2011 Application Form

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Student no Date of initial payment

130 Bryanston Drive, Bryanston, Sandton

Post: no bag X 79; Bryanston; 2021; South Africa
Private Student no
Tel:(011) 706 7775 Fax:(011) 706 7829 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.bicollege.co.za
British International College (Pty) Ltd: 98/23623/07 Director: C.M. Oshry (SA)
Umalusi accreditation No.: SCH 000361 PA GDE Reg. No.: 400111
Cambridge International Examination Centre number: ZA 057

Dean: Margaret Oshry (B.A; UED; B. Ed; M. Ed)

Group Director of Studies: Claudia Van der Merwe B.A,B.A (HONS)
Bryanston Campus Director Of Studies : David Cawdry B.A.(TTHD)


Note: A minimum initial payment of R25 000 is to be lodged upon application. If a place is offered and taken up, this is
fully deductible from the tuition fees. If however a place is offered but not taken up, then this is not refundable.

1. Student Information
Last Name
First Names
Gender Male Female
Year Month Day
Date of Birth
Age (1 Jan 2011) years
South African Citizen? Yes No
If so, Identity Number
Please attach a copy of front page of ID book. If not South African please attach a copy of your passport and study permit
Postal Address:

Postal code
Residential Address: Fax no.:
& chosen domicillum
citandi et executandi
Tel Home Student’s cell:
Name Father
Name Mother
Tel Father Home Work Cell
Tel Mother Home Work Cell
Student’s email
Mother’s email
Father’s email
Medical conditions If necessary, please supply BIC with life saving treatment eg. Ventalin for asthmatics
(allergies etc.)
Doctor’s Name
Doctor’s Tel No.
Medical Aid & No.
How did you hear about BIC (Newspaper/Word of Mouth/etc?) _______________________
2. Details of relative and/or friend not living with applicant:
Residential Address: Fax no.:
& chosen domicillum
citandi et executandi
Postal Address

Postal Code
Tel Home Cell:
Tel Work
3. Academic information

Previous school grade completed

Please attach proof of academic potential – Psychologist report ( IQ)

Date of Commencement of Tuition: __________________________2011

Course : A-level 1st IGCSE 1st Foundation 1st

2nd 2nd 2nd

4. Fees: Whether a course is completed or not by the student, for whatever reason, the
full annual tuition fee is due

The annual Schedule of Fees and consequent statement of

Account due each year forms part of this agreement.

The College reserves the right to suspend service or withhold results of

courses or examinations if any payment is not received timeously.

5.Person responsible for payment of fees

Title Initials Last Name
Relationship ID No.
to student
Tel home work Cell
Address Postal code
Please attach Copy of SA ID Book or Passport
6. Declaration and Undertaking
I declare that all the particulars furnished by me on this registration are true and correct and I undertake to abide by the Code of Conduct
of the College, which I have read and understand, and accept that any breach may result in immediate cancellation of tuition by BIC
without prejudice to any other rights BIC might enjoy in terms of this agreement. Cancellation on the Applicant’s part requires three (3)
calendar months notice in writing, alternatively, the Applicant hereby agrees to pay (3) months fees in lieu of the required notice. I
acknowledge and agree that this document, when signed by me, constitutes a firm and binding acknowledgement, undertaking and
commitment assumed by me in terms hereof. My liability arising herefrom is not subject to any condition whatsoever and this document
signed by me constitutes its own unconditional cause against me independent of any other cause. I hereby choose my domicilium citandi
et executandi the address mentioned above, at which address all notices and/or processes in terms of or arising out of this
acknowledgement of debt may validly be delivered to or served upon me. I expressly waive and renounce the legal benefits and
exceptions non numeratae pecuniae, non causa debiti, errore calculi, and I declare myself to be fully acquainted with the meaning and
effect of these exceptions and of the renunciation of the benefits thereof. Should I default herein and judgment is subsequently granted
against me as a result of my default, I consent to the installments as mentioned on the current Schedule of Fees and consequent
statement of fees due being made an order of the court. In terms of this agreement I undertake to notify British International College via
facsimile or otherwise as to all payments made by myself or on my behalf.
Signature of Student Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian/ person
responsible for account

Date Date
Documents required for registration:
Completed application form (signed by parent/ guardian and student) Registration Authorised
Completed subject choice list (signed by the Director of studies and the student)
IQ test report or latest Cambridge Results For office use only
Copies of ID/Passport of student Director of Studies
Two ID photographs for student card ……………………………
Copies of ID/Passport of person responsible for fees Date………………………
Minimum initial payment (which is a portion of student’s tuition fees)

Registration received by: ………………………………………. ………………………………


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