Creating User Exits For Substitutions

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The key takeaways are that substitutions can be used for validating data, user exits allow custom validations and conditions to be set, and steps are provided for creating custom user exits for substitutions.

Substitutions allow entered values to be validated and substituted with other values, giving the opportunity to validate substituted values.

The three ways to perform substitutions are using constant values, field-to-field assignment, and user exits.

Creating user exits for substitutions

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 Creado por Rajneesh, modificado por última vez en mar 09, 2009
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Substitutions can be used for validating data at the time of entry in SAP system. This wiki
can be used for creating custom user exits so that one can set his validations & conditions.
User exits are user defined FORM routines that are used to calculate/replace values with
in a substitution .I have shown demo for FI but same steps with some minor modifications
can be used for other areas too.
What are substitutions?
Whenever a data is entered in a system, validations are invoked to check its integrity
.Once validations are done, one can substitute the entered value with some other value.
This gives you the opportunity of having the system validate values that are to be
substituted. A substitution value can be numeric or a string. The system first performs
some validations and then substitutions.
Transactions used for substitutions are :
GGB1 : Substitutions maintenance.

OBBH : Activation of FI substitutions.

Substitutions can be performed using three ways:
1.Constant values.
2.Field -Field assignment.
3.User exits.
In this wiki I have shown substitutions implemented using custom user exits.
Steps for creating user exits for substitutions.
The exits used for substitutions are stored in a Include program.RGGBS000 is a standard
include given by SAP for user exits for substitutions. So for creating custom user exits, one
has to copy this include to a 'Z' (Custom namespace) program.
Step1 : Create a copy of include RGGBS000 ,let say ZTEST000.The length of the name you
choose should not exceed 8 characters.
Step2 : Define your user exit in the FORM routine GET_EXIT_TITLES with the correct exit
exits-name = 'U111'.
exits-param = c_exit_param_none.
exits-title = text-100. "Give any suitable text for your exit
APPEND exits.
Include the EXIT NAME , PARAM and TITLE in the form GET_EXIT_TITLES .This form
GET_EXIT_TITLES contains name and titles of all available standard exits. Every new exit
need to be added to this from. One has to specify a parameter type to enable the code
generation program to determine correctly how to generate the user exit call ,i.e. How
many and what kind of paramter(s) are used in the user exit. The following parameter
types exist:
TYPE Description
C_EXIT_PARAM_NONE Use no parameter except B_RESULT . If you do not
want to substitute a field, use this parameter in the substitution .
C_EXIT_PARAM_FIELD Use one field as param. Exactly one field is substituted.
C_EXIT_PARAM_CLASS Use a type as parameter.
Step3: Create a FORM for your exit which will define its functionality.
In form GET_EXIT_TITLES we have define our EXIT-NAME as 'U111'. So wee need to create
a FORM with name U111 which will define the functionality of our user exit. Here I am
taking a simple example of populating the Item Text (BSEG-SGTXT).
* FORM U111 *
* Populate Item Text (BSEG-SGTXT)
FORM U111.
DATA: wl_awkey TYPE bkpf-awkey.
CONSTANTS: c_asterisk TYPE c VALUE '*',
c_hypen TYPE c VALUE '-'.
CLEAR wl_awkey.
*-- Removing leading zeros
input = bkpf-awkey
output = wl_awkey.
*-- Set the item text
CONCATENATE c_asterisk bseg-zuonr c_hypen wl_awkey INTO bseg-sgtxt.
You need to be cautious when writing code for your user exit. No dialog boxes, warning
messages, information or error messages must be issued in an exit. Do not use any ABAP
commands that cause you to leave the exit directly, for example LEAVE TO SCREEN. In the
includes of the substitution exits, you must not use the commands MODIFY, INSERT or
DELETE in the internally used structures such as BSEG or BKPF. These structures are
interpreted internally as database tables because they are defined by a TABLES statement.
As a result, the system writes, deletes or changes database records if you use the
commands mentioned above. This can cause serious inconsistencies and problems in the
document processing. If you want to change field contents in the exit type
C_EXIT_PARAM_CLASS, you should make the changes in the internal table BOOL_DATA
(for example BOLL_DATA-BSEG).
Step 4:Run transaction GCX2 to update IMG to use your new program instead of
Standard SAP program for substitution exits.
Alternatively you can use SPRO for updating IMG. Run SPRO- Financial Accounting (New)
- Special Purpose Ledger -Basic Settings - User Exits - Maintain Client Specific User Exits.
Update the program name RGGBR000 with your new program ZTEST000 for application
area GBLS. Now you can use this user exit for substitutions.

How to use custom user exit for a substitution?

Go to transaction GGB1.Here you can create\change a substitution . I am not going in
detail for creating a substitution .Specify the user exit(Highlighted area in red) for a
field that is to be substituted buy your exit .
Also you can see the list of all the user exit on pressing F4 on the highlighted area in red. If
your user exit is in active state, then it will be visible there. Once you have done the
changes ,Save it. Now your user exit will be invoked automatically for that field.

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