Final Journal Entry
Final Journal Entry
Final Journal Entry
Journal Entry
Hudson Clare
To begin with I would like to talk about my professional and personal Identity. When I
reflect on my upbringing there are a number of things that contribute to why I am the way that I
family, these expectations consisted of things such as excellence, hard work, success, and
stewardship. How these affected me, is it has pushed me my entire life to make sure that I am
always at the top. When I pair my family expectations with my personality type which is an
ESFP and my enneagram type which is type three, I see so much of why I am the way that I am.
One of my greatest desires in life is to be successful and to do something that is worth value. I
think this is yes because of my upbringing but also because of how I am wired in my thinking. In
addition, culturally I have been surrounded by middle-upper class individuals my entire life who
have shown me what it means to be successful through hard work and excellence. Despite all of
my encounters with successful people, I have also had some experiences that have shaped me in
the way that I want to be perceived as a professional. My senior year of college I interned for
Chick-fil-A and worked alongside some very successful people that allowed their success to
distract them from being good stewards of their time or money. This pursuit of success caused
them to lose sight of the important relationships in their life which is something that I know as a
Secondly, I think the question of what is a good student? what are worthy programs? And
what are effective management strategies? All of these questions are relative to the person who is
asking the questions. For myself, I look at what a good student is and I measure their success in
relationship to what the student is capable of. Their measure of success is not dictated by their
environment but rather dictated by their will to succeed. Succeeding can look a variety of
different ways for a student, it can be in the realm of academic, social, athletic or work related
success to name a few. In regard to what are worthy programs, for me I look at this from maybe
a skewed lens that says that good programs are one of two things, either something that translates
to a career that benefits society or a career that provides an opportunity to be fiscally successful.
Lastly, effective management strategies need to be done by doing things individually because it
allows you to reach each person in the way that is best suited for their needs.
Some of the challenges that I see with boundaries is that there are some clear black and white
boundaries but more often than not they are grey issues. To establish the appropriate boundaries
as a professional, one must evaluate who they are as an individual and what are going to be the
hardest boundaries to keep in check. If someone does not walk through potential scenarios that
will cause them to fall or flounder they are dooming themselves to make an ethical mistake.
Another issue that may contribute to someone breaking boundaries is allowing their personal life
For myself I don’t know which direction I will be heading in after the completion of my
masters degree. It is quite possible that I could leave higher education all together and work in
the business industry in a field such as sales. Regardless of the area that I land, I believe the three
competencies that are most important for me are leadership, human and organizational resources,
and personal foundations. The reason these are so important is they all work together to create a
relationally driven mindset that leads, organizes and challenges people to grow and succeed. I
want to continue to understand myself and the human behaviors of the people around me so that
I may meet their wants and needs. This requires me to be intentionally tuned into the people I
Now that I have given you the areas that are most important I want to give you the areas
that will be most challenging for me to develop. The first one is assessment, evaluation, and
research. I believe that this is useful to figure out what is the best practices in any line of work,
but have a hard time figuring out why I need to validate every level of work that I do. I see the
value in assessment and this line of work, but I would rather be on the front line and building
relationships and doing the practical skills, while having someone else do the critiquing of the
work to decipher whether or not it is effective in relationship to industry standards. For the
challenging areas I believe I can address these through being cognizant of the fact that these are
struggles for me personally and working to find solutions to grow as a professional. It is a matter
of setting my pride aside and realizing there are areas of the job I don’t enjoy but can help me
develop as a professional.
To begin with I would like to talk about the role that supervision plays in the internship
that I am doing. Unfortunately, there has been challenges in the area of supervision within my
internship. I have a supervisor who was not initially assigned to work with me and did not get the
responsibility of overseeing the intern until a week before my arrival. First, I think this put us
behind the eight ball because I had been corresponding with a person who held a drastically
different role and was the head of camps and conferences. Her role was completely devoted to
summer activities and was the one who sold the internship to me in the interview process. My
current supervisor, didn’t know anything about me prior to my arrival, nor did he know anything
about the expectations I had for the interview. This caused there to be a lot of catching up not
only about expectations of what the job was supposed to be, but also working to understand who
I was as a person and employee. The relational building stage of the supervisor and supervisee
role has yet to happen, instead of looking at my mentor as someone I can glean wisdom from, the
relationship has developed as someone who just gives me tasks to do and there is no rhyme or
reason for the task being done. I think as a supervisee I have come to understand my supervisor
pretty well, I have done this through observation of him in his work and non-work environment,
plus I listen to how his co-workers talk about him as a peer of theirs. This has allowed me to
understand the expectations he has for me and what guides him to make the decisions he makes
and doesn’t make. I think the relational side of knowing me has not been super developed on his
end with me, I would say I know him tenfold better than he knows me. As the summer internship
is coming to a close, I don’t think the relational side of the supervisor or supervisee relationship
will grow beyond the point that it is currently in, unless I’m super proactive and start telling him
I believe in my internship there has been one experience thus far that has radically
affected me. I think about this experience daily, and it causes me to reconsider a lot about myself
and student affairs. As soon as I stepped foot at my internship, I felt like I was going through my
senior year of undergrad all over again. There was a bombarding of questions regarding my
future plans after grad school and what I wanted for myself professionally. To go into further
detail of my experience, I will give a little background. In the Housing field. I’m already a little
different than most because I was a student athlete. When I tell people this, they immediately ask
how I got into Res Life and that always turns into a longwinded answer that basically boils down
to the fact I’m a relational person who wanted to give back. When I got to my internship, I was
having a conversation with someone who is familiar with Oklahoma State and I was telling this
individual that I was weighing my options after graduation and that I thought I may do res life
but that I was leaning toward other professions. We talked a little about my experiences and his
experiences and he told me that I should reconsider what I want for my life because Res Life is a
fall back plan for most. The professional staff member stated, “My colleagues and myself have
concluded that people get into Housing and Res Life because their first dream didn’t work out”.
When the professional staff member said this, he did not have any change in his
demeanor or influx of voice. Instead it seemed as if he felt strongly about his conviction and felt
supported by his conversations with others. As soon as I heard this, I deflated and felt disbelief
that someone would make this statement to someone considering the profession. It made me
rethink my future almost immediately. I think for most of my first year of grad school, I
questioned why I was even doing this for two years of my life. To think that this line of work
was perceived by most as a fall back plan was disheartening because I aspire to do something
that is worthwhile and great with my life. I couldn’t help but think of how this conversation
would have affected someone who didn’t have any other things planned out option wise outside
of Res Life. I know I have other options but for some, this is what they are dead set they are to
do with their lives. I also had a hard time because the tone of this staff member was one of
discontentment and zero passion for his line of work which directly hurts the students, his co-
In such a formative time in students’ lives where they are learning who they are and some
students are developing to be world changers, I think to have someone so apathetic about their
experience as some wish to have. I think there is a lot that can be learned from my experience, I
believe that there is value in the line of work that I do but that there aren’t always “wow”
moments like other careers experience daily. I think that its about the environment that you are in
and what you are using the work to for yourself as a professional. For myself I want to use my
Res Life experience to catapult myself into other successful relationally driven career fields. I
think to conclude it would be important for me to continually self evaluate my heart in the work
I’m doing because I never want to think I’m doing this just because it’s a fall back plan that’s
To begin with I would like to talk about the various different legal threats at the
University of Tennessee Chattanooga and how these could potentially transform into lawsuits by
both students and the community. The first threat comes from the students and it pertains to the
quality of the spaces in which they reside. In 2017, the university newspaper wrote a story about
how the mold that was in the building affected the allergies of students on campus. To combat
this the university purchased dehumidifiers for rooms that were most affected by humidity that
creates mold. They also do health and safety checks pretty regularly to make sure that the
students are not overlooking something that could jeopardize their health. The reality of this
situation is that they are seeking to be proactive but due to the climate and the build quality of
the buildings mold is almost inevitable. The second legal issue that is of concern for the
department is in regard to conduct hearings. I was speaking to my supervisor who said that there
is always a concern that a conduct meeting could end in legal implications. For example, if there
is a conduct hearing where a student feels that there has been bias involved in making a decision
the university could be sued. To troubleshoot against this the university tries to educate all staff
members of diversity, bias, and inclusion topics. The department of housing said that they wish
they could offer job insurance through ACPA which would be used for malpractice in case of a
lawsuit for conduct cases. Thirdly, if a student says they have a service animal in a residence
hall, the department says they federally cannot say a student cannot have a service animal. To
combat against this the university tries to just be mindful of students feeling and try to be tactful
in how they ask if a student is a support animal. Personally, I think the things that have surprised
me the most from these three issues is that people can nitpick over little things that are almost
unavoidable and that the department doesn’t always have the infrastructure to support these
issues. I think what surprises me the most is that if you are personally challenged by a student or
the community for job related issues, the department isn’t necessarily going to protect or go to
bat for you. I think I need to learn more about my rights as a professional and what could
jeopardize my professional and personal life. I think the issues pertaining to higher education
will be pertinent to me over the next year, but I think I will be moving into business professional
When I asked my supervisor of the biggest ethical issue that he has had to deal with, he
boiled it down to communication. He said that with communication the department heads will
relay information to him that will directly impact students or student staff, but they tell him not
to tell them until they have a formal statement to give. The issue with this is that the department
takes weeks if not months to provide the information to the parties affected and in mist cased it
can affect the job status or living environments of the people. My supervisor said that despite he
being told not to give information, he will choose to give the information if he thinks it is
necessary for a student to know so that they can make accommodations for the future. I think that
though he was instructed to not do something you have to remain true to your values and
convictions and if by withholding information from someone you feel like you are compromising
them you should tell them. In this case, I think he did the right thing by telling staff members that
they were going to get a pay reduction so that students could plan ahead for upcoming financial
adjustments. I think I’m prepared for a similar situation as this because I want to always remain
true to my convictions and I never want to bend the truth to protect my superiors if in the midst
of doing this I hinder someone else. I think there are a ton of ethical issues in the profession that
I want to go in which is business. The reason is that business is driven by power and money and
with that comes the desire to act unethical at times to get ahead in an industry or gain the
business of people.
2. The reason I would select this option is because I am a relationally driven individual.
Though I enjoy all facets that come with the administrative tasks of the job, the ability to
interact with people in meaningful ways is more in suit with the strengths I have
3. The human resource lens is the way that this is framed. It uses the precedent that the
people are the driving forces in the structure and flow of an organization.
4. I think with this option there is a potential that the intricate details of the position can get
Myths Regional universities have They said that they had to I think from my
less to offer than flagship continually combat the experiences at OSU, I can
universities stigma that students were concur that not being the
attending second tier flagship university causes
institutions. The there to be a environment
university fortunately does of competition and
a good job of improving comparison
the academic programs to
be nationally recognized
Visions & Values Serve residents and They said that they do this They do this in my
students with high levels by not necessarily always opinion in fear of losing
of customer service keeping the business at the students and their need to
forefront of their mind but retain students as a
rather just doing what the regional university with
student wants. 11k students and 3k on
their campus.
Heroes & Heroines Dr. Cotton (Chancellor of There is a lot of positive From everything I have
Student affairs attitude regarding Dr. heard this man seems to
Cotton. He has come into be great and a visionary
the university and has for the school. The issue is
sought to make changes that the person above him
and improve the student is content with the status
affairs division. By doing quo and doesn’t want to
this, he has hired top deviate from “what has
talent and let go people always worked”
who are only hired
I think by doing this exercise I realized there are not a lot of high points involving the university
traditions like OSU. I think what is needed at UTC is to have someone come in with a vision and
challenge the university to grow in ways that enthuses the student population.
I believe as soon as you disengage with a person or a group you lose influence
By continuing the process of meeting people who are both successful and wise, it gives
To be able to assess both my strengths and weaknesses and recognize and tell them to
others will allow myself to be successful individually and help the collective group be
more successful.