Sunu 2
Sunu 2
Sunu 2
Using the simple EOQ model, the economic order quantity (Q*) is Jul 62 73 85
calculated as follows. Aug 33 39 45
Sep 21 25 29
Oct 22 25 29
Nov 42 51 59
Dec 61 73 85
Therefore, ROP = 74 + 1.645 (57.78) = 169.01 bicycles (rounded 384.6 units/Order ¥ $6 / unit
Carrying cost = = 1154
up to 170). 2
Total cost = $301,414
Note: Did not round 384.6 above.
2. If Jo wanted to increase service to 99%, what would the new Next, develop an Economic Order Quantity and determine the
reorder point be? How much additional holding costs would total costs:
result? 2 DS 2 ¥ 5,000 ¥ 20
Q= = = 182.5, or 183 units
H 6
For 99% service level, Z value is 2.326. Hence the new reorder
point is, where D = annual demand, S = setup or order cost, H = holding
ROP = 74 + 2.326 (57.78) = 208.39 bicycles (rounded up to 209)
2. Determine the appropriate reorder point (in units).
Thus, with the new service level, the reorder point is 209 units. Reorder point = Demand during lead time = 20 ¥ 5 = 100
This represents 39 additional units of safety stock, or an additional 3. Compute the cost savings that the company will realize if it
$1404 in holding cost per annum. implements the optimal inventory procurement decision.
The EOQ model assumes a constant demand which is not the case
here. That said, the EOQ model is notoriously robust. More
critical is basing the ROP on average monthly demand and