Tabel Pembedahan AMFS
Tabel Pembedahan AMFS
Tabel Pembedahan AMFS
Tabel Pembedahan ini adalah sebagai dasar pembayaran atau klaim Biaya Pembedahan, Biaya Kamar Operasi dan Biaya
Pembiusan. Tindakan Pembedahan ini dikelompokan menjadi "COMPLEX", "MAJOR", "INTERMEDIATE" dan "MINOR".
Jika terjadi tindakan pembedahan yang tidak tercantum pada Daftar Pembedahan, Perusahaan akan menentukan
kelompok pembedahan tersebut berdasarkan tindakan yang memiliki tingkat keparahan sebanding.
Pancreas, Biopsy pancreas intermediate
Excision lesion of pancreas Major
Pancreatectomy, with pancreatico-jejunostomy Major
Whipple type Major
Marsupialization, cyst of pancreas intermediate
Rectum, incision and drainage, deep supra levator/perirectal/retrorectal abscess Minor
Biopsy, incision, ano-rectal wall, anal approach Minor
Dilation of rectal/ anorectal stricture Minor
Proctectomy, complete, combined abdominoperineal Major
Proctoplasty, for prolapse mucous membrane intermediate
Proctopexy for prolapse, with sigmoid resection Major
Closure, reclovesical, rectourethral fistula, with colostomy Major
Stomatch, Gastrotomy, with exploration of foreign body removal intermediate
Pyloromyotomy intermediate
Gastric biopsy, by laparatomy intermediate
Local excision ulcer or tumor intermediate
Total gastrectomy, with repair by intestinal transplant Major
Sub-total or hemi gastrectomy, with vagotomy Major
Vagotomy and pyloroplasty, with or without gastrostomy Major
Pyloroplasty intermediate
Craniectomy for craniostenosis, multiple sutures Complex
Foraminotomy Major
Foreign body, excision of from brain Major
SPINE, spinal puncture, lumbar, diagnostic Minor
for decompression Minor
Laminectomy for exploration intraspinal canal.
one or two segments cervical or thoracic Major
lumbar Major
for decompression spinal cord and/or cauda Major
equina, one or two segments, cervical, thoracic lumbar Major
Laminotomy, one interspace, for herniated disc
and/or decompression root nerve, cervical Major
bilateral Major
lumbar Major
Laminectomy, for herniated disc. Thoracic, posterior approach Major
Discetomy, single interspace, cervical Major
Laminectomy, for intraspinal lesion, cervical / thoracic Major
lumbar Major
Creation of Shunt-ventriculo peritoneal Complex
Transpedicular approach with decompression of spinal cord, equina and/or nerve roots Major
metatarsophalangeal, closed, manipulative with anaesthesia Minor
open, uncomplicated,manipulative Minor
closed or open, open reduction Minor
interphalangeal joint, closed, manipulative with anaesthesia Minor
open, uncomplicated, manipulative Minor
closed or open, open reduction Minor
WRIST, radio-carpal or intercarpal closed manipulative reduction Minor
closed or open, open reduction intermediate
distal radio-ulnar, closed, manipulative Minor
closed or open, open reduction or repair intermediate
with dissection & preservation of facial Major
with unilateral radical neck dissection Complex
Severing adhesions of anterior segment of eye Incisional technique, Goniosynechiae Major
EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLE, repair wound Minor
Blepharoplasty, lower eyelid intermediate
Repair of blepharoptosis; frontalis muscle technique with suture/ other material Major
CORNEA : excision of lesion intermediate
excision or transposition of pterygium Minor
Destruct. of lesion of cornea by cryotherapy intermediate
Keratoplasty Major
SCLERA : fistulization for glaucoma, trephine, with iridectomy intermediate
repair scleral staphyloma, with graft Major
IRIS : Iridotomy, stab incision intermediate
Iridotomy, with cycletomy Major
Iridotomy/Iridectomy by laser surgery intermediate
LENS: removal after cataract or membranous cataract Major
removal lens material, aspiration technique Major
expression of cataract, linear Major
repositioning of intraocular lens prothesis, requiring an incision Major
RETINA: repair retinal datachment Major
with vitrectomy, with/without air tamponade Major
prophylaxis, retinal datachement, diathermy or cryotherapy Major
destruction, localized lesion, retina or choroid Major
CONJUNGTIVA : incision and drainage cyst, stye Minor
Biopsy of conjungtiva Minor
LACRIMAL SYSTEM : incision and drainage lacrimal gland Minor
lacrimal sac, dilation Minor
excision of lacrimal sac or gland-total or partial intermediate
Closure of the lacrimal punctum intermediate
CILIARY BODY DESTRUCT : Cyclodialysis intermediate
Cyclophotocoagulation intermediate
Metatarsal, closed, manipulative Minor
HUMERUS : shaft, closed manipulative reduction Minor
closed/open reduction, with/without skeletal fixation intermediate
supracondylar or transcondylar, closed, manipulative reduction Minor
with traction, pin or skin intermediate
with percutaneous skeletal fixation intermediate
closed/open , open reduction, with/without skeletal fixation intermediate
epicondylar, medial or lateral, closed, manipulative reduction Minor
closed/open, open reduction with/without skeletal fixation intermediate
condylar, radial or lateral, closed, manipulative reduction Minor
closed/open , open reduction, with/without skeletal fixation intermediate
JAW: mandibular, closed, manipulative reduction with interdental fixation intermediate
open reduction with interdental fixation Major
KNEE CAP : open reduction Minor
RADIUS, shaft, closed manipulative reduction age12 and over Minor
closed/open. Open r4eduction, with skeletal fixation, age 12 and over intermediate
RIBS, simple, 1 rib Minor
SCAPULA ; closed manipulative reduction Minor
closed/open; juxta-articular, open reduction, with/without skeletal fixation intermediate
SPINE : vertebral process, one/more, manipulative reduction with anaesthesia
cervical, open reduction and fusion, posterior approach, with local Major
anterior approach with iliac or other bone graft Major
TIBIA : shaft, closed, manipulative reduction, age 12 and over intermediate
clossed/open, open reduction, with skeletal fixation intermediate
TIBIA and FIBULA : shaft closed, manipulative, with/without external pinning intermediate
closed/open, open reduction, with/without skeletal fixation, age 12 and over intermediate
ULNA, shaft, closed, manipulative reduction, age 12 and over Minor
closed/open, open reduction with skeletal fixation, age 12 and over intermediate
ULNA and RADIUS: shaft, closed, manipulative reduction age 12 and over intermediate
closed/open, open reduction, with skeletal fixation, age 12 and over intermediate
WRIST: Colles or Smith type: closed manipulative reduction: age 12 and over Minor
closed, complex, with external skeletal fixation/percutaneous pinning intermediate
Removal of implant; deep (eg. buried wire, pin, screw, metal band, nail, rod/plate) Minor
PERINEUM abscess, incision and drainage, or biopsy Minor
VULVA and INTROITUS Bartholin`s cyst, incision and drainage Minor
marsupialization Minor
Vulvectomy, complete, bilateral intermediate
Radical, excluding skin graft Major
Excision Bartholin`s tumor or cyst Minor
VAGINA, Colpotomy with exploration Minor
biopsy, vaginal mucosa Minor
Colpectomy, complete obliteration intermediate
Anterior colporhaphy, repair cystocele with/without repair urethrocele intermediate
Posterior colporrhaphy, repair of rectocele Minor
Combined anterior/posterior colporhaphy intermediate
Repair of enterocele, abdominal approach intermediate
CERVIX UTERI biopsy or local excision of lession, or cauterization Minor
trachelectomy, cervicectomy, amputation of cervix Minor
Removal of polyp Minor
CORPUS UTERI endometrical biopsy suction Minor
dilation and curettage ( non-obstertrical ) Minor
Myomectomy, single or multiple, abdominal approach Major
Hysterectomy total abdominal approach Major
OVIDUCT transection fallopian tube unilateral/bilateral independent intermediate
Salpingo-oophorectomy complete partial, unilateral/bilateral intermediate
OVARY drainage of cyst(s) vaginal approach, unilateral/bilateral Minor
abdominal approach intermediate
drainage of ovarium abscess vaginal approach Minor
oophorectomy with total omentectomy (Cystectomy) intermediate
Angiography & coronary catheterization intermediate
PULMONARY ARTERY embolectomy with bypass Major
ARTERIES and VEINS Arterial embolectomy, carotid intermediate
renal Major
femoral poplilial, unilateral intermediate
Venous thrombectomy, iliac-femoral, unilateral intermediate
bilateral intermediate
Varicose, ligation/division/stripping, long saphenous, complete, complete unilateral intermediate
bilateral intermediate
short or lesser saphenous unilateral Minor
bilateral intermediate
long and short saphenous, unilateral intermediate
bilateral intermediate
ligation and excision-minor veins Minor
Venesection Minor
Endarterectomy & arterial patch Major
Ligation, exploration, dissection, decompresion elective repair for artery/vein/arteriovenous fistula Major
Arterial/venous catheterisation Minor
Wound management, wound of soft tissue, debridement of Minor
ABSCESS ; carbuncle or furuncle, incision and drainage/puncture aspiration Minor
complicated, hematom Minor
ACNE: marsupialization or removal multiple milia, comedones, cyst, pustules Minor
BENIGN LESIONS; skin tags excision, including anaesthesia, up to 15 Minor
each additional 10 Minor
other, up to 0,5 cm diameter Minor
1 cm to 2 cm Minor
paring or curettement, with/without cauterization Minor
each additional , up to 0,5 cm Minor
MALIGNANT LESIONS:up to 0,5 cm Minor
0,5 cm to 1 cm Minor
1 cm to 2 cm Minor
Biopsy, skin or subcutaneous tissue, including closure, first Minor
Incision & drainage of hematome, seroma/fluid collection Minor
Excision of skin & subcutan tissue Minor
Destruct. by any method incl. laser, all benign/premalignant lesions Minor
Removal of foreign body in subcutan Minor
Destruct. by any method of flat warts, molluscum contagiosum Minor
Dermabrasion Minor
Excision, excessive skin & subcutan tissue (incl. lipectomy); abdomen (abdominoplasty) intermediate
CYST; infected or non-infected, incision and drainage, first lesion Minor
second lesion Minor
each additional Minor
excision with removal sac and treatment of cavity Minor
PILONIDAL SINUS or CYST: incision and drainage Minor
excision, sample Minor
GANGLION: excision Minor
LYMPH NODE: biopsy or excision, superficial Minor
deep intermediate
NAILS: avulsion, nail plate, partial or complete, first second Minor
each additional Minor
excision, nail and matrix, partial or complete Minor
REPAIRS, simple, sum of length of repairs; up to 2,5 cm Minor
2,50 cm to 7,50 cm Minor
7,50 cm to 12,50 cm Minor
12,50 cm to 20 cm Minor
20 cm to 30 cm Minor
up to 2,5 cm Minor
2,5 cm to 7,5 cm Minor
7,5 cm to 12,5 cm Minor
12,50 cm to 20 cm Minor
1 cm to 2,5 cm Minor
2,5 cm to 7,5 cm Minor
Trunk, up to 10, sq cm Minor
10 sq, cm to 30 sq cm intermediate
Scalp Arms, Legs up to 10 sq cm intermediate
10 sq, cm to 30 sq, cm intermediate
Forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae,genitalia, hands or feet-up to 10 sq, cm intermediate
10 sq, cm to 30 sq, cm intermediate
Eyelids, nose, ears, or lips up to 10 sq, cm intermediate
FREE SKIN GRAFTS,pinch, single or multiple Minor
Split skin, Trunk, scalp, arms, legs, hand, feet up to 100 sq, cm Minor
each additional 100 sq, cm Minor
Face, mouth, neck, ears, eyelids, orbit, genitalia up to 100 sq, cm
Full thickness; free, including closure donorsite; Trunk up to 20 sq cm Minor
each additional 20 sq, cm Minor
Scalp, arms, legs up to 20 sq cm intermediate
each additional 20 sq, cm Minor
Forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth,genitalia, neck, axillae, hands, feet up to 20 sq cm intermediate
each additional 20 sq, cm Minor
Eyelids, nose, ears and lips up to 20 sq, cm intermediate
each additional 20 sq, cm Minor
PEDICLE FLAPS; skin and deep tissue
tube pedicle without transfer or major `delay` a large flap intermediate
primary attachment, open/tubed flap to recipient site intermediate
Intermediate `delay` any flap, primry `delay` small flap or sectioning of pedicle or tubed
or direct trunk flap; Trunk intermediate
Scalp; arms, legs intermediate
Forehead, cheek, chin, mouth, neck axillae, genitalia, eyelids, nose, hands or feet Major
BREAST : puncture aspiration of cyst, single Minor
Mastotomy with exploration/drainage of deep abscess Minor
biopsy, needle Minor
incisional Minor
excision, cyst/fibro-adenomal/benign tumor/aberrant tissue/
duct lesion/nipple lession, male or female, 1 or more, unilateral intermediate
mastectomy, complete, unilateral Major
bilateral Major
partial, unilateral Major
subcutaneous unilateral intermediate
radical, incl. breast, pectorl muscles, axillary and lymph nodes Major