Drugstudy Med

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Name of drug Mechanism of Indication Side effects Nursing

action resposibility
Generic name:  Paracetamol  Mild to moderate Gastrointestinal  Advise patient
Paracetamol exhibits pain and fever disorders: that drug is
analgesic Nausea, vomiting, only for short
Brand name: action by constipation. term use and
Biogesic peripheral to consult the
blockage of Nervous system physician if
Classification: pain impulse disorders: Headache. giving to
Anti-pyretic generation. children for
It produces Psychiatric longer than 5
Frequency: antipyresis disorders: Insomnia. days or adults
1 tab every 4 by inhibiting f r longer
hours for fever the Skin and subcutaneous than 10 days.
hypothalamic tissue
Route: heat- disorders: Erythema,  Advise patient
PO regulating flushing, pruritus or caregiver
centre. Its that many over
Dosage: weak anti- Contraindications Adverse Effects the counter
500 mg inflammatory products
activity is  Hypersensitivity.  Thrombocytopenia, contain
related to Severe hepatic leucopenia, acetaminophen;
inhibition of impairment or neutropenia, be aware of
prostaglandin active liver pancytopenia, this when
synthesis in disease (IV). methaemoglobinaemia, calculating
the CNS. agranulocytosis, total daily
angioedema, pain and dose.
burning sensation at
inj site. Rarely,  Warn patient
hypotension and that high
tachycardia. doses or
long term use
can cause
liver damage
Name of drug Mechanism of action Indication Adverse Effects Nursing
Generic name:  Azithromycin is a  Treatment of  Mild to moderate  Advise
Azithromycin semisynthetic lower respiratory nausea, patient
azalide infections: Acute vomiting, that drug
Brand name: antibiotic. It bacterial abdominal pain, is only
Zithromax blocks exacerbations of COPD dyspepsia, for short
transpeptidation due to Haemophilus flatulence, term use
Classification: by binding to 50s influenzae, diarrhea, and to
Macrolide ribosomal subunit Moraxellacatarrhalis,S cramping; consult
of susceptible treptococcuspneumoniae angioedema, the
Frequency: organisms and ;community- cholestatic jaun physician
500 mg once disrupting RNA- acquiredpneumonia due dice; dizziness, if giving
daily for 3 dependent protein to S.pneumoniae, headache, to
days. synthesis at the H.influenzae vertigo, children
Alternatively, chain elongation somnolence; for
500 mg as a step.  Treatment of transient longer
single dose on lower respiratory elevations than 5
the 1st day infections: of liver enzyme days or
followed by 250 Streptococcal values adults f
mg once daily pharyngitis and r longer
for 4 days. tonsillitisdue to than 10
Streptococcus pyogenes days.
Route: in those who cannot
PO take penicillin  Advise
 Treatment or
500 mg caregiver
of uncomplicated skin
infections due to that many
Staphylococcus over the
aureus,S. pyogenes, counter
Streptococcus products
agalactiae contain
phen; be
aware of
Contraindications this when
 Contraindicated ng total
with daily
hypersensitivity dose.
to azithromycin
erythromycin, or  Warn
any macrolide patient
antibiotic. that high
doses or
 Use cautiously unsupervi
with gonorrhea sed long
or syphilis, term use
pseudomembranous can cause
colitis, hepatic liver
or renal damage
Name of drug Mechanism of Indication Side Effects Nursing
action Responsibility
Generic name:  Ampicillin  Treatment of  diarrhea  Assess patient
Sulbactam binds to 1 or susceptible of previous
Ampicilin  nausea
more of the infections, sensitivity
penicillin- uncomplicated  vomiting reaction to
Brand name: binding gonorrhea, penicillins or
Ampicare proteins respiratory  redness, irritation, cephalosporins
(PBPs), thus infection and or pain at the
Classification: inhibiting urinary tract injection site
Bactericidal the final infections  Assess patient
transpeptidat for signs and
Frequency: ion step of Contraindications symptoms
q 6 (-) ANST peptidoglycan Adverse Effects
of infection
synthesis in Hypersensitivity to
bacterial ampicillin, sulbactam  ash
 Complete C&S
Route: cell walls. or other β-lactam  peeling or before
IV Sulbactam antibacterials (e.g. blistering of the beginning
inhibits the penicillins, product
Dosage: skin
activity of cephalosporins). therapy to
1.5 g β-lactamases History of  itching identify
and extends cholestatic if correct
the spectrum jaundice/hepatic  hives treatment has
of ampicillin dysfunction been initiated
to include β- associated w/  difficulty
breathing or  Assess for
lactamase ampicillin and
swallowing allergic
producing sulbactam. reactions
 wheezing
 Monitor blood
 swelling of the studies
eyes, face, mouth,
lips, tongue,
throat, hands,  Monitor
feet, ankles or electrolytes
lower legs
 Assess bowel
 hoarseness
pattern daily
 severe diarrhea
(watery or bloody  Monitor for
stools) that may bleeding
occur with or
without fever and
stomach cramps (may
occur up to 2
months or more
after your
 yellowing of the
skin or eyes
 pain in the upper
right part of your
 dark urine

 a return of fever,
cough, sore throat,
chills, and other
signs of infection
Name of drug Mechanism of Indication Side effects Nursing resposibility
Generic name: Acetylcysteine Acute & chronic Bronchospasm,  Monitor
exerts mucolytic respiratory tract angioedema, rash, effectiveness
Acetylcysteine action through its infections w/ pruritus, of therapy and
free sulfhydryl abundant mucus hypotension, HTN, advent
group which opens secretions due to flushing, nausea, of adverse/allergic
Brand name: up the disulfide acute bronchitis, vomiting, fever, effects.
Fluimucil bonds in the chronic bronchitis & syncope, sweating,
mucoproteins thus its exacerbations, arthralgia
Classification: lowering mucous pulmonary emphysema,  Instruct patient
Mucolytic viscosity. In mucoviscidosis & inappropriate use
paracetamol bronchiectasis. and adverse effects
Frequency: toxicity, Adverse Effects to report.
1 tab in ½ glass acetylcysteine
ODHS acts as a  blurred
hepatoprotective Contraindications vision, liver
Route: agent by restoring function
PO hepatic  MAO inhibitor disturbances,
glutathione, therapy within acidosis,
Dosage: serving as a 14 days convulsion,
600 mg glutathione initiating cardiac or
substitute, and therapy; severe resp arrest;
enhancing the hypertension, haemoptysis,
nontoxic sulfate hypersentivity rhinorrhoea,
conjugation of to stomatitis
paracetamol. pseudeodephrine (inhalation);
acrivastine or itching,
any component
redness .
Name of drug Mechanism of Indication Adverse effects Nursing Responsibility
Generic name: Trimetazidine acute angina attacks- Dizziness, headache,  Check for doctor’s
inhibits β- prevent situation abdominal pain, order
Trimetazidine oxidation of fatty that may cause dyspepsia,  2 Monitor blood
acids through anginal attacks diarrhoea, nausea, pressure and pulse
inhibition of vomiting, pruritus, rate before and
Brand name: long-chain 3- rash, urticaria, after giving the
Whilst ketoacyl-CoA asthenia. Rarely, meds.
thiolase, which Contraindications tachycardia,
 Notify prescribing
Classification: enhances glucose palpitations,
signs of heart
Anti Angina oxidation. It  Parkinson's extrasystoles,
failure such as
ensures proper disease, orthostatic
swelling of hands
Frequency: functioning of parkinsonian hypotension,
and feet or SOB.
1 tab BID ionic pumps and symptoms, arterial
transmembrane Na-K hypotension,  Advise patient of
tremors, the adverse effects
Route: flow by preventing restless leg flushing.
decrease in of the drug.
PO syndrome and
intracellular ATP other movement
Dosage: levels related
35 mg disorders.
Severe renal
(CrCl <30
Name of drug Mechanism of Indication Side effects Nursing
action responsibility
Generic name: Aspirin is an Mild to moderate pain GI disturbances;  Assess for
Aspirin analgesic, anti- or fever including prolonged bleeding time, pain: type,
inflammatory and rheumatoid arthritis, rhinitis, urticaria and location and
Brand name: antipyretic. It osteoarthritis, epigastric discomfort; pattern
Scheeprin inhibits thromboembolic angioedema, salicylism,
cyclooxygenase, disorders; transient tinnitus; bronchospasm  Note for
Classification: which is ischemic attacks, asthma
Nonsteroidal responsible for rheumatic fever, post
Anti- the synthesis of myocardial Adverse Effects  Monitor renal,
Inflammatory prostaglandin and infarction, prophyla
LFTs and CBC
Drugs thromboxane. It xis of MI, ischemic  Gastric erosion,
(NSAIDs) / Antic also inhibits stroke, angina ulceration and
oagulants, platelet  Determine
bleeding; history of
Antiplatelets & aggregation severe,
Fibrinolytics Contraindications peptic ulcers
occasionally or bleeding
(Thrombolytics) fatal tendencies.
Hypersensitivity exacerbation of
(attacks of asthma, airway
Frequency: angioedema, urticaria obstruction in
1 tab OD or rhinitis), active asthma; Reye's
peptic ulceration; syndrome
Route: pregnancy (children <12
PO (3rd trimester), yr).
children <12 yr, Hepatotoxicity;
Dosage: patients with CNS depression
80 MG haemophilia or which may lead
haemorrhagic to coma; CV
disorders, gout, collapse and
severe renal or resp failure;
hepatic impairment, paroxysmal
lactation. bronchospasm and
Name of drug Mechanism of Indication Side effects Nursing
action responsibility
Generic name:  Atorvastatin  Reduction of risk  Headache,  Tell patient
Atorvastatin competitivel of stroke and heart flatulence, to take drug
y inhibits attack in type 2 constipation, at the same
HMG-CoA diabetes patients dyspepsia, nausea, time each day
Classification: reductase, without evidence of diarrhoea, vomiting, to maintain
Dyslipidaemic the enzyme heart disease but anorexia. Pain in its effects
Agents that with other CV risk extremity,
catalyses factors, and musculoskeletal and  Instruct
Frequency: the revascularization pharyngolaryngeal; patient to
1 tab ODHS conversion procedures myopathy, muscle take a missed
of HMG-CoA in patients without spasms, myalgia, dose as soon
Route: to evidence of arthralgia, as
PO mevalonate. coronary heart nasopharyngitis, possible. If
This results disease (CHD) but insomnia, UTI. it’s almost
Dosage: in the with multiple risk Increased serum time
40 MG induction of factors other than aminotransferase, for his next
the LDL diabetes (eg, glycosylated dose, he
receptors smoking, HTN, low haemoglobin and should skip
and HDL-C, family fasting serum the missed
stimulation history of early glucose levels. dose.
of LDL CHD) Patients with Adverse Effects
catabolism, CHD, to reduce
leading to risks of MI,  Severe  Advise patient
lowered LDL- revascularization p rhabdomyolysis to
cholesterol rocedures, w/ acute renal notify prescri
levels. hospitalization for failure. ber
CHF, and angina Hepatitis, immediately if
pancreatitis. he develops
Rarely, Stevens- unexplained
Contraindications Johnson muscle pain,
syndrome, tenderness, or
 Hypersensitivity anaphylaxis, weakness,
, active liver toxic epidermal especially if
disease or necrolysis. accompanied by
unexplained fatigue or
persistent fever
elevations of
porphyria, pregn
ancy, lactation

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