U/id 1889/PZG
U/id 1889/PZG
U/id 1889/PZG
SECTION A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
2 U/ID 1889/PZG
4. The following scheme of reconstruction was approved by
X Ltd.
(a) The shareholders to receive in lieu of their present holding
of 50,000 shares of Rs. 10 each, the following :
(i) Fully paid ordinary shares equal to 2/5 of their
(ii) 5% preference shares to the extent of 1/5 of the above
ordinary shares
(iii) Rs. 60,000, 6% debentures.
(b) The goodwill which stood at Rs. 3,00,000 was written down
to Rs. 1,50,000.
(c) Plant and buildings were written down by Rs. 20,000 and
Rs. 30,000 respectively.
Give Journal entries.
RÌUPõq® ©Ö^µø©¨¦z vmhzøu X {Ö©® AÝ©vzxÒÍx.
(A) 50,000 £[SPÒ ¹. 10 Ãu® øÁzxÒÍ £[SuõµºPÒ R÷Ç
SÔ¨¤mkÒÍøu¨ ö£ÖQÓõºPÒ.
(i) AÁºPÒ øÁzxÒÍvÀ 2/5 £[S •Êø©¯õP
ö\¾zu¨£mh \õuõµn¨ £[SPøͨ ö£ÖQÓõºPÒ.
(ii) 1/5 £[S ÷©Øö\õÀ»¨£mh \õuõµn¨ £[SPÎÀ, 5%
•ßÝ›ø©¨ £[SPÒ ö£ÖQÓõºPÒ.
(iii) ¹. 60,000 ©v¨¦ÒÍ , 6% Phß £zvµ[PÒ
(B) ¹. 3,00,000 ©v¨¦ÒÍ |Øö£¯º ¹. 1,50,000US
(C) ö£õÔ ©ØÖ® Pmih[PÒ •øÓ÷¯ ¹. 20,000 ©ØÖ® ¹. 30,000
SÔ¨÷£mk¨ £vÄPÒ u¸P.
5. From the following particulars, prepare fire revenue a/c for the
year 2009 :
Claims Paid 4,80,000
Premiums received 12,00,000
Re-insurance premium 1,20,000
3 U/ID 1889/PZG
Commission 2,00,000
Management expenses 3,00,000
Fire Insurance Fund (1.1.2009) 5,20,000
Claims unpaid on 1.1.2009 40,000
Claims unpaid on 31.12.2009 70,000
Make provision against fire fund at end @ 50% of net
RÌUPõq® ÂÁµ[Pμ¸¢x ‘w’ Põ¨¥mkz xøÓ°ß Á¸Áõ´
PnUøP 2009® BsiØS u¯õº ö\´P.
÷Põ¸›ø© ö\¾zv¯x 4,80,000
•øÚ©® ö£ØÓx 12,00,000
©ÖPõ¨¥mk •øÚ©® 1,20,000
uµS 2,00,000
÷©»õsø© ö\»ÄPÒ 3,00,000
w Põ¨¥mk {v (1.1.2009) 5,20,000
1.1.2009 AßÖ ÷Põ¸›ø© {¾øÁ 40,000
31.12.2009 AßÖ ÷Põ¸›ø© {¾øÁ 70,000
4 U/ID 1889/PZG
SECTION B — (3 × 20 = 60 marks)
10. Sun Ltd. was incorporated on 1.8.2009. It took over the business
of Moon Ltd. with effect from 1.4.2009. From the following
particulars relating to the year ending 31.3.2010, find out profit
prior to incorporation and after incorporation. Sales for the year
were Rs. 60 lakhs and pre-incorporation sales of Rs. 25 lakhs.
Gross profit for the year was Rs. 18 lakhs.
5 U/ID 1889/PZG
Expenses debited to Profit and Loss a/c :
Rent 90,000
Salaries 1,50,000
Directors fees 38,000
Interest on debentures 60,000
Audit fees 15,000
Discount on sales 36,000
Depreciation 2,40,000
General expenses 48,000
Advertising 1,80,000
Printing and Stationary 36,000
Commission on sales 60,000
6 U/ID 1889/PZG
ö£õxa ö\»ÄPÒ 48,000
ÂÍ®£µ® 1,80,000
Aa_ ©ØÖ® GÊx ö£õ¸ÒPÒ 36,000
8 U/ID 1889/PZG
£Ø£» PhÚõÎPÒ 38,700
£Ø£» PhÜ¢÷uõºPÒ 35,200
ö£õÔ ©ØÖ® G¢vµ® 80,500
AøÓP»ß 17,100
öµõUP® ©ØÖ® Á[Q 1,34,700
JxURk 25,000
M.D. Ch® ö£ØÓ Phß 15,700
ÁõµõUPhßPÒ 3,200
AøǨ¦ {¾øÁ 5,000
C»õ£ |mhU P/S (ÁµÄ) 6,220
9 U/ID 1889/PZG
Liquidator’s remuneration : 3% on assets realised, 2% on amount
paid to unsecured creditors. Prepare Liquidator’s final statement
of account.
]Áõ {Ö©® 31.12.2009À uõ÷Ú Pø»UP¨£mhx. Pø»¨£õÍ›h®
¤ßÁ¸® uPÁÀPÒ EÒÍx :
£Ø£» PhÜ¢÷uõºPÒ 75,660 (CvÀ •ßÝ›ø© PhÜ¢÷uõºPÒ
¹. 8,000 Ah[Q²ÒÍx)
6% Phß £zvµ[PÒ 80,000 («uøÁ¨ £ØÖøh¯øÁ)
CÁØÔß «x 30.6.2009 Áøµ Ámi ö\¾zu¨£mhx
Phߣzvµ[PÒ 30.6.2010 AßÖ «mP¨£mhx.
ö\õzxUPÒ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ ÂØP¨£mhÚ :
\µUS 84,000
C¯¢vµ® 60,600
öµõUP C¸¨¦ 500
Pø»¨¦ ö\»ÄPÒ 1,902
Pø»¨£õͺ Fv¯® : ö\õzxUPÒ ÂØÓ öuõøP°À 3%, ¤øn¯ØÓ
PhÜ¢÷uõºPÐUS ÁÇ[P¨£mh öuõøP°À 2%.
Pø»¨£õÍ›ß CÖvU PnUøP u¯õº ö\´P.
13. From the balance sheets and information given below, prepare
consolidated balance sheet.
10 U/ID 1889/PZG
(a) All the profit of S has been earned since the shares were
acquired by H, but there was already the reserve of
Rs. 60,000 at that date.
(b) The bills accepted by S Rs. 10,000 are in favour of H.
(c) Sundry assets of S are undervalued by Rs. 20,000.
(d) The stock of H includes Rs. 50,000 bought from S at a
profit to the latter of 25% on cost.
R÷Ç öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ C¸¨¦{ø» SÔ¨¦PÒ ©ØÖ® uPÁÀPøÍ
öPõsk Cøn¢u C¸¨¦ {ø»USÔ¨¦ u¯õº ö\´P.
11 U/ID 1889/PZG