Pathology Exam Committee V
Pathology Exam Committee V
Pathology Exam Committee V
Phase II / Committee V
1- Which of the following findings is most useful for the staging of a tumor?
A. Presence of abnormal mitoses
B. Presence of necrosis
C. Pleomorphism of nuclei
D. Number of mitoses
E. Presence of metastases
3- Which one of the followings is least specific in distinction of a benign neoplasm from a malignant neoplasm?
A. Rate of growth
B. Size
C. Mitotic rate
D. Metastasis
E. Invasion
5- Which one of the followings is the most common cause of cell injury?
A. Hypoxia
B. Chemical agents
C. Physical agents
D. Immunologic reactions
E. Microbial agents
7- What is atrophy?
A. Increase in the size of cells in an organ
B. Increase in the number of cells in an organ
C. Complete failure of an organ to form
D. Shrinkage in the size of cells by loss of cell substance
E. Premalignant condition
8- Which one of the following statements related to hypertrophy is FALSE?
A. Hypertrophy results from increased amounts of cytoplasm and cytoplasmic
organelles in cells
B. Hypertrophy may occur as an adaptation to increased demand
C. Hypertrophy is reversible
D. Hypertrophy does not involve cell division
E. Hypertrophy constitutes an increase in the number of cells in an orga or tissue, which may then have
increased volume
9- Which of the following organs is the most likely to regenerate following injury?
A. Purkinje cells
B. Myocardium
C. Retinal cells
D. Liver cells
E. Glomeruli
10-Apoptosis can follow contact by a T-killer cell. Apoptotic cell fragments in viral hepatitis are known as :
A. Councilman bodies
B. Negri bodies
C. Asteroid bodies
D. Russel bodies
E. Foreign bodies
18- Which one of the followings is an “inflammatory cell derived” mediator of inflammation?
A. C3a
B. C5a
C. Plasmin
D. Serotonin
E. Coagulation proteins initiated by Hageman factor
19- Which one of the following is not an example for intracellular protein accumulation?
A. Councilman bodies
B. Russell bodies
C. Neurofibrillary tangles
D. Mallory bodies
E. Eosinophilic droplets in renal tubular cells in proteinuria
24- Which one of the followings stains positive with Congo red?
A. glycogen
B. epithelial mucin
C. fungus wall
D. amyloid
E. basement membrane
25- Those cells are the key cells in chronic and granulomatous inflammation, they reproduce locally, at the site
of injury, they produce numerous cytokines and they may present antigen to T-cells, producing specific
hypersensitivity reactions. What is the name of those cells?
A. Lymphocytes
B. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes
C. Monocytes/Macrophages
D. Eosinophils
E. Fibroblasts
26- Which one of the followings is related to peripheral vasodilatation rather than peripheral vasoconstriction?
A. Septic shock
B. Cardiogenic shock
C. Extensive blood loss due to trauma
D. Extensive burns
E. Diarrhea
27- Which one of the following reasons of shock is mostly related to disseminated intravascular coagulation
during its clinical course?
A. severe hemorrhage,
B. burns,
C. large myocardial infarction,
D. massive pulmonary embolism,
E. microbial sepsis
33- If the dead cell is digested by its lysosomal enzymes, it is called as:
A. Karyolysis
B. Otophagy
C. Phagocytosis
D. Heterolysis
E. Autolysis
40- In which one of the following diseases the neoplastic cells show TRAP ( tartaric acd resistant phophatase)
B. Policythemia vera
C. Hairy cell leukemia
E. Hodgkin lymphoma
42- Which one of the following diseases is characterized with transmural, segmental involvement and
granulomatous reactions?
A. Ulcerative colitis
B. Crohn disease
C.Wilson disease
D. Whipple disease
E. Celiac sprue