Clausen1998 Article Mentalhealthproblemsofchildren
Clausen1998 Article Mentalhealthproblemsofchildren
Clausen1998 Article Mentalhealthproblemsofchildren
1062-1024/98/0900-0283$ 15.00/0 C 1998 Human Sciences Press, Inc.
284 Clausen, Landsverk, Ganger, Chadwick, and Litrownik
Research over the last two decades clearly indicates that children in
foster care are very much in need of attention by mental health profes-
sionals. Several studies, using clinical assessments (e.g., Benedict, Zuravin,
Somerfield, & Brandt, 1996; Fanshel & Shinn, 1978) and standardized
measures (e.g., Hochstadt, Jaudes, Zimo, & Schachter, 1987; Pilowsky,
1995; Trupin, Tarico, Jemelka, & McClellan, 1993) have demonstrated that
children entering foster care exhibit a significant number of behavior prob-
lems and adaptive functioning deficits, far in excess of that expected in the
general population.
Two major factors lead one to expect that children in foster care would
exhibit significantly higher risk for mental health problems than children
who are not in foster care. First, most of these children have experienced
one or more forms of maltreatment sufficiently severe to bring them to
the attention of Child Protective Services. For example, of the 93,294 chil-
dren who received public social services in the state of California from
January to March of 1987, 87% had experienced some form of documented
child maltreatment (California State Department of Social Services, 1988).
The short term (Browne & Finkelhor, 1986; Downs, 1993; Friedrich, 1993)
and long term traumatic effects (e.g. Briere & Runtz, 1993; Finkelhor, Ho-
taling, Lewis, & Smith, 1990; Saunders, Villeponteaux, Lipovsky, Kilpatrick,
& Veronen, 1992) of child maltreatment are well documented.
Second, children in foster care are at heightened risk for mental health
problems due to the negative effect of separation from their family. When
an abused child, who has likely experienced difficulty developing appropri-
ate attachment to his abusing caretakers, is removed from home and placed
in foster care, he/she suffers further due to an inability to separate in a
healthy way (Charles & Matheson, 1990; Kadushin, 1980). Indeed, the
movement from his own home to the foster home engenders feelings of
rejection, guilt, hostility, anger, abandonment, shame and dissociative re-
actions in response to the loss of a familiar environment and the separation
from family and community (e.g., Katz, 1987). Clearly, a child who is
abused or neglected and is subsequently removed from home is at great
risk for the development of mental health problems.
Each of the studies which has documented the high risk for mental
health problems among children in foster care has been confined to sam-
ples of children and adolescents in single child welfare systems. No studies
have systematically compared children in foster care living in different child
welfare systems and in different communities. As noted by Horan, Kang,
Levine, Duax, Luntz, and Tasa (1993), the use of such small, geographically
limited samples is methodologically problematic. Indeed, communities may
differ considerably in their referral patterns into foster care, as suggested
by studies of the impact of minority status and economic disadvantage on
Mental Health Problems of Foster Children 285
The subjects were children, ages 0 to 17, who were part of the Foster
Children's Health Project, a program designed to enhance the physical and
mental health of children in foster care in three California counties. The
overall study employed a cohort design to examine children consecutively
entering the foster care system in three California counties (Santa Cruz,
Monterey, and San Diego). The counties were heterogeneous with regard
to population size (2.5 million in San Diego, 230 thousand in Santa Cruz,
and 356 thousand in Monterey, respectively), density (585, 515, and 107
persons per square mile for San Diego, Santa Cruz, and Monterey, respec-
tively), and minority population percentage (34.6%, 25.5% and 47.7% for
San Diego, Santa Cruz, and Monterey, respectively), according to the 1990
census (Census Bureau, 1990). All children entering a new episode of foster
care during the one year study enrollment period were eligible for inclusion
in the study.
Comparable study eligibility and data collection methods were used in
the three collaborating sites. Eligibility criteria included: (1) child was in
a new episode of care (determined by the lack of an open case in the local
child welfare system) at the time of entry into foster care; (2) child was
less than 18 years of age at entry into the system; (3) child was placed at
legal disposition into family foster care with a non-relative caretaker; and,
(4) child had remained in the same family foster care placement for at
least two months. The assessments were conducted during the third and
fourth months of placement.
286 Clausen, Landsverk, Ganger, Chadwick, and Litrownik
Finally, for subjects in San Diego County only (n = 128), the foster
parent completed the Survey Form of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior
Scales (VABS) (Sparrow, Balla, & Cichetti, 1984), designed for use with
children from birth through age 18. The 297-item VABS is a semi-struc-
tured interview which provides a general assessment of adaptive behavior
across four domains: communication, daily living skills, socialization, and
motor skills. An adaptive behavior composite score is derived from the sum
of the domain scores. Reliability and validity of this instrument is well es-
tablished and documented (Sparrow, Balla, & Cichetti, 1984).
Items on the PRF were used to generate narrow band, broad band,
and total scores for behavioral problems as well as narrow band and total
scores for social competence. Standardized scores, as well as percent of
children reaching borderline and clinical cut-points, were used to compare
children between the three study sites. Tests for statistical significance were
conducted using Chi Square Analysis (for percent differences) and One
Way Analysis of Variance (for differences in mean standardized scores).
The alpha level was set at .05 and was not adjusted for the large number
of comparisons. Rather, in order to decrease the risk of Type II errors
(falsely overlooking differences between the three sites) a higher risk of
Type I errors (falsely finding differences between the three sites) was al-
lowed. Given that the current analysis was designed to explore the
possibility of differences in mental health status based on geographical vari-
ables, this more conservative statistical approach was used to allow for
discovery of any differences that may truly exist between counties.
288 Clausen, Landsverk, Ganger, Chadwick, and Litrownik
The CBCL PRF T-score means and standard deviations by county co-
hort for children ages 4 through 17 on all narrow band, broad band, and
total behavior problem scores are presented in Table 2. All mean scores
are elevated; many are near or at one standard deviation above the mean.
While there are differences between the cohorts, no pattern is readily dis-
cernible, nor are any of the cohort differences statistically significant at the
alpha level of ,05.
The finding of no differences between study sites is repeated in Table
3, which depicts CBCL PRF narrow band and total social competence T-
scores. While all of the scores are depressed (i.e. fall in the direction of
Table 2. Child Behavior Checklist Behavior Scales by Site— Age 4 to 16 Parent Report
Form— Standardized Scores (T)
San Diego Monterey Santa Cruz
(n = 70) (n = 40) (n = 30)
clinical significance), only the total social competence T-score means fall
below the defined cut-points (borderline: <41 and clinical: <37).
In Tables 4 and 5, the results of the CBCL PRF are displayed from
a different perspective, namely, the proportion of children in each site who
meet the borderline and clinical cut-points. In the domain of behavior prob-
lems (Table 4), the published T-score clinical cut-point is 70/71 for narrow
band scales and 63/64 for the broad band and total scales. The published
T-score borderline cut-point is 66/67 for narrow band scales, 59/60 for
broad band and total scales. Over 50% of the children in foster care in
each site have a score over the borderline cut-point and well over 40%
have a score over the clinical cut-point on either a narrow band, broad
band or total behavior problems scale. While there is variation across the
sites, the only statistically significant difference is on the sex problems nar-
row band scale, where significantly more children in foster care from Santa
Cruz County meet the borderline cut-point.
Using the same type of descriptive cut-point analysis, the prevalence
of elevated profiles for children in foster care in the three study sites is
even more pronounced for the CBCL PRF social competence scales. As
seen in Table 5, 47% to 65% of the children have standard scores on at
least one of the social competence scales which are in the clinical range
and over 74% reach the borderline cut-point on at least one scale. How-
ever, only one difference is statistically significant between counties—few
children in foster care in Santa Cruz County fall below the clinical and
borderline cut-points on the activities narrow band scale, as compared to
the children in foster care from the two other counties.
Comparisons between children in foster care age 8-17 across the three
sites on Piers-Harris SCS sub-scale and total scale scores are displayed in
Table 6. The differences between the three sites are not large, do not ap-
Table 4. Child Behavior Checklist Behavior Scales by Site— Age 4 to 16 Parent Report
Form— Percent with Scores Over Two Clinical Cutpoints
San Diego Monterey Santa Cruz
(n = 70) (n = 40) (n = 30)
Table 5. Child Behavior Checklist Social Competence Scales by Site— School Age Parent
Report Form— Percent with Scores Under Two Clinical Cutpoints
San Diego Monterey Santa Cruz
(n = 47) (n = 34) (n = 23)
Table 6. Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept T-Scores (Means) and Percent Below
Clinical Cutpoint (T < 40) by Site
San Diego Monterey Santa Cruz
(N = 36) (N = 31) (N = 19)
Behavior MEAN 52.6 49.5 52.3
(S.D.) (9.8) (14.8) (11.0)
(T< 40) 13.9%) 19.4%) 10.5%
Intellectual and MEAN 54.5 50.8 48.8
School Status (S.D.) (9.0) (13.1) (11.0)
(T < 40) 11.1% 22.6% 21.1%
Physical Appearance MEAN 55.5 51.2 53.7
and Attributes (S.D.) (8.3) (13.7) (11.3)
(T < 40) 0.0% 22.6% 10.5*
Anxiety MEAN 50.6 52.5 49.7
(S.D.) (9.3) (11.5) (13.1)
(T< 40) 11.1% 12.9% 31.6%
Popularity MEAN 49.3 48.1 48.9
(S.D.) (9.1) (11.0) (10.6)
(T < 40) 11.1% 16.1% 21.1%
Happiness and MEAN 53.7 51.3 50.5
Satisfaction (S.D) (7.5) (13.2) (12.4)
(T < 40) 5.6% 19.4% 15.8%
Total Score MEAN 55.1 53.8 52.9
(S.D) (8.1) (12.6) (11.4)
(T < 40) 5.6% 16.1% 10.5%
*p <: .05.
292 Clausen, Landsverk, Ganger, Chadwick, and Litrownik
Support for this research was provided by the David and Lucille
Packard Foundation and by the Sam and Rose Stein Foundation. Special
thanks are expressed to Diana Gomby, Ph.D., Program Officer of the David
and Lucille Packard Foundation, Janet Reed, M.S.W., Program Manager,
Child Welfare Services for Santa Cruz County, M. Sue Campbell, M.S.W.,
Deputy Director, Office for Community Services and Children's Services
for Monterey County, and Cynthia Zook, M.S.W., Program Specialist, Chil-
dren's Services Bureau, Department of Social Services for San Diego
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