Chemistry Lesson Plan Jann
Chemistry Lesson Plan Jann
Chemistry Lesson Plan Jann
Students will then watch a short video on how to carry out paper
chromatography experiment.
Students will follow the instructions below to explore what pigments
Explore exist in leaves.
1. Draw a horizontal line 2-3 cm3 from the bottom of the
chromatography paper
2. Mark an ‘X’ in the center of the line
3. Using a scissors cut Coral Vines into fine pieces into mortar.
4. Add 5ml of acetone into the mortar.
5. Grind coral vines using mortar and pestle
6. Put a drop of the leave extract in the middle of the line on the
filter paper.
7. Add 2 cm3of acetone into the beaker
8. Carefully insert the chromatography paper into the beaker with
acetone. (about 5 mm height)
9. Make observations and calculate the Rf values for the different
components of chlorophyll.
Explain students will write and draw in their science lab book about:
• What their observations are from the beginning, middle and end of
the experiment. (What happened when the acetone/groundup-leaves
mixture traveled up the filter paper?), what colour pigments observed
Before - (draw a copy of your spotted chromatogram)
After – (paste your dried chromatogram at the end of the