Citizenship Mock Interview Form: Read All Directions/Questions in This Section Aloud
Citizenship Mock Interview Form: Read All Directions/Questions in This Section Aloud
Citizenship Mock Interview Form: Read All Directions/Questions in This Section Aloud
Date _______________________
- Hello.
- How are you feeling? Need to be able to
- How is the weather outside? understand the questions
- Did you have problems getting here? and give any reasonable
- Have you been waiting a long time to talk to response
me today?
Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
Sits down
You may sit down.
In your real interview, your interviewer will ask you for a Alien resident card
type of identification. (aka: greencard)
Do you know what type of ID you should take to your Driver’s license
interview? (only need one of these) State ID
Yes, to become an
Do you understand why you are here today?
American Citizen
Need to be able to
Why do you want to become an American Citizen?
understand the question
and give any reasonable
b) FOR INTERVIEWS IN FRONT OF CLASS: Ask no more than 6 QUESTIONS from this page.
Okay, now we are going to go over your application to see if there have been any changes
(For interviews in front of class, ask no more than 6 questions from this page.)
Do you still live at the same address?
If not, what is your current address? can say new address
First and Last Name
What is your name?
Month, Day, Year
When is your birthday?
Where were you born?
Month, Year
When did you become a permanent resident?
Number of Years
How long have you lived at your current address?
Are your parents U.S. citizens?
How tall you are you? How much do you weigh?
Yes or No
Do you work? Where?
Name of Company
Yes or No
Do you attend school? Where?
Name of School
How many times have you left the United States in the
last five years?
Were any of your trips for six months or more?
What were your reasons for leaving the country?
What is your current marital status?
How many times have you been married?
(If married) Is your current spouse a U.S. citizen?
How many children do you have?
20. Did you ever recruit, enlist, conscript or use any person under age 15 No
to serve in or help an armed force or group?
21. Did you ever use any person under age 15 to do anything that helped No
or supported people in combat?
22. Have you ever committed a crime, assisted in committing, or No
attempted to commit a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?
23. Have you ever been arrested, citied, or detained by any law No/If yes, need to
enforcement officer for any reason? be able to
No/If yes, need to
24. Have you ever been charged with committing, attempting to commit,
be able to
or assisting in committing a crime or offense?
25. Have you ever been convicted of a crime or offense? No/If yes, need to
be able to
26. Have you ever been placed in an alternative sentencing or No/If yes, need to
rehabilitative program? be able to
27. Have you ever received a suspended sentence, been placed on No/If yes, need to
probation, or been paroled? be able to
28. Have you ever been in jail or prison? No/If yes, need to
be able to
30A. Have you ever been a habitual drunkard? No
30B. Have you ever been a prostitute or procured anyone for prostitution? No
30C. Have you ever sold or smuggled controlled substances, illegal drugs, No
or narcotics?
30D. Have you ever been married to more than one person at the same No
30E. Have you ever married someone in order to obtain an immigration No
30F. Have you ever helped anyone enter or try to enter the United States No
30G. Have you ever gambled illegally or received income from illegal No
30H. Have you ever failed to support your dependents or to pay alimony? No
30I. Have you ever made any misrepresentation to obtain any public No
benefit in the United States?
31. Have you ever given any U.S. Government official(s) any information No
or documentation that was false, fraudulent or misleading?
Minnesota Literacy Council Citizenship Mock Interview Form Page 5
32. Have you ever lied to any U.S. Government official to gain entry or No
admission into the United States or to gain immigration benefits while in
the United States?
Unable to
Questions asked by USCIS Immigration Officer Gave Answer
Appropriate Student Appropriate
Response Response
33. Have you ever been removed, excluded, or deported from the United No
34. Have you ever been ordered removed, excluded, or deported from the No
United States?
35. Have you ever been placed in removal, exclusion, rescission, or No
deportation proceedings?
36. Are removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings No
currently pending against you? (Is the U.S. saying that you have to leave
the U.S. soon?)
37. Have you ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces? No
38. Are you currently a member of the U.S. Armed Forces? No
39. If you are currently a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, are you No
scheduled to deploy overseas within the next 3 months?
40. If you are currently a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, are you No
currently stationed overseas?
41. Have you ever been court-martialed, administratively separated, or No
disciplined, or have you received an other than honorable discharge, while
in the U.S. Armed Forces?
42. Have you ever been discharged from training or service in the U.S. No
Armed Forces because you were an alien?
43. Have you ever left the United States to avoid being drafted in the U.S. No
Armed Forces?
44. Have you ever applied for any kind of exemption from military service No
in the U.S. Armed Forces?
45. Have you ever deserted from the U.S. Armed Forces? No
46. Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between Depends on who
your 18th and 26th birthday? If yes, when did you register for the Selective the student is. If
Service? (***Answer should be yes***) the answer to the
first question is
“yes”, the
second question
should be “Yes”.
VI. Reading
a) Choose 1 sentence to read. Cover up rest of page with your clipboard (fine if one other sentence is showing).
b) Point at the sentence with a pen, and show it to the student.
c) Ask the student to read the sentence aloud. Small errors don’t matter; as long as the sentence’s main point is
communicated, it is acceptable.
d) Students do NOT need to answer the question, simply read it.
e) Once they read a sentence correctly, they are done with this section. If they read it incorrectly, choose another
one. (Mark each attempt “correct” or “incorrect)
f) Each student is only allowed 3 sentences in this section. If they are able to read one successfully, they pass.
What state has the most people? How many senators do we have?
The United States has 50 states. Adams was the second president.
The flag has red and white stripes. Presidents’ Day is in February.
a) Let the student know that he/she is done (yay!), and they can take a seat while you tally the score.
b) While you are counting the scores, the teacher should lead a discussion with the students about the interview.
c) After you have tallied the score, share results with the student (see Sharing Results section, below). Ask the
teacher before class what sharing protocol s/he would like to you follow (ie; sharing results in front of the
whole class, or just with the individual student).
Comments for the teacher/student (what to work on, what went well):