Ic 38 Question English PDF
Ic 38 Question English PDF
Ic 38 Question English PDF
Chapter no. Title Page no.
1 Introduction to Insurance 1
2 Customer Service 2
3 Grievance Redressal Mechanism 4
4 Regulatory aspects of Insurance Agents 5
5 Legal Principle of an Insurance Contract 7
Test Yourself
Self-Examination Questions
1. Which element of a validcontract deals with
a. Offer and acceptance
b. Consideration
c. Free consent
d. Capacity of parties to contract
2. _____________ relates to inaccurate
statements, which are made without any
fraudulent intention.
a. Misrepresentation
b. Contribution
The special features of insurance contracts c. Offer
include: d. Representation
3. ________________ involves pressure
i. Uberrima fides, applied through criminal means.
ii. Insurable interest, a. Fraud
iii. Proximate cause b. Undue influence
c. Coercion
Asset is a kind of property that yields value or
a return. The element of guarantee in a life insurance
contract implies that life insurance is subject
The HLV concept considers human life as a to stringent regulation and strict supervision.
kind of property or asset that earns an
income. It thus measures the value of human
Test Yourself
life based on an individual’s expected net
1. How does diversification reduce risks in
future earnings.
financial markets?
I. Collecting funds from multiple
Example sources and investing them in one
Mr. Rajan earns Rs. 1,20,000 a year and place
spends Rs. 24,000 on himself. II. Investing funds across various asset
The net earnings his family would lose, were classes
he to die prematurely, would be Rs. 96,000 III. Maintaining time difference
per year.
between investments
Suppose the rate of interest is 8% (expressed
IV. Investing in safe assets
as 0.08).
Answer – II
HLV = 96000 / 0.08 = Rs. 12,00,000
Self-Examination Questions
1. Which of the below is not an element
of the life insurance business?
a. Asset
b. Risk
c. Principle of mutuality
d. Subsidy
The level premium is a premium fixed such 2. Who devised the concept of HLV?
that it does not increase with age but remains a. Dr. Martin Luther King
constant throughout the contract period. b. Warren Buffet
c. Prof. Hubener
d. George Soros
3. Which of the below mentioned
insurance plans has the least or no
amount of savings element?
a. Term insurance plan
b. Endowment plan
c. Whole life plan
d. Money back plan
4. Which among the following cannot be
termed as an asset?
a. Car
b. Human Life
Mutuality is one of the important ways to
c. Air
reduce risk in financial markets, the other
d. House
being diversification.
5. Which of the below cannot be
categorised under risks?
a. Dying too young
Answer I II III
Self-Examination Questions
1. An individual with an aggressive risk
profile is likely to follow wealth
_______ investment style.
a. Consolidation
b. Gifting
c. Accumulation
d. Spending
Investment Parameters
2. Which among the following is a wealth
accumulation product?
a. Bank Loans
b. Shares
c. Term Insurance Policy
d. Savings Bank Account
3. Savings can be considered as a
composite of two decisions. Choose
them from the list below.
a. Risk retention and reduced
b. Gifting and accumulation
c. Spending and accumulation
d. Postponement of consumption
and parting with liquidity
4. During which stage of life will an
individual appreciate past savings the
a. Post retirement
b. Earner
c. Learner
d. Just married dear ones of the individual in case something
5. What is the relation between unfortunate happens to him.
investment horizon and returns?
a. Both are not related at all Traditional Life Insurance Products
b. Greater the investment horizon
the larger the returns
c. Greater the investment horizon
the smaller the returns
d. Greater the investment horizon
more tax on the returns
6. Which among the following can be
categorised under transactional
a. Bank deposits
b. Life insurance
Accident Death
c. Shares
d. Bonds
Rider (ADB)
7. Which among the following can be Choice of Riders
categorised under contingency Critical Illness
products? Rider (CI)
a. Bank deposits
b. Life insurance
c. Shares
d. Bonds
8. Which of the below can be categorised
under wealth accumulation products?
a. Bank deposits
b. Life insurance
c. General insurance
d. Shares
9. __________ is a rise in the general Waiver of Disability Income
level of prices of goods and services in Premium Rider
an economy over a period of time. Benefit Rider
a. Deflation
b. Inflation
c. Stagflation
Term insurance provides valid cover only
d. Hyperinflation
during a certain time period that has been
10. Which of the below is not a strategy to
specified in the contract.
maximise discretionary income?
a. Debt restructuring
Variants of Term Assurance
b. Loan transfer
c. Investment restructuring
d. Insurance purchase
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. C B D A B A B D B D
Life insurance products offer protection The unique selling proposition (USP) of term
against the loss of economic value of an assurance is its low price, enabling one to buy
individual’s productive abilities, which is relatively large amounts of life insurance on a
available to his dependents or to the self. limited budget.
A life insurance policy, at its core, provides While term assurance policies are examples of
peace of mind and protection to the near and temporary assurance, where protection is
available for a temporary period of time, 4. In decreasing-term insurance, the
whole life insurance is an example of a premiums paid ____________ over time.
permanent life insurance policy. a. Increase
An endowment assurance contract is actually b. Decrease
a combination of two plans - a term assurance c. Remain constant
plan which pays the full sum assured in case d. Are returned
of death of the insured during the term and a 5. Using the conversion option present in a
pure endowment plan which pays this amount term policy you can convert the same to
if the insured survives at the end of the term. __________.
a. Whole life policy
Test Yourself b. Mortgage policy
1. Which among the following is an intangible c. Bank FD
product? d. Decreasing term policy
I. Car 6. What is the primary purpose of a life
II. House insurance product?
III. Life insurance a. Tax rebates
IV. Soap b. Safe investment avenue
2. The premium paid for whole life insurance c. Protection against the loss of
is _____________ than the premium paid for economic value of an individual‟s
term assurance. productive abilities
I. Higher d. Wealth accumulation
II. Lower 7. Who among the following is best advised
III. Equal to purchase a term plan?
a. An individual who needs money at
IV. Substantially higher
the end of insurance term
b. An individual who needs insurance
Answer III I and has a high budget
c. An individual who needs insurance
but has a low budget
Self-Examination Questions d. An individual who needs an
1. ___________ life insurance pays off a insurance product that gives high
policyholder's mortgage in the event of returns
the person's death. 8. Which of the below statement is
a. Term incorrect with regards to decreasing
b. Mortgage term assurance?
c. Whole a. Death benefit amount decreases
d. Endowment with the term of coverage
2. The ________ the premium paid by you b. Premium amount decreases with the
towards your life insurance, the term of coverage
________ will be the compensation paid c. Premium remains level throughout
to the beneficiary in the event of your the term
death. d. Mortgage redemption plans are an
a. Higher, Higher example of decreasing term
b. Lower, Higher assurance plans
c. Higher, Lower 9. Which of the below statement is correct
d. Faster, Slower with regards to endowment assurance
3. Which of the below option is correct plan?
with regards to a term insurance plan? a. It has a death benefit component
a. Term insurance plans come with life- only
long renewability option b. It has a survival benefit component
b. All term insurance plans come with a only
built-in disability rider c. It has both a death benefit as well as
c. Term insurance can be bought as a a survival component
stand-alone policy as well as a rider d. It is similar to a term plan
with another policy 10. Which of the below is an example of an
d. There is no provision in a term endowment assurance plan?
insurance plans to convert it into a a. Mortgage Redemption Plan
whole life insurance plan b. Credit Life Insurance Plan
c. Money Back Plan I. Term assurance
d. Whole Life Plan II. Universal life insurance
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 III. Endowment insurance
Ans. B A C C A C C B C C IV. Whole life insurance
2. Which of the below statement is incorrect?
I. Variable life insurance is a
CHAPTER 9 temporary life insurance policy
II. Variable life insurance is a
LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS –II permanent life insurance policy
III. The policy has a cash value account
A critical point of concern with respect to life IV. The policy provides a minimum
insurance policies has been the issue of giving death benefit guarantee
a competitive rate of return which is
comparable to that of other assets in the
financial marketplace.
Answer II I
Some of the trends that led to the upswing in
non-traditional life products include
Self-Examination Questions
unbundling, investment linkage and
transparency. 1. What does inter-temporal allocation of
resources refer to?
a. Postponing allocation of resources
until the time is right
b. Allocation of resources over time
c. Temporary allocation of resources
d. Diversification of resource allocation
2. Which among the following is a limitation
of traditional life insurance products?
a. Yields on these policies is high
b. Clear and visible method of arriving at
surrender value
c. Well defined cash and savings value
Universal life insurance is a form of component
permanent life insurance characterised by its d. Rate of return is not easy to ascertain
flexible premiums, flexible face amount and 3. Where was the Universal Life Policy
death benefit amounts, and the unbundling of introduced first?
its pricing factors. a. USA
b. Great Britain
Variable life insurance is a kind of “Whole c. Germany
Life” policy where death benefit and cash d. France
value of the policy fluctuates according to the 4. Who among the following is most likely to
investment performance of a special buy variable life insurance?
investment account into which premiums are a. People seeking fixed return
credited. b. People who are risk averse and do not
dabble in equity
Unit linked plans, also known as ULIP‟s c. Knowledgeable people comfortable
emerged as one of the most popular and with equity
significant products, supplanting traditional d. Young people in general
plans in many markets. 5. Which of the below statement is true
regarding ULIP‟s?
Unit linked policies provide the means for a. Value of the units is determined by a
directly and immediately cashing on the formula fixed in advance
benefits of a life insurer’s investment b. Investment risk is borne by the insurer
performance. c. ULIP‟s are opaque with regards to their
term, expenses and savings
Test Yourself components
1. Which among the following is a non- d. ULIP‟s are bundled products
traditional life insurance product?
Answer III II II
Self-Examination Questions
1. Which of the following denotes the
underwriter‟s role in an insurance
a. Process claims
b. Decide acceptability of risks
c. Product design architect
Some of the factors considered in medical d. Customer relations manager
underwriting include 2. Which of the following is not an
Family history, underwriting decision?
Heredity and personal history etc a. Risk acceptance at standard rates
b. Declinature of risk
Medical Factors that influence an c. Postponement of risk
Underwriter‘s Decision d. Claim rejection
3. Which of the following is not a standard
age proof?
a. Passport
b. School leaving certificate
c. Horoscope
d. Birth certificate
4. Which of the following condition will affect a
person‟s insurability negatively?
a. Daily jogs
b. Banned substance abuse
c. Lazy nature
d. Procrastination
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. A B D A A C B D A C
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5
Self-Examination Questions
1. Which of the following factor does not
affect the morbidity of an individual?
Test Yourself a. Gender
1. Underwriting is the process of ______. b. Spouse job
I. Marketing insurance products c. Habits
II. Collecting premiums from d. Residence location
customers 2. According to the principle of indemnity,
III. Risk selection and risk pricing the insured is paid for __________.
IV. Selling various insurance products a. The actual losses to the extent of the
2. The principle of utmost good faith in sum insured
underwriting is required to be followed by b. The sum insured irrespective of the
___________. amount actually spent
I. The insurer c. A fixed amount agreed between both
II. The insured the parties
III. Both the insurer and the insured d. The actual losses irrespective of the
IV. The medical examiners sum assured
3. Insurable interest refers to ____________. 3. The first and the primary source of
I. Financial interest of the person in information about an applicant, for the
the asset to be insured underwriter is his ________________.
II. The asset which is already insured a. Age proof documents
III. Each insurer‟s share of loss when b. Financial documents
more than one company covers the c. Previous medical records
same loss d. Proposal form
IV. The amount of the loss that can be 4. The underwriting process is completed
recovered from the insurer when ___________________.
4. Which of the following statements about a. All the critical information related to
medical underwriting is incorrect? the health and personal details of the
I. It involves high cost in collecting and proposer are collected through the
assessing medical reports. proposal form
b. All the medical examinations and
II. Current health status and age are
tests of the proposer are completed
the key factors in medical
c. The received information is carefully
underwriting for health insurance.
assessed and classified into
III. Proposers have to undergo medical
appropriate risk categories
and pathological investigations to
d. The policy is issued to the proposer
assess their health risk profile.
after risk selection and pricing.
IV. Percentage assessment is made on 5. Which of the following statements about
each component of the risk. the numerical rating method is incorrect?
5. 1) In a group health insurance, any of a. Numerical rating method provides
the individual constituting the group could greater speed in the handling of a
anti-select against the insurer. large business with the help of trained
2) Group health insurance provides coverage personnel.
only to employer-employee groups. b. Analysis of difficult or doubtful cases
is not possible on the basis of
I. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 numerical points without medical
is false referees or experts.
II. Statement 2 is true and statement 1 c. This method can be used by persons
is false without any specific knowledge of
III. Statement 1 and statement 2 are medical science.
true d. It ensures consistency between the
decisions of different underwriters.
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5
Ans. B A D C B
Insurance is a „promise‟ and the policy is a
“witness‟ to that promise. The occurrence of
insured event leading to a claim under the
policy is the true test of that promise.
Self-Examination Questions
1. Who among the following is considered as
primary stakeholder in insurance claim
a. Customers
b. Owners
c. Underwriters
d. Insurance agents/brokers
2. Girish Saxena‟s insurance claim was
denied by insurance company. In case of a
denial, what is the option available to
Girish Saxena, apart from the
representation to the insurer?
a. To approach Government
b. To approach legal authorities
c. To approach insurance agent
d. Nothing could be done in case of case
3. During investigation, of a health insurance
claim presented by Rajiv Mehto, insurance
company finds that instead of Rajiv
Mehto, his brother Rajesh Mehto had been
admitted to hospital for treatment. The
policy of Rajiv Mehto is not a family
floater plan. This is an example of
a. Impersonation
b. Fabrication of documents
c. Exaggeration of expenses
d. Outpatient treatment converted to in-
patient / hospitalization
2. Rakesh recently bought a health insurance policy 8. Rahul is employed by Sunny. In respect of this
and a personal accident policy. What main section(s) employment, Rahul automatically has insurable
of the insurance market do these products normally interest in Sunny’s life up to what limit, if any?
fall into? A. Rahul’s monthly salary.
A. Life insurance in both cases. B. Rahul’s pension fund value.
B. Life insurance for health and non-life insurance for C. Sunny’s annual profit. D. There is no limit.
personal accident.
C. Non-life insurance in both cases. 9. Arun started a 20-year term insurance policy. Once
D. Non-life insurance for health and life insurance for established, when, if at all, is the insurer next entitled
personal accident. to ask him for proof of continuing good health?
A. At no point.
3. The main role of an underwriter in a life insurance B. After the end of the first 12 months.
company is normally to C. At the point when he changes occupation or
A. assess the acceptability of particular risks. retires.
B. certify a loss when claims are submitted. D. When a lapsed policy is revived.
C. design the structure of the products to be offered.
D. negotiate with the industry regulator. 10. The concept of indemnity is based on the key
principle that policyholders should be prevented from
4. Akshat is a relatively cautious person. In insurance A. insuring existing losses
terms, this will normally increase the likelihood that B. making false insurance claims.
he will C. paying excessively for insurance cover.
A. be considered an above average insurance risk. D. profiting from insurance.
B. be considered a below average insurance risk.
C. require insurance cover. 11. Once an absolute assignment is effected under a
D. require reinsurance cover. life insurance policy, who will be the titleholder(s) of
this policy?
5. How are perils and hazards normally distinguished A. The assignor in all cases.
under term insurance policies? B. The assignee in all cases.
A. Perils are medical factors which influence the risk C. Either the assignor or assignee depending on the
of dying and hazards are lifestyle activities which type of policy involved.
influence the risk of dying. D. The assignor and assignee jointly.
B. Perils are risks that policyholders will die before a
specified date and hazards are factors which could 12. How long is the free look-in period under a term
influence that risk. insurance policy from the date of receipt of the policy
C. Perils are factors which affect the risk being document?
insured and hazards are the size of the risk being A. 5 days. B. 10 days. C. 15 days. D. 20 days.
D. Perils are factors which could influence an insured 13. Underwriting is the process of
event occurring and hazards are the actual events A. Marketing insurance products
which will trigger a payout. B. Collecting premium from customers
6. In insurance terms, the risk of suffering a disability C. Risk collection and risk pricing
is best described as what type of risk? D. Selling various insurance products
A. Financial B. Fundamental.
C. Homogenous. D. Speculative. 14. A policy document for a money-back policy
includes the statement ‘the proposal and declaration
7. For a household insurance policy, insurable signed by the proposer form the basis of the
interest need only exist at outset and at what other contract’. In which main section of the policy
point? document will this normally appear?
A. The date the cancellation period expires. A. Attestation B. Operative clause
37. Which of the below statements is correct? 42. On the maturity of an endowment policy, a
A. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to reduced sum insured is paid out. What is the most
protect the insurance companies likely reason for this?
B. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to A. The instalments were commuted by the
protect the policyholder policyholder.
C. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to B. The policyholder’s health seriously deteriorated
protect the insurance intermediaries during the policy term.
D. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to C. The policy was made paid up during the policy
protect the Government term.
D. The policy was subject to a lien.
38. An insurance agent has advised a client to
surrender an existing investment product and start a 43. Proportion of policies remaining in force at the
new investment product. What key indicator should end of the period out of the total policies in force at
be used to determine whether this advice was the beginning of the period are referred to as _
ethical? A. Persistency B. Consistency
A. The best interests of the client. C. Uniformity D.. Reliability
46. Which of the below statement best describes the SNo Ans SNo Ans SNo Ans SNo Ans SNo Ans
24. Which among the following is not an objective of 32. Which of the below statement is incorrect?
tax plan? A. Variable life insurance is a temporary life
A. Maximum tax benefit insurance policy
B. Reduced tax burden as a result of prudent B. Variable life insurance is a permanent life
investment insurance policy
C. Tax evasion D. Full advantage of tax breaks C. The policy has a cash value account
D. The policy provides a minimum death benefit
25. Which among the following would you guarantee
recommend on order to seek protection against
unforeseen events? 33. Health insurance is designed to handle which of
A. Insurance B. Transactional products like bank FD the following risks?
C. Shares D. Debentures A. Mortality B. Morbidity C. Infinity D. Serendipity
26. Which of the below statement best describes a 34. Who bears the investment risk in case of ULIPs?
“testimonial”? A. Insurer B. Insured C. State D. IRDA
A. An endorsement from a satisfied customer
B. Test result for a product in a benchmarking test 35. Why is heredity history of importance in medical
C. List of test that a product must pass underwriting?
D. Money required to test a product A. Rich parents have healthy kids
B. Certain diseases can be passed on from parents
27. In a customer’s mind, there are two types of to children
feelings and related emotions that arise with each C. Poor parents have malnourished kids
D. Family environment is a critical factor
37. Which of the below statements is correct? 42. On the maturity of an endowment policy, a
A. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to reduced sum insured is paid out. What is the most
protect the insurance companies likely reason for this?
B. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to A. The instalments were commuted by the
protect the policyholder policyholder.
C. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to B. The policyholder’s health seriously deteriorated
protect the insurance intermediaries during the policy term.
D. The prime purpose of insurance regulation is to C. The policy was made paid up during the policy
protect the Government term.
D. The policy was subject to a lien.
38. An insurance agent has advised a client to
surrender an existing investment product and start a 43. Proportion of policies remaining in force at the
new investment product. What key indicator should end of the period out of the total policies in force at
be used to determine whether this advice was the beginning of the period are referred to as _
ethical? A. Persistency B. Consistency
A. The best interests of the client. C. Uniformity D. Reliability
B. The difference in potential income and capital
growth between the two products. 44. During the _______period, if the policyholder has
C. The flexibility of the new product compared to the bought a policy and does not want it, he / she can
old one. return it and get a refund.
D. The views expressed by the client. A. Free evaluation B. Free look
39. What key impact will low persistency levels have C. Cancellation D.Free trial
on insurance policyholders?
A. An enhancement in product choice. 45 Under what circumstances would the policyholder
B. An improvement in investment performance. need to appoint an appointee?
C. An increase in insurance cover. A. Insured is minor B. Nominee is a minor
D. A reduction in benefits. C. Policyholder is not of sound mind
D. Policyholder is not married
40. Raju died 5 years before the end of his 30-year
endowment insurance policy. What factor most likely 46. Which of the below statement best describes the
caused the insurer to investigate the claim using the concept of claim? Choose the most appropriate
early death claim procedures? option.
A. He paid the most recent premium during the A. A claim is a request that the insurer should make
period of grace. good the promise specified in the contract
B. His cover was originally accepted with a premium B. A claim is a demand that the insurer should make
loading on medical grounds. good the promise specified in the contract
C. His death resulted from a recently acquired C. A claim is a demand that the insured should make
sudden illness. good the commitment specified in the agreement
D. The policy had lapsed and was revived shortly D. A claim is a request that the insured should make
before he died. good the promise specified in the agreement
41. A claim under a term insurance policy is 47. Apart from conducting a comprehensive fact-find,
submitted by an individual who has substantially the other main action that an insurance agent can
understated his age. As an alternative to paying out take at outset to minimise the risk of subsequently
the full claim the insurer is most likely to take what receiving a customer complaint is to
action? A. ask for referrals B. offer commission rebates.
A. Deduct the underpaid premiums from the sum C. provide detailed disclosures
insured. D. register with the Insurance Ombudsman.
15) Which of the below statement is correct? 24) Insurable interest refers to _____________.
A. Variable life insurance is a temporary life A. Financial interest of the person in the asset to
insurance policy be insured
B. Variable life insurance is a permanent life B. The asset which is already insured
insurance policy C. Each insurer’s share of loss when more than one
C. The policy has a cash value account company covers the same loss
D. The policy provides a minimum death benefit D. The amount of the loss that can be recovered from
guarantee the insurer
16) Who provides public pension? 25) Which of the following statements about medical
A. State B. Employers underwriting is incorrect?
C. Insurers D. NGO’s A. It involves high cost in collecting and assessing
17) Who bears the investment risk in a fixed benefit medical reports.
annuity? B. Current health status and age are the key factors
A. Insurer B. Insured C. State D. Risk pool in medical underwriting
for health insurance.
18) Which among the below statement is true? C. Proposers have to undergo medical and
Statement I : Every pension is an annuity pathological investigations to assess their health risk
Statement II : Every annuity is a pension profile.
30) Which of the following documents are not 37) Under what circumstances would the policyholder
required to be submitted for Permanent Total need to appoint an appointee?
Disability claim? A. Insured is minor B. Nominee is a minor
A. Duly completed Personal Accident claim form C. Policyholder is not of sound mind
signed by the claimant. D. Policyholder is not married
B. Attested copy of First Information Report if
applicable. 38) Which of the following cases is likely to be
C.Permanent disability certificate from a civil surgeon declined or postponed by a life insurer?
or any equivalent competent doctors certifying the A. Healthy 18 year old
disability of the insured. B. An obese person
D. Fitness certificate from the treating doctor C. A person suffering from AIDS
certifying that the insured is D. Housewife with no income of her own
fit to perform his normal duties
39) Which of the following is an example of moral
31) ___ are paid upfront by Assistance Company and hazard?
later claimed from insurance company. A. Stunt artist dies while performing a stunt
A. Bail bond cases B. Personal accident claims B. A person drinking copious amounts of alcohol
C. Overseas travel insurance claims because he is insured
D. Untenable claims C. Insured defaulting on premium payments
D. Proposer lying on policy document
32) What is the objective behind Mortgage
Redemption Insurance?