Discovery Lesson Plan: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.L.4.4.A
Discovery Lesson Plan: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.L.4.4.A
Discovery Lesson Plan: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.L.4.4.A
Topic: Geographic Skills Used for Data Grade Level: 4th Grade Name: Taylor Smith
#1 in a series Grouping: Whole, small group and individual
Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Students will use the above website to play the game on cardinal directions.
1) The students may work in small grade level teams to provide scaffolding and tutoring to one another.
2) The required writing is short answers and is easily organized into a Venn diagram.
3) The teacher will roam around the class and answer any questions that might arise.
4) The student may use a text reader to help with fluency and comprehension.
5) Teacher will read aloud the instructions to the students.
Time What the teacher will say and do. What the student will say and do. Materials
5 Anticipatory Set/Gain Attention& Recall prior -Students will follow the directions of choosing a -North, East, South and West
Knowledge: ---Before class, hang signs of the cardinal direction to stand by and will sit down if the teacher signs
directions on each of the four walls of the classroom. calls out their direction. The goal of the students is to
“Students today we are going to play a game called walk quietly to each of the signs so that the teacher
Stations. I have north, south, east and west signs doesn’t hear and call on that direction.
hanging on each of the walls. I am going to close my
eyes and you will stand by one of the cardinal
directions as quietly as you can. Then I will choose a
direction with my eyes closed and the students
standing by that sign must sit down. And you have to
move each time I call a direction out. The last person
standing wins!”
As the students standing becomes fewer, instruct only
two to be at each station and even it out so that they
can’t all pick the same corner and never get out.
2 Teacher Input: Town Map Worksheet
“There are four cardinal directions that we use to
discover where we are going. They are North, South,
East and West. Today you will complete an activity that
requires you to understand and comprehend
directions. You have 25 minutes of class time to
complete the town map worksheet to discover in your
small groups how to collect and interpret data such as
directions. You will find the worksheet in the middle of
each of your tables that you will need to complete.
When you are finished, read a book. Do you have any
N/A Discovery or Inquiry questions: Discovery or Inquiry questions:
How do you interpret data?
In what ways can we collect data?
How many ways are there to gather data?
How can we gather data in other ways?
Why is it important to gather data?
How do we use data to discover cardinal directions?
25 Explore Activity: Explore Activity: -Worksheet
See discovery questions above, which correlate to the Students will complete the Town Map Worksheet. They -Pencils
questions on the attached town map worksheet below. may work with their table teams together on the -Cardinal Directions Game
This will help the students discover on their own that worksheet.
we are collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. studies/grade-4/read-a-
Teacher walks around class ensuring teams are on task map-cardinal-directions
and answering any questions if needed.
The questions on the worksheet require students to
collect, analyze and interpret data.
Students may use the website to play the game and test
their knowledge.
5 Teach: Teacher shares all answers for the worksheet. Teach:
Harriet heads NORTH to go to school. E.g.- “You can interpret data by using the key provided
Larry goes SOUTH to go to Harriet’s house. like the rose compass to discover directions.”
Kim heads SOUTH to go to the supermarket. - “We can collect data by asking/answering questions.”
A police officer would go EAST to the supermarket. - “There are many ways to gather data, we are just
Kids at school head EAST to play at the park. collecting information on something specific.”
Harriet’s dad is a police officer. He heads WEST to - “We can gather data by observing or interviewing.”
work. - “It is important to gather data so that we can learn
Larry heads SOUTH to go to school. about a specific subject and make decisions based on
Kim heads WEST to visit Larry. the data we gathered.”
- “We can use data to discover cardinal directions by
How do you interpret data? using the key or rose compass or knowledge of
In what ways can we collect data? directions.”
How many ways are there to gather data?
How can we gather data in other ways? “Please pass your papers to the front of the class”
Why is it important to gather data? Teacher collects papers while saying the Apply
How do we use data to discover cardinal directions? directions below.
10 Apply: “Students, individually you will write in your Apply: -Venn Diagram Template
Venn diagrams how we can collect data, how we can Students will have 10 minutes to fill in their Venn -Pencil
analyze data, and how we can interpret data. Any diagrams.
5 Closure: “What most surprised you about learning e.g. “Reading a map is data.”
about data?”
- “There are so many ways to use it.”
Harriet’s House
LABEL the compass rose with N, S, E, W.
Write NORTH, SOUTH, EAST OR WEST to complete each sentence.
1. Harriet heads to go to school.
2. Larry goes to go to Harriet’s house.
3. Kim heads to go to the supermarket.
4. A police officer would go to the super market.
5. Kids at school head to play at the park.
6. Harriet’s dad is a police officer. He heads to work.
7. Larry heads to go to school.
8. Kim heads to visit Larry.
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Ways to Gather Data
Collect Interpret