Dof RR 7-2018 20180306 PDF
Dof RR 7-2018 20180306 PDF
Dof RR 7-2018 20180306 PDF
On January 31, 2018, Finance Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez issued RR No. 7-2018 which restored the provision on
Notice of Informal Conference as a due process requirement in the issuance of a deficiency tax assessment. RR No. 7-
2018 was published in the Manila Bulletin on February 1, 2018 and took effect on February 16, 2018.
The Notice of Informal Conference is a written statement issued by the BIR informing the taxpayer of the discrepancies
in the taxpayer’s tax payments for the purpose of conducting an informal conference wherein the taxpayer will be
given an opportunity to present his side of the case.
The requirement for the Bureau of Internal Revenue (“BIR”) to send taxpayers a Notice of Informal Conference has
existed since RR No. 12-19851 which provided for the procedure on administrative protests on assessments of the BIR.
This requirement was retained when RR No. 12-19992 was issued on September 6, 1999 to implement the 1997 Tax
Code provisions on assessment of taxes, penalties, and interest.
Prior to its amendment by RR No. 18-2013, RR No. 12- 1999 required the BIR to issue the Notice of Informal Conference
to the taxpayer if the latter disagrees with the BIR’s findings based on its investigation. RR No. 12-1999 also provided
that failure of the taxpayer to respond within fifteen (15) days from date of receipt of the Notice for Informal
Conference, shall result in the taxpayer’s default – in which case, the report will be endorsed for appropriate review
and issuance of a deficiency tax assessment, if warranted.
However, on November 28, 2013, former Finance Secretary Cesar V. Purisima issued RR No. 18-2013 and amended RR
No. 12-1999 to delete the requirement of Notice of Informal Conference.
RR No. 7-2018 has now restored the requirement of issuance of the Notice of Informal Conference as a due process
requirement in the issuance of a deficiency tax assessment. 3 However, unlike the old provision of RR No. 12-1999 which
did not expressly provide for the period within which the informal conference may extend, RR No. 7-2018 now provides
that the informal conference shall not extend beyond thirty (30) days from the taxpayer’s receipt of the Notice for
Informal Conference. Further, if the taxpayer is found to be still liable for deficiency taxes after presenting his side or if
the taxpayer is not amenable, the case will be endorsed to the Assessment Division of the Revenue Regional Office or
to the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative within seven (7) days from conclusion of the informal
conference for issuance of a deficiency tax assessment. Finally, failure of the revenue officers to comply with the
periods shall subject them to penalties as provided under existing rules and regulations.
(Continued on page 2)
RR No. 12-1985 was issued on November 27, 1985. Section 1 of RR No. 12-1985 reads:
SECTION 1. Post-reporting notice. — Upon receipt of the report of findings, the Division Chief, Revenue District Officer or Chief,
Office Audit Section, as the case may be, shall send to the taxpayer a notice for an informal conference before forwarding the
report to higher authorities for approval. The notice which is Annex "A" hereof shall be accompanied by a summary of findings
as basis for the informal conference.
In cases where the taxpayer has agreed in writing to the proposed assessment, or where such proposed assessment has been
paid, the required notice may be dispensed with.
Section 3.1.1 of RR 12-1999 reads:
3.1.1 Notice for informal conference. — The Revenue Officer who audited the taxpayer's records shall, among others, state in
his report whether or not the taxpayer agrees with his findings that the taxpayer is liable for deficiency tax or taxes. If the
taxpayer is not amenable, based on the said Officer's submitted report of investigation, the taxpayer shall be informed, in
writing, by the Revenue District Office or by the Special Investigation Division, as the case may be (in the case Revenue Regional
Offices) or by the Chief of Division concerned (in the case of the BIR National Office) of the discrepancy or discrepancies in the
taxpayer's payment of his internal revenue taxes, for the purpose of "Informal Conference," in order to afford the taxpayer with
an opportunity to present his side of the case. If the taxpayer fails to respond within fifteen (15) days from date of receipt of
the notice for informal conference, he shall be considered in default, in which case, the Revenue District Officer or the Chief of
the Special Investigation Division of the Revenue Regional Office, or the Chief of Division in the National Office, as the case may
be, shall endorse the case with the least possible delay to the Assessment Division of the Revenue Regional Office or to the
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative, as the case may be, for appropriate review and issuance of a deficiency tax
assessment, if warranted.
Section 2 of RR No. 7-2018 reads:
SECTION 2. Amendment. – Section 3 of RR 12-99, as amended by RR No. 13-18, is hereby amended by adding Section 3.1.1
providing forthe preparation of a Notice of lnformal Conference, thereby renumbering other provisions thereof, and prescribing
other provisions for the assessment of tax liabilities. The pertinent provisions of Section 3 of RR 12-99 shall now read as follows.
3.1.1 Notice for lnformal Conference. - The Revenue Officer who audited the taxpayer's records shall, among others,
state in his report whether or not the taxpayer agrees with his findings that the taxpayer is liable for deficiency tax or
taxes. lf the taxpaver is not amenable, based on the said Officer's submitted report of investigation, the taxpayer
shall be informed, in writing, by the Revenue District Office or by the Special lnvestigation Division, as the case may be
(in the case of Revenue Regional Offices) or by the Chief of Division concerned (in the case of the BIR National Office)
of the discrepancy or discrepancies in the taxpayer's payment of his internal revenue taxes, for the purpose of
"lnformal Conference," in order to afford the taxpayer with an opportunity to present his side of the case.
(Continued on page 3)
The lnformal Conference shall in no case extend beyond thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice for informal
conference. lf it is found that the taxpayer is still liable for deficiency tax or taxes after presenting his side, and the
taxpayer is not amenable, the Revenue District Officer or the Chief of the Special lnvestigation Division of the Revenue
Regional Office, or the Chief of Division in the National Office, as the case mav be, shall endorse the case within seven
(7) days from the conclusion of the lnformal Conference to the Assessment Division of the Revenue Regional Office or
to the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative for issuance of a deficiency tax assessment.
Failure on the part of Revenue Officers to comply with the periods indicated herein shall be meted with penalty as
provided by existing laws, rules and regulations
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