BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore-560019: December 2015 Semester End Main Examinations
BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore-560019: December 2015 Semester End Main Examinations
BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore-560019: December 2015 Semester End Main Examinations
Instruction: Answer any FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
1. a) Design and explain the working of a double ended clipper to clip the input levelsat +3V and 07
+7V.Assume ideal diode.Let Vi=15 sinωt. Draw the output waveform and transfer
b) Design a suitable circuit represented by the box shown below which has the input 07
and output waveforms as indicated.
2. a) Sketch vo and transfer charecteristics for the network of Fig. below for the input shown. Explain 07
its working.
b) Explain the behaviour of RC coupled amplifier in low frequency region.Justify the same. 07
c) For the voltage divider network, the following parameters are given. VCC = 22V, R1 (upper 06
resistor) = 56kΩ, R2 (lower resistor) = 8.2kΩ, RC = 6.8kΩ, RE = 1.5kΩ and CE = 20 µF. Assume
ro = ∞. Determine Zi, Zo and Av
3. a) Derive an expression for iD when the n-channel e-MOSFET operates in 08
(i)Triode region.
(ii)Saturation region
b) With diagram, explain the construction of CMOS .Mention its application 06
c) Explain the transfer characteristics of n-channel e-MOSFET in saturation region. Also write its 06
large signal equivalent circuit model
4. a) Write the three different relationships for determining gm . 06
b) Derive the expressions for transconductance and voltage gain for small signal operation of the 08
enhancement MOSFET amplifier.
c) Explain the output characteristics of a current mirror circuit. 06
5. a) Develop the T Equivalent circuit model for the MOSFET. 05
b) Analyse small signal operation on a common source amplifier that has a signal source at its 06
input in series with Rsig , and load RL connected at its output terminal. Also develop an
equivalent circuit diagram to determine the overall voltage gain for the configuration.
c) An NMOS transistor has µnCox=60µA/V2,W/L=40,Vt=1 V and VA=15 V.Find gm and r0when 04
the bias voltage VGS=1.5Vand the bias current ID=0.5mA.
d) Explain with equations a MOS current-steering circuit. 05
6. a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback. 10
b) The following data is for Voltage series feedback amplifier RB =50k ohm, RE =1k ohm, RC =1k
ohm ,hie =2k ohm, hfe = 150 .Calculate
a)Av and Avf.
b)Ri and Rif.
c)Ro and Rof.
Write the circuit. 10
7. a) Derive the expression for efficiency of class B amplifier with consideration of maximum power 08
b) Explain the circuit operation of a class AB output stage 06
c) A BJT is specified to have a maximum power dissipation PDO of 2 W at an ambient 06
temperature TAO of 25°C, and a maximum junction temperature TJrnax of 150°C. Find the
(a) The thermal resistance, ƟJA
(b) The maximum power that can be safely dissipated at an ambient temperature of 50°C.
(c) The junction temperature if the device is operating at TA = 25°C and is dissipating 1 W.