Entropy and Mutual Information: R Pix

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Entropy and mutual information

1.1 Discrete random variables

Suppose X is a discrete random variable, that is, one whose range
R = {x], X2, ... } is finite or countable. Let Pi = PiX = Xi}' (For probabilistic
terminology consult Appendix A.) The entropy of X is defined by
H(X) = LPilog-. (1.1)
i~] Pi
This definition needs elaboration. First, the base of the logarithm is purposely
left unspecified. If necessary, however, we shall denote the base-b entropy by
Hb(X), and say that the entropy of X is being measured in base-b units. Base-
2 units are called bits (hinary igili), and base-e units are called nats (natural
digi~). Second, if Pi = 0, the term Pi logpi] in (1.1) is indeterminate; we
define it to be 0, however. (This convention is by no means arbitrary; see Prob.
1.1.) Finally, if R is infinite the sum (1.1) may not converge; in this case we
set H(X) = +00.
Example 1.1 Let X represent the outcome of a single roll of a fair die. Then
R = {I, 2, 3,4,5, 6} and Pi = ~ for each i. Here H(X) = log 6 = 2.58
bits = 1.79 nats. D
Example 1.2 Let R = {O, 1}, and define X by PiX = O} = p, PiX = 1} =
1 - p. Then H(X) = - P logp - (1 - p) 10g(1 - p), and so H2(X), as a

function of ° ::;; P ::;; 1, is identical to the binary entropy function H2(p),

which was defined in Eq. (0.13). In what follows, we will frequently represent
the function-P logp - (1 - p) 10g(1 - p), where the bases of the logarithms
are unspecified, by H(p), and call it the entropy function. Figure 1.1 gives its
graph (cf. Fig. 0.4). More generally, if p = (p], ... , Pr) is any probability

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