Shirmp Robot Paper
Shirmp Robot Paper
Shirmp Robot Paper
Long-range robotic missions for Martian exploration NEW MISSION OPPORTUNITIES ON MARS
imply a high degree of autonomy. As a matter of fact,
human teleoperation from Earth reduce the mission Performing research at locations very distant from the
range due to the transmission delay and cannot be landing location (hundreds to thousands of kilometers)
considered anymore. Moreover, the low solar radiance climbing up mountains, volcanoes (e.g. Olympus Mons
combined with the dusty atmosphere allow only low 24 km high) or down valleys or craters (e.g. Valles
power consumption and the extreme temperature Marineris 6 km deep, 4000 km long), constitute abilities
encountered reduce drastically the energy storage that offer new mission opportunities because these
capabilities. New locomotion concepts have to be places might reveal much more geological and
developed and investigated allowing to increase exobiological information than everywhere else on
mobility and subsequently reduce calculation and power Mars.
consumption. In this case, autonomous robots with
Such missions pose new requirements on the rover
virtually no power storage ability can be considered.
system :
The most advanced locomotion concepts are based on • The navigation reference point cannot be a lander
wheels or caterpillars (e.g. Sojourner, NASA or but has to be either an orbiter or other means.
Nanokhod, ESA). These rovers have clear advantages
• The long operation time requires local power
regarding power efficiency and complexity if compared
generation rather than a one-time energy storage.
with walking robots. However, they still have quite
The short term energy storage needs a long lifetime,
limited climbing abilities. Typically they can only
high energy density at low temperatures.
overcome obstacle smaller than their wheel size.
• The integrated (solar) power generation restricts the
In this paper we present Shrimp, an innovative long- journey to zones with sufficient energy supply
range rover architecture with 6 motorized wheels. Using (sunny side of mountains or valleys)
a rhombus configuration, the rover has a steering wheel • Low power consumption per traveled distance
in both, the front and the rear, and two wheels arranged determines the average speed at reduced light
on a bogie on each side. The front wheel has a spring radiance.
suspension to guarantee optimal ground contact of all
• Due to the long mission duration high autonomy
wheels at any time. The steering of the rover is realized
reduces the mission control resources.
by synchronizing the steering of the front and rear
wheel and the speed difference of the bogie wheels. • Low power consumption and yet high autonomy
This allows for high precision maneuvers and even requires simple, reliable systems with a low number
turning on the spot with minimum slip. of consumers such as active control loops,
microprocessors etc.
The use of parallel articulations for the front wheel and • For low power consumption a locomotion system
the bogies enables to set a virtual center of rotation at using wheels is the best.
the level of the wheel axis while maintaining a high
• In long range missions zones with very rough terrain
ground clearance. This insures maximum stability and
cannot always be avoided. Hence, good mobility
climbing abilities even for relatively low friction
such as climbing ability and ground clearance is
coefficients between the wheel and the ground. This
rover is able to passively overcome unstructured
obstacles of up to two times its wheel diameter. With • While traveling in very rough terrain tipping over
this high mobility, this architecture is the perfect cannot always be avoided. Therefore a recovery
candidate for long range planetary missions. measure must be provided.
• Moreover, the low mass, the high mobility and the
A well functioning prototype of 3.5 kg has been ability to recover after tipping over allow landing in
designed and manufactured. A demonstration in the rougher terrain than used in the past. Therefore the
Mars surface testbed of ESTEC will be done during the number of accessible research locations is even
conference. further increased.
Keywords : locomotion, roving vehicles, planetary rover,
Mars exploration
• The low mass and dimension allows several rovers lander- and rover-based cameras can resolve
to be landed in one or more landing sites during one structures in the cm to mm range);
mission. d) Item a) deserves particular attention, because
currently employed landing techniques and their
targeting accuracy do not permit to land in
apparently very rugged terrain, in closely confined
areas like craters or valleys, and in more elevated
areas. Thus, two of the most fascinating structures
on the surface of Mars, the Valles Marineris (a
canyon system extending over some 4000 km
length, whose floor lies up to 6 km below the level
of the adjoining plateaus)
Valles Marineris
In analogy to the journeys of terrestrial discoverers there
are three broad and partly interrelated topics:
1) Geography / topology / climate
2) Geology / mineralogy
3) Biology - in this case exobiology ~24 km
According to Dr. R. Rieder, Max Planck Inst. for
Geochemistry, the role of a long-range rover can be
seen in this context as an important complementary
research element to landers with short-range mobile
robots. It enables: Fig. 3: Olympus Mons towering over a cloud layer
a) discovering areas potentially not accessible by An attempt to reach the floor of Valles Marineris is of
stationary landers because of technical constraints, particular interest for two reasons:
b) exploring areas further remote from, or along 1) Strata in the walls of this canyon may present in
stretches between, stationary landers, their vertical arrangement a unique record of
c) obtaining more detailed geographic and topographic Martian geological history, otherwise only
information (e.g. images of higher resolution; the accessibly by deep drilling - a wealth of
best images from orbiting cameras are currently information and the dream of every geologist.
limited to ca. 1.5 m per pixel. Images taken by
2) If there has ever been water on Mars, and if the 8
presence of this water has enabled the development 6W
of life, then the likelihood of any of these life forms 4.5 h
being preserved to the present day is probably the 4W
highest somewhere in this low lying canyon, where
atmospheric pressure and temperatures are still 8.5 h
higher than average and even traces of liquid water
may have been preserved in underground layers.
0 time [h] 24.37
However, for operation in a valley the availability of
Fig. 4: Solar power on SHRIMP [array 0.2 m2]
solar energy must be checked.
If we assume a maximum efficiency of the solar cells
A long-range rover, equipped with a camera for high
including the power converter of 15% we can calculate
resolution panoramic imaging and with a properly
the solar power generation of the 0.2 m2 solar array of
selected, highly miniaturized instrument package to
SHRIMP (fig. 11). Presuming a power consumption of
address some of the key issues of geology/mineralogy
6 W for full speed movement, the rover will be able to
and exobiology (see also NASA's Athena-2 project or
operate during a period of 4.5 hours. During cloudy
ESA's exobiology initiative) would thus constitute an
days or at a meridian fare from equator, this operation
excellent research tool for a further refinement of our
time might be drastically reduced. Furthermore, as
knowledge of Mars.
experiments during the Pathfinder mission have shown
ENERGY HOUSEHOLD [LAN97], dust deposition on the solar array might
reduce the power with a rate of 0.3% per day. To avoid
As Shrimp will run on solar power only, the power this deterioration the solar array will be equipped with a
management is of high importance. cleaning system e.g as a special function of the
The orbital solar intensity on Mars is only ~43% of that manipulator arm. The inclination angle of the solar
on Earth because of its bigger distance to the Sun. The array has also an important influence on the available
average solar intensity in the orbit of Mars is in the solar power. However, it might anyway be advisable to
order of 600 W/m2. The intensity on Mars’s surface is reduce the speed of the robot during climbing
then further reduced to 50% of this value on a clear day operations. Additional mountain climbing has to be
or even to 20-30% on cloudy days. Additionally it also planned in such a way that the solar array get most
depends on the meridian of the actual rover position. energy.
Mars Power Operational Mode
Red. Factor
Worst Case
Fig 7: Explanation of the parallel bogie architecture Fig 9: Trajectories of the wheel axis of the front fork
As shown on Fig. 6, a trajectory of the front wheel with The steering of the rover is realized by synchronizing
an instantaneous center of rotation situated under the the steering of the front and rear wheels and the speed
wheel axis is helpful to get on an obstacle. The second difference of the bogie wheels. This allows for high
goal for the fork is to provide a maximum vertical precision maneuvers and even turning on the spot with
amplitude for the wheel. To find the optimal minimum slip.
configuration for the fork, we established the following
kinematic model (fig. 8) :
ª b 2 + c 2 − 2 ⋅ b ⋅ c ⋅ cos [α ( A) ] + d 2 − e 2 º situations.
+ a cos « »
«¬ 2 ⋅ d ⋅ b 2 + c 2 − 2 ⋅ b ⋅ c ⋅ cos [α ( A) ] »¼ As function of an angle of gyration alpha and an overall
ξ ( A) = A −ψ ( A) speed Vref, three distinct speeds must be assigned: V for
the front/back wheels, Vext for the wheels of the
we have all elements to establish the position of the
external bogie and Vint for the internal bogie.
point P as function of the angle A:
As it can be seen on Table 3, this can be easily
§ c ⋅ cos( A) + h ⋅ cos[ξ ( A) ]·
P ( A) = ¨¨ ¸¸ implemented on very simple micro-controllers defining
© c ⋅ sin( A) + h ⋅ sin [ξ ( A)] ¹
V, Vext and Vint as ratio of Vref. Using only relative
Finally, we chose the different parameters to get the speeds of n/8*Vref, it can be done only with byte shifts
trajectory shown on fig. 9. The horizontal line is the and byte additions, which are the most basic instructions
height of the wheel axis when the robot is on a of processors. That means that even with different
horizontal plane. Note that the characteristic of the speeds for each wheels, it can be done consuming little
calculation power.
alpha Vext V Vint
0 1 1 1
10 1 7/8 6/8
20 1 7/8 5/8
30 1 7/8 4/8
40 1 7/8 2/8
50 1 7/8 1/8
60 1 1 -0
70 7/8 1 - 2/8
80 6/8 1 - 4/8
90 5/8 1 - 5/8
Table 3: Simple implementation of different wheel
speeds as function of the steering angle
[EST00] T. Estier, Y. Crausaz, B. Merminod, M. Lauria,
R.Piguet, R. Siegwart, “An innovative Space
Rover with Extended Climbing Alilities”,
Proceedings of Space and Robotics 2000,
Albuquerque, USA, February 27-March 2, 2000.
[LAN91] G. A. Landis, J. Appelbaum, NASA Lewis
Research Center,” Photovoltaic Power Options for
Mars”, Space Power, Volume 10 Number 2, pp
225-237 (1991)
[LAN97] G. A. Landis, P. P. Jenkins, NASA Lewis
Research Center, “Dust on Mars”, Proceedings of
Fig 15: Off-road stability test the 26th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists
Using the models described in [WIL97], we computed Conference, pp. 865-869, 1997
the Mean Free Path (MFP) for the two Viking landing [STO96] H. W. Stone, “Mars Pathfinder Microrover: A
sites (VL1 and VL2). We set the height of passively Low-Cost, Low-Power Spacecraft”, Proceedings
of the 1996 AIAA Forum on Advanced
climbable obstacles to 17 cm instead of the true value of
Developments in Space Robotics, Madison WI,
twice its wheel diameter because there is at this time no 1996.
heavy payload on the rover. For VL1, we obtained a
[WIL97] B. Wilcox, A. Nasif, R. Welch, “Implications of
value of 35.7 (Sojourner: 9.6). For VL2, the MFP is 5.4 Martian Rock Distributions on Rover Scaling”,
(Sojourner: 2.4). This is a clue to say that this rover Planetary Society International Conference on
architecture is an excellent candidate for long range Mobile Robots and Rover Roundup, Santa
missions. Monica, 1997.