2008 - Civil Engineering
2008 - Civil Engineering
2008 - Civil Engineering
HSSM3204 Engineering Economics & Costing 3-0-0 HSSM3205 Organisational Behaviour 3-0-0
or 3 or 3
HSSM3205 Organisational Behaviour 3-0-0 HSSM3204 Engineering Economics & Costing 3-0-0
BECS2212 C++ & Object Oriented Programming 3-0-0 3 PCCE4204 Structural Analysis-1 3-0-0 3
PCCE4203 Building Material & Building Construction 3-0-0 3 PCCE4206 Geo Technical Engineering 3-0-0 3
PCME4201 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines 3-1-0 4 Free Electives(any one) 3-0-0 3
FEEC2216 Analog & Digital Electronics,
BECS7212 C++ & Object Oriented Programming Lab 0-0-3 2 PCCE7209 Material Testing Lab 0-0-3 2
PCCE7207 Civil Engineering Drawing 0-0-3 2 PCCE7205 Survey Field Work-I 0-0-3 2
Partial differential equation of first order, Linear partial differential equation, Non-linear partial
differential equation, Homogenous and non-homogeneous partial differential equation with
constant co-efficient, Cauchy type, Monge’s method, Second order partial differential equation
The vibrating string, the wave equation and its solution, the heat equation and its solution, Two
dimensional wave equation and its solution, Laplace equation in polar, cylindrical and spherical
coordinates, potential.
Complex Analysis:
Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Laplace equation, Conformal mapping,
Complex integration: Line integral in the complex plane, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s
integral formula, Derivatives of analytic functions
Text books:
1. E. Kreyszig,” Advanced Engineering Mathematics:, Eighth Edition, Wiley India
Reading Chapters: 11,12(except 12.10),13,14,15
2. B.V. Ramana, “ Higher Engineering Mathematics”, McGraw Hill Education, 2008
Reading chapter: 18
Reference books:
Engineering Economics – Nature and scope, General concepts on micro & macro economics.
The Theory of demand, Demand function, Law of demand and its exceptions, Elasticity of
demand, Law of supply and elasticity of supply. Determination of equilibrium price under perfect
competition (Simple numerical problems to be solved). Theory of production, Law of variable
proportion, Law of returns to scale.
Time value of money – Simple and compound interest, Cash flow diagram, Principle of economic
equivalence. Evaluation of engineering projects – Present worth method, Future worth method,
Annual worth method, internal rate of return method, Cost-benefit analysis in public projects.
Depreciation policy, Depreciation of capital assets, Causes of depreciation, Straight line method
and declining balance method.
Cost concepts, Elements of costs, Preparation of cost sheet, Segregation of costs into fixed and
variable costs. Break-even analysis-Linear approach. (Simple numerical problems to be solved)
Banking: Meaning and functions of commercial banks; functions of Reserve Bank of India.
Overview of Indian Financial system.
Text Books:
Reference Books :
1. Sasmita Mishra, “Engineering Economics & Costing “, PHI
2. Sullivan and Wicks, “ Engineering Economy”, Pearson
3. R.Paneer Seelvan, “ Engineering Economics”, PHI
4. Gupta, “ Managerial Economics”, TMH
5. Lal and Srivastav, “ Cost Accounting”, TMH
HSSM 3205 Organizational Behaviour
Module I :
The study of Organizational Behaviour : Definition and Meaning, Why Study OB
Learning – Nature of Learning, How Learning occurs, Learning and OB.
Foundations of Individual Behaviour : Personality – Meaning and Definition, Determinants of Personality,
Personality Traits, Personality and OB.
Perception – Meaning and Definition, Perceptual Process, Importance of Perception in OB. Motivation –
Nature and Importance, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Alderfer’s
ERG Theory, Evaluations.
Module II :
Organizational Behaviour Process : Communication – Importance, Types, Gateways and Barriers to
Communication, Communication as a tool for improving Interpersonal Effectiveness, Groups in
Organizations – Nature, Types, Why do people join groups, Group Cohesiveness and Group Decision-
making Managerial Implications, Effective Team Building. Leadership-Leadership & Management,
Theories of Leadership-Trait theory, Leader Behaviour theory, Contingency Theory, Leadership and
Follower ship, How to be an effective Leader, Conflict-Nature of Conflict and Conflict Resolution. An
Introduction to Transactional Analysis (TA).
Module-III :
Organization : Organizational Culture – Meaning and Definition, Culture and Organizational
Effectiveness. Introduction to Human Resource Management-Selection, Orientation, Training and
Development, Performance Appraisal, Incentives Organizational Change – Importance of Change,
Planned Change and OB techniques. International Organisational Behaviour – Trends in International
Business, Cultural Differences and Similarities, Individual and Interpersonal Behaviour in Global
Text Books :
1. Keith Davis, Organisational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill.
2. K.Aswathappa, Organisational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House.
Reference Books :
1. Stephen P. Robbins, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India
2. Pradip N. Khandelwal, Organizational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3. Uma Sekaran, “Organizational Behaviour”, TATA McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
4. Steven L McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Radha R Sharma” Organizational
Behaviour” , TATA McGraw- Hill.
5. D.K. Bhattachayya, “Organizational Behaviour”, Oxford University Press
6. K.B.L.Srivastava & A.K.Samantaray, “Organizational Behaviour” India Tech
7. Kavita Singh, “Organizational Behaviour”, Pearson
BECS2212 C++ & Object Oriented Programming
Dynamic memory management, new and delete operators, object copying, copy constructor,
assignment operator, virtual destructor.
Template: template classes, template functions.
Namespaces: user defined namespaces, namespaces provided by library.
Text Books:
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - E. Balagurusamy, McGraw-Hill Education
2. ANSI and Turbo C++ - Ashoke N. Kamthane, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
Fluid kinematics : Introduction, description of fluid flow, classification of fluid flow. Reynold’s
number, Acceleration of fluid particles, flow rate and continuity equation, differential equation of
Mathematical definitions of irrotational and rotational motion. Circulation, potential function and
stream function. Flow net
Lab 30 hours
This course will focus on communication in professional (work-related) situations of the kind that
BPUT graduates may expect to encounter on entering the professional domain.
Some typical forms of work-related communication, oral or written, are listed below. Practice
activities for all four skills can be designed around these or similar situations.
2 In-house communication
Drawing of 2 bed room/3 bed room houses (single and two storeyed), ground and first floor plans,
elevation and section for load bearing and framed structures
Detailing of doors/windows
Drawing of several types of footing, bricks work, floor, staircases, masonry, arches and lintels
Project on establishments like Bank building/ Post office/ Hostel/ Library/ Hospital/ Auditorium etc
BSCM1210 Mathematics – IV
Numerical methods:
Approximation and round of errors, Truncation error and Taylor’s series
Roots of equation: The bisection method, the false-position method, fixed point iteration, the
Newton-Raphson method, Muller’s method
Linear algebraic equation: LU decomposition, the matrix inverse, Gauss-Seidel method
Interpolation: Newton divided difference interpolation, Lagrange Interpolation, Newton’s forward
and backward interpolation.
Numerical integration: The trapezoidal rule, The Simpson’s rules, Gauss quadrature
Ordinary differential equation: Euler’s method, Improvement of Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta
Probability, Random variables, Probability distributions, Mean and variance of distribution,
Binomial, Poisson and Hypergeometric distributions, Normal distribution, Distribution of several
random variables.
Mathematical Statistics:
Random sampling, Estimation of Parameters, Confidence Intervals, Testing of hypothesis,
Acceptance sampling, Chi square test for goodness of fit , Regression Analysis, Fitting Straight
Lines, Correlation analysis.
Text books:
1. S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale, “ Numerical methods for Engineers”, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill
Reading Chapters : 2, 3(3.1, 3.2), 4(4.2, 4.3), 5(5.1, 5.2, 5.3), 6(6.4), 9(9.1, 9.2), 10(10.2),
13(13.1,13.2,13.5), 16(16.1, 16.2), 17(17.3), 20(20.1, 20.2, 20.3)
Reference books:
Module I
Introduction to statically indeterminate structures with reference to two and three dimensional structures.
Determination of static and kinematic indeterminacy in beams and frames
Three moment theorem, Continuous beams and propped cantilevers by consistent deformation method,
Fixed beams
Module II
Rolling loads and influence lines for simply supported beams, ILD for reaction, shear force and bending
moment at a section, ILD for wheel loads, point loads and udl, maximum bending moment envelope
Analysis of three hinged arches, Suspension cable with three hinged stiffening girders subjected to dead
and live loads, ILD for Bending Moment, Shear Force, normal thrust and radial shear for three hinged
Module III
Strain energy method, Virtual work method, unit load method, Betti’s and Maxwell’s laws, Castigliano’s
theorem, concept of minimum potential energy. Analysis of redundant plane trusses.
Deflection of pin jointed plane trusses. Analytical method and Williot –Mohr diagram. Introduction to
space truss
Text Books:
1. Theory and Problems in Structural Analysis by L Negi, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Structural Analysis by Norris and Wilber
Refernce Books:
3. Structural Analysis by V. S. Prasad, Galgotia Publications Private Limited
4. Analysis of Structure by R C Hibller
PCCE4205 Surveying - I
Module I
Linear measurement and chain survey: Use of various types of chains and tapes, measurement of correct
length of lines, direct and indirect ranging, chaining along sloping ground. Obstacle in chaining, errors and
their elimination.
Compass surveying: Use of prismatic compass, temporary adjustment, bearing of a line, local attractions,
correction of bearing
Plane table surveying: Methods of plane tabling, radiations, intersection, traversing and resection, two
point and three point problem. Adjustment and common error in plane table survey.
Module II
Levelling: Use of dumpy level and levelling staff. Temporary and Permanent adjustment of dumpy level,
Reduction of levels by height of instrument and rise and fall method. Curvature and refraction error,
sensitiveness of level tube, reciprocal levelling, levelling difficulties and common errors
Module III
Theodolite Survey: Use of theodolite, temporary adjustment, measuring horizontal and vertical angles,
theodolite traversing
Text Books:
1. “A Text Book of Surveying-I”, S.K.Duggal, TMH Publisher
2. Surveying- Vol-1, B.C. Punmia
Reference Books:
3. Surveying and Levelling Vol-1, T. P. Kanetkar and S. V. Kulkarni
4. Surveying Vol-1 by R Agor
PCCE4206 Geotechnical Engineering
Module 1:
Origin of Soil and Grain Size: Rock Cycle and the origin of soil, soil particle size, clay minerals, mechanical analysis
of soil, grain size distribution curve, particle shape, weight volume relationships, specific gravity, unit weight, void
ratio, moisture content, and relationships, relative density, Consistency of soil: Atterberg limits - liquid limit, plastic
limit, shrinkage limit. Liquidity index and consistency index, activity, soil structure. Engineering classification of soil:
IS, USCS, HRB and ASTM. ( 8 Hours)
Soil Hydraulics: Modes of occurrence of water in soil. Stress conditions in soil- total, effective and neutral stresses
and relationships. Permeability - Bernaulli's equation, Darcy's Law, hydraulic conductivity, laboratory determination
of hydraulic conductivity, equivalent hydraulic conductivity in stratified soil. Seepage- Laplace equation of continuity,
flow nets, seepage calculation from a flow net, flow nets in anisotropic soils, seepage through earth dam, critical
hydraulic gradient and quick sand condition. (6 Hours)
Module II:
Soil Compaction: mechanism and principles, Standard and Modified Proctor Test, factors affecting compaction,
effect of compaction on soil properties, field compaction techniques. (4 Hours)
Consolidation of soils: Consolidation and compaction, primary and secondary consolidation, Terzhaghi's theory of
one dimensional consolidation, consolidation test, determination of coefficient of consolidation. (4 Hours)
Stresses in Soil: Normal and shear stresses on a plane, Boussinesq's solution for a point load, line load, strip load,
uniformly loaded circular and rectangular areas, Isobar and pressure bulb concept, stress distribution on horizontal
and vertical planes, Newmark's chart and its application, contact pressure. (6 Hours)
Module III
Shear Strength: Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, shear strength parameters and determination: direct and tri-axial
shear test, unconfined compression test, vane shear test. Other methods of determining the un-drained shear
strength of soil, sensitivity and thixotropy of clay. (
7 Hours)
Stability of Slopes: Terminology, stability of finite and infinite slopes, Swedish slip circle method and friction circle
method of analysis of slopes, Taylor stability Number and stability curves, Bishops Method. (7 Hours)
Text Books:
(1) Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Braja M. Das, Thomson/ Brooks Cole
(2) Geotechnical Engineering by T.N. Ramamurthy & T.G. Sitharam,S. Chand & Co.
Reference Books:
(3) Geotechnical Engineering by Donald P. Coduto, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall
(4) Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering by B. C Punmia et al., Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd
Free Electives (any one)
MODULE – I (9 Hours)
1. Diode Circuits: Zener Diode Voltage Regulator, Diode Circuits with Time-Varying Sources,
Switching Characteristics of a Diode, Special Purpose Diodes , Rectifiers and Filters. (4 Hours)
2. Small Signal Amplifier: Transistor Hybrid Model, Transistor Biasing, Bias Design, AC Gain, Input
and Output Impedances, Some Special Circuits, Darlington Pairs and Feedback Pairs, Frequency
Response of Single Stage RC Coupled Amplifiers and Multistage Transistor Amplifiers. (5 Hours)
MODULE – II (12 Hours)
3. Large Signal Amplifiers: Classification, Class-A and Class-B Power Amplifiers Complimentary
and Symmetry Amplifiers, Class-C Amplifiers. . (4 Hours)
4. Feed Back Amplifiers and Oscillators: Feedback Concepts, Types of Feedback Circuits, Effects of
Negative Feedback Circuits, Unijunction Oscillator and PLL. (4 Hours)
5. Operational Amplifier: Basic Operational Amplifier, Differential Amplifier, Basic Operational
Amplifier Circuits, Application of OPAMPs, Linear Application of OPAMPs, OPAMP Filters.
(4 Hours)
MODULE – III (13 Hours)
6. Conditional Circuits: Introduction to Digital Electronics Circuits, K-maps and their
Simplification, Adder, Subtractors, Digital Comparator Circuits, Parity
Checkers/Generators, Multiplexers and Decoders, Demultiplexers/Decoders,
Programmable Logic Arrays. (5
7. Sequential Circuits and Systems: Introduction, Memory Cells and Flip-Flops,
Resistors, Counters, Asynchronous Counters, State Diagrams, Memories, ROM and
RAM, Digital to Analog and Analog to Digital Converters (DAC and ADC ).
(5 Hours)
8. Multivibrators and Switching Regulators: Multivibrators, Analog Multivibrators, 555
Timer, Power Supply and Regulators (3 Hours)
Text Books:
1. Electronics: Analog and Digital, I.J. Nagrath (Selected portions of Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11), PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits, 2nd Edition, J. Millman, C. Halkias, and S. Jit, Tata McGraw
Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9th/10th Edition, R.L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky, Pearson
Education, New Delhi.
3. Digital Fundamentals, 5th Edition, T.L. Floyd and R.P. Jain, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
4. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, 2nd Edition, A. Anand Kumar, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
BECS2208 Database Management System
Text Books:
(1) Database System Concepts by Sudarshan, Korth (McGraw-Hill Education )
(2) Fundamentals of Database System By Elmasari & Navathe- Pearson Education
References Books:
(1) An introduction to Database System – Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications
(2) Database System: concept, Design & Application by S.K.Singh (Pearson Education)
(3) Database management system by leon &leon (Vikas publishing House).
(4) Fundamentals of Database Management System – Gillenson, Wiley India
(5) Database Modeling and Design: Logical Design by Toby J. Teorey, Sam S. Lightstone, and Tom Nadeau, “”,
4th Edition, 2005, Elsevier India Publications, New Delhi
BEEE2215 Energy Conversion Techniques
MODULE- I (10 Hrs)
1. DC GENERATORS: Constructional features and operating principles, EMF equation, No
Load Characteristics for Separately Excited DC Generator and DC Shunt Generator,
Conditions for Self Excitation, Critical Resistance and Critical Speed, Losses and
2. DC MOTORS: Speed~Armature Current, Torque~Armature Current and Speed~Torque
Characteristic for (i) Separately Excited DC Motor, (ii) DC Shunt Motor, (iii) DC Series
Motor, Starting, Speed control and application of DC motor.
Text Book :
1. Electric Machines – D P Kothari & I J Nagrath – Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Book(s):
2. The Performance and Design of DC Machines – A E Clayton.
3. Theory and Performance of AC Machines – M G Say
4. Electrical Machinery – P S Bimbhra – Khanna Publishers.
5. Electrical Machines – P K Mukherjee and S Chakravorti – Dhanpat Rai Publications.
6. Electric Machinery – Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley Jr., S. D. Umans – Tata Mc Graw Hill.
7. Electric Machinery And Transformers – Guru & Hiziroglu – Oxford University Press.
8. Electric Machines – Charles Hubert – Pearson Education
PCCE7209 Material Testing Lab
Brick: (a) Shape and size test for brick
(b) Water absorption test for brick
(c) Compressive strength of brick
1. Determination of Coefficient of Discharge for V-notch
2. Determination of Coefficient of Discharge for Venturimeter
3. Impact of Jets
4. Flow through orifice
1. Proof of Stoke’s law
2. Work done by Pelton Wheel Turbine
3. Efficiency of Francis Turbine.
4. Discharge through Centrifugal Pump.
PCCE7205 Survey Field Work
1. Testing of chain measurement of correct length of the line
2. Traversing by chain survey
3. Traversing by compass survey
4. Intersection method of plane table survey
5. Traversing by plane table
6. Use of dumpy level and fly leveling
7. Longitudinal Section and Cross Section of Road
8. Contouring
9. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angle by theodolite
10. Traversing by the odolite
Free Elective – II (Any One) 3-0-0 3 Free Elective – II (Any One) 3-0-0 3
PCCS4301 Computer Organization HSSM3302 Optimization in Engineering
PCIT4303 Java Programming PEME5309 Non-conventional Energy sources
FESM6302 Advance Numerical Methods PEIT5301 E Commerce & ERP
PCCI7301 Concrete & Structural Engg Lab. 0-0-3 2 PCCI7305 Environmental Engineering Lab. 0-0-3 2
PCCI7302 Geotechnical Engineering Lab. 0-0-3 2 PCCI7306 Transportation Engineering Lab- I. 0-0-3 2
PCCI7303 Design & Detailing of Concrete StructureLab 0-0-3 2 PCCI7304 Design & Detailing of Steel Structure Lab 0-0-3 2
Module – I
Ecological Concepts: Biotic components, Ecosystem Process: Energy, Food Chain,
Water cycle, Oxygen cycle, Nitrogen cycle etc., Environmental gradients, Tolerance
levels of environment factor, EU, US and Indian Environmental Law. Chemistry in
Environmental Engineering: Atmospheric chemistry, Soil chemistry. Noise pollution-
Noise standards, measurement and control. Water Treatment: water quality standards
and parameters, Ground water. Water treatment processes, Pre-treatment of water,
Conventional process, Advanced water treatment process.
Module – II
(a)Waste Water Treatment: DO and BOD of Waste water treatment process,
pretreatment, primary and secondary treatment of waste water, Activated sludge
treatment: Anaerobic digestion, Reactor configurations and methane production.
(b)Air Pollution : Air pollution and pollutants, criteria pollutants, Acid deposition, Global
climate change –greenhouse gases, non-criteria pollutants, air pollution meteorology,
Atmospheric dispersion. Industrial Air Emission Control. Flue gas desulphurization, NOx
removal, Fugitive emissions.
(c) Solid waste, Hazardous waste management, Solid Waste Management, Source
classification and composition of MSW: Separation, storage and transportation, Reuse
and recycling, Waste Minimization Techniques. Hazardous Waste Management,
Hazardous waste and their generation, Transportation and treatment: Incinerators,
Inorganic waste treatment. E.I.A., Environmental auditing,
Module – III
Occupational Safety and Health Acts, Safety procedures, Type of Accidents, Chemical
and Heat Burns, Prevention of Accidents involving Hazardous substances, Human error
and Hazard Analysis. Hazard Control Measures in integratednsteel industry, Petroleum
Refinery, L.P.G. Bottling, Pharmaceutical industry. Fire Prevention – Detection,
Extinguishing Fire, Electrical Safety, Product Safety. Safety Management- Safety
Handling and Storage of Hazardous Materials, Corrosive Substances, Gas Cylinders,
Hydro Carbons and Wastes. Personal Protective Equipments.
Text Book :
1. Environmental Engineering Irwin/ McGraw Hill International Edition, 1997, G. Kiely,
2. Environmental Engineering by Prof B.K. Mohapatra, Dhanpat Rai & Co Publication
3. Industrial Safety Management, L. M. Deshmukh, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
Reference Books
1. Environmental Engineering by Arcadio P. Sincero & Gergoria A. Sincero PHI Publication
2. Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, M. L. Davis and S. J. Masen,
McGraw Hill International Edition, 2004
3. Environmental Science, Curringham & Saigo, TMH,
4. Man and Environment by Dash & Mishra
5. An Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science by Gilbert M. Masters &
Wendell P. Ela - PHI Publication.
6. Industrial Safety Management and Technology, Colling. D A – Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Business Organization & Management, CR Basu, TMH
2. Business Organization & Management, Tulsia, Pandey, Pearson
3. Marketing Management, Kotler, Keller, Koshi, Jha, Pearson
4. Financial Management, I.M. Pandey, Vikas
5. Human Resource Management, Aswasthapa, TMH.
6. Modern Business Organisation & Management by Sherlekar, Himalaya
Publishing House.
Module I
Theories of failure: Maxm principal stress theory, maxm shear stress theory, maxm
strain theory, total strain energy theory, maxm distortion theory, octahedral shear stress
theory graphical representation and comparision of theories of failure
Module II
Curved Beam: Bending of beam with large initial curvature, Stress distribution in beam
with rectangular, circular and trapezoidal cross section, stresses in crane hooks, ring
and chain links.
Module III
Advanced topics in strength of materials: Repeated stresses and fatigue in metals,
concept of stress, Concentration, notch and stress concentration factors.
Experimental stress analysis: Resistance strain gauges, strain Rosettes, Two
dimensional photoelastic methods of stress analysis, stress optic law, light and dark
field in a polariscope, Isoclinic and Isochromatic fringe patterns, Computer Analysis of
strain from strain rosette measurement.
1 Advanced Mechanics of Solids, L.S. Srinath, TMG.
2. Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Kumar & Ghai, Khanna Publisher.
3. Advanced Mechanics of Materials: Seely and Smith, John Willey, New York.
4. Mechanics of Materials by Gere & Timoshenko, CBS.
Modes of transportation, importance of highway transportation, history of road
construction. Principle of highway planning, road development plans, highway
alignments requirements, engineering surveys for highway location.
Geometric design- Design controls, highway cross section elements, cross slope or
camber, road width, road margins, typical cross sections of roads, design speed, sight
distance, design of horizontal and vertical alignments, horizontal and vertical curves.
Highway Materials:-
Properties of subgrade , sub-base , base course and surface course materials , test on
subgrade soil, aggregates and bituminous materials .
Traffic Engineering definition , fundamentals of traffic flow , traffic management,
prevention of road accidents , elements of transport planning , highway drainage,
pavement failures and maintenance , strengthening.
Factors affecting flexible pavement and rigid pavement design. Introduction to IRC
method of pavement design. Construction procedure of flexible and rigid pavements.
Bridge site selection, economic span of bridge , bridge superstructures , foundations ,
sub-structures and approaches.
Reference Books:
1. Highway Engineering, by S.K.Khanna and CEG Justo
2. A course in Highway Engineering by Dr. S.P. Bindra
3. Principles and practice of Bridge Engineering by Dr. S.P. Bindra
Module II : Design of doubly reinforced beams, design of T and L beams, design of one
way and two way slabs, design of staircases.
Module III: Design of short and long columns with axial and eccentric loadings, Design
of isolated and combined column footings
Reference Books:
1. Limit State Design-A.K.Jain, Neemchand & Bros, Roorkee
2. Design of concrete structures by J.N.Bandyopadhyay, PHI pvt ltd.
3. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete -P.C Verghese
4. RCC Design-B.C.Punmia, A.K.Jain and A.K.Jain-Laxmi Publications
5. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Pillai & Mennon, TMH Publ
Tacheometry: General principles of stadia system, determination of tacheometric
constants, analytic lens, fixed and movable hair methods, inclined sights with
staff vertical, inclined sight with staff normal to the line of sight, tangential
system, errors in tacheometer
Curves: Types of curves, elements of curve, different methods of setting out
simple circular curves, compound curves, reverse curves, transition curves, types
of transition curves, super elevation, vertical curves.
Triangulation: Classification of triangulation system, operation in triangulation
survey, reconnaissance, selection of site for base line, its measurement and
extension, correction to base line measurement using EDM and Total station,
selection of stations, triangulation figures, scaffolds and signals, marking of
stations, inter visibility, strength of figures, reduction to centre.
Theory of Errors: Definitions, law of weight, probable errors, most probable
value, distribution of error, normal equations, method of least square
Setting out of work: Laying out of buildings and sewer lines.
Photogrammetry: Basic concepts, type of photographs, Terrestrial
Photogrammetry, Aerial Photogrammetry: stereoscopy and parallax.
Books :
1. Surveying Volume II and III : B.C. Punmia
2. Surveying –Volume II: S.K.Duggal, TMH Publ
3. Advance Surveying : R. Agor
Reference Books:
1. Remote Sensing And GIS, M.A. Reddy, B.S. Publication, Hyderabad
2. Introduction Of GIS, Kang-Tsung Chang, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi
3. GIS, N. Panigrahi, University Press, Hyderabad
Module – II 12 Hrs
Arithmetic : Addition and subtraction of signed Numbers, Design of Fast Adders,
Multiplication of positive Numbers, Signed-operand multiplication , Fast multiplication,
Integer Division, Floating- point Numbers, (IEEE754 s…) and operations.
Module - II 12 Hrs
Multi Threading: Java Thread Model, Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Creating a
thread, Creating Multiple threads, Using isAlive ( ) and join ( ), wait () & notify ( ).
String Handling: String constructors, String length, Character Extraction, String
Comparison, Modifying a string.
Java I/O: Classes & Interfaces, Stream classes, Byte streams, Character streams,
JDBC: Fundamentals, Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV drivers.
Networking: Basics, Socket overview, Networking classes, & interfaces, TCP/IP client
sockets, whois, URL format, URL connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets.
Text Book:
1. L.V. Fausett,” Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB”, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1. W.Cheney and D. Kincaid,”Numerical Mathematics and Computing”, Fifth
Edition, Thomson/CENGAGE Learning
2. S.C.Chapra,”Applied numerical methods with MATLAB”, second edition, Tata
McGraw Hills
3. R.J. Schilling and S.L.Harris,”Applied Numerical Methods for Engineering”,
CENGAGE learning
1. Workability test of concrete
Slump test, compaction factor test and flow table test
2. Cube Test of Concrete(Nominal Mix)
3. Cylinder Test for Concrete(Nominal Mix): Determination of axial stress,
longitudinal strain, lateral strain and Poision’s ratio. Plotting of stress-strain curve
and determination of modulus of elasticity.
4. Split Tensile Strength Test of Concrete
5. Prism test for determining modulus of rupture of concrete
6. Design of Concrete Mix (As per Indian Standard Method)
7. Failure of RC beam in bending and shear (two point and one point loading)