Mecorrel2 - Thermo-Fluids Terminology PDF
Mecorrel2 - Thermo-Fluids Terminology PDF
Mecorrel2 - Thermo-Fluids Terminology PDF
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. 1 dyne = __________ 7. In the SI system of measurement, the base unit for mass
a. kg-m/s2 is:
b. g-cm/s2 a. kilogram
c. lb-ft/s2 b. joule
d. None of the other choices c. kilogram/m3
d. Newton
2. An adiabatic process is characterized by which of the
following? 8. The ideal, reversible Carnot cycle involves four basic
a. The entropy change is zero process. What type of processes are they
b. The heat transfer is zero a. all isentropic
c. It is isothermal b. all isothermal
d. it is reversible c. two adiabatic and two isentropic
d. two isothermal and two isentropic
3. The dimension of “acceleration x mass” is the same as
that of 9. What is the expression for the heat of vaporization
a. Power hg = enthalpy of the saturated vapor
b. Work hf = enthalpy of the saturated liquid
c. Length a. hf
d. Weight b. hg
c. hf-hg
4. In a steady flow system, the mass of the working d. hg-hf
substance is
a. always conserved 10. What is the origin of the energy conservation equation
b. always ceased used in flow system
c. always greater a. First law of thermodynamics
d. none of the other choices b. Second law of thermodynamics
c. Newton’s Second law of motion
5. An instrument for measuring specific gravity of fluids: d. Newton’s First law of motion
a. flowmeter
b. clinometer 11. An adiabatic process with no work done is:
c. hygrometer a. isometric
d. hydrometer b. isobaric
c. throttling
6. An instrument for measuring high temperature gases: d. polytropic
a. atmometer
b. odometer 12. A process has a pressure range of 0.001-1 atmosphere. A
c. altimeter pressure measuring instrument to register the pressure
measuring instrument to register the pressure at all times,
d. pyrometer
the instrument needed for the job is:
a. mercury manometer
b. metallic diaphragm
c. water manometer
d. Bordon pressure gauge
13. A fluid whose stress versus strain rate curve is linear and 20. When a thin bore, hollow glass tube is inserted into a
passing through the origin. container of mercury, the surface of the mercury in the
a. Pseudo plastic tube:
b. Bingham Plastic a. is below container surface due to adhesion
c. Rheopectic b. is below the container surface due to cohesion
d. Newtonian c. is the level with the surface of the mercury in the
14. A method for computing sets of dimensionless d. is above the container surface due to cohesion
parameters from the given variables, even if the form of
the equation is still unknown. 21. A leak from faucet comes out in separate drops. Which
a. Similitude of the following is the main cause of this phenomenon?
b. Dimensional analysis a. surface tension
c. Rayleigh numbers b. gravity
d. Buckingham Pi theorem c. air resistance
d. viscosity of fluid
15. A salesman is claiming a certain efficiency of the engine
he is offering. If you were an engineer what statement of 22. A system wherein matter may flow and crosses its
the second law would you consult to validate his claim. boundaries in and out so with the energy:
a. Kelvin-Planck Statement a. Open system
b. Clausius statement b. Extensive property
c. Both of the other choices c. Closed system
d. Neither of the other choices d. Intensive property
16. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature one 23. If one end of the manometer is open to the atmosphere, it
lb of water one degree Fahrenheit is: is called
a. BTU a. open manometer
b. latent heat b. differential manometer
c. specific heat c. closed manometer
d. relative heat d. all of the other choices
17. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature one 24. Pressures measured with respect to atmosphere pressure
lb of substance one degree Fahrenheit is: are known as
a. BTU a. atmospheric pressure
b. latent heat b. gage pressure
c. specific heat c. absolute pressure
d. relative heat d. None of the other choices
18. At constant temperature , the absolute pressure of the gas 25. Is the ratio of absolute viscosity to mass density
varies inversely as its volume: a. dynamic viscosity
a. Charles Law b. Reference viscosity
b. Newton’s Law c. kinematic viscosity
c. Boyle’s Law d. none of the other choices
d. Avogadro’s Law
26. Is a special case of diffusion in which molecules of the
19. The sum of three types of energy at any point in the solvent move from one fluid to another in one direction
system is called: only.
a. pressure heads a. Reversal diffusion
b. enthalpy b. Solidification
c. Bernoulli’s equation c. Osmosis
d. internal energy d. None of the other choices
27. Is the pressure a fluid exerts on immerse object or 34. Form of energy associated with the kinetic energy of the
container walls random motion of large number of molecules.
a. gage pressure a. internal energy
b. hydrostatic pressure b. heat of fusion
c. atmospheric pressure c. kinetic energy
d. none of the other choices d. heat
28. Is a dimensionless number interpreted as the ratio of 35. Enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function only of ______.
inertia forces to viscous forces in the fluid.
a. Reynolds number a. entropy
b. Prandtl number b. internal energy
c. Grashof number c. temperature
d. None of the other choices d. pressure
29. States that one form of energy maybe converted into 36. An ideal gas is compressed isothermally. What is the
another. enthalpy change?
a. First Law of Thermodynamics
b. Law of Conservation of Energy a. Always negative
c. Gravitational Potential Energy b. Always positive
d. Kinetic Energy c. Zero
d. Undefined
30. The equation s = cp ln (T2/T1) determine the change in
entropy for a reversible ideal-gas process which is: 37. Process that has no heat transfer
a. Adiabatic
a. Isothermal
b. Isothermal
b. Isobaric
c. Isobaric
c. Polytropic
d. All of the other choices
d. Adiabatic
31. Two bodies, each in thermal equilibrium with a third
38. An ideal gas is compressed in a cylinder so well
body, are in thermal equilibrium with each other is a
insulated that there is essentially no heat transfer. The
statement referred to :
temperature of the gas
a. First Law of Thermodynamics
b. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics a. Decreases
c. Second Law of Thermodynamics b. Increases
d. Law of conservation of mass c. remains constant
d. is zero
32. If n = 1 in a polytropic process for an ideal gas means
that the process is :
39. The equation applies to which of the following?
a. Isobaric
b. Isothermal a. Enthalpy
c. Isometric b. Ideal gas
d. Isentropic c. Two phase states
33. Is the condition of pressure and temperature at which a d. All pure substances
liquid and its vapor are indistinguishable.
a. critical point
b. triple point
c. saturation point
d. none of the other choices
40. In the flow process, neglecting kinetic and potential energies, 46. The 2nd law of thermodynamics disproves the possibility of
creating a
the integral represented by is
a. Heat transfer
a. Perpetual motion machine of the first kind
b. Flow energy
b. Perpetual motion machine of the second kind
c. Enthalpy change
c. Dual cycle heat engine
d. Shaft work
d. Reheat-Regenerative Rankine cycle
41. Average pressure on a surface when a changing pressure 47. A process which gives the same states/conditions after the
system undergoes a series of processes:
condition exists
a. Back pressure
a. Reversible process
b. Partial pressure
b. Irreversible process
c. Pressure drop
c. Cyclic process
52. The constant pressure gas turbine works on the principle 58.
of A balloon is filled with cold air and placed in a warm roo
a. Carnot cycle m. The balloon is NOT in
b. Dual cycle thermal equilibrium with the air in the room until:
c. Rankine cycle
a. It sinks to the floor
d. Brayton cycle
b. It stops expanding
53. Brayton cycle has c. It starts to contract
a. two isentropic and two constant volume processes d. It rises to the ceiling
b. two isentropic and two constant pressure
59. Heat is:
c. one constant pressure, one constant volume and two
adiabatic processes a. Energy content of an object
d. two isothermal, one constant volume and one b. A property objects have by virtue of their temper
constant pressure processes atures
c. A temperature difference
54. The _______ condition is responsible for the d. Energy transferred by virtue of a
development of the velocity profile. temperature difference
a. no-slip
b. boundary 60. Which one of the following expressions can be converted
to the unit of a
c. convection
d. viscosity
a. Pa * m2
55. What is true about the polytropic exponent, n, for a b. Pa /m2
perfect gas undergoing an isobaric process? c. Pa * m3
d. N /kg
a. n>0
b. n=0 61. Which of the following is a statement of Archimedes's
c. n<0 principle?
d. n —> infinity a. If a gas is maintained at a constant pressure, then its
volume will be proportional to its absolute
56. Which of the following is the most efficient temperature.
thermodynamic cycle? b. Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted
undiminished to every
a. Brayton portion of the fluid and to the walls of the container.
b. Otto c. A body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up with a
c. Carnot force equal to the weight of
the fluid displaced by the body.
d. Diesel
d. None of the above
57. Which of the following cycles consists of two isothermal
and two constant volume processes? 62. What is the weight of a 5 lb mass object?
a. 49.05 lbf
a. Diesel b. 161 lbf
b. Ericsson c. 5 lbf
c. Stirling d. 32.2 lbf
d. Otto
63. What is the conversion factor for Reamur to deg
a. 3/5
b. 4/5
c. 5/3
d. 3
64. The following are equivalent to atmospheric 71. If the substance has a higher temperature than the
pressure except saturation temperature at a given pressure, the
a. 1.032 kg/cm2 substance is
b. 760 torr a. superheated vapor
c. 1.013 x 10^6 dyne/cm2 b. saturated liquid
d. None of the above c. saturated vapor
d. subcooled liquid
65. What is the latent heat of vaporization of boiling
water? 72. Concerned with the relations between velocities
a. 540 Cal/gm and accelerations and the forces exerted of fluids in
b. 955 BTU/lb motion.
c. 2557 kJ/kg a. Hydrokinematics
d. 144 BTU/lb b. Hydrodynamics
c. Fluid Kinematics
66. It is the heat energy transferred to a substance at d. Fluid Kinetics
isobaric process
a. Entropy 73. The attractive force between molecules of the same
b. Enthalpy substance
c. Heat flux a. Surface Tension
d. Internal Energy b. Adhesion
c. Capillarity
67. According to this statement, it is impossible to d. Cohesion
construct a heat pump that operates without an
input work. 74. A fluid that is incompressible means
a. Planck a. density is constant
b. Kelvin b. density varies
c. Avogadro c. it is not affected by pressure change
d. Clausius d. it is affected by pressure change
68. A process in which a system departs from 75. It is the resistance caused by friction in the
equilibrium state only infinitesimally at every opposite direction to that of the motion of a moving
instant. body in a fluid
a. Reversible a. Viscosity
b. Cyclic b. Drag force
c. Quasi-static c. head loss
d. None of the above d. None of the above
69. At isothermal process, the heat is equal to 76. Which of the following is NOT a type of
a. Work non-flow water-cooled condenser.
b. zero a. finned tube
c. Change in internal energy b. shell and tube
d. Change in enthalpy c. shell and coil
d. None of the choices
70. If the saturation pressure at a given temperature is
lower than the corresponding pressure of the 77. Which of the following is NOT a valid type of
substance, it is expansion devices
a. saturated vapor a. Capillary tube
b. saturated liquid b. Float Valve
c. subcooled liquid c. Constant Volume expansion valve
d. superheated vapor d. All of the other choices
78. A valve designed to allow a fluid in one 84. For gas turbines compressors generally used are
direction: of:
a. Gate valve a. Lobe type
b. Check valve b. Axial flow type
c. Float valve c. Centrifugal type
d. Globe valve d. Sliding vane type
79. The process of supplying or removing air by 85. Centrifugal blowers can supply:
natural or mechanical means to or from any a. Large volumes of air at low pressure
space: b. Large volumes of air at high pressur
a. Refrigeration c. Small volumes of air at high pressure
b. Ventilation d. Small volumes of air at low pressure
c. Air conditioning
d. Drying 86. Cavitation is the result of :
a. Static pressure in a fluid becoming less than
80. Transfer of heat from one fluid to another fluid vapor pressure
through dividing wall: b. Rivets under impact load
a. Conduction c. Exposure of concrete to saltwater
b. Convection d. Heat treatment of a low-carbon steel
c. Heat transfer
d. Radiation 87. A centrifugal pump in which the pressure is
developed by the propelling or lifting action of
81. A compressor used for large refrigeration the vanes of the impeller on the liquid.
system it is not positive displacement but it is a. Axial Flow
similar to a blower: b. Cyclone
a. Cylinder compressor c. Mixed Flow
b. Semi-hermetic compressor d. none of the above
c. Centrifugal compressor
d. Hermetic compressor 88. For a single component system, the number of
properties required to define a phase uniquely
82. Phenomena in which liquid flashes into vapor is:
in the suction section of the pump and then a. 1
collapse at high pressure section is: b. 2
a. Vibration c. 3
b. Erosion d. 4
c. Cavitation 89. It draws the flue gas from the system and sends
d. Priming them up the stack is :
83. The tendency of a pump to cavitate will be a. Induced draft fan
increased if: b. Cyclone
a. The impeller has a smooth finish c. Forced draft fan
b. Inlet edges are rounded d. Wind tunnel
c. Suction line velocities are lowered
d. The fluid temperature is raised
90. It exist when the total suction is above atmospheric 97. The ratio of density of vapor to the density of dry
pressure. air is called
a. Suction Lift a. moisture content
b. Suction head b. relative humidity
c. Suction pressure c. degree of saturation
d. Suction line d. none of these
91. An ideal type of pumps used for pumping water 98. A system operating in a cycle and producing a net
with low discharge, high head, low speed, & quantity of work from a supply of heat is known as
self-priming. a. refrigerator
a. Reciprocating pump b. heat reservoir
b. Rotary pump c. heat pump
c. Centrifugal pump d. heat engine
d. Water pump
99. It will either cool or maintain a body at a
92. A receiver in an air compression system is used to temperature below that of its surrounding is known
as the
a. avoid cooling air before using a. heat engine
b. reduce the work needed during compression b. heat sink
c. collect water and grease suspended in the air c. heat pump
d. increase the air discharge pressure d. refrigerating machine
93. The size of a direct acting stea driven pump is 100. One foot of water is equivalent to how many feet of
written in the name plate as 6” x 4”x 6”. The 4” air
represents, a. 733
a. diameter of liquid piston b. 833
b. diameter of steam piston c. 633
c. length of stroke d. 211
d. number of cylinders
101. The direction of heat flow is
94. It is the rotating member of the fan that provides a. from a cold to warm surface
power to gaseous fluid to increase its energy b. from a warm to warm surface
content that enables the movement. c. from a warm to cold surface
a. housing d. always to the north
b. guide
c. impeller 102. Dew point temperature is the temperature where
d. all of the other choices the water starts
a. to condense
95. In a two-phase system, 30 percent moisture means b. to boil
a. 70% liquid & 30% vapor c. to condense and boil
b. 30% liquid & 100% vapor d. to condense and boil at a given pressure
c. 30% liquid & 70% vapor
d. 30% vapor & 100% liquid 103. It is a heat exchanger which utilizes the heat of the
flue gases to preheat the air needed for combustion.
96. It is placed between the front and rear compressors a. economizer
to reduce the temperature of the working substance. b. preheater
a. regenerator c. feedwater heater
b. reheater d. superheater
c. aerator
d. intercooler
104. Turbines that are acted on by water, which changes 110. Represents the enthalpy and entropy diagram:
pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives
up its energy. a. Mollier chart
a. axial turbines b. Steam table
b. impulse turbines c. Organization chart
c. reaction turbine d. P-h chart
d. momentum turbines
111. An instrument for measuring force or power:
105. It is an inward flow reaction turbine that combines
a. Viscosimeter
radial and axial flow concepts.
b. Calorimeter
a. pelton
c. Weighing scale
b. kaplan turbine
d. Dynamometer
c. francis turbine
d. tyson turbine 112. Is the energy chargeable per unit of work or the
rate of energy chargeable per unit of power:
106. It is the use of a heat engine or a power station to
simultaneously generate both electricity and useful a. Heat rate
heat b. Steam heat rate
a. hybrid cycle c. Combined heat rate
b. combined cycle d. Mass flow rate
c. cogeneration cycle
d. combined heat and power 113. Barograph is an instrument used to measure the
___ of air:
107. It is the position of a piston in which it is farthest
from the crankshaft a. Velocity
a. after top dead center b. Mass flow
b. top dead center c. Volume flow
c. bottom dead center d. Pressure
d. before bottom dead center
114. Diesel engine fuels are rated by:
108. An instrument that determines the heating value of
the fuel: a. CFR number
b. Octane number
a. Hydrometer c. Cetane number
b. Calorimeter d. Calorific value
c. Wattmeter
d. Tachometer 115. The heat exchanger that raises the temperature of
the water leaving the highest pressure feedwater
109. A boiler in which the products of combustion heater to the saturation temperature corresponding
passes through the tubes which is surrounded by to the boiler pressure is :
a. Heater
a. Water tube boiler b. Economizer
b. Feed water heater c. Atemperator
c. Fire tube boiler d. Dearator
d. Furnace
116. A device that converts electrical to mechanical 123. The difference between gross head and friction
energy. head
a. motor a. effective head
b. generator b. friction head
c. inverter c. pressure head
d. amplifier d. total head
117. A device that converts mechanical to electrical 124. Power generated from an elevated water supply by
energy. the use of hydraulic turbines, neglecting efficiency.
a. inductor a. Brake Power
b. motor b. Water Power
c. generator c. Indicated Power
d. inverter d. Hydraulic Power
118. A channel which leads the water from the turbine 125. Stores water coming from the upper river or water
to the discharge. falls.
a. penstock a. dam
b. draft tube b. barrage
c. tail race c. penstock
d. spillway d. reservoir
1. ANS: B PTS: 1
2. ANS: B PTS: 1
3. ANS: D PTS: 1
4. ANS: A PTS: 1
5. ANS: D PTS: 1
6. ANS: D PTS: 1
7. ANS: A PTS: 1
8. ANS: D PTS: 1
9. ANS: D PTS: 1
10. ANS: A PTS: 1
11. ANS: C PTS: 1
12. ANS: A PTS: 1
13. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: MADB TOP: fluid mechanics
14. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: MADB TOP: fluid mechanics
15. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: MADB TOP: thermodynamics
16. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
17. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
18. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
19. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
20. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
21. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
22. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
23. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
24. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
25. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
26. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
27. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
28. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: fluid mechanics
29. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
30. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
31. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
32. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
33. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
34. ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: thermodynamics
35. ANS: C PTS: 1
36. ANS: C PTS: 1
37. ANS: D PTS: 1
38. ANS: B PTS: 1
39. ANS: B PTS: 1