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Constant To Variable Flow Transformation

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White Paper

Conversion From Constant Flow System

To Variable Flow

By: Tony Egan

94.21- 4/29/2010

www.armstrongintegrated.com S . A . Armstrong Limited

23 Ber trand Avenue
Armstrong Pumps Inc .
93 East Avenue
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T: 416-755-2291 T: (716) 693-8813 T: +44 (0) 161-223-2223
© S. A . Armstrong Limited 2010 F : 416-759-9101 F: (716) 693-8970 F : +44 (0) 161-220 -9660
White Paper: Conversion From Constant Flow System To Variable Flow


Hydronic HVAC equipment is typically oversized; even for design day conditions. De-
sign day conditions are the design flow and head losses necessary to meet system
heat loss calculations based on the listed highest design and lowest temperature
periods for the geography. Many times equipment is oversized by design to lessen
the risk of an equipment redesign being necessary due to system calculation errors
and/or building changes during construction.


To reduce power costs, it may

be decided to change the sys- VARIABLE FLOW SECONDARY
tem from a Constant Flow type
to Variable Flow. With 3-way LOAD

valves installed there is no op- CBV

portunity to reduce the pump CBV


flow, as the valve bypass port LOAD

is design to open as the load is
reduced; resulting in constant CBV

pump flow. Should the bypass
line valve be closed, the 3-way
valves would effectively become
a 2-way valves. As the valve CONSTANT SPEED

then modulates closed to reduce SUPPLY

a load coil flow on mild days,
the excess flow would no lon-
ger be bypassed; thus the loop differential head would increase as the control valve
throttles the flow. As this throttling reduces the system flow, pumping power needs
are reduced.


There are two major decisions to be made to derive full benefits from variable flow
systems. The first is whether to make the system design suitable for variable flow
and the second is to understand the value of investing in variable speed pumps.
Converting the system to variable flow alone while retaining constant speed pumps
will save pumping energy; typically 20 % to 30 % . This energy saving does not come
easily however. As the flow from constant speed pumps is throttled by 2-way valves
the pressure across the pumps and the control valves increases. This leads to some
reduction in the pump life due to higher bearing loads and, perhaps more important-

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White Paper: Conversion From Constant Flow System To Variable Flow

ly, makes the conditioned spaces temperature harder to maintain. As the pressure
across control valves increases the valves must close to a greater extent to allow a
given amount of water to pass through the load. With higher differential pressures
a small change in the valve lift results in a large change in the flow; this can cause
‘hunting’ of the valve stem position resulting in loss of effective control with fluctu-
ating conditioned space temperatures.

Variable speed pumps, combined with a control system that recognizes current sys-
tem conditions, will reduce pump speed during part-load periods, reducing pressure
in the system to a value that satisfies the current load flow requirements with mini-
mum over-pumping. This will reduce pumping energy use to a minimum, extends the
life of the pumps and motors and increase the effectiveness of the control valves by
reducing the differential pressure across them.



• Reductions in absorbed pumping power that are realised when a heating or cooling
system runs under 2-way control with variable speed pumps
• Reduction in total operating costs, which can often payback the change costs
expended in the first year. If the payback is in the first year, then no new capital is
required and the conversion costs can be expended out of the revenue budget
• Armstrong have published an easy to use Opportunity Calculator for easy return
on investment calculations which is used to demonstrate to the user/operator in a
transparent way the cost savings and payback time for the new equipment
• Reduced water borne noise, as water velocity is reduced
• Longer product life, as it is no longer operating at full speed
• No check valve chatter, as the pumps work on soft start and soft stop under the
variable speed control
• In the UK a newly converted system may help the building qualify for a higher
grade Energy Performance Certificate. If the modified building is run through the
SBEM energy model software, a reduced input power will be evident
• In North America a newly converted system will help the building achieve a desired
LEED certification

Armstrong is able to supply a unique Sensorless control, for duty standby systems,
integrated within Vertical In-Line pumps, where the pumping unit will react to the
needs of the system without the resources required to acquire, install and wire a re-
motely mounted system feedback sensor. The pump curve data is mapped into the
control software which can precisely place the operating position on the pump curve

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by monitoring the motor power and speed. This enables the unit to react to system
condition in precisely the same manner as conventional controls react to a remotely
mounted system feedback sensor.


A challenge for many hydronic system designers is to correct a misunderstanding by

some building owners/operators that a system can be converted to variable speed
with all its implied energy and cost savings merely by installing an adjustable fre-
quency drive onto the pump motor.

In reality the system piping inside and/or outside of the Plant Room may require
modifications. In the following sections 3-way and thermostatic radiator valves are
discussed in addition to compensated heating systems with mixing valves, fan coil
unit systems and primary pumps. The need for a bypass line on 2-Way valve control
systems is also discussed.


Radiator heating systems are easily converted to variable flow systems. Many radia
tors are already fitted with Thermostatic Radiator Valves. (TRV) If not, they can be
readily and inexpensively installed. They do not require an electrical supply and can
be easily set to provide effective room temperature control. TRVs interrupt the
water flow when the room reaches design temperature. A self-regulating variable
speed pump such as the Armstrong IVS Sensorless pump will recognise this reduc
tion in water flow demand and reduce speed; saving power and energy costs.


3-way valves are the work-horses for heating and cooling control of conventional
constant flow systems. Connected through the Building Automation System (BAS)
to thermostats located in conditioned spaces, the 3-way motorised valve either
directs the heating or cooling water through the coil in the Air Handling Unit (AHU),
or, if the space being served is at normal operating temperature, the flow is directed
through the bypass line to the return piping. The bypass line is normally fitted with
a regulating valve, set so that the bypass pressure drop matches that of the coil in
the AHU. Thus, which ever way the water is being directed, the pump sees little
change in flow or head and continues to operate at full speed.

Current state of the art variable flow energy saving pumping systems use a 2-way
motorised control valve and are installed without a bypass line.

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Air Handling unit

To convert existing 3-way valve sys-
tems to 2-way valve configuration is
3-way Control
valve relatively easy. Simply close the regu-
lating valves in the bypass lines. With
Bypass regulating valve
Shut this off the bypass closed, when the 3-way
Close off the bypass
valve modulates attempts to divert the
flow around the load and through the
bypass, it will restrict the flow rate
instead. An Armstrong IVS Sensorless
pump will sense this deviation from its
control curve and reduce speed until
the pre-set control curve, the system
resistance curve and the pump perfor-
mance curve at a new speed converge for the new operating point. Thus power is
saved and operating costs reduced. Water velocity is reduced, noise is reduced and
equipment time between repairs is extended.

This conversion can be applied to most AHUs as they are generally installed with
these 3-way valves and have easily accessible bypass lines, fitted with regulating
valves. It gets more challenging with systems feeding Fan Coil Units (FCU) as they
are often supplied without motorized valves.


Fan Coil Units (FCUs) are almost smaller versions of AHUs. They are generally lo-
cated in the conditioned space being served; typically in a ceiling or wall space. An
FCU is served by pipes to feed chilled water and heating water and may have duct-
work from the HVAC air system. Older FCU are controlled by a room thermostat and
control their output by a combination of a multispeed fan and/or a damper which
throttles the air flow into the space being served.

Modern fan coil units may be fitted with 4-way

control valves, either the rotary type, or the verti-
cal acting type shown in the picture. Both provide
an internal bypass from the supply to the return

Converting these valves to 2-way is not simple

and involves getting access to the FCU, of which
there may be many, opening them up and chang- Picture courtesy of Actionair

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ing out the valve.

This expense will make the payback period very long. An alternative strategy to
convert to variable flow systems is required.

Variable flow system conversion - Control of return temperature for FCUs

One alternative strategy is to leave the FCU and controls in place unchanged and
investigate an alternate control opportunity. When the FCU is operating on bypass,
the water leaves the FCU at the same temperature that it enters, no heat is being
supplied into or taken from the conditioned space as the temperature setting has
been reached. This means that pumps can be controlled by measuring the return
temperature and can reduce the flow rate/operating speed until the return tem-
perature is back to design return temperature range. To prevent the possibility that
certain zones may be underpumped when others zones are satisfied, multiple sen-
sors need be applied to return pipework around the building so that all areas are
served. Currently the Armstrong IPS system would serve for pump control for up to
18-zones. Armstrong is further developing a controls package for this application.


Primary pumps typically operate at constant speed to produce a constant flow of

water through the chiller or boiler and serve a low loss recirculation header. The
secondary pumps take water from this low loss header to circulate through heating
or cooling building load heat exchangers. As boilers and chillers need minimum flow
requirements; secondary pumps have the highest opportunity for energy savings.
On the other hand, many primary pumps are over-sized for the low resistance of the
system they serve. As a result many are throttled back, which wastes power and
money. One solution is to fit a drive to the motor, open up the throttling valve and
manually reduce the pump speed until design flow rate is achieved. No automatic
controls are required. Speed is reduced and energy is saved for the life of the sys-
tem. Noise will be reduced if the throttle valve were noisy. Many modern chillers
can accept a variable flow through their heat exchangers. Request minimum flow
data from the chiller or boiler manufacturer and any controls advice before proceed-
ing with any changes to primary pumps. Armstrong can supply IVS Sensorless ro-
tating assemblies for existing Armstrong VIL pumps, which will make primary pump
energy savings a real possibility with little capital cost.


Variable flow HVAC systems converted from 3-way control to 2-way valve control

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will find certain challenges when all of the 2-way valves are shut off:

1) The pump may overheat when it continues to run against a closed valve at its
minimum speed. This may lead to premature seal failure or thermal shock cracking
issues if cold water is suddenly allowed into a hot cast iron casing
2) The temperature of the conditioned water in the headers and remote risers, now
stationary, will decay to ambient. This means that when a space eventually requires
heating or cooling, there will be a delay as the freshly heated or cooled water from
the boiler or chiller finds its way from the plant room, up the riser and along the
floor to the terminal. This may cause user discomfort, generating complaints
3) One solution for 2-way motorised valve control systems is to fit a remotely
mounted bypass line with a control valve. This, suitably engineered and controlled,
will maintain a minimum flow rate in the header, keeping the system pipework at the
correct temperature and prolonging pump and pump seal life
4) The bypass flow required is generally between 5 and 10 % of a single pump de-
sign flow rate. However, as the pump will be operating at the lowest speed required
to maintain the minimum system pressure, this flow should be calculated based on
minimum speed Best Efficiency Point (BEP) from the variable speed pump curve
5) Several methods of providing a suitable bypass are discussed in the following


One easy method for bypass control that Armstrong recommends is that, when con-
verting a 3-way valve system to 2-way configuration, simple leave the most remote
3-way valve bypass line open on each riser. If there are only few loads in the zone,
close the most remote 3-way valve bypass regulating valve 50 % so that energy is
not wasted with too much conditioned water being returned unused to the chiller or
boiler. In this manner, water will only be
bypassed when the remote load is satis-
fied and, as the remote load is typically
the least served in the system, this would
probably be when all loads are satisfied
and bypass flow is required.

Other bypass opportunities are discussed

in the following sections:

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light load
design load


rise in head at index
can operate bypass valve

Sub circuit
Sub circuit

Sub circuit

Change in head at index circuit can be used to
open bypass at low loads

This example shows how a bypass valve is installed and controlled for variable
speed pumps where the differential pressure controller is located at the pump. The
pump in the picture is controlled to produce constant pressure local to the pump in
the plant room. This design does not produce the largest value of energy savings,
however it can expain the operation of the bypass easily. The diagram below the
system schematic shows how the pressure varies around the system. The pres-
sure is highest across the pump (on the left of the diagram) and then reduces as
the water flow passes around the system supply piping. The pressure drops again
through the index leg (On the right) and continues to fall as it returns to the pump
through the return piping. When all the 2-way valves in the system are open, the
water velocity is greatest and the friction / pressure losses are the greatest so that
the differential pressure at the index leg is lowest. However, at low load, when all
the 2-way valves are closed, the friction loss in the supply and return pipework is
reduced, causing the differential pressure at the index leg to increase. This change
in pressure can be used by a pressure controlled valve to open and allow water to
pass through the bypass line, located at the end of the system. The understanding
of where the differential pressure controller is located and the concept of friction
loss reducing drastically in the distribution piping at low flows is fundamental in un-
derstanding Bypass Control sections II, III & IV.


The installation illus-


Controller DPT
trated has a differential
pressure (DP) control-
ler mounted on the 42-24
index circuit for highest 45-2
energy savings. The

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pressure will be constant at the remote point and will vary closer to the pump in the
plant room as the loads vary and the pump speed adjusts to match the DP setting
and the actual friction loss in the distribution piping. The pressure actuated bypass
valve is located in the plant room. Normally closed, it senses the fall in differential
pressure in a part load situation and opens, allowing a minimum flow through the
pump. While simple and easy to install, it does not provide the minimum flow need-
ed to keep the water in the distribution piping at the operating temperature.


design load

light load corresponding to minimum pump speed
controlled head


differential to which head can rise at no load

Sub circuit

Sub circuit

Sub circuit

return without bypass



Change in head at index circuit can be used to

open bypass at low loads

This bypass example provides a good bypass functionality; however the set up is
more complicated. In this case both the bypass and the differential pressure trans-
ducer are mounted remote to the pump on the index line. This produces the best
energy savings and the pipework maintains the required operating temperature.

For this to operate effectively the minimum frequency on the drive control must be
set high enough that at low load, where the losses in the distribution piping are
small as the flow rate is very low, the pump will operate at its minimum set speed
and move left, up the performance curve, increasing the pressure at the index, caus-
ing the bypass valve to open. The closed valve pressure of the pump at its minimum
frequency must be 25% higher (12% higher frequency) than the control pressure
setting of the pressure transduc-
er at the index.



The above diagram illustrates

how the pump performance
tracks the load on the system,
when set up to open a bypass
valve mounted on the index. Be-
ginning at the design operating

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point, the pump will track the quadratic control curve down to the minimum speed
setting. As the system 2-way motorised control valves continue to close, reducing
the system flow, the controls will not allow the drive to reduce speed further so the
operating point must move to the left along the minimum set speed performance
curve, causing a rise in pressure as it approaches zero flow rate. This rise in pres-
sure actuates the bypass valve, which will open, permiting the minimum flow to pass
through the bypass line.


If the existing motors are going to be re-used and will be fitted with drives for the
first time, checking the suitability of the motor for inverter use with the manufac-
turer’s representative in your area. High voltage spikes from adjustable frequency
drives apply more stress to the insulation systems of motors than constant speed
application. Motor insulation not suitable for inverter use may break down, causing
motor failure. Generally, older motors with Class B insulation may not be suitable
for inverter use and modern motors with Class F insulation should be checked also.

Generally the motor manufacturer will need to know the drive carrier frequency set-
ting and the cable length between the drive and motor. If in doubt, it makes sense
to change out the motor if supplying a new drive. If the pumping unit is an Arm-
strong vertical in-line type, a new complete rotating assembly, supplied with Sensor-
less Controls can probably be supplied to fit directly into the existing pump casing.
Ask your local Armstrong representative for more information.


In a plant room, the conversion work involves fitting the new rotating assemblies
to the existing pump bodies or supplying stand-alone controls, Sensorless or not,
for exisiting pumps. The existing pump control panels and the contactors inside
them are now redundant and may now be removed from site. If the owner prefers
to retain the existing control panel as is contains other equipment and is already set
up for BAS interface, the power cables can be wired into the new drives instead of
the old motors. Trying to fit the drives inside a central panel with long cable to the
motors is not the best solution. This can lead to harmonics problems causing noise
and motor insulation damage and is to be avoided. Decentralized controls are com-
mon today and Armstrong can supply integrated controls on Vertical Inline pumps up
to 75hp (55kW)

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White Paper: Conversion From Constant Flow System To Variable Flow


Once the mechanical and electrical installation is complete, the controls company
can if necessary or desired connect the controls to the BAS / BMS. They can moni-
tor the drive status and deliver an enable or disable signal. Armstrong drives are
compatible as standard or with optional cards to all the usual communications proto-
cols; such as Lonworks, BACnet, Modbus, Metasys N2 or Apogee FLN.


• The VARIABLE FLOW SYSTEM conversion saves money

• The heating / cooling system works better
• Building regulation compliance is enhanced
• Pumps and drives are easily installed - often with no change to pipework
• Control valve changes are easy to do – often closing the bypass line to convert 3
way valve systems to 2 way systems is best done by the building maintenance staff
who are familar with their location.
• The plant room is cleaned up with fewer control panels


Issues relating to sensors:

• For best energy savings the sensor needs to installed remotely
• Mechanical and electrical installation costs incurred
• Exact position for sensor in system is often difficult to determine
• If installed remotely loads closer to the pump may be under-pumped when needing
flow and remote loads are satisfied
• Bringing the sensor closer to the pump is expensive and prevents highest energy
•Sensors are prone to failure and are regularly damages or installed incorrectly
Placing the DP sensor remotely facilitates greater turndown and hence greater en-
ergy savings although some capital and installation costs will be incurred by install-
ing the sensor at a location distant from the pump and controls. To save on direct
cable runs back to the drive it is possible to put the signal through the BAS / BMS
and bring it back out in the plant room; however cost for extra BAS / BMS points
will still be incurred. If the sensor is placed across the most remote load leg and
remote loads are satisfied and loads closer to the pump need full flow, the pump
speed and back pressure in the piping may not be sufficient to supply full flow to
the closer loads; resulting in under-pumping. BSRIA in the UK and others recom-
mend that the sensor be placed 2/3rd the way down the system as a trade off be-
tween energy savings and satisfactory system operation. Sensors are electro me-

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White Paper: Conversion From Constant Flow System To Variable Flow

chanical devices and can fail in the system. If you read Benefits of variable speed
pumps with Sensoless Control on above you may now know that Sensorless Control
can do everything a remote sensor can do, without the cost of supplying, installing
and wiring the sensor. Ask your local Armstrong representative for more details.


The calculator is on-line at: http://www.armstrongpumps.com/ivs/Calculator.html

The Opportunity Calculator helps the user estimate the potential energy savings in
the system and how long the payback period will be. A system lifetime cost savings
estimate is also detailed. Simply complete the data input on the first screen; includ-
ing system flow rate, head losses, operational hours per year, pump efficiency and
local electricity cost. The cost of the Sensorless pumping unit is entered later on the
‘IVS pump cost’ screen. This cost would be the incremental cost of the sensorless
unit over a constant speed pump for a new system (Constant pump cost entered on
the appropriate screen) or the full cost of the sensorless unit if the unit is to pay
for itself soley from energy savings (Use constant speed pump cost of zero). The
minimum system pressure defaults to 40 % of the design pump head and the part-
load flow defaults to the ASHRAE 90.1 part load benchmark of 50 % of design flow.
Each screen takes you step by step through the constant speed continuous power
usage and the variable speed power usage under normal part load conditions. Later
screens compare the two running costs and calculates the payback.

This calculator is quite conservative and estimates the payback from energy savings
only. Sensor costs are not included which could easily remove $2,000 (£1200) from
the investment total.

These are exciting times with energy saving fruits low-hanging in many hydronic
HVAC systems just waiting to be picked. Your local Armstrong representative will
be pleased to help you understand the true value of variable speed HVAC pumping
and how it can easily reduce your energy costs and pay for the conversion quickly
from your own savings.

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