types. – 1x D element – Bode diagram
to the topic of controllers and con- – 1x summer with adjustable offset – Modelling a controlled system
trolled systems. All parts of the equipment set are – 1x limiter with level adaptation of – Positive and negative feedback
completely equipped with safe- the output signals – Two and three-step action
The basic terminology of control ty plug connections. The Combi- – 1x comparator with hysteresis and controller
technology, the behaviour of various board Digital and Control Technology switching output – P, I and PID controllers
controllers and the structured anal- EduTrainer® contained in the equip- – 2x controlled system – Stable and unstable behaviour
ysis of requirements for controlled ment set provides the required sup- – Controller gain
systems are particularly important ply voltages for all tests and also – Delay behaviour according
here. contains a square-wave generator to Ziegler and Nichols
with 7 different output frequencies.
Ways and means of analysing and This Combiboard EduTrainer® is also
solving control problems are shown used in the training package Digital
and looked at in depth through ex- technology.
periments during the projects.
Possibilities of expansion:
Set of components for digital technology 574193
TP 1013
The worksheets support the learn-
er in the information and planning
phase as well as with execution,
monitoring and documentation.
All exercises require independent
8 40
performance, evaluation and docu-
2 10
0 50 100 150 200 250
s 300
mentation from the learner.
Festo Didactic
8023437 en
Campus licence:
de 8023436
The exercises in the workbook con- en 8023437
tain concrete, realistic projects with es 8023438
problem descriptions, parameters fr 8023439
and project tasks.
www.festo-didactic.com 89
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
Extend the study of fundamental The training package Opto-electron- Using an EduTrainer patch panel and Training content
electrical engineering and ics expands on TP 1011 or TP 1011M the components of TP 1011 or TP – Light-emitting diodes characteristic
electronics to opto-electronics to provide a comprehensive intro- 1011-M, students easily build com- data and curves
duction to optical electronics. The kit plete working circuits thanks to the – Infrared LED
enables students to explore the com- flexibility and modularity of our train- – Control of LED (gate drive)
bined use of electronics and light. ing concept. They perform multiple – Solar cell
They will learn about optical semi- project-oriented exercises and can – Photodiode
conductor behavior, construction, also measure how they performed. – Phototransistor
and characteristics. – Optical signal transmission (with
The equipment set ensures user photodiode and phototransistor)
safety, as it operates at low voltage – Optocoupler
and does not rely on laser techno- – Fiber optic cable
logy. A convenient storage plate is
Components included:
– 1x Photo transistor
– 1x Light diode (IR)
– 1x Photo diode (BPW46)
– 1x Light diode (HLMP)
– 1x Light diode (BL)
– 1x Photo diode (AM5610)
– 1x Lamp (12V-5W)
– 1x LED lamp (15V-1W5)
– 1x IS optocoupler (SFH618A)
– 1x IS optocoupler (MOC3051M)
– 1x Optical fiber (500 mm)
Required equipment:
Only order one of the following equipment sets, either
Equipment set TP 1011 ➔ Page 83
Equipment set TP 1011 M ➔ Page 83
TP 1023
The worksheets support the learner
in the information and planning
C1 C2
10nF 10nF
1k 5V
phase as well as with execution,
monitoring and documentation.
0 1 2 3 4 V
All exercises require independent
Campus licence:
8083810 en
de 8081038
The exercises in the workbook con- en 8083810
tain concrete, realistic projects with
problem descriptions, parameters
and project tasks.
www.festo-didactic.com 91
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
Flexibility through modularity Flexible expansion Rugged design for education Non-programmer friendly
The equipment sets TP 1515/1516 A wide selection of optional down- The boards fit together in a flat 2D The equipment sets are supported
offer an affordable introduction to stream boards is available, allowing layout manner allowing the entire by Flowcode – a graphical, advanced
microcontroller systems and pro- coverage of specific topics to perfect- system to be easily seen and under- integrated development environ-
gramming. They are ideal for learning ly match training needs. Instructors stood. ment (IDE) for electronic and elec-
about embedded electronic systems, can select the appropriate devices tromechanical system development.
programmable electronics, and for among input/output boards, wired/ The sets have been designed to be Flowcode allows students to design,
rapid prototyping. wireless boards, motors/actuators electrically and mechanically rugged simulate, and test a wide variety of
boards, sensor boards, prototype to withstand the pressures of the microcontroller-based systems with
Each set consists of a mounting boards, and graphical displays. lab: downstream board interfaces ease.
panel, with a choice of upstream pro- include damage protection resistors
grammer board technology – Boards can be snapped together us- and cannot be damaged by program- A 2D and 3D graphical development
PIC or Arduino – and a standard ing the rugged Har-flex® connectors ming errors. Plastic covers protect interface allows students to con-
downstream board. to form a wide variety of systems panel-based boards and prevent struct a complete electronic system
that can be used for teaching chips from being removed. on-screen, develop a program based
The sets can be used by students in or learning about microcontroller on standard flowcharts, simulate the
educational environments, up to systems, and for the rapid prototyp- system and then produce hex code
engineers in the industrial world. ing of complex electronic systems. for programming a range of devices.
The technology is real, up-to-date,
and provides a great base for train-
ing the next generation of engineers
and technicians.
Possibilities of expansion
Downstream boards see page 94
www.festo-didactic.com 93
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
2 Prototype Board
The Prototype Board allows for easy
addition of custom circuitry into the
system. It connects the I/O lines of
a port to an array of standard pitch
holes. The board is supplied with a
small a solderless breadboard and
3 leads.
Order no. 8083406
www.festo-didactic.com 95
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
8-bit PIC Programmer Board Characteristics: Arduino UNO Programmer Board Characteristics:
– Voltage selector 5V/3.3V – Powered via USB port or
The 8-bit PIC Programmer Board – Powered via USB port or The Arduino UNO Programmer Board external supply
is equipped with a powerful external supply is equipped with the Arduino UNO – Power output via screw terminal
PIC16F18877 microcontroller. – Power output via screw terminal R3 PDIP. – Adjustable clock frequencies
– Adjustable clock frequencies – Programmable via micro USB
This upstream board contains the – Programmable via micro USB This upstream board contains the – 3 ports; 20 I/O
microcontroller that drives the train- – 5 ports; 35 I/O microcontroller that drives the train- – Reset button
ing system. It is loaded with firm- – Reset button ing system. It is loaded with firm- – Chip features:
ware to drive the required embedded – Chip features: ware to drive the required embedded 16 MHz, 32 kb flash memory
functionality. The board presents all 32 MHz, 56 kb flash memory functionality. The board presents all Order no. 8083402
I/O pins collected together as ports Order no. 8083403 I/O pins collected together as ports
sockets. The boards take power from sockets. The boards take power from
an external power supply or from the an external power supply or from the
micro USB port. micro USB port.
It can be used with various program- It can be used with various program-
ming languages including Assembly, ming languages including Assembly,
C, and Flowcode. Using the board C, Arduino IDE, and Flowcode.
with Flowcode allows the use of the Using the board with Flowcode al-
advanced Ghost debugging features lows the use of the advanced Ghost
including in circuit debugging, re- debugging features including in cir-
al time pin monitoring and bus de- cuit debugging, real time pin moni-
coding. toring and bus decoding.
Flowcode 8
A visual programming environment
Flowcode enables quick and easy Other features included the ability Microcontroller flexibility Built into Flowcode is a data record-
development of complex electronic to Auto ID downstream boards that Flowcode gives you the ability to er and oscilloscope which makes test
and electromechanical systems. The are connected, improved compati- work with multiple chip variants in and debugging procedures straight-
graphical programming tool allows bility with Arduino hardware, to give an easy and flexible way. When learn- forward. Flowcode is also compatible
those with little experience to devel- a more streamlined and smooth ap- ing and developing designs using with external hardware including os-
op systems in minutes. proach to programming this popular 8-bit PIC or Arduino microcontrollers, cilloscopes, power supplies, signal
family, and SCADA mode – meaning Flowcode is perfect for students and generators and more.
Flowcode is an advanced integrat- users can now control external hard- makes code-porting simple, meaning
ed development environment (IDE) ware from their PC using this impres- that users can switch target devices Component library
for electronic and electromechanical sive feature. with ease. The library contains a vast collection
system development. Engineers— of components that can be used to
both professional and academic – Graphical programming Testing and debugging create systems, from simple switch-
use Flowcode to develop systems for The graphical icons which are used Ghost Technology embedded on up- es and LED’s to more complex com-
control and measurement based on to develop systems within Flowcode stream boards provides a real-time munications modules.
microcontrollers or on rugged indus- are easy-to-use. It enables first-time log of the status of all the pins on the
trial interfaces using Windows com- developers to pick up the fundamen- microcontroller whilst a Flowcode Electronic communications
patible personal computers. tals and run with their designs. Using program is running on the device. Communications developments form
graphical icons allows users to view a large part of modern day electron-
Furthermore, Flowcode 8 allows full and learn code side-by-side for easi- ic education and understanding.
simulation (including simulation of C er learning. Communications including CAN bus,
code), with users also being able to Bluetooth, USB, Ethernet and WIFI
convert C code to flowcharts and oth- For more advanced users with a are available within the Flowcode en-
er programming languages. good understanding of program- vironment.
ming, Flowcode allows integration of
pre-written codes.
Flowcode 8 licenses
www.festo-didactic.com 97
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Fundamentals of electrical engineering
LabVolt Series 3351 All the components come in a rugged Highlights Main components
carrying case for easy transporta- – Full introduction to important – Fixed to the front panel: protected
The AC/DC Training System is a tion. During experiments, the top lid concepts in ac/ dc circuits DC and AC power sources, resis-
state-of-the-art training system that of the case can be removed, allow- – Comprises the most common tors, an inductor, two capacitors, a
is specifically designed to introduce ing access to the components. The electrical components transformer, switches (SPST, SPDT,
students to the basic principles of form of the case also enables multi- – Operates at a low voltage for DPDT, NO push button, NC push
electrical circuits, both in direct cur- ple units of the training system to be student safety button, selector and knife switch-
rent (DC) and alternating current conveniently and securely stacked – Built-in faults es, AC and DC relays, indicator
(AC). It provides a comprehensive, one atop the other. – Comprehensive courseware lights, a potentiometer, a DC mo-
high-quality, and cost-effective solu- – Rugged transportation and tor, a solenoid, a buzzer, a circuit
tion to rapidly build student knowl- The curriculum is divided into two storage case breaker with test components, a
edge in electricity and electrical cir- courses designed so that students fuse.
cuits. learn progressively the different con- – Individual components that can
cepts important to the study of dc be fixed to or stored in the case
The AC/DC Training System compris- and ac circuits. The courses feature lid: two multimeters, a connection
es the most common electrical com- into exercises that each include all leads set, compass, an iron rod (for
ponents in modern electrical circuits, required theory, as well as hands-on electromagnetism experiments)
easy to access and safe for student experimentations. – Six built-in faults can be individu-
experimentation. Two 24 V power ally inserted using a toggle switch.
supplies provide dc power and ac These faults are designed to test
power. The training system itself can and improve the troubleshooting
be powered from a standard ac wall skills of students.
Included manual:
DC Circuit Fundamentals
Student Manual, en 583852
Instructor Guide, en 583854
AC Circuit Fundamentals
Student Manual, en 583855
Instructor Guide, en 583856
Note: PDF version also available.
Topic coverage
– Basic concepts of electrical circuits,
both in direct current (DC) and
alternating current (AC)
– Ohm’s law
– Kirchhoff’s voltage and current
– Using measuring instruments
(voltmeters, ammeters, ohmme-
ters, etc.)
– Solving series and parallel circuits
– Electromagnetism
– Electrical distribution
– Troubleshooting electrical circuits
– Exploration of the most common
electrical components: power
sources, resistors, inductors,
capacitors, transformers, switches,
relays, motors
www.festo-didactic.com 99
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Building automation systems
Possibilities of expansion:
Selective RCD EduTrainer ➔ Page 102 574173 3
RCD A/B EduTrainer ➔ Page 102 574174
IT network EduTrainer ➔ Page 103 574178
TP 1111
The worksheets support the learn-
er in the information and planning
phase as well as with execution,
All exercises require independent
Festo Didactic
567309 en
Campus licence:
de 567307
The exercises in the workbook con- en 567309
tain concrete, realistic projects with es 567311
problem descriptions, parameters fr 567313
and project tasks.
www.festo-didactic.com 101
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Building automation systems
The Selective RCD EduTrainer® Technical data The RCD A/B EduTrainer® covers Technical data
allows for treatment of the topic of – Input voltage: 3 x 400 V AC the topic of residual current circuit – Input voltage: 3 x 400 V AC (50 Hz)
selectivity for residual current circuit – Output voltage: 3 x 400 V AC breakers in mains systems and pro- – Output voltage: 3 x 400 V AC
breakers in mains systems and pro- – Front panel: 133 x 297 mm tective measures. The two basic – Tap for downstream circuit
tective measures. The selective RCCB – Console housing with rubber feet types of RCD, type A and type B, are breakers/RCCBs
ideally supplements the RCD A/B for use in an A4 frame or on a table compared with each other and their – Pushbutton and adjustment
EduTrainer®, so that it can be easily – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs essential characteristics can be elab- potentiometer for fault simulation
integrated and its essential charac- orated. The board is equipped with – Voltage type for leakage current
teristics can be elaborated. a fault simulator at which various can be set to alternating voltage,
types of voltage can be selected for pulsed direct voltage or smoothed
The locations of all connections the simulation of leakage current in- direct voltage
are standardised and are laid out cluding alternating voltage, pulsed – Max. leakage current: approx.
as safety sockets. direct voltage and smoothed direct 40 mA, option for looping in an
voltage. An additional voltage tap for ammeter
downstream circuit breakers/RCCBs – Front panel: 266 x 297 mm
enables optimal integration into the – Console housing with rubber feet
equipment set for mains systems for use in an A4 frame or on a table
and protective measure. – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs
IT Network EduTrainer®
www.festo-didactic.com 103
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Building automation systems
Sensitising people to hazards: The training package uses numerous Training content Benefits
The electrical safety measures for examples to illustrate the particular
metalworking occupations issues of dangers due to electrical Mains supply: – Lockable error switches integrat-
energy and explains the necessary – Power supply systems ed in the housing facilitate realistic
The aim of protective measures is to protective measures. (TN, TT, IT system) fault finding
protect persons and machines from – Safety measures in the different – No additional power supply
harm. The exercises require the current networks required
conditions to be examined and the – Complete teaching materials
Special rules must be followed when dangers resulting from the particu- Service connection: including WBT Electrical safety
dealing with electrical energy, be- lar situation to be demonstrated by – Components of a service connec- measures
cause electrical energy is recognis- means of concrete measurements. tion system – For a practical explanation of the
able only by its effects. – Additional designations in the TN safety measures, measurements
The subsequent analysis and inter- system (TN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S) and tests are carried out using
This training package provides an pretation of the measurement results – Selection of the safety measure conventional test and measuring
introduction to the topic of electri- show the relationships and justify and protective devices devices.
cal protective measures. It explains the protective measures taken. – Safety measure measuring devices – The optionally available Systainer
where and why dangers arise even in – Initial tests acc. DIN VDE 0100-610 solution meets work, transport and
a mechanic’s range of activities and and repeat tests acc. DIN VDE 0105 storage requirements efficiently
how they can be avoided. and BGV A3
TP 1110
The worksheets support the learn-
er in the information and planning
phase as well as with execution,
monitoring and documentation.
≤ 50 V AC
≤ 120 V DC
≤ 120 V DC
All exercises require independent
Campus licence:
de 8023440
The exercises in the workbook con- en 8023441
tain concrete, realistic projects with es 8023442
problem descriptions, parameters fr 8023443
and project tasks.
www.festo-didactic.com 105
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Building automation systems
S5 de 576266
S6 S7 S8
– Sample solutions
– Training notes KNX Advanced course documentation
3 3 3
3 4 3
S3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 T1 E2, 3
3 3
E4, 5, 6, 7, 8
– Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics de 576267
– Worksheets for learners en 576271
Festo Didactic
8023445 en
www.festo-didactic.com 107
Electricity and Electronics > Equipment sets > Building automation systems
The heating actuator controls the Technical data The line connector connects the main Technical data
heating water circuits in heating – Input voltage: 1 x 230 V AC and secondary line in a KNX systems. – Input voltage: 1 x 230 V AC
systems. The interior of the valve is – Output voltage: 1 x 230 V AC This also permits targeted filter- – Output voltage: 1 x 230 V AC
visible, and an integrated gauge – Electric motor functional principle, ing of signals. The main line is also – Power supply EIB: 30 V, DC 160 mA
shows the stroke of the plunger. The automatic limit stop connection, equipped with a power supply. The – Front panel: 266 x 297 mm
valve is supplied entirely via the KNX controller stroke 6 mm, run-time plate also contains the KNX system – Console housing with rubber feet
bus. Two binary inputs are available 20 s/mm, control force 120 N distributor for 230 V. for use in an A4 frame or on a table
as presence and/or window contacts – Display of valve stroke via LEDs – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs
and can be controlled via switches – Gauge triggering: 0.01 mm The locations of all connections – Connections for KNX bus via KNX
or external signals. The plate also – Front panel: 266 x 297 mm are standardised and are routed to bus plug connectors
contains the KNX system distributor – Console housing with rubber feet safety sockets or system plugs.
for 230 V. for use in an A4 frame or on a table
– Connection via 4 mm safety plugs
The locations of all connections – Connections for KNX bus via KNX
are standardised and are routed to bus plug connectors
safety sockets or system plugs.
The louvre is used to emulate situa- Technical data The universal experimental board Technical data
tions in building automation. For this – Input voltage: 1 x 230 V AC serves to integrate KNX bus devices – Input voltage: 230 V AC
purpose, the louvre can be raised or – Output voltage: 1 x 230 V AC of all kinds into the KNX learning – Output voltage: 230 V AC
lowered and the slat position can be – Louvre: Length 440 mm, system. – 2 plug socket outlets for 230 V AC
influenced. The connections for con- stroke 160 mm – 7 output connections
trolling “UP” and “DOWN” are rout- – Power consumption: 100 W, It makes it possible to integrate rail – Front panel: 399 x 297 mm
ed to 4 mm safety sockets. The plate current max. 0.45 A mounted devices and surface-mount- – Console housing with rubber feet
also contains the KNX system distrib- – Front panel: 399 x 297 mm ed and flush-mounted devices. Both for use in an A4 frame or on a table
utor for 230 V. – Console housing with rubber feet an operating voltage supply and bus – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs
for use in an A4 frame or on a table connections are available for elec- – Connections for KNX bus via KNX
The locations of all connections – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs trical connection of the equipment. bus plug connectors
are standardised and are routed to – Through-feed for KNX bus via The outputs are routed to positions
safety sockets or system plugs. compact KNX bus plug connectors suitable for the system. Two sockets Theme-based KNX function
– Connection option for the louvre make it possible to supply external packages:
control to the KNX compact board equipment with voltage. In addition,
via jumper plugs the panel contains the KNX system KNX IP/WLAN function package
distribution for 230 V. The locations – KNX IP router
of all connections are standardised – WLAN access point
and are routed to safety sockets or KNX logic/time function package
system plugs. – Logic module
KNX room climate function package
– Air quality sensor
KNX energy function package
– Energy actuator
www.festo-didactic.com 109
Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
1 1 Tabletop power supply unit 3 Power supply unit for 5 IEC power cable
– Input voltage: 85 – 265 V AC mounting frame One side designed as a connector
(47 – 63 Hz) – Input voltage: 85 – 265 V AC and one side with a country-specific
– Output voltage: 24 V DC, (47 – 63 Hz) plug.
short-circuit-proof – Output voltage: 24 V DC, Connector as per CEE 7/VII for DE, FR,
– Output current: max. 4.5 A short-circuit-proof NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, IT,
– Dimensions: 75 x 155 x 235 mm – Output current: max. 4.5 A DK, IR, ID
Without power cable – Dimensions: 170 x 240 x 92 mm Order no. 247661
Order no. 162416 Without power cable Connector as per NEMA 5-15 for US, CA,
2 With IEC power cable, 1.3 m, with: Order no. 159382 Central America, BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH,
Connector as per CEE 7/VII for DE, FR, With IEC power cable, 1.3 m, with: PH, JP
NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, IT, Connector as per CEE 7/VII for DE, FR, Order no. 350362
DK, IR, ID NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, IT, Connector as per BS 1363 for GB, IE, MY,
Order no. 162417 DK, IR, ID SG, UA, HK, AE
Connector as per NEMA 5-15 for US, CA, Order no. 159396 Order no. 350363
Central America, BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH, Connector as per NEMA 5-15 for US, CA, Connector as per AS 3112 for AU, NZ,
PH, JP Central America, BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH, CN, AR
Order no. 162418 PH, JP Order no. 350364
Connector as per BS 1363 for GB, IE, MY, Order no. 162411 Connector as per SEV 1011 for CH
SG, UA, HK, AE Connector as per BS 1363 for GB, IE, MY, Order no. 350366
Order no. 162419 SG, UA, HK, AE Connector as per SANS 164-1 for ZA, IN,
Connector as per AS 3112 for AU, NZ, Order no. 162412 PT, SG, HK, (GB), (AE)
CN, AR Connector as per AS 3112 for AU, NZ, Order no. 350367
3 Order no. 162380 CN, AR
Connector as per SEV 1011 for CH Order no. 162413 6 IEC power cable 90°
Order no. 162381 Connector as per SEV 1011 for CH One end fitted with a 90° IEC connec-
Connector as per SANS 164-1 for ZA, IN, Order no. 162414 tor and the other fitted with a coun-
PT, SG, HK, (GB), (AE) Connector as per SANS 164-1 for ZA, IN, try-specific connector. Preferred ver-
Order no. 162382 PT, SG, HK, (GB), (AE) sion for EduTrainer® Universal.
Order no. 162415 Connector as per CEE 7/VII for DE, FR,
2 EduTrainer® 24 V NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, IT,
power supply unit 4 5-fold plug socket strip with DK, IR, ID
4 – Input voltage: 1 AC/110 – 230 V switch Order no. 549860
(47 – 63 Hz) Impact and shatter resistant plug Connector as per NEMA 5-15 for US, CA,
– Output voltage: 24 V DC, socket strip with tamper-proof cover, Central America, BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH,
short-circuit-proof 4 mounting points and mounting PH, JP
– Output current: Max. 4.5 A attachments. Order no. 549861
– Front plate: 133 x 297 mm With power supply plug suitable for: DE, Connector as per BS 1363 for GB, IE, MY,
– Console housing with rubber FR, NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, SG, UA, HK, AE
feet for use in an A4 frame or on IT, DK, IR, ID Order no. 549862
tabletop Order no. 380707 Connector as per AS 3112 for AU, NZ,
– Connection via 4 mm safety plugs CN, AR
5 – Through-hole for 3 AC/400 V Order no. 549863
Order no. 571813 Connector as per SEV 1011 for CH
Order no. 549864
Connector as per SANS 164-1 for ZA, IN,
PT, SG, HK, (GB), (AE)
Order no. 549865
110 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
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Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
112 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
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Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
114 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
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Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
1 1 Fluke 1654B installation tester 2 Beha-Amprobe Telaris 3 T110 VDE voltage and continuity
for VDE 0100 ProInstall-0100 installation meter tester
Perfect for practical demonstration Low-cost installation tester with a Ideally suited for basic training in
of electrical protective measures in good range of functions for testing electrical engineering, with switch-
combination with our EduTrainers® the safety of electrical systems and ing load.
for mains systems and protective work with our EduTrainern® for pow-
measures, in particular for testing er supply systems and protective VDE-tested and EN 61243-3:2010-
type B RCDs as well. measures, without test options for compliant, with measurement peaks
2 RCDs Type B. per the safety regulation HSE GS 38.
For testing and accepting fixed in- With its robust and ergonomic plastic
stallations to VDE 0100/0413, the in- For testing and acceptance of fixed housing and the thicker measuring
ternational standard IEC 60364 and electrical installations in accordance lead with a wear indicator, T110 is
the European standard EN 61557. with: DIN VDE 0100,ÖVE E 8001, ideal for mobile use. Equipped with
The easy-to-use controller and the NIV/NIN 2010, BS 7671, IEC 60364. a direction of rotation indicator for
large display with a wide viewing an- Light and compact portable device three-phase systems and functions
gle make for user-friendly and safe with a clear user interface, a large for testing RCDs via loads which can
3 operation. For all basic installation backlit LCD display and a data log- be switched with two-button oper-
tests including continuity, insulation, ging function with a PC download. ation. Also includes a special elec-
loop impedance, trigger time and For all fundamental installation tests tric flashlight function for working in
trigger current of residual current including insulation resistance, loop dark environments.
protective devices (residual current impedance and short circuit mea- – Voltage: 12 – 690 V
devices), measuring earthing resis- surement, triggering time and trip- – Rotary field: 100 – 690 V
tance and phase sequence. Includes ping current of RCDs/quick-acting – Flow: 0 – 400 kΩ
internal memory and PC interface for protective devices, low-ohm mea- – Frequency: 0/40 – 400 Hz
documentation and reporting. surement and rotary field testing. – Measuring circuit category
Scope of delivery Scope of delivery – Measuring circuit category
– Hardshell case – Set of measuring cables CAT IV/600 V
– Probe, measuring cables – Carrying strap
– Set of standard measuring cables – Carrying case Scope of delivery
– Quick guide, CD manual – Brief instruction, manual on CD – Batteries
– 6 AA batteries – Batteries – Brief instructions
– Padded carrying strap Order no. 8040008 Order no. 8040007
Order no. 576282
Software for Beha-Amprobe Telaris Delta/Star (Wye) Distribution
Software for Fluke ProInstall-0100 Transformer, 5.4 kVA
1653B/1654B DMS 0100/INST Convenient, extendible software A three-phase transformer that al-
Fluke DMS (Data Management Soft- for logging measurement data per lows the mains voltage of an ac pow-
ware) for recording data and man- DIN VDE 0100/0105. Log design per er network (i.e., the local ac power
aging test results when testing elec- ZVEH protocol. Includes interface network voltage) to be adjusted, as
trical installations as per DIN VDE adapter TL USB. well as the conversion of an ac pow-
0100. Order no. 8040009 er network from a delta configuration
Order no. 571838 (three lines and a ground) to a star
(wye) configuration (three lines, a
neutral, and a ground).
120 V 60 Hz
Order no. 586845
240 V 50 Hz
Order no. 586846
116 www.festo-didactic.com
Electricity and Electronics > Accessories and optional components
T-piece BNC
Order no. 159298
www.festo-didactic.com 117
Electric Power Technology
Electric Power Technology Training Program and the EMS
Training Systems
Some training solutions included in this product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and environmental protection (CE marking).
If you are located in a country where this marking is required, please contact your
Festo sales representative before placing an order.
Electric power technology > Electric power technology training program and systems > System description
Extensive program Several different subjects in the field Modular design approach Sturdy and safe
of electrical energy are covered, such The program is highly flexible and al- All workstations, modules, and com-
The program starts with a variety of as rotating machines, electrical pow- lows a multitude of different custom- ponents are very sturdy, ensuring a
courses providing in-depth topic cov- er transmission, power electronics, ized training solutions. prolonged service life in a demand-
erage of the fundamentals related to home energy production from renew- ing training laboratory environment.
the field of electrical energy. able resources (wind and sunlight), Modular hardware equipment and
large-scale electricity production curriculum can be easily expanded to The systems are designed to ensure
It then builds on the knowledge from hydropower and wind power, teach other subjects within the pro- user safety. Modules are ground-
gained by the student through these smart-grid technologies (SVC, STAT- gram. Instructors build their electri- ed using a railing system enclosed
basic courses to provide training in COM, HVDC transmission, etc.), stor- cal-energy laboratory selecting what in the workstation. Safety jacks are
more advanced subjects. age of electrical energy in batteries, they need. This ensures that new used for connections to electric pow-
and drive systems for small electric courses and equipment can be add- er circuits. Inputs and outputs are
vehicles and cars. ed over time without unnecessary protected against improper connec-
duplication, ensuring investment is tions and overvoltage or overcurrent
cost-efficient. conditions. Exercises cover safety
Computerized tools made for Pre-set training systems A sound training program The illustrated student manual pro-
learning and optimizing lab time offering tremendous flexibility viding all the theoretical matter re-
The hardware and the program are quired, guided lab-exercise pro-
Computerized measuring instru- totally customizable to specific Courses part of the Electric Power cedures to be performed with the
ments and control functions for pow- needs. However, pre-set learning Technology Training Program are the training equipment, and review
er electronics and the dynamometer systems are also available to show result of years of development and questions that test the knowledge
are available with selected hardware popular configurations among cus- improvement. gained by the student. The instructor
modules and software. tomers. guide providing all lab results and
Each course represents one work- answers to questions is also includ-
Students can measure, observe, an- Each pre-set system includes nec- book that includes one to ten full lab ed with each course.
alyze, and control electrical and me- essary modules and selected cours- exercises (including necessary theo-
chanical parameters more easily. es of the Electric Power Technolo- ry) to train the students on the cov- Contact your Festo sales represen-
gy Training Program. These turnkey ered topics. tative to build your perfect training
These tools allow for better under- systems are also expandable to an- solution.
standing, monitoring, and control in swer evolving needs or to cover more The modularity of the Electric Power
comparison to conventional tools. topics. Technology training platform enables
They also lower the cost of acquisi- instructors to select the desired
tion and replacement of accessories. courses or exercises and acquire
only the hardware required by the
Power Circuits
Single-Phase Power Transformer Three-Phase AC Power Circuits Three-Phase Transformer Banks Permanent Magnet DC Motor
Conventional DC Machines and Three-Phase Rotating Machines Single-Phase Induction Motors Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction
Universal Motor Machines
Training content Training content
Training content – Prime mover and brake operation – AC induction motors Training content
– Fundamentals of rotating machines – Three-phase squirrel-cage – Operation and characteristics of – Three-phase wound-rotor
– Prime mover and brake operation induction machines single-phase induction motors induction machine with a short-
– DC motors and generators – Eddy-current braked and circuited rotor
– Series, shunt, compound, asynchronous generator 120–208V/60Hz en es – Three-phase wound-rotor
separately-excited motors – Synchronous motor Student Manual 579474 579475 induction machine with rotor
– Shunt, separately-excited, and – Synchronous generators Instructor Guide 579476 579477 resistance
compound DC generators (alternators) 220–380V/50Hz
– Armature reaction and saturation – Voltage, torque Student Manual 579474 579475 120–208V/60Hz en es
effect – Generator synchronization Instructor Guide 579478 579479 Student Manual 579421 585196
– Universal motor 240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579422 585201
120–208V/60Hz en es Student Manual 579474 220–380V/50Hz
120–208V/60Hz en es Student Manual 579407 579408 Instructor Guide 579480 Student Manual 579421 585196
Student Manual 579469 588946 Instructor Guide 579409 579410 220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 579423 585202
Instructor Guide 579470 588948 220–380V/50Hz Student Manual 579474 579475 240–415V/50Hz
220–380V/50Hz Student Manual 579407 579408 Instructor Guide 579481 579482 Student Manual 579421
Student Manual 579469 588946 Instructor Guide 579412 579413 Instructor Guide 579424
Instructor Guide 579471 588949 240–415V/50Hz 220–380V/60Hz
240–415V/50Hz Student Manual 579407 Student Manual 579421 585196
Student Manual 579469 Instructor Guide 579414 Instructor Guide 579425 585200
Instructor Guide 579472 220–380V/60Hz
220–380V/60Hz Student Manual 579407 579408
Student Manual 579469 588946 Instructor Guide 579415 579416
Instructor Guide 579473 588947
BDLC Motors and Vector Control Hydropower Electricity Generation DC Power Electronics Single-Phase AC Power Electronics
PMSM Drives
Training content Training content Training content
Training content – Hydropower electricity generation – Operation and characteristics of – Operation of power diode
– Permanent magnet synchronous – Generator frequency and voltage diodes and switching transistors – Single-phase rectifiers
machines control principles – Buck, boost, buck/boost, and – Half-wave and full-wave rectifier
– PMSM control using a three-phase, – Generator synchronization using a four-quadrant choppers – Average DC voltage
six-step 120° modulation inverter synchro-check relay – Concept of voltage-type and – Operation of the single-phase
– BDLC motor – Generator operation with speed current-type circuits, and PWM inverter
– Vector control PMSM drive and voltage regulation free-wheeling diodes
– Droop – Ripple phenomenon in a chopper 120–208V/60Hz en es
120–208V/60Hz en es – Generator parallel operation and – Implement a lead-acid battery Student Manual 579370 579371
Student Manual 585206 588942 load sharing charger using a buck chopper with Instructor Guide 579372 579373
Instructor Guide 585207 588943 feedback loop 220–380V/50Hz
220–380V/50Hz 120–208V/60Hz en es Student Manual 579370 579371
Student Manual 585206 588942 Student Manual 579742 594109 120–208V/60Hz en es Instructor Guide 579372 579373
Instructor Guide 585207 588943 Instructor Guide 579743 594111 Student Manual 579358 579359 240–415V/50Hz
240–415V/50Hz 220–380V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579360 579361 Student Manual 579370
Student Manual 585206 Student Manual 579742 594109 220–380V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579372
Instructor Guide 585207 Instructor Guide 588941 594112 Student Manual 579358 579359 220–380V/60Hz
220–380V/60Hz 240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579360 579361 Student Manual 579370 579371
Student Manual 585206 588942 Student Manual 579742 240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579372 579373
Instructor Guide 585207 588943 Instructor Guide 588939 Student Manual 579358
220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 579360
Student Manual 579742 594109 220–380V/60Hz
Instructor Guide 588940 594110 Student Manual 579358 579359
Instructor Guide 579360 579361
Three-Phase AC Power Electronics Thyristor Power Electronics High-Frequency Power Transformers DC Motor Drives
Three-Phase Motor Drives Three-Phase Induction Motor Three-Phase PWM Rectifier/Inverter Solar Power (Photovoltaic)
Training content Training content Training content
– Principles and operation of 3-phase Training content – Three-phase PWM rectifier/inverter – Diode
variable-frequency induction – Induction motor starters – Block diagram – Solar panel
motor drive – DOL starters and soft starters – Most common applications – Effect of temperature on solar
– three-phase variable-frequency – Advanced features of soft starters – Active current and reactive current panel performance
induction motor drive with a con- command variation – Energy storage into lead-acid
stant Volt-per-Hertz (V/f ) ratio 120–208V/60Hz en es – Active and reactive power control batteries
Student Manual 579462 585271 – Effect of shading on solar panel
120–208V/60Hz en es Instructor Guide 579463 585273 120–208V/60Hz en es operation
Student Manual 579426 594105 220–380V/50Hz Student Manual 585194 – Solar panel orientation
Instructor Guide 579427 594107 Student Manual 579462 585271 Instructor Guide 585195 – Insolation and performance
220–380V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579464 585274 220–380V/50Hz
Student Manual 579426 594105 240–415V/50Hz Student Manual 585194 120–208V/60Hz en es
Instructor Guide 579428 594108 Student Manual 579462 Instructor Guide 590147 Student Manual 579347 579348
240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579465 240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579349 579350
Student Manual 579426 220–380V/60Hz Student Manual 585194 220–380V/50Hz
Instructor Guide 579429 Student Manual 579462 585271 Instructor Guide 590148 Student Manual 579347 579348
220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 579466 585272 220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 579349 579350
Student Manual 579426 594105 Student Manual 585194 240–415V/50Hz
Instructor Guide 579430 594106 Instructor Guide 590149 Student Manual 579347
Instructor Guide 579349
Student Manual 579347 579348
Instructor Guide 579349 579350
Hydrogen Fuel Cell AC Transmission Line Introduction to Wind Power Home Energy Production
Principle of Doubly-fed Induction Power Factor Correction High-Voltage DC Transmission Static Synchronous Compensator
Generators (DFIG) Systems (STATCOM)
Training content
Training content – Types of power corrections: Training content Training content
– Three-phase wound-rotor plant-wide versus distributed – Voltage regulation and – Voltage Compensation of
induction machine used as a – Using banks of switched capacitors displacement power factor (DPF) AC transmission lines using
synchronous machine – Correction in three-phase circuits in thyristor three-phase bridges a STATCOM
– Doubly-fed induction motors and – Basic operation of HVDC – Dynamic power factor correction
generators 120–208V/60Hz en es transmission systems using a STATCOM
Student Manual 579334 595121 – DC current regulation and power
120–208V/60Hz en es Instructor Guide 579335 595122 flow control in HVDC transmission 120–208V/60Hz en es
Student Manual 579435 594127 220–380V/50Hz systems Student Manual 579433 594120
Instructor Guide 579436 594129 Student Manual 579334 595121 – Commutation failure at the Instructor Guide 579434 594124
220–380V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579336 595123 inverter bridge 220–380V/50Hz
Student Manual 579435 594127 240–415V/50Hz – Harmonic reduction using thyristor Student Manual 579433 594120
Instructor Guide 589800 594130 Student Manual 579334 12-pulse converters Instructor Guide 594125 594126
240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 579337 240–415V/50Hz
Student Manual 579435 220–380V/60Hz 120–208V/60Hz en es Student Manual 579433
Instructor Guide 589801 Student Manual 579334 595121 Student Manual 579460 594135 Instructor Guide 594121
220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 579338 595124 Instructor Guide 579461 594139 220–380V/60Hz
Student Manual 579435 594127 220–380V/50Hz Student Manual 579433 594120
Instructor Guide 589802 594128 Student Manual 579460 594135 Instructor Guide 594122 594123
Instructor Guide 594140 594141
Student Manual 579460
Instructor Guide 594136
Student Manual 579460 594135
Instructor Guide 594137 594138
Static Var Compensator (SVC) Introduction to Electric Power Differential Protection Distance Protection
Training content Training content Training content
– Main Components of a Static Var Training content – Fundamentals of differential – Introduction to distance protection
Compensator (SVC) – Electric power substations protection – Distance relay impedance
– Voltage Compensation of – High-voltage disconnecting – Percentage restrained differential characteristics
AC Transmission Lines Using an switches and circuit breakers protection – Conventional time-stepped
SVC – Single-bus scheme distance protection
– Dynamic Power Factor Correction – Double-bus, single breaker scheme 120–208V/60Hz en es – Distance protection using
using an SVC Student Manual 590085 communication-assisted tripping
120–208V/60Hz en es Instructor Guide 590086 schemes
120–208V/60Hz en es Student Manual 589173 220–380V/50Hz
Student Manual 579431 594113 Instructor Guide 589174 Student Manual 590085 120–208V/60Hz en es
Instructor Guide 579432 594117 220–380V/50Hz Instructor Guide 590086 Student Manual 593880
220–380V/50Hz Student Manual 589173 240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 593881
Student Manual 579431 594113 Instructor Guide 589174 Student Manual 590085 220–380V/50Hz
Instructor Guide 594118 594119 240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 590086 Student Manual 593880
240–415V/50Hz Student Manual 589173 220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 593881
Student Manual 579431 Instructor Guide 589174 Student Manual 590085 240–415V/50Hz
Instructor Guide 594114 220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 590086 Student Manual 593880
220–380V/60Hz Student Manual 589173 Instructor Guide 593881
Student Manual 579431 594113 Instructor Guide 589174 220–380V/60Hz
Instructor Guide 594115 594116 Student Manual 593880
Instructor Guide 593881
Overcurrent and overload protection Directional protection Basic controls Motor drives (operation)
using protective relays
Training content Training content Training content
Training content – Introduction to directional – Basic principles – AC drives
– Overcurrent protection protection – Circuit layouts and specifications – Volts per Hertz characteristics
– Overcurrent and overload – Directional overcurrent protection – Basic control circuits – Ramp and voltage boost
protection of AC machines, power – Directional comparison protection – Jogging control circuits – Protection
transformers, radial feeders – Directional power protection – Reversing/manual reversing – Braking and jogging
starters – Remote controls
120–208V/60Hz en es 120–208V/60Hz en es – Reduced AC voltage starters – DC drives
Student Manual 589887 Student Manual 589889 – Time relay circuits – Current limiting and
Instructor Guide 589888 Instructor Guide 589890 IR compensation
220–380V/50Hz 220–380V/50Hz 120–208V/60Hz en es
Student Manual 589887 Student Manual 589889 Student Manual 603855 603856 120–208V/60Hz en es
Instructor Guide 589888 Instructor Guide 589890 Instructor Guide 603857 603858 Student Manual 593904
240–415V/50Hz 240–415V/50Hz 220–380V/50Hz Instructor Guide 593905
Student Manual 589887 Student Manual 589889 Student Manual 603855 603856 220–380V/50Hz
Instructor Guide 589888 Instructor Guide 589890 Instructor Guide 603857 603858 Student Manual 593904
220–380V/60Hz 220–380V/60Hz 240–415V/50Hz Instructor Guide 593905
Student Manual 589887 Student Manual 589889 Student Manual 603855 240–415V/50Hz
Instructor Guide 589888 Instructor Guide 589890 Instructor Guide 603857 Student Manual 593904
220–380V/60Hz Instructor Guide 593905
Student Manual 603855 603856 220–380V/60Hz
Instructor Guide 603857 603858 Student Manual 593904
Instructor Guide 593905
LabVolt Series 8010-1 Topic coverage LabVolt Series 8010-2 Training content
– DC Power Circuits – DC Power Circuits
The DC and AC Power Circuits Train- – Single-Phase AC Power Circuits The Solar Power Training System in- – Solar Power (Photovoltaic)
ing System combines a modular de- troduces students to the production
sign approach with computer-based of electrical energy from solar power,
data acquisition and control to intro- with emphasis on the use and oper-
duce students to the fundamentals ation of photovoltaic panels, as well
of electricity, such as direct current as storage of electrical energy in bat-
(DC), alternating current (AC), volt- teries. The system consists of a solar
age, resistance, and Ohm’s Law. The panel test bench and a monocrystal-
training system is designed to op- line silicon solar panel. Students can
erate at a low voltage to ensure the conduct indoor or outdoor experi-
safety of students beginning their ments on solar panel operation and
training in electric power technology. performance.
en es fr en es fr
120 V/60 Hz 579281 120 V/60 Hz 579284
220 V/50 Hz 579282 220 V/50 Hz 579285
240 V/50 Hz 579283 240 V/50 Hz 579286
220 V/60 Hz 589056
LabVolt Series 8010-3 Training content LabVolt Series 8010-4 Training content
– DC Power Circuits – DC Power Circuits
The Small-Scale Wind Power Electric- – Lead-Acid Batteries The Lead-Acid Batteries Training – Lead-Acid Batteries
ity Generation Training System en- – Introduction to Wind Power System teaches the principles of
ables students to study the complete lead-acid battery operation during
process of wind power electricity both charge and discharge. It intro-
generation directly in the classroom. duces students to the operation of
Wind speed and air density are sim- lead-acid batteries and covers volt-
ulated using a user-friendly and con- age regulation, internal resistance,
figurable wind emulator. The learn- capacity, depth of discharge, and cy-
ing system also covers the storage of cle life of lead-acid batteries. Hands-
electrical energy in batteries to en- on experiments cover the discharge
sure that it is available when there is characteristics and the most popular
no wind or during low wind periods. charging methods of lead-acid bat-
en es fr
120 V/60 Hz 579287 en es fr
220 V/50 Hz 579288 595187 120 V/60 Hz 579290 579291
240 V/50 Hz 579289 220 V/50 Hz 579292
240 V/50 Hz 579293
en es fr
120 V/60 Hz 579301 579302
220 V/50 Hz 579303 579304
240 V/50 Hz 579305
220 V/60 Hz 579306 588988
LabVolt Series 8010-9 Training content LabVolt Series 8010-A Training content
– DC power circuits – DC power electronics
The Electromechanical Training Sys- – Permanent magnet DC motor The Power Electronics Training Sys- – Single-phase and three-phase
tem combines a modular design ap- – Single-phase and three-phase tem is a comprehensive introduction AC power electronics
proach with computer-based da- AC power circuits to the most common power electron- – Thyristor power electronics
ta acquisition to provide unrivaled – Single-phase transformers ic components and devices used in – DC motor drives
training in basic electric power tech- – Three-phase transformer banks numerous industrial applications – Three-phase motor drives
nology. Training is oriented toward – Three-phase rotating machines today. It provides unrivaled training – Three-phase induction motor
today’s competency requirements. – Power factor correction in power electronics to students al- starters
ready having a sound knowledge of
en es fr basic electric power technology.
120 V/60 Hz 579308 579309
220 V/50 Hz 579310 594502 en es fr
240 V/50 Hz 579311 120 V/60 Hz 579314 579315
220 V/60 Hz 579312 579313 220 V/50 Hz 579316
240 V/50 Hz 579317
Optional multimedia course: 220 V/60 Hz 579318 579319
eSeries Electromechanical Training System See page 22
LabVolt Series 8010-B Training content LabVolt Series 8010-C Training content
– DC power circuits – Home energy production
The AC power transmission training – Single-phase AC power circuits The Smart Grid technologies training – Static Var Compensator (SVC)
system is a comprehensive intro- – Single-phase power transformers system provides a turn-key solution – Static Synchronous Compensator
duction to the basic principles of AC – Three-phase power transformers dealing with smart grid technologies. (STATCOM)
power transmission lines. computer- Real-world, complex applications, – High-voltage DC transmission
ized controls provide better under- normally found in large power sta- systems
standing, monitoring, and control tions, can now be recreated within
compared to conventional measuring this training platform. Computerized
instruments. Optional courses may controls provide better monitoring
be added to provide students with and control compared to convention-
the basic knowledge of electric pow- al measuring instruments.
er technology required to study AC
power transmission systems. en es fr
120 V/60 Hz 579325
en es fr 220 V/50 Hz 579326
120 V/60 Hz 579320 240 V/50 Hz 579327
220 V/50 Hz 579321 220 V/60 Hz 589057
240 V/50 Hz 579322
220 V/60 Hz 579323 579324
LabVolt Series 8010-D Training content LabVolt Series 8010-E Training content
– Three-phase wound-rotor – AC transmission line
The Doubly-Fed Induction Generators induction machine The Power Transmission Smart Grid – Static Var Compensator (SVC)
(DFIG) Training System combines a – Principles of Doubly-Fed Induction Technologies Training System pro- – Static Synchronous Compensator
unique, modular design approach Generators (DFIG) vides a turn-key solution related to (STATCOM)
with computer-based data acquisi- power transmission of smart grids. – High-voltage DC transmission
tion and control to provide unrivaled Students learn that SVCs and STAT- systems
training in the basic principles of COMs can be used in conjunction
the doubly-fed induction generator with HVDC transmission systems to
(DFIG) to students that already have greatly enhance the controllabili-
a sound knowledge of three-phase ty and power transfer capability of a
AC power circuits, rotating machines, power network, and are thus essen-
and motor drives. tial tools to the implementation of a
smart grid.
en es fr
120 V/60 Hz 579328 en es fr
220 V/50 Hz 579329 120 V/60 Hz 579331
240 V/50 Hz 579330 220 V/50 Hz 579332
220 V/60 Hz 581466 240 V/50 Hz 579333
220 V/60 Hz 589058
Computer-assisted data acquisition
– Computer-based tools increase
student knowledge and under-
standing of electric power systems
and power electronics circuits
– Customizable DACI with several
control functions available to fit
specific training needs
– Pre-built SCADA interface facili-
tates an understanding of the
process taking place
– Several inputs/outputs for easy
connection with other modules
– Optically isolated inputs
– Includes free software
– Software Development Kit for
third-party programming tools
– Short set-up time
– Safe and affordable
Motors, generators
Connection Leads
Extra-flexible leads terminated with
stacking 4 mm safety banana plugs.
In addition, the set includes stacking
2 mm banana plug leads of the same
length and color.
– 4x red, 600 mm (2 mm plug)
– 10x red, 600 mm (4 mm plug)
– 4x blue, 900 mm (4 mm plug)
– 20x yellow, 300 mm (4 mm plug)
Order no 579638
Raising qualification levels for a New equipment sets based on a Thousands of technical schools, Highlights
critical industry sector world-renowned platform universities, and industrial compa- – Modular design enables equipment
nies from around the world rely on set combinations to meet specific
The production of energy using The electric power technology equip- this comprehensive platform to build training and budget needs
renewable natural resources has ment sets constitute a unique, mod- skills and knowledge in electrical en- – New and safer grounding methods
gained much importance in recent ular pedagogical concept – a com- gineering. between the modules
years. The need for innovative tech- bination of turnkey courseware, – Unparalleled data acquisition and
nologies to make the grid smart- practical software, and rugged hard- Equipment sets TP 8012 Electric control interface designed specifi-
er has recently emerged as a major ware designed for instructional pur- Power Technology were derived from cally for learning purposes
trend, as the worldwide increase in poses – that methodically and ef- this platform to serve the needs of – Ability to display multiple,
electrical power demand makes it ficiently builds student knowledge European training organizations. high-power electrical signals
harder for the actual grid in many and skills in electric power technol- Hardware is now fully compliant with with student-proof measuring
countries to keep up. ogy. European Union regulations regard- instruments
ing health and safety (CE marking) – One oscilloscope monitors up
These trends have a direct impact on The concept is based on the proven and offered in A4 format – hence the to four high-voltage and four
the training requirements of future Electromechanical training system platform name “EMS A4”. high-current inputs
workers. (EMS), Model 8010 from the US-Ca- – Live observation of the electrical
nadian company Lab-Volt (acquired vectors with the Phasor Analyzer
by Festo Didactic in 2014), which has – Measure, calculate, and display
successfully supported hands-on electrical values quickly and easily
learning for several decades. with LVDAC-EMS software
www.festo-didactic.com 157
Electric power technology > TP 8012 Electric power technology (EMS A4) > Computer-based tools
A variety of electrical loads, pow- These tools are meant not only to
er supplies, motors and generators, measure and calculate, but also
inverters, power electronics com- to control and emulate a variety of
ponents, transformers, mechanical real-world applications. If new con-
loads, and other devices are avail- trollers are needed, the proper firm-
able to ensure that student train- ware can be activated in the relevant
ing builds the relevant skills for the hardware, eliminating the need for
future. multiple controllers, and firmware
functions can easily be upgraded
The hardware provides a new, inno- over time.
vative, and safer grounding meth-
od, which protects devices against Courseware
reverse polarity and short circuits,
and an electrical mechanism that Workbooks are available for each
prevents driving motors without the equipment set. Each workbook in-
protective guard. All these features cludes up to ten full lab exercises
meet the highest safety levels in the (including required theory) to train
educational market, while ensuring students on the specific topics.
student safety and protecting the Workbooks can be ordered separate-
long-term investment value. ly or bundled in a campus license.
Data Acquisition and Control Four-Quadrant Power Supply LVDAC-EMS SCADA for LVDAC-EMS
Interface (DACI) and Dynamometer Controller
To control and monitor the Data SCADA for LVDAC-EMS is a software
Festo Didactic provides state-of-the- Emulating the right loads is a chal- Acquisition and Control Interface and program designed to run concurrent-
art data acquisition tools for quick, lenge that Festo Didactic takes seri- the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/ ly with LVDAC-EMS. It introduces stu-
easy and safe measurements to help ously, and one that is met with the Power Supply, which connect to a dents to the fundamentals of SCADA
accelerate lab set-up, and reduce the second pillar of the learning concept: PC via USB, students can rely on in a smart grid context, recreating a
downtime of using standard measur- the 4-Quadrant Dynamometer and LVDAC-EMS, a complete software complete grid with several different
ing instruments. Power Supply. package with a wide range of capa- applications running.
bilities for measuring, calculating,
The Data Acquisition and Control In- Depending on lab requirements, this and controlling the different parame- SCADA-EMS transforms LVDAC-EMS
terface (DACI) is a versatile module module can easily be configured as ters and applications. and the workstation computer into a
used for measuring, observing, and a prime mover/brake with several local workstation that can be moni-
analyzing electrical and mechanical options, a fully flexible AC/DC pow- The software is used to configure the tored and controlled from a supervi-
parameters in electric power systems er supply, or an emulator of specific various software tools, save config- sory computer over a local network.
and power electronics circuits. loads (from simple mechanical loads urations, monitor and export data,
to more complex applications like and control the application, while Using the OPC Server protocol,
A set of computer-based instru- wind turbine, hydraulic turbine, or keeping set-up to a minimum. Spe- SCADA-EMS enables users to design
ments, as well as a variety of control solar panel). These control function cifically designed and optimized for their own interfaces by calling the
functions, are available for the DACI sets can be accessed through the learning purposes, the software also different applications running on the
and are quickly accessed through the LVDAC-EMS software. includes an oscilloscope, a phasor local workstations.
LVDAC-EMS software. analyzer, a data table, and a graph.
See page 166 for information. See page 143 for information.
This module is the main pillar of LVDAC-EMS software and upgrades
the learning concept and can later are available free on our website.
be easily and cost-efficiently up-
graded to also perform numerous See page 142 for information.
power electronics control applica-
tions (choppers, inverters, drives,
www.festo-didactic.com 159
Electric power technology > TP 8012 Electric power technology (EMS A4) > AC/DC power circuits and power transformers
Equipment Set TP 8012-6 AC/DC Power Circuits 8093319 Workbooks Single-Phase Power Transformers
TP 8012-6 covers DC, and AC single- and three-phase power circuits. The workbook provides all the theory
DC Power Circuits and details required to perform the
The most important components at a glance: The workbook provides all the theory following hands-on exercises:
1x Resistive Load 594820 and details required to perform the – Voltage and Current Ratios
1x Inductive Load 594821 following hands-on exercises: – Transformer Winding Polarity
1x Capacitive Load 594822 – Voltage, Current, Ohm’s Law and Interconnection
1x 3AC 400 V DC 230V Power Supply 594825 – Equivalent Resistance – Transformer Losses, Efficiency,
1x AC 24V Power Supply 772050 – Power in DC Circuits and Regulation
1x AC 230V DC 325V Variable Power Supply * 8089266 – Series and Parallel Circuits – Transformer Rating
1x Data Acquisition and Control Interface 594499 Student Manual, en 594086 – Effect of Frequency on
(with the Computer-Based Instrumentation function activated) Instructor Guide, en 594087 Transformer Rating
Also order the following workbooks: – The Autotransformer
DC Power Circuits, Single-Phase AC Power Circuits, and Three-Phase AC Power Circuits Single-Phase AC Power Circuits Student Manual, en 594131
The workbook provides all the theory Instructor Guide, en 594132
and details required to perform the
Equipment Set TP 8012-7 Power Transformers 8093320 following hands-on exercises: Three-Phase Power Transformers
TP 8012-7 covers single- and three-phase power transformers. – The Sine Wave The workbook provides all the theory
– Phase Angle and Phase Shift and details required to perform the
The most important components at a glance: – Instantaneous and Average following hands-on exercise:
1x Resistive Load 594820 Power – Three-Phase Transformer
1x 3AC Transformer Bank 594823 – Inductive Reactance Configurations
1x 1AC Transformer 594824 – Capacitive Reactance Student Manual, en 594133
1x 3AC 400 V DC 230V Power Supply 594825 – Impedance Instructor Guide, en 594134
1x AC 24V Power Supply 772050 – Active and Reactive Power
1x AC 230V DC 325V Variable Power Supply * 8089266 – Apparent Power and the Campus license
1x Data Acquisition and Control Interface 594499 Power Triangle This campus license includes the
(with the Computer-Based Instrumentation function activated) – Solving Simple AC Circuits using workbooks “Single-Phase Power
Also order the following workbooks: Circuit Impedance Calculation Transformers” and “Three-Phase
Single-Phase Power Transformer, Three-Phase Transformer Banks – Solving AC Circuits using the Power Transformers”. Details about
Power Triangle Method campus licenses on page 45.
Student Manual, en 594088 en 8093410
Equipment Set TP 8012-8 AC/DC Power Circuits and Transformers 8093321 Instructor Guide, en 594089
TP 8012-8 combines TP 8012-6 and TP 8012-7 without duplication of hardware For other languages, please contact
components. Three-Phase AC Power Circuits your local sales representative for
Also order the following workbooks: DC Power Circuits, Single-Phase AC Power Circuits The workbook provides all the theory availability.
and Three-Phase AC Power Circuits, Single-Phase Power Transformer, and details required to perform the
Three-Phase Transformer Banks. following hands-on exercises:
– Three-Phase Circuits
Required accessories for all equipment sets, also order: – Three-Phase Power Measurement
2x Digital Multimeter 579782 – Phase Sequence
1x Connection Lead Set and Grounding Kit 595916 Student Manual, en 594090
1x 3AC Power Supply and Safety Unit 594826 Instructor Guide, en 594091
1x Mobile Frameline, complete model without energy duct 8075133
*This item can be replaced by 4-Quadrant Power Supply and Dynamometer Controller
➔ see page 166
Note: A computer with a Windows 7/8/10 operating system is required for all equipment
www.festo-didactic.com 161
Electric power technology > TP 8012 Electric power technology (EMS A4) > Solar power
www.festo-didactic.com 163
Electric power technology > TP 8012 Electric power technology (EMS A4) > Wind power
www.festo-didactic.com 165
Electric power technology > TP 8012 Electric Power Technology (EMS A4) > Modules
DACI, dynamometer, power supplies
Renewable energies
4 Monocrystalline Silicon
Solar Panel
The Monocrystalline Silicon Solar
Panel is mounted on a common
metal chassis that can be installed 3
in the Solar Panel Test Bench, when
performing exercises indoors, or on
a tripod when performing exercises 7
Order no. 595058
www.festo-didactic.com 167
Electric power technology > TP 8012 Electric Power Technology (EMS A4) > Modules
Loads, batteries, transformers, inverters, controllers
3 6
www.festo-didactic.com 169
Electric power technology > Dissectible machines training system
2-kW Four-Quadrant 2-kW IGBT Chopper/Inverter 2-kW Power Thyristors Data Acquisition and
Dynamometer Control Interface
LabVolt Series 8857-1 LabVolt Series 8861
LabVolt Series 8540 LabVolt Series 9063
This module consists of 7 insulat- This module consists of six power
This device can act as a prime mover ed-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) thyristors (SCRs) mounted in a half- The Data Acquisition and Control
or as a dynamometer, depending on mounted in a half-size EMS mod- size EMS enclosure. Each individual Interface (DACI) is a versatile USB
user preference, and it can easily be ule. Six IGBTs are used to implement thyristor is protected against over- peripheral used for measuring, ob-
coupled to any motor and generator choppers and inverters. These IGBTs currents and short-circuits. All the serving, analyzing, and controlling
from the 2-kW product line. are protected against a variety of se- anodes and cathodes of the thyris- electrical and mechanical parame-
vere operating conditions, such as tors are terminated on the front pan- ters in electric power systems and
The Four-Quadrant Dynamometer short-circuits, overvoltage, overcur- el by color-coded, 4 mm safety ba- power electronics circuits. For these
consists of a squirrel-cage induction rent, and overheat. The seventh IGBT nana jacks. To reduce the number of purposes, a set of computer-based
motor with an encoder feedback. and an external dumping resistor external connections, the most typ- instruments as well as a variety of
The motor is driven by a closed-loop allow smooth dissipation of excess ical thyristor configurations can be control functions are available for the
vector drive which is coupled to a energy at the DC bus. The module achieved using two toggle switches DACI. These instruments and control
touch-screen Human-Machine Inter- switching control section allows 0/5 on the front panel. functions are accessed through the
face (HMI). This interface enables V pulse signals from either the Da- LVDAC-EMS software.
the user to select the mode of opera- ta Acquisition and Control Interface, A firing control section allows six 0-5
tion (speed or torque) and to set ei- LabVolt Series 9063, the Chopper / V pulse signals from either the Da- Together, the DACI and the LV-
ther the speed (r/min) and direction Inverter Control Unit, LabVolt Series ta Acquisition and Control Interface, DAC-EMS software allow training in
or the output torque (N·m or lb·ft) of 9029, or any compatible 0/5 V con- LabVolt Series 9063, the Thyristor various areas such as electric power
the machine. The interface displays trol unit, to be applied to the gating Firing Unit, LabVolt Series 9030, or technology, ac/dc machines, renew-
the main parameters of operation in circuits of the IGBTs. any compatible 0-5 V control unit, to able energy, transmission lines, and
real-time (voltage, current, torque, be applied to the gating circuits of power electronics using modern and
speed, and frequency). Open-source en es fr the thyristors. versatile measuring instruments and
software drivers are available to inte- 120V/60Hz control functions. LVDAC-EMS also
grate it in specific research setups. 586829 586831 586830 en es fr offers the possibility to use pre-built
220V/50Hz 120V/60Hz SCADA interfaces for several appli-
Electrical connections between the 586832 586833 586834 cations to ease the view and under-
vector drive and the motor are made 240V/50Hz 220V/50Hz standing of the process taking place.
through jumpers on the front panel. 586828 586835
This makes the separation of both 240V/50Hz See page 144 for more details.
components simple and allows the 586836
motor or the vector drive to be used
independently in other experimen-
en es fr
586731 586732
LabVolt Series 8013-1 – 1x Three-Phase Full-Voltage LabVolt Series 8013-2 – The Transmission Line
Starter, 2 kW – AC Voltage and Current
Complete training system that covers – 1x Three-Phase Rheostat, 2kW Training system that covers the Measurement
the principles of power circuits, DC – 1x Three-Phase Power-Factor principles of power circuits. – The Wattmeter
machines, and Transformers and AC Meter, 2kW – Phase Angle, Real and Apparent
machines. – 2x Field Rheostat, 2 kW Hardware included: Power Capacitive Reactance
– 1x Variable Power Supply – 1x Mobile workstation – Inductive Reactance
Hardware included: – 1x Automatic DC Motor Starter – 1x Storage Shelves – Watt, Var, Volt-Ampere and
– 1x Mobile workstation – 1x Digital Tachometer – 1x AC Voltmeter Power Factor
– 1x Storage Shelves – 1x Speed Sensor/Tachometer – 3x Resistive Load, 2 kW – Vectors and Phasors –
– 1x AC Voltmeter – 2x Couplers – 3x Inductive Load, 2 kW Series Circuits
– 1x DC Motor/Generator – 1x Digital Multimeter – 3x Capacitive Load, 2 kW – Vectors and Phasors –
– 1x Wiring Module for DC Motor/ – 1x Connection lead set – 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter Parallel Circuits
Generator – 1x AC Ammeter Module, 2 kW – Impedance
– 1x Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Included student manuals: – 1x Wattmeter / Varmeter – Three-Phase Circuits
Induction Motor, 2 kW – Power Circuits – 1x Synchronizing Module, 2 kW – Active, Reactive and Apparent
– 1x Wiring Module for Squirrel-Cage – DC Machines – 1x Variable Power Supply Power in Three-Phase Circuits
Induction Motor – Transformers and AC Machines – 1x Digital Multimeter – Three-Phase Power Measurement
– 1x Three-Phase Wound-Rotor – 1x Connection lead set – Phase Sequence
Induction Motor, 2 kW Refer to the following systems for
– 1x Wiring Module for Wound-Rotor more details regarding the content of Included with this system: Power Circuits (Student Manual)
Induction Motor each workbook. en es fr
– 1x Synchronous Motor/Generator Workbook – Power Circuits 120V/60Hz
– 1x Wiring Module for Synchronous The exercises in the workbooks con- 583932 583933
Motor/Generator tain the theory and lab exercises cov- 220–240V/50Hz
– 3x Resistive Load, 2 kW ering the following topic coverage: 583934 583935
– 3x Inductive Load, 2 kW – Series and Parallel Equivalent
– 3x Capacitive Load, 2 kW Resistances
– 3x Single-Phase Transformer, 2 kW – Resistances in Parallel
– 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter – Resistances in Series and in
– 1x AC Ammeter Module, 2 kW Series-Parallel
– 1x Wattmeter/Varmeter – Safety and the Power Supply
– 1x DC Breaker, 2 kW – Ohm‘s Law
– 1x Synchronizing Module, 2 kW – Circuit Solution
– 1x Manual DC Motor Starter – Power in DC Circuits
– 1x Synchronous Motor Starter,
2 kW
en es fr en es fr
120V/60Hz 587305 587307 587306 120V/60Hz 587312 587314 587313
220V/50Hz 587308 587310 587309 220V/50Hz 587315 587317 587316
240V/50Hz 587304 240V/50Hz 587311
LabVolt Series 8013-3 Included with this system: LabVolt Series 8013-4 Included with this system:
Training system that covers the Workbook – DC Machines Training system that covers Workbook –
principles of DC machines. The exercises in the workbooks con- the principles of transformers and Transformers and AC Machines
tain the theory and lab exercises cov- AC machines The exercises in the workbooks con-
Hardware included: ering the following topic coverage: tain the theory and lab exercises cov-
– 1 x Mobile workstation – Prime Mover Torque Measurement Hardware included: ering the following topic coverage:
– 1 x Storage Shelves – The Direct Current Motor Please refer to the list of hardware – The Single-Phase Transformer
– 1 x AC Voltmeter – The DC Shunt Motor included with the 2-kW EMS – – Transformer Polarity
– 1 x DC Motor/Generator – The DC Series Motor Modularized. – Transformer Regulation
– 1 x Wiring Module for DC Motor/ – The DC Compound Motor – The Autotransformer
Generator – The Separately-Excited DC – Transformers in Parallel
– 1 x Synchronous Motor/Generator Shunt Generator – The Distribution Transformer
– 1 x Wiring Module for Synchronous – The Self-Excited DC – Three-Phase Transformer
Motor/Generator Shunt Generator Connections
– 3 x Resistive Load, 2 kW – The DC Compound Generator – Prime Mover and Torque
– 1 x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter – DC Motor Starter Measurement
– 1 x AC Ammeter Module, 2 kW – The Wound-Rotor Induction Motor
– 1 x Manual DC Motor Starter DC Machines (Student Manual) – The Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
– 1 x Synchronous Motor Starter, en es fr – The Synchronous Motor
2 kW 120V/60Hz – The Three-Phase Alternator
– 2 x Field Rheostat, 2 kW 583937 583938 – The Alternator Under Load
– 1 x Variable Power Supply 220–240V/50Hz – Alternator Synchronization
– 1 x Coupler 583939 583940 – Alternator Power
– 1 x Connection lead set – Three-Phase Motor Starters
– Frequency Conversion
– Reactance and Frequency
– Selsyn Control
en es fr en es fr
120V/60Hz 587319 587321 587320 120V/60Hz 587326 587328 587327
220V/50Hz 587322 587324 587323 220V/50Hz 587329 587331 587330
240V/50Hz 587318 240V/50Hz 587325
LabVolt Series 8001-1 – 1x Manual DC Motor Starter LabVolt Series 8001-2 – The Transmission Line
– 1x Synchronous Motor Starter – AC Voltage and Current
The 0.2 kW EMS – Modular Training – 1x Three-Phase Full-Voltage Starter Training system that covers the – The Wattmeter
System is complete and supported – 1x Three-Phase Rheostat principles of power circuits. – Phase Angle, Active, and
by student manuals for all four sub- – 1x Power Supply Apparent Power
systems. The subsystems – Power – 1x Electrodynamometer, Hardware included – Capacitive Reactance
Circuits, DC Machines, Single-Phase Imperial Units – 1x Mobile Workstation – Inductive Reactance
Transformer and AC Machines, and – 1x Digital Tachometer – 1x Storage Shelves – Watt, Var, Volt-Ampere,
Three-Phase Transformer and AC – 1x Timing Belt – 1x Resistive Load and Power Factor
Machines – cover the common ma- – 1x Digital Multimeter – 1x Inductive Load – Vectors and Phasors –
chines, and are offered with corre- – 1x Connection Lead Set – 1x Capacitive Load Series Circuit
sponding courseware. – 1x Thyristor Speed Controller – 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter – Vectors and Phasors –
– 1x AC Ammeter Parallel Circuits
Hardware included: Manuals included: – 1x AC Voltmeter – Impedance
– 1x Mobile Workstation – Power Circuits – 1x Single-Phase Wattmeter – Three-Phase Circuits
– 1x Storage Shelves – DC Machines – 1x Three-Phase Wattmeter – Three-Phase Watts, Vars,
– 1x DC Motor/Generator – Single-Phase Transformers and – 1x Synchronizing Module and Volt-Amperes
– 1x Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage AC Machines – 1x Power Supply – Three-Phase Power Measurement
Induction Motor – Three-Phase Transformers and – 1x Digital Multimeter – Phase Sequence
– 1x Three-Phase Wound-Rotor AC Machines – 1x Connection Lead Set
Induction Machine – See the next pages for order num- Power Circuits (Student Manual)
– 1x Synchronous Motor/Generator bers. Included with this system: en es fr
– 1x Capacitor-Start Motor 120V/60Hz
– 1x Capacitor-Run Motor Workbook — Power Circuits 583899 583900
– 1x Universal Motor The exercises in the workbooks con- 220V/50Hz
– 1x Resistive Load tain the theory and lab exercises cov- 583901
– 1x Inductive Load ering the following topic coverage: 240V/50Hz
– 1x Capacitive Load – Series and Parallel Equivalent 583906
– 3x Fully Protected Transformer – Resistances
– 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter – Resistances in Parallel
– 1x AC Ammeter – Resistances in Series and in
– 1x AC Voltmeter Series-Parallel
– 1x Single-Phase Wattmeter – Safety and the Power Supply
– 1x Three-Phase Wattmeter – Ohm’s Law
– 1x Synchronizing Module – Circuit Solution
– Power in DC Circuits
en es fr en es fr
120V/60Hz 587243 587245 587244 120V/60Hz 587250 587252 587251
220V/50Hz 587246 587248 587247 220V/50Hz 587253 587255 587254
240V/50Hz 587242 240V/50Hz 587249
LabVolt Series 8001-3 Included with this system: LabVolt Series 8001-4 Included with this system:
Partial training system that covers Workbook — DC Machines Training system that covers the Workbook — Single-Phase
the principles of DC machines. The exercises in the workbooks con- principles of transformers and Transformers and AC Machines
tain the theory and lab exercises cov- AC machines The exercises in the workbooks con-
Hardware included ering the following topic coverage: tain the theory and lab exercises cov-
– 1x Mobile Workstation – Safety and the Power Supply Hardware included: ering the following topic coverage:
– 1x Storage Shelves – Prime Mover and Torque – 1x Mobile Workstation – Safety and the Power Supply
– 1x DC Motor/Generator Measurement – 1x Storage Shelves – The Single-Phase Transformer
– 1x Synchronous Motor/Generator – The Direct Current Motor – 1x Capacitor-Start Motor – Transformer Polarity
– 1x Resistive Load – The DC Shunt – 1x Capacitor-Run Motor – Transformer Regulation
– 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter – The DC Series Motor – 1x Universal Motor – The Autotransformer
– 1x AC Ammeter – The DC Compound Motor – 1x Resistive Load – Transformers in Parallel
– 1x AC Voltmeter – The DC Separately Excited Shunt – 1x Inductive Load – The Distribution Transformer
– 1x Manual DC Motor Starter Generator – 1x Capacitive Load – Prime Mover and Torque
– 1x Power Supply – The DC Self Excited Shunt – 2x Fully Protected Transformer Measurement
– 1x Electrodynamometer, Generator – 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter – The Split-Phase Inductor Motor
Imperial Units – The DC Compound Generator – 1x AC Ammeter – The Capacitor-Start Motor
– 1x Digital Tachometer – DC Motor Starter – 1x AC Voltmeter – The Capacitor-Run Motor
– 1x Timing Belt – Thyristor Speed Controller – 1x Single-Phase Wattmeter – The Universal Motor
– 1x Connection Lead Set – Thyristor Speed Controller – 1x Power Supply
– 1x Thyristor Speed Controller with Regulation – 1x Electrodynamometer, Imperi- Single-Phase Transformers and
al Units AC Machines (Student Manual)
DC Machines (Student Manual) – 1x Digital Tachometer en es fr
en es fr – 1x Timing Belt 120V/60Hz
120V/60Hz – 1x Digital Multimeter 583913 583914
583909 583910 – 1x Connection Lead Set 220V/50Hz
220V/50Hz 583915
583911 240V/50Hz
240V/50Hz 583916
en es fr en es fr
120V/60Hz 587257 587259 587258 120V/60 Hz 587264 587266 587265
220V/50Hz 587260 587262 587261 220V/50 Hz 587267 587269 587268
240V/50Hz 587256 240V/50 Hz 587263
LabVolt Series 8001-5 Included with this system: LabVolt Series 8001-6 Included with this system:
Training system that covers the Workbook — Three-Phase Modular instructional program de- Workbook — Investigation in
principles of transformers and Transformers and AC Machines signed to teach electric power tech- Electric Power Technology
AC machines: The exercises in the workbooks con- nology through laboratory observa- This 65-experiment laboratory
tain the theory and lab exercises cov- tions. manual includes exercises such as:
Hardware included ering the following topic coverage: – Resistances in Parallel, in Series,
– 1x Mobile Workstation – Safety and the Power Supply Hardware included: and in Series-Parallel
– 1x Storage Shelves – Three-Phase Transformer – 1x Mobile Workstation – Power in DC Circuits
– 1x DC Motor/Generator Connections – 1x Storage Shelves – The Transmission Line
– 1x Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage – Prime Mover and Torque – 1x DC Motor/Generator – Prime Mover and Torque
Induction Motor Measurement – 1x Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Measurement
– 1x Three-Phase Wound-Rotor – The Wound-Rotor Induction Motor Induction Motor – DC Shunt Motor, DC Series Motor
Induction Machine – The Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor – 1x Three-Phase Wound-Rotor and DC Compound Motor
– 1x Synchronous Motor/Generator – The Synchronous Motor Induction Machine – DC Separately Excited Shunt
– 1x Resistive Load – The Three-Phase Alternator – 1x Synchronous Motor/Generator Generator and DC Self-Excited
– 1x Inductive Load – The Alternator Under Load – 1x Capacitor-Start Motor Shunt Generator
– 1x Capacitive Load – Alternator Synchronization – 1x Capacitor-Run Motor – And many more
– 3x Fully Protected Transformer – Alternator Power – 1x Universal Motor
– 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter – Three-Phase Motor Starter – 2x Resistive Load Investigation in Electric Power Technology
– 1x AC Ammeter – Frequency Conversion – 1x Inductive Load Student Manual
– 1x AC Voltmeter – Reactance and Frequency – 2x Capacitive Load en es fr
– 1x Three-Phase Wattmeter – Selsyn Control – 3x Fully Protected Transformer 120 V/60Hz
– 1x Synchronizing Module – 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter 583758 583760 583880
– 1x Synchronous Motor Starter Three-Phase Transformers and – 1x AC Ammeter 220 V/50Hz
– 1x Three-Phase Full-Voltage Starter AC Machines – 1x AC Voltmeter 583881 583883 583885
– 1x Three-Phase Rheostat Student Manual – 1x Single-Phase Wattmeter 240 V/50Hz
– 1x Power Supply en es fr – 1x Three-Phase Wattmeter 583762
– 1x Electrodynamometer, 120V/60Hz – 1x Synchronizing Module Instructor Guide
Imperial Units 583917 583918 – 1x Three-Phase Rheostat en es fr
– 1x Digital Tachometer 220V/50Hz – 1x Power Supply 120 V/60Hz
– 1x Timing Belt 583919 – 1x Electrodynamometer, 583759 583761
– 1x Connection Lead Set 240V/50Hz Imperial Units 220 V/50Hz
583920 – 1x Digital Tachometer 583882 583884 583764
– 1x Timing Belt 240 V/50Hz
– 1x Connection Lead Set 583763
– 1x Thyristor Speed Controller
en es fr en es fr
120V/60Hz 587271 587273 587272 120V/60Hz 587278 587280 587279
220V/50Hz 587274 587276 587275 220V/50Hz 587281 587283 587282
240V/50Hz 587270 240V/50Hz 587277
Training Systems
Equipment Sets
Control Technology........................................................................................196
Electric Drive Technology ..............................................................................198
Some training solutions included in this product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and environmental protection (CE marking).
If you are located in a country where this marking is required, please contact your
Festo sales representative before placing an order.
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems
184 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems
* Note: Please check with your sales representative if you want to use Motor Drives
as a direct add-on to Basic Controls, or if you want to order a system independent of its
prerequisite system(s).
www.festo-didactic.com 185
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Basic systems
Basic Systems
Basic Industrial Controls Training System
Training content
– Basic Principles of Electric Motor Control (Lockout/tagout, control devices,
starters, relays and contactors, protection)
– Circuit Layout and Specifications
– Basic Control Circuits (Two- and three-wire control, manual starter,
reversing starters, multiple push buttons)
– Jogging Control Circuits
– Reduced AC Voltage Starters (Starting resistors, soft starters)
2 8 – Time Relay Circuits (Time relays, plugging circuits, starting resistors)
– Troubleshooting
en es fr
120V/60Hz 581502 581503
220V/50Hz 581504 581505
240V/50Hz 581506
220V/60Hz 581507 581508
If your country’s voltage/frequency configuration, does not appear here, please contact
your sales representative to check if available.
Manuals included
Basic Controls en es fr
1x Student Manual 603859 603860
1x Instructor Guide 603861 603861
6 12 Troubleshooting
1x Student Manual 580480 580481
1x Instructor Guide 580482 580483
Note: PDF version also available.
Required equipment
1x Digital tachometer 581427
1x Stopwatch 781371
1x Multimeter 579782
Optional equipment
1x Basic Controls Training System, Second Team, Add-On (8036-D) see page 191
186 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Basic systems
Training content
– Programmable Logic Controller – PLC
Control relay functions, boolean logic, timing relays, counter, comparator)
– PLC Control Circuits
(Interfacing voltages, motor starters with jogging, reversing starters)
– Troubleshooting
en es fr
Order no. 581509 581510
For all country voltage/frequency configurations 2 5
Required equipment
Refer to flowchart on page 185 for prerequisites depending on the working environment
www.festo-didactic.com 187
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Basic systems
Basic Systems
Motor Drives Training System
Training content
– AC Drive
(overview, Volts per Hertz characteristics, ramp and torque boost, protection,
braking, jogging, remote controls)
– DC Drive
(overview, speed control, current limiting, IR compensation)
– Troubleshooting
en es fr
2 4 120V/60Hz 581511 581512
220V/50–60Hz 581513 581514
240V/50Hz 581515
Manuals included
Motor Drives en es fr
1x Student Manual 593906
1x Instructor Guide 593907
1x Student Manual 580480 580481
1x Instructor Guide 580482 580483
Note: PDF version also available.
Required equipment
Refer to flowchart on page 185 for prerequisites depending on the working environment
188 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Basic systems
Training content
– Photoelectric Sensors
(Background supression, polarize retroreflective)
– Proximity Switches
(Capacitive and inductive)
– Mechanical Limit Switches
en es fr
Order no. 581516 581517
For all country voltage/frequency configurations 2 5
Manual included
Sensors en es fr
1x Student Manual 580470 580471
1x Instructor Guide 580472 580473
Note: PDF version also available.
Required equipment
Refer to flowchart on page 185 for prerequisites depending on the working environment
www.festo-didactic.com 189
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Variants of basic systems
The Motor Drives Training System is a complete stand-alone system that allows The Motor Drives Training System is an add-on to the Electromechanical
students to perform the same exercises as in the Motor Drives Training System. Training System, LabVolt Series 8001 or 8006, that allows students to perform
The system is designed to be used directly on a tabletop. the same exercises as in the Motor Drives Training System (8036-3).
en es fr en es fr
120V/60Hz 581518 592562 120V/60Hz 581522
220V/50Hz 581519 220V/50-60Hz 581523 581524
220V/60Hz 581521 240V/50Hz 581525
240V/60Hz 581520
Main components at a glance:
Main components at a glance: – 1x Industrial Controls Single-Rail Workstation
– 1x Industrial Controls Tabletop Workstation – 1x Switches
– 2x Switches – 1x Pilot Lights 24 V dc
– 1x Emergency Button – 1x AC Drive
– 1x Pilot Lights 24 V dc – 1x DC Drive
– 1x Three-Phase Manual Starter – 1x Connection Lead Set
– 1x Control Relay – 1x Magnetic Labels
– 1x Control Transformer
– 1x Cam Switch Manual included
– 1x Inertia Wheel Motor Drives en es fr
– 1x Starting Resistors 1x Student Manual 593904
– 1x Power Diodes 1x Instructor Guide 593905
– 1x Machine Mounting Plate Note: PDF version also available.
– 1x Brake Motor
– 1x DC Motor
– 1x AC Drive
– 1x DC Drive
– 1x AC Power Supply
– 1x Connection Lead and Accessory Set
– 1x Magnetic Labels
Manual included
Motor Drives en es fr
1x Student Manual 593902
1x Instructor Guide 593903
Note: PDF version also available.
190 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Variants of basic systems
The Motor Drives Training System is an alternative version of the Motor Drives The Basic Controls Training System is designed to be used with the Industrial
Training System (8036-A) that is designed to operate at a voltage and frequen- Controls Mobile Workstation. It contains all the equipment necessary for a
cy of 120 V and 60 Hz. Both the DC and the AC drives are connected directly to second team to perform the exercises in the Basic Controls Training System,
a wall outlet. This system is only available for 120V/60 Hz networks. without unnecessary duplication of the equipment that can be shared by the
first team.
en es fr
120V/60Hz 581526 587370 en es fr
120V/60Hz 581527
Main components at a glance: 220V/50Hz 581528
– 1x Industrial Controls Tabletop Workstation 240V/50Hz 587371
– 2x Switches 220V/60Hz 581529
– 1x Emergency Button
– 1x Pilot Lights 24 V DC Main components at a glance:
– 1x Three-Phase Manual Starter – 2x Push Buttons
– 1x Control Relay – 1x Selector Switches
– 1x Control Transformer – 1x Emergency Button
– 1x Cam Switch – 2x Pilot Lights
– 1x Inertia Wheel – 1x Dual Contactors
– 1x Starting Resistors – 1x Lockout Module
– 1x Power Diodes – 1x Three-Phase Manual Starter
– 1x Machine Mounting Plate – 1x Contactor
– 1x Brake Motor – 1x Control Relay
– 1x DC Motor – 1x Overload Relay
– 1x AC Drive – 1x Time-Delay Relay
– 1x DC Drive – 1x Three-Pole Fuse Holder
– 1x Connection Lead and Accessory Set – 1x Control Transformer
– 1x Magnetic Labels – 1x Cam Switch
– 2x Power Cord – 1x Inertia Wheel
– 1x Starting Resistors
Manual included – 1x Brake Motor
Motor Drives en es fr – 1x Soft Starter
1x Student Manual 593902 595134 – 1x Connection Lead and Accessory Set
1x Instructor Guide 593903 595135 – 1x Fuses
Note: PDF version also available. – 1x Magnetic Labels
www.festo-didactic.com 191
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Variants of basic systems
The Basic Controls Training System is an add-on to systems 8001 or 8006 that
allows students to perform the same exercises in the Basic Controls Training
System (8036-1) using the power supply, motors, and additional equipment
provided with systems 8001 or 8006.
en es fr
120V/60Hz 581530 592563
220V/50Hz 581531 581532
240V/50Hz 581533
220V/60Hz 581534
Manuals included
Basic Controls en es fr
1x Student Manual 603855 603856
1x Instructor Guide 603857 603858
1x Student Manual 580480 580481
1x Instructor Guide 580482 580483
Note: PDF version also available.
192 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Industrial controls training systems > Workstations, Software
Workstations, Software
www.festo-didactic.com 193
Industrial motor controls > Variable-frequency drive training system
www.festo-didactic.com 195
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Control technology
Basic principles of Selecting the correct switching ele- Training content Advantages
control technology ments and equipment is just as im- – Pushbuttons and switches – The three-phase AC supply guar-
portant as the correct use and ad- – N/O and N/C contacts antees the electrical safety of the
Basic control circuits also have their justment of protective devices. – Jog mode workplace
place in modern automation tech- – Self-latching loop – Extremely compact equipment
nology, as simple automation tasks The general operating principles are – Pushbutton lock – Flexible thanks to the use of
are still set up with low-cost safety explained using examples and the – Multiple control points industrial components
circuits. basic knowledge of the control tech- – Messages – Easily expandable
nology with contacts is explained – Design and function of a – Jumper plugs for connecting the
Realistic projects are executed using comprehensively. contactor boards improve clarity
the equipment set and practical exer- – Electronic time relays – Maximum effectiveness in combi-
cises. The design, function and areas – Overcurrent trigger and nation with MPS® transfer line or
of application of the components are motor protection switch electric machines
explained along with their use. – Equipment designations – Stable angled screw-in sockets
– Connecting and testing a for contacting
three-phase socket – The optional Systainer solution
– Main and control circuit combines work, transport and
– Protective interlocking storage requirements perfectly,
– Reversing contactor circuit thus reducing the amount of work
– Star-delta starting up required before and after lessons
– Reversing contactor circuit with
automatic star-delta starting up
196 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Control technology
TP 1211
The worksheets support the learn-
er in the information and planning
phase as well as with execution,
monitoring and documentation.
All exercises require independent
Campus licence:
567315 EN
de 570901
The exercises in the workbook con- en 567315
tain concrete, realistic projects with es 567317
problem descriptions, parameters fr 567319
and project tasks.
www.festo-didactic.com 197
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Electric drive technology The unique didactic concept makes The convenient DriveLab software Training content
a clear distinction between the unit provides a wide range of options. – Electric drive technology
Modern drives are characterised by under test and the load. The practical components
the bringing together of electrical quick-change system makes it easy With the electric teaching machines, – DC drives
and mechanical components to cre- to set up and change the machines virtually all electric circuits and – AC drives
ate complete systems. to be examined. The unit under test drives that exist in industry, in trade – Three-phase drives
circuits are created using reliable and in the home can be explained – Special purpose machines
With rotating electric machines in and flexible A4 EduTrainer® modules. practically and effectively. – Actuation with contact
particular, the basic principles of the – Frequency converters
individual components along with Simple tests such as the record- The range of drives includes sys- – Communication technoloy
the system approach and practicality ing of a characteristic curve can be tems of varying degrees of complexi-
play a crucial role. performed manually with the brake ty, including single-phase and three- Technical data
system, with no need for a PC and phase drives, DC drives and modern – Input voltage:
Enclosed in a compact housing, this software. Measured values, char- servo drives. 1 AC/110 – 230 V, 50 – 60 Hz
equipment set incorporates a com- acteristics and function mode are – Control console housing with
plete, flexible and convenient load shown on the integrated display. rubber feet for use in the desk
and drive system, which is used to – Connection via 4 mm safety
analyse the systems to be examined connector
in different load situations. – Integrated EMC filter
– Integrated braking resistor
Scope of delivery
– Servo brake and drive system
– Transparent shaft cover
– Coupling sleeve
– DriveLab software
– USB connecting cable
Possibilities of expansion:
EduTrainer three-phase current supply 571812
EduTrainer 24 V power supply unit 571813
EduTrainer contactor board 571814
Motor technology contactor set 571816
EduTrainer operator and signalling unit 571815
Electric machines ➔ Page 200
Motor protection switch ➔ Page 201
EduTrainer AC measurement board 576616
Sinamics G120 EduTrainer ➔ Page 204
EduTrainer variable transformer 8037127
EduTrainer field rheostat 8036772
EduTrainer load resistance 8037136
EduTrainer motor switches 576309
The convenient and intuitive Drive- Different load models
Recommended training media, also order: Lab software supports the automat- – Inert load
Electric drives 1: WBT ➔ www.festo-didactic.com ic recording of machine characteris- – Pump/fan
Electric drives 2: WBT ➔ www.festo-didactic.com tic curves, the parameterisation of a – Hoist drive
static load and the simulation of load – Calendar
models for the examination of drives – Winder drive
under realistic conditions. The com- – Lathe
parison and optimisation of different – Traversing drive
drive concepts can be carried out in
the form of project exercises. Sample
configurations provide a quick and
easy-to-understand introduction.
en 571783
The exercises in the workbooks con- es 571785 L1
-T1 -T2
L+ L+
L- L-
de 571789
en 571791
– Educational instructions
571783 en 571791 en
fr 571803
them independently.
Festo Didactic
571799 en
www.festo-didactic.com 199
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Electric Machines
7 Synchronous machine
1 DC shunt machine – Power rating: 0.3 kW
– Power rating: 0.3 kW – Speed: 1,500 rpm
– Speed: 2,000 rpm – cos : 0,97
– Armature: 220 V/1.8 A – Exciter: 150 V/0.95 A
– Field: 220 V/0.3 A – Star circuit: 400 V/0.66 A
3 7
– Delta circuit: 230 V/1.14 A
2 DC series machine
– Power rating: 0.3 kW DC compound machine
– Speed: 2,000 rpm – Output: 0.3 kW
– 220 V/1.9 A – Speed: 2000 r.p.m
– Armature: 220 V/1.8 A
3 Universal motor – Field: 205 V/0.25 A
– Power rating: 0.2 kW
– Speed: 3,000 rpm Three-phase AC multifunction
– AC 230 V/3.0 A machine (AC slip ring rotor, can
– DC 140 V/2.5 A be synchronised)
4 11
– Output: 0.27 kW
4 Capacitor motor – Speed: 1360/1500 r.p.m. 50 Hz
– Power rating: 0.25 kW – cos : 0.7/1.0
– Speed: 1,400 rpm – Star connection: 400 V/0.83 A
– cos : 0.99 – Delta connection: 230 V/1.44 A
– AC 230 V/1.86 A – U2: AC 107 V/1.7 A; DC 20 V/4.0 A
– Running/starting capacitor:
25 μF/10 μF Dahlander
– Output: 0.3/0.43 kW
– Speed: 1390/2800 r.p.m 50 Hz
– cos : 0.73/0.8
– Double star circuit: 400 V/1.2 A
– Delta connection: 440 V/0.89 A
200 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
High-quality, industrial switching de- Technical data The measurement board is designed Technical data
vice from Siemens with 4 mm safety – Mounting on 35 mm H-rail for measuring the electrical variables – Supply voltage: 1 AC/95 – 240 V
elbow adapters for professional pro- – Auxiliary contacts of voltage, current, apparent, real – Measured voltage:
tection of rotating electric machines. 1 N/O contact + 1 N/C contact and reactive power, power factor and 1 AC/40 – 400 V, 3 AC/40 – 690 V
frequency of one- and three-phase – Measured current max. 5 A
Available with the following values: loads. Other functions include min- – Front panel: 133 x 297 mm
0.35 – 0.5 A max values, real and reactive energy, – Console housing with rubber feet
0.55 – 0.8 A dual tariff recording, average power for use in an A4 frame or on a table
1.1 – 1.6 A demand MIN/MAX, hours-run meter – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs
1.8 – 2.5 A and energy meter. – Floating switching output and
2.2 – 3.2 A meter input
The locations of all connections are – Cover cap for Ethernet connection
standardised and are routed to safe-
ty sockets or system plugs.
www.festo-didactic.com 201
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
What is EMC?
dBµV Modern systems and plants are be-
100 coming increasingly technically-de-
manding, and in particular their elec-
trical components are increasingly
90 complex. In particular the growing
amount of power electronics and
microelectronics makes ever strict-
M1 M1
80 er demands of the components to
guarantee trouble free and reliable
Lim A operation.
EMC stands for “electromagnetic
compatibility” and refers to “the
60 ability of an equipment of system to
55 Lim B function satisfactorily in its electro-
magnetic environment without intro-
ducing intolerable electromagnetic
45 Lim A
disturbances to other equipment in
that environment”.
40 Lim B
35 Resistance to interference and
interference emission
In general, a device is examined for
25 both of these phenomena. When
testing the resistance to interfer-
20 f [Hz]
ence, the device is operated and
100k 150k 1M 10M 30M 100M 1G
subjected to various defined distur-
MB 1 MB 2
bance variables. These tests include
typical electrical phenomena, such
as static discharge or surge voltage
Key to illustration: The graph shows the two areas of Areas of application (lightning strikes) and test for im-
– MB1 (measuring range 1): application. The red line shows the The EMC standards define two ar- munity against external interference
150 kHz – 30 MHz, measurement limit value for Class A devices, the eas of application: use in “industri- sources.
of the conducted emission green line the limit value for Class B al environments” and in “residen-
– MB2 (measuring range 2): devices. tial/small company” applications. By contrast, the emitted interference
30 MHz – 1 GHz, measurement of The industrial environment is char- is tested by operating the device in a
the radiated emission The black curve shows the interfer- acterised by separation of the inter- condition in which the maximum
– Lim A: Limit curve per DIN EN ence emission for a frequency con- nal low-voltage grid from the pub- interference emission is to be expect-
55011, Class A (industrial devices) verter without a housing. The blue lic medium or high-voltage grid via ed. The emissions must not exceed a
– Lim B: Limit curve per DIN EN curve shows how the interference a dedicated transformer. The limits limit specified in the standards.
55011, Class B (domestic and emission can be significantly re- for emitted interference of these in-
small commercial devices) duced with additional measures like dustrial devices (Class A devices) are
– M1: Interference emission without filtering, screening, enclosed metal higher than the limits for residential
EMC measures housings and appropriate compo- devices (Class B devices) where ma-
– M2: Interference emission with nent arrangements. ny independent users are connected
EMC measures to the same low-voltage grid.
202 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
CE marking
EU directives define minimum stan-
dards for various product groups
which products are required to com-
ply with. The characteristics are en-
tirely different depending on the
product group.
www.festo-didactic.com 203
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
204 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
www.festo-didactic.com 205
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
EduTrainer® EduTrainer®
Variable Transformer Field Rheostat
Single-phase variable transformer Technical data The field rheostat allows the field Technical data
for providing a variable alternating – Input voltage: 1 x 230 V AC voltage of motors and generators to – Maximum input voltage: 230 V DC
current. – Output voltage: 1 AC/0 – 230 V, be reduced if a set direct voltage is – Maximum load capacity: 100 W
short-circuit and overload pro- used. By connecting a variable re- – Setting range 0 – 1.5 kΩ
Alternatively, the device can be used tected sistor upstream, an exciter field can – Maximum current:
via the integrated rectifier as an un- – Max. output current: 4 A be set. 0 – 450 Ω, 0.5 A
smoothed direct current source with – Rectifier load capacity: 4 A 450 – 1.5k Ω, 0.25 A
a variable and a fixed output, e.g. for – Front panel 266 x 297 mm The resistor is infinitely adjustable. – Front panel: 133 x 297 mm
supplying electrical machinery. – For use in an A4 frame – For use in an A4 frame
– Connection via 4 mm safety plugs All connection locations are stan- – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs
The integrated device circuit breaker – Through-feed for 3 x 400 V AC dardised and are laid out as safety – Through-feed for 3 x 400 V AC
deactivates the variable output volt- sockets.
age in the event of an overload or
short circuit.
206 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Load Resistance
www.festo-didactic.com 207
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Drives with servo motors Reliable and flexible Advantages Training content
The rotary disk guarantees simple – The latest generation of modern – Components of a drive system
Modern servo drives have become and reliable handling of the system drive components from Festo – Design
indispensable for a wide variety of throughout all stages of the intro- – Integrated SysLink interfaces – Commissioning
automation tasks thanks to their ductory course. The integrated limit – Integrated test box for all import- – RPM regulation
combination of high precision, dy- switches support the simulation of ant I/Os – Regulating torque
namic response and torque. Basic an axis on a range of rotation of ap- – Standardised concept from basic – Homing
knowledge of the areas of applica- prox. 340°. Metering can be imple- principles to application – Positions
tion and the components of modern mented for extended training con- – The component set contains all – Ramps
servo drives is therefore essential. tent. of the components for carrying out
basic experiments and provides
The use of the latest generation of clear assignment thanks to its
Festo controllers and motors guaran- printed storage panel.
tees that this equipment set is up-to-
date, while the supplied PC software
facilitates project engineering.
208 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Possibilities of expansion:
EGC linear axis 600 mm including mounting kit 571873
MPS Handling station, electrical 567203
TP 1421
Campus licence:
de 571851
en 571853
es 571855
fr 571857
Festo Didactic
571853 EN
www.festo-didactic.com 209
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Drives with stepper motors Convenient and open Advantages Training content
The integrated simulation box al- – The latest generation of modern – Components of a drive system
One of the main reasons why drive lows the connection of the required drive components from Festo – Design
tasks are implemented with stepper inputs and displays the states of all – Integrated SysLink interfaces – Commissioning
motor drives in modern systems is important outputs. This allows con- – Integrated test box for all import- – RPM regulation
the cost benefit. However, the weak- venient operation without any addi- ant I/Os – Homing
nesses associated with their design tional hardware. The analogue and – Standardised concept from basic – Positions
mean that basic knowledge of the digital SysLink interfaces make it principles to application – Ramps
components and areas of application easy to integrate the drives in com- – The component set contains all
is essential. plete systems for explaining addi- of the components for carrying out
tional content. basic experiments and provides
The current components in the clear assignment thanks to its
equipment set and the supplied PC printed storage panel.
software provide a useful introduc-
tion to this topic.
210 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Possibilities of expansion:
EGC linear axis 600 mm including mounting kit 571873
MPS Handling station, electrical 567203
TP 1422
Campus licence:
de 571859
en 571861
es 571863
Festo Didactic
571861 EN
www.festo-didactic.com 211
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
Linear axis for work on additional Technical data The supply unit ensures safe opera- Technical data
teaching content together with the – 600 mm working stroke tion of single-phase servo controllers – Supply voltage: 1 AC/230 V (50 Hz)
basic training packages for servo or – Maximum speed 3 m/s or frequency converters at worksta- – Output voltage: 1 AC 230 V with
stepper motor drive technology. – Maximum acceleration 50 m/s² tions where there is no correspond- type B RCD protection 30 mA,
– Feed force maximum 50 N ing infrastructure. It is connected to output current max. 6 A
Advantages: – Dimensions: 600 x 60 x 50 mm the mains supply via a non-heating – DC 24 V, 2 A
– The latest generation of modern (H x W x D) device cable and makes it possible – Outputs are protected against
drive components from Festo to provide an electrically safe work- short circuits and overload
– Built-in quick coupling for station even in places where there is – Front panel: 133 x 297 mm
connection to basic training drive no separate fuse protection or type B – Console housing with rubber feet
packages RCD protection available. for use in an A4 frame or on a table
– Complete with Quick-Fix holder for – Power supply via non-heating
slotted assembly board The unit offers the following func- device connection
– Limit switches included in scope tions: – Outputs for 4 mm safety plugs
of delivery – Short circuit protection
– RCD protection, type B
– Emergency stop for the workstation
– Safety when restarting after
voltage recovery
– Switching the workstation power
supply on and off
212 www.festo-didactic.com
Industrial motor controls > Equipment sets > Electric drive technology
The motor switches are designed Technical data The motor switches are designed for Technical data
for direct switch activation of elec- – Input voltage: 3 x 400 V AC direct switch activation of electric – Input voltage: 3x 400 V AC
tric machines. Equipped with on/off – Output voltage: 3 x 400 V AC machines. Fitted with a Dahlander – Output voltage: 3x 400 V AC
switch, polarity reversal switch and – Load rating: maximum 16 A switch and switches for asynchro- – Load rating: maximum 16 A
star/delta switch. – Front panel: 266 x 297 mm nous motors with separate windings. – Front panel: 266 x 297 mm
– Console housing with rubber feet – Console housing with rubber feet
The locations of all connections are for use in an A4 frame or on a table The locations of all connections are for use in an A4 frame or on a table
standardised and are routed to safe- – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs standardised and are routed to safe- – Connection via 4 mm safety plugs
ty sockets or system plugs. ty sockets or system plugs.
www.festo-didactic.com 213
Power Transmission and Distribution
Protective Relaying .......................................................................................216
0.2-kW Protective Relaying Training System ..................................................218
2-kW Power Transmission Training System ...................................................220
Power Line Series Demonstrator ..................................................................222
Distribution Transformer Trainer ...................................................................223
Some training solutions included in this product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and environmental protection (CE marking).
If you are located in a country where this marking is required, please contact your
Festo sales representative before placing an order.
Power transmission and distribution > Protective relaying
Protective Relaying
Based on the SIPROTEC 5 series from Siemens
Modern, time-efficient, and State-of-the-art hardware Relay programming Access to the relay Ethernet port,
interactive hands-on training Three different relays are available Relay programming (e.g., protection binary inputs, and binary outputs
and must be selected in accordance function selection, function settings) (e.g., trip contacts) is also through
Protective relaying provides de- with the desired learning path. Each is achieved via the Siemens DIGSI 5 this removable panel. Each relay
tection of abnormal operating con- features a display that can provide software via a USB connection (both is powered via an ac power inlet
ditions in electrical systems and is information about the relay pro- the software and USB are included mounted on the front of the relay
needed in order to act quickly to tection functions, indicate numer- with each relay and the software li- enclosure. A variant of each relay
protect circuits, equipment, and the ous currently measured values such cense is free for educational purpos- with safety jacks and connectors
general public. as the line voltages, line currents, es). Relay function settings can also mounted on the front panel to
phase power, three-phase power, be performed using the keypad and provide access to all relay inputs,
The theoretical background, as well and power factor, and show informa- display located on the front panel of outputs, and ports is also available.
as practical application, of these pro- tion about trip events that have been the relay. Once programmed, the re-
tective devices and their protection recorded. A keypad, also on the front lays can be tested using a built-in Comprehensive courseware
functions are an important part of panel of the relay, allows users to se- relay testing unit to ensure it is pro- Theoretical knowledge and hands-on
the education of power systems for lect the information displayed. The grammed to operate as expected. training exercises teach students the
electrical engineers. front panel of the relay also features This eliminates the need for users to basic and advanced relay protection
a set of 16 LEDs that allows quick purchase a costly external relay tes- functions. The available range of re-
Power-utility-grade equipment, monitoring of the status of various ter to perform relay testing. Access lays and manuals provide coverage
Siemens’ newest generation the relay functions. to the voltage and current inputs of these topics:
SIPROTEC 5 series, is used in this in- of the Numerical Distance Relay is
novative teaching approach. through a removable panel located
at the back of the relay enclosure.
216 www.festo-didactic.com
Power transmission and distribution > Protective relaying
Also order:
Overcurrent/Overload Protection
– Evolution of protective relays
– Overcurrent protection
– Overcurrent and overload
protection of AC machines and
power transformers
– Overcurrent protection of radial
Student Manual, en 589887
Instructor Guide, en 589888 Numerical Directional Overcurrent Numerical Distance Relay Numerical Differential Protective
Relay – Phase distance (21) Relay
Directional Protection – Directional phase overcurrent – Ground distance (21N) – Transformer differential (87T)
– Protection of parallel power lines (67) – Directional phase overcurrent – Instantaneous phase overcurrent
using overcurrent relays – Directional ground overcurrent (67) (50)
– Directional overcurrent protection (67N) – Directional ground overcurrent – Instantaneous ground
– Directional comparison protection – Directional power (32) (67N) overcurrent (50N)
– Directional power protection – Instantaneous phase overcurrent – Directional power (32) – Phase overcurrent (51)
Student Manual, en 589889 (50) – Instantaneous phase overcurrent – Ground overcurrent (51N)
Instructor Guide, en 589890 – Instantaneous ground (50) – Other possible functions
overcurrent (50N) – Instantaneous ground (ANSI 37, 38, 46, 74, 86, 87N,
Differential Protection – Phase overcurrent (51) overcurrent (50N) and 87M)
– Effect of the current measuring – Ground overcurrent (51N) – Phase overcurrent (51)
error on the sensitivity of current – Other possible functions – Ground overcurrent (51N) Standard Version
differential protection (ANSI 27, 37, 38, 46, 59, 74, 81, – Other possible functions Order no. 589891
– Percentage restrained differential 86, and 87N) (ANSI 27, 37, 38, 46, 59, 68, 74, Variant with external connection jacks
protection 81, 86, and 87N) Order no. 592529
– Application of differential Standard Version
protection Order no. 589061 Standard Version Notes
Student Manual, en 590085 Variant with external connection jacks Order no. 589062 – The numbers in parenthesis are
Instructor Guide, en 590086 Order no. 589110 Variant with external connection jacks the corresponding ANSI/IEE
Order no. 589111 protection functions.
Distance Protection – Required accessory for the
– Simplified diagram of a power three relays: IEC Power Cable
system see page 110
– Conventional time-stepped
distance protection
– Distance relay impedance
– Fault impedance vs.
load impedance
– Line protection
– Generator loss-of-excitation
– Distance protection using
communication-assisted tripping
schemes Workbooks
Student Manual, en 593880
Instructor Guide, en 593881 Overcurrent/ Directional Differential Distance
Note: PDF version also available. Protective Relay Overload Protection Protection Protection Protection
Numerical Differential
x x
www.festo-didactic.com 217
Power transmission and distribution > 0.2-kW protective relaying training system
LabVolt Series 8007 The 0.2-kW Protective Relaying The modular structure of the 0.2-kW Highlights
Training System consists of several Protective Relaying Training System, – Modular approach allowing selec-
The 0.2-kW Protective Relaying modules, which can be divided into together with the subdivision of stu- tion of areas of interest for study,
Training System is a complete pro- five groups: common electrical mod- dent manuals into topical units, and tailoring to special training
gram that extends training in protec- ules, power system modules, enables instructors to choose equip- needs equipment selection to
tive relaying beyond the operation protective relaying control station, ment that matches their budgets match budgets setup of complete
and calibrations of individual relays protective relays, and additional and while progressively enhancing their power systems/generators feeding
into broader circuit applications. optional equipment. systems over time. various devices such as transform-
ers, transmission lines, and others
The program provides hands-on The prerequisites include: For power utility users, it is possible progressive system enhancement
training at the system level in gener- completion of a course in relay op- to combine their own protective re- with no replication of equipment
ator protection, transformer protec- eration and calibration, and com- lays with a selection of modules from – Use of many modules from other
tion, and induction motor protection. pletion of a course in electric power the 0.2-kW Protective Relaying Train- well-known Electromechanical
technology that covers electric power ing System to obtain equipment set- System (EMS)
generation, power transformers, and ups that correspond to existing one- – Wide range of protective relays
induction motors. line and three-line diagrams. – Fault insertion capability for trou-
bleshooting at the system level
– Very safe operation and experi-
– Comprehensive curriculum with
detailed lab procedures, exercises,
theory, tests, etc.
218 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Power transmission and distribution > 0.2-kW protective relaying training system
en es fr
587292 587293
Manuals included
Introduction to Protective Relaying
en es fr
Student Manual
584217 584218
Instructor Guide
Note: PDF version also available.
www.festo-didactic.com 219
Power transmission and distribution > 2-kW electric power transmission training systems
LabVolt Series 8059 The exercises show how changes in Alternator, motor, capacitors, reac- Three exclusive modules:
the source, the load, and the trans- tors, resistors, regulating autotrans- – Three-Phase Transmission Line
The 2-kW Electric Power Transmis- mission line affect the overall perfor- former, series compensator, and – Power Line Series Compensator
sion Training Systems are designed to mance of the system. They illustrate transmission lines are employed. – Three-Phase Regulating
teach through hands-on exercises the meaning of active and reactive Despite their small size, these com- Autotransformer
the principles of transmission of elec- power, how the voltage at the end of ponents are designed to act in the
tric power – a subject which is usually a line can be lowered or raised, how same way under steady-state and
taught in a strictly theoretical power can be forced to flow over one transient conditions, as their larger
manner. transmission line instead of another, counterparts in industry. This practi-
and how a system behaves when sub- cal, hands-on course is presented in a
jected to disturbances. way that is readily understandable by
anyone who has foundational knowl-
The tests relating to switching tran- edge of electricity.
sients, sudden overloads, and mo-
mentary short-circuits dramatically
demonstrate the mechanical swing
of generator poles and the concur-
rent surges of power over the trans-
mission line. More than any amount
of theory could show, these exercises
convey the meaning of power stabili-
ty and the limits to power flow.
220 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Power transmission and distribution > 2-kW electric power transmission training systems
Complete System with Analog Meters 587414 2-kW Electric Power Transmission Training System – Analog Meters
Add-on to 8013 2-kW Electromechanical System with Analog Meters 587415 LabVolt Series 8059-2
Complete System with Data Acquisition Interface 587416
Add-on to 8013 2-kW Electromechanical System with Data Acquisition Interface 587417 The-2 kW Electric Power Transmission Training System – Analog Meters is a
complete system that uses analog meters to perform electrical measurements.
Included manual
2-kW Electric Power Transmission System Most important components
Student Manual 585094 – 1x Mobile Workstation
Instructor Guide 585095 – 1x Three-Module Workstation
– 2x Three-Phase Transmission Line
Training content Courseware – 1x Three-Phase Regulating Autotransformer
– Power measurements The 2-kW Electric Power Trans- – 1x Power Line Series Compensator
– Voltage regulation and power mission Training System courseware – 1x AC Voltmeter, 1x Phase Meter
transmission capability of a consists of a Student Manual and In- – 1x DC Motor/Generator
transmission line structor Guide. The Student Manual – 1x Wiring Module for DC Motor/Generator
– Shunt capacitors and phase angle contains exercises designed to pres- – 1x Three-Phase Synchronous Motor/Generator
between sender and receiver ent the subject matter in convenient – 1x Wiring Module for Synchronous Motor/Generator
– Parameters affecting active and instructional segments. In each ex- – 3x Resistive Load
reactive power flow ercise, principles and concepts are – 3x Inductive Load
– Power-handling capability and presented first, followed by a step- – 3x Capacitive Load
parallel lines by-step, hands-on procedure to com- – 1x DC Voltmeter/Ammeter
– Effects of series compensation plete the learning process. – 1x AC Ammeter
on the power transfer capability – 2x Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter
and system stability The exercises in the Student – 2x Field Rheostat
– Effect of series compensation Manual are written to be performed – 1x Power Supply
on the voltage regulation and using the Data Acquisition Interface – 1x Phase-Shift Indicator
power factor module. However, for those who are – 1x Stroboscope
– The alternator using a system with analog meters, – 1x Coupler
– The synchronous motor the connection diagrams are includ- – 1x Connection Leads
– The synchronous compensator ed in the Appendix. The Instructor
and long high voltage lines Guide contains the practical results 2-kW Electric Power Transmission Training System –
– Transmission line networks and and the answers for each hands-on Add-on to LabVolt Series 8013 with Analog Meters
the three-phase regulating exercise and review question. LabVolt Series 8059-3
– The synchronous motor under load The 2-kW Electric Power Transmission Training System – Add-On to LabVolt
– Hunting and system oscillation Series 8013 with Analog Meters is an add-on to the 2-kW Electromechanical
– Power system transients Training System, LabVolt Series 8013. It provides the equipment required to
perform the exercises using LabVolt Series 8013 and analog meters.
The 2-kW Electric Power Transmission Training System – With Data Acquisition
Interface is a complete system that uses a Data Acquisition Interface,
LabVolt Series 9063, to perform electrical measurements.
www.festo-didactic.com 221
Power transmission and distribution > Power line series compensation demonstrator
120V/60Hz en es fr
586474 586475
Included manual:
Student Manual 584247 584247
Note: PDF version also available.
222 Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com
Power transmission and distribution > Distribution transformer trainer
120V/60Hz en es fr
586459 586470
586471 586472
www.festo-didactic.com 223
Communications and Radar Technology
Radar technology
Training Systems ..........................................................................................228
Modules, Accessories, Optional Components ...............................................234
Satellite communication
Training Systems ..........................................................................................240
Modules ........................................................................................................242
Orbit Simulator Software ..............................................................................244
Training Systems ..........................................................................................246
Modules, Accessories, Optional Components ..............................................248
Microwave technology
Computer-Assisted Microwave Training System ............................................252
Microwave Training Systems .........................................................................254
Modules, Accessories, Optional Components ..............................................258
Training Systems ..........................................................................................262
Modules, Accessories, Optional Components ..............................................265
Communications Technologies Training Systems ..........................................266
Analog Communications Training Systems ....................................................268
Digital Communications Training Systems.....................................................270
Software .......................................................................................................274
Modules, Accessories, Optional Components ...............................................275
Some training solutions included in this product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and environmental protection (CE marking).
If you are located in a country where this marking is required, please contact your
Festo sales representative before placing an order.
Communications and radar technology > System description
Classroom training for high-tech High realism and educational value Innovative features Turnkey courseware
communication technologies Realistic training systems special- – FPGA-based radar processing Festo Didactic first develops learn-
ly designed for education purposes, allows for teaching pulse compres- ing objectives and content, then de-
Communications play a crucial role in deliver clear benefits through their sion, otherwise impossible using velops the supporting hardware. The
today’s connected world. This high- similarity to industrial equipment, traditional methods. focus on pedagogical resources re-
tech sector is directly impacted by measurement capabilities, and be- – A single reconfigurable training sults in high quality, well-structured
evolving technologies, which make haviors (frequencies, bit rates, con- module (RTM) can be used for solutions adaptable to several teach-
systems more complex, while broad- nectors, protocols…), allowing stu- several technologies without ing settings. Extensive student man-
ening their scope of applications dents to relate the experiments to duplicating equipment. uals – featuring theory, detailed lab
across various industries. real-world situations. Access to test – An affordable spectrum analyzer experiments, and review questions–
points, fault-insertion capability, as displays signals up to 11.3 GHz. and instructor guides are available
The demand for specialized work- well as additional settings and ac- – A single power supply allows for each training system.
ers in the design, development, and cess to signals usually unavailable in modules to be stacked on the
maintenance of such systems is in- industrial equipment, ensure better power supply, thus optimizing
creasing, requiring focused and ap- and faster learning. space.
plicable training. Hands-on practice
is key to successful training. There-
fore, Festo Didactic has developed
affordable, safe learning solutions
that reproduce radar and commu-
nications technologies in the class-
226 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > System description
Computer-based tools
Virtual tools complement course-
ware to stimulate students and sup-
port the learning process. Comput- Build knowledge in electronics Circuit boards for communications
er instrumentation reduces overall Electronics and communication technologies:
costs and optimizes time spent in technologies are closely connected. – Digital communications
the laboratory. Software programs A sound understanding of electronics – QPSK/OQPSK/DPSK
enhance the modularity and flexibil- for communications can be conveyed – Analog communications
ity of the system and allow multiple with FACET, a completely integrat- – Fiber optic communications
configurations. ed learning system for electronics. – Communications transmission lines
A unique combination of hardware – Digital signal processor
(a base unit and circuit boards) and – and more
software (E-Learning courses and
virtual instrumentation) provides a To learn more about the FACET
complete learning solution. training system ➔ Pages 54
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems
LabVolt Series 8096 High pedagogical value and Highlights Training content
interactivity – Innovative design combining – Principles of radar systems
The Radar Training Systems provide The Radar Training System is unique real-world radar with the power of – Analog MTI processing
students with real — not simulated since it presents the realism of a re- modern surveillance technology – Digital MTD processing
— hands-on experience in the use of al-world system while using the pow- – Computer-based control of the – Tracking radar
radar to detect and track passive tar- er of modern computer technologies. radar’s processing and display – Radar in an active target
gets at very short range in the pres- This realism makes the system very functions environment
ence of noise and clutter. motivating to use by students and – Comprehensive courseware and – The phased array antenna
encourages their experimentation system level training with lab – RCS, SAR and ISAR measurements
After more than 25 years, it is still with the system. exercises – Radar Pulse Compression
the only real radar trainer that oper- – Fault-insertion capability for the
ates safely inside a classroom or lab. The system is not a simulator: its teaching of troubleshooting
The level of technical advancement operation is totally real. All outside – Turnkey, cost-effective training
achieved by this system has been world signals entering the system solution including instrumentation
unequalled since. Affordable price, can be monitored and measured us- – Powerful DSP, FPGA, and Data
a fraction of real equipment. ing the built-in virtual instruments. Acquisition System for Digital
Conversely, several signals generat- Analysis
The upgrade through the addition of ed by the system, and made avail- – Realistic, high-gain parabolic
computer-based control of the ra- able on the Radar Training System’s antenna for high azimuth (angular)
dar’s processing and display func- connectors and external test points resolution
tions ensure it will continue to be a can be measured with hardware in- – Several subsystems allow delv-
leading-edge pedagogical product struments such as conventional os- ing into specific topics to expand
for many years. cilloscopes. This ensures that the knowledge and skills
system is perceived as real by the – Can expand and complete existing
students. telecommunication programs
(satellite, antenna, microwave,
228 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems
LVRTS software
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems
The Basic Radar Training System is a complete set of hardware, courseware, The Radar Processor/Display is used in conjunction with the Basic Radar Training
and all necessary accessories such as targets and interconnecting cables that System to form a complete and modern pulse radar system. The Radar Proces-
allows the principles of pulse, CW Doppler, and FM-CW radar systems to be sor/Display adds the following elements to the Basic Radar Training
studied. The Basic Radar Training System consists of a transmitter, a receiver, System: radar echo signal processing functions, PPI display functions, on-screen
three instrumentation modules, an antenna with pedestal, a target positioning block diagrams of the complete radar and radar processor/display subsystem,
system, and a set of accessories. and computer-based instruments (oscilloscope and data monitoring system).
Two major types of radar echo signal processing function are available: Moving
A comprehensive student manual and an instructor guide, which may be or- Target Indication (MTI) and Moving Target Detection (MTD). The Radar Processor/
dered separately, are also provided. An oscilloscope is required for target echo Display also provides computer controlled generation of clutter and interference
visualization on an A-scope display as well as time-domain observation of sig- to allow study of the MTI processing function. The following types of clutter and
nals at outputs and test points. interference can be generated: sea clutter, rain clutter, second-trace echo, noise,
and pulse interference.
en es fr
120 V/60 Hz 582087 582089 582088 The RTM, which uses state-of-the-art digital signal processor (DSP) technolo-
220 V/50 Hz 582090 594507 582091 gy, can be programmed to act as either an analog pulse radar (i.e., a pulse radar
220 V/60 Hz 582093 with MTI processing) or a digital pulse radar (i.e., a pulse radar using MTD,
240 V/50 Hz 582092 correlation and interpolation, and surveillance processing).
230 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems
The Radar Tracking Training System adds on to the pulse radar implemented Radar Active Target (RAT) Training System is used in conjunction with the three
with the Basic Radar Training System and the Radar Processor/Display to form previous subsystems to train students in the principles and scenarios of EW.
a continuous tracking radar. This radar can track a passive target that moves in This is a truly unique system that places real-time, safe, and unclassified EW
the classroom laboratory. demonstrations into the hands of students. The RAT Training System consists of
an active jamming pod trainer, an elaborate set of accessories, and a comprehen-
The tracking radar can operate in three different modes (Scan, Manual, and sive student manual.
Lock), which are selected through the hand-controller buttons. In scan mode,
the antenna rotates at constant speed, allowing observation of targets on the The jamming pod trainer is a Self-Screening Jammer (SSJ) target that can per-
PPI display. In manual mode, the operator can isolate a fixed or moving target form direct or modulated noise jamming as well as repeater jamming. It includes
of their choice, using the hand controller to control the antenna azimuth and a remote controller to select the type of jamming and set the jamming parame-
to position an electronic marker (range gate) over the target echo signal. ters. The jamming pod trainer and the included accessories are designed for use
A computer-based O-scope display is used to monitor the position of the range with the Radar to implement real EW situations. This provides an effective means
gate relative to the echo signal of the target to be tracked. When the range of introducing students to a real-time jamming situation that necessitates a re-
gate straddles the target echo signal, the lock mode can be activated and the sponse, that is, the use of an appropriate ECCM to prevent losing track of the
target is automatically tracked in range and azimuth by the system. target.
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems
The Radar Phased Array Antenna Training System is specifically designed to The RCS and ISAR Measurement Training System adds on to the Radar Proces-
be used with the complete, pulse radar system that can be implemented with sor/Display (8096-2) to form a computer-based, pulse-mode system that can
the Basic Radar Training System (8096-1) and the Radar Processor/Display measure the radar cross section (RCS) of targets and produce inverse synthet-
(8096-2). ic-aperture radar (ISAR) images of targets.
Beam steering in the Radar Phased Array Antenna Training System is achieved The system can generate RCS patterns of targets of up to 75 cm (30 in) in length
using a microwave switch coupled to a Rotman lens and microstrip tapered slot when the longest pulse width is used. The system can also generate high-resolu-
array antennas. Beam steering control can be manual, continuous or synchro- tion ISAR images of much larger targets when the shortest pulse width is used.
nized on the PRF (pulse repetition frequency). Scan speeds of up to 1080 scans/ Because the system is based on pulse operation, it does not need to be operat-
min can be achieved, thereby allowing the PPI display (sector scan) of the radar ed in an anechoic chamber or in an outdoor range. Background clutter is rejected
system to be refreshed at much higher rates than with a conventional mechani- using time-gating and subtraction techniques during the measurement process.
cally rotated parabolic antenna. Targets can thus be followed in near real time.
The RCS and ISAR Measurement Training System includes a low-RCS target sup-
en es fr port to achieve precise RCS measurements; an RCS/ISAR data acquisition in-
Radar Phased Array Antenna 582115 587512 582116 terface; an RCS measurement/ISAR imagery software included in the LVRTS
software; an RCS/ISAR measurement interface module; a set of accessories
The most important components at a glance: including a reflective scale model of a 777 Boeing aircraft; and a system user
– 1x Phased Array Antenna guide. Note that RTM 9431-2 (and newer) from the Radar Processor/Display add-
– 1x Phased Array Antenna Controller on is required to use this add-on.
– 1x Accessories for 8096-6
en es fr
Manual included: RCS and ISAR Measurement Training System 592582
The Phased Array Antenna en es fr
Student Manual 580428 580429 The most important components at a glance:
Note: PDF version also available. – 1x RCS/ISAR Measurement Interface
– 1x RCS/ISAR Data Acquisition Interface
Additional required equipment – 1x Accessories for 8096-A
– 1x Basic Radar Training System (8096-1)
– 1x Radar Processor/Display (8096-2) Additional required equipment
– 1x Basic Radar Training System (8096-1)
– 1x Radar Processor/Display (8096-2)
Optional equipment
– 1x B2 RCS Scale Model
– 1xF-117A RCS Scale Model
232 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems
The Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) Training System adds on to the RCS and Radar Pulse Compression is a signal processing technique used to increase the
ISAR Measurement Training System (8096-A) to form a synthetic aperture radar range resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of any pulse radar. The design of a
that can produce high-resolution images. This system introduces students to radar is usually a question of compromise. In many cases, a trade-off must be
the basic principles and operation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR). made between desirable characteristics. For only a modest increase in cost and
complexity, pulse compression improves the range resolution without sacrificing
The SAR Training System synthesizes a large aperture antenna through motion the signal-to-noise ratio.
of a small-aperture (low directivity) horn antenna. Motion of the horn antenna
is achieved using the Target Positioning System, LabVolt Series 9607-1, The Phase-Coded Pulse Compression System is an add-on to the Basic Radar and
included in the Basic Radar Training System, LabVolt Series 8069-1, and an Radar Processor/Display Training Systems. The system includes the Phase-Cod-
antenna-motion control module (SAR controller). Target radar echoes produced ed Pulse Compression Processor that encodes the radar pulses before transmis-
during a complete antenna scan are sampled and stored in the SAR processor sion and compresses the received pulses. It also includes the Pulse Compression
then processed using a range Doppler algorithm to obtain high resolution SAR Parabolic Dish Antenna, which is designed to prevent internal reflections from
images. interfering with the radar signal, and two attenuators (4 dB and 10 dB) used to
facilitate measurements. The Phase-Coded Pulse Compression application is al-
The SAR Training System consist of SAR processing and imagery software in- ready included in the LVRTS software.
cluded in the LVRTS software, a SAR controller module, the necessary cables
and accessories, and a system user guide. Note that RTM 9431-2 from the en es fr
Radar Processor/Display add-on is required to use this add-on. Reflective scale 120 V/60 Hz 592584
models of aircraft that can be used with the SAR Training System are optional- 220 V/50 Hz 594506
ly available. 240 V/50 Hz 594505
Optional equipment
– 1x B2 RCS Scale Model
– 1xF-117A RCS Scale Model
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems > Accessories and optional components
234 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems > Accessories and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems > Accessories and optional components
236 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems > Accessories and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems > Accessories and optional components
238 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Radar training systems > Accessories and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Satellite communication training system
240 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Satellite communication training system
The Basic Satellite Communications Training System is a state-of-the-art The Telemetry and Instrumentation Add-On is used with the Telemetry and
training system that covers the field of satellite communications. Specifically Instrumentation software to provide virtual instruments and telemetry with the
designed for hands-on training, the system covers modern satellite communi- repeater. This add-on consists of the Data Generation/ Acquisition Interface, and
cation technologies including analog and digital modulation. This system is the Virtual Instrument Package. These modules, used in conjunction with the
designed to use realistic satellite uplink and downlink frequencies at safe Telemetry and Instrumentation software, provide virtual instruments designed
power levels and to reflect the standards commonly used in modern satellite for the display and measurement of the baseband, IF and RF signals present
communications systems in the system as well as virtual generators used to generate analog and digital
baseband signals for transmission.
en es fr
120V/60Hz 582081 589201 en es fr
220V/50Hz 582082 120V/60Hz 582084 589202
240V/50Hz 582083 220V/50Hz 582085 594504
240V/50Hz 582086
The most important components, at a glance:
– 1x Earth Station Transmitter
– 1x Earth Station Receiver Note
– 1x Satellite Repeater Pentium-type personal computer running under a Windows® operating system
– 1x Cables and Accessories* with the LVSAT software preinstalled required for both systems.
– 1x Orbit Simulator Software en es fr
– 3x Power Cords 120V/60Hz 582084 589202
* Include SMA cables, BNC cables, USB cables, 2x small-aperture horn antennas, 220V/50Hz 582085 594504
2x large-aperture horn antennas, 4x horn antenna supports, an attenuator, and adapters. 240V/50Hz 582086
Order no. 581876
Manuals included:
Principles of Satellite Communications
Student Manual, en 580537
Instructor Guide, en 580538
Link Characteristics and Performance
Student Manual, en 580541
Instructor Guide, en 580542
Satellite Orbits, Coverage, and Antenna Alignment
Student Manual, en 580610
Instructor Guide, en 580611
Note: PDF version also available.
Communications and radar technology > Satellite communication training system
Earth Station Transmitter A Scrambler is used to ensure fre- Earth Station Receiver The Analog Demodulator section pro-
The Earth Station Transmitter is de- quent transitions in the data and The Earth Station Receiver is de- vides wideband FM demodulation as
signed to teach ground-segment to spread the power smoothly over signed to teach ground-segment fre- well as de-emphasis baseband pro-
signal processing, modulation, and the available bandwidth. A Clock & quency conversion, demodulation, cessing. The Digital Demodulator sec-
frequency conversion techniques. It Frame Encoder is used to add tran- and signal processing techniques. tion provides DQPSK demodulation,
includes an Analog Modulator and a sitions to the multiplexed data to It includes two down converters as decoding, descrambling and demul-
Digital Modulator as well as two up- ensure reliable clock recovery in well as an Analog Demodulator and tiplexing. Front-panel test points pro-
converters. The Analog Modulator the receiver as well as control bits a Digital Demodulator. A large-aper- vide access to signals at each inter-
section provides pre-emphasis base- for frame synchronization. Both the ture horn antenna connected to the mediate stage of the demodulation
band processing as well as wideband Scrambler and the Clock & Frame En- integrated LNA (low-noise amplifi- process. The DQPSK demodulator us-
FM modulation, both commonly used coder can be switched on or off inde- er) receives the downlink signal from es a Costas loop to recover the carrier
in satellite communications systems. pendently. the Satellite Repeater. This antenna from the IF 1 signal. BNC connectors
The 10 MHz bandwidth is sufficient is connected to the RF Input of Down provide access to the I and Q chan-
for transmitting one composite tele- The Digital Modulator section us- Converter 2, which includes a Channel nel signals of the QPSK Costas loop.
vision signal. es DQPSK (differential quadrature selector to select one of six downlink The demodulator also has a Clock
phase-shift keying) modulation, a frequencies in the 9 GHz range. Down Recovery block to recover a clock sig-
The Digital Modulator section pro- type of digital modulation common- Converter 2, which also includes a nal which is made available at a BNC
vides time-division multiplexing ly used in satellite communications Power Sensor to facilitate measure- connector.
(TDM), scrambling, encoding and systems. BNC connectors provide ment of the received power level,
digital modulation. The TDM multi- access to the I and Q channel signals shifts the signal down to the 1.56 GHz The serial data from the DQPSK de-
plexer allows multiplexing up to four of the DQPSK modulator. Front-pan- range (IF 2). Down Converter 1 further modulator is sent through a Clock &
data streams at a maximum data rate el test points provide access to sig- shifts the signal down to the 280 MHz Frame Decoder and a Descrambler
of 4 Mbit/s per stream. nals at each intermediate stage of range (IF 1). An SMA cable is used to and then to the TDM demultiplex-
the modulation process. After mod- connect the IF 1 signal to either the er which demultiplexes the data into
ulation, either analog or digital, the Analog Demodulator or the Digital De- four data streams.
signal is converted to a frequency modulator section.
(around 11 GHz) by the two stages of
en es fr en es fr
Order no. 581864 589203 Order no. 581867 589204
242 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Satellite communication training system
Satellite Repeater The functional blocks after the LNB Data Generation/Acquisition The Data Generation/Acquisition In-
The Satellite Repeater is designed to implement a single transponder. Interface terface also contains the circuitry and
teach the operation of a transparent These blocks include a variable-gain The Data Generation/Acquisition In- the antenna required for telemetry,
satellite payload, including telemetry amplifier (VGA), an isolator, a band- terface is part of the Telemetry and over a dedicated RF link, with the Sat-
and remote troubleshooting and pass filter and a power amplifi- Instrumentation Add-On. It provides a ellite Repeater. The Data Generation
maintenance using redundancy er (PA). The LNB, VGA, filter and PA physical interface (BNC input and and Acquisition Interface communi-
switching. A small-aperture horn each have a MAIN and a BACKUP output connectors) for the digital gen- cates with the host computer via a
antenna receives the uplink signal LED. Internal circuits controlled by erators and digital instruments of USB port and includes a 3-port USB
from the Earth Station Transmitter. A telemetry simulate faults and redun- the Telemetry and Instrumentation bridge with front-panel connectors to
low-noise block (LNB) shifts all fre- dancy switching for troubleshooting software. facilitate interfacing the other mod-
quencies in the uplink signal range exercises. A Power Sensor facilitates ules with the host computer.
(11 GHz) to the downlink frequen- direct measurement of the pow- The module also provides a Spectrum
cy range (9 GHz). The bandwidth of er level of the transmitted downlink Analyzer Interface for use with the The Virtual Instrument Package is in-
the LNB is sufficient to include all six signal. This power level, as well as Virtual Instrument Package. This in- cluded with this equipment. The Vir-
channels. A single Satellite Repeater the status of the redundant function- terface includes two attenuators and tual Instrument Package is an inter-
can therefore be used with up to six al blocks, can be monitored at the a probe buffer. Any one of these can face module that provides highspeed
different earth stations simultane- earth station via the telemetry link. be connected to a software-controlled sampling (up to 1 GS/s) and genera-
ously (note that physical constrains Another small-aperture horn antenna frequency converter which shifts the tion of analog signals. It interfaces to
might prevent the user from being transmits the downlink signal to the frequency of the signal to a range a computer’s USB port and is used in
able to create such a set up). Earth Station Receiver. compatible with the Virtual Instru- conjunction with the Telemetry and In-
ment. Together, the Spectrum Ana- strumentation software to implement
lyzer Interface, the Virtual Instrument all the analog virtual instruments
Package, and the software provide required to perform the laboratory
a virtual spectrum analyzer covering exercises.
four frequency ranges from DC to over
11 GHz, allowing the frequency-do-
main display and measurement of all
signals in the training system.
en es fr en es fr
Order no. 581870 589205 Order no. 581873 589206
Communications and radar technology > Satellite communication training system
Because the space segment is an es- Interactive 2D and 3D animations The software demonstrates various Highlights
sential part of every satellite system, The Orbit Simulator software is a aspects of satellite coverage such as – Use simulation to help students
whether it is intended for communi- highly motivating and interactive tool visibility, footprints, elevation con- understand the behavior of the
cations, remote sensing, reconnais- designed to help students visualize tours, time of visibility, revisit time, satellites when designing, using or
sance, navigation, scientific research, and grasp these important concepts. swath, satellite constellations, glob- maintaining a satellite system
mapping, or disaster detection and This software provides 2D and 3D ani- al and spot satellite antenna beams, – Demonstrate various aspects of
relief or for any other application, it mated views of the e arth and orbiting and instantaneous and long-term cov- satellite coverage
is vitally important to understand the satellites as well as a plane view of erage. It also helps students under- – Practice antenna alignment with re-
behavior of the satellites when de- one orbit. Students can display typi- stand factors critical to the alignment al geostationary satellites (requires
signing, using or maintaining a sat- cal orbits of existing satellites, such of earth station antennas to geosta- user-provided equipment)
ellite system. For this reason, edu- as geosynchronous, geostationary, tionary satellites such as satellite lon- – Students can see unfamiliar con-
cational programs for these fields quasi-geostationary, quasi-zenith, gitude, antenna look angles and po- cepts in action, such as inertial and
usually cover orbital mechanics and polar, LEO, MEO and highly elliptical larization angle (skew). rotating frames of reference and
satellite coverage. (e.g. Molniya) orbits and create their coordinate systems, etc.
own satellites by entering the appro- The Orbit Simulator Software includes
priate orbital elements. They can al- three software applications: Orbit Training content
so modify the orbital elements of any Simulator, Telemetry and Instrumen- – Satellite orbits
satellite and observe the result. The tation, and Data Transfer. For con- – Coverage
animation can be viewed in real time, venience. The installation program – Antenna alignment
accelerated or stopped. allows installing some or all the appli-
cations, depending on the equipment
purchased by the user.
244 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Satellite communication training system
Data Transfer
The Data Transfer software consists
of two separate applications de-
signed to demonstrate the transfer
of computer data over a satellite link.
Data is sent using the Data Transmit-
ter application via the Earth Station
Transmitter. The data is received us-
ing the Data Receiver application via
the Earth Station Receiver. The Data
Transfer applications can be run on
the same computer or on two differ-
ent computers.
Communications and radar technology > Antenna training and measuring system
246 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Antenna training and measuring system
en es fr Antennas
120V/60Hz 582074 582076 582075 The ATMS provides a great variety
220V/50Hz 582077 582079 582078 of antennas. Except for the horn-
240V/50Hz 582080 and waveguide-type antennas, con-
nection to each antenna is made
The most important components at a glance: through an SMA connector. The
– 1x X RF Generator 1-GHz and 10- GHz antennas avail-
– 1x Antenna Positioner able in the ATMS are listed below:
– 1x Data Acquisition Interface/Power Supply
– 1x Horn Antenna, Small Aperture 1-GHz Antennas:
– 2x Horn Antenna, Large Aperture – Dipoles (/2, , 3/2)
– 2x Helical Antenna, Right-Hand Circular Polarization – Folded Dipole
– 1x Helical Antenna, Left-Hand Circular Polarization – Folded Dipole with Balun
– 1x Patch Antennas – Monopole (over ground plane)
– 1x Slotted-Waveguide Antenna – Drooping Monopole
– 1x Open-Ended Waveguide Antenna – Loops (circular, square, lozenge)
– 1x Yagi Antenna – Fixed Yag
– 1x Wire Antenna – Adjustable Yagi
– 1x Cables and Accessories
– 1x Waveguide Accessories 10-GHz Antennas: Computer-based data acquisition
– 1x Antenna Support – Open-Ended Waveguide with the LVDAM software
– 1x Storage Module – Slotted Waveguide (single and The LVDAM-ANT package provides a
multi-slots) toolbox for controlling antenna ro-
Manual included: – Horns (small and large aperture) tation and data acquisition, as well
Antenna Fundamentals en es fr – Helical (right-hand and left-hand as for displaying measured anten-
Student Manual 580303 580306 580304 circular polarization) na characteristics in the E and the H
Instructor Guide 580310 580312 580311 – Patch (rectangular, parallel-fed planes. It also includes algorithms
Note: PDF version also available. array, series-fed array) for estimating beam width and an-
tenna gain from measurements or
Additional required equipment from external data.
1x Personal computer running under Windows® 10 (or equivalent)
LVDAM-ANT can be downloaded for
Optional equipment: free from our website.
– 1x X Antenna Positioner, RCS Ready
– 1x RCS Demonstration Accessories
– 1x Directional Coupler, 1 GHz
– 1x Multi-Beam Array Antenna
– 2x Log-Periodic Antenna
– 1x Two-Element Phasing Kit
– 1x Parabolic Reflector
Communications and radar technology > Antenna training and measuring system > Modules, accessories, and optional components
248 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Antenna training and measuring system > Modules, accessories, and optional components
Personal Computer
Desktop computer running under
Windows® 7 or later. A monitor,
keyboard, and mouse are included.
120 V/60 Hz en es fr
Order no. 579785 589839
220 V/50 Hz
Order no. 579787 589840
240 V/50 Hz
Order no. 587003
Communications and radar technology > Antenna training and measuring system > Modules, accessories, and optional components
250 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Antenna training and measuring system > Modules, accessories, and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Computer-assisted microwave technology training system
252 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Computer-assisted microwave technology training system
Manual included:
Microwave Fundamentals
Student Manual, en 580503
Instructor Guide, en 580504
Note: PDF version also available.
Optional equipment
– 1x Variable RF Oscillator and Resonant-Cavity Frequency Meter
– 1x Power Supply/Dual Audio Amplifier
– 1x Dual Function Generator
– 1x FM/PM Receiver
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems
still missing.
254 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems
LabVolt Series 8090-0 Comprehensive courseware The other courses are a continuation
The system courseware consists of of Microwave Fundamentals.
The Standard Microwave Technology Training System comes standard with all comprehensive manuals with theory, – PIN Diodes, Microwave Tees, and
power supplies, instrumentation, high-quality microwave components, and step-by-step exercises, and review Applications teaches the construc-
accessories required to perform the experiments. This system covers the prin- questions. tion and operation of PIN diodes
ciples of microwave signals and their propagation, the construction and oper- and hybrid tees and how they are
ation of microwave components, as well as the techniques used to measure – Microwave Basics accompanies the used in microwave applications.
power, attenuation, SWR, and impedance. The experiments are performed us- basic training system (8090-B). This course requires the complete
ing the provided microwave measurement equipment. It consists of exercises taken from training system (8090-2).
Microwave Fundamentals covering – Microwave Variable-Frequency
en es fr the basics of microwave technolo- Measurements and Applications
120V/60Hz 582043 582045 582044 gies. To perform the experiments, teaches the operation of vari-
220V/50Hz 582046 582048 582047 the user must provide his own mi- able-frequency oscillators (VCOs).
240V/50Hz 582049 crowave measurement equipment It also teaches three methods of
(SWR meter, power meter, and measuring the frequency of micro-
The most important components at a glance: thermistor mount). wave signals and demonstrates the
– 1x Gunn Oscillator Power Supply – Microwave Fundamentals covers frequency modulation and demod-
– 1x SWR Meter the principles of microwave signals ulation of microwave signals. This
– 1x Power Meter and their propagation; the con- course requires the complete train-
– 1x Gunn Oscillator struction and operation of micro- ing system (8090-2) and the add-
– 1x Slotted Line wave components; the techniques on (8090-3).
– 1x Thermistor Mount used to measure power, attenu-
– 1x Crystal Detector ation, SWR, and impedance. The Note: Users who already have the
– 1x Directional Coupler, 10 GHz experiments are performed by us- standard training system (Model
– 1x Slide-Screw Tuner ing the provided SWR Meter, Power 8090) can perform the PIN Diodes,
– 2x Matched Load Meter, and Thermistor Mount. Microwave Tees, and Applications
– 1x Variable Attenuator course as well as the Microwave Vari-
– 1x Fixed Attenuator, 6 dB able-Frequency Measurements and
– 1x Fixed Attenuator, 30 dB Applications course by buying the
– 2x Horn Antenna additional required components sep-
– 1x Microwave Accessories arately.
– 1x Leads and Accessories
– 2x Waveguide Support
– 1x Antenna Azimuth Indicator
– 1x Amplifier
– 1x Storage Tray
Manual included:
Microwave Fundamentals en es fr
Student Manual 580281 580284 580283
Instructor Guide 580288 580290 580289
Note: PDF version also available.
Optional equipment
– 1x Dual Trace Oscilloscope
– 1x Power Supply/Dual Audio Amplifier
– 1x Dual Function Generator
– 1x FM/PM Receiver
– 1x Dust Cover for Model 8090 (Modules)
– 1x Dust Cover for Model 8090 (Component Drawer)
– 1x Summing Amplifier
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems
The Complete Microwave Technology Training System, with Hybrid Tee and Pin The Microwave Variable-Frequency Measurements and Applications is an
Diode covers all the topics of Microwave Fundamentals, and it further expands add-on to the Complete Microwave Technology Training System, with Hybrid
on microwave technologies with the study of microwave tees, PIN diodes, Tee and Pin Diode (8090-2). It consists of a Voltage-Controlled RF Oscillator, a
and applications. Furthermore, students can implement and test a wireless Resonant Cavity Frequency Meter, and a storage box that hangs on either side
video transmission system that uses a PIN diode as a microwave AM modula- of the Storage Tray. The accompanying courseware covers microwave variable-
tor (additional equipment required). It includes all the Equipment provided in frequency measurements and applications. This add-on can also be used with
the standard training system, as well as a PIN Diode, a Hybrid Tee, a Video the Standard Microwave Technology.
Amplifier, and a PIN Diode/RF Oscillator Controller.
en es fr
en es fr Order no. 582053
120V/60Hz 582050
220V/50Hz 582051 The most important components at a glance:
240V/50Hz 582052 – 1x Voltage-Controlled RF Oscillator
– 1x Resonant-Cavity Frequency Meter
The most important components at a glance: – 1x Storage for Frequency Measurement Devices
All components from 8090, plus:
– 1x Storage Tray Manual included: en es fr
– 1x Hybrid Teexx Microwave Variable-Frequency Measurements and Applications
– 1x PIN Diode Student Manual 580474
– 1x Video Amplifier Instructor Guide 580475
– 1x PIN Diode/RF Oscillator Controller Note: PDF version also available.
– 1x Storage for PIN Diode and Hybrid Tee
Required equipment
Manual included: en es fr – 1x Standard Microwave Technology Training System (8090)
PIN Diodes, Microwave Tees, and Applications
Student Manual 580476
Instructor Guide 580477
Note: PDF version also available.
256 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems
The Standard Microwave Technology Training System is available without the The Microwave Basic System, without Microwave Measurement Equipment is
standard microwave measurement equipment (that is, without the SWR Meter, a basic version of the Standard Microwave Technology Training System, Model
Power Meter, and Thermistor Mount). The resulting system, 8090-A, includes 8090, and includes some of the same components. It does not include the
all other components, as well as the Microwave Fundamentals manual. How- microwave measurement equipment (SWR Meter, Power Meter, and Thermistor
ever, users must provide their own microwave measurement equipment and Mount) and users must provide their own to perform the exercises.
adapt the experiments accordingly. The accompanying courseware covers part of the Microwave Fundamentals
en es fr
120V/60Hz 582054 582056 582055 en es fr
220V/50Hz 582057 582059 582058 120V/60Hz 582061 582063 582062
240V/50Hz 582060 220V/50Hz 582064 582066 582065
240V/50Hz 582067
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
Power Meter
The Power Meter is used to measure
relative (dBm) and absolute (mW)
power levels. It is intended to be
used in conjunction with the Therm-
istor Mount.
120 V/60 Hz en es fr
581809 581811 581810
258 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
6 Slotted Line
Can be used to measure the distance
between the minima and the maxi-
ma of a standing wave. It consists of 10
a low-loss waveguide section with a 5
narrow, longitudinal slot in the top
Order no. 581836
7 Matched Load
The Matched Load consists of a
WR90 waveguide-type load having
a standing wave ratio (SWR) of 1.03
and that operates at a frequency of
10.525 GHz (typical).
Order no. 581843
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
260 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Microwave technology training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Telephony training systems
LabVolt Series 8086 The RTM: a versatile module Highlights Training content
The TTS are built upon the Reconfig- – DSP-based processing allows flex- – Analog Access to the Telephone
The Telephony Training Systems urable Training Module (RTM), which ibility and provides real-life expe- Network
(TTS) are powerful learning tools that can be programmed to act as differ- rience – Central Office Operation
allow students to become familiar ent parts of a telephone network. In- – DSP-based reconfigurable training – Digital PABX
with the operation of telephone net- terface cards that students install in system easily upgradable to new – PABX Analog Trunk
works and digital private automatic the training module allow connection standards and systems – Digital Trunk
branch exchanges (PABX), as well as of real analog and digital telephone – Can be configured for different in-
Integrated Services Digital Network sets and trunk lines. A central office ternational standards
(ISDN). (CO) is easily implemented by insert- – When configured as a digital PABX
ing an analog line interface card into or when a digital trunk is set up,
Its gradual didactic approach allows a training module programmed to act system allows study of the physical
students to start with the essentials, as a central office. Similarly, a digital and network layers
then study of high-level architecture PABX is implemented by inserting a – Can be configured as a digital CO of
of the systems, the workflow of each digital telephone interface card into the public switched telephone net-
function, and interactions between a training module programmed to act work (PSTN) or as a digital PABX
systems. The basic TTS contains all as a PABX. – Comprehensive curriculum
the equipment and courseware ma- – Fault-insertion capability for trou-
terial required to cover Analog Ac- bleshooting purposes
cess to the Telephone Network and – Minimal hardware interfaces are
Central Office Operation. Add-ons required
can be purchased to cover Digital – Enhanced flexibility through the
PABX, PABX Analog Trunk, and Digi- elimination of front panel controls
tal Trunk. and diagrams
– Software allows display of dia-
grams, signal observation, settings
changes, etc.
262 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Telephony training systems
Communications and radar technology > Telephony training systems
Telephony Training System – Analog Telephone Telephony Training System – Analog Trunk Add-On
LabVolt Series 8086-1 LabVolt Series 8086-3
This basic system contains all the equipment and courseware material required The TTS – Analog Trunk Add-On is an add-on to the Telephony Training System
to cover Analog Access to the Telephone Network and Central Office Operation. (8086-1). It consists of an Analog Trunk Interface that can be installed in the
Reconfigurable Training Module. Note that two Reconfigurable Training Mod-
en es fr ules are required.
120V/60Hz 587496 587498 587497
220V/50Hz 587499 587501 587500 en es fr
240V/50Hz 587495 120V/60Hz 587505 587507 587506
The most important components at a glance: The most important components at a glance:
– 1x Power Supply – 1x PABX Analog Trunk Interface
– 1x Reconfigurable Training Module (RTM)
– 1x Dual Analog Line Interface Manual included:
– 1x Software and Accessories PABX Analog Trunk en es fr
– 2x Analog Telephone Set Student Manual 584356 584358 584357
Instructor Guide 584359 584361 584360
Manuals included:
Analog Access to the Telephone Network en es fr Additional required equipment:
Student Manual 584279 584281 584280 – 1x TTS – Analog Telephone LabVolt Series 8086-1
Instructor Guide 584286 584288 584287 – 1x TTS – Digital Telephone Add-On LabVolt Series 8086-2
Central Office Operation en es fr – 1x Reconfigurable Training Module*
Student Manual 584302 584304 584303 – 1x Personal Computer (or equivalent)
Instructor Guide 584305 584307 584306 * In addition to the one included with the TTS 8086-1.
Telephony Training System – Digital Telephone Add-On The TTS – Digital Trunk Add-On is an add-on to the Telephony Training System
LabVolt Series 8086-2 (8086-1). It consists of a Digital Trunk Interface that can be installed in the
Reconfigurable Training Module. Note that two Reconfigurable Training Mod-
The Digital Telephone Add-On is a PABX add-on to the basic TTS – ules are required.
Analog System (8086-1). It adds a digital telephone, as well as the required
interface, to the training system. en es fr
Order no. 587508 587510 587509
en es fr
120V/60Hz 587502 587504 587503 The most important components at a glance:
– 1x Digital Trunk Interface
The most important components at a glance:
– 1x Digital Telephone Interface Manual included:
– 2x Digital Telephone Set Digital Trunk en es fr
Student Manual 584372 584374 584373
Manual included: Instructor Guide 584375 584377 584376
Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) en es fr
Student Manual 584308 584310 584309 Additional required equipment:
Instructor Guide 584311 584313 584312 – 1x TTS – Analog Telephone LabVolt Series 8086-1
– 1x Reconfigurable Training Module*
Additional required equipment: – 1x Dual Line Analog Interface*
– 1x Digital Telephone Interface – 1x Digital Trunk Interface**
– 1x TTS – Analog Telephone LabVolt Series 8086-10 – 1x Personal Computer (or equivalent)
– 1x Personal computer (or equivalent) * In addition to the one included with the TTS LabVolt Series 8086-1.
** In addition to the on included in the Digital Trunk Add-on 8086-4.
264 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Telephony training systems > Accessories and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems
266 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Analog communications training systems
268 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Analog communications training systems
The Analog Communications Training System consists of six instructional The Analog Communications Training System with LVDAM-COM is a compre-
modules supported by six instrumentation modules. Correlated student man- hensive training system that enables instructors to teach the principles of ana-
uals guide students through hands-on learning exercises. Individual system log communications, both in theory and in practice, using a variety of training
modules offer applications in the generation, transmission, and reception of environments. It is part of a series of advanced system-level programs that is
amplitude, double sideband, single sideband, frequency, and phase one of the most comprehensive of its kind in the marketplace. The LVDAM-COM
(AM, DSB, SSB, FM, and PM) modulated signals. To complete these exercises, software is a set of computer-based instruments for telecommunications. It
a dual-trace oscilloscope is required (purchased separately). is used with the Virtual Test Equipment Interface to perform time-domain and
frequency-domain measurements in the Analog and Digital Communications
en es fr Training Systems.
120V/60Hz 581994 581996 581995 en es fr
220V/50Hz 581997 581999 581998 120V/60Hz 582011 582013 582012
240V/50Hz 582000 220V/50Hz 582014 582016 582015
240V/50Hz 582017
The most important components at a glance:
– 1x Cables and accessories The most important components at a glance:
– 1x Power Supply/Dual Audio Amplifier – 1x Cables and accessories
– 1x Dual Function Generator – 1x Power Supply/Dual Audio Amplifier
– 1x Frequency Counter – 1x Dual Function Generator
– 1x True RMS Voltmeter/Power Meter – 1x Data Acquisition and Management for Telecommunications (LVDAM-COM)
– 1x Spectrum Analyzer – 1x RF/Noise Generator
– 1x RF/Noise Generator – 1x AM/DSB/SSB Generator
– 1x AM/DSB/SSB Generator – 1x AM/DSB Receiverx
– 1x AM/DSB Receiver – 1x SSB Receiverxxxxx
– 1x SSB Receiver – 1x Direct FM Multiplex Generator
– 1x Direct FM Multiplex Generator – 1x Indirect FM/PM Generator
– 1x Indirect FM/PM Generator – 1x FM/PM Receiver
– 1x FM/PM Receiver
Manuals included:
Manuals included: en es fr
en es fr Instrumentation
Instrumentation Student Manual 580235 580237 580236
Student Manual 580235 580237 580236 Analog Communications
Analog Communications Instructor Guide 580240 580242 580241
Instructor Guide 580240 580242 580241 AM/DSB/SSB
AM/DSB/SSB Student Manual 580243 580247 580246
Student Manual 580243 580247 580246 FM/PM
FM/PM Student Manual 580251 580254 580253
Student Manual 580251 580254 580253 Note: PDF version also available.
Note: PDF version also available.
Required equipment
Optional equipment – 1x Personal Computer (or equivalent)
1x Oscilloscope (120 V, 60 Hz) 580849
or Optional equipment
1x Oscilloscope (220 V, 50 Hz) 580850 1x Dust Cover 587451
1x Dust Cover 587451 1x Digital Communications Add-On ➔ Page xx
1x LVSIM-ACOM ➔ Page 274
1x Digital Communication Add-On ➔ Page 273
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Digital communications training systems
270 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Digital communications training systems
Manuals included: en es fr
Pulse Modulation and Sampling
Student Manual 580255 580257 580256
Digital Communications
Instructor Guide 580259 580261 580260
Digital Modulation
Student Manual 580264 580268 580265
Modems and Data Transmission
Student Manual 580272 580274 580273
Note: PDF version also available.
Optional equipment
– 1x Dual Trace Oscilloscope
– 1x FM/PM Receiver
– 1x Baseband Channel/Brickwall Filter
– 1x Time Division Multiplexer
– 1x Time Division Demultiplexer
– 1x T1/CEPT PCM Transceiver
– 1x Clock Recovery
– 1x Line Coder
– 1x Line Decoder
– 1x Dust Cover (Modules)
– 1x Dust Cover (Module Rack)
– 1x LVSIM-DCOM ➔ Page 274
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Digital communications training systems
Manuals included: en es fr
Pulse Modulation and Sampling
Student mMnual 580255 580257 580256
Digital Communications
Instructor Guide 580259 580261 580260
Digital Modulation
Student Manual 580264 580268 580265
Modems and Data Transmission
Student Manual 580272 580274 580273
Note: PDF version also available.
Required equipment:
– 1x Personal computer (or equivalent)
Optional equipment
– 1x Dual Trace Oscilloscope
– 1x FM/PM Receiver
– 1x Baseband Channel/Brickwall Filter
– 1x Time Division Multiplexer
– 1x Time Division Demultiplexer
– 1x T1/CEPT PCM Transceiver
– 1x Clock Recovery
– 1x Line Coder
– 1x Line Decoder
– 1x Dust Cover (Modules)
– 1x Dust Cover (Module Rack)
– 1x LVSIM-DCOM ➔ Page 274
272 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Digital communications training systems
Manuals included: en es fr
Pulse Modulation and Sampling
Student Manual 580255 580257 580256
Digital Communications
Instructor Guide 580259 580261 580260
Digital Modulation
Student Manual 580264 580268 580265
Modems and Data Transmission
Student Manual 580272 580274 580273
Note: PDF version also available.
Required equipment
– 1x Analog communications training system
– 1x Analog communications training system with LVDAM-COM
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Software
Virtual test equipment with The LVDAM-COM system consists of LVSIM-ACOM or LVSIM-DCOM LVCT Software
LVDAM-COM the Virtual Test Equipment Interface LVSIM-ACOM or LVSIM-DCOM is a The Communications Technologies
The Data Acquisition and Manage- module and the Data Acquisition and Windows®-based simulation soft- (LVCT) software provides a user in-
ment (LVDAM) system is a full instru- Management for Telecommunica- ware that covers the same course- terface for the system. Each differ-
mentation package that runs on a tions software (LVDAM-COM). It can ware as the Analog or Digital Com- ent communications technology is
personal computer under the Mic- replace the conventional instruments munications Training Systems. presented as a separate application.
rosoft® Windows operating environ- (Frequency Counter, True-RMS Volt- On start-up, the user selects the de-
ment. Virtual instruments provide meter/Power Meter, and Spectrum All laboratory equipment is replaced sired application in the Application
instructors with the opportunity to Analyzer) in the Analog Communi- with 3D images, which students can Selection dialog box. Then the LVCT
clearly demonstrate concepts that, cations Training System and Digital manipulate on the computer screen. software loads the signal processing
until now, could only be presented Communications Training System. Using the mouse, students can in- routines used to implement that ap-
using traditional textbook methods stall virtual communications equip- plication in the RTM.
and static drawings. LVDAM-COM is 120V/60Hz en es fr ment in the laboratory, connect the
a dedicated software that consists of Order no. 581564 581566 581565 equipment, perform a lab exercise, The software includes the following
virtual instruments providing all the 220V/50Hz and obtain the same results as with virtual instruments: an oscilloscope,
standard measurements associated Order no. 581567 581569 581568 the actual training equipment. a spectrum analyzer, a true RMS Volt-
with voltage, frequency, and RF pow- 240V/50Hz meter, a Logic Analyzer, a constel-
er. The LVDAM-COM software also Order no. 581570 Highlights lation viewer and a Data Table. The
enhances the overall presentation – Students practice and test their user interface includes tables of set-
of course material with built-in ca- skills before they apply what they tings that allow changing various
pabilities for waveform observation, have learned to actual equipment software parameters to control the
spectral analysis, data storage, and – Same functionality and appearance system or to configure the virtual in-
graphics. as the actual equipment struments and the generators (func-
– Sophisticated mathematical mod- tion generators and clock genera-
The LVDAM-COM software includes a els accurately simulate the charac- tors) provided in the applications. In
Dual- Channel Oscilloscope, a Spec- teristics of the actual modules. addition, faults can be inserted into
trum Analyzer, a Frequency Count- – Saves and restores equipment set- the circuits by the instructor for trou-
er, and a True RMS Voltmeter/Power ups, data, and waveforms bleshooting exercises. A user guide
Meter. Data can be logged in a Data is included.
Table (ASCII format) for data anal- LVSIM-ACOM en es fr
ysis, and students can plot graphs 1 User 581695 581697 581696 Various application sets are available
using the data recorded in the Da- LVSIM-DCOM for the LVCT Software: PAM, PWM,
ta Table. 1 User 581746 581748 581747 PPM, PCM, DPCM, Delta Modulation,
Several license options are available. ASK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK, QAM, ADSL,
Signals can be observed in the time DSSS, FHSS, CDMA.
domain using the virtual memory os- The software can be downloaded
cilloscope, and in the frequency do- free of charge from our website
main using the virtual spectrum an- ➔ www.labvolt.com
alyzer. The software can operate in Connection to the equipment is
either acquisition, simulation, or vir- required to perform measurement.
tual mode. In the simulation mode,
signals are generated from user-de-
fined parameters. Configuration, da-
ta, and simulation files can be saved
and restored.
274 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
276 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
278 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
280 All Communications and Radar Technology solutions are detailed on labvolt.com
Communications and radar technology > Communications technologies training systems > Modules, accessories, and optional components
3 FM/PM Receiver
The FM/PM Receiver offers training
in multiplex and wideband FM (cov-
ering commercial broadcast tech-
niques), narrowband FM, and PM
reception. PM reception is used in
such applications as satellite com-
munications, data communications,
over narrowband communications
systems, telephone lines, microwave
communications lines and links.
120 V/60 Hz en es fr
Order no. 581589 581591 581590
Services ........................................................................................................284
Services > Overview
Make more of your potential
Service solutions tailored to your Worldwide availability? Installation, commissioning and Free software, demos and reading
equipment and needs. A qualified No problem. training will be carried out by qual- samples – For example, EasyVeep is
team provides services that will en- We are able to deliver our training ified technicians in order to guaran- a new graphic 2D process simulation
able you to maximize the capacity of services around the world in local tee safe, efficient setup and make software containing a number of
your learning systems. languages to the high standard that sure your team can use your new attractive examples for PLC training
both you and we require. products straight away. that is available for download free of
Knowing that your equipment is charge. You can sample many of our
effectively maintained will allow you software products and all our books
to focus on what is most important: free of charge on the Internet using
teaching. test and demo versions.
Service solutions –
To suit your needs
– Delivery free of charge
– Commissioning
– Training
– Demos and reading samples
– Seminars
– Service contracts
– Extended warranty
Certification Festo is a global engineering Customized service contracts give Personal advice
Instructor certification trainings help and manufacturing company that you peace of mind as our team takes We will be glad to provide a consul-
you to get the best possible use out maintains its own global training and care of your equipment. Available tation regarding concept and plan-
of your new learning system. Our consulting teams for customers all services include on-site hardware ning on site.
qualified instructors introduce the around the world. maintenance and calibration, warran-
equipment and provide the training ty extension and repairs, continuous For more information, please contact
material, as well as explaining how Operating in the same economic instructor training, and much more. your Festo contact person or write
to perform the exercises and inte- sector and environment as our to: [email protected]
grating them quickly into your exist- customers, we have a level of
ing training programs. These training understanding and insight into your
sessions can be conducted on your challenges that allows us to meet
premises, at a Festo core location, or your needs by providing targeted
via video conference. training and consulting solutions.
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Some training solutions included in this
product guide do not yet fully comply with
EU directives regarding safety, health, and
environmental protection
(CE marking).
Festo Didactic SE
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systems can only be undertaken
with the written permission of Festo 7PMVOUBSZQBSUJDJQBUJPOJOSFHVMBS
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Tel. +49 (711) 3467-0
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