Spanish Colonial Period (1521-1898) 2

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Write the letter of the correct answer.

Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Spanish Colonial Period (1521–1898)

Column A
1. In colonial churches, ______ are displayed in a 14. centers in the life of Christ - the actors move in
decorative altar stylized way, have extravagant costumes and
elaborately choregraphed war scenes
2. a decorative altar integrates architecture and
sculpture and is often embellished with rosettes, 15. it is the first printed book in the philippines
scrolls, pediments and solomonic columnsn compiling song lyrics, commandments,
which may be gilded or polychromed sacraments and other catechetical material
3. is an important inclusion in colonial churches 16. he wrote the first senakulo or passion
which are presented either as a series of 14
17. a series of 14 paintings by esteban villanueva
paintings or relief sculptures depicting Christ’s
crucifixion and resurrection 18. a mural by jose dans in paete church laguna
4. Images of the Holy Family, the Virgin Mary, and 19. they supervised the practice of arts with the
the four evangelists proliferate in the ceilings and agenda of propagating Christianity and
walls of the church, sometimes in the ornate maintaining the power of the colonizers
manner as seen at the Taal Basilica in Batangas
or at the St. James the Apostle Parish in 20. doctrina christiana was printed through the
Betis,Pampanga technique of?

5. Church altars are sometimes decorated with 21. it is predominantly used in constructing buildings
carved figurative protrusions on the surface 22. facilitated the reproduction of color plates as well
called______ as the mass printing of newspapers and
6. where the santos are paraded during town periodicals
7. housed the rich and prominent families with
paintings to signify affluence.
Column B
8. typically a love story between a Christian and an
Islam in which dialogue were in verses and a. galleon trade
clashes done in dances
b. church, town planning, fortification, civic
9. the first scientific map of the Philippines buildings and installations, private residences,
commercial structures, cemeteries, bridges and
10. it brought Mexican influences in the Philippine lighthouse
folk dance and music.
c. via crucis
11. spanish colonial period architecture?
d. Sarsuwela
12. a series of 14 paintings or relief sculptures
depicting christ Crucifixion e. komedya de santo

13. an operetta which features singing and dancing f. doctrina christiana

interspersed with prose dialogue which allows a
g. xylography or woodcut printing
story to be carried out in a song
-imported from Spain with European cast h. stones and bricks
i. Litography
j. gaspar aquino de belen
k. basi revolt
l. Santos
m. retablo.
n. Via Crucis
o. trompe l’oeil
p. Relleves
q. Carroza
r. bahay na bato
s. moro moro
t. carta hydrographica y chorographica de las yslas
u. heaven earth and hell
v. Friars

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