HSE BOY CHR adcbon 2oc HW
Ch 4.
Interest Rate and Rate of Return
1.13. US Filler received a contract for a smal
water desalting plant whereby the com-
pany expected to make a28% rate of return
‘onils investment. I the company invested
$8 million in equipment the first year, what
was the amount of the profit in thet year?
1.14 A publicly traded construction company
reported that it just paid off a loan that it
ropeived | year earlier. If the fotal amount
‘of money the company paid was $1.6 mi
Tion and the interest rate on the loan was
10% per year, how much money did the
‘company borrow 1 year ago?
1.15 A start-up chemical company has estab-
lished a goal of making at least a 35% per
year rate of return on ils investment. If the
company acquired $50 million in venture
capital, how much did it have to eam in
the first year?
117 A. medium-size consulting engineering
firm is trying 10 decide whether it should
replace its office furniture now or wait and
it year from now. IFitwaits | yea, the
cost is expected to be $16,000. At an iter-
fest rate of 10% per year, what woul! be
the equivalent cost now’?
1.19 At what interest rate would $100,000 now
be equivalent 10 $80,000 one year ago?
Simple and Compound Interest
1,21 Allocal bank is offering to pay compound
interest of 7% per year on new savings
accounts. Av e-bank is offering 7.5% pet
year simple interest on a 5-year certificate
‘of deposit, Which offer is more attractive
to a company that wants to set aside
$1,000,000 now for a plant expansion
5 years from now?
1.22 Badger Pamp Company invested
'5500,000 five years ago in a new product
Tine that is now worth $1,000,000. What
rate of return did the company earn (a) on
a simple interest basis and (b) on a com-
pound interest basis?
1,24 A company that manufactures regenera
tive thermal oxidizers made an investment
10 years ago that is now worth $1,300,000,
How much was the initial investment at
‘an interest rate of 15% per year (a) simple
jnterest and (b) compound interest?
1,26 Accompany that manufactures in-ine mix-
ess for bulk manufacturing is considesing
borrowing $1.75 million to update a pro-
duction lie, If t borrows the money now, it
can do so at an interest rate of 7.5% per year
simple interest for 5 years. Fit borrows next
Year! the interest rate will be 8% per year
‘compound interest, but it will be for only
4 years. (a) How much interest (Cota) will
be paid under each scenario, and (b) should
the company borrow now or 1 year from
now? Assume the total amount due will be
paid when the loan is due in either case.
Cash Flows
1.39 Construct a cash flow diagram for the fol-
owing cash flows: $10,000 outflow at
time zero, $3000 per year outflow in years
1 through 3 and $9000 inflow in yoars 4
through 8 at at interest rate of 10% por
yeat, and an unknown future amount in
year 8
1.40 Construct a cash flow diagram to find the
present worth of a future outflow of
{$40,000 in year 5 at an interest rate of 15%
per yearMSE B04 C4 adition toc HW Ch.2
Determination of F, P, and A
2.2 The U.S, Border Patrol is considering the
purchase of a new helicopter for aerial
surveillance of the New Mexico~Texas
border with Mexico. A similar helicopter
‘was porchased 4 years ago at a cost of
$140,000. At an interest rate of 7% per
‘year, What would be the equivalent value
{oday of that $140,000 expenditure?
24 Petroleum Products, Ine..'is a pipeline
company that provides petroleum prod-
tacts to wholesalers in the northern United
States and Canada, The company is con-
sidering purchasing insertion turbine
flowmeters to allow for better :nonitoring
of pipeline integrity. I these meters would
prevent one major disruption (through
early detection of product loss) valued at
‘$600,000 four years from’ now, how much
cconld the company afford to spend now at
‘an interest rate of 12% per year?
2.12 V-Tok Systems is a manufacturer of verti-
cal compactors, and itis examining its cash
flow requirements for the next 5 years
‘The company expects to replace office
‘machines and computer equipment at vari-
ous times over the 5-year planning period,
Specifically, the company expects to
‘spend $9000 two years from now, $8000
three years from now, and $5000 five years
from now. What is the present worth of the
planned expenditures at an interest rate of
10% per year?
2.13 A proximity sensor attached! to the tip of
fan endoscope could reduce risks during
ye surgery by alerting surgeons to the lo-
cation of critical retinal tissue. Ifa certain
eye surgeon expects: that by using. this
technology, he will avoid lawsuits of
$1.25 and $0.5 million 2 and 5 years from
now, respectively, how much could he
afford t0 spend now if his out-of-pocket
costs for the lawsuits would be only 10%
of the total amount of each suit? Use an in-
tereat rate of 8% per year
Arithmetic Gradient
232 Income from cardboard recycling at Fort
Bliss has been increasing at a constant
‘ate of $1000 in each of the lat 3 years, If
this year’s income (i.e, end of year 1) is
expected to be $4000 and the increased
income trend continues through year 5,
(@) what wil) the income be 3. years from
now (ic., end of year 3) and () what is
the present worth of the income over
that S-year period at om interest rate of
10% per year?
234 West Coast Marine and RV is considering
replacing its wired pendant controllers on
its heavy-duty cranes with new portable
infrared keypad controllers. The company
‘expects 10 achieve cost savings of $14,000
the first year and amounts increasing by
$1500 cach year thereafter for the next
4 years. At an interest rate of 12% per
year, what is the equivalent annual worth
of the savings?
2.35 Ford! Motor Company was able to reduce
by 80% the cost required for installing
data acquisition instrumentation on test
vehicles by using MTS-developed spin-
ning wheel force transducers. (a) IF this
‘year’s cost (i¢., end of year 1) is expected
to be $2000, what was the cost the year be-
fore installation of the transducers? (6) If
the costs are expected to inerease by $250
each year for the next 4 years (i.e. through
year 5), what is the equivalent annual
‘worth of the costs (years 1 through 5) at an
interest rate of 18% per year’?
2.37 A major drug company anticipates that
in future years it could be involved io
litigation regarding perceived side effects
‘of one of its antidepressant drugs. To pre-
pare a "war chest” the company wants to
hhave money available 6 years from now
that has 2 present worth today of $50 mit
lion. The company expects to set aside
$6 million the frst year and uniformly in-
creasing amounts in each of the next
5 years. Ifthe company ean earn 12% per
‘year on the money it sets aside, by how
much must it increase the amount set aside
each year to achieve its goal?
2.38 A starl-up direct marketer of car parts ex-
pects to spend $1 million the first year for
advertising, with amounts decreasing by
{$100,000 each yea Income is expected to
be $4 million the first year, increasing by
{$500,000 each year, Determine the equiv-
‘alent annual worth in years } through 5 of
the company’s net cash flow al an interest
rate of 16% per year
Geometric Gradient
2.40. chemical engineer planning for her 1e-
tirement will deposit 10% of her salary
each year into @ high-technology stock
fund, If her salary this year is $60,000
(ie., end of year 1) and she expects her
to inerease by 4% each year, what
will be the present worth of te fund after
15 years if it earns 4% per year?2.42 Hughes Cable Systems plans to offer its
employees a salary enhancement package
that has revenne: sharing as its main com
ponent. Specifically. the company. will
set aside 1% of total sales for yearend
omuses for all its employees. ‘The sales
are expected to be $5 million the first year,
$6 million the second yeat, and amounts
increasing by 20% each year for the next
5 years, At an interest rate of 10% per
year, what is the equivalent annual worth
in years 1 through 5 of the bonus package?
2.46 Find the preseat worth of a series of
investments that starts at $1000 in
year | and increases by 10% per year
for 20 years. Assume the interest 1aie is
10% per year.