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ChE 521 LauritoE Rev02 Syllabus

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Course Syllabus Summary Sheet

This is the capstone course which utilizes the fundamentals of chemical engineering (material balances, energy balances, transport
phenomena, thermodynamics, kinetics, separations, unit operations, pollution prevention and safety) in the optimum equipment
Course Title Course
PLANT DESIGN design and operation of chemical plants. It introduces the concepts and methods of plant design and economic evaluation: planning,
Description cost estimation, fixed capital investments, working capital, production costs, depreciation, rate of return, profitability analysis,
discounted cash flow analysis.
Course Code ChE 521 Credit Units: 4 Contact Hours/week: 3 hrs lecture and 3 hrs Computational lab
ChE 511, ChE 512, ChE
Course Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Course Type X Required Elective Required Elective
422, GE400
Applicable Student Outcomes

a-K1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science appropriately to solve Chemical Engineering problems
c-D2: ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards;
d-P1: function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams
e-D3: identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems
f-K2: understand professional and ethical responsibility
g-P2: communicate effectively complex chemical engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large
h-K3: understand the impact of chemical engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
i-P3: recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning
k-P5: use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for chemical engineering practice
l-K4: The knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments

©UST Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department (2014) UST: A005-00-FO49 rev.02 7/8/14
Continuation Page 2
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO): PO Code links PO Code links
On completion of this course, the student should be able to:
L1. Apply the various principles of process and equipment design
L6. Use Software such as MathCAD. Design II for Windows or MS Visio and
as well as economic analysis in the design of a chemical c-D2 k-P5
Excel in the preparation of the Plant Design Project Report
process plant.
L2. Apply analytical, heuristic and optimization principles in the a-K1
L7. Use internet resources to facilitate the learning process; i-P3
design of process or equipment variables
L8: Identify the environmental, economic and social impact of the plant
L3. Apply material and energy balance in the plant design project e-D3 h-K3
design project.
L4. Contribute significantly as a team member in the preparation L9. Develop teamwork skills in the performance of homework, problem sets
d-P1 d-P1. a-K1
of a plant design project and active learning in the classroom
L5. Present orally as part of the plant Design Project team g-P2 L10. Exhibit integrity and professionalism in exams and design reports. f-K2

Teaching and Learning Weight of Module to

Topics Module Short Title CILO Outcome-Based Assessment (OBA)
Activities(TLA) CILO
Orientation: Course /Design Overview L1, L6, L7, L9, Assignment/Problem Set/ALC 2%
1 (4 hr) PPT Lecture, ALC*,
Elements of Plant Design L10 Online Exam 4%
Written Report Online Submission and Individual
2 (1 hr) The Design Report/ Preliminary design Preparation L1 to L10 PPT Lecture, ALC* 20%
3 (5 hrs) Cost Estimation L1, L6, L7 PPT Lecture, ALC*, Problem-Based Quiz 4%
L1, L2, L7, L9,
4 (1 hr) Optimum Design (general) PPT Lecture, ALC*, Assignment/Problem Set/ALC 1%
Prelims: Objective and Problem Based Exam 10%
5 (2 hrs) Optimum Design in Flow of Fluids) L1, L2, L7 PPT Lecture, ALC*,
6 (3 hrs) Optimum Design in Conduction L1, L2, L7 PPT Lecture, ALC*,
Problem-Based Quiz 7%
7 (3 hrs) Optimum Design in Heat Transfer L1, L2, L7 PPT Lecture, ALC*,
8 (2 hrs) Optimum Design in Mass Transfer L1, L2, L7 PPT Lecture, ALC*,
Assignment Problem Set 2%
9 (2 hrs) Optimum Design in Cyclic Processes L1, L2, L7 PPT Lecture, ALC*,
10 (days) Final Report L1 to L10 Final Written Report 10%
Team Oral Presentation
11 (6 hrs) Oral Plant Design Presentation L5 Team Oral Report and Peer Review 25%
Prototype Presentation
16 (2 hrs) Final Exams L1, L2,L3 Comprehensive Exam 15%
*ALC (Active Learning in the Classroom- Team work, Short Problem Solving, Pop Quiz, short quiz, Board Work, Discussion, Game-based Learning) 100%


Passing Grade: 70% achievement of all outcomes Transmutation:


Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers
Chemical and Process Design Handbook by Speight
5th ed. Peters, Timmerhaus and West
90 -100 1.00 E 65 – 69.9 2.25 G
Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice and 85-89.9 1.25 VG 60 – 64.9 2.50 Fair
Economics of Plant and Process Design 1st Edition. Chemical Process Engineering, Design and Economics by Silla 80 – 84.9 1.50 VG 55 – 59.9 2.75 Fair
Towler, Sinnott: 75 – 79.9 1.75 G 50 – 54.9 3.00 P
70 – 74.9 2.00 G Less than 50 5.00 F
Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook ( 8th ed.) by
Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers (3rd Ed) by Carl Branan
Perry and Green
Process Engineering Economics by Schweyer Process Plant Design by Helmus

Prepared by: Approved by:

_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Instructor Department Head
(Signature over printed name; date) (Signature over printed name; date)

©UST Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department (2014) UST: A005-00-FO49 rev.02 7/8/14

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