Sq11 Full HD 1080p Mini DV Camera Manual - 028

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pericd ol five minuies, automalic packaging lo save, don t cover, cycie

cover ,wi1hoLjl moving object standby until eieclricity or T card record so far (click
on any button once launched motion detecling mode)
Filling record;
insert ihe T card, external insert USB TV line, the eiternal USB 5 v power
supply, or charging Ireasure. machines directly into 720 p video mode, no manual
slop has been recorded at the card WLlh or witliout power, can also be manually
slop video switch any mode.
TV OUT fnorfe:
connect USB TV line, the boot after TV video can see through Ihe TV screen
images, this can take photos and videos, motion detecling use
I n v a l i d reset;
machine crashes, buttons, can't normal use, can use a sharp obfect to reset
reset hole insert to the machine, can use normally after reset
P o w e r off:
in the slop (video, pictures, motion delecting) Junction mode, the need lo shut
down, long press ON/OFF button for 6 seconds or so, see the red and blue lights
lo turn II OFF Or in standby mode without using any power function can, standby
for 1 minute automatic shutdown
T i m e t o c h a n g e t h e s e t t i n g o n its o w n ;
The machine will anlomattcally create a TXTdocumenl intheTF directory, Kagan
(pictured), shutdown data line connected lo Ihe computer on a removatile disk to
open the TIMEREST txl text document, edit their required time, such as format (the
dale when) save text files after 20160804174726 Y boot record video can be save
Ihe file, it will display the vtdeo editing lime. Does nol require time watermark is the
same mode of operation mainly the difference between Ihe tail of Ihe letter V and M.
Refer to Ihe loliowing formal;
1 20150608192526 V (lime waleimari^ display)
2 20150608192526 N (no time walemiaik display)
a. Please be sure lo confirm Ihe product has been inserted in lhe T • flash
(Micro SD card. In lhe absence of card products double flashing red and blue
lights can'l nornial use
b. Please in sufficient lighdng conditions, is talien liy the camera to like,
and subject to keep a distance o l more than 50 cm, this will be correct, the
color is natural, lhe scenery is clear, the stability of lhe images.
C o n n e c t the c o m p u t e r :
On standby and off. can be connected directly to the computer, connect the
computer after can be used as a U disk, files are free to copy, and paste, delete,
format the U disk
Insert the machine into Ihe computer USB port, Ihe computer will pop up a few
seconds after removable disk logo, the blue indicator lo identify USB device can
cany out data transmission, the red indicator for charging, Ihe red light is full of
Rem in den
a.After the machine to connect the computer, if the computer can'l identify, or
still did not pop up in 30 seconds removable disk logo, please reset lo plug again
e.-SuSSS:: i i s r . i ^ l h ^ T r - ' — i i';-r MFrr—'• ^-i Hig , . , - 1 ^ - M p|,.. -r.^ r-i-y Hi u,
by USB conrwcUon in Ihe video file, in Hiia video recorder buA-in memory may be because
lhe data volume is too big, transport couldn't keep up mitti lo play not smooth.

Relevant parameter

Video formal
Video coding 1^-JPEG
video resolution ratio 12BnX7^0P1920X1080P
Video frame rate 30fp5
Player software operaiipq system oi Drinq the mainstream video player sottuvare
Picture fonnal JPG
Image proportion 16 9
Suoport svstem Windows rne/200a'xp/2003/vista;Iutac os Linux
Battery capacity 200mAh
Working lime Aboul 100 minutes
Charging voltage DC-5V
interlace type Mini 8Pin USB
Storage support TFcard
ballery type High capacity polymer lithium electricity

U M Dcca^iofis- [tease s1nc[ly abide by lhe relevaul nalional law^ i 1 lhe producl may nol be wisO i t *
any dlegai ptj^pose oiherwisa iTia cfmseqgeji ce is proud.

ilamD wWq
ShDDQng jlluminahun, pTease have adaquale lighrf souice under The eninranmenl ol u II use such
s super lighl • 3 direclTv inta ifia a i i n l a a w d opJical dsmca A damaged
Cleaning da nol use Pn s : - c « * n i * dusf flensily •mer Fo evDid the lens snO tPhei
compunenls Iran tkisl, unpad carneta BITKI
vvsle Ireaimant piea^? pgy allem)on ro enwiron^neniai proledic
•vowing tlii9 piodud in Ihe rrte. &• as lo avoid exphskHi.

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