Topic: Electricity and Magnetism Direction: Choose The Letter of The Correct Answer
Topic: Electricity and Magnetism Direction: Choose The Letter of The Correct Answer
Topic: Electricity and Magnetism Direction: Choose The Letter of The Correct Answer
7. The presence of electric charges that are stationary in an object is called _________.
a. Kinetic electricity
b. Static electricity
c. Potential electricity
11. It is the flow of electrically charged particles from a source through a circuit.
a. static current b. electric current c. kinetic current
15. It serves as a path through which the current flow from the source through the load and
back to the source.
a. source b. load c. wires
20. A circuit with complete parts that allows the flow of electricity is called __________.
a. Complete circuit b. incomplete citcuit
21. Materials that allow the flow of electrical charges freely is called _______.
a. Conductors b. insulators c. opaque