Specimen Papers 2017 - English PDF
Specimen Papers 2017 - English PDF
Specimen Papers 2017 - English PDF
History higher level and standard level paper 1 specimen question paper
History higher level and standard level paper 2 specimen question paper
History higher level paper 3 history of Africa and the Middle East specimen question
History higher level paper 3 history of Africa and the Middle East specimen markscheme
History higher level paper 3 history of the Americas specimen question paper
History higher level paper 3 history of Asia and Oceania specimen question paper
History higher level paper 3 history of Asia and Oceania specimen markscheme
Higher level and standard level
Paper 1
Specimen paper
1 hour
Instructions to candidates
yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
yyAnswer all questions from one section.
yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is [24 marks].
Read sources A to D carefully and answer the questions that follow. The sources and questions relate to
the following aspect of the syllabus: Genghis Khan (c1200–1277): Leadership.
Sources in this paper have been edited: word additions or explanations are shown in square brackets [ ];
substantive deletions of text are indicated by ellipses … ; minor changes are not indicated.
Source A Michael Rank, an historian and former journalist, writing in the popular history
book History’s Greatest Generals: 10 Commanders Who Conquered Empires,
Revolutionized Warfare, and Changed History Forever (2013).
Even at a young age, Genghis Khan saw that the nomadic Mongol tribes were a weak society due to
their endless internal warfare …
Genghis Khan’s strength was in understanding the power of unity. By the age of 20, he used this
wisdom to build an army that set out to destroy the divisions between tribes in what was soon to be
his massive Mongol Empire. As he conquered, instead of exiling the region’s soldiers and killing the
survivors, as commonly happened, he absorbed each conquered territory under his personal rule.
This strategy helped him to expand the Mongol Empire quickly and efficiently, making use of all the
talents, skills and abilities of the people in his newly acquired territories.
Genghis Khan had two primary directives: dominance and unity. He promoted army officers based on
achievements rather than family ties. His was a system in which success and loyalty were rewarded.
Due to his policies, tribal or ethnic divisions did not form in his ranks, ending the feudal alliances that had
been so strong in medieval Mongolia.
Source B David Morgan, a professor of history, writing in an academic book, The Mongols
The question that had to be faced was: what now? The tribes of Mongolia had a supreme ruler.
Chinese policy had failed – it had failed to keep the tribes in conflict with each other. But unless
something decisive was done with the newly formed military machine, it would go back to its earlier
state. This, to my mind, is at least one explanation for the beginnings of the Mongols’ astonishing career
of conquest. A superb army, potentially invincible in the field in thirteenth-century conditions, had been
successfully created. But if it was not used against external enemies, it would not remain in existence
for long. The only matter that required a decision was in which direction the armies were to advance.
The belief that it was destiny for the Mongols to rule was not the only, or even main, reason for the
ongoing Mongol expansion under Genghis Khan and his successors. Other factors which helped
Genghis Khan’s rise to power were the particular political relations within the region at this time …
as well as plain luck. On a more fundamental level, territorial expansion into neighboring areas
was essential for nomadic states in the region, motivated as they were by the desire to control the
manufactured and agricultural goods which could be found there.
Expansion was also a crucial part of the role of the nomadic ruler, and a ruler who did not succeed in
this was soon abandoned by his followers. The flexible nature of Turko–Mongolian tribal society made
possible both the rapid construction of larger tribes and the absorption of foreign nomadic groups,
giving the tribal leader the power to launch his campaigns of expansion. The warrior culture and ethos of
tribesmen must also have contributed to Turko–Mongol ambition. Finally, the archery and riding skills of
the tribesmen, along with their endurance, made them excellent soldiers in the conquering armies.
Black Sea
Karakorum KOREA
Caspian Aral Sea (Khanbalik)
Damascus (IRAQ) Samarkand
Herat SONG
Persian South
Gulf China
Turn over
1. (a) What, according to Source C, were the factors that motivated the Mongol conquests? [3]
2. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source B for an historian studying the Mongol Empire. [4]
3. Compare and contrast what Sources B and C reveal about the Mongol conquests under
Genghis Khan. [6]
4. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the role of Genghis Khan in the launch
and success of the Mongol conquests. [9]
Read sources A to D carefully and answer the questions that follow. The sources and questions relate
to the following aspect of the syllabus: the conquest of Mexico and Peru (1519–1551): key events and
Sources in this paper have been edited: word additions or explanations are shown in square brackets [ ];
substantive deletions of text are indicated by ellipses … ; minor changes are not indicated.
On November 8, 1519, the Spanish conquistadors first entered the great city of Mexico, the metropolis
the Aztecs had built on a lake island. Cortés and his men entered the city, not only as guests, but also
as gods coming home.
When the Spaniards were installed in the palace, they asked Moctezuma about the city’s resources and
reserves and about the warriors’ ensigns and shields. They questioned him closely and demanded gold.
Moctezuma guided them to it. They surrounded him and crowded close with their weapons. When they
arrived at the treasure house, the riches of gold and feathers were brought out to them: ornaments made
of quetzal feathers, richly worked shields, discs of gold, the necklace of idols, bracelets and crowns.
The Spaniards immediately stripped the feathers from the gold shields and ensigns. They gathered all
the gold in a great pile and set fire to everything else, regardless of its value. Then they melted down the
gold. They searched through the whole treasure house, questioning and quarreling, and seizing every
object they thought was beautiful.
The Aztecs were too frightened to approach. They would not risk coming forward. Yet they did not
abandon the Spaniards to hunger and thirst. They brought them whatever they needed. They delivered
the supplies to the Spaniards with trembling hands, then turned and hurried away.
The following morning, the Aztecs came out of the city to greet me with many trumpets and drums,
including many persons whom they regard as priests in their temples, dressed in traditional clothes and
singing, as they do in the temples. They led us into the city and gave us very good quarters, where all
those in my company were most comfortable …
During the three days I remained in that city they fed us worse each day, and the lords and principal
persons of the city came only rarely to see and speak with me … Because of this and because of
other signs I had observed, I decided to attack, and I sent for some of the chiefs of the city, saying that I
wished to speak with them. I put them in a room and meanwhile warned our men to be prepared to fall
on the many Indians who were outside our quarters and on those who were inside.
We fought so hard that in two hours more than three thousand men were killed. We took them by
surprise, they were easy to disperse, especially because I had imprisoned their leaders.
Turn over
Source C Emanuel Leutze, a German painter, depicts an attack by Cortés and his troops in
the painting Storming of the Teocalli by Cortez and his troops (1848).
Source D Michael Meyer, William Sherman and Susan Deeds, professors of history, writing
in the academic book The Course of Mexican History (2003).
Moctezuma and his nobles visited their guests’ quarters often to provide for all their needs.
Cortés understood with the greatest clarity that they were trapped if Moctezuma chose to make it
so. The Spaniards were surrounded by a multitude of Indians who could rise on signal. The Spanish
soldiers expressed their anxiety to Cortés, who now resolved on a bold and desperate course – he would
seize as hostage Moctezuma himself. This turn of events was inconceivable to the dignified lord of the
Aztecs, but he finally submitted.
To limit the rising anger among his people, Moctezuma announced that he was not a prisoner; he resided
with the strangers voluntarily, because it was the will of the gods. Furthermore, if Montezuma feared the
revolt of nearby city-states then Cortés could provide the best means of coercing their alliance.
The Spanish captain agreed to depart whenever Moctezuma wished. The relieved ruler promised more
gold and added that there was no great hurry in leaving. Cortés, of course, had no intention of departing.
5. (a) Why, according to Source D, did Moctezuma agree to remain a hostage of Cortés? [3]
6. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source A for an historian studying the conquest of Mexico. [4]
7. Compare and contrast what Sources A and B reveal about the relationship between the
Spaniards and the Aztecs. [6]
8. “Mutual suspicion and misunderstanding between the Aztecs and the Spaniards played
a central role in the conquest of the Aztec Empire.” Using the sources and your own
knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this statement? [9]
Turn over
Read sources A to D carefully and answer the questions that follow. The sources and questions relate to
the following aspect of the syllabus: Japanese expansion in East Asia (1931–1941): Events.
Sources in this paper have been edited: word additions or explanations are shown in square brackets [ ];
substantive deletions of text are indicated by ellipses … ; minor changes are not indicated.
Source A The first three articles of the Three Power/Tripartite Pact agreed between
Germany, Italy and Japan in Berlin on 27 September 1940.
Article one: Japan recognizes and respects the leadership of Germany and Italy in establishment of a
new order in Europe.
Article two: Germany and Italy recognize and respect the leadership of Japan in the establishment of a
new order in greater East Asia.
Article three: Germany, Italy and Japan agree to cooperate in their efforts. They further agree to assist
one another with all political, economic and military means when one of the three contracting powers is
attacked by a power at present not involved in the European war or in the Chinese–Japanese conflict.
Source B Akira Iriye, a professor of History, writing in an academic book, The Origins of the
Second World War in Asia and the Pacific (1987).
By September 1940, Britain could be assured of continued American support, and the United States had
already implemented some of its embargoes against Japan. Under the circumstances, there would have
been no way in which an Axis pact would cause the Anglo-American powers to soften their stand.
On the contrary, the pact could be expected to give them added resolve to stand firm. This is exactly
what happened.
Japanese and German negotiators were fully aware of the developing ties between America and Britain,
and for this very reason they hoped their alliance would serve to check and reduce the effectiveness
of American intervention. By then, as Matsuoka [the Japanese Foreign Minister] explained at the
time, it was becoming obvious that the United States was steadily involving itself not only in European
but in Asian-Pacific affairs as well. It was tying itself not just to the British in the Atlantic but to the
Commonwealth in Asia and the Pacific. The United States, in fact, would establish itself as a global
power, with its influence in the Atlantic, Canada, the Western hemisphere, the Pacific Ocean and Asia.
It followed, then, that it would be an American-led coalition that Japan had to confront and be prepared
to fight. It would no longer be China in isolation, but China assisted by the Soviet Union, Britain, and
especially the United States.
The American response quickly revealed the folly of Matsuoka’s claim – that the Tripartite [Three
Power] Pact would serve as a deterrent. Instead, it merely confirmed American views that Japan was a
belligerent [warlike], bullying, imperialist force in the Far East, an Asian equivalent of Nazi Germany,
and had to be stopped. Such views seemed confirmed by the entry of Japanese troops into French
Indochina on 23 September 1940. The essential purpose of the Tripartite Pact, from the Japanese
perspective, was to deter the United States from intervening to prevent the southern advance seen as
necessary to ensure Japan’s control of raw materials and, therefore, her future economic and political
The gamble in the pact was self-evident. What if the United States did not regard the pact as a
deterrent, but as a provocation? What if the effect was to reinforce the determination to prevent
Japanese expansion by threatening the lifeline of oil supplies? But from a Japanese perspective at
the time, the gamble had to be taken. To take it held great dangers, but also the potential of enormous
rewards. Not to take it meant long-term domination by the Anglo-American powers. It meant, too, that
the China War had been in vain. The need for boldness, not caution, carried the day in such a mentality.
Source D Harold “Mick” Armstrong, a cartoonist, depicts Japan announcing a “new order”
in greater East Asia in a cartoon published in the Australian newspaper The
Argus (1940).
Turn over
9. (a) What, according to Source B, were the effects for Britain of the signing of the Three
Power/Tripartite Pact? [3]
10. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source A for an historian studying the Three Power/Tripartite Pact (September 1940). [4]
11. Compare and contrast what Sources B and C reveal about the significance of the Three
Power/Tripartite Pact. [6]
12. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the consequences of the
Three Power/Tripartite Pact for Japan, China and the US up to the end of 1941. [9]
Read sources A to D carefully and answer the questions that follow. The sources and questions relate to
the following aspect of the syllabus: the civil rights movement in the United States (1954–1965): Protests
and action.
Sources in this paper have been edited: word additions or explanations are shown in square brackets [ ];
substantive deletions of text are indicated by ellipses … ; minor changes are not indicated.
Source A William J Simmons, a spokesman for a White Citizens’ Council [an organization
that openly worked to preserve segregation] in an interview for a US television
documentary about the civil rights movement, Eyes on the Prize (1987).
When the civil rights workers invaded the state [Mississippi] in the summer of 1964 to change us,
presumably into their own image, they were met with a feeling of some curiosity, but mostly resentment.
They spread across the state, made a great show of breaking up our customs, of challenging social
practices that had been respected by people here over the years. That was the time of the hippies just
coming in and they had on hippie uniforms and conducted themselves in hippie ways. They were not
exactly the types of models that most people I knew wanted to copy and so the arrogance they showed
in wanting to reform the whole state in the way they thought it should be created resentment.
Source B Charles Patterson, an author and historian, writing in a student study guide
The Civil Rights Movement (1995).
Freedom Summer was designed to register blacks for a real election – the 1964 presidential election.
The ambitious goals of the project were to register as many blacks as possible across the state; organize
a “Freedom Democratic Party” to challenge the official whites-only Mississippi Democratic Party; set up
“freedom schools” for black children and establish community centers for blacks who needed medical or
legal help. Student volunteers were recruited at elite colleges in the Northeast, large universities in the
Midwest and black colleges in the South … The day after the first wave of about 200 students arrived
in Mississippi – three young civil rights workers disappeared … The disappearance of the civil rights
workers failed to deter the work of the Freedom Summer volunteers, nor did the arrests, shootings and
burnings of churches that served as “freedom schools”…
The most dramatic result of the Freedom Summer was the creation of the Mississippi Freedom
Democratic Party (MFDP). Organized by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to
challenge the legitimacy and supremacy of Mississippi’s all-white regular Democratic Party. Freedom
Summer volunteers convinced 80 000 blacks to join the MFDP… Although the MFDP was never
officially recognized by the state Democratic Party, its dramatic challenge marked the beginning of the
end of exclusive white political control of the state … Freedom Summer was also important for the
civil rights movement itself because it moved the struggle to a new level, beyond the bus boycotts,
freedom rides and sit-ins. Mississippi blacks demonstrated to the nation that they wanted to vote, elect
representatives, and have a voice in government. They wanted the political power they were entitled
to as American citizens, black people were fighting for more than a seat at the lunch counter, they were
now fighting for seats in the legislature.
Turn over
Source C Frank Miller, a cartoonist, depicts a Mississippi sheriff [law enforcement officer]
arresting a civil rights activist in a cartoon published in the US newspaper The
Des Moines Register (July 1964). The caption on the t-shirt reads “civil rights
Source D Dwight Garner, a journalist and book critic, writing in the article “Mississippi
Invaded by Idealism”, published in The New York Times (2010).
More than 700 college students, in the summer of 1964, under the supervision of the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, risked their lives to travel to Mississippi to register black voters
and open schools … Many Americans remember the names Andrew Goodman, James Cheney and
Michael Schwerner, the three young volunteers who vanished that summer, their bodies later found
buried under a dam. What many forget is that these three men disappeared on the very first day of the
Mississippi Summer Project (Freedom Summer). Their abduction terrified the other volunteers.
Much more was to come. Some 35 black churches were burned in Mississippi that summer, and five
dozen homes and safe houses were bombed. Volunteers were beaten, harassed by the police, arrested
on fraudulent charges. Shotguns were fired into the houses where they slept. Pickup trucks filled with
armed men followed volunteers around … The summer of 1964 in Mississippi was in some ways a
failure for the volunteers. They didn’t register as many voters as they had hoped. Their plans to replace
Mississippi’s all-white delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City came to
nothing. But their actions brought the nation’s full attention to Mississippi’s second-class citizens.
13. (a) Why, according to Source A, was there resentment towards the civil rights workers? [3]
14. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source B for an historian studying the civil rights movement in the United States. [4]
15. Compare and contrast what Sources B and D reveal about the consequences of the
Freedom Summer. [6]
16. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the success of the Freedom Summer
in furthering the cause of black civil rights in the United States. [9]
Turn over
Read sources A to D carefully and answer the questions that follow. The sources and questions relate to
the following aspect of the syllabus: Rwanda (1990–1998): Course and interventions.
Sources in this paper have been edited: word additions or explanations are shown in square brackets [ ];
substantive deletions of text are indicated by ellipses … ; minor changes are not indicated.
Source A Lieutenant General Roméo Dallaire, the Force Commander for the United Nations
Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), writing in a fax sent to the United
Nations headquarters in New York (11 January 1994).
1. Force Commander was put in contact with informant [Jean-Pierre Abubakar Turatsinze] by an
important government politician. Informant is a top-level trainer of the Interhamwe-armed militia …
6. Principal aim of Interhamwe was to protect Kigali from the RPF [Rwandan Patriotic Front].
Since UNAMIR arrived he has been ordered to register all Tutsi in Kigali. He suspects it is for their
extermination. Example he gave was that in 20 minutes his personnel could kill 1000 Tutsis.
7. Informant states he disagrees with anti-Tutsi extermination. He supports opposition to RPF but
cannot support killing of innocent persons.
8. Informant is prepared to provide location of many weapons … He was ready to go to the storage
location tonight, if we guarantee that he and his family be placed under our protection.
11. Force commander does have certain reservations on why the informant is now suddenly deciding
to release such information. Possibility of a trap not excluded …
Source B Lieutenant General Roméo Dallaire, the former Force Commander for the United
Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), writing in his memoirs of
the conflict in Rwanda, Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in
Rwanda (2003).
The message from Kofi Annan caught me by surprise. Annan spelled out in excruciating detail the limits
New York was placing upon me: as force commander of a chapter-six peacekeeping operation I was not
allowed to conduct deterrent operations in support of UNAMIR. Also, in the interests of transparency,
I was to pass on to President Habyarimana the information that Jean-Pierre Abubakar Turatsinze had
given to us … For the rest of the week, I made phone call after phone call to New York, arguing over
the necessity of raiding the arms stores. During these exchanges, I got the feeling that New York saw
me as unpredictable and uncontrollable. The deaths and injuries suffered by the American Rangers in
Somalia must have had a huge impact on the DPKO [Department of Peacekeeping Operations] and
many member nations …
Just before going to see Habyarimana on January 12, I briefed the ambassadors of Belgium and the
United States, and the chargé d’affaires of France. All of them acknowledged the information we
provided and stated they would inform their respective governments. None of them appeared to be
surprised, which led me to conclude that our informant was merely confirming what they already knew.
Source C Michael Dobbs a journalist and research fellow, writing in the article “The Rwanda
‘Genocide Fax’: What We Know Now”, for the #Rwanda20yrs project of the US
Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Security Archive (2014).
Over time, the “genocide fax” became a symbol of the failure of the international community to prevent
mass-killing in Rwanda. Thanks to new documents, it is now possible to piece together a fuller account
of the man who inspired the fax, and how and why UN officials responded, or failed to respond, to his
Half-Hutu and half-Tutsi, Jean-Pierre Abubakar Turatsinze [the informant] operated on both sides of the
political and ethnic divisions in pre-genocidal Rwanda … By 1990, he worked as an intermediary to the
Interahamwe. He had been given the assignment of distributing weapons to Interahamwe members,
but was suspected of selling many of these for personal profit …
Turatsinze met with UNAMIR [United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda] officers through January
and February 1994, but he declined to show them the lists of Tutsis identified for “extermination” that he
claimed to have compiled on MRND [National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development,
the ruling party in Rwanda] instructions … Turatsinze misled UN peacekeepers on key points and
exaggerated his own importance. One of the structural weaknesses of UNAMIR was the lack of a
professional intelligence evaluation unit, to fully evaluate Turatsinze’s credibility.
Source D Patrick Chappatte, a cartoonist, depicts the General Assembly of the United
Nations in the cartoon “Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide”, published in the
Swiss newspaper Le Temps (7 April 2014).
Turn over
17. (a) Why, according to Source B, did the UN not allow Lieutenant General Romeo Dallaire
to act upon information provided by the secret informant? [3]
18. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source B
for an historian studying the international community’s response to the Rwandan genocide. [4]
19. Compare and contrast what Sources A and C reveal about the “genocide fax”. [6]
20. “The international community failed to effectively intervene in Rwanda because it lacked
knowledge on the crisis.” Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you
agree with this statement? [9]
Section A
Amitai-Preiss, R. 1995. Mongols and Mamluks: The Mamluk–Ilkhanid War, 1260–1281. Cambridge University Press; Morgan, D. 2007. The Mongols. Singapore. Wiley-Blackwell; Rank, M.
2013. History’s Greatest Generals: 10 Commanders Who Conquered Empires, Revolutionized Warfare, and Changed History Forever. United States. CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform; Wall Bingham, M. 2005. An Age of Empires: 1200–1750. United States. Oxford University Press.
Section B
Cortés, H. 1986. Letters from Mexico (translated by Pagden, A). Yale University Press; León-Portilla, M. 1962. The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico. Beacon
Press; Meyer M, Sherman, W, Deeds S. 2003. The Course of Mexican History. Oxford University Press; https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leutze,_Emanuel_%E2%80%94_Storming_
Section C
Iriye, A. 1987. The Origins of the Second World War in Asia and the Pacific. Pearson Education Limited; Kershaw, I. 2007. Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions that Changed the World, 1940–1941.
St Ives. Penguin Press; http://avalon.law.yale.edu/wwii/triparti.asp; http://theaustraliancartoonmuseum.com.au/projects/mick-armstrongs-war/#jp-carousel-238.
Section D
Garner, D. 2010. “Mississippi Invaded by Idealism”. The New York Times; Patterson, C. 1995. The Civil Rights Movement. New York. Facts on File Inc; Williams, J. 1987. Eyes on the Prize:
America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954–1965. Viking Press; http://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/cdm/ref/collection/miller/id/116.
Section E
Chappatte, P. “Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide”: http://www.globecartoon.com/; Dallaire, R. 2003. Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda. Random House of
Canada Limited; Dobbs, M. “The Rwanda ‘Genocide Fax’: What We Know Now”: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB452/; https://nsarchive.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/19940111-
Paper 1
22 pages
1. (a) What, according to Source C, were the factors that motivated the Mongol
conquests? [3]
• Ideological motives: the expansion was motivated by the belief that it was destiny
for the Mongols to rule. Another motive for expansion was the underlying “warrior
culture” and ethos of the tribesmen;
• There were also economic motives for expansion, including the desire to control
manufactured and agricultural goods in neighbouring areas;
• The consolidation of the leadership necessitated expansion. Expansion added
legitimacy to the rule of the tribal leader.
• The map highlights the huge geographic area that the Mongol empire covered,
showing their ambitious expansion;
• The map shows that Mongol expansion occurred not only East into Asia, but also
West into Europe and the Middle East;
• The map shows that the Silk Road ran through the centre of the Mongol Empire,
highlighting the economic power of the Mongol Empire.
2. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source B for an historian studying the Mongol Empire. [4]
• The extract is from an academic book specifically on the Mongol Empire, so detailed
analysis can be expected (purpose);
• The academic background of the author – it was written by a professor of history
• The book was published in 2007, so the author was able to look at the Mongol Empire
in hindsight (origin).
• This is a secondary source that offers a particular/single perspective (origin);
• Being written in 2007 it was written almost 800 years after the events it described, so it
may have been more difficult to find primary source material while researching the
book than it would for more recent events (origin);
• The author may have been influenced by the image of Genghis Khan as an iconic
leader, perhaps reflected in his use of language such as “astonishing” and “superb”
Do not expect all of the above. If only value, or only limitations, is discussed, award a
maximum of [2].
3. Compare and contrast what Sources B and C reveal about the Mongol conquests under
Genghis Khan. [6]
5–6 • There is discussion of both sources. Explicit links are made between the two
• The response includes clear and valid points of comparison and of contrast.
3–4 • There is some discussion of both sources, although the two sources may be
discussed separately.
• The response includes some valid points of comparison and/or of contrast,
although these points may lack clarity.
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Note: Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the
“best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible
to do so.
Indicative content
• Both sources refer to the military capabilities of the tribes and their experience, and
thus the success of the conquests. Source C points out the archery and riding skills of
the tribesmen along with their endurance, which “made them excellent soldiers in the
conquering armies”. Similarly, Source B refers to “a superb army, potentially invincible
in the field in 13th-century conditions”.
• Both sources highlight the relation between expansion and the consolidation and
preservation of the power of the ruler. Source C states that “expansion was also a
crucial part of the role of the nomadic ruler” and Source B likewise states that “unless
something decisive was done with the newly formed military machine, it would go back
to its earlier state”.
• Source B particularly highlights the role of Genghis Khan and his individual leadership,
referring to him as a “supreme ruler”. Source C highlights other factors that helped the
rise of Genghis Khan, rather than focusing on his leadership.
• Source C discusses wider economic and social factors such as “the flexible nature” of
the tribes and how this nature allowed for the creation of larger tribes and “absorption
of foreign nomadic groups”, both of which supported the leader and gave him the
power to launch the conquests. Source B in contrast focuses on the military factors.
• Source C suggests that “plain luck” was one factor in explaining the success of the
Mongols conquests, whereas Source B suggests that the success was far more the
result of deliberate and intentional decisions.
4. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the role of Genghis Khan in the
launch and success of the Mongol conquests. [9]
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Note: Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the
“best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible
to do so.
Indicative content
• Source A: Genghis Khan identified the damage done by “endless internal warfare”. He
understood the power of unity. He built an army that tried to destroy divisions rather
than create/exacerbate them. He expanded the empire “quickly and efficiently”.
• Source B: Genghis Khan is referred to as the “supreme ruler”, showing his power.
• Source C: There were other reasons for the success of the Mongol conquests, including
“plain luck” and the political relations within the region at the time. The success of the
conquests was also helped by the “archery and riding skills” of the tribesmen.
• Source D: Shows that the empire continued successfully after Genghis Khan, as the
map shows the region in 1260, showing the impact of Genghis Khan’s launch of the
• Own knowledge: Genghis Khan captured Western Xia in 1209, and in 1215 he
captured the Jin capital of Zhongdu (Beijing). The name “Genghis Khan” is often
interpreted as meaning “universal ruler”, showing his power.
• Own knowledge: Genghis Khan has a controversial reputation as a leader. Some
emphasize the cruelty and destruction that occurred during his leadership. Others view
him as an innovative leader who integrated rival tribes, improved economic stability and
was tolerant of religious diversity.
Note: The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in
their responses. However, the list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive, and no set
answer is required.
• The encounter between the Spaniards and the Aztecs was a violent one.
Supporting evidence includes the depiction of the Aztecs' fierce resistance and
the dead and wounded in the painting;
• The difference in weapons used / the superiority of the Spaniards’ weapons and
• The conflict was also religious in nature. Supporting evidence includes the Aztec
priest holding an infant offered in sacrifice (centre right of picture), and the
Spanish priests giving the last rites to a dying Aztec (bottom left of picture).
6. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source A for an historian studying the conquest of Mexico. [4]
• The source is a rich description of Aztec culture, providing insights from contemporary
Aztec accounts (origin);
• The author is an academic (an historian and anthropologist) (origin);
• The source provides suggested reasons for the conflict; for example, it describes the
wealth of the Aztecs as a reason for conflict (content).
• It is based on accounts almost contemporary to the fall of Tenochtitlán, which may
have been emotional responses (origin);
• The title of the book suggests that the work aims to allow the voice of the Mexicans to
be heard. It may challenge orthodox approaches to the study of the conquest of
Mexico and may, as a result, be influenced by this aim (purpose).
Do not expect all of the above. If only value, or only limitations, is discussed, award a
maximum of [2].
7. Compare and contrast what Sources A and B reveal about the relationship between the
Spaniards and the Aztecs. [6]
5–6 • There is discussion of both sources. Explicit links are made between the two
• The response includes clear and valid points of comparison and of contrast.
3–4 • There is some discussion of both sources, although the two sources may be
discussed separately.
• The response includes some valid points of comparison and/or of contrast,
although these points may lack clarity.
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Note: Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the
“best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible
to do so.
Indicative content
• Both sources suggest that the Aztecs gave the Spaniards a warm welcome;
• Both sources describe the ceremonial aspects of Aztec culture;
• Both sources state that the Spanish depended on the Aztecs for their subsistence.
• Source B is critical of the way the Aztecs looked after the Spaniards by mentioning that
food got worse each day, whereas Source A states that the Aztecs gave the Spaniards
whatever they needed;
• Source A states the Aztecs were afraid of the Spaniards, whereas Source B indicates
that it was the Spaniards who didn’t trust the Aztecs;
• Source A is more critical of the Spaniards’ attitude towards the Aztecs; Source B
seems to want to justify their actions.
8. “Mutual suspicion and misunderstanding between the Aztecs and the Spaniards played a
central role in the conquest of the Aztec Empire.” Using the sources and your own
knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this statement? [9]
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Indicative content
• Source A: The Spaniards looted the Aztec palaces showing no respect for the symbolic
value of what they found. They used weapons to intimidate the Aztecs. Although the
Aztecs feared them, they treated them as gods coming home and did not abandon
them to hunger and thirst.
• Source B: The Aztec lords rarely came to speak with Cortés; the food got worse each
day. The Aztecs outnumbered the Spaniards. Cortés betrayed the chiefs of the city
and imprisoned them. The reception the Aztecs gave the Spaniards could either be
interpreted as an act of intimidation or as a warm welcome.
• Source C: The painting shows the lack of understanding of the Spaniards towards the
religious and cultural symbols of the Aztecs. The Spaniards are looting the Aztecs
possessions. The superiority of the Spanish weaponry also played a role in the
conquest of the Aztec Empire.
• Source D: Cortés felt trapped in Tenochtitlán and his men were outnumbered and
anxious. Cortés betrayed his host and took him hostage. Moctezuma wrongly
believed that Cortés might help him against his enemies and that he would leave when
Moctezuma wished.
• Own knowledge in support of the statement: The Aztecs felt intimidated by many of the
elements the Spaniards brought with them such as cannons, gunpowder, horses,
attack dogs, steel blades, etc. The Spaniards feared the great number of Aztec
soldiers; their horror at the evidence that Aztecs performed human sacrifices. The
tension caused by Cortés demanding that Moctezuma destroy their idols and embrace
• Own knowledge of other contributing factors: further detail on the fact that the Aztecs
had dominated some of their neighbours, which led to Cortés gaining them as his
allies; the spread of diseases brought by the Spanish, such as smallpox, which
depleted the Aztec population between 1519–21; the dispute between Cortés and
Diego Velásquez; the role of Malinche (Doña Marina). Some candidates might argue
that it was an excess of confidence towards the Spaniards, rather than suspicions, that
brought destruction upon Tenochtitlán, referring to the legend of Quetzacoal or the
prophecies that claimed that the end of an era was coming.
Note: The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in
their responses. However, the list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive, and no set
answer is required. Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that
provide the “best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it
is possible to do so.
• Britain was assured of continued American support, which would help to combat
Japanese aggression in the Pacific;
• Ties between Britain and the US were strengthened globally;
• Britain, with US support, assisted China in its war with Japan.
• Germany and Italy are already in an alliance, which Japan would now join in 1940
as it announces the creation of a new order in East Asia;
• The Pact is a military alliance as suggested by the three figures being dressed in
military-style uniforms;
• Japan is expecting to benefit from the Pact. This is indicated by the bowl with
Indochina written on it and the bone and steak already being enjoyed by Italy and
Germany as a consequence of their aggressive foreign policies.
10. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source A for an historian studying the Three Power/Tripartite Pact (September 1940). [4]
• The source is contemporary with the events and is a statement of the official policies of
the signatories. It is therefore a useful document in providing insight into the foreign
policy objectives of Japan, Italy and Germany in Europe and in the Pacific in the 1940s
(origin and purpose);
• The source gives an insight into the relationship between the countries. It demonstrates
the unity of the three powers in the pursuance of their mutual goals, and Article three
expresses the level of cooperation of the signatories in mutual defence against third
parties – aimed at the US and the USSR. The source also clearly identifies the
respective spheres of influence of the signatories in Europe and Asia (content).
• The purpose of the source is to give a public declaration of mutual recognition and
cooperation, and may be intended, for example, to send a warning to the US (purpose);
• The source gives useful information about the terms of the treaty, but on its own it
provides a historian with limited information about the reasons behind its signing and
no indication of the world reaction to the pact (content);
• Although the source mentions a “new order” being established in Europe and Asia it
does not precisely define exactly what is explicitly meant by this expression (content).
Do not expect all of the above. If only value, or only limitations, is discussed, award a
maximum of [2].
11. Compare and contrast what Sources B and C reveal about the significance of the Three
Power/Tripartite Pact. [6]
5–6 • There is discussion of both sources. Explicit links are made between the two
• The response includes clear and valid points of comparison and of contrast.
3–4 • There is some discussion of both sources, although the two sources may be
discussed separately.
• The response includes some valid points of comparison and/or of contrast,
although these points may lack clarity.
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Note: Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the
“best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible
to do so.
Indicative content
• Both claimed that the Pact would act as a deterrent;
• Both identify Japan as being belligerent [warlike];
• Both indicate that the US is becoming more involved in Asia and the Pacific;
• Both sources indicate the importance of the role of the Anglo-American powers in Asia.
• Source B refers generally to already existing embargoes, whereas Source C suggests
that Japanese oil supplies could be cut off in the future;
• Source C focuses more on the US involvement in Asia, whereas Source B sees the US
influence as being more global.
12. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the consequences of the Three
Power/Tripartite Pact for Japan, China and the US up to the end of 1941. [9]
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Indicative content
• Source A: Indicates that Germany and Italy have agreed to recognize Japan’s claims
over territory in Asia and the establishment of a new order there. They also agree to
take concerted action against any third party power not involved in either the European
war or the Chinese–Japanese conflict, implying that this would either be the US or the
Soviet Union.
• Source B: The US and Britain were strengthening their alliance and the US was
becoming more involved in Asian-Pacific affairs, establishing itself as a global power.
This meant that the US would support China in its conflict with Japan and become a
clear threat to Japanese expansionist ambitions in Asia.
• Source C: It shows that the signing of the Pact did not deter the US from becoming
involved in Asia. In fact the US saw Japan as aggressive and expansionist and was
willing to intervene even to the extent of cutting off Japan’s raw materials and oil
supplies. It indicates that the US would support China against Japan and that the
gamble to keep the US out of Asian affairs had failed.
• Source D: Indicates that Japan is ready and willing to join Germany and Italy in the
Three Power Pact with the aim of establishing a new order in Asia. The source clearly
indicates that this new order will be established by military force and that Japan
expects to gain materially from it.
• Own knowledge: One immediate consequence of the signing of the Three Power Pact
was that the United States slowly moved away from being a neutral country to a
country preparing for war. The United States embargoed scrap metal shipments to
Japan and closed the Panama Canal to Japanese shipping. In early 1941, Japan
moved into southern Indochina threatening British interests there. Japan and the US
took part in negotiations throughout 1941 and Japan considered withdrawal from most
of China and Indochina and modifying the Three Power Pact. However, these
proposals were rejected by War Minister Tojo. Responding to continuing Japanese
aggression in China, the US froze Japanese assets in the US in July 1941, and on
1 August placed an embargo on oil and gasoline exports to Japan. Japan desperately
needed raw materials of oil, rubber and tin and was not receiving sufficient supplies
from the Dutch East Indies. In August 1941 Konoe proposed a summit with President
Roosevelt to discuss the situation. However, Japanese military leaders such as Tojo
again maintained that time had run out and that additional negotiations would be
pointless. They urged swift military action against all American and European
territories in Southeast Asia and Hawaii. In November, Japan offered to withdraw their
forces from southern Indochina and not to launch any attacks in Southeast Asia if aid to
China were to stop and if US sanctions against Japan were lifted. The Hull Note
proposed instead that Japan should leave China and sign non-aggression pacts with
Pacific powers. Japan had already prepared war plans to attack Pearl Harbor and, as
a consequence of the failure of negotiations, attacked Pearl Harbor on 7 December
Note: The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in
their responses. However, the list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive, and no set
answer is required. Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that
provide the “best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it
is possible to do so.
• They aimed to break up existing customs and social practices that had been in
place for a long time;
• They were seen to be hippies and most people did not think they were good role
• They were arrogant because they wanted to reform the whole state and impose
their beliefs on everyone.
14. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source B for an historian studying the civil rights movement in the United States. [4]
• Because this text was not written until the 1990s it is able to take into account the
results of the Freedom Summer; for example, where it refers to “the most dramatic
result” of the Freedom Summer being the creation of the Mississippi Freedom
Democratic Party (origin and content);
• The source is also able to place the events within the wider context of the civil rights
movement in the US, which means that it can help provide insight into the significance
of the Freedom Summer to the civil rights movement (origin and content);
• The source is an extract from a book by an academic historian, Charles Patterson, so
the academic background of the author may be seen to add to its value (origin and
• Because the book was not written until the 1990s, thirty years after the events, it
means that by the time it was written the political and social climate in the United
States had changed and some of the goals of the civil rights movement had been
achieved. This knowledge may have influenced the author’s view of the events
• This extract is from a secondary source that offers a particular/single perspective
Do not expect all of the above. If only value, or only limitations, is discussed, award a
maximum of [2].
15. Compare and contrast what Sources B and D reveal about the consequences of the
Freedom Summer. [6]
5–6 • There is discussion of both sources. Explicit links are made between the two
• The response includes clear and valid points of comparison and of contrast.
3–4 • There is some discussion of both sources, although the two sources may be
discussed separately.
• The response includes some valid points of comparison and/or of contrast,
although these points may lack clarity.
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Note: Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the
“best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible
to do so.
Indicative content
• Both sources mention that the Freedom Summer project brought many student
volunteers to Mississippi;
• Both sources mention that three civil rights workers disappeared on the first day of the
Freedom Summer project;
• Both sources mention that as a consequence of the disappearance of the three civil
rights workers the others were terrified, but they continued to risk their lives and
• Both comment that churches were burnt and that there was much violence against the
civil rights volunteers and their African American supporters;
• Both discuss the formation of the MFDP and mention that it failed to achieve its original
• Both sources imply that the Freedom Summer had long-term consequences.
• Source B identifies the range of community activities the civil rights volunteers set up,
such as “freedom schools” for children and medical and legal help centres, whereas
Source D only mentions schools;
• Source B is more positive in its assessment and mentions that 80 000 became
members of the MFDP, and even though the challenge failed it had long term political
repercussions, whereas Source D says that the Freedom Summer was in some ways a
failure for the volunteers because they did not register as many voters as they hoped
and the MFDP plans came to nothing;
• Source B discusses the impact on the civil rights movement itself and how the
Freedom Summer changed its goals, whereas Source D states that the main outcome
of the Freedom Summer was that it brought the plight of the African Americans in
Mississippi to the nation’s attention.
Do not expect all of the above.
16. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the success of the Freedom
Summer in furthering the cause of black civil rights in the United States. [9]
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Indicative content
• Source A gives an indication of the opposition that the civil rights workers faced.
It shows how they were resented and therefore how difficult it was for them to change
the situation with regard to the African Americans in Mississippi.
• Source B is positive about the achievements of the Freedom Summer because it
changed the goals of the civil rights movement. It was no longer about localized
desegregation, but about full equality as American citizens and the achievement of
political power by African Americans.
• Source C is a comment on the huge task that faced the civil rights movement.
It illustrates the violence that they encountered, which limited the success of the
• Source D discusses the violence and opposition that the civil rights workers
encountered and it states that the Freedom Summer was in some ways a failure for the
volunteers because they did not register as many voters as they hoped and the MFDP
plans came to nothing. But it also indicates the Freedom Summer changed the way
the nation viewed the issue of civil rights and it laid the groundwork for future
• Own knowledge: The Freedom Summer was not an isolated incident – it built on earlier
events such as the 1963 Freedom Vote. One way in which the Freedom Summer was
successful in helping the progress of the civil rights movement was that it helped to
gain more coverage and attention in the national media. An example of how the
Freedom Summer was less successful was that it did not achieve its aim of getting
large numbers of black voters registered in Mississippi.
Note: The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in
their responses. However, the list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive, and no set
answer is required. Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that
provide the “best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it
is possible to do so.
• By suggesting that they will do nothing in memory of their role during the
genocide it is suggesting that the UN did nothing during the genocide itself;
• There is nobody there, only the cleaning lady, which suggests that the
representatives of the member countries have not even turned up, indicating a
lack of interest and action on the part of member countries;
• It could be seen to suggest the UN has not accepted responsibility for, or learnt
from, the lack of action in Rwanda as the picture suggests that even 20 years
later there is still a lack of action.
18. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source B for an historian studying the international community’s response to the Rwandan
genocide. [4]
• The source is an extract from Lieutenant General Roméo Dallaire’s memoirs, as Force
Commander of UNAMIR, published in 2003. As Force Commander of UNAMIR,
Dallaire is able to provide first-hand knowledge to explain the UN’s lack of intervention
in Rwanda in 1994. (“New York saw me as unpredictable and uncontrollable” “None of
them appeared to be surprised, which led me conclude that our informant was merely
confirming what they already knew”) (origin and content);
• As this was written in 2003, Dallaire profited from analytical hindsight (“The deaths and
injuries suffered by the American Rangers in Somalia must have had a huge impact on
the DPKO [Department of Peacekeeping Operations] and many member nations”)
• By criticizing the UN’s lack of intervention in the Rwandan crisis in 1994 he could be
trying to safeguard his reputation, after UNAMIR’s failure. If Dallaire’s purpose was to
safeguard his reputation, this may have led him to exaggerate the UN’s reluctance to
intervene in the crisis. (“For the rest of the week, I made phone call after phone call to
New York, arguing over the necessity of raiding the arms stores”) (origin and purpose);
• Dallaire’s memoirs were published nine years after the events described. Global
condemnation for the lack of international intervention in Rwanda may have pushed
him into a more critical evaluation of the international community’s motives and actions.
(“None of them appeared to be surprised, which led me conclude that our informant
was merely confirming what they already knew”) (origin);
• As Force Commander of UNAMIR, Dallaire’s emotional proximity to the event may lead
him to a biased evaluation. (“I got the feeling that New York saw me as unpredictable
and uncontrollable”) (origin).
Do not expect all of the above. If only value, or only limitations, is discussed, award a
maximum of [2].
19. Compare and contrast what Sources A and C reveal about the “genocide fax”. [6]
5–6 • There is discussion of both sources. Explicit links are made between the two
• The response includes clear and valid points of comparison and of contrast.
3–4 • There is some discussion of both sources, although the two sources may be
discussed separately.
• The response includes some valid points of comparison and/or of contrast,
although these points may lack clarity.
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Note: Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the
“best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible
to do so.
Indicative content
• Both sources refer to Turatsinze’s ties to the Interhamwe-armed militia of MRND;
• Both sources imply that Turatsinze suspected a MRND plan for Tutsi extermination;
• Both sources imply that Turatsinze did not like the idea of Tutsi extermination;
• Both sources question the reliability of the information provided by Turatsinze.
• While Source A suggests that Turatsinze was “a top-level trainer of the Interhamwe”;
Source C describes him as an intermediary to the Interahamwe. Thus, as Source C
suggests, Source A exaggerates Turatsinze’s importance;
• While Source A states that Turatsinze opposed the RPF, Source C questions his
political loyalties: “Turatsinze operated on both sides of the political and ethnic divisions
in pre-genocidal Rwanda”;
• Source C argues that Turatsinze “misled UN peacekeepers on key points”.
20. “The international community failed to effectively intervene in Rwanda because it lacked
knowledge on the crisis.” Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do
you agree with this statement? [9]
0 • The response does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
Indicative content
Own knowledge:
• Domestic explanations for Belgian, French and American inaction;
• Poor funding of UNAMIR;
• Communication problems between UNAMIR and the DPKO;
• Discussion on the restrictions of UNAMIR’s limited mandate;
• Discussion on the limits imposed by national sovereignty to humanitarian crisis.
Note: The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in
their responses. However, the list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive, and no set
answer is required. Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the markbands that
provide the “best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever it
is possible to do so.
Higher level and standard level
Paper 2
Specimen paper
1 hour 30 minutes
Instructions to candidates
yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
yyAnswer two questions, each chosen from a different topic.
yyEach question is worth [15 marks].
yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is [30 marks].
yyWhere the word region is used it refers to the following four regions: Europe, Asia and Oceania,
the Americas, and Africa and the Middle East.
4 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2015
1. Evaluate the importance of famines and disease as causes of social and economic change.
2. With reference to one religion, examine the reasons for disputes between rulers
and religious leaders.
3. “Dynastic disputes lay at the heart of most medieval conflicts.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
4. Compare and contrast the military tactics used in two medieval conflicts, each chosen from a
different region.
5. With reference to one medieval ruler, evaluate the importance of non-military methods as a means
to expand and consolidate their rule.
6. Examine the extent to which the rule of two medieval leaders can be regarded as successful.
7. Examine the social impact of two scientific or technological developments from the period
1400 to 1700.
8. Evaluate the importance of merchants and travellers in bringing about economic change in the
period 1400 to 1700.
9. Examine the relationship between religion and the state in any one Early Modern state.
10. Compare and contrast the reasons for resistance or rebellion in two colonial states, each chosen
from a different region.
11. Compare and contrast the short-term causes of two Early Modern wars, each chosen from
a different region.
12. Evaluate the role and importance of mercenaries in one Early Modern war.
13. “The availability of natural resources was the most important cause of industrialization.”
With reference to two countries, each chosen from a different region, to what extent do you agree
with this statement?
14. Examine the impact of industrialization on standards of living and working conditions
in one country.
15. Evaluate the importance of war as a cause or catalyst for two independence movements,
each chosen from a different region.
16. “The greatest challenges facing newly independent states were economic.” With reference to one
newly independent state, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
17. Compare and contrast the conditions that encouraged the demand for democratic reform
in two states, each chosen from a different region.
18. “Government policies in democratic states rarely affect the distribution of wealth.” To what extent
do you agree with this statement?
19. “Successful foreign policy was essential for the maintenance of power by authoritarian leaders.”
With reference to one authoritarian leader, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
20. Compare and contrast the impact on women of the policies of two authoritarian states,
each chosen from a different region.
Turn over
21. Examine the role of ideology in causing two 20th-century civil wars, each chosen from
a different region.
22. Compare and contrast the role of technology in determining the outcome of two 20th-century wars.
Topic 12: The Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century)
23. Examine the impact of the US policy of containment on superpower relations between
1947 and 1964.
24. Evaluate the impact on the course of the Cold War of two crises, each chosen from
a different region.
Paper 2
26 pages
Note to examiners
This markscheme outlines what members of the paper setting team had in mind when they devised the
questions. The points listed in the bullet points indicate possible areas candidates might cover in their
answers. They are not compulsory points and are not necessarily the best possible points. They are
only a framework to help examiners in their assessment, and examiners should be responsive to any
other valid points or any other valid approaches. Examiners are reminded of the need to apply the
markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by candidates and to award credit wherever
it is possible to do so.
1. Evaluate the importance of famines and disease as causes of social and economic change.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates should make an appraisal of the importance of famines and disease as causes of
social and economic change.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
2. With reference to one religion, examine the reasons for disputes between rulers and religious
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
3. “Dynastic disputes lay at the heart of most medieval conflicts.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
4. Compare and contrast the military tactics used in two medieval conflicts, each chosen from a
different region.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. Candidates must examine
the similarities and also the differences between the military tactics used in two medieval conflicts,
each chosen from a different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
5. With reference to one medieval ruler, evaluate the importance of non-military methods as a means
to expand and consolidate their rule.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates must make an appraisal of the importance of non-military methods as a means to
expand and consolidate the rule of one medieval ruler.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
6. Examine the extent to which the rule of two medieval leaders can be regarded as successful.
Candidates are required to provide a critical analysis of the leadership of two medieval leaders. It
is important that candidates focus their discussion on the extent to which the rule of the two
leaders can be regarded as successful, rather than simply describing the rule of two medieval
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
7. Examine the social impact of two scientific or technological developments from the period
1400 to 1700.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
8. Evaluate the importance of merchants and travellers in bringing about economic change in the
period 1400 to 1700.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case candidates must make an appraisal of the importance of merchants and travellers in bringing
about economic change in the period 1400 to 1700.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
9. Examine the relationship between religion and the state in any one Early Modern state.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
10. Compare and contrast the reasons for resistance or rebellion in two colonial states, each chosen
from a different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
11. Compare and contrast the short-term causes of two Early Modern wars, each chosen from a
different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
12. Evaluate the role and importance of mercenaries in one Early Modern war.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates should make an appraisal of the role and importance of mercenaries in any one
war they have studied from the period 1500 to 1750.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
13. “The availability of natural resources was the most important cause of industrialization.” With
reference to two countries, each chosen from a different region, to what extent do you agree with
this statement?
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
14. Examine the impact of industrialization on standards of living and working conditions in one
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
15. Evaluate the importance of war as a cause or catalyst for two independence movements, each
chosen from a different region.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should make an appraisal of the importance of war as a cause or catalyst for two independence
movements, each chosen from a different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
16. “The greatest challenges facing newly independent states were economic.” With reference to one
newly independent state, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates will need to discuss the extent to which they agree with the statement that the
greatest challenges facing newly independent states were economic.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
17. Compare and contrast the conditions that encouraged the demand for democratic reform in two
states, each chosen from a different region.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates should examine both the similarities and differences between the conditions that
encouraged the demand for democratic reform in two states, each from a different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
18. “Government policies in democratic states rarely affect the distribution of wealth.” To what extent
do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates will need to discuss the extent to which they agree with the statement that
government policies in democratic states rarely affect the distribution of wealth.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
19. “Successful foreign policy was essential for the maintenance of power by authoritarian leaders.”
With reference to one authoritarian leader, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates will need to discuss the extent to which they agree with the statement that
successful foreign policy was essential for the maintenance of power for one authoritarian leader
they have studied.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
20. Compare and contrast the impact on women of the policies of two authoritarian states, each
chosen from a different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
21. Examine the role of ideology in causing two 20th-century civil wars, each chosen from a different
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case candidates should make an appraisal of the role of ideology in causing two 20th-century civil
wars, each chosen from a different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
22. Compare and contrast the role of technology in determining the outcome of two 20th-century wars.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates should discuss both the similarities and the differences in the role of technology
in determining the outcome of two 20th-century wars.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Topic 12: The Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century)
23. Examine the impact of the US policy of containment on superpower relations between 1947 and
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question. In this
case, candidates must examine the impact of containment on superpower relations, rather than
simply describe a narrative of key events from the period.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
24. Evaluate the impact on the course of the Cold War of two crises, each chosen from a different
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question; in this
case, candidates should make an appraisal of the impact on the course of the Cold War of two
crises, each from a different region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Higher level
Paper 3 – history of Africa and the Middle East
Specimen paper
2 hours 30 minutes
Instructions to candidates
yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
yyAnswer any three questions.
yyEach question is worth [15 marks].
yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is [45 marks].
5 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2015
1. “Military power was the most important reason for the ‘Abbasid defeat of the Umayyads.” To what
extent do you agree with this statement?
2. “The first century of ‘Abbasid rule brought about significant economic and political change in the
Islamic world.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
3. Examine the ideological and cultural impact of the Fatimid Empire on the Islamic world.
4. “Internal problems rather than external challenges led to the collapse of the Fatimid Empire.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
5. “Religious ideology was the primary motive for the Crusades.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
8. Examine the contribution of either Selim I (1512–1520) or Suleiman the Magnificent (1520–1566)
to the success of the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century.
Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)
10. “Trade was more important to the success of the Mali Empire than it was to the success of the
Kingdom of Kongo.” Discuss.
11. Compare and contrast the contributions of Tewodros II and Yohannes IV to the unification of Ethiopia.
12. “Moshoeshoe was a more successful ruler than Shaka Zulu.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
13. Examine the social and economic impact of the slave trade on Africa and the Middle East up until the
19th century.
14. “Economic factors were the main reason for the decline of the Atlantic slave trade.” To what extent
do you agree with this statement?
15. Examine the reasons for increased European interest in Africa in the second half of the
19th century.
16. “The annexation of Africa was only made possible by weaknesses within Africa.” To what extent do
you agree with this statement?
17. “The leadership of Menelik II was the most significant factor in Ethiopia maintaining its
independence.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
18. Discuss the reasons for, and results of, Kabaka Mwanga’s resistance to European imperialism.
19. Evaluate the economic impact of Portuguese rule in Angola and Mozambique.
20. Examine the reasons for, and results of, the British decision to implement a system of indirect rule
in Nigeria.
Turn over
21. Evaluate the contribution of the Mau Mau uprising to the achievement of independence in Kenya.
22. Compare and contrast the role of individual leaders in two 20th-century independence movements
in Africa.
23. Evaluate the impact of the Tanzimat reforms on the Ottoman Empire.
24. Examine the reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 19th century.
War and change in the Middle East and North Africa 1914–1945
25. To what extent did ineffective Allied diplomacy in the Middle East during the First World War lead to
instability in the region?
27. Discuss the role played by the Abyssinian Crisis in the failure of the League of Nations.
28. “The East African Community (EAC) was more of a success than a failure in the 20th century.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
29. “The Boers lost the war but won the peace.” To what extent do you agree with this statement
about the South African War (1899–1902)?
30. Examine the reasons for, and the effects of, the radicalization of resistance to the apartheid system
in South Africa.
Social and cultural developments in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries
31. Examine the factors that promoted and those that inhibited the spread of Christianity in Africa in
the 19th and 20th centuries.
32. Discuss the impact of immigration and emigration on any two African countries in the 19th and
20th centuries.
33. Compare and contrast the economic and social policies of Nasser and Sadat in Egypt.
34. Evaluate the importance of religious factors in causing the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War
in 1975.
35. “Economic problems after independence were the main cause of civil war.” With reference to one
civil war you have studied, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
36. Compare and contrast the factors that led to the return to multi-party democracy in two countries.
Higher level
38 pages
Note for examiners: The following pages of this markscheme outline what members of the paper setting
team had in mind when they devised the questions. The points listed in the bullet points indicate
possible areas candidates might cover in their answers. They are not compulsory points and are not
necessarily the best possible points. They are only a framework to help examiners in their assessment.
Examiners should be responsive to any other valid points or any other valid approaches.
1. “Military power was the most important reason for the ‘Abbasid defeat of the Umayyads.” To what
extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees that military power was the most important reason for the ‘Abbasid
defeat of the Umayyads.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
2. “The first century of ‘Abbasid rule brought about significant economic and political change in the
Islamic world.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which they agree with the statement that the first century of Abbasid rule (750–850) brought about
significant economic and political change in the Islamic world.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
3. Examine the ideological and cultural impact of the Fatimid Empire on the Islamic world.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an examination
of the ideological and cultural impact of the Fatimid Empire on the Islamic world. It is important
that responses focus specifically on the ideological and cultural impact of the Fatimid Empire,
rather than on the impact more generally.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
4. “Internal problems rather than external challenges led to the collapse of the Fatimid Empire.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees with the claim that internal problems rather than external challenges
led to the collapse of the Fatimid Empire.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
5. “Religious ideology was the primary motive for the Crusades.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which the candidate agrees that religious ideology was the primary motive for the Crusades. The
dates of the topic (1095–1291) refer to the period from the calling of the First Crusade to the fall
of Acre.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an evaluation
of the impact of the Crusades on the Islamic world.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an evaluation
of the significance of the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
8. Examine the contribution of either Selim I (1512–1520) or Suleiman the Magnificent (1520–1566)
to the success of the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an evaluation
of the contribution of either Selim I or Suleiman the Magnificent to the success of the Ottoman
Empire in the 16th century.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the reasons for
the decline of the Ghana Empire. Much of the evidence on the slow collapse of the Ghana Empire
is scant and fragmentary, meaning that there is uncertainty and controversy surrounding the
reasons for its demise. However, it seems more than likely that the reason why the Ghana Empire
emerged in the first place, the lucrative trade in salt and gold, was also a significant factor in its
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
10. “Trade was more important to the success of the Mali Empire than it was to the success of the
Kingdom of Kongo.” Discuss.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case a discussion of
the claim that trade was more important to the success of the Mali Empire than it was to the
success of the Kingdom of Kongo.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
11. Compare and contrast the contributions of Tewodros II and Yohannes IV to the unification of
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, they must
examine both the similarities and the differences between the contributions of Tewodros II and
Yohannes IV to the unification of Ethiopia.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
12. “Moshoeshoe was a more successful ruler than Shaka Zulu.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which the candidate agrees with the claim that Moshoeshoe was a more successful ruler than
Shaka Zulu. Candidate responses to this question will probably vary greatly and will likely hinge on
how the term “successful” is defined. If success is associated more closely with military success,
then Shaka Zulu is likely to be regarded as more successful, whereas if success is associated with
statecraft and diplomacy then Moshoeshoe is likely to be regarded as more successful.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
13. Examine the social and economic impact of the slave trade on Africa and the Middle East up until
the 19th century.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case examining the
huge social and economic impact of the slave trade on Africa and the Middle East. The focus of
the essay must be on the social and economic impact of the slave trade, rather than on political
consequences such as the collapse of political alliances.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
14. “Economic factors were the main reason for the decline of the Atlantic slave trade.” To what extent
do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees with the claim that economic factors were the main reason for the
decline of the Atlantic slave trade.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
15. Examine the reasons for increased European interest in Africa in the second half of the 19th
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the reasons
for increased European interest in Africa in the second half of the 19th century. Candidates are
expected to have a clear understanding of the European background to the European interest in
Africa and also to discuss events in Africa which contributed to European interest.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
16. “The annexation of Africa was only made possible by weaknesses within Africa.” To what extent
do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which the candidate agrees that the annexation of Africa was only made possible by weaknesses
within Africa. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of what the African
weaknesses and German activities were as well as the role they played, and their relative
importance, in facilitating the annexation of Africa.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
17. “The leadership of Menelik II was the most significant factor in Ethiopia maintaining its
independence.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which candidates agree with the claim that the leadership of Menelik II was the most significant
factor in Ethiopia maintaining its independence.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
18. Discuss the reasons for, and results of, Kabaka Mwanga’s resistance to European imperialism.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, it is crucial
that candidates discuss both the reasons for and the results of Kabaka Mwanga’s resistance to
European imperialism.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
19. Evaluate the economic impact of Portuguese rule in Angola and Mozambique.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the economic
impact of Portuguese rule in Angola and Mozambique.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
20. Examine the reasons for, and results of, the British decision to implement a system of indirect rule
in Nigeria.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, both the
reasons for, and the results of, the British decision to implement a system of indirect rule in Nigeria.
Some candidates may challenge the question by arguing that the so-called “warrant chief” system
in the southern part of the colony involved a major modification of the idea of indirect rule, and was
in many ways more characteristic of a system of direct rule.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
21. Evaluate the contribution of the Mau Mau uprising to the achievement of independence in Kenya.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the
contribution of the Mau Mau uprising to the achievement of independence in Kenya. This is a
deeply controversial topic, which is likely to be reflected in a wide range of candidate responses.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
22. Compare and contrast the role of individual leaders in two 20th-century independence movements
in Africa.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case both the
similarities and the differences in the role of individual leaders in two 20th-century independence
movements in Africa. There will be a great deal of variety in candidate responses to this question,
and the nature of the answers will obviously depend to a considerable degree on the two leaders
chosen for discussion. It is important that the candidate has ensured that there is fertile ground for
both comparison and contrast in their selection.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
23. Evaluate the impact of the Tanzimat reforms on the Ottoman Empire.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an evaluation
of the impact of the Tanzimat reforms on the Ottoman Empire.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
24. Examine the reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 19th century.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the reasons for
the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 19th century.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
War and change in the Middle East and North Africa 1914–1945
25. To what extent did ineffective Allied diplomacy in the Middle East during the First World War lead
to instability in the region?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which ineffective Allied diplomacy in the Middle East during the First World War lead to instability in
the region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, an evaluation
of Ataturk’s impact on Turkish society.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
27. Discuss the role played by the Abyssinian Crisis in the failure of the League of Nations.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case a discussion of
the role played by the Abyssinian Crisis in the failure of the League of Nations. In order to answer
this question effectively candidates will need to have an understanding of the key aspects of the
Abyssinian Crisis, such as the countries that were involved and why they were involved in the
crisis. However, the focus of the response should be specifically on the role played by the crisis in
the failure of the League of Nations, not a discussion of the Abyssinian Crisis in general.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
28. “The East African Community (EAC) was more of a success than a failure in the 20th century.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. In this case, the extent to
which the candidate agreed with the claim that the East African Community was more of a success
than a failure in the 20th century. Candidates should discuss clear and specific examples of
successes and failures, and success may be interpreted in a variety of ways such as cultural,
social, economic and political.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
29. “The Boers lost the war but won the peace.” To what extent do you agree with this statement
about the South African War (1899–1902)?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees with the claim that “the Boers lost the war but won the peace” in the
South African War of 1899 to 1902.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
30. Examine the reasons for, and the effects of, the radicalization of resistance to the apartheid system
in South Africa.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case both the
reasons for, and the effects of, the radicalization of resistance to the apartheid system in South
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Social and cultural developments in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries
31. Examine the factors that promoted and those that inhibited the spread of Christianity in Africa in
the 19th and 20th centuries.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the factors that
both promoted and inhibited the spread of Christianity in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
32. Discuss the impact of immigration and emigration on any two African countries in the 19th and
20th centuries.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case a discussion of
the impact of both immigration and emigration in any two African countries in the 19th and 20th
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
33. Compare and contrast the economic and social policies of Nasser and Sadat in Egypt.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case discussion of
the similarities and differences in both the economic and social policies of Nasser and Sadat in
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
34. Evaluate the importance of religious factors in causing the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War
in 1975.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the importance
of religious factors in causing the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
35. “Economic problems after independence were the main cause of civil war.” With reference to one
civil war you have studied, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. In this case, candidates
must clearly identify one civil war from the region to discuss as an example, and must reach a clear
judgment on the extent to which they agree that economic problems after independence, rather
than other factors, were the main cause of the civil war.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
36. Compare and contrast the factors that led to the return to multi-party democracy in two countries.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. In this case, candidates
must clearly identify the two countries they are going to consider, and to examine both similarities
and differences in the factors that meant these countries that had embraced one party politics
eventually turned back to multi-party democracy.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Higher level
Paper 3 – history of the Americas
Specimen paper
2 hours 30 minutes
Instructions to candidates
yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
yyAnswer any three questions.
yyEach question is worth [15 marks].
yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is [45 marks].
5 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2015
1. Compare and contrast the economic structures of two indigenous societies in the Americas.
2. Examine the relationship between religious and political powers in one indigenous society
in the Americas.
3. Examine the reasons for, and effects of, the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494).
4. Discuss the reasons for Spanish success and Inca defeat in the Spanish conquest of the
Incan Empire.
6. Examine the ways in which one European country organized trade with its American colonies.
7. Examine the reasons for, and effectiveness of, resistance of indigenous populations to
8. Compare and contrast the role of the Church in British North America and in Spanish America.
9. Discuss the reasons why slavery was introduced into the colonies of the New World.
10. Examine the different forms of resistance developed by slaves in two colonies in the Americas.
11. To what extent was the influence of Enlightenment ideas responsible for the rise of independence
movements in the Americas?
12. Evaluate the impact of independence on the social and economic structures of one country
in the Americas.
13. Examine the nature of caudillo rule in one country in the Americas.
14. Evaluate the impact on British North America and the United States of the War of 1812.
15. Examine the ways in which supporters of slavery in the 19th century used legal, religious and
economic arguments in its defence.
16. “Reconstruction was doomed to fail.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
17. Examine the ways in which railway expansion helped the modernization of two countries
in the Americas.
18. With reference to one country in the Americas, to what extent were the aims of progressivism
achieved by 1929?
19. Discuss the extent of Canada’s involvement in the First World War.
Turn over
21. Evaluate the key achievements and failures of the Mexican Revolution.
22. Discuss the role played by foreign powers in the outbreak and development of the
Mexican Revolution.
23. Compare and contrast the proposed solutions to the Great Depression in two countries
in the Americas.
24. Examine the social and cultural impact of the Great Depression in one country in the Americas.
25. To what extent were attempts at hemispheric cooperation successful prior to and during the
Second World War?
26. Examine the reasons for, and nature of, the involvement of one country of the Americas in the
Second World War.
27. Discuss the successes and failures of the economic policies of two populist leaders
in Latin America.
28. To what extent did the policies of Fidel Castro reinforce the revolutionary spirit
and Cuban nationalism?
30. Compare and contrast the social policies of any two leaders of the United States during the period
1945 to 1980.
31. Discuss the consequences for the region of Eisenhower’s national security policy.
32. Examine the domestic impact of the Cold War on one country in the Americas (excluding the
United States).
33. Evaluate the impact of US Supreme Court decisions on ending segregation in education between
1955 and 1965.
34. Examine the reasons for the rise of feminist movements in the Americas post-1945.
35. Discuss the impact on the region of the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan between 1981 and 1988.
36. Evaluate the key successes and failures of the Mulroney governments in Canada between 1984
and 1993.
Higher level
38 pages
Note for examiners: The following pages of this markscheme outline what members of the paper setting
team had in mind when they devised the questions. The points listed in the bullet points indicate
possible areas candidates might cover in their answers. They are not compulsory points and are not
necessarily the best possible points. They are only a framework to help examiners in their assessment.
Examiners should be responsive to any other valid points or any other valid approaches.
1. Compare and contrast the economic structures of two indigenous societies in the Americas.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
must examine both the similarities and differences in the economic structures of two indigenous
societies from the region. Popular examples discussed are likely to be Maya, Tolteca, Azteca,
Wari, Tiahuanaco, Inca, Apache, Navajo, or Cheyenne, but discussion of any two indigenous
societies from the region is acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
2. Examine the relationship between religious and political powers in one indigenous society in the
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the relationship
between religious and political powers in one indigenous society in the region. The detail of
candidates’ answers will vary according to the society they choose to discuss. Popular choices are
likely to be Toltecas, Mayas, Aztecas, Incas, Apache, Navajo, Cheyenne, but discussion of any
indigenous society in the Americas is acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
3. Examine the reasons for, and effects of, the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494).
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should critically examine, rather than simply list, the reasons for and the consequences of the
signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
4. Discuss the reasons for Spanish success and Inca defeat in the Spanish conquest of the Incan
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the reasons for
Spanish success and Inca defeat in the Spanish conquest of the Incan Empire.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this candidates may
focus on the impact of the Bourbon reforms on the Spanish colonial structure as a whole, or they
may choose to focus on the impact of the reforms in a specific viceroyalty.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
6. Examine the ways in which one European country organized trade with its American colonies.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. Answers will vary
depending on the country selected for discussion (Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, France or the
Netherlands), but candidates should focus specifically on the ways in which the country organized
trade with its American colonies.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
7. Examine the reasons for, and effectiveness of, resistance of indigenous populations to
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should focus on both the reasons for resistance of indigenous populations to Christianization and
also the effectiveness of this resistance.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
8. Compare and contrast the role of the Church in British North America and in Spanish America.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case they must
examine both similarities and differences in the role of Church in colonial systems in British North
America and Spanish America.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
9. Discuss the reasons why slavery was introduced into the colonies of the New World.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; answers should focus on
specific reasons that slavery was implemented in various British, Spanish or Portuguese colonies
and not deviate to discussing slavery in general.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
10. Examine the different forms of resistance developed by slaves in two colonies in the Americas.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, examining the
different forms of resistance developed by slaves in two colonies in the Americas. The most
popular colonies discussed are likely to be the southern American colonies and Brazil, but
discussion of any two colonies in the region is acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
11. To what extent was the influence of Enlightenment ideas responsible for the rise of independence
movements in the Americas?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case answers
should focus on the influence of Enlightenment ideas on independence and weigh this against
other factors that influenced the development of the independence movement.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
12. Evaluate the impact of independence on the social and economic structures of one country in the
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. The details of the answer
will depend on the country chosen for discussion, but candidates should focus their response
specifically on the impact of independence on the social and economic structures of the country
they choose to discuss.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
13. Examine the nature of caudillo rule in one country in the Americas.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, an
examination of the nature of caudillo rule in one country in the region.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
14. Evaluate the impact on British North America and the United States of the War of 1812.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. Both British North America
and the United States should be discussed, though not necessarily equally.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
15. Examine the ways in which supporters of slavery in the 19th century used legal, religious and
economic arguments in its defence.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the ways in
which supporters of slavery in the 19th century used legal, religious and economic arguments in its
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
16. “Reconstruction was doomed to fail.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees with the statement that Reconstruction was doomed to fail. This
question demands a clear understanding of what is meant by Reconstruction.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
17. Examine the ways in which railway expansion helped the modernization of two countries in the
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the ways in
which railroad expansion helped the modernization of any two countries from the region. The
United States, Canada and Argentina are likely to be popular choices, but discussion of any two
countries from the region is acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
18. With reference to one country in the Americas, to what extent were the aims of progressivism
achieved by 1929?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the aims of progressivism were achieved by 1929. Definitions of Progressivism and relevant
examples will vary dependent upon the country selected for discussion.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
19. Discuss the extent of Canada’s involvement in the First World War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent of
Canada’s involvement in the First World War.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the discussion
must focus on the war’s effect on Cuba, not on the United States or Spain.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
21. Evaluate the key achievements and failures of the Mexican Revolution.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an evaluation
of the key achievements and failures of the Mexican Revolution. A brief background on the
Mexican Revolution and the proposals of Zapata, Carranza and Villa are required to properly
understand the achievements and failures, but should not be the focus of the response.
Candidates should also be aware that the revolution was a process that endured three decades,
ending with the administration of Lázaro Cárdenas.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
22. Discuss the role played by foreign powers in the outbreak and development of the Mexican
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. Candidates are likely to
discuss the role of the United States and Germany, though other nations might be included.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
23. Compare and contrast the proposed solutions to the Great Depression in two countries in the
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; candidates are expected to
evaluate similarities and differences between the proposed solutions to the Great Depression, not
merely to outline them.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
24. Examine the social and cultural impact of the Great Depression in one country in the Americas.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the social and
cultural impact of the Great Depression in one country in the region. The discussion must focus on
the social and cultural impact of the Great Depression in the chosen example, not on the impact
more generally.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
25. To what extent were attempts at hemispheric cooperation successful prior to and during the
Second World War?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which attempts at hemispheric cooperation were successful prior to and during the Second World
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
26. Examine the reasons for, and nature of, the involvement of one country of the Americas in the
Second World War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question about the reasons for, and
nature of, the involvement of one country of the Americas in the Second World War.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
27. Discuss the successes and failures of the economic policies of two populist leaders in Latin
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. Candidates can choose
any two populist leaders from 1945 to 1980, with popular examples likely to be Vargas in Brazil,
Perón in Argentina, and Velasco in Peru.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
28. To what extent did the policies of Fidel Castro reinforce the revolutionary spirit and Cuban
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case knowledge of
Castro’s policies, both domestic and foreign, is necessary.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. In this case, candidates
will need to ensure that they are evaluating the causes and effects of the Quiet Revolution, rather
than simply giving a narrative of the variety of changes that took place in Canada throughout the
1960s, which can be said to have constituted the revolution.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
30. Compare and contrast the social policies of any two leaders of the United States during the period
1945 to 1980.
Candidates may choose any two leaders of the US from the period 1945–1980, and must examine
both the similarities and the differences in their social policies. Some candidates may address
political context as the framework of social policies. The US, like most countries, significantly
transformed its social characteristics and structure after the Second World War, although with
uneven results. Urban areas generally presented significant advantages over rural areas, with few
exceptions. Access to employment, education, health services, transportation, housing and
gender issues varied.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
31. Discuss the consequences for the region of Eisenhower’s national security policy.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the
consequences for the region of Eisenhower’s national security policy.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
32. Examine the domestic impact of the Cold War on one country in the Americas (excluding the
United States).
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the focus must
be on the domestic impact of the Cold War on a chosen country, not merely a description of the
domestic policies of that country. Popular choices for discussion are likely to be Canada or Cuba,
but discussion of any country within the region other than the US is acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
33. Evaluate the impact of US Supreme Court decisions on ending segregation in education between
1955 and 1965.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the impact of
US Supreme Court decisions on ending segregation in education between 1955 and 1965.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
34. Examine the reasons for the rise of feminist movements in the Americas post-1945.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the question
only asks for reasons for the rise of feminist movements, not about any successes the movements
might have had. Candidates are likely to discuss movements in the United States, Canada and
Argentina, but feminist movements in any countries in the region are acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
35. Discuss the impact on the region of the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan between 1981 and 1988.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. In this case candidates
must focus their discussion of the impact of Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy on the region, not
simply outline the main features of his foreign policy.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
36. Evaluate the key successes and failures of the Mulroney governments in Canada between 1984
and 1993.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. The successes and
failures of Mulroney’s governments are debatable as what one person might see as a success,
another might see as a failure.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Higher level
Paper 3 – history of Asia and Oceania
Specimen paper
2 hours 30 minutes
Instructions to candidates
yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
yyAnswer any three questions.
yyEach question is worth [15 marks].
yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is [45 marks].
5 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2015
Trade and exchange: The Silk Road in the medieval world (750–1500)
1. Examine the economic and cultural impact of the Mongol Empire on the Silk Road.
2. Evaluate the factors that led to the decline in the importance of the Silk Road in the 15th century.
3. Discuss the reasons for, and results of, the rise in power of the samurai.
4. Examine the positive and negative effects of the Mongol invasions on Japan.
Exploration, trade and interaction in East Asia and South-East Asia (1405–1700)
5. Discuss the reasons for, and the consequences of, the Portuguese capture of Malacca in 1511.
6. Compare and contrast the Dutch and Spanish settlements in South-East Asia during the 16th and
17th centuries.
7. To what extent do you agree with the claim that the social and religious developments of Akbar’s
rule were his greatest achievements?
8. Discuss the reasons for the decline of Mughal power during the reign of Aurangzeb.
9. Discuss the reasons for French interest in the region and the extent to which they had established
control over Indo-China by the outbreak of the First World War.
10. “The Siamese monarchs managed to maintain their independence from European powers using a
combination of modernization and diplomacy.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
11. To what extent was the Great Revolt (Indian Mutiny) of 1857 a turning point in the British
administration of India?
12. Examine the nature and impact of British colonization of Burma by the end of the First World War.
13. “The Opium Wars were caused by China’s attitudes toward the outside world.” To what extent do
you agree with this statement?
14. Examine the reasons for the challenges and discontent faced by the Tokugawa Shogunate
prior to 1853.
15. “The issue of land was the greatest source of tension between settlers and the indigenous people
of New Zealand.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
16. Examine the impact of the First World War on national identity in Australia and New Zealand.
17. Examine the factors that led to the outbreak of the Boxer Rebellion.
18. “The Tonghak Rebellion made Japanese annexation of Korea an inevitability.” To what extent do
you agree with this statement?
19. “Gandhi’s importance to the Indian Independence Movement has been exaggerated.” To what
extent do you agree with this statement?
20. Examine the reasons for, and consequences of, the growth of Muslim separatism by 1947.
Turn over
Japan (1912–1990)
21. Examine the reasons for the collapse of democracy in Japan in the 1930s.
22. To what extent was the context of the Cold War responsible for Japan’s “economic miracle” after
the Second World War?
23. “The First United Front was of more benefit to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) than to the
Guomindang (GMD).” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
24. Evaluate the reasons why the Nationalists were defeated in the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949).
25. Examine the impact of the First World War and the Second World War on political developments in
French Indo-China.
26. “Sukarno’s collaboration with the Japanese was a key factor in the success of the Indonesian
Independence Movement.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
27. Evaluate Mao’s achievements as a nation builder in China between 1949 and 1976.
28. Examine the reasons why Deng Xiaoping emerged as the most powerful leader in China by 1982.
29. To what extent was the Vietnam War responsible for the rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?
30. To what extent were foreign powers responsible for the outbreak of the Korean War?
31. Discuss the nature of the problems facing Pakistan, and the extent to which they had been
resolved by the end of the 20th century.
32. To what extent could Indira Gandhi’s leadership of India be regarded as successful?
33. Evaluate the significance of immigration patterns in shaping society in Australia and New Zealand
since the Second World War.
34. Examine the changes in the foreign and economic policies of either Australia or New Zealand that
led to the development of closer relations with countries in Asia and the Pacific Islands between
1945 and 2000.
Social, cultural and economic developments in Asia (excluding China, Japan and India)
35. To what extent has technology transformed the society and economy of two countries in the region
(excluding China, Japan and India)?
36. Discuss the extent to which women gained equality in one country in the region by 2005 (excluding
China, Japan and India).
Higher level
38 pages
Note for examiners: The following pages of this markscheme outline what members of the paper setting
team had in mind when they devised the questions. The points listed in the bullet points indicate
possible areas candidates might cover in their answers. They are not compulsory points and are not
necessarily the best possible points. They are only a framework to help examiners in their assessment.
Examiners should be responsive to any other valid points or any other valid approaches.
Trade and exchange: The Silk Road in the medieval world (750–1500)
1. Examine the economic and cultural impact of the Mongol Empire on the Silk Road.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case examining
both the economic and the cultural impact of the Mongol Empire on the Silk Road.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
2. Evaluate the factors that led to the decline in the importance of the Silk Road in the 15th century.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should address a range of reasons for the decline of the Silk Road, including political, economic
and cultural factors.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
3. Discuss the reasons for, and results of, the rise in power of the samurai.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, candidates
should discuss both the reasons for and the results of the rise in power of the Samurai.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
4. Examine the positive and negative effects of the Mongol invasions on Japan.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, candidates
should examine both the positive and negative effects of the Mongol invasions on Japan. These
attempted invasions by the Mongols took place in 1274 and 1281 under Kublai Khan, and were
ultimately unsuccessful.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Exploration, trade and interaction in East Asia and South-East Asia (1405–1700)
5. Discuss the reasons for, and the consequences of, the Portuguese capture of Malacca in 1511.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) it raises. The question revolves around the initial
rivalry between the Spanish and Portuguese for the expansion of trade in the region, and the
consequences of the expansion, which led to clashes with the Chinese and with other local rulers.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
6. Compare and contrast the Dutch and Spanish settlements in South-East Asia during the 16th and
17th centuries.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an evaluation
of the similarities and differences between the Dutch and Spanish settlements in South-East Asia
during the 16th and 17th centuries. The comparison may explore elements such as the nature of
the respective colonial systems, the economic and social developments, or the impact on the
indigenous population.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
7. To what extent do you agree with the claim that the social and religious developments of Akbar’s
rule were his greatest achievements?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees that the social and religious developments of Akbar’s rule were his
greatest achievements. Candidates should examine both the social and religious developments to
determine if they should be regarded as his greatest achievements, and should weigh these
against other developments of Akbar’s rule that could potentially be considered his greatest
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
8. Discuss the reasons for the decline of Mughal power during the reign of Aurangzeb.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should discuss a range of reasons why Mughal power declined during Aurangzeb’s reign
(1658–1707). Aurangzeb’s reign saw the expansion of the Mughal Empire to its greatest peak,
but also saw significant revolts and decline in Mughal power, and candidates should discuss a
range of social, political and military reasons for this decline.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
9. Discuss the reasons for French interest in the region and the extent to which they had established
control over Indo-China by the outbreak of the First World War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should discuss both the reasons for French interest in the region and also the extent to which they
had established control over Indo-China by the outbreak of the First World War. Although there
should be reference to the Indo-China region, it is likely that many responses will focus
predominantly on Vietnam, which is acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
10. “The Siamese monarchs managed to maintain their independence from European powers using a
combination of modernization and diplomacy.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which the candidates agrees that the Siamese monarchs managed to maintain their independence
from European powers using a combination of modernization and diplomacy. Candidates should
assess the policies and actions of the Thai monarchs to determine the extent to which they were
responsible for maintaining Siamese independence or whether other factors played a role.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
11. To what extent was the Great Revolt (Indian Mutiny) of 1857 a turning point in the British
administration of India?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the Great Revolt (Indian Mutiny) was a turning point in the British administration of India.
Candidates may initially establish how India was governed before the Great Revolt (Indian Mutiny)
of 1857, but the main focus of the response should be on whether there was significant change in
the way the British governed India afterwards.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
12. Examine the nature and impact of British colonization of Burma by the end of the First World War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an examination
of both the nature and the impact of British colonization of Burma by the end of the First World
War. Candidates should assess a range of political, social and economic effects of British
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
13. “The Opium Wars were caused by China’s attitudes toward the outside world.” To what extent do
you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which candidates agree that the Opium Wars were caused by China’s attitudes towards the
outside world. Candidates should consider how differences in attitudes between China and the
West led to misunderstandings and conflict, and should also explore other possible factors that
could be regarded as causes of the Opium Wars.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
14. Examine the reasons for the challenges and discontent faced by the Tokugawa Shogunate prior
to 1853.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, candidates
should examine a variety of reasons for the challenges and discontent faced by the Tokugawa
Shogunate before the arrival of Perry.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
15. “The issue of land was the greatest source of tension between settlers and the indigenous people
of New Zealand.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which they agree that the issue of land was the greatest source of tension between settlers and the
indigenous people of New Zealand. It is likely that many candidates will agree that the relationship
between settlers and indigenous people was very much based on the ownership of, and rights to,
the land, but they should also consider other factors that were a source of tension.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
16. Examine the impact of the First World War on national identity in Australia and New Zealand.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the First World War influenced the growth of national identity in both Australia and New
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
17. Examine the factors that led to the outbreak of the Boxer Rebellion.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, candidates
should consider a variety of social, economic and political factors that led to the Boxer Rebellion.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
18. “The Tonghak Rebellion made Japanese annexation of Korea an inevitability.” To what extent do
you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees that the Tonghak Rebellion made Japanese annexation of Korea an
inevitability. Candidates should assess the impact of the Tonghak Rebellion on Korean
independence as well as consider other factors that led to the Japanese annexation of Korea
in 1910.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
19. “Gandhi’s importance to the Indian Independence Movement has been exaggerated.” To what
extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which they agree that Gandhi’s importance to the Indian Independence Movement has been
exaggerated. Gandhi’s role in the Indian Independence Movement should be considered in depth
but candidates may also consider other important factors.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
20. Examine the reasons for, and consequences of, the growth of Muslim separatism by 1947.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
must examine both the reasons for, and the consequences of, the growth of Muslim separatism by
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Japan (1912–1990)
21. Examine the reasons for the collapse of democracy in Japan in the 1930s.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should examine a variety of reasons for the collapse of democracy and the rise of militarism in
Japan. Although the time frame of the question is the 1930s it is valid to have some assessment of
events in the late 1920s and early 1940s, especially if students are challenging the question.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
22. To what extent was the context of the Cold War responsible for Japan’s “economic miracle” after
the Second World War?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the context of the Cold War was responsible for Japan’s “economic miracle” after the
Second World War. Candidates should assess the impact the Cold War had on Japan’s economic
progress but should also consider other factors that contributed to this economic progress.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
23. “The First United Front was of more benefit to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) than to the
Guomindang (GMD).” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the question
of which party benefitted most from the First United Front. Some candidates may challenge the
statement in the question by arguing that, given the Front ended with Jiang Jieshi purging the
Communists and consolidating his rule in China, the CCP did not benefit.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
24. Evaluate the reasons why the Nationalists were defeated in the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949).
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the reasons
why the Nationalists were defeated in the Chinese Civil War of 1946 to 1949, which include both
Nationalist weaknesses and Communist strengths.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
25. Examine the impact of the First World War and the Second World War on political developments in
French Indo-China.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the impact of
both the First and Second World Wars on political developments in French Indo-China.
Responses should focus specifically on the impact of the two wars on political developments.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
26. “Sukarno’s collaboration with the Japanese was a key factor in the success of the Indonesian
Independence Movement.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the candidate agrees with the claim that Sukarno’s collaboration with the Japanese was a
key factor in the success of the Indonesian Independence Movement.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
27. Evaluate Mao’s achievements as a nation builder in China between 1949 and 1976.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an evaluation
of both the strengths and limitations of Mao Tse-Tung as a nation builder during the period
1949 to 1976.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
28. Examine the reasons why Deng Xiaoping emerged as the most powerful leader in China by 1982.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the various
reasons why Deng Xiaoping emerged as the most powerful leader in China by 1982. The question
relates to the rise to power of Deng Xiaoping rather than his long-term policies as leader of China,
and candidates will need to identify why Deng was designated “paramount leader” by 1982.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
29. To what extent was the Vietnam War responsible for the rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which the Vietnam War was responsible for the rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Candidates
should assess the impact the Vietnam War had on the rise of the Khmer Rouge, as well as
considering other factors that could be regarded as responsible for the rise.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
30. To what extent were foreign powers responsible for the outbreak of the Korean War?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which foreign powers were responsible for the outbreak of the Korean War. Candidates should
assess the roles of foreign powers, most notably the USSR, US, China and the United Nations, in
the outbreak of the Korean War, as well as considering other factors which could be regarded as
responsible for the outbreak of the war.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
31. Discuss the nature of the problems facing Pakistan, and the extent to which they had been
resolved by the end of the 20th century.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. In this case candidates
should discuss the nature of range of social, political and economic problems facing Pakistan, and
also assess the extent to which those problems had been resolved by the end of the 20th century.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
32. To what extent could Indira Gandhi’s leadership of India be regarded as successful?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which Indira Gandhi’s leadership of India could be regarded as successful. Candidates should
assess a range of Indira Gandhi’s policies and actions to determine the extent to which they were
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
33. Evaluate the significance of immigration patterns in shaping society in Australia and New Zealand
since the Second World War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the
significance of immigration patterns in shaping society in both Australia and New Zealand during
the period 1945 to 2005. In 1945 both Australia and New Zealand were conservative societies
strongly influenced by a British political, legal, economic and cultural heritage. Prior to 1945 both
countries had restricted immigration policies; after 1945 employment needs for modernization and
development meant both countries embarked on extensive immigration campaigns.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
34. Examine the changes in the foreign and economic policies of either Australia or New Zealand that
led to the development of closer relations with countries in Asia and the Pacific Islands between
1945 and 2000.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case an examination
of the changes in both the foreign and economic policies of either Australia or New Zealand
between 1945 and 2000. The focus of the response should be specifically on the changes in these
policies that led to closer relations with countries in Asia and the Pacific Islands, so developments
such as changes in relations with Britain should be discussed within this context.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Social, cultural and economic developments in Asia (excluding China, Japan and India)
35. To what extent has technology transformed the society and economy of two countries in the
region (excluding China, Japan and India)?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question. Candidates should select
any two countries in the region (apart from China, Japan and India) and assess the extent to which
technology has transformed both their society and economy. Popular countries chosen for
discussion are likely to include South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, but any two countries from the
region (apart from China, Japan and India) are acceptable.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
36. Discuss the extent to which women gained equality in one country in the region by 2005 (excluding
China, Japan and India).
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which women gained equality in one country from the region (apart from China, Japan and India)
by 2005. The detail of candidates’ responses will vary according to the country they choose to
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Higher level
Paper 3 – history of Europe
Specimen paper
2 hours 30 minutes
Instructions to candidates
yyDo not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
yyAnswer any three questions.
yyEach question is worth [15 marks].
yyThe maximum mark for this examination paper is [45 marks].
5 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2015
1. Examine the reasons for William I’s success in establishing his authority as King of England.
2. To what extent were the Capetian kings of France successful in extending the royal demesne in the
period from 1137 to 1223?
4. “The most significant impact of Jewish persecution was the loss of skill and ability from economic
and cultural life.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
5. Examine the reasons for English success in the Hundred Years War in the period from
1415 to 1427.
6. Compare and contrast the political challenges facing Henry VI and Edward IV of England.
7. To what extent was the social and political structure in Florence responsible for the origins of the
8. Discuss the role and significance of Lorenzo de Medici in the patronage of art in Renaissance Italy.
9. Evaluate the significance of Henry the Navigator in the 15th-century exploration of Africa.
11. To what extent were the attitudes of the German princes responsible for the spread of Lutheranism
in Germany between 1517 and 1547?
12. Examine the importance of the Council of Trent for the Catholic Church.
13. Compare and contrast the political impact of Enlightenment ideas in two European states
you have studied.
14. Examine the impact of monarchical patronage on the arts in any one country from the region.
15. To what extent do you agree with the claim that Louis XVI caused the French Revolution?
16. Evaluate the success of Napoleon I’s domestic policies in the period from 1799 to 1815.
France (1815–1914)
18. Evaluate the extent of political instability in the French Third Republic between 1871 and 1890.
19. “Unrealistic and overambitious demands were the main reason for the failure of Chartism.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Turn over
21. Examine the consequences of Austrian dominance in Italy between 1815 and 1849.
22. “Bismarck was the sole architect of German unification, 1862 to 1871.” To what extent do you
agree with this statement?
Imperial Russia, revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union (1855–1924)
23. Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Alexander II and Alexander III.
24. Examine the reasons for Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War.
25. Evaluate the claim that German foreign policy was the main cause of the First World War.
26. Discuss the effects of the First World War on the civilian population in any one European country.
27. Evaluate the reasons for the survival of the Weimar Republic in the period from 1918 to 1923.
28. Examine the reasons for the Nationalist victory in the Spanish Civil War.
29. “The Treaty of Versailles was a fair and reasonable peace.” To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
30. Evaluate the successes and failures of the League of Nations in Europe.
31. Discuss the reasons for Stalin’s success in the struggle for power during the period 1924 to 1929.
33. Examine the reasons for, and the extent of, European integration between 1945 and 2000.
35. Examine the extent of economic and social change in any one country in Central or Eastern
Europe from 1989 to 2000.
36. “Popular support for local Communist parties was the main reason for Soviet dominance in
Eastern Europe during the period 1945 to 1955.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Higher level
38 pages
Note for examiners: The following pages of this markscheme outline what members of the paper setting
team had in mind when they devised the questions. The points listed in the bullet points indicate
possible areas candidates might cover in their answers. They are not compulsory points and are not
necessarily the best possible points. They are only a framework to help examiners in their assessment.
Examiners should be responsive to any other valid points or any other valid approaches.
1. Examine the reasons for William I’s success in establishing his authority as King of England.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the reasons for
William I’s success in establishing his rule in England in the decades after 1066. William I, Duke of
Normandy (1028–1087), also known as William the Conqueror, and as William I of England, ruled
from 1066 until his death in 1087.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
2. To what extent were the Capetian kings of France successful in extending the royal demesne in
the period from 1137 to 1223?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the Capetian kings of France were able to extend their lands during the reigns of Louis VII
and Philip II.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the reasons
for the collapse of Islamic rule in Spain.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
4. “The most significant impact of Jewish persecution was the loss of skill and ability from economic
and cultural life.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which the candidate agrees with the claim that the most significant impact of Jewish persecution
was the loss of skill and ability from economic and cultural life. Candidates should discuss the
significance of this particular impact of Jewish persecution, as well as discussing the relative
significance of other impacts, both of the persecution on the Jews themselves and also of the
persecution on society.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
5. Examine the reasons for English success in the Hundred Years War in the period from 1415
to 1427.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the reasons
why King Henry V and his brothers were able to conquer Normandy and much of North-West
France in the years 1415 to 1427.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
6. Compare and contrast the political challenges facing Henry VI and Edward IV of England.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case by comparing
and contrasting the problems faced by Henry VI and Edward IV during the Wars of the Roses.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
7. To what extent was the social and political structure in Florence responsible for the origins of the
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the particular social and political structure in Florence was responsible for the origins of the
Renaissance. Florence was extremely powerful and influential at this time, as well as having
strong traditions of humanism and civic organization.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
8. Discuss the role and significance of Lorenzo de Medici in the patronage of art in Renaissance Italy.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the role and
significance of Lorenzo de Medici in the patronage of art in Renaissance Italy. The Medici family
dominated politics in Florence for much of the 15th century, and Lorenzo was particularly
renowned for being an artistic patron for artists such as Michelangelo.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
9. Evaluate the significance of Henry the Navigator in the 15th-century exploration of Africa.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the
significance of Henry the Navigator in the 15th-century exploration of Africa.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the relative
importance of religion as a motive for European exploration in the 15th and early 16th centuries.
There are numerous possible motives for European exploration, and candidates must assess the
relative importance of religion.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
11. To what extent were the attitudes of the German princes responsible for the spread of Lutheranism
in Germany between 1517 and 1547?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the extent to
which the attitudes of the German princes were responsible for the spread of Lutheranism in
Germany in the first half of the 16th century.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
12. Examine the importance of the Council of Trent for the Catholic Church.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the
importance of the Council of Trent (1545–1563). Candidates are likely to focus on the importance
of the Council itself, and also of the reforms that it introduced, such as the reissuing of the Vulgate
Bible, improved education for priests, and the tightening of discipline.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
13. Compare and contrast the political impact of Enlightenment ideas in two European states you have
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, discussion of
both similarities and differences in the political impact of Enlightenment ideas in two European
states. The detail of candidates’ answers will vary according to the particular states they choose to
discuss, but candidates should make links between the ideas of the Enlightenment and the extent
to which these led to political change in their chosen examples. Candidates should focus their
response on the political impact of Enlightenment ideas, rather than on a detailed philosophical
discussion of the ideas themselves.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
14. Examine the impact of monarchical patronage on the arts in any one country from the region.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, candidates
should show a clear understanding of how patronage operated and may argue that it was positive
or negative for the development of the arts.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
15. To what extent do you agree with the claim that Louis XVI caused the French Revolution?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the extent to
which it was the misjudgments of Louis XVI that caused the French Revolution rather than any
other factors.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
16. Evaluate the success of Napoleon I’s domestic policies in the period from 1799 to 1815.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, the aims of
Napoleon I’s domestic policies should be identified so that an evaluation of success can be made.
Aims could include establishment and preservation of the Empire and creating a stable and
efficient state.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
France (1815–1914)
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, candidates
should identify the main reasons for the unpopularity of the Bourbon regime and Charles X by
1830. With regard to significance, candidates may comment on the increasing importance of
popular support in maintaining a regime.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
18. Evaluate the extent of political instability in the French Third Republic between 1871 and 1890.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case whether the
French Third Republic was really as unstable as it appeared to be. Candidates may consider
different phases in the life of the Republic within this period or consider the extent of danger
represented by different crises.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
19. “Unrealistic and overambitious demands were the main reason for the failure of Chartism.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should identify the demands of the People’s Charter, consider the political context in which these
demands were made, and examine levels of Chartist support in order to arrive at an evaluation of
how realistic these demands were.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should identify the goals of Disraeli’s foreign policy as well as the consequences in order to arrive
at an evaluation of success.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
21. Examine the consequences of Austrian dominance in Italy between 1815 and 1849.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should understand the provisions of the Congress of Vienna insofar as they relate to Austrian
dominance in Italy and their impact.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
22. “Bismarck was the sole architect of German unification, 1862 to 1871.” To what extent do you
agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should consider how important Bismarck’s contribution to German unification was, as well as
looking at the role of others. There could also be some discussion of to what extent Bismarck
planned unification, as implied by the term “architect”, or whether he was an opportunist who
improvised successfully.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Imperial Russia, revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union (1855–1924)
23. Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Alexander II and Alexander III.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, examining in
detail the reigns of both Tsars and identifying clearly where they were fundamentally in agreement,
such as maintaining the Autocracy and strengthening Russia by encouraging economic growth. It
could be argued that they were both very similar in their aims but differed as to how they could be
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
24. Examine the reasons for Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the relative
strength of the Bolsheviks and weakness of the White opposition.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
25. Evaluate the claim that German foreign policy was the main cause of the First World War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case examination of
various causes of the First World War and a consideration of the significance of German foreign
policy in provoking the war.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
26. Discuss the effects of the First World War on the civilian population in any one European country.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should focus clearly on effects of the war on the civilian population in their chosen country and
avoid discussion of military events.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
27. Evaluate the reasons for the survival of the Weimar Republic in the period from 1918 to 1923.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, candidates
need to identify the threats to the Republic and the reasons why they were overcome.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
28. Examine the reasons for the Nationalist victory in the Spanish Civil War.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should assess why the Nationalists under Franco were able to win the war looking both at the
advantages of the Nationalist side and the weaknesses of the Republicans.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
29. “The Treaty of Versailles was a fair and reasonable peace.” To what extent do you agree with this
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case, examining the
major terms of the treaty with reference to the words “fair “ and “reasonable”. Some may disagree
while others will agree with the statement. In either case, there should be some consideration of
the context in which the treaty was drawn up ie the aftermath of a devastating war, the fact that
Germany admitted defeat but that this was a new democratic Germany, the belief that Wilson’s 14
points would form the basis for negotiations.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
30. Evaluate the successes and failures of the League of Nations in Europe.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should be able to identify and evaluate the successes and failures of the League of Nations in
Europe to 1939.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
31. Discuss the reasons for Stalin’s success in the struggle for power during the period 1924 to 1929.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case why Stalin,
who had been very much a bureaucrat in the early years, had by 1929 become the dominant
politician in the party and Trotsky, the hero of the revolution and civil war had been removed.
Responses should indicate that the struggle was very much within the party and took place behind
a debate on the future direction of the Soviet Union both politically and economically – Socialism in
One Country versus Permanent Revolution.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should identify the aims of Brezhnev’s domestic policies and make a judgment as to how
successful his policies were in achieving his aims.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
33. Examine the reasons for, and the extent of, European integration between 1945 and 2000.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case both the
reasons for, and the extent of, European integration between 1945 and 2000. Integration should
be taken to mean both political and economic integration. Reasons for economic integration could
include stimulating trade, opening new markets, reducing financial barriers such as national
currencies. Reasons for political integration could include security for individual nations, reduction
of tensions and giving nations more international impact as part of a supranational body.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case candidates
should focus on the obstacles to the establishment of democracy in Spain, ranging from the legacy
of the Civil War up to the PSOE victory in the elections of October 1982, but with the focus on the
years after Franco’s death in November 1975.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
35. Examine the extent of economic and social change in any one country in Central or Eastern
Europe from 1989 to 2000.
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the impact of
the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold war on the former satellite states or on
Germany because of eventual unification.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.
36. “Popular support for local Communist parties was the main reason for Soviet dominance in Eastern
Europe during the period 1945 to 1955.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Candidates must demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements of the question and
effectively deploy knowledge of the key issue(s) raised by the question; in this case the ways in
which Soviet dominance of Eastern Europe was established in the 10 years after the end of the
Second World War.
The above material is an indication of what candidates may elect to write about in their responses;
however, it is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and no set answer is required. Examiners are
reminded of the need to apply the markbands that provide the “best fit” to the responses given by
candidates and to award credit wherever it is possible to do so.