GPS500 PilotsGuide PDF
GPS500 PilotsGuide PDF
GPS500 PilotsGuide PDF
This manual reflects the operation of Main System Software version 6.03 or later. Some differences may be observed when
comparing the information in this manual to other software versions.
Garmin International, Inc., 1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062 USA
p: 913.397.8200 f: 913.397.8282
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p: +44/ (0) 870.8501241 f: +44/ (0) 870.8501251
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p: 886/2.2642.9199 f : 886/2.2642-9099
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Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or
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to download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to
be viewed for personal use, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual or revision must contain the complete text
of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is
strictly prohibited.
Garmin®, AutoLocate®, and PhaseTrac12® are registered trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not be used
without the express permission of Garmin.
Spell’N’Find™ is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
NavData® is a registered trademark of Jeppesen, Inc.
WARNING: Navigation and terrain separation must NOT be predicated upon the use of the TAWS function.
The TAWS feature is NOT intended to be used as a primary reference for terrain avoidance and does not relieve
the pilot from the responsibility of being aware of surroundings during flight. The TAWS feature is only to be
used as an aid for terrain avoidance and is not certified for use in applications requiring a certified terrain
awareness system. Terrain data is obtained from third party sources. Garmin is not able to independently
verify the accuracy of the terrain data.
WARNING: The terrain data should be used only as an aid for situational awareness. Terrain data must not
be used as the sole basis for decisions or maneuvers to avoid terrain or obstacles. Terrain data must not be
used for navigation.
WARNING: The altitude calculated by GPS 500 GPS receivers is geometric height above Mean Sea Level and
could vary significantly from the altitude displayed by pressure altimeters in aircraft. GPS altitude should never
be used for vertical navigation. Always use pressure altitude displayed by pressure altimeters in the aircraft.
WARNING: The Jeppesen database used in the GPS 500 system must be updated regularly in order to ensure
that its information remains current. Updates are released every 28 days. A database information packet is
included in the GPS 500 package. Pilots using an outdated database do so entirely at their own risk.
WARNING: The basemap (land and water data) must not be used for navigation, but rather only for non-
navigational situational awareness. Any basemap indication should be compared with other navigation
WARNING: For safety reasons, GPS 500 operational procedures must be learned on the ground.
WARNING: The United States government operates the Global Positioning System and is solely responsible
for its accuracy and maintenance. The GPS system is subject to changes which could affect the accuracy and
performance of all GPS equipment. Portions of the Garmin GPS 500 utilize GPS as a precision electronic
NAVigation AID (NAVAID). Therefore, as with all NAVAIDs, information presented by the GPS 500 can be
misused or misinterpreted and, therefore, become unsafe.
WARNING: Use the GPS 500, Weather Data Link Interface, TIS, and TAWS at your own risk. To reduce the risk
of unsafe operation, carefully review and understand all aspects of the GPS 500 Pilot’s Guide documentation
and the GPS 500 Flight Manual Supplement. Thoroughly practice basic operation prior to actual use. During
flight operations, carefully compare indications from the GPS 500 to all available navigation sources, including
the information from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, charts, etc. For safety purposes, always resolve any
discrepancies before continuing navigation.
CAUTION: The GPS 500 display lens is coated with a special anti-reflective coating that is very sensitive to
COATING. It is very important to clean the lens using a clean, lint-free cloth and an eyeglass lens cleaner that
is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings.
CAUTION: The Garmin GPS 500 does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by
an authorized Garmin service center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could void both the warranty and
the pilot’s authority to operate this device under FAA/FCC regulations.
NOTE: All visual depictions contained within this document, including screen images of the GPS 500 panel and
displays, are subject to change and may not reflect the most current GPS 500 system. Depictions of equipment
may differ slightly from the actual equipment.
NOTE: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: Unless otherwise specified within this manual, the term ‘GPS 500’ applies to both the GPS 500 and the
GPS 500 TAWS models. The functionality of the TAWS models is covered in Section 11.
NOTE: This product, its packaging, and its components contain chemicals known to the State of California to
cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. This notice is being provided in accordance with California’s
Proposition 65. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please refer to our website at
1.2 Key and Knob Functions Experiment with the unit and refer to the reference
sections for more information.
The GPS 500 is designed to make operation as simple Data is entered using the large and small knobs.
as possible. The key and knob descriptions (Figure Experiment with them to become efficient at entering data.
1-1) provide a general overview of the primary function(s) This greatly reduces the amount of time spent operating
for each key and knob. The takeoff tour (Section 1.3) the GPS 500 in flight.
is intended to provide a brief overview of the primary
functions of the GPS 500.
9 10 11 12 13 14 8
Figure 1-1 Keys and Knobs
` NOTE: Data is entered using the large and 1.3 Takeoff Tour
small right knobs (Figure 1-2). Experiment with
them to become efficient at entering data. This Overview
will greatly reduce the amount of time spent
operating the 500 Series in flight. The Garmin GPS 500 provides the pilot accurate
navigational data and communication capability, along
with non-precision and precision approach certification
in the IFR environment. The takeoff tour is designed to
familiarize the pilot with:
• Powering up the unit
• Changing frequencies
• Entering data
• Performing a simple direct-to
• Selecting IFR procedures
Figure 1-2 Blank Direct-to Page
• Using some limited flight plans
NOTE: When the GPS 500 is displaying a list In addition, this section briefly covers the Default NAV
of information that is too long for the display Page, the Map Page, and the NAV/COM Page, which are
screen, a scroll bar appears along the right-hand available as part of the NAV Page Group. These pages are
side of the display (Figure 1-3). The scroll bar
used for most of the in-flight navigation.
graphically indicates the number of additional
items available within the selected category. To The takeoff tour assumes that the unit and antennas
scroll through the list, press the small right knob have been properly installed and that the GPS 500’s
to activate the cursor, then turn the large right default settings have not been changed. If any of the
knob. factory default settings (position format, units of measure,
selectable fields, etc.) have been changed, the pictures
Scroll Bar shown here may not exactly match what is shown on
the GPS 500. Prior to using the GPS 500 for the first
time, Garmin recommends that the aircraft be moved to a
location that is well away from buildings and other aircraft
so the unit can collect satellite data without interruption.
This takeoff tour is intended to provide a brief
introduction of the GPS 500’s major features. Sections
2 through 12 of this manual describe these features and
others in additional detail. Refer to these sections, as
Figure 1-3 Scroll Bar needed to learn or review the details regarding a particular
After becoming familiar with the basics, some suggested The Database Versions Page (Figure 1-5) appears
reading within this Pilot’s Guide includes: next, which shows the current database information on
• Flight plan features - Section 4 the NavData Card and Terrain Data Cards. Database
information highlighted in yellow indicates the database
• IFR procedures - Section 5 is not within its effective dates. The NavData database is
• Waypoint information pages (database updated every 28 days and must be current for approved
information) - Section 6 instrument approach operations. Information on database
• Unit settings (configuring the unit to the pilot’s subscriptions is available inside the GPS 500 package.
preferences) - Section 8
If more information is needed, Garmin’s Customer
Service staff is available during normal business hours
(U.S. Central time zone) at the phone and fax numbers
listed on page ii. Garmin can also be reached by mail
(page ii) or at our website address,
Powering on the GPS 500
The GPS 500’s Power Knob is located at the top left
corner of the unit. Turning the Power Knob clockwise
Figure 1-5 Database Versions Page
turns unit power on. After turning the unit on, a welcome
page appears briefly while the unit performs a self test,
followed sequentially by the Unit Type Page (Figure Acknowledging the database information:
1-4) and the Software Version Page. Then (depending Press the ENT Key.
on configuration) the Weather Page, the Traffic Page, the
Aviation Database Page, and the Land/Terrain/Obstacles
Database Page are sequentially displayed.
Check CDI/HSI, RMI, and Fuel Capacity is Instrument Panel Self-test Page
Other Instruments to verify entered manually
these Indications
Once the database has been acknowledged, the
Instrument Panel Self-test Page appears (Figure 1-6).
Fuel On-Board
and Fuel Flow To ensure that the GPS 500 and any connected
are Provided instruments are working properly, check for the following
by Sensors, if
Installed indications on the CDI/HSI, RMI, external annunciators,
Select to Set and other connected instruments:
Fuel Level to
Full Capacity • Course deviation - Half left/no flag
• TO/FROM flag - TO
Select to display
Checklists Page • Bearing to destination - 135°
Should Match Current
OBS Course Selection • Distance to destination - 10.0 nm
Figure 1-6 Instrument Panel Self-Test Page • All external annunciators (if installed) - On
• Glideslope - Half up/no flag
• Time to destination - 4 minutes
• Desired track - 149.5°
• Ground speed - 150 knots
The Instrument Panel Self-test Page indicates the
currently selected OBS course, fuel capacity (CAP), fuel
on board (FOB), and fuel flow (FF). The fuel capacity,
fuel on board, and fuel flow may be manually entered if
the installation does not include connection to sensors
which automatically provide these figures.
Entering fuel capacity, fuel on board,
or fuel flow figures (if not provided by
1) Turn the large right knob to select the Fuel
Capacity, Fuel on Board, or Fuel Flow field.
2) Turn the small and large right knobs to enter
the desired figure (Figure 1-7) and press the
ENT Key.
Satellite Status Page Status Page displays a ‘Search Sky’ status, and the message
annunciator (MSG), above the MSG Key also flashes to
The Satellite Status Page (Figure 1-10) appears as the
alert the pilot of system message, ‘Searching the Sky’.
GPS 500 attempts to collect satellite information.
When an ‘Acquiring’ status is displayed on the Satellite Viewing a system message:
Status Page, the signal strengths of any satellites received Press the MSG Key (Figure 1-11).
appear as ‘bar graph’ readings. This is a good indication
that the unit is receiving signals and a position fix is being The Message Page appears and displays the status or
determined. Following the first-time use of the GPS 500, warning information applicable to the receiver’s current
the time required for a position fix varies, usually from operating condition.
one to two minutes.
The bottom right corner of the screen (Figure 1-12) • NAV/COM Page
indicates which page group (Table 1-1) is currently being • Satellite Status Page
displayed, the number of pages available within that group
The Default NAV Page, the Map Page, and the NAV/
(indicated by square icons), and the placement of the
COM Page are used for most of the in-flight navigation.
current page within that group (indicated by a highlighted
square icon). Selecting the NAV Page Group and
In addition to the NAV Page Group, additional page groups displaying the Default NAV Page:
are available for waypoint information (WPT), auxiliary Press and hold the CLR Key.
(AUX) functions such as flight planning or unit settings, and
Selecting the desired NAV Page:
listings for nearest (NRST) airports or other facilities.
Turn the small right knob until the desired
page is displayed.
Map Page While viewing the Map Page, the pilot can quickly
declutter and remove many of the background map details
After the GPS 500 acquires satellites and computes
by pressing the CLR Key (repeatedly) until the desired
a position, the Map Page (Figure 1-13) appears
detail is depicted.
To change the map range, press the up arrow (to zoom
Map Display Data out) or the down arrow (to zoom in) of the RNG (map
range) Key. The current map range is depicted in the
lower left corner of the Map Display.
Direct-to Navigation
Present The GPS 500 can use direct point-to-point navigation
Position to provide guidance from takeoff to touchdown, even
in the IFR environment. Once a destination is selected,
Desired Track the unit provides speed, course, and distance data based
Map Range upon a direct course from the present position to the
destination. A destination can be selected from any page
Figure 1-13 Map Page with the Direct-to Key.
Selecting a direct-to destination:
The Map Page displays the present position (using an
airplane symbol) relative to nearby airports, VORs, NDBs, 1) Press the Direct-to Key. The Select Direct-to
intersections, user waypoints, and airspace boundaries. Waypoint Page appears with the destination
The route is displayed as a solid line. field highlighted.
Optional data fields for destination waypoint (WPT), 2) Turn the small right knob to enter the first
desired track (DTK), track (TRK), distance to waypoint letter of the destination waypoint identifier.
(DIS), and ground speed (GS) appear on the right-hand The destination waypoint may be an airport,
side of the display. These fields are user selectable (Section VOR, NDB, intersection, or user waypoint,
2.4, Selecting Desired On-screen Data) to allow the pilot as long as it is in the database or stored in
to configure the unit. Available settings include: altitude, memory as a user waypoint.
bearing, enroute safe altitude, estimated time of arrival, 3) Turn the large right knob to the right to move
minimum safe altitude, and ground track. the cursor to the next character position.
A Map Setup Page is provided to designate the
maximum range at which each map feature appears.
These settings provide an automatic decluttering of the
map (based upon preferences) while adjusting the range.
See Section 14.3 for definitions of these navigation terms.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 to spell out the rest of Default NAV Page
the waypoint identifier (Figure 1-14).
During most flights, the Default NAV Page, the Map
Page, and the NAV/COM Page are the primary pages used
for navigation.
Selecting the Default NAV Page:
Press and hold the CLR Key (Figure
User-Selectable Data Fields (all four corners)
3) Continue turning the small right knob to select Figure 1-21 Procedures Page
the desired airport and press the ENT Key. The steps required to select and activate an approach,
departure, or arrival are identical. This introductory
section shows examples of the steps required to select an
approach, but keep in mind the same process also applies
to departures and arrivals.
Selecting an approach, departure, or
1) Turn the large right knob to select the desired
option (‘Select Approach?’, ‘Select Arrival?’,
or ‘Select Departure?’) from the Procedures
2) Press the ENT Key to display a list of
available procedures for the arrival (when using
approaches or STARs) or departure (when using
SIDs) airport.
3) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
procedure and press the ENT Key.
The Nearest Airport Page may be used in conjunction Nearest (NRST) Airspace Page
with the Direct-to Key to quickly set a course to a nearby
The last page in the NRST group, the Nearest Airspace
facility in an in-flight emergency. Selecting a nearby
Page (Figure 1-27), provides information for up to nine
airport as a direct-to destination overrides the flight plan
controlled or special-use airspaces near or in the flight
or cancels a previously selected direct-to destination. (The
path. Airspace information appears on this page based on
pilot still has the option of returning to the flight plan
the same criteria used for airspace alert messages:
by cancelling the direct-to; see Section 3.1, Cancelling
Direct-to Navigation.) • If the projected course will take the aircraft inside
an airspace within the next ten minutes, the
Selecting a nearby airport as a direct-to message ‘Airspace ahead -- less than 10 minutes’
destination from the Nearest Airport Page: appears.
1) From the Nearest Airport Page, press the small
• If the aircraft is within 2 nm of an airspace and the
right knob to activate the cursor.
current course will take it inside of the airspace,
2) Turn the large right knob to select the desired the message ‘Airspace near and ahead’ appears.
airport from the list.
• If the aircraft is within 2 nm of an airspace and
3) Press the Direct-to Key. the current course will not take it inside of the air-
4) Press the ENT Key. space, the message ‘Near airspace less than 2nm’
5) Press the ENT Key (again) to navigate to the appears.
nearby airport. • If the aircraft has entered an airspace, the message
Selecting a nearby airport as a direct-to ‘Inside airspace’ appears.
destination from an Airport Information
1) Press the Direct-to Key.
2) Press the ENT Key (Figure 1-26).
By default, airspace alert messages are turned off. When Flight Plans (FPL)
turned on, the message (MSG) annunciator located directly
The GPS 500 lets the pilot create up to 20 flight plans
above the MSG Key flashes to alert the pilot to the airspace
with up to 31 waypoints in each flight plan. Flight plans
message. See Section 8.4, Setup Page: Airspace Alarms for
are created, edited, and activated using the FPL Key. The
information on enabling airspace alert messages.
FPL Page Group includes two pages: the Active Flight Plan
Viewing an airspace alert message: Page and the Flight Plan Catalog Page (Figures 1-29 and
1) Press the MSG Key. The Messages Page 1-30). The Active Flight Plan Page provides information
appears with the alert message (Figure and editing features for the flight plan currently in use
1-28). (referred to as ‘flight plan 00’). The Flight Plan Catalog
Page serves as the main page for creating new flight plans,
as well as editing or activating previously created flight
Since using flight plans is arguably one of the more 7) Repeat steps 5 and 6, above, until all waypoints
complex features of the GPS 500, it will be discussed only for the flight plan have been entered (Figure
briefly here, with focus on creating a new flight plan and 1-32).
activating it to use for navigation. Answers to additional
questions about flight plans not found in this brief
introduction can be found in Section 4, Flight Plans.
Creating a new flight plan:
1) Press the FPL Key.
2) Turn the small right knob to select the Flight
Plan Catalog Page.
3) Press the MENU Key to display the Flight Plan
Catalog Page Menu (Figure 1-31).
Figure 1-32 Enter Flight Plan Waypoints
SECTION 2: NAV PAGES Selecting the desired page group (from any
Press and hold the CLR Key to select the
2.1 Main Page Groups Default NAV Page. Turn the large right knob
The GPS 500’s main pages are divided into four to select the desired page group (Table 2-1 and
separate page groups: NAV, WPT, AUX, and NRST Figure 2-1).
(Table 2-1). Each page group is comprised of multiple Selecting the desired page within the
pages. The page groups are selected using the large right group:
knob. The individual pages are selected using the small Turn the small right knob to select the desired
right knob. page (Figure 2-1).
Page Groups The bottom right corner of the screen is also used to
display the GPS 500’s turn advisories (‘Turn to 230°’) and
NAV Group WPT Group AUX Group NRST Group
waypoint alerts (‘Next DTK 230°’) during flight plan and
5 NAV Pages see Section 6 see Section 8 see Section 7 approach operations (Figure 2-2). See Section 5 for more
Table 2-1 Page Groups information.
The bottom right corner of the screen (Figure 2-1)
indicates which page group is currently being displayed
(e.g., NAV, WPT, AUX, or NRST), the number of screens
available within that group (indicated by the square icons),
and the placement of the current screen within that group
(indicated by a highlighted square icon).
Turn Advisory
Figure 2-2 Turn Advisory
The graphic CDI shows the current position at the center Table 2-2 shows the symbols used on the Default NAV
of the indicator, relative to the desired course (the moving Page (directly above the CDI), to depict the ‘active leg’ of
course deviation needle). As with a traditional mechanical a flight plan or direct to.
CDI, when off course simply steer toward the needle.
The TO/FROM arrow in the center of the scale indicates Direct-to a Waypoint
whether the aircraft is heading TO (up arrow) or FROM the Course to a Waypoint, or Desired Course
waypoint (down arrow). between Two Waypoints
Directly above the CDI appears the active leg of the
flight plan, or the direct-to destination when using the Procedure Turn
Direct-to Key. This automatically sequences to the next Procedure Turn
leg of the flight plan as each interim waypoint is reached.
If no flight plan or direct-to destination has been selected, Vectors-to-Final
the destination field remains blank.
DME Arc to the Left
Quickly selecting the Default NAV Page
from any page: DME Arc to the Right
Press and holding the CLR Key. Left-hand Holding Pattern
Selecting Desired On-Screen Data Selecting a different data item for any data
At the bottom of the Default NAV Page there are six
user-definable fields which display the data needed as 1) Starting with the Default NAV Page, press the
the flight progresses (Figure 2-3). By default these fields MENU Key to display the Default NAV Page
display: distance to destination (DIS), desired track Menu (Figure 2-5).
(DTK), bearing to destination (BRG), ground speed (GS),
ground track (TRK), and estimated time enroute (ETE).
However, each of these fields can be customized to display
a different data item. Available data items include:
• Bearing to destination (BRG)
• Course to steer (CTS)
• Cross track error (XTK)
• Desired track (DTK)
• Distance to destination (DIS) Figure 2-5 Default NAV Page Menu
• Enroute safe altitude (ESA)
2) The ‘Change Fields?’ option is already
• Estimated time of arrival (ETA) highlighted, so press the ENT Key to select
• Estimate time enroute (ETE) this option.
• Fuel flow (FLOW) (when configured) 3) Use the large right knob to highlight the data
field to be changed.
• Ground speed (GS)
4) Turn the small right knob to display the list
• Ground track (TRK) of available data items (Figure 2-6). Continue
• Minimum safe altitude (MSA) turning the small right knob to select the
• Track angle error (TKE) desired data item from the list.
• Vertical speed required (VSR)
If no flight plan or direct-to destination has been
selected, only speed, track, altitude, and minimum safe
altitude data may be displayed. All other data types appear
as blank lines on the Default NAV Page until a destination
is selected.
5) Press the ENT Key to select the desired data Auto Zoom
item and return to the Default NAV Page.
An auto zoom feature is available for the Default NAV
6) Press the small right knob momentarily to Page, which automatically adjusts from an enroute scale of
remove the cursor from the page. 200 nm through each lower scale, stopping at 5.0 nm as
you approach your destination waypoint. By default, the
Restoring Factory Settings
auto zoom feature is disabled.
All data fields settings can be quickly returned to
Enabling or disabling the auto zoom
original factory settings.
Restoring all six data fields to factory
1) From the Default NAV Page, press the MENU
default settings:
Key to display the options menu (Figure 2-8).
1) From the Default NAV Page, press the MENU
Key to display the Default NAV Page Menu.
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
‘Restore Defaults?’ option (Figure 2-7) and
press the ENT Key. Figure 2-8 Default NAV Page Menu
2.4 Map Page Table 2-3 shows the symbols used to depict the various
airports and NAVAIDS on the Map Page.
The second NAV page is the Map Page (Figure 2-9),
which displays the present position using an airplane Symbol Description
symbol, along with nearby airports, NAVAIDS, user- Airport with hard surface runway(s); (primary
defined waypoints, airspace boundaries, lakes, rivers, runway shown)
highways, and cities. Airport with soft surface runway(s) only
Map Display Private Airfield
Desired Track
Present VOR/DME
Map Range
Position of Current
Number of Pages in Page within Current VORTAC
Current Page Group Current Page Group Page Group
Figure 2-9 Map Page TACAN
An autozoom feature is available which automatically Quickly decluttering the Map Display:
adjusts from an enroute range of 2000 nm through Press the CLR Key momentarily (as often as
each lower range, stopping at a range of 1.0 nm when needed) to select the desired amount of map
approaching the destination waypoint. The autozoom detail.
feature is turned on/off from the Map Setup Page (described
in Section 2.4). The CLR Key allows the pilot to quickly declutter the
The Map Page also displays a background map (or Map Display, providing four levels of map detail. Note the
‘basemap’) showing lakes, rivers, coastlines, highways, ‘-1’ (‘-2’ and ‘-3’ are also provided) suffix designation in
railways, and towns. When a map range is selected below Figure 2-11, indicating each successive declutter level.
the lower limit at which the map detail was originally Map Detail Level
created, an ‘overzoom’ indication appears on the Map
Display, below the range reading (Figure 2-10). The
basemap has limited accuracy, and should not be used Figure 2-11 Detail Level on Map Page
for navigation, but only for non-navigational situational
awareness. Any basemap indication should be compared Five user-selectable data fields can be added to the
against other navigational sources for accuracy. Continuing right-hand side of the Map Display. By default, the
to zoom in to lower range settings will cause ‘overzoom’ to displayed data is: destination waypoint name (WPT),
be replaced with ‘no map’ and the geographic detail will desired track (DTK), ground track (TRK), distance to
be removed from the Map Display (airport and NAVAID destination waypoint (DIS), and ground speed (GS).
remain). Adding these data fields or changing the data types is
outlined in Section 2.4. The five data fields can also be
removed from the map to show a larger map image, as
shown in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-10 Overzoom on Map Page
3) ‘Review Airspace?’ should already be ‘Setup Map?’ allows configuration of the Map Display
highlighted, if not select it with the small to individual preferences, including map orientation,
right knob. Press the ENT Key to display the land data enable/disable, Jeppesen data enable/disable,
Airspace Information Page for the selected automatic zoom, airspace boundaries, and text size.
airspace. NOTE: Large, medium, and small classifications
4) To display the COM frequency(ies) for the are used on the GPS 500 for airports and cities.
controlling agency, turn the large right knob to Large airports are those with a runway longer
highlight ‘Frequencies?’ and press the ENT Key. than 8100 feet. Medium airports include those
Press the CLR Key to return to the Airspace with a runway longer than 5000 feet or with
Information Page. a control tower. Large cities are those with
approximate populations greater than 200,000
5) Press the CLR Key to exit the Airspace and medium cities with greater than 50,000.
Information Page.
The following settings are available for each group:
Map Setup
Many of the GPS 500’s functions are menu driven. Map Orientation, AutoZoom, Land Data,
Each of the main pages has an options menu, allowing Aviation Data
customization of the corresponding page to the pilot’s Weather Lightning Mode/Symbol
preferences and/or selection of special features which (when applicable)
specifically relate to that page. A Map Page Menu (Figure Traffic Traffic Mode/Symbol/Label
2-17) provides additional settings to customize the Map (when applicable)
Page and additional features related specifically to the
Map Page. Airport Large/Medium/Small Airports and
Displaying the Map Page Menu:
NAVAID VORs, NDBs, Intersections, and Text
Press the MENU Key with the Map Page Waypoint User Waypoints, Waypoint Text,
displayed (Figure 2-17). Flight Plan Wpts
Line Active Flight Plan, Lat/Long
Control Controlled Airspace: Class B, C, D
(tower zone)
Airspace Special-Use Airspace: Restricted,
Figure 2-17 Map Page Menu MOA, Other
The following options are available: ‘Setup Map?’, City Large/Medium/Small Cities and Text
‘Measure Dist?’, ‘Data Fields Off?’, ‘Change Fields?’, and Road Freeway, National Highway, Local
‘Restore Defaults?’. Hwy, Local Road
Other States/Prov, Rivers/Lakes, Railroads,
Wind Vector
Changing the map orientation: d) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected option
1) From the Map Page Menu, turn the large right (Figure 2-20)
knob to highlight ‘Setup Map?’ (Figure 2-17)
and press the ENT Key.
2) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Map’
(Figure 2-18) and press the ENT Key.
Figure 2-18 Map Setup Window . Figure 2-20 Map Setup Page
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the To enable/disable automatic zoom:
‘Orientation’ field. 1) From the Map Page Menu, turn the large right
4) Turn the small right knob to select the desired knob to highlight ‘Setup Map?’ and press the
option. ENT Key.
a) Select ‘DTK up’ to fix the top of the Map Display 2) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Map’ and
to the desired course. press the ENT Key.
b) Select ‘North up’ to fix the top of the Map 3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the ‘Auto
Display to a north heading. Zoom’ field.
c) Select ‘Track up’ (Figure 2-19) to adjust the 4) Turn the small right knob to select ‘On’ or
top of the Map Display to the current track ‘Off’.
heading. 5) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected option.
The automatic zoom feature automatically
adjusts the map range from 2000 nm through
each lower range, stopping at 1.0 nm when
approaching the destination waypoint.
Figure 2-19 Orientation Window
Enabling/disabling the wind vector, all 7) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
background land data, or all Jeppesen text size, or select ‘None’ to disable text
aviation data: descriptions.
1) From the Map Page Menu, turn the large right 8) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected
knob to highlight ‘Setup Map?’ and press the option.
ENT Key.
For airspace boundaries, highways, roads,
2) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Map’ and railroad lines, track log data, active flight
press the ENT Key. plan course lines, and lat/long grid lines:
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the 1) From the Map Page Menu, turn the large right
appropriate field. knob to highlight ‘Setup Map?’ and press the
4) Turn the small right knob to select ‘On’ or ENT Key.
‘Off’. 2) Turn the small right knob to select the
5) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected appropriate ‘Group’ name (per the table on
option. the preceding page) and press the ENT Key.
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the zoom
Displaying airports, NAVAIDs, active flight
field for the desired feature.
plan waypoints, user-created waypoints,
state/provincial boundaries, rivers/lakes, 4) Turn the small right knob to select the
and cities: maximum range at which the feature should
1) From the Map Page Menu, turn the large right appear on screen (or select ‘Off’ to never
knob to highlight ‘Setup Map?’ and press the display the selected feature).
ENT Key. 5) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected
2) Turn the small right knob to select the option.
appropriate ‘Group’ name (per the table on
the preceding page) and press the ENT Key.
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the zoom
field for the desired feature.
4) Turn the small right knob to select the
maximum range at which the feature should
appear on screen (or select ‘Off’ to never
display the selected feature).
5) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected
6) Turn the large right knob to highlight the text
field for the desired feature.
Distance Measurements 4) Again, use the small and large right knobs
The ‘Measure Dist?’ option provides a quick, easy to place the reference pointer at the desired
method for determining the bearing and distance between location to measure TO. The bearing and
any two points on the Map Display. distance from the first reference location
appears at the top of the Map Display.
Measuring bearing and distance between
two points: 5) To exit the ‘Measure Dist?’ option, press the
1) From the Map Page Menu, turn the large right small right knob.
knob to highlight ‘Measure Dist?’ (Figure 2-21).
Adding Data Fields to the Map
The ‘Data Fields On?’ option provides a Map Display
(Figure 2-23) with five user-selectable data fields along the
right-hand side of the screen. Select this option to display
additional on-screen data such as destination waypoint
name (WPT), desired track (DTK), groundtrack (TRK),
Figure 2-21 Map Page Menu distance to destination (DIS), and ground speed (GS). If
2) Press the ENT Key, an on-screen reference this option has been selected and the data fields are being
pointer appears on the Map Display at the displayed, ‘Data Fields Off?’ appears as an option instead.
present position.
3) Turn the small and large right knobs to place
the reference pointer at the desired location to
measure FROM and press the ENT Key (Figure
Displaying a 120˚ view: Seven display ranges are available, allowing for a
1) Select the TERRAIN Page and press the MENU more complete view of the surrounding area.
Key. Changing the display range:
2) Select ‘View 120˚?’ (Figure 2-28). Select the TERRAIN Page and press up or down
on the RNG Key to select the desired range:
1 nm, 2 nm, 5 nm, 10 nm, 25 nm, 50 nm,
100 nm (Figure 2-29).
Figure 2-31 TERRAIN Page Menu NOTE: Obstacle symbols are shown on display
zoom ranges up to 10 nm.
2) Press the ENT Key. The ‘TER INHB’ annunciation
is displayed in the annunciator field when
TERRAIN is inhibited (Figure 2-32).
Unlighted Lighted Unlighted
Annunciator Field Obstacles Obstacles Obstacles
<1000 feet AGL <1000 feet AGL >1000 feet AGL
2.6 TAWS Page • 120˚ View - View of terrain ahead of and 60˚ to
either side of the aircraft flight path
NOTE: GPS 500 units may* display either a
TERRAIN Page or a TAWS Page, (but not both) Red Terrain (Warning
- Terrain Above or Within GPS-derived
depending upon the installed hardware and 100’ Below Aircraft Altitude) MSL Altitude
TAWS Page Black Terrain
* Some earlier units are not equipped to support the Indication (No Danger
TERRAIN and/or TAWS functionality, so therefore will not - Terrain More
than 1000’ below
have a TERRAIN or TAWS page available. Aircraft Altitude)
TAWS Page Yellow Terrain
(Caution - Terrain
To display the TAWS Page, select the NAV Page Group Between 100’
and turn the small right knob until the TAWS Page is and 1000’ Below
Display Aircraft Altitude)
displayed (Figure 2-34). The TAWS Page displays: Range
• GPS-derived MSL altitude in increments of 20
feet or 10 meters, depending on unit configura-
Current Page Group Number of Pages in Position of Current
tion. The ‘G’ to right of the MSL altitude display Current Page Group Page within Current
reminds the pilot that altitude is GPS-derived. Page Group
Figure 2-34 TAWS Page
• Aircraft ground track
• Terrain Range - Indicates the terrain elevation in Displaying a 120˚ view:
colors relative to the aircraft altitude 1) Select the TAWS Page and press the MENU
• Range marking rings - (1 nm, 2 nm, 5 nm, 10 nm, Key.
25 nm, 50 nm, and 100 nm) 2) Select ‘View 120˚?’ (Figure 2-35).
• Heading Indicator - The heading indication on the
TAWS Page always displays ‘TRK’ for Track-up,
unless there is no valid heading
• Obstacles
• Potential Impact Points Figure 2-35 TAWS Page Menu
NOTE: See Section 11 for a full description of 3) Press the ENT Key. To switch back to a 360˚
TAWS functions. view, repeat step 1, select ‘View 360˚?, and
press the ENT Key.
Selectable Display Settings
NOTE: The TAWS Page gives a ‘Track Up’ display
The TAWS Page has two selectable view settings: orientation, as indicated by the ‘TRK’ label
• 360˚ View - View from above aircraft depicting shown on the display. This is the only orientation
surrounding terrain on all sides (Figure 2-34) available on this page.
Position of
Current Page
within Current
Page Group
Current Number of Pages in
Page Group Current Page Group
Figure 2-42 NAV/COM Page
Scrolling through the list of frequencies: If a listed frequency has sector or altitude restrictions,
1) Activate the cursor, if not already active, by the frequency is preceded by an ‘Info?’ designation.
pressing the small right knob. Viewing usage restrictions for a frequency:
2) Turn the large right knob to move the cursor 1) Turn the large right knob to place the cursor
through the list of frequencies. If there are on the ‘Info?’ designation directly in front of
more frequencies in the list that can be the desired frequency (Figure 2-45).
displayed on the screen, a scroll bar along the
right-hand side of the screen (Figure 2-44)
indicates which part of the list is currently being
Scroll Bar
Figure 2-44 Scroll Bar 2) Press the ENT Key to display the restriction
information (Figure 2-46).
Some listed frequencies may include designations for
limited usage, as follows:
• ‘TX’ - Transmit only
• ‘RX’ - Receive only
• ‘PT’ - Part time frequency
The Satellite Status Page also indicates the accuracy of the position fix, using Estimated Position Error (EPE), Dilution
of Precision (DOP), and Horizontal Uncertainty Level (HUL) figures. DOP measures satellite geometry quality (i.e.,
number of satellites received and where they are relative to each other) on a scale from one to ten. The lowest numbers
are the best accuracy and the highest numbers are the worst. EPE uses DOP and other factors to calculate a horizontal
position error, in feet or meters. HUL is explained in Section 13.
3.1 Overview
The GPS 500’s direct-to function provides a quick
method of setting a course to a destination waypoint. Once
a direct-to is activated, the GPS 500 establishes a point-to-
point course line (great circle) from the present position to Figure 3-2 Waypoint Identifier Field Selected
the selected direct-to destination. Navigation data on the
various NAV pages provides steering guidance until the 3) Press the ENT Key to confirm the selected
direct-to is cancelled or replaced by a new destination. waypoint, and press the ENT Key again to
activate the direct-to function (Figure 3-3).
Selecting a direct-to destination:
1) Press the Direct-to Key. The Select Direct-to
Waypoint Page appears (Figure 3-1), with the
waypoint identifier field highlighted.
2) If a list of waypoints is displayed on-screen: Selecting a Direct-to destination from the Map
a) Press the small right knob to activate the Page
cursor. Direct-to destinations may also be selected from the
b) Turn the large right knob to highlight the Map Page. If no airport, NAVAID, or user waypoint
desired waypoint (Figure 3-11). exists at the desired location, a waypoint named ‘+MAP’
is automatically created at the location of the panning
Selecting a direct-to destination from the
Map Page:
1) From the Map Page, press the small right knob
to display a panning pointer.
2) Turn the small and large right knobs to place
the panning pointer at the desired destination
Figure 3-11 Nearest List 3) If the panning pointer is placed on an existing
airport, NAVAID or user waypoint, the waypoint
c) Press the Direct-to Key followed by the name is highlighted (Figure 3-12). Press the
ENT Key twice. Direct-to Key and the ENT Key twice to
navigate to the waypoint.
Cancelling Direct-to Navigation 3) Press the ENT Key to confirm the selected
waypoint, then turn the large right knob
Once a direct-to is activated, the GPS 500 provides
to highlight the course (‘CRS’) field (Figure
navigation guidance to the selected destination until the
direct-to is replaced with a new direct-to or flight plan,
cancelled, or the unit is turned off.
Cancelling a direct-to:
1) Press the Direct-to Key to display the Select
Direct-to Waypoint Page.
2) Press the MENU Key to display the Direct-to
Page Menu (Figure 3-13).
Deleting a waypoint from an existing flight A one-line user comment may be added to any flight
plan: plan, which is displayed on the Flight Plan Catalog Page,
1) Press the FPL Key and turn the small right next to the flight plan’s number. By default, as the flight
knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page. plan is being created, the comment shows the first and last
waypoints in the flight plan.
2) Press the small right knob to activate the
cursor. Changing the comment line for an existing
flight plan:
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
desired flight plan and press the ENT Key. 1) From the Flight Plan Catalog Page, press the
small right knob to activate the cursor.
4) Turn the large right knob to select the
waypoint to be deleted and press the CLR Key 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
to display a ‘remove waypoint’ confirmation desired flight plan and press the ENT Key.
window (Figure 4-8). 3) Turn the large right knob to select the
comment line at the top of the screen.
4) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the new comment (Figure 4-9). Press the ENT
Key when finished.
Flight Plan Catalog Options 4) If ‘Manual’ is selected: Turn the large right
knob to select the ‘Transfer’ field, then turn
The following options (some covered on the preceding
the small right knob to select the type of
pages) are available for the Flight Plan Catalog Page:
information to transfer between units (active
• ‘Activate Flight Plan?’ - Allows the pilot to flight plan, flight plan, all user waypoints or
select the flight plan for navigation guidance, as a single user waypoint). When ‘Flight Plan’
described previously in this section. or ‘User Waypoint’ is selected, a second field
• ‘Invert & Activate FPL?’ - Allows the pilot to appears to the immediate right of the ‘Transfer’
reverse the highlighted flight plan and select it for field. Use the small and large right knobs to
navigation guidance, as described previously in enter the number of the flight plan or the name
this section. of the user waypoint to be transferred.
• ‘Create New Flight Plan?’ - Allows the pilot to 5) The ‘Cross-Side’ field allows the pilot to
create a new flight plan, as described previously in designate the sending and receiving units
this section. in a crossfill operation. Turn the large right
knob to select the ‘Cross-side’ field, then turn
• ‘Crossfill?’ - Allows the pilot to transfer a Direct-to
the small right knob to select ‘To’ or ‘From’
destination, the active flight plan, any stored flight
(Figure 4-14). Press the ENT Key to confirm
plan or user waypoints to a second 400-Series or
the selection.
500-Series Garmin unit. Some crossfill operations
can be done automatically. If both units are set 6) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Initiate
to ‘auto’, a change in the direct-to destination or Transfer?’ (Figure 4-14) and press the ENT
active flight plan on one unit is seen on the other. Key. Once ‘Initiate Transfer?’ is selected,
For additional information, see Section 8.2, Flight a progress bar at the bottom of the page
Planning Page: Crossfill. indicates the status of the crossfill transfer until
Crossfilling flight plans between two 400-
or 500-Series Garmin units:
1) Select the ‘Crossfill?’ option from the Flight
Plan Catalog Page Menu (Figure 4-12) and
press the ENT Key.
2) Turn the large right knob to select the
‘Method’ field (Figure 4-13).
3) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Auto’
or ‘Manual’ and press the ENT Key. ‘Auto’
automatically transfers the active flight plan
or Direct-to selection to another 400- or 500- Figure 4-14 Crossfill Page
series Garmin unit, without user intervention.
• ‘Copy Flight Plan?’ - Allows the pilot to copy the • ‘Sort List By Number?’/’Sort List by Comment?’
selected flight plan to a new flight plan location, - Allows the pilot to select between a flight plan
as described previously in this section. The copy catalog sorted numerically by the flight plan
function is useful for duplicating an existing flight number or sorted alphanumerically based upon
plan before making changes. the comment assigned to each flight plan. When
• ‘Delete Flight Plan?’ - Allows the pilot to remove either option is selected, the other option appears
the selected flight plan from memory, as described on the Flight Plan Catalog Page Menu.
previously in this section. Deleting a flight Sorting the catalog listing by number or
plan does not delete the individual waypoints comment:
contained in the flight plan from the database or 1) Select the ‘Sort List By Number?’ or ‘Sort List
user waypoint memory. By Comment?’ option (whichever is currently
• ‘Delete All Flight Plans?’ - Allows the pilot to displayed) from the Flight Plan Catalog Page
remove all flight plans from memory. Menu (Figure 4-17) and press the ENT Key.
Deleting all flight plans:
1) Select the ‘Delete All Flight Plans?’ option from
the Flight Plan Catalog Page Menu (Figure
4-15) and press the ENT Key.
The data fields for DTK and DIS are user-selectable and Restoring factory default settings for data
may be changed to display cumulative distance (CUM) to fields on the Active Flight Plan Page:
each waypoint, estimated time of arrival (ETA), estimated 1) With the Active Flight Plan Page displayed,
time enroute (ETE), or enroute safe altitude (ESA). press the MENU Key to display the Active Flight
Changing a data field on the Active Flight Plan Page Menu.
Plan Page: 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Restore
1) With the Active Flight Plan Page displayed, Defaults?’ and press the ENT Key.
press the MENU Key to display the Active Flight Activating a flight plan along a specific leg:
Plan Page Menu.
1) Press the small right knob to activate the
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Change cursor and turn the large right knob to
Fields?’ (Figure 4-20) and press the ENT Key. highlight the desired destination waypoint.
2) Press the MENU Key, and select the ‘Activate
Leg?’ option from the Active Flight Plan Page
Menu (Figure 4-22) and press the ENT Key.
A number of shortcuts are available to save time when
using the Active Flight Plan Page. These shortcuts speed
the process of removing approaches, departures and
arrivals, and aid in selecting a specific flight plan leg for Figure 4-33 Remove Approach Window
navigation guidance.
4) With ‘Yes?’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to
On the preceding page, options to remove approaches,
remove the selected procedure.
departures, and arrivals were introduced. This process
may also be completed using the CLR Key, described as This same process may also be used to remove
follows. individual waypoints from the active flight plan.
Removing an approach, departure or arrival Removing a waypoint using the CLR Key:
using the CLR Key: 1) With the Active Flight Plan Page displayed,
1) With the Active Flight Plan Page displayed, press the small right knob to activate the
press the small right knob to activate the cursor.
cursor. 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the title identifier for the waypoint to be deleted.
for the approach (Figure 4-32), departure, or Identifiers appear in green text.
arrival to be deleted. Titles appear in light blue 3) Press the CLR Key to display a confirmation
directly above the procedure’s waypoints. window (Figure 4-34).
Figure 4-32 Highlight Item To Be Deleted Figure 4-34 Remove Waypoint Window
3) Press the CLR Key to display a confirmation 4) With ‘Yes?’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to
window (Figure 4-33). remove the selected procedure.
The ‘Activate Leg?’ option is discussed previously in When using instrument procedures, this feature can be
this section, which allows the pilot to specify which leg of used not only to activate a specific point-to-point leg, but
the flight plan is used for navigation guidance. A shortcut to also activate the procedure turn portion of an approach,
also exists for this operation, using the Direct-to Key. follow a DME arc, or activate a holding pattern.
Activating a specific leg of the active flight Any approach, departure, or arrival can be reviewed on
plan: the appropriate airport page in the Waypoint Page Group
(Section 6.1).
1) Press the small right knob to activate the
cursor and turn the large right knob to Reviewing a procedure while viewing a
highlight the desired destination waypoint. flight plan page:
2) Press the Direct-to Key twice to display an 1) With a flight plan page displayed, press the
‘Activate Leg’ confirmation window (Figure small right knob to activate the cursor.
4-35). 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
procedure header (Figure 4-36).
Blank Page
5) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Load?’ Once an approach is selected, it may be activated
or ‘Activate?’ (approaches only) and press the for navigation from the Procedures Page. Activating the
ENT Key. (‘Load?’ adds the procedure to the approach overrides the ‘enroute’ portion of the active
flight plan without immediately using it for flight plan, proceeding directly to the ‘approach’ portion
navigation guidance. This allows the pilot to (for a full approach, directly to the initial approach fix).
continue navigating the original flight plan, but Activating the approach also initiates automatic CDI
keeps the procedure available on the Active scaling transition as the approach progresses.
Flight Plan Page for quick activation when Activating an approach:
1) Press the PROC Key to display the Procedures
6) For precision approaches and some non- Page (Figure 5-5).
precision approaches, a reminder window
appears indicating that GPS guidance on such 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Activate
approaches is strictly for monitoring only; use Approach?’ (Figure 5-5) and press the ENT
the external VLOC receivers and CDI (or HSI) for Key.
primary navigation. To confirm this reminder,
highlight ‘Yes?’ and press the ENT Key.
Not all approaches in the database are approved for
GPS use. When selecting an approach, a ‘GPS’ designation
to the right of the procedure name (Figure 5-4) indicates
the procedure can be flown using the GPS receiver. Some
procedures do not have this designation, meaning the
GPS receiver may be used for supplemental navigation
guidance only.
Another Procedures Page option allows the pilot to 5.2 Non-Precision Approach
activate the final course segment of the approach. This Operations
option assumes the pilot will receive vectors to the final
approach fix (FAF) and provides guidance to intercept the The GPS 500 provides non-precision approach guidance
final course, before reaching the FAF. using its built-in GPS receiver. The GPS receiver can also
be used as a supplemental aid for precision approaches
Activating the approach, with vectors to
(and for non-precision localizer-based approaches), but
localizer and glideslope receivers must be used for primary
1) Press the PROC Key to display the Procedures approach course guidance.
Page. Approaches designed specifically for GPS are often
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Activate very simple and don’t require overflying a VOR or NDB.
Vector-To-Final?’ (Figure 5-6) and press the Many non-precision approaches have ‘GPS overlays’ to
ENT Key. let the pilot fly an existing procedure (VOR, VOR/DME,
NDB, RNAV, etc.) more accurately using GPS.
Many overlay approaches are complex (in comparison
to GPS-only approaches). The GPS 500 displays and
provides guidance through each leg of the approach,
automatically sequencing through each of these legs, up
to the missed approach point (MAP). Approaches may
be flown ‘as published’ with the full transition using any
published feeder route or initial approach fix (IAF), or
may be flown with a vectors-to-final transition.
Lynchburg (VA) Regional
VOR or GPS Rwy 03
The steps required to set up and fly the approach 4) From the Transitions Window (Figure 5-11),
are detailed below (refer to Figure 5-8 for the following select LYH VOR (the IAF). Also, select ‘Load?’
steps): to load, but not activate, the approach.
1) Prior to departing KFDK, the destination (KLYH)
is selected using the Direct-to Key or by
creating a flight plan terminating at Lynchburg
2) While enroute to KLYH, view the ATIS frequency
Figure 5-11 Approach and Transitions Windows
from the list on the NAV/COM Page (Section
2.6 and Figure 5-9).
5) Press the PROC Key, select ‘Activate Approach?’
and press the ENT Key to activate the
Flying the Procedure Turn 2) Several miles prior to reaching the IAF (LYH),
the pilot may wish to review the approach
sequence. Press the FPL Key to display the
Active Flight Plan Page. Press the small right
knob, and then turn the large right knob to
review each segment of the approach (Figure
5-14). When finished, press the FPL Key again
to return to the previous page.
Figure 5-12 Sample Approach with Procedure Turn 3) When approaching the IAF (LYH), a waypoint
alert (‘NEXT DTK 205°’) appears along the
Refer to Figure 5-12 for the following steps: bottom of the screen (Figure 5-15). As the
1) Within 30 nm of the destination airport, the distance (DIS) to the IAF approaches zero, the
GPS 500 switches from ‘enroute’ mode to alert is replaced by a turn advisory (‘TURN TO
‘terminal’ mode (as indicated in the lower 205°’). Dial the outbound course of 205° into
left corner of the screen, Figure 5-13). The the CDI (or HSI) using the OBS knob.
switch to terminal mode is accompanied by
a gradual Course Deviation Indicator (CDI)
scale transition from 5.0 to 1.0 nm, full scale
4) Fly the outbound course. Refer to Figure 5-17 for the following steps:
5) Approximately one minute after passing the 6) Course guidance is provided relative to the
FAF (LYH), the alert message ‘START PROC outbound leg from the FAF. No guidance
TRN’ appears along the bottom of the screen through the procedure turn itself is given. (The
(Figure 5-16). Initiate the procedure turn at procedure turn is displayed on the Map Page
any time after receiving this alert message. and indicated as the active leg on the Default
NAV Page and the Active Flight Plan Page.) The
CDI needle starts moving to the right.
7) When turning to intercept the inbound course,
the GPS 500 sequences to the inbound leg to
the FAF, the CDI needle swings to the opposite
side to provide proper sensing along the final
course segment and ‘NEXT DTK 025°’ appears
along the bottom of the screen (Figure 5-18).
10) When approaching the FAF, a waypoint alert course continues. If a missed approach is
(‘NEXT DTK 026°’) appears in the lower required, use the OBS Key to initiate the missed
right corner. Make any course adjustments approach sequence, as outlined, beginning on
necessary for the final course segment (FAF to the following page.
11) After crossing the FAF, the destination
sequences to the MAP (‘RW04’, the runway
threshold, see Figure 5-20). Fly toward the
Flying an Approach with a Hold 5) From the Transitions Window, select BODRY
intersection as the IAF (Figure 5-25). Also,
Starting where the previous example left off, assume
select ‘Activate?’ to load and activate the
weather conditions resulted in a missed approach at
Lynchburg Regional. The pilot has decided to divert to
Farmville Regional (KFVX) instead (refer to Figure 5-24
for the following steps).
Figure 5-25 TRANS ‘Transitions’ Window
DO NOT USE FOR 6) Once the approach has been activated, the
Active Flight Plan Page appears (Figure 5-26).
The pilot may review the approach sequence
by pressing the small right knob and turning
the large right knob. Press the FPL Key to
return to the navigation pages.
DO NOT USE FOR 14) After crossing the FAF, the destination sequences
NAVIGATION to the MAP (‘RW21’, the runway threshold).
With the needle centered, fly toward the MAP,
observing the altitude minimums dictated by
the approach plate. When viewing the Map
Page, note that the final course segment is
displayed in magenta, (the active leg of the
Figure 5-29 Approach Mode flight plan always appears in magenta) and
a dashed line extends the course beyond the
Refer to Figure 5-29 for the following steps.
MAP. Do not follow this extended course.
11) When approaching BODRY intersection, a Instead, follow published missed approach
waypoint alert (’NEXT DTK 209°’) appears procedures.
along the bottom of the screen.
15) When approaching the MAP, a waypoint alert
12) At 2.0 nm from the FAF (DEPOY intersection), (‘APPRCHING WPT’) appears in the lower right
the GPS 500 switches from terminal mode to corner (Figure 5-31).
approach mode. CDI scaling is tightened from
1.0 to 0.3 nm, full scale deflection.
13) When approaching the FAF, a waypoint alert
(‘NEXT DTK 209°’) appears in the lower
right corner (Figure 5-30). Make any course
adjustments necessary for the final course
segment (FAF to MAP).
This example is based upon a flight from Hutchinson DO NOT USE FOR
(Kansas) Municipal (KHUT) to Billard Municipal (KTOP)
in Topeka, Kansas. The VOR/DME runway 22 approach
is selected, along with ‘D258G’ as the IAF (refer to Figure
5-32 for the following steps).
1) Select Billard Municipal (KTOP) as the
destination via the Direct-to Key or as the
last waypoint in a flight plan (Figure 5-33).
Refer to Figure 5-35 for the following steps. 6) Follow the arc, when the course select setting
3) Within 30 nm of KTOP, the GPS 500 switches and desired track differ by more than 10°, a
from enroute mode to terminal mode and the ‘Set course to ###°’ message appears on the
CDI scale transitions from 5.0 to 1.0 nm, full Message Page (Figure 5-37).
scale deflection.
4) If the approach has not yet been activated
(in step 2 above), do so when cleared for the
approach (Figure 5-36).
Refer to Figure 5-38 for the following steps. 10) After crossing the FAF, the destination
sequences to the MAP (‘RW22’, the runway
threshold). With the needle centered, fly
toward the MAP, observing the altitude
minimums dictated by the approach plate.
When viewing the Map Page, note that the final
DO NOT USE FOR course segment is displayed in magenta (the
NAVIGATION active leg of the flight plan always appears in
magenta) and a dashed line extends the course
beyond the MAP.
11) When approaching the MAP, a waypoint alert
(‘APPRCHING WPT’) appears in the lower right
corner (Figure 5-40).
3) From the Transitions Window, select ‘D258G’ DO NOT USE FOR NAVIGATION
as the IAF. Also, select ‘Load?’.
4) When cleared, press the PROC Key and select
‘Activate Vector-To-Final?’ (Figure 5-42).
8) When crossing the FAF, the destination Course From Fix Flight Plan Legs
sequences to the MAP (‘RW22’).
Certain approach, departure, and arrival procedures
9) When approaching the MAP, a waypoint alert in the Jeppesen database contain course from fix flight
(‘APPRCHING WPT’) appears in the lower right plan legs. The GPS 500 is able to load these legs into the
corner. flight plan along with the rest of the procedure data, and
10) After crossing the MAP, ‘SUSP’ appears above provide navigation along these legs.
the OBS Key (Figure 5-48), indicating that There are three different types of course from fix legs:
automatic sequencing of approach waypoints • Course from fix to distance, or Course from fix to
is suspended at the MAP. A ‘from’ indication DME distance
is displayed on the CDI and Default NAV Page,
• Course from fix to altitude
but course guidance along the final approach
course continues. Do not follow this extended • Course from fix to manual sequence
course. Follow published missed approach Course from fix to distance legs appear in the flight
procedures using the OBS Key to initiate the plan like normal waypoints, but the destination name al-
missed approach sequence, as outlined in this ways begins with a ‘D’, followed by a distance in nm from
section. the waypoint fix.
Palmdale (CA) AF Plant 42
VOR/DME or GPS Rwy 25
Course from fix to altitude legs show the specific 1) After crossing the MAP, press the OBS Key.
target altitude on the Active Flight Plan Page and the The missed approach sequence is automatically
Default NAV Page. The missed approach sequence for the offered, starting with the course from fix
Palmdale VOR/DME RWY 25 approach includes a course to altitude leg. The ‘NEXT DTK 282°’ alert
from fix to altitude leg. appears along the bottom of the screen.
2) Note that within a few seconds of pressing the
Palmdale (CA) AF Plant 42 OBS Key to release suspend mode and start the
VOR/DME or GPS Rwy 25 approach sequence, ‘SUSP’ re-appears above
the OBS Key as the GPS 500 returns to suspend
mode (Figure 5-54). This is normal when flying
a course from fix to altitude leg and indicates
that automatic leg sequencing is suspended.
Climb to 5000’
outbound via PMD VOR
R-282, then climbing
RIGHT turn to 7000’ direct
PMD VOR and hold.
In this instance, the leg corresponds to the initial phase 3) Fly the outbound course. The Map Page depicts
of the missed approach, which reads ‘Climb to 5000’ the flight path extending indefinitely from PMD
outbound via PMD VOR R-282’. Refer to Figure 5-53 for VOR. The distance (DIS) on the Default NAV
the following steps. Page, the Map Page, and the Active Flight Plan
Page increases, indicating the distance back to
4) Upon reaching the desired altitude (5000’),
press the OBS Key to return to automatic leg
sequencing. Confirm that ‘SUSP’ no longer
appears directly above the OBS Key.
5) An alert (‘NEXT DTK 119°’) appears, providing 7) Note that the GPS 500 again displays ‘SUSP’
guidance to the inbound course (Figure 5-55) above the OBS Key. Automatic waypoint
The actual desired track (DTK) depends on sequencing is suspended at the missed
ground speed and distance from PMD VOR. approach holding point. A waypoint alert
Intercept and fly the inbound course. (‘APPRCHING WPT’) appears along the bottom
of the screen each time the aircraft approaches
PMD VOR in the holding pattern.
8) When leaving the holding pattern, press the
PROC Key to reactivate the approach, or select
a different approach, or press the Direct-to
Key to select another destination.
Course from fix to manual sequence legs appear on the Refer to Figure 5-57 for the following steps.
Active Flight Plan Page and the Map Page with ‘man seq’
in place of a waypoint identifier. An example of this type 1) Select the departure (CSTL1) from the
of course leg appears in the COASTAL ONE DEPARTURE Procedures Page, then select the departure
from Westfield, Massachusetts (Barnes Muni). The runway, (RW02 in this example) and transition
example leg corresponds to the departure leg from Barnes (GEDIC). Refer to Section 5.1 for instructions
Municipal and appears (as in Figure 5-68) on the Active on selecting departures.
Flight Plan Page and the Default NAV Page: 2) When departing the airfield, ‘NEXT DTK 026°’
appears along the bottom of the screen and
‘SUSP’ appears directly above the OBS Key,
(CSTL1.CCC) which indicates the aircraft is now on the
‘course from fix to manual sequence’ leg. The
Fly assigned heading and altitude
for radar vectors to HFD distance displayed on the Active Flight Plan
VOR. Expect clearance to
requested flight level 10
Page, the Default NAV Page (Figure 5-58), and
minutes after departure. From the Map Page is FROM the waypoint fix (the
over HFD VOR, proceed via the HFD R-143 to
Thumb Int,
departure runway in this example).
then via the HTO R-010 to
Yoder Int, then via the CCC
R-057 to CCC VOR.
Then via transition
or assigned
Blank Page
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the identifier is Figure 6-3 Facility Location Field Selected
selected, then press the ENT Key.
6) To remove the flashing cursor, press the small 5) Turn the large right knob to select the next
right knob. character field.
6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the facility name or
location is selected, then press the ENT Key .
7) To remove the flashing cursor, press the small
right knob.
Figure 6-6 Duplicate Waypoints Window
8 9
3) To remove the flashing cursor, press the small
right knob. Figure 6-7 Airport Location Page
The following descriptions and abbreviations are Selecting an Airport Location Page Menu
used: Option:
• Type - Usage type: Public, Heliport, Military, or 1) With a Flight Plan active, select the Airport
Private Location Page.
• Position - Latitude/Longitude (degrees/minutes or 2) Press the MENU Key to display the Airport
degrees/minutes/seconds), MGRS, or UTM/UPS Location Page Menu.
• Elevation - In feet or meters 3) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Select
Next FPL Apt?’ or ‘Select Destination Apt?’ and
• Fuel - For public-use airports, the available fuel
press the ENT Key (Figure 6-8).
type(s) are: Avgas (80-87/100LL/100-130/Mogas),
Jet, or None
• Approach - Best available approach: ILS, MLS,
Helicopter (‘HEL’), or VFR
• Radar - Radar coverage: Yes or No
• Airspace - Control environment: Class B, Class C,
Class D, CTA, TMA, TRSA, or none
NOTE: Upon active navigation changes, the Figure 6-8 Airport Location Page Menu
active destination airport is used as the default
airport on the WPT pages. Manual selection of 4) The Airport Location Page displays information
the destination airport is available from the page regarding the next Flight Plan or Destination
menu. Airport.
6.3 Airport Runway Page 3) Turn the small right knob to display a window
listing all runways for the selected airport
The Airport Runway Page (Figure 6-9) displays runway (Figure 6-10).
designations, length, surface type, and lighting for the
selected airport. A map image of the runway layout and
surrounding area is also displayed on the Airport Runway
Page. The map image range appears in the lower left
corner and is adjustable using the RNG Key. For airports
with multiple runways, information for each runway is
To view runway information for a particular airport on
the Airport Runway Page, enter the airport’s identifier per
Section 6.1.
Airport Identifier,
Symbol, and Type Figure 6-10 Runway Window
Adjusting the range of the map image: Selecting an Airport Runway Page Menu
1) Press the down arrow of the RNG Key to Option:
display a smaller map area. 1) With a Flight Plan Active, select the Airport
2) Press the up arrow of the RNG Key to display Runway Page.
a larger map area. 2) Press the MENU Key to display the Airport
Runway Page Menu.
The following descriptions and abbreviations are used 3) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Select
on the Airport Runway Page: Next FPL Apt?’ or ‘Select Destination Apt?’ and
• Type - Usage type: Public, Heliport, Military, or press the ENT Key (Figure 6-12).
• Surface - Runway surface types include: Hard,
Turf, Sealed, Gravel, Dirt, Soft, Unknown, or
Water Figure 6-12 Airport Runway Page Menu
• Lighting - Runway lighting types include: No 4) The Airport Runway Page displays information
Lights, Part Time, Full Time, Unknown, or regarding the next Flight Plan or Destination
Frequency (for pilot-controlled lighting) Airport.
Airport Runway Page Options
The following options are available for the Airport
Runway Page, by pressing the MENU Key:
• Select Next FPL Apt? - This option is only
available when a Flight Plan is active. Allows the
pilot to view the runway information for the next
airport in the active flight plan
• Select Destination Apt? - This option is only
available when a Flight Plan is active. Allows the
pilot to view the runway information for the active
flight plan destination airport.
If a listed frequency has sector or altitude restrictions, The following descriptions and abbreviations are used
the frequency is preceded by an ‘Info?’ designation (Figure on the Airport Frequency Page:
6-15). • Type - Usage type: Public, Heliport, Military, or
Viewing usage restrictions for a frequency: Private
1) Turn the large right knob to place the cursor • Frequency - Communication frequencies which
on the ‘Info?’ designation directly to the left may include restrictions:
of the desired frequency (Figure 6-15).
Approach Arrival Class B
Class C CTA Departure
TMA Terminal TRSA
Communication frequencies without restrictions:
Center Clearance Gate
Control Ground Helicopter
Multicom Pre-taxi Radar
Ramp Other Tower
Figure 6-15 ‘Info?’ Highlighted Navigation frequencies:
2) Press the ENT Key to display the restriction
information (Figure 6-16).
Figure 6-21 Airport Approach Page Menu with arrival
Position of
4) The Active Flight Plan Page appears. Press Current Page
the FPL Key to return to the Airport Approach within Current
Page Group
Page. Current Number of Pages in
To select any of the other options from the Airport Page Group Current Page Group
Approach Page Menu, follow the preceding steps, but Figure 6-22 Airport Arrival Page
select the desired option in step 3.
Scrolling through the available arrivals:
1) Press the small right knob to activate the
2) Turn the large right knob to place the cursor
on the ‘ARRIVAL’ procedure name field.
3) Turn the small right knob to display a window
of available arrivals for the selected airport
(Figure 6-23). Continue turning the small right
knob to select the desired arrival.
3) Turn the small right knob to display a window Airport Departure Page Options
of available departures for the selected airport
The following option is available for the Airport
(Figure 6-28). Continue turning the small right
Departure Page, by pressing the MENU Key:
knob to select the desired departure.
• Load into Active FPL? - Allows the pilot to load
the selected departure into the active flight plan.
This is identical to loading a departure procedure
from the Procedures Page, as described in Section
• Select Next FPL Apt? - This option is only
available when a Flight Plan is active. Allows the
Figure 6-28 Departure Window pilot to view the available departures for the next
4) Press the ENT Key. The cursor moves to the airport in the active flight plan
runway field. • Select Destination Apt? - This option is only
5) Turn the small right knob to display a window available when a Flight Plan is active. Allows the
of available runways (Figure 6-29). Continue pilot to view the available departures for the active
turning the small right knob to select the flight plan destination airport.
desired runway. (‘ALL’ may appear in the Loading a departure procedure from the
runway field, indicating the departure procedure Airport Departure Page:
applies to all runways. For airports with parallel 1) Select the desired departure, runway, and
runways, ‘B’ may appear at the end of the transition using the preceding steps.
runway designation to indicate the departure
procedure applies to both runways.) 2) Press the MENU Key to display the Airport
Departure Page Menu.
3) Press the ENT Key to select the ‘Load into
Active FPL?’ option (Figure 6-30).
Position of
Position of Current Page
Current Page within Current
within Current Page Group
Page Group
Current Number of Pages in
Current Number of Pages in Page Group Current Page Group
Page Group Current Page Group
Figure 6-32 NDB Page
Figure 6-31 Intersection Page
The following descriptions and abbreviations are The following descriptions and abbreviations are
used: used:
• Position - Latitude/Longitude (degrees/minutes or • Symbol - See Section 2.4 for a graphic illustration
degrees/minutes/seconds), MGRS, or UTM/UPS of available NDB symbols
• VAR - Magnetic variation in degrees • RAD - Radial from reference waypoint, in degrees
magnetic or degrees true (depending upon unit
• Position - Latitude/Longitude (degrees/minutes or configuration)
degrees/minutes/seconds), MGRS, or UTM/UPS
• DIS - Distance from reference waypoint, in
• FREQ - Frequency in megahertz (MHz) nautical miles/statute miles/kilometers (depending
• Wx Brdcst - Weather information is broadcast on upon unit configuration)
the selected facility’s frequency • Position - Latitude/Longitude (degrees/minutes or
degrees/minutes/seconds), MGRS, or UTM/UPS
User waypoints may only be selected by name 4) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
(identifier), as described in Section 6.1. the position coordinates for the new waypoint
(Figure 6-36).
Creating User Waypoints
User waypoints may be created from the User
Waypoint Page or the Map Page. To create a new user
waypoint, simply enter its name (identifier) and position,
or reference another waypoint by radial and distance.
Creating a new user waypoint by entering
its latitude/longitude position:
1) With the User Waypoint Page displayed, press
the small right knob to activate the cursor.
2) Use the small and large right knobs to enter a
name for the new waypoint (Figure 6-35) and Figure 6-36 Present Position Field Selected
press the ENT Key. The present position appears
in the position field at the bottom of the page. 5) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected
To create a waypoint at the present position, position.
turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Create?’ 6) The cursor moves to ‘Create?’. Press the ENT
and skip to step 6. Key to add the new waypoint to memory.
7) Press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor.
Creating a new user waypoint by
referencing an existing waypoint:
1) With the User Waypoint Page displayed, press
the small right knob to activate the cursor.
2) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
a name for the new waypoint and press the
ENT Key.
Figure 6-35 User Waypoint Name Field Selected 3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the first
reference waypoint (REF WPT) field (Figure 6-
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the 37).
position field at the bottom of the page.
Creating User Waypoints from the Map Page Modifying User Waypoints
The Map Page and panning target pointer (Section 2.4, To modify an existing waypoint, select that waypoint
Map Panning) provide a quick means of saving the present on the User Waypoint Page and enter the new position
position as a user-defined waypoint. information directly over the old information.
Capturing and saving the present position Modifying a user waypoint by changing its
as a user waypoint: latitude/longitude position:
1) With the Map Page displayed, press the small 1) With the User Waypoint Page displayed, press
right knob to activate the panning function. the small right knob to activate the cursor.
The target pointer appears at the present 2) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
position (Figure 6-39). the name of the desired waypoint and press
the ENT Key.
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
position field at the bottom of the page.
4) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the new position coordinates (Figure 6-40)
and press the ENT Key to accept the selected
Modifying a user waypoint by changing 6) The cursor moves to the distance (DIS) field.
reference waypoint information: Use the small and large right knobs to change
1) With the User Waypoint Page displayed, press the distance from the reference waypoint to the
the small right knob to activate the cursor. new user waypoint, if desired. Press the ENT
Key to accept the selected distance.
2) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the name of the desired waypoint and press 7) The cursor moves to the ‘Modify?’ action field.
the ENT Key. Press the ENT Key to modify the waypoint.
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the first 8) Press the small right knob to remove the
reference waypoint (REF WPT) field, to change flashing cursor.
the reference waypoint. Otherwise, continue
NOTE: If the pilot attempts to modify or delete a
turning the large right knob to highlight waypoint which is currently a direct-to waypoint
the radial (RAD) or distance (DIS) field, as or the current ‘from’ or ‘to’ waypoint in the active
desired. flight plan, the GPS 500 alerts the pilot with the
4) Use the small and large right knobs to change ‘Can’t change an active waypoint’ or ‘Waypoint
the identifier (if desired) of the reference is active and can’t be deleted’ message. The
waypoint (Figure 6-41). The reference waypoint pilot must first cancel the direct-to or remove
the waypoint(s) from the active flight plan before
can be an airport, VOR, NDB, intersection or
modifying or deleting the waypoint(s).
another user waypoint. Press the ENT Key to
accept the selected identifier.
User Waypoint Page Options 4) Press the small right knob to return to the
User Waypoint Page.
The following User Waypoint Page options are available
by pressing the MENU Key: Deleting a user waypoint:
• View User Waypoint List? - displays a list of all 1) Select the desired waypoint on the User
user waypoints currently stored in memory. Waypoint Page and press the MENU Key to
display the User Waypoint Page Menu.
• Delete User Waypoint? - Allows the pilot to delete
the selected waypoint from memory. 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Delete
User Waypoint?’ (Figure 6-43) and press the
• Crossfill? - Allows the pilot to transfer a user
ENT Key.
waypoint to another 400/500 series unit (if
installed). Please refer to Sections 5.1 and 10.1
for detailed information on crossfill.
Viewing a list of all user waypoints:
1) From the User Waypoint Page, press the MENU
Key to display the User Waypoint Page Menu.
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘View
User Waypoint List?’ (Figure 6-42) and press
the ENT Key.
Figure 6-44 User Waypoint List Page 4) A ‘rename waypoint’ confirmation window
is displayed (Figure 6-46). With ‘Yes?’
3) Press the ENT Key to display the User Waypoint
highlighted, press the ENT Key to rename the
Page for the selected waypoint. From this page
selected user waypoint.
the pilot may review all information defining
the waypoint and its position.
4) To modify the waypoint’s position or reference
waypoint information, follow the preceding
steps described in this section. Figure 6-46 Rename Waypoint Window
5) To exit the User Waypoint Page, turn the large
right knob to highlight ‘Done?’ and press the
ENT Key.
Deleting a user waypoint from the User Deleting all user waypoints from memory:
Waypoint List: 1) Select the User Waypoint List, as described in
1) Select the User Waypoint List, as described in this section.
this section. 2) Press the MENU Key to display a menu for the
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the User Waypoint List (Figure 6-48).
desired user waypoint.
3) Press the CLR Key to display a ‘delete waypoint’
confirmation window (Figure 6-47).
4) With ‘Yes?’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to Figure 6-48 User Waypoint List Page Menu
delete the selected user waypoint.
3) With ‘Delete All User Waypoints’ highlighted,
press the ENT Key.
4) A ‘delete all waypoints’ confirmation window
is displayed (Figure 6-49). With ‘Yes?’
highlighted, press the ENT Key to delete all
user waypoints from memory.
Not all nine nearest airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections, The Nearest ARTCC Page and the Nearest FSS Page
or user waypoints can be displayed on the corresponding present detailed information for up to five nearby facilities,
NRST page at one time. The Nearest Airport Page displays displaying only one facility at a time. Again, the additional
detailed information for three nearest airports, with a scroll information is viewed using the flashing cursor and large
bar along the right-hand side of the page indicating which right knob to scroll through the list.
part of the list is currently being viewed. The Nearest Scrolling through the list of nearest
Airspace Page displays detailed information for up to flight service station or center points of
three special use or controlled airspace alerts. The NRST communication:
pages for VORs, NDBs, intersections, and user waypoints
displays five waypoints at a time. The flashing cursor and 1) Select the desired NRST page, using the steps
large right knob are used to scroll and view the rest of the outlined on the preceding page.
waypoints or airspaces in the list. 2) Press the small right knob to activate the
Scrolling through the list of nearest
airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections, user 3) Turn the small right knob to scroll through the
waypoints, or SUAs: list (Figure 7-4).
1) Select the desired NRST page, using the steps
outlined on the preceding page.
2) Press the small right knob to activate the
3) Turn the large right knob to scroll through the
list. The scroll bar along the right-hand side
of the page indicates which part of the list is
currently being viewed (Figure 7-3).
Position of
Current Page
within Current
Page Group
Current Number of Pages in
Page Group Current Page Group
Figure 7-6 Nearest Airport Page
Figure 7-5 Nearest Airport Page
The Nearest Airport Page can be configured to exclude
2) Press the Direct-to Key to display the select shorter runways or undesirable runway surface types,
Direct-to Waypoint Page. so that the corresponding airports do not appear on the
3) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected list. The pilot may wish to use this feature to exclude
waypoint’s identifier and press the ENT Key seaplane bases or runway lengths which would be difficult
a second time with ‘Activate?’ highlighted to or impossible to land upon. See Section 8.5, Setup Page:
begin navigating to the selected waypoint. Nearest Airport Criteria for additional details.
Additional communication frequencies, runway 5) To view additional WPT pages for the selected
information, and more are available from the Nearest airport (including the Airport Runway Page and
Airport Page by highlighting the identifier of the desired the Airport Frequency Page) press the small
airport and pressing the ENT Key. right knob to remove the flashing cursor. Turn
Viewing additional information for a the small right knob to display the additional
nearby airport: WPT pages (Figure 7-8). When finished, press
the small right knob to return the flashing
1) Select the Nearest Airport Page, using the steps cursor to the screen.
outlined in Section 7.1.
2) Press the small right knob to activate the
3) Turn the large right knob to scroll through the
list, highlighting the identifier of the desired
airport (Figure 7-7).
Bar Scroll
Position of
Current Page Position of
within Current Current Page
Page Group within Current
Current Number of Pages in Page Group
Page Group Current Page Group Current Number of Pages in
Figure 7-9 Nearest Intersection Page Page Group Current Page Group
Figure 7-10 Nearest NDB Page
Position of
Current Page
within Current
Page Group
Current Number of Pages in
Page Group Current Page Group
Figure 7-11 Nearest VOR Page
7.6 Nearest User Waypoint Page 7.7 Nearest Center (ARTCC) Page
The Nearest User Waypoint Page (Figure 7-13) displays The Nearest Center Page (Figure 7-14) displays the
the name, bearing, and distance to the nine nearest user facility name, bearing to, and distance to the five nearest
waypoints (within 200 nm of the present position). ARTCC points of communication (within 200 nm of the
present position). For each ARTCC listed, the Nearest
Waypoint Identifier Bearing To and
and Symbol Distance To Center Page also indicates the applicable frequency(ies).
Bearing To and
Distance To
Cursor on
Position of
Current Page
within Current
Page Group Position of
Current Number of Pages in Current Page
Page Group Current Page Group within Current
Page Group
Figure 7-13 Nearest User Waypoint Page Current Number of Pages in
Page Group Current Page Group
Figure 7-14 Nearest ARTCC Page
4) Press the ENT Key to display the Airspace To view the frequency for a controlling
Page for the selected nearby airspace (Figure agency:
7-19). 1) Follow the preceding steps 1 through 4 to
Airspace Name Floor/Ceiling display the Airspace Page for the desired
and Type Limits controlled or special use airspace.
‘Done?’ Field
(Return to 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘View
Previous Page) Frequencies?’ and press the ENT Key. (Figure
Status and
Time to Entry
Position of
Current Page
within Current
Page Group
Current Number of Pages in
Page Group Current Page Group
Figure 7-19 Airspace Page
5) To return to the Nearest Airspace Page, verify Figure 7-20 Airport Frequency Page
that ‘Done?’ is highlighted by the flashing
cursor and press the ENT Key. 3) Turn the large right knob to scroll through the
6) Press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor. 4) To return to the Airspace Page, turn the large
right knob to highlight ‘Done?’ and press the
ENT Key (or press the CLR Key).
5) To return to the Nearest Airspace Page, turn
the large right knob to highlight ‘Done?’ and
press the ENT Key (or press the CLR Key).
8) Press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor.
The Airspace Page (Figure 7-21) displays (and airspace The bottom right-hand corner of the Airspace Page
alert messages are provided for) the following airspace displays the floor and ceiling limits of the airspace. The
types: following are examples of what may appear as vertical
• Alert • Caution limits for an airspace:
• Class B • Class C • 5000 ft msl (5000 feet mean sea level)
• Class D • CTA • 5000 ft agl (5000 feet above ground level)
• Danger • MOA • MSL (at mean sea level)
• Prohibited • Restricted • Notam (Notice to Airmen)
• TMA • Training • Unknown • Unlimited
• TRSA • Unspecified • See Chart • Surface
• Warning All airspace alert messages, except for prohibited areas,
may be turned on or off from the Airspace Alarms Page.
An altitude buffer is also provided on the Airspace Alarms
Page to provide an extra margin of safety above/below the
published limits (Section 8.4, Setup Page: Airspace Alarms
for additional details).
Blank Page
Page Groups
NAV Group WPT Group AUX Group NRST Group
see Section 2 see Section 6 8 AUX pages see Section 7
Figure 8-2 Default NAV Page
Table 8-1 Page Groups
2) Turn the large right knob to select the AUX
Page Group (Figure 8-3). ‘AUX’ appears along
the bottom of the screen.
8.2 Flight Planning Page 3) Press the ENT Key (Figure 8-5) to display the
desired page.
The Flight Planning Page (Figure 8-4) provides access
(via ‘menu options’) to E6B functions for fuel planning,
trip planning, density altitude/true airspeed/winds aloft
calculations, and a ‘Crossfill’ function to transfer flight
plans/user waypoints to a second 400/500-series Garmin
unit. When a menu option is selected, the corresponding
page appears providing additional information and
Menu Options (to Select,
Highlight with Cursor and
Press the ENT Key)
Figure 8-5 Density Alt/TAS/Winds Page
♦ Fuel flow sensor installed, but no fuel on • Density Alt/TAS/Winds - Indicates the
board sensor - Fuel on board is manually theoretical altitude at which the aircraft can
entered. Fuel flow is automatically provided perform depending upon several environmental
by sensor. If fuel flow is manually entered conditions, including indicated altitude (IND
(to override the sensor), it does not affect the ALT), barometric pressure (BARO), and total air
FOB figure and is not retained the next time temperature (TAT; the temperature, including the
the page is displayed. heating effect of speed, read on a standard outside
♦ Fuel flow and fuel on board sensors installed temperature gauge). This menu option computes
- Fuel flow and fuel on board are automati- true airspeed (TAS), based upon the factors
cally provided by sensors. Fuel on board can above and the calibrated airspeed (CAS). Also,
NOT be entered manually. Fuel flow can be this menu option determines winds aloft (the
entered manually, but does not affect the FOB wind direction and speed) and a head wind/tail
figure and is not retained the next time the wind component, based upon the calculated
page is displayed. density altitude (DEN ALT), true airspeed, aircraft
• Trip Planning - Allows the pilot to view desired heading (HDG), and ground speed.
track (DTK), distance (DIS), estimated time • Scheduler - Displays reminder messages (such as
enroute (ETE), enroute safe altitude (ESA), and ‘Change oil’, ‘Switch fuel tanks’, ‘Overhaul’, etc.).
estimated time of arrival (ETA) information for a One-time, periodic, and event-based messages
direct-to, point-to-point between two specified are allowed. One-time messages appear once
waypoints, or for any programmed flight plan. the timer expires and reappear each time the
This option also displays the sunrise/sunset times GPS 500 is powered on, until the message is
for your destination waypoint (for the selected deleted. Periodic messages automatically reset
departure date). to the original timer value, once the message is
displayed. Event-based messages do not use a
NOTE: Point-to-point waypoints, flight plans, timer, but rather a specific date and time.
and/or ground speed (default is current GPS-
calculated ground speed) entered on the Fuel • Crossfill - Allows the pilot to transfer the active
Planning Page automatically transfers to the Trip flight plan, any stored flight plan, a user waypoint,
Planning Page, and vice versa. or all user waypoints between two 400/500-series
Garmin units in a dual-unit installation. See
Section 4.1, Flight Plan Catalog Options and
information following in this section for details.
6) Use the small and large right knobs to enter Flight Planning Page: Trip Planning
the amount of fuel on board. Press the ENT Performing trip planning operations:
Key when finished.
1) Select ‘Trip Planning’ from the Flight Planning
7) The flashing cursor moves to the fuel flow (FF) Page, using the steps described in this
field. Use the small and large right knobs to section.
enter the fuel flow rate. Press the ENT Key
when finished. Note that if a fuel system is 2) The current trip planning ‘leg mode’ is displayed
providing current fuel flow, the fuel flow field at the top of the page: ‘POINT TO POINT’ or
defaults to this value. ‘FPL LEG’ (for a flight plan leg). To change the
leg mode, press the MENU Key to display the
8) The flashing cursor moves to the ground speed Flight Planning Page Menu for the other leg
(GS) field. Use the small and large right knobs mode, then press the ENT Key to accept the
to enter the ground speed. Press the ENT Key other leg mode.
when finished.
3) For point-to-point trip planning, turn the small
9) With all variables entered, the following and large right knobs to enter the identifier
information is provided: of the ‘from’ waypoint. Once the waypoint’s
• REQ - Quantity of fuel required identifier is entered, press the ENT Key to
• LFOB - Left-over fuel on board accept the waypoint. The flashing cursor moves
• LRES - Left-over fuel reserve time to the ‘to’ waypoint (Figure 8-14). Again, turn
the small and large right knobs to enter the
• EFF - Efficiency, expressed in distance per fuel identifier of the ‘to’ waypoint and press the
units (e.g., nautical miles per gallon) ENT Key to accept the waypoint. OR,
• RNG - Range (distance) 4) For ‘flight plan leg’ trip planning, turn the small
• ENDUR - Flight endurance, or total available right knob to select the desired flight plan
flight time (already stored in memory), by number. Turn
10) To reconfigure the data fields press the MENU the large right knob to highlight the ‘LEG’ field
Key to display the options window (Figure (Figure 8-15) and turn the small right knob
8-13). Turn the small right knob to highlight to select the desired leg of the flight plan, or
the ‘change fields?’ option. Press the ENT Key select ‘Cum’ to apply trip planning calculations
to reconfigure the data fields. Turn the large to the entire flight plan.
right knob to select the desired field. Turn
the small right knob to highlight the desired
data. Press the ENT Key to select the data
5) Turn the large right knob to highlight the Flight Planning Page: Density Alt/TAS/Winds
departure time (DEP TIME) field (Figure
8-8). Calculating density altitude, true airspeed,
and winds aloft:
1) Select ‘Density Alt/TAS/Winds’ from the Flight
Planning Page, using the steps described at the
beginning of this section.
2) The flashing cursor highlights the indicated
altitude (IND ALT) field. Use the small and large
right knobs to enter the altitude indicated on
the altimeter (Figure 8-9). Press the ENT Key
when finished.
5) The flashing cursor moves to the total air Flight Planning Page: Scheduler
temperature (TAT) field. Use the small and
large right knobs to enter the temperature Entering a scheduled message:
(Figure 8-10). Press the ENT Key when 1) Select ‘Scheduler’ from the Flight Planning Page,
finished. using the steps described in this section.
2) The flashing cursor highlights the first message
field. If necessary, turn the large right knob
to highlight the first blank message field.
3) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the message text. Press the ENT Key when
finished. (The GPS 500 stores up to nine
scheduled messages holding 20 characters
4) The flashing cursor moves to the type field
under the new message. Turn the small right
Figure 8-10 TAT Selected
knob to display a window of available options
6) The flashing cursor moves to the aircraft (Figure 8-11): Event, One Time, Periodic. Press
heading (HDG) field. Use the small and large the ENT Key to select.
right knobs to enter the aircraft heading from
the directional gyro or compass. Press the ENT
Key when finished.
7) With all variables entered, the following
information is provided:
• DEN ALT - Density altitude
• TAS - True airspeed
• WIND - Wind direction and speed
• HEAD/TAIL WIND - Magnitude of head wind
or tail wind component Figure 8-11 Type Field Highlighted
5) The flashing cursor moves to the time/date field. Deleting a scheduled message:
Use the small and large right knobs to set the 1) Select ‘Scheduler’ from the Flight Planning Page,
time or date (Figure 8-12) required before using the steps described in this section.
the message is displayed. Time is entered as
2) The flashing cursor highlights the first message
hours/minutes/seconds (hhh:mm:ss). Event-
field. Turn the large right knob to highlight
based messages expire at a specific date and
the desired message field.
time. Press the ENT Key when finished.
3) Press the CLR Key to delete the message
text, followed by the ENT Key to confirm the
Flight Planning Page: Crossfill
Select ‘Crossfill?’ from the Flight Planning Page, the
Default NAV Page, or Active Flight Plan Page by pressing
the MENU Key, and then scrolling down to ‘Crossfill’ and
pressing the ENT key.
The crossfill method options are Auto or Manual:
• Automatic Operation: If both units are set to
Figure 8-12 Date Field Selected
automatic, a change in the active flight plan of
Editing a scheduled message: one unit is also be seen in the other. Initiating a
direct-to to a waypoint on one unit also initiates a
1) Select ‘Scheduler’ from the Flight Planning Page,
direct-to to the same waypoint on the other unit.
using the steps described at the beginning of
this section. If one unit is set for automatic crossfill and the
other is set for manual crossfill, then only the
2) The flashing cursor highlights the first message
auto unit automatically sends data to the manual
unit. In this configuration, the auto unit could be
3) To edit the message text, turn the large right thought of as the master unit.
knob to highlight the desired message field.
• Manual Operation: If manual operation is
Use the small and large right knobs to edit the
desired, the pilot must invoke all transfers
message text—entering the new text directly
from that unit. When a unit is configured for
over the old message. Press the ENT Key when
automatic transfer, a manual transfer can also
be done on command. If either of the messages
4) To edit the time field, turn the large right ‘data transfer error’ or ‘data transfer cancelled’ are
knob to highlight the field. Use the small and received during an automatic or manual transfer,
large right knobs to edit the new date or the pilot must force another transfer.
time—entering the new value directly over the
old figure. Press the ENT Key when finished.
Transferring flight plans or user waypoints 3) The flashing cursor highlights the transfer data
to/from a second 400/500-series unit: option (TRANSFER) field. Turn the small right
1) Select ‘Crossfill’ from the Flight Planning Page, knob to display a window of available data
using the steps described at the beginning of options (Figure 8-14).
this section.
2) The flashing cursor highlights the method field.
Turn the small right knob to select ‘Auto’ or
‘Manual’ (Figure 8-13). ‘Auto’ automatically
transfers any selection of (or any change to) a
direct-to destination or active flight plan to a
second 400/500-series Garmin unit.
4) Continue turning the small right knob to select 8.3 Utility Page
the desired data option. Press the ENT Key
when finished. The Utility Page (Figure 8-15) provides access (via menu
options) to checklists, a count down/up timer, trip timers,
5) For a stored flight plan (‘Flight Plan’ data trip statistics, RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity
option), the flight plan number field is Monitoring) prediction, software versions, database
highlighted. Turn the small right knob to versions, and terrain database version information. When
select the desired flight plan and press the a menu option is selected, the corresponding page appears
ENT Key. providing additional information and features.
6) For a specified user waypoint (‘User Waypoint’
data option), the waypoint identifier field is NOTE: Scroll down to view the last 3 items
highlighted. Use the small and large right (Software Versions, Database Versions, and
knobs to enter the identifier of the desired user Terrain Database Versions) listed on the Utility
waypoint. Press the ENT Key when finished. Page.
7) The flashing cursor moves to the ‘CROSS-SIDE’ Menu Options (to Select,
field. Turn the small right knob to select ‘To’ Highlight with Cursor and
Press the ENT Key)
or ‘From’ and press the ENT Key.
8) The flashing cursor moves to the ‘Initiate
Transfer?’ confirmation field. Press the ENT
Key to transfer the selected data.
Position of
Current Page
within Current
Page Group
Selecting a menu option from the Utility • RAIM Prediction - Predicts if GPS coverage is
Page: available for the current location or at a specified
1) Press the small right knob momentarily, to waypoint at any time and date. Receiver
activate the flashing cursor (Figure 8-15). Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM)
performs checks to ensure that the GPS 500
2) Turn the large right knob to select the desired
will have adequate satellite geometry during
menu option
the flight. RAIM availability is near 100% in
3) Press the ENT Key to view the selected page Oceanic, Enroute, and Terminal phases of flight.
(Figure 8-16). Because FAA TSO requirements for non-precision
approaches specify significantly better satellite
coverage than other flight phases, RAIM may not
be available when flying some approaches. The
GPS 500 automatically monitors RAIM during
approach operations and warn the pilot if RAIM is
not available. In such cases, use an external LOC
receiver instead for many of the non-precision
and precision approaches stored on the Jeppesen
NavData Card. RAIM prediction helps the pilot
plan for a pending flight to confirm GPS operation
Figure 8-16 Trip Statistics Page during an approach.
The following menu options are available: An ‘INTEG’ annunciation at the bottom left corner
of the screen (Figure 8-17) indicates that satellite
• Checklists - Provides up to nine different user- coverage is insufficient to pass built-in RAIM tests.
defined checklists containing up to 30 items each. When this occurs, the GPS receiver continues to
• Flight Timers - Provides count up/down timers, provide navigation information, but should not
plus automatic recording of departure time and be used for primary navigation guidance. Use an
total trip time. Departure and total trip time alternate navigation source.
recording can be configured to run either any time
GPS 500 power is on, or only when ground speed
exceeds 30 knots.
• Trip Statistics - Provides readouts for trip
odometers, average speed, and maximum speed.
Figure 8-17 ‘INTEG’ Annunciation
These readouts are resettable (individually or all
at once) by pressing the MENU Key to display the
Trip Statistics Page Menu.
5) To stop the generic timer, turn the large right Viewing, using, or resetting total trip time:
knob to highlight ‘Stop? and press the ENT 1) Select ‘Flight Timers’ from the Utility Page,
Key. using the steps described at the beginning of
6) To reset the generic timer, turn the large right this section.
knob to highlight the time field. Press the CLR 2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the reset
Key, followed by the ENT Key. mode field, under ‘Total Trip Time’ (Figure 8-
Recording or resetting the departure time: 22). The reset mode field indicates ‘Pwr-on’ or
1) Select ‘Flight Timers’ from the Utility Page, ‘GS>30kt’.
using the steps described at the beginning of
this section (8.3).
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the reset
mode field, under ‘Departure Time’. The reset
mode field indicates ‘Pwr-on’ or ‘GS>30kt’.
3) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
reset mode (Figure 8-21). ‘Pwr-on’ records a
departure time when the GPS 500 is turned
on. ‘GS>30kt’ records a departure time once
the GPS-computed ground speed exceeds 30
Figure 8-22 Total Trip Reset Mode Window
3) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
reset mode. ‘Pwr-on’ records trip time, in
hours/minutes/seconds, any time the GPS 500
is turned on. ‘GS>30kt’ records trip time any
time the GPS-computed ground speed exceeds
30 knots.
4) Press the ENT Key when finished.
5) To reset the total trip time, turn the large right
knob to highlight ‘Reset?’ and press the ENT
Figure 8-21 Departure Reset Mode Window
• RAIM Not Available - Satellite coverage is Figure 8-25 Software Versions Page
predicted to NOT be sufficient for reliable
operation during non-precision approaches Utility Page: Database Versions
• RAIM Available - Satellite coverage is predicted The Database Versions Page (Figure 8-26) displays
to be sufficient for reliable operation during the navigation database type and version information as
all flight phases, including non-precision well as the land database type and version. This page
approaches is for information purposes only—no user functions are
available from this page.
NOTE: RAIM computations predict satellite
coverage within ±15 minutes of the specified
arrival date and time. Refer to Section 8.4 for
specific information regarding RAIM protection
limits, also refer to Section 13 for FDE (Fault
Detection and Exclusion) information.
Selecting a menu option from the Setup During approach operations the CDI scale
Page: gradually ramps down even further, to 0.3 nm.
1) Press the small right knob momentarily, to This transition normally occurs within 2.0 nm of
activate the flashing cursor. the final approach fix (FAF). If a lower CDI scale
setting is selected (i.e., 1.0 nm or 0.3 nm) the
2) Turn the large right knob to select the desired
higher scale settings are not selected during any
menu option, and press the ENT Key (Figure
phase of flight. For example, if 1.0 nm is selected,
the GPS 500 uses this for the enroute and
terminal phase and ramp down to 0.3 nm during
an approach. Note that the Receiver Autonomous
Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) protection limits
listed in Table 8-2 follow the selected CDI scale
and corresponding modes:
CDI Scales and Corresponding Flight Phases
Figure 8-29 Units/Position Page
The following menu options are available:
• ‘CDI/Alarms’ - Allows the pilot to define the scale
for the GPS 500’s on-screen course deviation Enroute
indicator. The scale values represent full scale
deflection for the CDI to either side (Figure
8-30). The default setting is ‘Auto’. At this
setting, the CDI scale is set to 5 nm during the Terminal
enroute/oceanic phase of flight. Within 30 nm
of the destination airport the CDI scale gradually
ramps down to 1.0 nm (terminal area). Likewise
when leaving the departure airport the CDI scale Approach
is set to 1.0 nm and gradually ramps UP to 5 nm (for each scale/phase to be available,
beyond 30 nm (from the departure airport). ‘Selected CDI’ must be set to ‘5.00nm’)
Figure 8-30 CDI Scales
CDI Scale/Flight Phase: RAIM Protection: • ‘Units/Position’ - Allows the pilot to configure
the displayed data to standard or metric units of
Auto (oceanic) 4.0 nm
measure. This setting applies to distance, speed,
±5.0 nm or Auto (enroute) 2.0 nm altitude, fuel, pressure, and temperature. Also
±1.0 nm or Auto (terminal) 1.0 nm provides three magnetic variation (heading)
±0.3 nm or Auto (approach) 0.3 nm options: True, Auto, or User-defined. If ‘Auto’ is
selected, all track, course and heading information
Table 8-2 CDI Scales is corrected to the magnetic variation computed
by the GPS receiver. The ‘True’ setting references
An arrival alarm, provided on the CDI/Alarms all information to true north, and the ‘User’ setting
Page, may be set to notify the pilot with a message corrects information to an user-entered value.
when the aircraft has reached a user-defined Configuration settings for position format are
distance to the final destination (the direct-to also provided, and the map datum setting is
waypoint or the last waypoint in a flight plan). shown. The map datum used in the GPS 500
Once the aircraft has reached the set distance (up is WGS 84. Note that a map datum that does
to 99.9 units), an ‘Arrival at [waypoint]’ message not match the charts can result in significant
is displayed. differences in position information. When using
The Airspace Alarms fields allow the pilot to the paper charts for reference only, the GPS 500
turn the controlled/special-use airspace message still provides correct navigation guidance to the
alerts on or off. This does not affect the alerts waypoints contained in the database, regardless of
listed on the Nearest Airspace Page or the the datum differences.
airspace boundaries depicted on the Map Page. It
• ‘Date/Time’ - Provides settings for time format
simply turns on/off the warning provided when
(local or UTC; 10- or 24-hour) and time offset.
approaching or near an airspace.
The time offset is used to define current local
An altitude buffer is also provided which ‘expands’
time. UTC (also called GMT or Zulu) date
the vertical range above or below an airspace.
and time are calculated directly from the GPS
For example, if the buffer is set at 500 feet, and
satellites’ signals and cannot be changed. To use
the aircraft is more than 500 feet above or below
local time, simply designate the offset by adding
an airspace, the pilot is not notified with an alert
or subtracting the correct number of hours.
message; if the aircraft is less than 500 feet above
or below an airspace and projected to enter it, the • ‘Display Backlight’ - Allows the pilot to adjust the
pilot is notified with an alert message. The default display for optimum viewing in any condition.
is 200 feet. Automatic backlighting is available which uses
a built-in photocell (at the top left corner of
the display bezel) to make the proper display
adjustments without any user intervention. The
pilot may also select manual control of the display
contrast and backlighting of the GPS 500’s display.
4) To change the altitude buffer, turn the large Setup Page: CDI Scale/Alarms
right knob to highlight the ‘Altitude Buffers’
field (Figure 8-32). Use the small and large Changing the maximum CDI scale:
right knobs to enter the desired buffer 1) Select ‘CDI/Alarms’ from the Setup Page, using
distance. Press the ENT Key when finished. the steps described at the beginning of this
2) The flashing cursor highlights the ‘Selected CDI’
field (Figure 8-33). Turn the small right knob
to select the desired CDI scale. The selected
scale and any lower scale settings are used
during the various phases of flight as described
at the beginning of this section.
Figure 8-36 Temp Units Window Figure 8-37 Position Format Window
The following categories, and corresponding units of 3) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
measure, are available: position format.
• DIS, SPD - Distance and speed in Nautical
The following position formats are available:
(nautical miles/knots), Statute (miles/miles
per hour), or Metric (kilometers/kilometers • hddd°mm.mmm’ - Latitude and longitude in
per hour) terms degrees and decimal minutes
• ALT, VS - Altitude and vertical speed in Feet/ • hddd°mm’ss.s’ - Latitude and longitude in
feet per minute, Meters/meters per minute, or degrees, minutes, and decimal seconds
Meters/meters per second • MGRS - Military Grid Reference System
• PRESSURE - Barometric pressure in Inches or • UTM/UPS - Universal Transverse Mercator/
Millibars Universal Polar Stereographic grids
• TEMP - Temperature in degrees Celsius or 3) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected
Fahrenheit format.
• FUEL - Fuel units in Gallons, Imperial Gallons,
Kilograms, Liters, or Pounds
3) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
units of measure for the selected category.
Press the ENT Key to accept the selection.
Setup Page: Nearest Airport Criteria Setup Page: Data Field Configuration
Setting the minimum runway length and Configuring the Auxiliary Data Field:
runway surface: 1) Select ‘Data Field Configuration’ from the
1) Select ‘Nearest Airport Criteria’ from the Setup Page, using the steps described at the
Setup Page, using the steps described at the beginning of this section..
beginning of this section. 2) Turn the small right knob to select an option
2) The flashing cursor highlights the runway from the Auxiliary Configuration Window
surface field (Figure 8-42). Turn the small (Figure 8-43). The following options are avail-
right knob to select the desired surface. The able:
following options are available: • Configurable Data Fields - Displays a user-select-
• Any surface able data field of navigation data (see Table 8-3 for
• Hard surfaces only available options).
• Hard or Soft surfaces • Traffic Watch - If the GPS 500 is connected to
• Water landings only other equipment providing traffic alert informa-
tion, a window is provided to display traffic
information. This allows traffic monitoring from
any page to quickly identify traffic hazards.
Creating a vertical navigation profile: 6) Turn the small right knob to select “Before” or
1) Press the VNAV Key to display the Vertical “After” (Figure 9-4), and press the ENT Key.
Navigation Page. This setting designates whether the offset
distance defines a point before you reach the
2) Press the small right knob to activate the
target reference waypoint or after you reach
the waypoint.
3) With the TARGET ALTITUDE field highlighted
(Figure 9-3), turn the small and large right
knobs to select the target altitude, and press
the ENT Key.
With the profile set, the vertical speed required (VSR) • At 500 feet above (or below, for a climb) the
is displayed on the Vertical Navigation Page. Expect the target altitude, an “Approaching Target Altitude”
following to occur when using the vertical navigation message is provided (Figure 9-6). The VSR
feature: readout on the Default NAV and Map Pages is
• At one minute prior to reaching the initial descent blanked out, at this point.
point, a message “Approaching VNAV Profile”
(Figure 9-5) occurs. The descent (or climb) angle
also locks to prevent changes in speed from alter-
ing the profile.
Vertical navigation messages can be turned on or off. Restoring the factory default VNAV
(By default the messages are off.) Turning the messages settings:
off allows you to keep the profile settings you’ve entered 1) Press the MENU Key to display the Verti-
previously, without having them generate messages when cal Navigation Page Options menu (Figure
the feature isn’t needed. 9-8).
Disabling/enabling the vertical navigation
(VNAV) messages:
1) Press the MENU Key to display the Vertical
Navigation Page Options menu (Figure
* Some earlier units are not equipped to support the TERRAIN displays terrain and obstructions relative
TERRAIN and/or TAWS functionality, so therefore will not to the altitude of the aircraft. The displayed alerts are
have a TERRAIN or TAWS page available. advisory in nature only. Individual obstructions may
be shown if available in the database. However, all
10.1 INTRODUCTION obstructions may not be available in the database and
data may be inaccurate. Never use this information for
Garmin TERRAIN is a non-TSO-C151b-certified navigation or to maneuver to avoid obstacles.
terrain awareness system incorporated into GPS 500 Terrain information is based on terrain elevation
units to increase situational awareness and aid in information in a database that may contain inaccuracies.
reducing controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). TERRAIN Terrain information should be used as an aid to situational
functionality is a standard feature found in GPS 500 units awareness. Never use it for navigation or to maneuver to
with main software version 6.01 or above, along with avoid terrain.
appropriate hardware upgrades. TERRAIN uses terrain and obstacle information
Operating Criteria supplied by government sources. The data undergoes
verification by Garmin to confirm accuracy of the content,
TERRAIN requires the following to operate properly: per TSO-C151b. However, the displayed information
• The system must have a valid 3-D GPS position should never be understood as being all-inclusive.
• The system must have a valid terrain/obstacle/
airport terrain database.
10.2 TERRAIN Page NOTE: If an obstacle and the projected flight path
of the aircraft intersect, the display automatically
See Section 2.5 for a complete description of the
zooms in to the closest potential point of impact
TERRAIN Page and its operation.
on the TERRAIN Page.
The symbols and colors in Figure 10-1 and Table
10-1 are used to represent obstacles and potential
impact points on the TERRAIN Page. TERRAIN
uses yellow (caution) and red (warning) to depict
terrain information relative to aircraft altitude.
Each color is associated with an alert severity level.
Terrain graphics and visual annunciations also use
these color assignments.
Potential Impact Point
1000 ft
100’ below current aircraft
Obstacle between 100’ and
1000’ below current aircraft
Table 10-1 Terrain/Obstacle Colors and Symbology
10.3 TERRAIN Alerts Pop-up terrain alerts (Figures 10-3 & 10-4) can also
appear during an alert, but only when the TERRAIN Page
TERRAIN Alerts are issued when flight conditions is not displayed.
meet parameters that are set within TERRAIN software There are two options when an alert is displayed:
algorithms. TERRAIN alerts typically employ either an
ADVISORY or a CAUTION alert severity level, or both. • Press the CLR Key. This acknowledges the
When an alert is issued, visual annunciations are pop-up alert and returns to the currently
displayed. viewed page.
Annunciations appear in a dedicated field in the lower • Press the ENT Key. This acknowledges the
left corner of the display (Figure 10-2). Annunciations pop-up alert and accesses the TERRAIN Page.
are color-coded according to Table 10-2.
TERRAIN Annunciation Field
Table 10-2 shows the possible TERRAIN alert types with corresponding annunciations.
Alert Type Annunciation Pop-Up Alert
TERRAIN Failure None
TERRAIN Inhibited None
TERRAIN Not Available None
Required Terrain Clearance (RTC) Advisory
Table 10-3 shows system status annunciations that may also be issued:
Alert Type Pop-Up Alert
TERRAIN System Test Fail None
TERRAIN Alerting is disabled None
No GPS position or excessively degraded None
GPS signal
System Test in progress None
System Test pass None None
Table 10-3 Additional System Annunciations
Figure 10-6 TERRAIN Page Menu
2) Press the ENT Key. The ‘TER INHB’ annunciation
is displayed in the TERRAIN annunciator field
when TERRAIN is inhibited (Figure 10-7).
Annunciator Field
200 “Too Low Terrain”
Runway 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Distance From Destination Airport (nm) Figure 10-7 Annunciator Field
* Some earlier units are not equipped to support the TAWS displays terrain and obstructions relative to the
TERRAIN and/or TAWS functionality, so therefore will not altitude of the aircraft. The displayed caution and warning
have a TERRAIN or TAWS page available. alerts are advisory in nature only. Individual obstructions
may be shown if available in the database. However, all
11.1 INTRODUCTION obstructions may not be available in the database and
data may be inaccurate. Never use this information for
TAWS (Terrain Awareness and Warning System) is navigation or to maneuver to avoid obstacles.
a feature to increase situational awareness and aid in Terrain information is based on terrain elevation
reducing controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). TAWS information in a database that may contain inaccuracies.
satisfies TSO-C151b Class B requirements for certification. Terrain information should be used as an aid to situational
Class B TAWS is required for all Part 91 aircraft operations awareness. Never use it for navigation or to maneuver to
with six or more passenger seats and for Part 135 turbine avoid terrain.
aircraft operations with six to nine passenger seats (FAR TAWS uses terrain and obstacle information supplied
Parts 91.223, 135.154). by government sources. The data undergoes verification
TAWS functionality is an available feature found in by Garmin to confirm accuracy of the content, per TSO-
GPS 500 TAWS units with main software version 6.01 or C151b. However, the displayed information should never
above, along with appropriate hardware upgrades. TAWS be understood as being all-inclusive.
provides visual and aural annunciations when terrain and
obstacles are within the given altitude threshold from the TAWS Alerting
aircraft. TAWS uses information provided from the GPS receiver
Operating Criteria to provide a horizontal position and altitude. GPS altitude
is derived from satellite measurements. GPS altitude is
TAWS requires the following to operate properly: converted to a mean sea level (MSL)-based altitude (GPS-
• The system must have a valid 3-D GPS position MSL altitude) and is used to determine TAWS alerts.
solution. GPS-MSL altitude accuracy is affected by factors such
• The system must have a valid terrain/obstacle/ as satellite geometry, but it is not subject to variations in
airport terrain database. pressure and temperature that normally affect pressure
altitude devices. GPS-MSL altitude does not require local
altimeter settings to determine MSL altitude. Therefore,
GPS altitude provides a highly accurate and reliable MSL
altitude source to calculate terrain and obstacle alerts.
11.2 TAWS Page NOTE: If an obstacle and the projected flight path
of the aircraft intersect, the display automatically
See Section 2.6 for a complete description of the TAWS
zooms in to the closest potential point of impact
Page and its operation.
on the TAWS Page.
TAWS Symbols
The symbols and colors in Figure 11-1 and
Table 11-1 are used to represent obstacles and
potential impact points on the TAWS Page. TAWS
uses yellow (caution) and red (warning) to depict
terrain information relative to aircraft altitude.
Each color is associated with an alert severity level.
Terrain graphics and visual annunciations also use
these color assignments.
Potential Impact Point
1000 ft
100’ below current aircraft
Obstacle between 100’ and
1000’ below current aircraft
Table 11-1 TAWS Terrain/Obstacle Colors and Symbology
Figure 11-2 TAWS Annunciation Field Figure 11-4 Warning Alert Pop-up
Table 11-2 shows the possible TAWS alert types with corresponding annunciations and aural messages.
Alert Type Pop-Up Alert Aural Message
Excessive Descent Rate (EDR) Warning “Pull Up”
Reduced Required Terrain Clearance * “Terrain, Terrain; Pull Up, Pull Up”*
(RTC) Warning or or
“Terrain Ahead, Pull Up; Terrain Ahead, Pull Up”
Imminent Terrain Impact (ITI) Warning * Terrain Ahead, Pull Up; Terrain Ahead, Pull Up’*
or or
“Terrain, Terrain; Pull Up, Pull Up”
Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance * “Obstacle, Obstacle; Pull Up, Pull Up”*
(ROC) Warning or or
“Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up; Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up”
Imminent Obstacle Impact (IOI) * “Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up; Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up”*
Warning or or
“Obstacle, Obstacle; Pull Up, Pull Up”
Reduced Required Terrain Clearance * “Caution, Terrain; Caution, Terrain”*
(RTC) Caution or or
“Terrain Ahead; Terrain Ahead”
Imminent Terrain Impact (ITI) Caution * “Terrain Ahead; Terrain Ahead”*
or or
“Caution, Terrain; Caution, Terrain”
Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance * “Caution, Obstacle; Caution, Obstacle”*
(ROC) Caution or or
“Obstacle Ahead; Obstacle Ahead”
Imminent Obstacle Impact (IOI) Caution * “Obstacle Ahead; Obstacle Ahead”*
or or
“Caution, Obstacle; Caution, Obstacle”
Premature Descent Alert (PDA) Caution “Too Low, Terrain”
Altitude Callout “500” None None “Five-Hundred”
Excessive Descent Rate (EDR) Caution “Sink Rate”
Negative Climb Rate (NCR) Caution * “Don’t Sink”*
or or
“Too Low, Terrain”
Table 11-2 TAWS Alerts Summary
* Indicates the default configuration
Table 11-3 shows system status annunciations that may also be issued:
Alert Type Pop-Up Alert Aural Message
TAWS System Test Fail None “TAWS System Failure”
TAWS Alerting is disabled None None
No GPS position or excessively degraded None “TAWS Not Available”
GPS signal “TAWS Available” is generated when sufficient
GPS signal is re-established.
System Test in progress None None
System Test pass None None “TAWS System Test OK”
Table 11-3 Additional System Annunciations
Runway 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Distance From Destination Airport (nm)
Figure 11-7 Annunciator Field
Figure 11-5 PDA Alerting Threshold
Enabling TAWS:
1) Select the TAWS Page and press the MENU
Key. ‘Enable Terrain?’ is selected by default.
2) Press the ENT Key. The TAWS system is
functional again.
Height Above Terrain (Feet)
3500 "S
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Descent Rate (FPM)
300 “DON’T SINK”
TIS Operational Procedures NOTE: The main difference between TIS and TCAS
is the source of surveillance data. TCAS uses an
TIS warns the user with voice and visual traffic airborne interrogator with a half-second update
advisories when it predicts an intruder to be a threat. rate, while TIS uses the terminal Mode S ground
The user should not start evasive maneuvers using interrogator and its Data Link to provide about
information from the GPS 500 display or on a traffic a 4-second update rate. The range accuracy of
advisory only. The display and advisories are intended TIS and TCAS is similar.
only for assistance in visually locating the traffic, due to
the lack in resolution and coordination ability. The flight While TIS is a useful aid to visual traffic avoidance, it
crew should attempt to visually acquire the intruder has some system limitations that must be fully understood
aircraft and maintain a safe separation in accordance with to ensure proper use. Many of these limitations are
regulatory requirements and good operating practice. If inherent in secondary radar surveillance. In other words,
the flight crew cannot visually acquire the aircraft, they the information provided by TIS is no better than that
should contact ATC to obtain any information that may provided to ATC. TIS only displays aircraft with operating
assist concerning the intruder aircraft. Based on the above transponders installed.
procedures, minor adjustment to the vertical flight path TIS relies on surveillance of the Mode S radar, which
consistent with air traffic requirements are not considered is a ‘secondary surveillance’ radar similar to the ATCRBS.
evasive maneuvers. TIS operation may be intermittent during turns or other
maneuvering. TIS is dependent on two-way, ‘line-of-
sight’ communications between the aircraft and the
Mode S radar. When the structure of the client aircraft
comes between the transponder antenna (usually located The preceding errors are relatively rare occurrences
on the underside of the aircraft) and the ground-based and are corrected in a few radar scans once the course has
radar antenna, the signal may be temporarily interrupted. stabilized.
Other limitations and anomalies associated with TIS are Users of TIS can render valuable assistance in the
described in the AIM, Section 1-3-5. correction of malfunctions by reporting their observations
of undesirable performance.
TIS is unavailable at low altitudes in many areas Reporters should identify:
of the U.S., particularly in mountainous regions.
Also, when flying near the ‘floor’ of radar cov-
• Time of observation
erage in a particular area, intruders below the • Location, type, and identity of aircraft
client aircraft may not be detected by TIS.
• Condition observed
TIS information is collected one radar scan prior to • Type of transponder, processor, and software in
the scan during which the uplink occurs. Therefore, the use
surveillance information is approximately 5 seconds old.
Since TIS performance is monitored by maintenance
In order to present the intruders in a ‘real time’ position,
personnel rather than ATC, it is suggested that malfunctions
the TIS ground station uses a predictive algorithm in
be reported in the following ways:
its tracking software. This algorithm uses track history
data to extrapolate intruders to their expected positions • By telephone to the nearest Flight Service Station
consistent with the time of display in the cockpit. (FSS) facility.
Occasionally, aircraft maneuvering causes this algorithm • By FAA Form 8000-7, Safety Improvement
to induce errors in the 500 Series display. These errors Report, a postage-paid card designed for this
primarily affect relative bearing information and traffic purpose. These cards may be obtained at FAA
target track vector (it lags); intruder distance and altitude FSS’s, General Aviation District Offices, Flight
remain relatively accurate and may be used to assist in Standards District Offices, and General Aviation
“see and avoid”. Some of the more common examples of Fixed Based Operations.
these errors follow:
• When client or intruder aircraft maneuvers
excessively or abruptly, the tracking algorithm
may report incorrect horizontal position until the
maneuvering aircraft stabilizes.
• When a rapidly closing intruder is on a course
that crosses the client aircraft course at a shallow
angle (either overtaking or head on) and either
aircraft abruptly changes course within .25 nm,
TIS may display the intruder on the wrong side of
the client.
TIS Traffic Display Status and Pilot Response • FAILED - ‘FAILED’ is displayed when the GTX
330 has indicated it has failed (Figure 12-8). The
• AGE - If traffic data is not refreshed within 6 pilot should see the installer for corrective action.
seconds, an age indicator (e.g., ‘AGE 00:12’) is
displayed in the lower right corner of the display
(when displaying traffic). See Figure 12-6. After
another 6 seconds, if data is still not received,
the traffic is removed from the display. The pilot
should be aware that the quality of displayed
traffic is reduced in this condition.
• STANDBY - When the Traffic Page displays • UNAVAIL - When a 60 second period elapses with
STANDBY (Figure 12-10), the TIS system is in no data, TIS is considered to be unavailable. This
standby mode and cannot display traffic data. state is indicated by the text ‘UNAVAIL’ (Figure
12-12). The pilot should be aware that ‘UNAVAIL’
could indicate a TIS coverage limitation due to a
line-of-sight situation, a low altitude condition,
or a result of flying directly over the radar site
providing coverage (cone of silence).
and Age Figure 12-13 Traffic Warning Window
NOTE: The Traffic Warning Window is disabled
Figure 12-11 Traffic Removed Banner when the aircraft ground speed is less than 30
knots or when an approach is active.
Bearing Traffic
Traffic Advisory
Advisory Banner
Figure 12-14 Non-Bearing TA Banner Figure 12-15 Map Page Displaying Traffic
• The ‘TA’ annunciation.
• The distance in miles ‘1.5’, from the client
aircraft’s present position to the intruder aircraft.
• A ‘+’ or ‘-’ symbol indicating whether the intruder
aircraft is above (+) or below (-) the client aircraft.
• The difference in altitude ‘04’ (shown in hundreds
of feet) between the intruder aircraft and the client
• An up or down arrow indicating that the intruder
aircraft is climbing or descending at a rate greater
than 500 fpm.
Traffic Page Display Range
Various display ranges can be selected for optimal
display of TIS traffic information.
Changing the display range on the Traffic
Press the RNG Key to zoom through the range
selections which are: 12/6 nm, 6/2 nm, and 2
Configuring TIS traffic on the Map Page: Thumbnail Traffic on Map Page
1) Turn the small right knob to select the Map The Map Page can display traffic in a thumbnail format
Page. in any of the top three data fields on the right side of the
2) Press the MENU key. Turn the small right Map Page.
knob to select ‘Setup Map’? and press the ENT Displaying Thumbnail Traffic on the Map
Key. Page:
3) The flashing cursor highlights the GROUP field. 1) Turn the small right knob to select the Map
Turn the small right knob to select ‘Traffic’ Page.
(Figure 12-16) and press the ENT Key.
2) Press the MENU Key to display the Page
3) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Change
Fields?’ and press the ENT Key.
4) Select one of the top three configurable fields.
Select ‘TRFC’ from the Select Field Type List and
Figure 12-16 Map Setup Window press the ENT Key. Note that the thumbnail
4) Turn the large right knob to select the desired range defaults to 6 nm and cannot be changed
Traffic Mode option. Turn the small right knob (Figure 12-17).
to select the desired option and press the ENT
Key. Repeat the step for Traffic Symbol and
Traffic Label.
5) Press the CLR Key to return the Map Page.
The traffic mode selection menu allows the user to
choose from the following:
• All trfc - All traffic is displayed on the Map Page.
• TA/PA - Only traffic and proximity advisories are
displayed on the Map Page (proximity advisories Figure 12-17 Thumbnail Traffic on Map Page
are not applicable to TIS configuration).
• TA only - Only traffic advisories are displayed on
the Map Page.
Pilots should be aware of TAS/TCAS system In all other conditions, Level B (greater sensitivity) TA
limitations. If an intruder transponder does not respond sensitivity is used to assess TA threats.
to interrogations due to antenna shading or marginal
Traffic Symbology
transponder performance, it will not be displayed, or
Traffic information from the GTS 8XX is displayed on
display may be intermittent. Pilots should remain vigilant
the GPS 500 unit using TAS/TCAS symbology (Table 12-4)
for traffic at all times when using TAS/TCAS systems for
on a dedicated Traffic page, and on the moving Map Page.
non-transponder equipped airplanes or unresponsive
The displayed traffic information generally includes the
relative range, bearing, and altitude of intruder aircraft.
TCAS I Surveillance Volume The GTS 8XX also generates aural announcements heard
Top and bottom mounted antennas allow an active on the cockpit audio system.
surveillance range of up to 12 nm (GTS 800) or 40 nm Target altitude relative to own aircraft altitude (relative
(GTS 820/850) in the forward direction, and somewhat altitude) is displayed (in hundreds of feet) for each target
reduced ranges to the sides and aft of own aircraft due symbol (Figure 12-19). If traffic is above own aircraft altitude
to the directional interrogation patterns. Interference the relative altitude is shown above the target next to a ‘+’
limiting in GTS 820/850 units may automatically reduce symbol. If traffic is below own aircraft altitude the relative
range in high density traffic areas. altitude is shown below the target next to a ‘-’ symbol.
Altitude trend (Figure 12-19) is displayed as an up
TA Alerting Conditions arrow (≥ +500 fpm), down arrow (≤ -500 fpm), or no
The GTS 8XX automatically adjusts its TA sensitivity level symbol if less than 500 fpm rate in either direction.
(Table 12-5) to reduce the likelihood of nuisance TA alerting Relative
during flight phases likely to be near airports. Sensitivity Altitude
Level A (less sensitivity) TA is used when the aircraft’s radar Traffic Altitude
Type Trend
altimeter (if equipped) indicates own altitude is less than
2000 feet AGL. If no radar altimeter is present, Sensitivity
Level A is active when the landing gear is extended. Level A
is also active when groundspeed is less than 120 knots with
no radar altimeter present in a fixed gear aircraft. Figure 12-19 Traffic Symbol Components
Sensitivity Intruder
Level Altitude TA Alerting Conditions
Intruder closing rate provides less than 20 seconds of vertical and horizontal separation.
A Yes Or:
Intruder range is within 0.2 nm and vertical separation is within 600 feet.
A No Intruder closing rate is less than 15 seconds.
Intruder closing rate provides less than 30 seconds of vertical and horizontal separation.
B Yes Or:
Intruder range is within 0.55 nm and vertical separation is within 800 feet.
B No Intruder closing rate is less than 20 seconds.
Table 12-5 TA Sensitivity Level and TA Alerting Criteria
Aural Alerts
A TA consists of a displayed traffic symbol (solid yellow
circle) and an aural alert. The aural alert announces
“traffic”, followed by the intruder aircraft’s position,
altitude relative to own aircraft (“high”, “low”, or “same
altitude”), and distance from own aircraft; e.g. “traffic, 12
o’clock, high, 3 miles”.
Self-Test Figure 12-20 Standby Mode
The GTS 8XX automatically performs a self-test upon User-initiated Test
power up. The self-test checks internal parameters and In addition to the power-up test, the GTS 8XX performs
calibrates components of the GTS 8XX. The self-test can self-tests during normal operation. A self-test is performed
also be initiated by the user during normal operation. once per minute to verify that the antenna is connected.
Check for the following test criteria on the Traffic Page Also, a calibration is performed at varying intervals based on
during power-up: time and temperature. A user-initiated test of the GTS 8XX
• If the GTS 8XX passes the power-up test; and interface can also be performed. The test criteria are identi-
the aircraft both has a squat switch and is on the cal to the power up self-test, although the user-initiated test
ground, the Standby Screen is displayed (Figure is concluded by an aural pass/fail message.
• If the GTS 8XX passes the power-up test and the NOTE: A user-initiated test can only be performed
when in standby or failed mode.
aircraft both has a squat switch and is airborne,
the Traffic Page is displayed on the 6-nm display Performing a user-initiated test:
range and in the normal altitude display mode. 1) Turn the small right knob to select the Traffic
• If the GTS 8XX passes the power-up test and the Page.
aircraft does not have a squat switch, the Standby 2) From the Traffic Page, press the MENU Key to
Screen is displayed (Figure 12-20). display the Page Menu.
• If the GTS 8XX fails the power-up test (as 3) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Self Test?’.
indicated by a FAILED screen), the GTS 8XX is 4) Press the ENT Key.
inoperable, see the GTS 8XX Installation Manual Test-Mode
for detailed information on Failure Response.
NOTE: The FAILED message is displayed when
the system detects an error that prohibits further
traffic display operation.
NOTE: When the system is in standby, the
GTS 8XX does not transmit, interrogate, or track
intruder aircraft.
Figure 12-21 Self-Test Mode
NOTE: The GTS 8XX will automatically switch out Traffic Banner
of standby 8 to 10 seconds after takeoff, which
is determined by ground speed or by a transition Display
Range Traffic Advisory
of the aircraft squat switch (if connected).
(with no bearing
Switching to Standby Mode from the Traffic Figure 12-22 Traffic Page
1) Press the small right knob to activate the Traffic Page Display Range
cursor and highlight ‘OPER’. The display range on the Traffic Page can be changed
2) Turn the small right knob to select ‘STBY?’. at any time.
3) Press the ENT Key to confirm and place the Changing the display range on the Traffic
GTS 8XX in standby mode. Page:
Press the RNG Key to step through the
NOTE: The GTS 8XX goes into standby mode 24 following range options:
seconds after landing, which is determined by • 2 nm
ground speed or by a transiton of the aircraft • 2 and 6 nm
squat switch (if connected). This delay allows • 6 and 12 nm
the GTS 8XX to remain out of standby during a • 12 and 24 nm (GTS 820/850 only)
touch-and-go maneuver.
• 24 and 40 nm (GTS 820/850 only)
+9,000 ft
+2,700 ft +2,700 ft
Unrestricted (UNR)
Normal (NRM)
Above (ABV)
Below (BLW)
0 ft 0 ft
-9,000 ft
-9,900 ft
10) Return to the Map Page by pressing the CLR Highlighting Traffic Data Using Map Panning
Key. Another map page function is panning, which allows
changing the map beyond its current limits without
Thumbnail Traffic on Map Page adjusting the map scale. Select the panning function by
Traffic in a thumbnail format can be displayed in any pressing the small right knob, a target pointer flashes on
of the three data fields on the right side of the Map Page the map display (Figure 12-29). Also a window appears at
(Figure 12-28). the top of the map display showing the latitude/longitude
Displaying Thumbnail Traffic on the Map position of the pointer, and the bearing and distance to
Page the pointer from the present position.
1) Turn the small right knob to select the Map Selecting the panning function and panning
Page. the map display:
2) Press the MENU Key to display the Page 1) Press the small right knob to activate the
Menu. panning target pointer (Figure 12-29).
3) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Change
4) Press the ENT Key.
5) Turn the large right knob to select one of the
three fields.
6) Turn the small right knob to select ‘TRFC’ from
the Select Field Type List.
7) Press the ENT Key. (Figure 12-28)
12.3 Weather Data Link Interface around for delivery to ORBCOMM in less than
five seconds (ORBCOMM is a provider of global
This section is written for:
messaging services using a constellation of 26
• Garmin 500 Series Main System Software Version
low-Earth orbiting satellites). The message is
6.01 and later
relayed from the satellites to the GDL 49 aboard
• GDL 49 Main Software Version 2.03 and later the aircraft. Once the GDL 49 receives the
• GDL 69/69A Main Software Version 2.14 and later message, it is displayed on the 500 Series unit.
Some differences in operation may be observed when • GDL 69/69A - NEXRAD and METAR data
comparing the information in this manual to earlier or is collected by the National Weather Service
later software versions. and disseminated to WxWorks™, a weather
information provider. This data is then delivered
NOTE: This section is written exclusively for 500 to XM Satellite for rebroadcast. Data from two
Series units that are configured with the GDL
XM satellites is then made immediately available
49 or GDL 69(A) Data Link Satellite Receiver.
to XM customers. The GDL 69/69A receives
Refer to the 400/500 Series Display Interfaces
Pilot’s Guide Addendum (190-00140-10) when streaming weather data, processes the data, then
interfacing with non-Garmin products. sends it to the 500 Series unit for display.
Functions provided by the Weather Data Link system
Introduction include:
GPS 500 units can interface with the GDL 49 or the • Request for and display of NEXRAD radar
GDL 69/69A. The GPS 500 unit provides the display and imagery.
control interface for the textual and graphical weather
data link. • Request for and display of text-based METAR
Satellite up-linked textual and graphical weather data.
data is received the GDL 49 on a request/reply basis. • Request for and display of a compressed form of
Transmissions are made using bursts of compressed METAR data that allows icon representations at
data at a rate of 4800 bps. Weather data transmissions reporting stations on a moving map indicating
are streamed directly to the GDL 69/69A from the XM visibility, ceiling, etc.
Satellite Radio network. • Position tracking services are provided through
The following operational differences are noted periodic position report transmissions from the
between the GDL 69/69A and the GDL 49. 500 Series unit (available with GDL 49 only).
• GDL 49 - NEXRAD and METAR data is collected
by the National Weather Service and disseminated
to Meteorlogix™, a weather information provider.
This data is then delivered to a weather server
in the Echo Flight Message System. With
the weather data on the system, an incoming
customer request is filled, logged, and turned
NEXRAD Intensity
Colors are used to identify the different NEXRAD echo intensities (reflectivity) measured in dBZ (decibels of Z).
Reflectivity (designated by the letter Z) is the amount of transmitted power returned to the radar receiver. The dBZ values
increase as returned signal strength increases. Precipitation intensity is displayed on the 500 Series units using colors
represented by the dBZ values listed in Table 12-6.
Display dBZ Rain Snow Source of NEXRAD Echo
GDL 49 GDL 69 (inches/hour) (inches/hour) Atmos Cloud Rain Snow Sleet Hail
<-10 .00 .00 √
-10 .00 .00 √ √
-5 .00 trace √ √
0 .00 trace - .05 √ √ Very Light
5 .00 trace - .10 √ √ Light
10 0 – trace .10 √ √ Light Light
15 .01 .1-.2 Light Light
20 .02 .2-.3 Light Light
25 .05 .3-.5 Light Light – Medium
30 .09 .4-.7 Light – Moderate Moderate
35 .24 .6-1.0 Moderate Heavy √
40 .48 >1 or sleet Heavy Heavy √
45 1.25 >1 or sleet Heavy Heavy √
50 2.5 sleet Intense √ √
55 5.7 sleet Extreme √ √
60 12.7 Extreme √
65 Extreme √
70 Large
75 Large
Requesting NEXRAD Data The NEXRAD Request Page has the following user-
selectable fields:
NEXRAD data can be requested from the Data Link
Page or the Map Page. • Center - This field allows the pilot to specify
reference points for the request. The following
Requesting NEXRAD data from the Data
five options are available for the ‘Center’ field:
Link Page:
1) Select the Data Link Page from the AUX Page ♦ Current Position - Request NEXRAD data from
Group. the aircraft’s current position.
2) Press the small right knob to activate the ♦ Look Ahead - Request NEXRAD data ahead of
cursor. ‘NexRad Request’ is highlighted (Figure (along) the current route.
12-30). ♦ From ID - Request NEXRAD data from a
specific waypoint identifier. If ‘From ID’ is
selected as the reference point for the request,
the ‘WPT’ field is displayed (in place of
‘Position’). The ‘WPT’ field is used to enter a
waypoint identifier as the reference point for
the request.
♦ From Lat/Lon - Request NEXRAD data from
a specific latitude and longitude. This is only
selectable when requesting from the map. The
Figure 12-30 Data Link Page (GDL 49) ‘Position’ field displays the position of the map
cursor and cannot be edited.
3) Press the ENT Key. The NEXRAD Request Page ♦ From Flight Plan - Request NEXRAD data from
(see Figure 12-31) is displayed. one of the waypoints in the active flight plan.
This is only selectable when an active Flight
Plan has been selected. The ‘Flight Plan’ field
(displayed in place of ‘Position’) is used to select
which waypoint in the active flight plan to use
as the reference point for the request.
• Radius - This field selects a request radius from 50
to 250 nautical miles from the selected position.
• Position (also WPT or Flight Plan) - ‘Current
Posn’-Position is current, ‘Look Ahead’-Position is
Figure 12-31 NEXRAD Request Page (GDL 49) look ahead position. ‘From ID’-Position is from
the ID entered into the WPT field. ‘Flight Plan’ is
the ID selected from the active flight plan.
• Auto Request (GDL 49 Only) - This field is Requesting NEXRAD data from the Map
used to set the time interval for the GDL 49 to Page:
automatically send a NEXRAD data request. The 1) Select the Map Page.
time options are OFF, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30
2) Press the MENU Key. The Map Page Options
min, 45 min, and 1 hour. When an auto request
Menu is displayed.
time is selected, the first request is sent after the
specified time has elapsed from when the field 3) Select ‘Request NEXRAD?’ (Figure 12-32) and
was set (as opposed to immediately sending a press the ENT Key.
Displaying NEXRAD Data on the Weather Page Customizing NEXRAD Data on the Weather
To display NEXRAD Data on the Weather
Page: The pilot can customize the NEXRAD data on the
Weather Page from the Page Options Menu.
1) Select the NAV Weather Page (Figure 12-33)
using the small and large right knobs. When Customizing the NEXRAD data on the
the 500 Series unit is configured with the Data Weather Page:
Link interface, the Weather Page is the third 1) From the Weather Page, press the MENU Key
page in the NAV Page Group (it is the fourth to display the NAV Weather Page Options
page if a traffic sensor is also configured). Menu.
2) Select from the following options to customize
the NEXRAD data:
• View 120°? / View 360°? - There are two
viewing options available, each shown relative
to the position of the aircraft. When the MENU
Key is pressed, the alternate selection is shown.
Use this option to switch between a radar-like,
120° display of the data, and the default 360°
Figure 12-33 NEXRAD Data on Weather Page • Request NEXRAD?/Request METAR? - This
option is a link to either the NEXRAD or METAR
2) Press the small right knob. The upper left hand Request Pages, depending on which is currently
corner field flashes. displayed on the Weather Page.
3) Turn small right knob and select ‘NEXRAD’. • Display Legend? - This option is a link to the
4) Press the small right knob. Weather Legend Page. See the Weather Legend
Page paragraph following in this section.
Displaying NEXRAD Data on the Map Page The density values are LOW-MED-HIGH. Press
the ENT Key to make the selection then press
When NEXRAD data is received, it is displayed on the
the CLR Key to go back to the Map Page.
Map Page, in addition to the Weather Page and the Default
NAV Page. Precipitation Pattern Color
Customizing NEXRAD Data on the Map Page Intensity – Map
The pilot can customize NEXRAD data on the Map
Page by using the Page Menu. Light Precipitation –
Customizing the Map Page: Low
(sparse dotted area fill)
1) Go to the Map Page in the NAV Page Group.
Light Precipitation –
2) Press the MENU Key and select ‘Setup Map?’ Green
Medium Density
from the page menu. (dense dotted area fill)
3) Select ‘Weather’ from the GROUP field in the Light Precipitation –
Map Setup window (Figure 12-34). Green
High Density
(solid area fill)
Moderate Precipitation
– Low & Medium Yellow
Density (dense dotted area fill)
Moderate Precipitation
– High Density
(solid area fill)
Heavy Precipitation –
Low & Medium Density
Figure 12-34 Map Setup Window (dense dotted area fill)
4) Highlight the NEXRAD Symbol field, and use Heavy Precipitation –
the small right knob to set the desired map Red
High Density
range at which to overlay NEXRAD data. The (solid area fill)
range values are ‘Off’ to 2000 nm miles. Press Table 12-7 NEXRAD Density Patterns
the ENT Key for the desired range selection.
Press the CLR Key to go back to the Map NOTE: If the pilot changes the NEXRAD Density
Page. and/or NEXRAD Symbol fields, these settings
changes also affect the Weather Page. For
5) Highlight the NEXRAD Density field, use the example, if the pilot selects ‘Low’ NEXRAD
small right knob to set the density desired Density, both the Weather Page and the Map
(i.e., the transparency, see Table 12-7) of the Page display the NEXRAD graphics in the ‘Low’
NEXRAD cells. mode.
The pilot may use the ‘NEXRAD Off?’ and ‘NEXRAD Once the Airport Location Page is displayed, enter the
On?’ fields in the Page Menu (Figure 12-35) to turn off the identifier for the desired airport. Press the MENU Key. The
display of NEXRAD data from the Map Page. options menu appears (Figure 12-36) listing the following
three options:
• Request NEXRAD?
• Request METAR?
• View Text METAR? (if available)
Data Link Request Log Page (GDL 49 Only) Sending Position Reports (GDL 49 Only)
The Data Link Request Log Page (Figure 12-38) is used The Data Link allows for accurate location tracking of
to display the data that was requested. When a request is the aircraft by sending the aircraft’s position manually or
received, a check mark is placed in the box. automatically to the EchoFlight website (www.EchoFlight.
Viewing the Data Link Request Log Page: com) for use by third-party EchoFlight customers.
1) Use the small and large right knobs and select Sending the Present Position:
the Data Link Page from the AUX Group of 1) Select the Data Link Page (see preceding step
pages. 1).
2) Highlight ‘Data Link Log’ (Figure 12-37) and 2) Highlight ‘Position Report’ (Figure 12-39) and
press the ENT Key. press the ENT Key.
Figure 12-37 Data Link Page Figure 12-39 Data Link Page
3) The ‘Position Report’ Page is displayed with the
3) The Data Link Request Log Page is displayed following six fields:
(Figure 12-38).
• Nearest VOR - Nearest VOR identifier.
• Distance - The distance from the nearest
• Radial - The radial from the nearest VOR.
• Position - Displays the aircraft’s current position
expressed in Latitude and Longitude.
• Auto Request - This field is used to set the Requesting Graphical METARS
time interval for the system to automatically
Graphical METAR data can be requested from the Data
send the position. The time options are OFF,
Link Page, Map Page, or Airport Page.
10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 45 min, and
1 hr. When an auto request time is selected, Requesting graphical METARS from the
the first report is sent after the specified Data Link Page:
time has elapsed from when the field was 1) Select the Data Link Page from the AUX Page
set (as opposed to immediately sending a Group.
report). Note that in order to take advantage 2) Press the small right knob to activate the
of EchoFlight’s Automatic Weather Delivery cursor. Turn the small right knob and highlight
(AWD) service, the time interval must be set ‘Metar Request’ (Figure 12-41).
to 15 minutes.
• Manual Send? - This field is used to send out a
current single position report (Figure 12-40).
The METAR Request Page has the following user- • Radius (Graphical requests only) - This field
selectable fields: selects a request radius from 50 to 250 nautical
• Format - This field is used to select between miles from the selected position.
requesting the raw METAR text (Textual) or • Position (also WPT or Flight Plan) - ‘Current
requesting a graphical summary (Graphic) of Posn’-Position is current, ‘Look Ahead’-Position is
several METARS. look ahead position. ‘From ID’-Position is from
the ID entered into the WPT field. ‘Flight Plan’ is
NOTE: Textual METARS can only be requested the ID selected from the active flight plan.
by identifier or by flight plan (if the flight plan
• Auto Request (GDL 49 Only) - This field is
contains a METAR station identifier).
used to set the time interval for the GDL 49 to
• Center - This field allows the pilot to specify automatically send a NEXRAD data request. The
reference points for the request. The following time options are OFF, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30
five options are available for the ‘Center’ field: min, 45 min, and 1 hour. When an auto request
time is selected, the first request is sent after the
♦ Current Position - Request METAR data from
specified time has elapsed from when the field
the aircraft’s current position.
was set (as opposed to immediately sending a
♦ Look Ahead - Request METAR data ahead of request).
(along) the current route.
NOTE: It is recommended that the pilot turn the
♦ From ID - Request NEXRAD data from a Auto Request function ‘on’ by setting it to ‘10 min’
specific waypoint identifier. If ‘From ID’ is updates. This setting provides best performance
selected as the reference point for the request, for the GDL 49.
the ‘WPT’ field is displayed (in place of
‘Position’). The ‘WPT’ field is used to enter a • The ‘Manual Send?’(GDL 49) or ‘Update Request?’
waypoint identifier as the reference point for (GDL 69) field is used to request METAR Data.
the request. 4) Use the small and large right knobs to select
the desired data and the ENT Key to enter the
♦ From Lat/Lon - Request NEXRAD data from
data into the appropriate fields on the METAR
a specific latitude and longitude. This is only
Request Page.
selectable when requesting from the map. The
‘Position’ field displays the position of the map 5) Select ‘Manual Send?’ or ‘Update Request?’
cursor and cannot be edited. and press the ENT Key. The request has been
sent. Note that selecting ‘Auto Request’
♦ From Flight Plan - Request METAR data from
and pressing the ENT Key does not send the
one of the waypoints in the active flight plan.
request until after the auto time period.
This is only selectable when an active Flight
Plan has been selected. The ‘Flight Plan’ field 6) To exit from the NEXRAD Request Page, press
(displayed in place of ‘Position’) is used to select the small right knob. The Data Link Page is
which waypoint in the active flight plan to use displayed.
as the reference point for the request.
Weather Legend Page The following symbology is shown for the various
types of data:
The symbology unique to Graphical METAR, Winds,
For METAR Data:
and Temperature/Dewpoint data is displayed on the
Weather Legend Page. The Weather Legend is accessed • Age of Data in Minutes
from the Weather Page. • Ceiling, Visibility, and Precipitation
NOTE: All METAR, Wind, and Temp-Dewpoint • Ceiling, Visual Flight Rules
symbols are depicted at the end of this section. • Precipitation
Table 12-11 lists the messages that may be shown in Standard Aviation Forecast Abbreviations
the Sat Connectivity field.
The standard aviation forecast abbreviations are listed
in Table 12-12.
‘Satellite in Indicates a signal quality between 1 ‘+’ – (Heavy) ‘-’ – (Light)
view’ and 3. ‘/’ – (Missing or separator) Axxxx – Altimeter setting
‘Searching...’ No satellite is currently in view, signal (xxxx are numbers)
quality is ‘0’. AFT – After BKN – Broken clouds
Table 12-11 Connectivity Field
BLO – Below BR – Light fog
• SATCOM Operation - This field always indicates CIG – Ceiling CLR – Sky clear
‘Idle’ for the GDL 69/69A. DZ – Drizzle FEW – Few clouds
• SATCOM SER NUM - The first eight characters of FG – Thick fog FM – From
this field indicate the satellite radio ID number. FZ – Freezing G – Gusts
A dash separates the satellite radio ID from the
KT – Knots OBSCD – Obscured
currently installed METAR database version in the
GDL 69/69A. OVC – Overcast clouds Pxxxx – Hourly Precipitation
(xxxx are numbers)
• GDL SW - This field shows the currently installed
PRESFR – Pressure falling PRESRR – Pressure rising
software version for the GDL 69/69A.
rapidly rapidly
RA – Rain RMK – Remarks
SCT – Scattered clouds SLP – Sea Level Pressure
SM – Statue Miles SN – Snow
TEMPO – Occasionally Trrn – Terrain
TS – Thunderstorm VV – Vertical Visibility
Table 12-12 Forecast Abbreviations
METAR, Winds, and Temperature/Dewpoints Age VFR Marginal IFR Low IFR
Graphics VFR
Table 12-15 Ceiling and Visibility Graphics
Precipitation Graphics Data Age Visibility
Light Moderate Heavy
Station Identifier
(Green) (Green) (Yellow)
No Figure 12-47 METAR Symbol
Gust Offset
(Blank) Gusts are unknown or < 5 kts above Figure 12-48 Wind Symbol
sustained wind speed.
G10 Wind is gusting 5 - 10 kts more than
(Green) sustained speed.
G11+ Wind is gusting 11 kts or more above its
(Yellow) sustained speed.
Table 12-17 Gust Offset Graphics
Temperature - Dewpoints
The Temperature-Dewpoint Range symbols (Table
12-18) display the difference between the reported
temperature and dewpoint. Differences are shown in
degrees Fahrenheit.
7° - 10°
0° - 6°
SECTION 13: FAULT DETECTION Figure 13-1 shows satellite number 9 exclusion during
oceanic phase of flight. No message notifying the user
and EXCLUSION of exclusion appears. In addition to the EPE and DOP
fields, there is the Horizontal Uncertainty Level (HUL)
NOTE: This section is intended for pilots
field which displays a 99% confidence level that the
experienced with the operation of the GPS 500
aircraft position is within a circle with a radius of the value
and are familiar with RAIM. For more information
regarding RAIM, see sections 8.3 and 8.4 of this displayed in the HUL field.
manual. Excluded Satellite Horizontal Uncertainty
(Checkered Pattern) Level
FDE is an acronym that stands for Fault Detection and
Exclusion. FDE was incorporated in the Garmin GPS
500 Main and GPS Software version 3.00 and higher.
FDE algorithms, provide a basis for approval per the
requirements for ‘GPS as a Primary Means of Navigation for
Oceanic/Remote Operations’ per FAA Notice N8110.60.
The oceanic flight phase is used by the GPS 500 when the
aircraft is more than 200 nm from the nearest airport. FDE
requires no pilot interaction during flight, but predicting Oceanic
the capability of the GPS constellation to provide service
during a flight is done by the pilot prior to departure.
Figure 13-1 Satellite Status Page
13.1 Detection and Exclusion
FDE consists of two distinct parts, fault detection
and fault exclusion. The detection function refers to
the capability to detect a satellite failure which can affect
navigation. Upon detection, the exclusion function
excludes one or more failed satellites and prevent them
from being used during navigation. This allows the GPS to
return to normal performance without interruption. The
process is entirely automated and does not require pilot
interaction during flight. On the Satellite Status Page,
the pilot can view information related to FDE operation.
To enhance safety, FDE functionality is provided for
other phases of flight (non-precision approach, terminal,
enroute). The FDE functionality for non-oceanic flight
phases adheres to the same missed alert probability, false
alert probability, and failed exclusion probability specified
by N8110.60.
Cannot navigate locked FPL - The pilot has Data transfer cancelled (data invalid) - An
attempted to navigate a flight plan (FPL) with attempt to transfer a single user waypoint during a
one or more locked waypoints. A waypoint can unit-to-unit crossfill was cancelled. No waypoint
be ‘locked’ when the NavData card is replaced was specified on the Crossfill Page. Select a user
and the waypoint(s) does not exist in the new waypoint and attempt the transfer again.
database. Data transfer cancelled (version mismatch)
Can’t change an active waypoint - An attempt - An attempt to transfer data during a unit-to-unit
has been made to modify the position of the active crossfill was cancelled. The database versions
‘to’ or ‘from’ waypoint. The GPS 500 does not of the two 500 Series units are not identical. If
allow modifications to user waypoints currently necessary, update the database(s) so they match.
being utilized for navigation guidance. Contact Jeppesen or your Garmin dealer for
Can’t delete an active or FPL waypoint - An assistance.
attempt has been made to delete the active ‘to’ or Data transfer error, please re-transmit - An
‘from’ waypoint. The GPS 500 will not allow the error was detected during unit-to-unit crossfill
deletion of user waypoints currently being utilized of user data (user waypoints and/or flight plans).
for navigation guidance. The data transfer should be attempted again.
CDI key stuck - The CDI Key is stuck in the Data transfer is complete - The unit-to-unit
enabled (or pressed) state. Try pressing the CDI crossfill of user waypoint data has finished.
Key again to cycle its operation. If the message Database changed, validate user modified
persists, contact a Garmin dealer for assistance. procedures - One or more approaches,
Check unit cooling - The GPS 500 has detected departures, or arrivals have been modified from
excessive display backlighting temperature. The their original published form. When the NavData
backlighting has been automatically dimmed card is replaced (database update), the changes in
to reduce the temperature. Check for adequate the new database must be manually verified. This
ventilation or check cooling air flow. Contact a message occurs each time a flight plan containing
Garmin dealer for assistance. a modified procedure (generated from a prior
Data card failure - The GPS 500 has detected database version) is activated. To eliminate the
a problem with the NavData card. The data is message, re-create the flight plan from the new
not usable and the card should be returned to database, then make the desired modifications.
Jeppesen or a Garmin dealer. Degraded accuracy - GPS position accuracy has
Data transfer cancelled (crossfill is busy) been degraded and RAIM is not available. Poor
- An attempt to transfer flight plan data during a satellite geometry (or coverage) has resulted in
unit-to-unit crossfill was cancelled. The host unit a horizontal DOP greater than 4.0. Additional
is busy or unable to communicate. Wait until any cross-checking using another navigation source
previous crossfill operation is complete before is required to verify the integrity of the GPS
attempting the transfer again. position.
Display backlight failure - The 500 Series unit FPL waypoint was deleted - At least one flight
has detected a failure in the display backlighting. plan (FPL) waypoint is no longer available when
The unit should be taken to your Garmin dealer a new NavData card was installed (database
for service. change).
Do not use for navigation - The 500 Series unit GPS is not responding - Internal system-
is in Demo Mode and must not be used for actual to-system communication between the main
navigation. processor and the GPS receiver has failed.
FPL has been truncated - The flight plan (FPL) Operational status of the GPS receiver is unknown
was truncated because not enough room existed and the unit should be returned to a Garmin
to insert an approach, departure, or arrival. This dealer for service.
message also appears when an approach has GPS needs service - The GPS 500 has detected a
been deleted from a stored flight plan because an failure in its GPS receiver. The GPS receiver may
approach could not be found. These conditions still be usable, but the unit should be returned (at
may occur upon power up when a database the earliest convenience) to a Garmin dealer for
change increases the number of waypoints in, service.
or removes an approach from, an instrument GPS stored data was lost - Satellite almanac,
procedure. ephemeris and time data have been lost due to
FPL is full - remove unnecessary waypoints a memory battery failure, system reset, or data
- An attempt has been made to add more than 31 expiration (data over six months old).
waypoints to a flight plan (FPL). The 500 Series Heading input failure - The heading selection
unit does not allow more than 31 waypoints per on the external HSI’s (or CDI’s) OBS course
flight plan. selector cannot be read properly. A Garmin dealer
FPL leg will not be smoothed - The upcoming may need to check the installation.
flight plan (FPL) leg is too short for smooth Inside airspace - A GPS-calculated position lies
waypoint transitions. Expect a rapid change in within the boundaries of a special use airspace.
the CDI. This message is automatically disabled within
FPL waypoint is locked - At least one flight plan 30 nm of an arrival airport, when an approach is
(FPL) waypoint is locked because the waypoint loaded.
has been removed from the current NavData card Invalid closest pt of FPL - A closest point
(database change), the data card is missing, or the cannot be created from the waypoint entered on
data card has failed. the ‘Closest point of flight plan’ window. This
FPL waypoint moved - The position data for occurs when the selected waypoint is beyond the
one or more flight plan (FPL) waypoints moved at limits of all legs in the flight plan, too far away,
least 0.33 arc minutes in the current NavData card or when a unique waypoint name for the closest
(database change). point cannot be created.
OBS key stuck - The OBS Key is stuck in the RAIM position warning - Although sufficient
enabled (or pressed) state. Try pressing the OBS GPS satellite coverage may exist, Receiver
Key again to cycle its operation. If the message Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) has
persists, contact a Garmin dealer for assistance. determined the information from one or more
Poor GPS coverage - The GPS receiver cannot GPS satellites may be in error. The resulting
acquire a sufficient number of satellites to GPS position may be in error beyond the limits
compute a position and provide navigation. allowed for the current phase of flight. Cross-
check the position with an alternate navigation
Power down and re-initialize - The GPS 500 source. If the warning occurs during a final
cannot calculate a position due to abnormal approach segment (FAF to MAP), execute the
satellite conditions. The unit is unusable published missed approach.
until power has been cycled off and back on.
Abnormal satellite conditions may exist and Scheduler message - [user entered text] - The
the pilot may need to use an alternate means of user-entered scheduler message time has expired,
navigation. and the scheduler message is displayed.
RAIM is not available - Receiver Autonomous Searching the sky - The GPS 500 is searching
Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) has determined that the sky for GPS satellite almanac data or the GPS
sufficient GPS satellite coverage does not exist for receiver is in AutoLocate Mode. Allow the unit
the current phase of flight. (The CDI/HSI NAV to complete data collection (approximately five
flag also appears.) Select an alternate source for minutes) before turning it off.
navigation guidance. Select auto sequence mode - The OBS Key was
RAIM not available from FAF to MAP pressed, disabling auto sequencing of waypoints
waypoints - When performing an instrument (in a flight plan or instrument procedure). The
approach, Receiver Autonomous Integrity OBS Key should be pressed again to enable auto
Monitoring (RAIM) has determined that sufficient sequencing, because 1) no destination waypoint
GPS satellite coverage does not exist to meet the has been selected or 2) the GPS receiver cannot
required protection limits. Select an alternate currently determine its position.
source for navigation guidance.
Set course to [###]° - The course select for Traffic device needs service - Either the TCAD
the external CDI (or HSI) should be set to the battery or the TCAD interrogation device has
specified course. The message only occurs when failed. If the message persists, contact a Garmin
the current selected course is greater than 10° dealer for assistance.
different from the desired track. Unit configuration has changed - The GPS
Steep turn ahead - This message appears 500 has detected a failure (during initial power
approximately one minute prior to a turn in one up) in its system configuration. Some system
of the following three conditions: 1) the turn components may be unusable. Try cycling power
requires a bank angle in excess of 25° in order off and back on. If the message persists, contact a
to stay on course, 2) the turn requires a course Garmin dealer for assistance.
change greater than 175°, or 3) during a DME arc User card format unknown - A data card has
approach the turn anticipation distance exceeds been inserted, but the format of the card is not
90 seconds. recognized.
Stored data was lost - All user waypoints, flight Waypoint already exists - The name just
plans, and system settings have been lost due to a entered for a user waypoint already exists in
memory battery failure or system reset. memory.
Terrain - See Section 10.3 & 11.3 for complete Waypoint(s) have been replaced - One or more
list of TAWS and TERRAIN related Alerts and user waypoints were updated during a unit-to-
Annunciations. unit crossfill operation.
Terrain configuration conflict - The hardware Waypoint memory is full - The pilot has used
configuration does not match the terrain software all 1000 user waypoint locations in the GPS 500’s
configuration. The operational status of the memory. Delete unwanted waypoint to make
terrain components is unknown and the unit room for new entries.
should be returned to a Garmin dealer for service.
Terrain configuration has changed - The
software has detected a change in the terrain
Terrain has failed - The terrain functionality
self-test has failed. The operational status of
the terrain components is unknown and the unit
should be returned to a Garmin dealer for service.
Timer has expired - The count down timer has
reached zero.
heading to get back to the desired course and
proceed along the flight plan.
K CUM (cumulative) - The total of all legs in a
flight plan (such as ‘cumulative distance’).
RPL DIS (distance) - The ‘great circle’ distance from
the present position to a destination waypoint.
WPT 1 DOP (dilution of precision) - A measure of
Figure 14-1 Illustrated NAV Terms satellite geometry quality on a scale of one to ten
(lowest numbers are best, highest numbers are
Vertical DTK (desired track) - The desired course
(e.g., nautical miles per gallon).
ENDUR (endurance) - Flight endurance, or total
AND POSITION available flight time based upon available fuel.
EPE (estimated position error) - A measure of
satellite geometry quality and additional factors,
Figure 14-2 Illustrated Vertical NAV Terms expressed as a horizontal position error in feet or
ESA (enroute safe altitude) - The
recommended minimum altitude within ten miles,
left or right, of the desired course on an active
flight plan or direct-to.
Blank Page
Appendix A: Data Card Use NOTE: There are two data card slots on the
face of the GPS 500 (Figure A-1). The Jeppesen
The Jeppesen NavData card, and the Terrain Data NavData card should be inserted in the left-hand
Card (if applicable) supplied with the GPS 500 can be slot. The right-hand slot is provided for the
installed or removed when the GPS 500 is on or off. If the Terrain Data Card.
NavData card is not present when the unit is turned on, a
‘No Jeppesen Aviation Database - Limited to user defined To insert the NavData or Terrain Data card
waypoints’ message appears on the Database Confirmation (Figure A-2):
Page. If the NavData card is removed during operation, 1) Place the card into the appropriate card slot,
a ‘Data card removed - Unit will restart in 30 seconds’ with the label facing up and the swing arm
warning is displayed. A counter begins to count down handle on the left.
and, if the card is not replaced within 30 seconds, the 2) Press the data card into place until it seats on
GPS 500 automatically re-initializes. Pressing the ENT the internal connector and the front of the card
Key will manually re-initialize the unit. is flush with the face of the GPS 500 unit.
3) If the swing arm handle is extended, gently
lower the handle and push it into place—flush
with the face of the GPS 500 unit.
Press here to
deploy handle
Blank Page
What happens when I select an approach? Can I file slant Golf (‘/G’) using my GPS?
Can I store a flight plan with an approach, Yes, the pilot may file a flight plan as /G if the GPS
departure, or arrival? 500 is a certified A1 or A2 installation. If flying enroute,
When loading an approach, departure, or arrival into the pilot may file /G with an expired database only after
the active flight plan, a set of approach, departure, or having verified all route waypoints. Non-precision
arrival waypoints is inserted into the flight plan—along approaches may not be flown with an expired database.
with a header line describing the selected instrument See an approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for
procedure (Figure C-2). The original enroute portion of more information.
the flight plan remains active, unless the pilot ‘activates’
What does the OBS key do and when do I use
the instrument procedure; which may be done when the
procedure is loaded or at a later time.
The OBS Key is used to select manual (OBS mode)
or automatic sequencing of waypoints. Activating OBS
mode (as indicated by an OBS annunciation directly
above the OBS Key) holds the current ‘active to’ waypoint
as the navigation reference and prevents the GPS from
sequencing to the next waypoint. When OBS mode is
cancelled, automatic waypoint sequencing is selected, and
the GPS 500 automatically selects the next waypoint in
the flight plan once the aircraft has crossed the present
active-to waypoint.
Figure C-2 Active Flight Plan Page
Flight plans can also be stored with an approach,
departure, or arrival. Keep in mind that the active flight
plan is erased when the unit is turned off and overwritten
when another flight plan is activated. When storing flight
plans with an approach, departure, or arrival, the GPS 500
uses the waypoint information from the current database to
define the waypoints. If the database is changed or updated,
the GPS 500 automatically updates the information if
the procedure has not been modified. If an approach,
departure or arrival procedure is no longer available, the
flight plan becomes locked until the procedure is deleted
from the flight plan or the correct database is installed. For
information on loading an approach, departure, or arrival,
see Section 5.1. See Section 4.1 for instructions on saving
and copying flight plans.
NORMAL (no ‘OBS’ OBS One application for the OBS Key is holding patterns.
annunciator) The OBS Key is used to suspend waypoint sequencing
and select the desired course along the waypoint side of
Automatic sequencing of Manual sequencing- ‘holds’
the hold. For many approach operations, setting and
waypoints on selected waypoint
resetting of waypoint sequencing is automatic. Holding
Change in HSI does not Manually select course to patterns that are part of an approach automatically
affect CDI deflection next waypoint from HSI disable waypoint sequencing, then re-enable waypoint
Always navigates ‘TO’ the Indicates ‘TO’ or ‘FROM’ sequencing after one time around the holding pattern.
active waypoint waypoint A ‘SUSP’ annunciation appears directly above the OBS
Must be in this mode for Cannot be set for final Key (Figure C-3) to indicate that automatic waypoint
final approach course approach course or sequencing is temporarily suspended and course selection
published holding patterns is not available. If more than one trip around the holding
pattern is desired, press the OBS Key to again suspend
When OBS mode is active, the GPS 500 allows the waypoint sequencing. An example of this operation is
pilot to select the desired course to/from a waypoint using an approach which begins with a holding pattern at the
the HSI (much like a VOR) and display a to/from flag for initial approach fix (IAF). See Section 5.2, Flying an
the active-to waypoint. If an external course input is not Approach with a Hold for more information on the ‘SUSP’
available, the pilot may select the OBS course on-screen, annunciation and approaches with holding patterns.
via a ‘Select OBS Course’ pop-up window. With OBS
mode cancelled, the CDI always displays a ‘TO’ indication
for the next waypoint once the aircraft has crossed the
active waypoint (provided the active waypoint is not the
last waypoint). Refer to Section 5.2 for an example using
the OBS Key.
When should I use the OBS key to return to How do I skip a waypoint in an approach,
auto sequencing, and what happens when I do? departure or arrival?
The most common application for using the OBS Key The GPS 500 allows the pilot to manually select any
is the missed approach. The GPS 500 suspends automatic approach, departure, or arrival leg as the active leg of the
waypoint sequencing (indicated by a ‘SUSP’ annunciation flight plan. This procedure is performed from the Active
directly above the OBS Key; see Figure C-4) when the Flight Plan Page by highlighting the desired waypoint and
aircraft crosses the missed approach point (MAP). This pressing the Direct-to Key twice, then press the ENT
prevents the GPS 500 from automatically sequencing Key to approve the selection (Figure C-5). The GPS then
to the missed approach holding point (MAHP). If a provides navigation along the selected flight plan leg, so
missed approach is required, press the OBS Key to return be sure to have clearance to that position. See Section 4.2,
to automatic waypoint sequencing and sequence the Shortcuts for more information.
approach to the MAHP. See Section 5.2, Flying the Missed
Approach for more information on missed approaches.
Figure C-4 ‘SUSP’ Annunciation How do I fly the GPS with an autopilot and DG
heading bug?
Why won’t my unit automatically sequence to If the installation does not have an HSI, the pilot
the next waypoint? should make the course selections on the external CDI’s
The GPS 500 only sequences flight plan waypoints OBS knob and the DG heading bug.
when automatic sequencing is enabled (i.e., no ‘OBS’ or
‘SUSP’ annunciation directly above the OBS Key). For
automatic sequencing to occur, the aircraft must also cross
the ‘bisector’ of the turn being navigated. The bisector is
a perpendicular line between two flight plan legs which
crosses through the waypoint common to both legs.
When does turn anticipation begin, and what When does the CDI scale change, and what
bank angle is expected? does it change to?
The GPS 500 smooths adjacent leg transitions based The GPS 500 begins a smooth CDI scale transition
upon a nominal 15º bank angle (with the ability to roll up from the 5.0 nm (enroute/oceanic mode) to the 1.0 nm
to 25º) and provide three pilot cues for turn anticipation: (terminal mode) scale 30 nm from the destination airport
1) A waypoint alert (‘NEXT DTK ###°’) flashes in the (Figure C-7). The CDI scale further transitions to 0.3
lower right corner of the screen 10 seconds before nm (approach mode) at 2 nm prior to the FAF during
the turn point (Figure C-6). an active approach. If the pilot is in a missed approach
situation, and would like to return the CDI to the 1 nm
scale, activate the missed approach sequence by pressing
the OBS Key, as described in Section 5.2, Flying the
Missed Approach. The CDI scale is also 1.0 nm (terminal
mode) within 30 nm of the departure airport.
Figure C-6 Waypoint Alert 0.3 nm
30 nm
5 nm
Figure C-7 CDI Scale Transition
Why does my CDI not respond like a VOR when How do I re-select the same approach or
OBS mode is active? activate a new approach after a missed
Unlike a VOR, the CDI scale used on GPS equipment approach?
is based on the cross-track distance to the desired course, After flying all missed approach procedures, the pilot
not an angular relationship to the destination (Figure may reactivate the same approach for another attempt from
C-8). Therefore, the CDI deflection on the GPS is the Procedures Page. Once given clearance for another
constant regardless of the distance to the destination, and attempt, activate the approach from the Procedures Page
does not become less sensitive when further away from by highlighting ‘Activate Approach?’ and then pressing the
the destination. For more information on the CDI scale, ENT Key. The GPS 500 provides navigation along the
see Section 8.4. desired course to the waypoint and rejoin the approach
in sequence from that point on. See Section 4.2, Active
Flight Plan Options for information on activating a specific
flight plan leg.
To activate a new approach for the same airport, select
2 2
the new procedure from the Procedures Page. To view
nm nm
the Procedures Page, press the PROC Key and turn the
large right knob to highlight ‘Select Approach?’. Press
the ENT Key and turn the large right knob to highlight
the new desired approach. Press the ENT Key to select
5 nm 5 nm 5 nm 5 nm
the approach, then select the desired transition. Finally,
GPS VOR highlight ‘Activate?’ at the bottom right corner of the screen
and press the ENT Key to activate the new approach.
Figure C-8 CDI Comparison
To activate a new approach to a different airport, press
the Direct-to Key and select the desired airport using
What is the correct missed approach the small and large right knobs. Press the ENT Key to
procedure? How do I select the missed accept the selected airport, then follow the steps in the
approach holding point? preceding paragraph to select an approach for the new
To comply with TSO specifications, the GPS 500 does not airport. See Section 5.1 for more information on selecting
automatically sequence past the MAP. The active-to waypoint and activating approaches.
sequences to the first waypoint in the missed approach
procedure when the OBS Key is pressed after crossing the
MAP. All published missed approach procedures must be
followed, as indicated on the approach plate.
To execute the missed approach procedure prior to the
MAP (not recommended), select the Active Flight Plan
Page, highlight the MAHP, press the Direct-to Key, and
then press the ENT Key twice.
ENT Key 1-3 IFR Procedures 1-13
EPE 2-23, 2-24, 13-1, 14-7, 14-10 Insert the NavData card A-1
ETA (estimated time of arrival) 2-4, 4-10, 8-3, 8-6, 14-7, Instrument Panel Self-Test Page 1-6
14-11 INTEG annunciator C-1
ETE (estimated time enroute) 1-11, 2-4, 4-10, 8-3, 8-6 14-7, Intersections 1-9, 1-14, 6-1, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5
14-11 Inverting Flight Plans 4-4
IOI (imminent obstacle impact) 10-5, 11-5
F ITI (imminent terrain impact) 10-5
FDE 1-8, 13-1, 13-2, 14-7 K
Field Elevation 1-3–6, 6-4
Flight phases 8-11, 8-17, 13-1 Keys and Knobs 1-2, 1-3
Flight Planning Page 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-5, 8-6, 8-8, 9-1–9-4 Key and Knob Functions 1-2
Flight plans 1-3, 1-4, 1-17, 3-3, 4-1, 4-6, 4-7, 8-2, 8-3, 8-9,
14-2, 14-4, 14-6, C-2 L
Flight plan catalog 1-17, 1-18, 4-1–4-9, 5-4 Land data 1-5, 2-10, 2-12, 14-4
Flight timers 8-14, 8-15 Land data page 1-5
Forecast Abbreviations 12-35 Large right knob 1-3
FPL Key 1-3 Left-hand Keys and Knobs 1-3
Frequency fields 1-12, 1-14, 1-15, 1-16, 2-10, 2-21, 2-22, Loading an approach C-2
5-2, 5-5, 6-8, 6-9, 6-11, 6-16, 6-17, 7-6, 7-8, 7-10, Local time 8-20, 8-26
14-5 Locked waypoints 14-2
Fuel planning 8-1–8-4
Full Screen Map 2-13 M
G Magnetic variation 6-17, 8-20, 8-24
Main page groups 7-1, 8-1
GDL 49 12-19 Manual sequence 5-20, 5-24
GDL 69/69A 12-19 MAP 3-1, 5-3
Generic timer 8-14, 8-15 Map datums 8-18
GPS iv Map Direct-To 2-8
GPS receiver status 2-23 Map orientation 2-10, 2-11
Ground speed 1-9, 1-11, 2-4, 2-7, 2-14, 2-23, 5-23, 5-24, Map Page 1-9, 1-10, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-10, 2-14, 3-5, 5-7, 5-8,
8-2, 8-3, 8-5, 8-6, 8-11, 8-15, 8-16, 14-11 5-12, 5-16, 5-18, 5-22, 6-18, 6-20, 8-20, 14-4
Ground track 1-9, 2-4, 14-11 Map page options 2-10
Gust Offset Graphics 12-37 Map Panning 2-8
H Map range 1-2, 1-3, 1-10, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-11
Map setup 2-7
HOLD 5-9, 5-11, 5-23 Max speed 8-16
Hold, in an approach 5-9, 5-22, C-3 Measurement Units 1-4
Holding pattern 4-15, 5-9, 5-10, 5-11, 5-23, C-3 Measurement units 8-18, 8-20, 8-23, 8-24
MENU Key 1-3
Messages 1-3, 1-16, 2-23, 7-11, 8-3, 8-7, 8-8, 8-21, 8-22, P
Message Page 1-8, 1-16 Packing List 1-1
METAR 12-19, 12-36 Page groups 1-3, 2-1, 7-1, 8-1
Missed approach 3-1, 5-3, 5-8–5-13, 5-16, 5-20–5-25, 14-5, PDA (premature descent alert) 10-5
C-1, C-4, C-5, C-6 Pointer, panning 2-8, 2-9, 2-13, 3-5, 6-20
Mode S 12-1 Position format 1-4, 8-25
MSA (minimum safe altitude) 2-4, 14-8, 14-11 Position page 14-1, 14-4
MSG Key 1-3 Powering up the GPS 500 1-3, 1-5
Precipitation Graphics 12-36
N Procedures page 1-13, 5-1–5-4, 5-17, 6-14, 6-15, C-6
Procedure turn 4-15, 5-4, 5-7
NAVAID iv, 2-10, 14-8 PROC key 1-3, 1-13, 4-9, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-5, 5-9, 5-10, 5-14,
NAV/COM page 1-9, 1-12, 1-14, 2-21, 2-22, 5-5 5-17, 5-18, 5-23, C-6
NavData Card 1-5, 1-13, A-1, A-2
Navigation terms 1-9, 1-11, 2-14, 14-10 R
NAV page group 1-4, 2-2
NDB 1-10, 1-14, 2-6, 5-3, 6-2, 6-5, 6-16–6-19, 6-21, 7-3, Radar coverage 6-5
7-5, 14-8 RAIM prediction 8-16
Nearest (NRST) Pages 1-14 RAIM protection limits 8-17
Nearest airport criteria 8-21, 8-27, 8-28 Reference waypoint 4-9, 4-13, 6-18–6-23
Nearest Airport Page 1-14, 1-15, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 8-21 Remove the NavData card A-2
Nearest airspace 1-14 Removing approaches 4-14
Nearest Airspace Page 7-9 Requesting Graphical METARS 12-28
Nearest ARTCC 1-14, 7-8 Request METAR 12-26
Nearest ARTCC Page 7-8 Request NEXRAD 12-26
Nearest FSS 1-14, 7-2, 7-8 RNG key 1-3, 2-6, 2-16, 2-19, 6-6, 6-7
Nearest FSS Page 7-8 Roads 2-8, 2-12
Nearest Intersection Page 1-14, 7-5 ROC 11-5
Nearest NDB Page 1-14, 7-5 RTC (required terrain clearance) 10-5
Nearest User Waypoint Page 1-14, 7-7 Runway information 1-14, 7-4
Nearest VOR Page 1-14, 7-6
NEXRAD 12-19
NEXRAD Intensity 12-21 Satellite Status Page 1-7, 2-23, 13-1
NEXRAD Request Page 12-22 Scheduler message 14-5
NOAA 12-21 Scroll Bar 1-4, 2-22, 7-3, 7-5, 7-6
Non-Bearing Traffic Advisory 12-8 Select Approach 1-13, 4-11, 5-1, 5-4, 5-9, 6-11, C-6
NRST Page Group 1-14, 7-1 Select Arrival 1-13, 4-12, 5-1
Select Departure 1-13, 4-12, 5-1
O Self test 1-5
OBS key 1-3, 5-8, 5-9, 5-11, 5-13, 5-16, 5-20–5-25, 14-1, Setup 1 Page 8-18, 8-24, 8-26
14-5, C-2–C-6 Setup 2 Page 8-21, 8-28
Odometer 8-16 Shortcuts 3-4, 4-14
Overzoom 2-7 SIDs 1-13, 13-2
Garmin Corporation
No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road
Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan
p: 886/2.2642.9199 f: 886/2.2642.9099