2006: SAILING THE 7 Cs
Ooops & Bloops (See pages 20 and 21)
Calendar Babe
ko lang
-- 6
‘Saudi’ Alberta -- 13
Detroit Auto Show
- 35 R
Filipino Fury on ice in
CMHL tournament - 37
(See page 5)
Saskatchewan eyes 5,000 Filipino
RESOLVED! immigrants per year under MoU
The Government of Saskatchewan
has signed on Dec. 18 a memoran-
Get that good thing going in 2007?
dum of understanding (MoU) with
Here’s what Manila Media Monitor
the Government of the Philippines
readers have to say.
to facilitate increased recruitment
of skilled Filipino workers under
we arrived in Toronto two years back, we
Saskatchewan’s Immigrant Nominee
were exposed to multi cultures. We got
Program (SINP).
influenced by and adopted some of them. CARMELITA PESTAÑO-GALANO
At 5,000 immigrants per year by ATKINSON
But we find Filipino values still the best. - I vow to go on sowing the seeds of friend-
2008, Saskatchewan will seek work-
The best resolution we will maintain is ship. If there is anything better than giv-
ers for designated priority occupations, such as welding,
to retain close family bonding -- the KA- ing someone the best of what we have, it is
metal fabrication, long-haul trucking and health care.
PAMILYA way of life, where we share giving them the best of what we are.
(Continued on page 17) Minister Responsible for Immigration Pat Atkinson
one’s problems as well as victories.
(Continued on page 4)
JANUARY 2007 Manila Media Monitor 2
JANUARY 2007 Manila Media Monitor 3 CALENDAR
JAN. 26: Induction Ball, Culture Philippines
Ontario, Algonquin Ballroom, Stage West Ho-
tel, Mississauga.
and the
The Philippine Consulate
IN 2007
4 News NEWS Manila Media Monitor
in this world
time in the Logan-Gerrard Street
area in Toronto, a man in his mid-
30s was so immersed in his own
sorrows that the hot coffee he or-
A WOMAN in her mid-40s told came to our life, I was already “The priest told me: ‘I know dered was catching up with the
the 22-year old male with whom considering divorce from my hus- not of anybody wearing a brown outdoor cold temperature.
she was having a conversation at band. But now, after 23 miserable cloak with a sword, but St. Francis An old man approached him
a corner table in one Tim Horton’s years, everything is changing, my of Assisi; and don’t worry, if the and said, “Smile - and the world
coffee shop outlet in Pickering, daughter is at peace with me, my sword you’ve been seeing in your smiles with you. Weep - and you
Ontario: “When you came to our husband; and my son are moving dream is pointed upward, the man weep alone.”
life and have been frequenting vis- back home next week.” is a good one.’ He just glanced at the old man
its to our family, everything seems As her 22-year old company “The priest, trying to analyze briefly, and didn’t say a word. The
to be peaceful around us now.” incessantly listened to her, she the dream continued: ‘I guess, it words of the old man, however,
The woman continued, “Not a said, “You have even taught us in- means that one day, you would quickly dawned on him. He looked
single day would pass for the last directly to eat at the dining table meet somebody who would protect around, but the old man was gone.
23 years that there would be no together, and not in front of the you against danger and evil things He stood up, stepped out of the
quarrel between myself and my television.” in the world.’ door quickly, ocularly inspected
husband, and later between my Meanwhile, in 1983, back in The 22-year old calmly said, the parking lot, but did not see the
own 22-year old son and myself, the Philippines, a boy was born in “When I went through the Sacra- old man either.
or my 23-year old daughter and Manila. ment of Confirmation, I was asked He thought: “There’s no way
myself, or simply one among them The woman at the Pickering, to choose the name I would want that old man could have walked
against the other, or one another. Ontario Tim Horton’s continued: to have for the sacrament. I chose that fast on this vast parking lot
Our home was just like a zoo. “When I was pregnant 23 years St. Francis of Assissi.” onto the street with the span of
“This was the reason why my ago with my son, I had repeated ----- time by a flick of a finger.”
son moved out of our home a few dreams of a man with a brown The 22-year old with whom -----
years back, and lives on his own. cloak and a sword. the Pickering, Ontario woman con- The man could be an angel.
He seldom visits, phone, or any- “Those dreams became very versed was born in 1983 in Manila. Yes, angels do roam in this world.
thing. I miss him so much. frequent that I went to consult a Her repeated dream has ceased ***
“Honestly, just before you priest. giving way to its fulfillment; and A Peaceful 2007 to all!
me in this hope?
by Conrad Black choice: to face up to the need to
► Oops! An anthology of sacrifice gas-eating automobiles,
things they shouldn’t have said unlimited air travel, the wholesale
with contributions from Pope discharge of weaponry in wars and
May 2007 be the year that also to reminding those for whom sciously in those quaint outfits that Benedict, Jack Straw, Michael Ig- self-indulgent consumerism or stay
starts to bring world leaders to they voted they need a payback. suggest as a kid he never enjoyed natieff, Michael Kramer Richards with the herd that like lemmings,
their senses, and to those who vote ► That politicians of all stripes Halloween. and Mel Gibson. seem hell-bent on self-destruction.
for them a clear understanding think beyond the box of their elect- Did I say ‘This Year of *** We are a going to have to stop
of what is required of all of us to ed terms of office and that while Grace’? The choice of a former and looking over our shoulders to see
bring Planet Earth back from the the democratic system of govern- Well, let’s be optimistic. I can dedicated federal environment what other countries are doing.
brink of disaster. ment demands the cut and thrust of dream, can’t I? And many good minister as leader of the opposition We are going to have to learn
This is a year in which par- debate, petty tit-for-tat adversity is ideas begin with a dream. and the surge of concern among to say to critics: “This is about our
ticular attention should be given to not always in the public interest. What’s yours? young Canadians at the threat of children and grandchildren and
persuading our youth to think be- ► That high and mighty busi- *** global warming may well see a great grandchildren.”
yond the slogans on their T-shirts ness executives voluntarily refrain Each New Year’s, I think about merger of interests between the “It’s about survival, stupid!”
and learn how their empowerment from exercising stock options what public figures might, or might Green Party and the Liberals in the
for change in the interest of hu- which only result in their maxi- not be saying or doing in 2007. next election. (Used with permission. Ben
manity can help make Canada a mizing profits and lining their own This year, here are some books Short of conjoining, if the Viccari is the President of the
model nation. as well as shareholders’ pockets to you might just see on the bestsell- Greens win a few seats may well Canadian Ethnic Media Associa-
*** the detriment of workers and con- er lists. That is if the moon’s made decide to vote with the Liberals. tion [CEMA] and makes frequent
For this Year of Grace 2007, I sumers alike. of cream cheese. `Whatever our self-interests, appearances on OMNI TV Com-
wish: ► That world leaders stop ► A Complete Guide to Your economic and political interests mentary. Some of his commentar-
► That the youth of Canada picking on states wishing to devel- Contraceptive Options by Pope are, we have to face some bold ies are republished in this publi-
will wake up to the vital necessity op nuclear resources and consider Benedict. decisions if we are to help save cation and slightly expanded in
to vote for some of the things they total nuclear disarmament on a ► Dubya speak: A guide to humanity from the dreadful conse- some cases from their 70-second
support on their T-shirts, in partic- global and permanent scale. fashionable pronunciation for a quences of global warming. broadcast originals. For more of
ular, wildlife and the environment. ► That Canada’s prime min- nukelar age, see, by who else? Don’t tell me the signs aren’t his work, please visit Ben’s web-
They have to get used to voting and ister would stop posing self-con- ► Glamorous new hairdos by there. Don’t tell me the tsunamis, site at: http://canscene.ripple.ca)
Bicol aid ... BICOL AID. Officers and members of the Featinean Association of Toronto passed the hat and raised S1,000 for victims of
Typhoon Reming that hit the
(From page 5) Bicol Region. Philippine Con-
Daisy Bernabe, Danny Ungshang, sul General in Toronto Ale-
D.Y.K. Chan, Amalia Estrella, jandro Mosquera (5th from
Francis and Vanessa Rementilla, left) receives the check on
Peter and Jo Flach, Ramon Andal, Jan. 3 from (from left) Tirso
Cora Lat O’Connor, Rose and Ross Balitian, Tony San Juan, Joy
Dioso, Cora and Jun Bacani; San Juan, Julio Buiza, Res
$50 each: Elvie and Edgardo Paje, Nenita Recaido, Max
Arevalo, Evelyn Laraya, Art and Recaido, and Cesar Banda.
Emy Telesforo, Arnie and Loyd CAROLINE MARTIN/JT
Quesada, Andy and Dahlia Rosa-
rio, Imelda Dimaano Jacildo; $25: Club in Daraga, Legazpi, Albay.
NC Massage Therapy Clinic; $20 Rodoblado said the money
each: Adriano Telesforo Sr., Jim would be used to buy supplies to
and Angie McAdoo; $10 each: be brought to villagers who were
Happy Birthday Cake, Elsieta unable to be in evacuation centers.
Arao, Rose Gumtang. As this developed, warnings
Meanwhile, Bicol Canada Inc. were aired against unscrupulous
(BCI) president Joseph Redoblado, persons using the Bicol tragedy to
told the Manila Media Monitor, ask for donations without receipts
that BCI sent $2,000 to the Rotary and proper authorization.
10 Views Manila Media Monitor
next 15 minutes and be promised
with great and exciting rewards?
Last but not least: Mr. Banack,
how do we get in touch with you;
of my peralysis.
Four - I’ll remain calm in the
face of adversity.
I won’t get mad if someone
Isulat mo sa tubig,
takes; less talk, less mistakes; no I guess all I’ve got to do is
talk, no mistake. wave back and smile. They won’t
Itaga mo sa bato
Seven - I’ll try to keep my know that I just stuck five at them,
eyes closed and my mouth shut. and I had the last laugh. And when
My Chief and Manila Media I do that, I always have a ball.
Monitor Publisher Ace Alvarez Three - I’ll love my critics
Another year over, a new year make both ends meet. Those guys sions and poll committee -- is the has that knack of extending his and detractors.
has begun. Old hat, eh, John L. out there do not intend to stop man; not anyone else. work sked up to the wee hours of Paraphrasing Doc Chito C.: I’ll
After counting my blessings, I pulling them farther apart. Good! This will keep a lot of morn. If Ace does not need sleep, love to get them out of my life.
can now start counting my debts. Advice 3: If you are so so blue, publicity-seeking gabs and glib I’ll obligingly do it for him -- shut Quoting Tevye: Lord, please
I have also jotted down reso- down and out and desperate, keep mouths quiet for quite a while. my eyes and mouth. And don’t keep them ... away from me.
lutions I can count with my fin- in mind the one-armed guy who is Sayang! Ang isda pa naman, even think I’ll include my nose! Two - I’ll quit smoking.
gers. Believe it or not, I seriously clinging to a root protruding from nahuhuli sa bunganga. Six - I’ll keep my body fit. This is a tall order. But I be-
and unconditionally vow to break the side of a steep cliff and who’s Questions: How come it was Who doesn’t want healthy in- lieve in the saying that “if there is
them this very instant. No, no. Not got itching balls. not the court nor Banack who nards that can excellently digest all smoke, there’s fire.” I don’t want
my fingers, the resolutions! Eight - I’ll refrain from mass e-mailed the Filipino com- the cholesterol of lechon, chichar- to start any fire, unless those who
‘Ika nga, isinulat ko sa tubig eavesdropping from or listening munity media, but Henderson who ong bulaklak, adobo, and all those want to jump into the flames with
ang pangako at itinaga sa bato to nincompoops whose that’s- represents a group opposed to the oily but tasty Filipino dishes? me look forward to going to hell.
ang pagiging pasaway. a-lot-of-nonsense gobbledegook present FCT administration? Who doesn’t want healthy legs On the lighter side, I guess
So, like NASA, here is a drain my brain of juicier and How come incumbent FCT that can walk miles because of the I’ll start by not buying smokes
countdown I hope won’t propel fresh-from-the-grapevine talk. officials never lifted a hand to in- stupidity of losing a TTC ticket and by patronizing OPEC (Other
me to Mars: A case in point: If I and my form us of the same order? or not having a car one does not PEople’s Cigarettes).
Ten - I’ll never keep a cell- peers in the Filipino community We appreciate the information know how to drive? What the heck! I’ve got Ace
phone in my pant’s pockets. media have to wrestle any info on but do we have to take it hook, Who doesn’t want to have a Alvarez, Chuchi Punsalan, Myrna
Remember Vladimir Lagovski the costly, long-delayed and grow- liune and sinker when it did not likable, not like a ball, figure? I Soriano, Maribel Montemayor and
and Andrei Moiseynko from Kom- ingly annoying Filipino Centre come from Banack himself? wrote figure, not pig-yur, okay? thousands of other fuming Cancer
somolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Toronto (FCT) elections, then we Good graciousness! Who pro- Who doesn’t want to live long Society fans to back me up on this
Moscow who used cellphones to have to deal with and hear from vided our holier-than-thou e-mail enough to survive the drudgery of nasty project.
cook an egg? ONLY Larry Banack, as indicated addresses, which I thought is pro- earthly life -- where every move Omigosh! If things really go
Nine - I’ll always heed in a $1,500 order signed on Dec. tected by a Privacy Act in Canada, has costs and daily existence is awry as my sanity, here is my
friendly advice, and steer away 15 by Ontario Superior Court Jus- to a biased lawyer? measured by bills? Number 1 Resolution: I’ll stop
from friendly fire. tice Geoffrey Moravetz, accord- Holly molly! Henderson’s e- Five - I’ll stop being a part- complaining. ‘Ika nga, nasa Di-
Advice 1: Life is short. Enjoy ing to an e-mail we received from mail looked more of a sales pitch time jerk of all tirades (laging yos ang awa; nasa tao ang nga-
it. Don’t consult a doctor, much lawyer Peter Henderson. of a funeral parlor rather than a le- mainit ang ulo dahil walang wa!
less a lawyer. So, Mr. Banack -- the court- gal information. Pray, tell me, do I kayod). Come to think of it, I just HAPI NYU YIR, Kabayan.
Advice 2: Never even try to appointed chair of the FCT admis- have to send it to 10 others in the have to figure out a way to get rid [email protected]
Manila Media Monitor
JANUARY 2007 News 11
If you do not file a tax return, or if we
need more information, we will send you a
renewal application form in the mail. If you
receive a form from us, you must complete
savings in
Ultrasonic sensors send out ultrasonic They are available in several styles and
pulses and measure the reflection of a mov- fields of view for use in hallways, corridors,
ing object. These are best suited for cover- aisles and open office areas.
ing a wide area. Some models can be used outdoors as
Microwave sensors bounce microwaves well as in locations subject to extreme cold,
off an object, similar to the technology used such as walk-in freezers and refrigerators.
in police radar guns. The cost for a sensor can range from $10
Consumer products such as wall switch up to $150 and some data has suggested the
sensors and wall-mounted passive infrared return on investment of a sensor is likely to
sensors put these technologies to work in be more than 40 percent a year and can be
the energy-conscious home or business. as much as 100 per cent.
The wall switch products generally have Motion sensors are being promoted by
Like many other energy management than a light that has been shining constant- 180-degree fields of view and can be used The Conservation Bureau through the “Ev-
devices in the market, motion sensors not ly. It will also help scare off intruders. in new or retrofit applications. ery Kilowatt Counts” campaign.
only deliver utility value but also provide “In Ontario, we have had inexpensive, They are best suited for enclosed offic- Ontarians are being offered money-sav-
savings in energy costs. reliable power for a long time,” said Sta- es, rest rooms, conference rooms, storage ing coupons to reduce the cost of buying
Consider this. cey Hare, a marketing expert with Select- closets and areas up to 1,200 square feet. motion sensors and other energy efficiency
You arrive home at night in the middle power, the retail affiliate of Guelph Hydro. Wall-mount passive infrared sensors are products. These coupons are redeemable in
of winter. Having forgotten to leave an out- “That is changing, and we need to be more designed so that they don’t detract from the over 3,000 retail stores.
side light on, you fumble in the cold and in control of our energy use.”
dark for your keys. “Lower demand by homeowners
But with an installed motion sensor, means we have to generate less power,”
you approach your front door and the light Hare added, noting that products such as
comes on automatically. motion sensors cut energy demand.
In this scenario, you will have benefited Hare cited the example of basement
in at least three ways. You’ve saved money rooms where kids tend to congregate and
because you haven’t left the porch lights then vacate with the lights still blazing.
on all evening. Your home’s security has A motion sensor will help. If there is
been enhanced because any motion at your no activity in the room after a certain pe-
front door would have been detected and riod of time, the lights will go off, saving
“brought to light.” And third, you’re out of energy.
the cold and through the front door faster. Beyond conservation and security, mo-
“In residential homes, outdoor secu- tion sensors offer a wide range of advan-
rity lights can account for a large portion tages and benefits, such as convenience, a
of overall lighting costs, and they are of- variety of residential and commercial ap-
ten left on when not needed,” noted Peter plications, a wide range of indoor and out-
Love, Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation door uses, no minimum load requirement
officer. and built-in surge protection.
Motion sensors are good choices for There are three basic types of motion
saving money and improving security. detectors in use today.
A light that suddenly turns on will be Passive infrared sensors detect changes
better noticed by neighbors and passers-by in the infrared spectrum and look for body
Manila Media Monitor
JANUARY 2007 15 Milestones
2006: Another
full circle for
Manila Media
Monitor readers
REUNION PRELUDE. Mapa High School alumni and friends
meet at the Oakville residence of Carmelita Spittal, president
of the Ontario Chapter, to prepare for the 12th International
Reunion of Mapa High School Alumni Association of USA &
Canada at the Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort from July 26
to 29. DS
Courier pub-
tor Ramon
Datol (2nd
from left)
receives a
plaque of
2ND CHRISTMAS. Caitlyn Malia apprecia-
enjoys opening her presents with tion from
Papa Michael, a VP of Investment Philippine
of Northern Trust, and Mama Me- Independence Day Council officials Rafael Nebres (right) and
lissa. Michael is the son of Balita’s Karen Binaday (3rd from left) as Consul General Alejandro
Tess Cusipag. Mosquera looks on. PR
Lazaro swears in Manzanares, other PTA officers, directors munity media in Ontario’s political landscape during the Canadian Ethnic
Media Association (CEMA) Season’s Dinner.
MISSISSAUGA - Philippine Vice Con- Carmen Hauyon, public relations officer.
sul in Toronto Edna May Grecia-Lazaro Directors who took their oaths are Ar-
swore in Leonie Manzanares as president of thur Apilado, Brigida Cohen, Boni Curutan,
the newly-formed Philippine Teachers As- Tessie Lagtapon., Marlene Mogado, Maria
sociation in its first induction of executive Sonia Pascual, Amparo Rosario, Mae Sa-
officers and directors here on Dec. 16. jorme, Mercy Santos and Myrna Valencia.
Other officers sworn in are Rose Cruz, Advisers are Rose Bustamante and
vice president for social and external af- Emiliano Silverio.
fairs; Tony San Juan, vice president for pol- PTA, composed of community educa-
icy and programs; Bernadette Gapuz, secre- tors, is a non-profit, apolitical, socio-pro-
tary; Rossette Santiago, assistant secretary; fessional entity formed on April 29, 2006.
Pet Collantes, treasurer; Noemi Andaya, It has about 80 members who strive to
assistant treasurer; Rose Apilado, auditor; to contribute and participate in academical-
Marissa Miano, business manager; and ly-related activities in the community. TSJ
OLPC QUEEN PCCT HOLIDAY CHEERS. The annual Philippine Chamber of Commerce-To-
OF CHARITY. ronto Christmas Party is kept alive by people representing various groups--
Past Regent Te- community, business, and media organizations. The December 16 gathering
odoro Lopez of was held at the Sts. Peter and Paul Banquet Hall in Scarborough, Ontario.
the Daughters Manila Media Monitor Photo
of Isabella, Our
Lady of Peace
Circle # 1297
beams after be-
ing crowned
Queen of Char-
ity during the CFT LADIES. Vilma Asayas, Delia
circle’s silver Von Possell, Nila Olares and Nida
jubilee celebra- Hontanosas give the Club Filipino
tion. JT of Toronto, headed by George Hon-
tanosas, a hand during the club’s
Yule gathering. NC/JT CALL 416-285-8583
JANUARY 2007 Manila Media Monitor 16 PCCT turns over final GK Village
check during Christmas fete
ANCOP Canada Inc. president
Ricky Cuenca (left), expresses
his appreciation to the Philip-
pine Chamber of Commerce-
Toronto (PCCT), represented
by Rafael Nebres, chair of the
PCCT Gawad Kalinga Village
Project, and president Cora
dela Cruz, following the turn-
over of a check representing
the complete payment for a 20-
unit housing project in Sucat, Paranaque City, the Philippines. The check turn-
over was made during the PCCT Christmas Party (all photos on the left) , Dec.
16, 2006 in Scarborough, Ontario. Donors are Bert and Cora dela Cruz (Dela-
marc Travel); Henrique and Alicia Sia (Golden Valley Food Outlets and Restau-
rant); Oswald and Isa Tugadi (ALBEE Enterprises); Ace and Gie Alvarez (Manila
Media Monitor Inc.); Ben Ponce (A.C. Ponce Financial Services); Cristina and
Leo Aguilar (Forever Living Products); Rafael and Sylvia Nebres (Action Honda);
Bobby and Lorna Achacon (Bicol Express Restaurant); Boanerjes Villabroza
(Hamilton Fitness); Flor Vendiola and Melchor Galeon (FV Foods); Steve and
Cora Pagao (DTD Services); Evelyn and David Pagkalinawan (Bazura Bags);
Elizabeth Leggett (Certified Public Accountant); Gemma Jamuyot (CHIC Bags);
Tess and Jess Mallari (Mabini Express); and Marlou Tiro (Tiro Marketing). Four
units would be built at the village, for a total of 24 units, funding of which came, or
Improvements needed to lessen abuse ... would come, from collective efforts of the PCCT. Photos: Louie Pagdagdagan;
Text: Ace Alvarez & Rafael Nebres
(From page 12)
in the hands of employers.
An employer conscious of the
This requirement to live-in
employer, as well as application
and Right of Landing fees which
But to the extent of discri-
minating against women and Mosquera to induct
power s/he has over the fate of the
caregiver who is obliged to live-
the employer’s house is mainly
why caregivers are commonly
are prohibitive and punitive for
migrants, and violating their labor
and human rights? Tanza Ass’n officers
in his household can be capable subjected to excessive hours of The demand for caregivers As a signatory to most of Philippine Consul General in
of the grossest violation of human work, underpayment, and unpaid in Canada has been consistently the United Nations’ international Toronto Alejandro Mosquera will
rights and the most unscrupulous overtime. high, and it will continue to grow human rights conventions and induct into office the officers of the
infractions of labor laws. We can only guess at the as our population ages. the Beijing Platform for Action, Tanza, Cavite Association (St.Au-
The articles give a few illus- economic contribution foreign However, the appreciation Canada must comply with gustine) at the St. Boniface Catho-
trations of such shameful deeds caregivers have been making, for people who give care to our its obligations starting with lic Church in Markham and Eglin-
from the least harmful (such as individually to their employers children and elders, workers improving the Live-in Caregiver ton at 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 27.
forking out gambling money) in the form of unpaid work, and who are in such huge demand, Program. President Edgardo Torres and
to the most venal (such as rape, to the country in the form of is so badly rewarded with abuse, Canada can do this by vice president Manding Blancaflor
forced confinement and slavery) – cheap child and elder care, and exploitation, loneliness for allowing caregivers to enter will lead the inductees.
all without much consequence for yes, taxes - not only those they their loved ones, isolation and Canada without discrimination as Other officers who will be
the perpetrators nor vindication pay themselves, but also those discrimination. landed immigrants; eliminate the sworn in are Ellen Figueroa, secre-
for the victims. paid by their freed up female This is a crying shame that live-in condition for their valid tary and Shirley Reyes, treasurer.
Because LCP caregivers employers. the Canadian government covers status; issue generic work permits The Board of Advisers are Mr.
must live in their place of work The Canadian Government its eyes to and refuses to hear, an that are not dependent on a specific and Mrs. Sam Fojas, Mr. and Mrs.
as a condition of continued valid is party to gouging of caregivers’ opportunistic way of responding employer; and allow them to bring Lope Perea, Mr. and Mrs. Tenny
status, they are not able to bring meager minimum wage income by to migrants’ desperation for a their families along. Soriano, Mr. and Mrs.Dolly Sosa,
their families along and must deducting employment insurance better future in Canada. Foreign caregivers are willing Danilo Ching, Mimi Colmenar,
suffer years, from five or more, of and pension payments which the We have often heard the to come to this country to care for Domingo Abug and Mr. and Mrs.
separation from their spouse and temporary workers have no right justification that the Live-in our most valued resources: our Paul Clavero.
children. to. Caregiver Program gives those children and our elders. Tanza is an historic town where
Caregivers have pointed to Then there are the fees to who would otherwise not qualify, Let’s give them the recognition the first Philippine Republic under
this forced separation as the worst renew work permits every year a chance to become immigrants in they need, which consists of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was pro-
violence against women they or every time the worker changes Canada. simple justice and fairness. claimed.
Ooops & Bloops ... Guaranteed Income ... CMC sets gab on
Law in Community
(From page 6) (From page 11)
He replied, “Walang ano man.” Mon said later, “I thought it drops, we can calculate your payments directly into bank ac-
So, again, I responded, was at Golden Valley’s.” GIS benefit by estimating your in- counts through our direct deposit The Canadian Multicultural
“Maraming salamat ulit.” He sent (The PCCT board has no come for this year, instead of us- service. Monthly payments dates Council of Asians in Ontario
back a note again, saying, “Walang further comment.) ing last year’s income. are available on the Web site. (CMC), with support of the Philip-
ano man.” *** If you or your spouse or com- Moving pine Independence Day Council,
I noted that the first time I sent Message received from Butch, mon-law partner have a lower in- If you are planning to move, is inviting members of the Filipi-
out my e-mail was 1:10 a.m., and December 24: come this year for either of these you must contact us with your no-Canadian community to attend
up to the time that I got Butch’s Ace, Gie and family: reasons, you should let us know. new address and postal code as a free information session on Law
last ‘Walang ano man’ was almost Harinawa’y sumainyo ang Your benefits may increase. soon as possible. This will allow in the Community at the Chinese
2 a.m. kaligayahang dulot ng Kapanga- Receiving GIS us to update our records and make Cultural Centre on Jan. 13.
So, I sent him an e-mail with nakan ni HesuKristo. If you are eligible for the GIS sure that your payment gets to you The session includes a forum
a Netsky Virus. Friends, thus ex- Maligayang Pasko, benefit, we will add it to your Old on time. Even if your payments on how the Canadian judicial sys-
plains why I was able to sleep fi- Butch, Evelyn, Lynette, Fran- Age Security pension payment are deposited directly into your tem works and a mock trial pre-
nally; likewise, explains why Ma- cis, Nicoy, Gabriel, Raphael each month. bank account, we still need to sided over by a real judge over-
nila Media Monitor got delayed Taken into consideration, the You can find the exact pay- know your new address so we can seeing court action with a jury,
for a few days - the editor had to beauty of the Filipino language, ment dates on the web site http:// send you important information prosecutors and accused.
have his computer fixed. I wrote back: “Maraming salamat www.hrsdc.gc.ca/asp/gateway. and your yearly income tax slip. The session will also feature
*** sa pagbati mo, sampu ng iyong asp?hr=en/isp/pub/oas/gismain. If we need to contact you for police recruitment and legal ser-
The PCCT sent an invitation pamilya.” shtml&hs=ozs. additional income information, vices programs available to the
to Mon Datol, Publisher and It was at this point where the Payments usually arrive in the we will know where to reach you. community.
Editor of Philippine Courier to problem arose. Butch sent another last three banking days of each You can notify us of a change A job fair starts at 1 p.m. and
cover the organization’s Christ- message, “Hindi ko maipakita kay month. If your payment is late by of address 24 hours a day, seven the mock trial begins at 2 p.m.
mas Party at the Sts. Peter and Evelyn ang pagbati mo at baka more than a week, or if you lose days a week by calling our auto-
Paul Banquet Hall in Scarbor- hanapin ‘yong siyam ko pang your payment, please contact us. mated telephone system at 1-800-
ough, Ontario last month. pamilya.” If you apply late and are eligi- 277-9914. Why advertise
At the time of the event, Mon Having read this, I thought: ble to receive the GIS, we can give You will be asked for your Social elsewhere?
- with PPCO member Miguel “Kung hindi la’ng kailangan ng you a retroactive payment of up to Insurance Number, your new address
Caducio - proceeded to Golden Manila Media Monitor ang isang 11 months plus the month in which and postal code and your telephone
Valley’s Banquet Hall and found
no PCCT event at the place.
magaling na editor, e talagang
mababaril ko itong si Butch, e.”
we receive your application.
Normally, we deposit pension
number with your area code.
(To be continued next issue)
Manila Media Monitor
17 JANUARY 2007
Resolved! ...
(From page 1)
I resolve to keep more frequently in touch
with family and kin. I’ve been pretty preoc-
cupied for the past year that I have taken
them for granted for quite a time.
DENNIS DEVEZA - I shall always
smile. Someone once told me that success
will come ‘if you keep that big smile in
your face.’
Resolution is to be patient. Why? Being im-
patient is stressful so para mabawasan ang
stress ko at hindi ako ma-high blood, I’ll try
to be patient especially with bus drivers.
YVONNE CUÑADA - I will continue
with my mint gums as I quit smoking. It has
been three months since my last puff.
- I will surely go for a healthy regimen and
will stick to it. That includes good balance
in life. Why? Because, I’d like to grow old
gracefully, retire in the Philippines (home
sweet home) and dance with my grandchil-
dren (how cute!). Hey, wait a minute, I’m
not even 40 yet. Seriously, I’d go for that!
AMY BANTILLO - I resolve to get
married this year to my eight-year boy-
friend in Roxas City.
DELGADO - We promise to work hard
and earn more cash. Perhaps, we would
have more resources to help the needy and
the poor in our homeland.
- I firmly resolve not to have any more ac-
cidents, if that can be avoided.
Around the world, a Reuters report from
London said that striking a better balance
between work and play, taking more exer-
cise and avoiding disastrous relationships
top resolution lists this New Year.
Research group ACNielsen surveyed
consumers in 46 countries and found from
the United States to Vietnam that more than
half of those interviewed wanted work to
play a lesser role in their lives in 2007.
One in three US consumers -- who have
the highest rate of obesity in the developed
world -- also planned to go on a diet.
“Consumers have realized a healthy
lifestyle is not about the latest celebrity diet
or trendy exercise fads, but is simply about
having a balanced diet and lifestyle,” ACN-
ielsen Europe President Patrick Dodd said.
Smoking bans passed in 2006 in coun-
tries from Spain to Uruguay looked to be
bolstering the global health trend with one
in five smokers polled admitting they were
aiming to cut down or quit next year.
Exercise was also in the spotlight, with
Filipinos, Australians and Singaporeans
most committed to being more active.
“In many countries, 2006 was the year
that “natural” and “organic” moved into the
mainstream and this trend is likely to gain
momentum in the year ahead,” Dodd said.
The drive to detox also stretched to more
intimate parts of people’s lives. One in five
consumers globally said they wanted 2007
to be the year they avoided “disastrous re-
And if the above are not just enough for
a wish list, here are some more resolutions
many people made at the onset of 2007.
The resolutions: Lose weight, make
more time for myself and my family, have
more fun, make more money, get to the
gym, eat better, go someplace I have always
wanted to visit, make up with a crazy fami-
ly member, befriend a competitor or enemy,
quit drinking, be friendlier, slow down on
shopping sprees, stick to household bud-
gets, stay out of trouble, avoid casinos and
other gambling places, etc. etc. etc.
JANUARY 2007 Manila Media Monitor 18
Truly yours,
Chairman, FCT Comprehensive Health FCT Vice Chairman, Board of Directors FCT Chairman, Board of Directors
and Wellness
Paid Advertisement
JANUARY 2007 Manila Media Monitor 19
ton, Ontario • President, three GTA Dental Offices • sicians and Surgeons of
Ontario Women’s Club, 1990-2003 • Board mem- Member and Supporter of Canada • Diplomate, American Board of Psychia-
ber, FILPAR, Camilenos Assn. of Canada • Mem- several Filipino community organizations in Metro try and Neurology • Diplomate, American Board of
ber, Liberal Assn. of Canada • Founding Board
Member, Filipino Centre, Toronto, Adviser, FCT SHALL Toronto as well as Professional Dental Organiza-
tions • Most Outstanding Filipino in Canada, 2000
• UPAA Recognition Awards, 1997 • UPAA Most
Disability Analysts • Courtesy Consultant Psychi-
atrist, Trillium Health Centre • FCT Volunteer since
Dazzling 40 group, Office help, FCT • Recipient, 2004 • Vice President, Filipino Canadian Medical
Outstanding Fil. Canadians, 1998; Volunteerism Outstanding Member, 2002 • Outstanding Asian- Association
Award for 20 years; Disable Helping Disabled. Canadian Community Awardee, April 2006 Paid Advertisement
FOR some members of a budding community
of nearly half a million people living and working in
20 Manila Media Monitor JANUARY 2007
archipelago composed of over 7,000 islands and speaking
107 languages, the year 2006 was plain time gone which
significance mattered only by the cash and the status it
could have brought them. Who cared, anyway?
But for many, the year was a diamond mine.
five-man jury’s recommendations following the end of last
ALL FOR year’s May 8 to mid-October, 2006 inquest into the May
RESPECT. The Filipino 21, 2004 shooting and subsequent death of 17-year old
may be passive and Jeffrey Reodica.
complacent at times, prone The jury recommendations never found fault with
to forgiving petty instances anyone, not even police detective Dan Belanger, who shot
of disrespect as he goes on Reodica three times at the back, and his partner detective
with his jolly disposition Love Allen. But the inquest jury pointblankly assigned
while living in a social measures that the police could use to deter a similar incident
melting pot that Canada from happening.
boasts of as its greatest Those still grieving and crying for justice for the loss
achievement as a nation. of the teener averred that the inquest had been an exercise
But when his cultural in futility, which the other side of the fence negated. The
sensitivities are touched, last piece of news from the Reodica family’s lawyer noted
the Filipino emotes the they would file a criminal suit against the police officers.
PCCT-GK Village soon to rise in Sucat, Parañaque ferocity of a wounded lion, (Next page, please)
JANUARY 2007 Manila Media Monitor 21 So did other community centers! And this should be
cause for joy and celebration for members of the community,
Even before the Reodica inquest no matter where they were located.
took place, another 17-year old, Daniel The Kalayaan Cultural Community Centre greeted
Celestino, lost his dear life, a victim of 2006 with a big bang. Ching Quejas and other firm believers
a despicable criminal who stabbed him of community service formally opened the center’s new
at the back while he was taking a ‘leak’ 7,200 square-foot Mississauga facility, a million-dollar
in a washroom of a coffee shop on building for a budding community.
Wilson and Keele streets on April 20. 2006 also saw the Silayan Community Centre
His assailant had long been arrested recuperating from minor internal bickerings to emerge
and was said to be serving time in jail. REODICA as strong as ever, just like the seniors it helped get out of
Celestino’s death might not have been a direct case of boredom through art classes -- and later mounting an art
racism, but there was belief that his killer could have been exhibit -- in cooperation with Filipino artists in Toronto.
a recipient of social prejudice which could have motivated Then there was Kababayan- which not only provided
him to get even with society. It was truly unfortunate that the usual services, but went farther to give its youth
he bent his ire on Celestino. members a special theatrical treat, that of being topbilled
Young lives with what could have in a March, 2006 play “Mind The Gap” directed by writer
been very bright futures were snuffed Ricky Caluen.
out. Their memories could only call on Promoting sports, apart from aerobics, was the
community vigilance and pro-activeness SIGN OF THE TIMES 2006 focus of the Gateway Centre for New Canadians in
in the fight to end all forms of racism, Mississauga, as it introduced lessons on Olympic-style
including that coming from their own in the polls, but most had no charisma with the numbers. boxing and taekwando, games in which Filipinos excel.
kind. Only three - Marlene Mogado of Markham Area 2, Luz del The community centers and the volunteers running
CELESTINO Rosario of Dufferin-Peel Wards 6 and 11 and Alex Chiu of them had made 2006 very productive for members who
C Markham Ward 8 - made it to the winner’s circle. availed themselves of its programs - those who mastered
AREGIVERS. It was disappointing to read that Then there were the Jan. 23, 2006 federal elections. line dances, did aerobics and tai chi, or who simply sat on
a Philippine government salvaging a deteriorating image Of course, the community could rejoice with the and enjoyed listening to juicy gossips and exhilirating tales
by embarking on a costly Lebanon Overseas Filipino accomplishments of new Prime Minister Stephen Harper of yesteryears; those who became proficient in operating
Workers (OFW) evacuation could not even spare a penny and his Cabinet; or computers, enjoyed Web surfing, or wondered why he was
to bring home the remains of Overseas Workers Welfare drown in his failures no longer afraid of handling a mouse; those who learned
Administration-registered caregiver Marilou Tabuno, to fulfill promises that the Filipino language, Math and other school subjects;
whose body had to rest in the cold confines of a funeral could have done good those who horsed around in fun and camaraderie; those
parlor morgue for about two months since a road accident for the community. who partook of delicacies in potluck parties; and those who
that killed her in North York on May 24, 2006. The same could be moved back and observed what a wonderful and amazing
Though administratively and financially constrained, expected with David congregation the community could be if it acted in unison.
the Philippine Consul General’s Office and its labor officer Miller reelected as Also a cause for celebration in 2006 was the
ably negotiated Marilou’s release from the morgue and got HARPER MILLER Toronto mayor. community’s freewheeling involvement -- more pompous
her body on its way home to be given last respects. That a huge population in Toronto could elect a member but less expensive -- in various Canadian and Philippine
Putting aside that government’s ineptness to respond to wield political influence had remained a myth. The spectre festivities showcasing authentic Filipino culture in art,
to the special needs of a dead OFW, it was the news of of Philippine politics, dirty as it was deadly, continued to songs, dances, ethnic fashion and cuisine.
Filipino caregivers dying in Ontario that caught the eye of haunt many T h e
the community. who shied Philippine
Shattered dreams. So they were too for Mary Grace away from
Sioco and for Piat, Cagayan native Mirasol Mariano who C a n a d i a n dence Day
drowned while trying to save her two-year old ward in a polls. The Council
Richmond Hill home mid-June. penchant to (PIDC), in
Meanwhile, caregiver Sharon Asuncion was cleared in belong only cooperation
August 2006 of any felony by a Newmarket judge, after a to a clan or with the
gruelling court battle on child abuse charges. Sharon has a regional Philippine
since found a better employer. grouping has Chamber of
The memories left by Tabuno, Sioco and Mariano were resulted in the community interspersing and dividing itself Commerce-Toronto mounted what could be the biggest
those of loving, tender and hardworking Filipino caregivers into smaller patches of political insignificance. What most entertainment and trade show in 2006. Except for a few
committed to give the best of who they were so that others candidates forgot to factor in was the fact that most people blurbs due to an accidental ‘wardrobe malfunction’ courtesy
could go on nurturing the beauty of life; and of the day-to- were in a state that they would rather earn their keep than of one of its lady performers, the community adjudged the
day unwavering heroism of caregivers. exercise their right to suffrage on a working day. PIDC Mabuhay Philippines-Toronto Summer Festival on
Asuncion’s travails, on the other hand, confirmed If these are not what one could say as shaping the July 29, 2006 a big success. The community regarded the
the existence of many a caregiver’s tales of woe; making community’s future in Canada, what then? festival as one socio-cultural event worth going to and
everyone mindful of the sometimes sad experiences seeing over the years.
caregivers get from abusive employers, a situation needing ONTROVERSY. Is bad politics really giving In deference to their proclamation of loyalty to
reversal by a united the vulture a bad name? their adoptive country Canada, Filipinos also celebrated
community brave enough to Signs that the vulture has the historical birth of the Philippines, by virtue of a
peaceably assemble, invoke begun to transform into proclamation of independence from American rule by Gen.
street parliamentarism, the mirror image of self- Emilio Aguinaldo in Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898. As in
march and tell politicians proclaimed saviors whose earlier years, the celebration of Philippine Independence in
to amend, if not junk, an ego boosting and personal 2006 was conducted in different dates, not necessarily on
antiquated Canadian Live- interests far outweigh those June 12, in various locations but by a bigger mix of groups,
In Caregiver Program (LCP) of committed volunteers heralding the rejuvenation of Philippine nationalism in the
that has curtailed basic and the general public are hearts and minds of more community members.
human rights and has placed slowly eroding the walls of Celebration. That was also the theme of many of the
women-caregivers into the a once-revered community community’s bevy of entertainment artists. Representing
quagmire of modern-day center. every known musical genre, they showed everyone that
slavery, at least for three or NO. 1. Caregiving is no game. It is a vocation. One just had to read Filipinos love music and music loves Filipinos. In many
so years. between the lines of news instances, this love for music was offered freely in concerts,
Many individuals and reports on the over a year- shows and fundraisers with noble causes.
human rights groups have old controversy brewing in In sports, the community had its first taste of
persistently tried, more the Filipino Centre Toronto representation in Canada’s national game when the Filipino
actively in 2006, to get better to discern truth from lies, Fury took on ice and faced seasoned hockey teams from
treatment for caregivers and concrete gains from black other cultural groups in the 2nd Canadian Multicultural
OFWs in Canada, but were propaganda, builders from Hockey League (CMHL) from Dec. 27 to 30, 2006. In a
either given mere political destroyers, sacrifice from letter to rink sponsor Canadian Ethnic Media Association,
lip service or, worse, that greed. Avoidable and unne- CMHL founder Stan Papulkas cited Manila Media Monitor
what-do-we-care it’s-the- cessary, the noisy and costly for its article that enabled the league to form a hockey team
least-of-our-priorities brush FCT ruckus would go down composed of Filipinos, a rare feat considering that Filipinos
aside. in 2006 as an isolated but are known for excelling in basketball.
infamous incident fit to
be relegated to history’s C HAMPION. The community weathered every
choice to become a political forget-about-it and don’t- storm that passed its way.
force to deal with knocked on the community’s door during even-think-about-it trash bins. The community sailed through rough and high seas,
triumphant in its entry to a new year.
the Nov. 13, 2006 municipal elections. Yet, it seemed that
many voters never bothered to exploit the potential of their C ELEBRATION. So why sulk over one atypical Ever strong, daring, patient, resilient, hardworking,
ballots to send more members of the community to the incident? FCT is not at all lost, hearing that it has not ebbed and resolute in making real and meaningful its individual
meeting tables of schoolboards or legislative halls. in the delivery of various services for the community, and collective goals, the community has stood its ground.
At least 13 persons (there could be more) tried their luck controversy or no controversy. In 2006, the community was the champion!
22 Manila Media Monitor JANUARY 2007
Toronto youth projects get $3.5M Manila Media Monitor
23 JANUARY 2007
Toronto’s Youth Challenge Fund (YCF) YCF chair Michael Clemons cited the
has alloted an initial $3.5 million to support people involved in the youth initiative, say-
youth-based projects handled by 19 orga- ing they “engage in a labor of love persis-
nizations working in the city’s 13 priority tently petitioning for the empowerment of
neighborhoods. youth across our country. Many are youth
YCF officials said $1.5 million in pri- themselves.”
vate donations has been received, including YCF was established early last year
$1 million from John Hunkin and Susan to directly respond to growing concerns
Crocker, $250,000 from TD Bank Finan- on youth violence and gang involvement
cial Group, $81,500 from Foresters, and across Toronto.
$150,000 from other donors. YCF is active in Jamestown, Jane-
Ontario has made available some $8 Finch, Weston-Mount Dennis, Lawrence
million in matching funds for 2007 and $7 Heights, Westminster-Branson, Crescent
million in 2008. Town, Flemingdon Park-Victoria Village,
United Way of Greater Toronto is the Steeles-l’Amoreaux, Dorset Park, Eglinton
Fund’s trustee, providing administrative East-Kennedy Park, Scarborough Village,
and fund development support. Kingston-Galloway, and Malvern. PR
SCHOLARSHIPS. Ateneo Alumni Association Canada (AAAC) members kick off their scholar-
ship fundraisers with the annual Winterlude affair at the Garnet Williams Community Centre in
Thornhill on Jan. 6. The AAAC, which has 15 scholars todate, has planned a golf tournament in
June, the Scholarship Dinner Dance on Sept. 30 and other smaller fundraisers and get-togeth-
ers such as the Kapihan for Ateneo alumni on Jan. 27 at the Golden Valley Banquet Hall. PR
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RP, Afghanistan 2nd to Iraq in cao. The Philippines used to cover 90 percent of global demand for
abaca fiber, but could not meet demand because of dipping yields
and dwindling land area devoted to cultivating the plant. PIA
Philippines leads 61st UNGA Sur in the west. Another road project, the Ambuklao-Kayapa road, is
expected to be finished in October. PNA
GOLFING AROUND. The yearlong golf season for golfers of Ontario’s Tala-
mak group ends with an awards night. Recipients of championship honors ON ITS 31st YEAR, the Executive Officers and Board of Directors of the To-
in 2006 are (from left) Ferdi Regala, Charlie Schlobohm, Ramon de Guzman, ronto Filipino Bowling Congress promise an even more exciting year ahead
Aldrin Balbas, Rene Bedana, Rick Solis and Lou Servio (not in photo). for its members. (Courtesy: Oscar Cruz)
Vivian of V Beyond Expression Band keeps the groove alive at Ellen’s Place
in Mississauga. The band’s versatility with hits of the 60’s to contemporary
pop music makes it a major attraction when it plays alternate weekends at
the popular restaurant and karaoke bar. Manila Media Monitor Photo