Ece3003 Sample QP
Ece3003 Sample QP
Ece3003 Sample QP
Name :
Q.No. Question Description Marks
1. List out the differences between 8051 Microcontroller and 8085 Microprocessor in terms of 10
Pin configuration, Architecture and Instruction Set.
2. a. Explain the Organization of Internal RAM in 8051 with neat sketch 5
b. Write an 8051 Assembly Language Program to arrange the N 8-bit numbers in ascending 10
order which are stored in an array with starting address 40H, also write the necessary
3. a. Write an 8051 Assembly Language Program to create a delay of 1 ms. Assume that the 7
oscillator frequency is 12 MHz. The delay must be created by executing few instructions
repeatedly and not using 8051 Timer.
b. An 8-bit binary counter is used to count the number of finished products on a production 8
line and the count must be displayed as a Binary Coded Decimal on an LED display. For
this arrangement, write an 8051 Assembly Language Program to convert the counter output
to a suitable form, so as to display it on the display, also write the necessary algorithm.
4. a. Design a counter using 8051 microcontroller for counting the pulses of an input signal, 7
which is fed to port line P3.4 of 8051. Assume XTAL = 22MHz. Count for a period of 1
second and store the count values in locations 40H and 41H. Comment on count values if
frequencies of 10 Hz, 25 Hz, and 50 Hz are fed to same port line.
b. A two level binary sensor is connected to port line P0.1, depending on the state of the 8
sensor, the following message has to be sent through a serial interface in 8051
Draw the necessary schematic and write an 8051 assembly language program.
5. Write an 8051 assembly language program to carry out the following tasks using interrupts.
(i) Generate a square wave of 100 MHz at P1.1 using timer0 in mode 1
(ii) To receive data from port P2 and send it serially and continuously on TxD
(iii) When INT0 is activated, complement the output of port P0 so as to switch
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ON/OFF the LEDs connected to it for a short time. 10
Assume crystal frequency = 11.0592 MHz and set baud rate at 4800
6. A Tea shop owner sells the following items with cost of the item as shown in the table 15
Sl.No. Item Cost (in Rupees)
1 Tea 10
2 Coffee 10
3 Horlicks 15
4 Boost 15
Design a simple 8051 based microcontroller system, for his billing requirements. The four
items can be entered through a 4-key keypad. The keys may be organized as a 2x2 matrix.
When an item is entered through keypad, the program must be capable of recognizing the
item and display its name and cost. Draw the necessary schematic and write an 8051
assembly language program
7. a. Interface an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) device with an 8051 microcontroller and 7
write an assembly language program to convert the analog signal to its corresponding
digital data. Draw the necessary schematic and timing diagrams
b. Interface a 8-bit parallel Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) device with an 8051 8
microcontroller and write an assembly language program to generate a triangular waveform
on a port P1.1 line, using this DAC interface. Draw the necessary schematic
8. Write a detailed note on the evolution of 8051MCU features and comment on few 5
applications with those features (From Guest Lecture)
Total 100
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