SAA6D114E-3 SEN00169-02a PDF
SAA6D114E-3 SEN00169-02a PDF
SAA6D114E-3 SEN00169-02a PDF
This material is proprietary to Komatsu America Corp. and is not to be reproduced, used, or disclosed except in
accordance with written authorization from Komatsu America Corp.
It is our policy to improve our products whenever it is possible and practical to do so. We reserve the right to
make changes or improvements at any time without incurring any obligation to install such changes on products
sold previously.
Due to this continuous program of research and development, revisions may be made to this publication. It is
recommended that customers contact their distributor for information on the latest revision.
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00171-02 00 Index and foreword
01 Specification SEN00173-00
Specification and technical data SEN00174-00
40 Troubleshooting SEN00456-00
General information on troubleshooting SEN00457-00 Q
Troubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode) SEN00458-00 Q
Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 1 SEN00459-00 Q
Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 2 SEN00460-00 Q
2 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00171-02
Table of contents 1
00 Index and foreword
Index SEN00171-02
Organization list of the shop manual ....................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ..................................................................................................................... 3
01 Specification
Specification and technical data SEN00174-00
General.................................................................................................................................... 2
Specifications........................................................................................................................... 3
General view............................................................................................................................ 6
Dimensions table ..................................................................................................................... 10
Engine performance curves..................................................................................................... 11
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00171-02 00 Index and foreword
4 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00171-02
E-11 Code [155/CA155] Charge Air Press. High Speed Derate .............................................. 22
E-12 Code [187/CA187] Sensor Sup. 2 Volt. Low Error .......................................................... 23
E-13 Code [221/CA221] Ambient Air Press. Sensor High Error.............................................. 25
E-14 Code [222/CA222] Ambient Air Press. Sensor Low Error............................................... 27
E-15 Code [227/CA227] Abnormally high level in sensor power supply 2 circuit .................... 29
E-16 Code [234/CA234] Eng. Overspeed ............................................................................... 30
E-17 Code [238/CA238] Ne Speed Sensor Sup. Volt. Error.................................................... 31
E-18 Code [271/CA271] PCV1 Short Error ............................................................................. 32
E-19 Code [272/CA272] PCV1 Open Error ............................................................................. 33
E-20 Code [281/CA281] High pressure pump error ................................................................ 35
E-20 Code [322/CA322] Injector No. 1 (L/B #1) System Open/Short Error ............................. 36
E-21 Code [323/CA323] Injector No. 5 (L/B #5) System Open/Short Error ............................. 38
E-22 Code [324/CA324] Injector No. 3 (L/B #3) System Open/Short Error ............................. 40
E-23 Code [325/CA325] Injector No. 6 (L/B #6) System Open/Short Error ............................. 42
E-24 Code [331/CA331] Injector No. 2 (L/B #2) System Open/Short Error ............................. 44
E-25 Code [332/CA332] Injector No. 4 (L/B #4) System Open/Short Error ............................. 46
E-26 Code [342/CA342] Engine Controller Data Matching Error ............................................ 48
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00171-02 00 Index and foreword
6 114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
Safety notice 1
Important safety notice
Proper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repair
techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe.
Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specific
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol k is used to mark safety precautions in this manual. The
cautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any dangerous situa-
tion arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions to deal with
the situation.
2 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
3) When disassembling or assembling, sup- 8) When removing piping, stop the fuel or oil
port the machine with blocks, jacks, or from spilling out. If any fuel or oil drips
stands before starting work. onto the floor, wipe it up immediately. Fuel
4) Remove all mud and oil from the steps or or oil on the floor can cause you to slip
other places used to get on and off the and can even start fires.
machine. Always use the handrails, lad- 9) As a general rule, do not use gasoline to
ders or steps when getting on or off the wash parts. Do not use it to clean electri-
m a c h i n e . N e v e r j u m p o n o r o ff t h e cal parts, in particular.
machine. If it is impossible to use the 10) Be sure to assemble all parts again in their
handrails, ladders or steps, use a stand to original places. Replace any damaged
provide safe footing. parts and parts which must not be reused
with new parts. When installing hoses and
3. Precautions during work wires, be sure that they will not be dam-
1) Before disconnecting or removing compo- aged by contact with other parts when the
nents of the oil, water, or air circuits, first machine is operated.
release the pressure completely from the 11) When installing high pressure hoses,
circuit. When removing the oil filler cap, a make sure that they are not twisted. Dam-
drain plug, or an oil pressure pickup plug, aged tubes are dangerous, so be
loosen it slowly to prevent the oil from extremely careful when installing tubes for
spurting out. high pressure circuits. In addition, check
2) The coolant and oil in the circuits are hot t h a t c o n n e c t i n g pa r ts a r e c o r r e c t l y
when the engine is stopped, so be careful installed.
not to get scalded. Wait for the oil and 12) When assembling or installing parts,
coolant to cool before carrying out any always tighten them to the specified
work on the oil or water circuits. torques. When installing protective parts
3) Before starting work, stop the engine. such as guards, or parts which vibrate vio-
When working on or around a rotating lently or rotate at high speed, be particu-
part, in particular, stop the engine. When l a r l y c a r e fu l t o c he c k t h a t t h ey ar e
checking the machine without stopping installed correctly.
the engine (measuring oil pressure, 13) When aligning 2 holes, never insert your
revolving speed, temperature, etc.), take fingers or hand. Be careful not to get your
extreme care not to get rolled or caught in fingers caught in a hole.
rotating parts or moving parts. 14) When measuring hydraulic pressure,
4) Before starting work, remove the leads check that the measuring tools are cor-
from the battery. Always remove the lead rectly assembled.
from the negative (–) terminal first. 15) Take care when removing or installing the
5) When raising a heavy component (heavier tracks of track-type machines. When
than 25 kg), use a hoist or crane. Before removing the track, the track separates
starting work, check that the slings (wire suddenly, so never let anyone stand at
ropes, chains, and hooks) are free from either end of the track.
damage. Always use slings which have 16) If the engine is operated for a long time in
ample capacity and install them to proper a place which is not ventilated well, you
places. Operate the hoist or crane slowly may suffer from gas poisoning. Accord-
to prevent the component from hitting any ingly, open the windows and doors to ven-
other part. Do not work with any part still tilate well.
raised by the hoist or crane.
6) When removing a cover which is under
internal pressure or under pressure from a
spring, always leave 2 bolts in diagonal
positions. Loosen those bolts gradually
and alternately to release the pressure,
and then remove the cover.
7) When removing components, be careful
not to break or damage the electrical wir-
ing. Damaged wiring may cause electrical
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
4 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
q If the load is unstable or the wire rope 13) If the hoist stops because of a power fail-
or chains are twisted, lower the load ure, turn the power switch OFF. When
and lift it up again. turning on a switch which was turned OFF
q Do not lift up the load slantingly. by the electric shock prevention earth
13) When lifting down a load, observe the fol- leakage breaker, check that the devices
lowing. related to that switch are not in operation
q When lifting down a load, stop it tem- state.
porarily at 30 cm above the floor, and 14) If you find an obstacle around the hoist,
then lower it slowly. stop the operation.
q Check that the load is stable, and 15) After finishing the work, stop the hoist at
then remove the sling. the specified position and raise the hook
q Remove kinks and dirt from the wire to at least 2 m above the floor. Do not
ropes and chains used for the sling leave the sling installed to the hook.
work, and put them in the specified
place. 7. Selecting wire ropes
1) Select adequate ropes depending on the
5. Precautions for using mobile crane weight of parts to be hoisted, referring to
a Read the Operation and Maintenance the table below.
Manual of the crane carefully in advance
and operate the crane safely. Wire ropes
(Standard “Z” twist ropes without galvanizing)
6. Precautions for using overhead hoist crane (JIS G3525, No. 6, Type 6X37-A)
k When raising a heavy part (heavier Nominal
Allowable load
than 25 kg), use a hoist, etc. In Disas- diameter of rope
sembly and assembly, the weight of a mm kN ton
part heavier than 25 kg is indicated 10 8.8 0.9
after the mark of 4. 12 12.7 1.3
1) Before starting work, inspect the wire 14 17.3 1.7
ropes, brake, clutch, controller, rails, over 16 22.6 2.3
wind stop device, electric shock preven-
18 28.6 2.9
tion earth leakage breaker, crane collision
20 35.3 3.6
prevention device, and power application
25 55.3 5.6
warning lamp, and check safety.
2) Observe the signs for sling work. 30 79.6 8.1
3) Operate the hoist at a safe place. 40 141.6 14.4
4) Check the direction indicator plates (east, 50 221.6 22.6
west, south, and north) and the directions 60 318.3 32.4
of the control buttons without fail.
5) Do not sling a load slantingly. Do not move a The allowable load is one-sixth of the
the crane while the slung load is swinging. breaking strength of the rope used
6) Do not raise or lower a load while the (Safety coefficient: 6).
crane is moving longitudinally or laterally.
7) Do not drag a sling.
8) When lifting up a load, stop it just after it
leaves the ground and check safety, and
then lift it up.
9) Consider the travel route in advance and
lift up a load to a safe height.
10) Place the control switch on a position
where it will not be an obstacle to work
and passage.
11) After operating the hoist, do not swing the
control switch.
12) Remember the position of the main switch
so that you can turn off the power immedi-
ately in an emergency.
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
q Some attachments and optional parts in this shop manual may not be delivered to certain areas. If one
of them is required, consult KOMATSU distributors.
q Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
q Shop manuals are divided into the “Chassis volume” and “Engine volume”. For the engine unit, see the
engine volume of the engine model mounted on the machine.
01. Specification
This section explains the specifications of the machine.
40. Troubleshooting
This section explains how to find out failed parts and how to repair them. The troubleshooting is
divided by failure modes. The “S mode” of the troubleshooting related to the engine may be also
explained in the Chassis volume and Engine volume. In this case, see the Chassis volume.
90. Diagrams and drawings (chassis volume)/Repair and replacement of parts (engine volume)
q Chassis volume
This section gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams.
q Engine volume
This section explains the method of reproducing, repairing, and replacing parts.
6 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
3. Filing method
File by the brochures in the correct order of the form number printed in the shop manual composition
q Revisions
Revised brochures are shown in the shop manual composition table.
4. Symbols
Important safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual will
be used practically.
Weight of parts of component or parts. Caution necessary when
selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.
Tightening Places that require special attention for tightening torque during
torque assembly.
Oil, coolant Places where oil, etc. must be added, and capacity.
Drain Places where oil, etc. must be drained, and quantity to be drained.
5. Units
In this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI). For reference, con-
ventionally used Gravitational System of units is indicated in parentheses { }.
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
Standard size Tolerance
Standard size
Shaft Hole
–0.030 +0.046
–0.076 +0
8 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
10 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
3) Disconnections in wiring
If the wiring is held and the connectors are
pulled apart, or components are lifted with
a crane with the wiring still connected, or a
heavy object hits the wiring, the crimping
of the connector may separate, or the sol-
dering may be damaged, or the wiring
may be broken.
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
12 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
2) Connecting connectors
1] Check the connector visually.
Check that there is no oil, dirt, or
water stuck to the connector pins
(mating portion).
Check that there is no deformation,
defective contact, corrosion, or dam-
age to the connector pins.
Check that there is no damage or
breakage to the outside of the con-
a If there is any oil, water, or dirt
stuck to the connector, wipe it off
with a dry cloth. If any water has
got inside the connector, warm
the inside of the wiring with a
dryer, but be careful not to make
it too hot as this will cause short
a If there is any damage or break-
age, replace the connector.
2] Fix the connector securely.
Align the position of the connector
correctly, and then insert it securely.
For connectors with lock stopper,
push in the connector until the stop-
per clicks into position.
3] Correct any protrusion of the boot and
any misalignment of the wiring har-
For connectors fitted with boots, cor-
rect any protrusion of the boot. In
addition, if the wiring harness is mis-
aligned, or the clamp is out of posi-
tion, adjust it to its correct position.
a If the connector cannot be cor-
rected easily, remove the clamp
and adjust the position.
q If the connector clamp has been
removed, be sure to return it to
its original position. Check also
that there are no loose clamps.
3) Connecting DT connectors
Since the DT 8-pin and 12-pin heavy duty
wire connectors have 2 latches respec-
tively, push them in until they click 2 times.
1. Male connector
2. Female connector
q Normal locking state (Horizontal): a,
b, d
q Incomplete locking state (Diagonal): c
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
14 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
4. Handling controller
1) The controller contains a microcomputer
and electronic control circuits. These con-
trol all of the electronic circuits on the
machine, so be extremely careful when
handling the controller.
2) Do not place objects on top of the control-
3) Cover the control connectors with tape or
a vinyl bag. Never touch the connector
contacts with your hand.
4) During rainy weather, do not leave the
controller in a place where it is exposed to
5) Do not place the controller on oil, water, or
soil, or in any hot place, even for a short
time. (Place it on a suitable dry stand).
6) Precautions when carrying out arc welding
When carrying out arc welding on the
body, disconnect all wiring harness con-
nectors connected to the controller. Fit an
arc welding ground close to the welding
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
3. Sealing openings
After any piping or equipment is removed, the
openings should be sealed with caps, tapes, or
vinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust from
entering. If the opening is left open or is
blocked with a rag, there is danger of dirt
entering or of the surrounding area being
made dirty by leaking oil so never do this. Do
not simply drain oil out onto the ground, but
collect it and ask the customer to dispose of it,
or take it back with you for disposal.
16 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
6. Flushing operations
After disassembling and assembling the equip-
ment, or changing the oil, use flushing oil to
remove the contaminants, sludge, and old oil
from the hydraulic circuit. Normally, flushing is
carried out twice: primary flushing is carried
out with flushing oil, and secondary flushing is
carried out with the specified hydraulic oil.
7. Cleaning operations
After repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,
control valve, etc.) or when running the
machine, carry out oil cleaning to remove the
sludge or contaminants in the hydraulic oil cir-
cuit. The oil cleaning equipment is used to
remove the ultra fine (about 3 m) particles that
the filter built in the hydraulic equipment can-
not remove, so it is an extremely effective
114E-3 Series 17
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
In the electric circuit diagram, the material, thickness, and color of each electric wire are indicated by sym-
bols. The electric wire code is helpful in understanding the electric circuit diagram.
Example: AEX 0.85 L - - - Indicates blue, heat-resistant, low-voltage wire for automobile, having nomi-
nal No. of 0.85
Indicates color of wire by color code.
Color codes are shown in Table 3.
(Table 1)
Type Material temperature Example of use
range (°C)
Low-voltage Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
General wiring
wire for AV tor tric appliance
(Nominal No. 5 and above)
automobile Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Thin-cover Conduc- Annealed copper for elec- –30 to +60
low-voltage tor tric appliance General wiring
wire for (Nominal No. 3 and below)
Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Heat-resis- Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
General wiring in extremely
tant low-volt- tor tric appliance
AEX –50 to +110 cold district, wiring at high-tem-
age wire for Heat-resistant crosslinked
Insulator perature place
automobile polyethylene
18 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
2. Dimensions
(Table 2)
Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) 2f 2 3f 3 5
Number of
strands/Diam- 20/0.18 7/0.32 30/0.18 11/0.32 50/0.18 16/0.32 37/0.26 26/0.32 58/0.26 41/0.32 65/0.32
eter of strand
0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09 3.08 3.30 5.23
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.0
AVS Standard 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.6 –
AV Standard – – – – – – – 4.6
er D
AEX Standard 2.0 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.1 – 3.8 4.6
114E-3 Series 19
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
(Table 3)
Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire
B Black LgW Light green & White
Br Brown LgY Light green & Yellow
BrB Brown & Black LR Blue & Red
BrR Brown & Red LW Blue & White
BrW Brown & White LY Blue & Yellow
BrY Brown & Yellow O Orange
Ch Charcoal P Pink
Dg Dark green R Red
G Green RB Red & Black
GB Green & Black RG Red & Green
GL Green & Blue RL Red & Blue
Gr Gray RW Red & White
GR Green & Red RY Red & Yellow
GW Green & White Sb Sky Blue
GY Green & Yellow Y Yellow
L Blue YB Yellow & Black
LB Blue & Black YG Yellow &Green
Lg Light green YL Yellow & Blue
LgB Light green & Black YR Yellow & Red
LgR Light green & Red YW Yellow & White
Remarks: In a color code consisting of 2 colors, the first color is the color of the background and
the second color is the color of the marking.
Example: “GW” means that the background is Green and marking is White.
(Table 4)
Type of wire AVS or AV AEX
Charge R WG – – – – R –
Ground B – – – – – B –
Start R – – – – – R –
Light RW RB RY RG RL – D –
Instrument Y YR YB YG YL YW Y Gr
Signal G GW GR GY GB GL G Br
Type of
Br BrW BrR BrY BrB – – –
Lg LgR LgY LgB LgW – – –
O – – – – – – –
Others Gr – – – – – – –
P – – – – – – –
Sb – – – – – – –
Dg – – – – – – –
Ch – – – – – – –
20 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
Type 1
1. Disconnection
1) Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2)
into mating adapter (3). (Fig. 1)
a The adapter can be pushed in about
3.5 mm.
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After hose joint (2) is pushed into adapter
(3), press rubber cap portion (4) against
adapter (3) until it clicks. (Fig. 2)
3) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pull
it out. (Fig. 3)
a Since some hydraulic oil flows out,
prepare an oil receiving container.
2. Connection
1) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and
insert it in mating adapter (3), aligning
them with each other. (Fig. 4)
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After inserting the hose in the mating
adapter perfectly, pull it back to check its
connecting condition. (Fig. 5)
a When the hose is pulled back, the
rubber cap portion moves toward the
hose about 3.5 mm. This does not
indicate abnormality, however.
114E-3 Series 21
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
Type 2
1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 6)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1), turn
lever (8) to the right (clockwise). (Fig. 7)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (7) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 8)
2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 9)
22 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
Type 3
1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until sliding prevention ring (8)
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 10)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1),
push cover (10) straight until it contacts
contact surface (b) of the hexagonal por-
tion at the male end. (Fig. 11)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (9) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 12)
2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until the sliding prevention ring
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 13)
114E-3 Series 23
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
a Fig. A a Fig. B
24 114E-3 Series
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114E-3 Series 25
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
5. Table of tightening torques for hoses (taper seal type and face seal type)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) to the
torque below.
a Apply the following torque when the threads are coated (wet) with engine oil.
6. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Bolts and nuts)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric bolts and nuts of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.
Tightening torque
Thread size
Bolt BANJO bolt
mm Nm kgm Nm kgm
6 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20 8± 2 0.81 ± 0.20
8 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
10 43 ± 6 4.38 ± 0.61 12 ± 2 1.22 ± 0.20
12 77 ± 12 7.85 ± 1.22 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
14 – – 36 ± 5 3.67 ± 0.51
7. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Eye joints)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric eye joints of the 102, 107 and 114 engine
series to the torque below.
26 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
8. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Taper screws)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the taper screws (unit: inch) of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.
114E-3 Series 27
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
Conversion table 1
Method of using the conversion table
The conversion table in this section is provided to enable simple conversion of figures. For details of the
method of using the conversion table, see the example given below.
Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert from millimeters to inches
28 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
Millimeters to inches
1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929
50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.874 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898
Kilogram to pound
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 2.20 4.41 6.61 8.82 11.02 13.23 15.43 17.64 19.84
10 22.05 24.25 26.46 28.66 30.86 33.07 35.27 37.48 39.68 41.89
20 44.09 46.30 48.50 50.71 51.91 55.12 57.32 59.53 61.73 63.93
30 66.14 68.34 70.55 72.75 74.96 77.16 79.37 81.57 83.78 85.98
40 88.18 90.39 92.59 94.80 97.00 99.21 101.41 103.62 105.82 108.03
50 110.23 112.44 114.64 116.85 119.05 121.25 123.46 125.66 127.87 130.07
60 132.28 134.48 136.69 138.89 141.10 143.30 145.51 147.71 149.91 152.12
70 154.32 156.53 158.73 160.94 163.14 165.35 167.55 169.76 171.96 174.17
80 176.37 178.57 180.78 182.98 185.19 187.39 189.60 191.80 194.01 196.21
90 198.42 200.62 202.83 205.03 207.24 209.44 211.64 213.85 216.05 218.26
50 13.209 13.473 13.737 14.001 14.265 14.529 14.795 15.058 15.322 15.586
60 15.850 16.115 16.379 16.643 16.907 17.171 17.435 17.700 17.964 18.228
70 18.492 18.756 19.020 19.285 19.549 19.813 20.077 20.341 20.605 20.870
80 21.134 21.398 21.662 21.926 22.190 22.455 22.719 22.983 23.247 23.511
90 23.775 24.040 24.304 24.568 24.832 25.096 25.361 25.625 25.889 26.153
114E-3 Series 29
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
50 10.998 11.281 11.438 11.658 11.878 12.098 12.318 12.528 12.758 12.978
60 13.198 13.418 13.638 13.858 14.078 14.298 14.518 14.738 14.958 15.178
70 15.398 15.618 15.838 16.058 16.278 16.498 16.718 16.938 17.158 17.378
80 17.598 17.818 18.037 18.257 18.477 18.697 18.917 19.137 19.357 19.577
90 19.797 20.017 20.237 20.457 20.677 20.897 21.117 21.337 21.557 21.777
kgm to
1 kgm = 7.233
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 7.2 14.5 21.7 28.9 36.2 43.4 50.6 57.9 65.1
10 72.3 79.6 86.8 94.0 101.3 108.5 115.7 123.0 130.2 137.4
20 144.7 151.9 159.1 166.4 173.6 180.8 188.1 195.3 202.5 209.8
30 217.0 224.2 231.5 238.7 245.9 253.2 260.4 267.6 274.9 282.1
40 289.3 296.6 303.8 311.0 318.3 325.5 332.7 340.0 347.2 354.4
50 361.7 368.9 376.1 383.4 390.6 397.8 405.1 412.3 419.5 426.8
60 434.0 441.2 448.5 455.7 462.9 470.2 477.4 484.6 491.8 499.1
70 506.3 513.5 520.8 528.0 535.2 542.5 549.7 556.9 564.2 571.4
80 578.6 585.9 593.1 600.3 607.6 614.8 622.0 629.3 636.5 643.7
90 651.0 658.2 665.4 672.7 679.9 687.1 694.4 701.6 708.8 716.1
100 723.3 730.5 737.8 745.0 752.2 759.5 766.7 773.9 781.2 788.4
110 795.6 802.9 810.1 817.3 824.6 831.8 839.0 846.3 853.5 860.7
120 868.0 875.2 882.4 889.7 896.9 904.1 911.4 918.6 925.8 933.1
130 940.3 947.5 954.8 962.0 969.2 976.5 983.7 990.9 998.2 1005.4
140 1012.6 1019.9 1027.1 1034.3 1041.5 1048.8 1056.0 1063.2 1070.5 1077.7
150 1084.9 1092.2 1099.4 1106.6 1113.9 1121.1 1128.3 1135.6 1142.8 1150.0
160 1157.3 1164.5 1171.7 1179.0 1186.2 1193.4 1200.7 1207.9 1215.1 1222.4
170 1129.6 1236.8 1244.1 1251.3 1258.5 1265.8 1273.0 1280.1 1287.5 1294.7
180 1301.9 1309.2 1316.4 1323.6 1330.9 1338.1 1345.3 1352.6 1359.8 1367.0
190 1374.3 1381.5 1388.7 1396.0 1403.2 1410.4 1417.7 1424.9 1432.1 1439.4
30 114E-3 Series
00 Index and foreword SEN00172-01
kg/cm2 to lb/in2
1 kg/cm2 = 14.2233 lb/in2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 14.2 28.4 42.7 56.9 71.1 85.3 99.6 113.8 128.0
10 142.2 156.5 170.7 184.9 199.1 213.4 227.6 241.8 256.0 270.2
20 284.5 298.7 312.9 327.1 341.4 355.6 369.8 384.0 398.3 412.5
30 426.7 440.9 455.1 469.4 483.6 497.8 512.0 526.3 540.5 554.7
40 568.9 583.2 597.4 611.6 625.8 640.1 654.3 668.5 682.7 696.9
50 711.2 725.4 739.6 753.8 768.1 782.3 796.5 810.7 825.0 839.2
60 853.4 867.6 881.8 896.1 910.3 924.5 938.7 953.0 967.2 981.4
70 995.6 1,010 1,024 1,038 1,053 1,067 1,081 1,095 1,109 1,124
80 1,138 1,152 1,166 1,181 1,195 1,209 1,223 1,237 1,252 1,266
90 1,280 1,294 1,309 1,323 1,337 1,351 1,365 1,380 1,394 1,408
100 1,422 1,437 1,451 1,465 1,479 1,493 1,508 1,522 1,536 1,550
110 1,565 1,579 1,593 1,607 1,621 1,636 1,650 1,664 1,678 1,693
120 1,707 1,721 1,735 1,749 1,764 1,778 1,792 1,806 1,821 1,835
130 1,849 1,863 1,877 1,892 1,906 1,920 1,934 1,949 1,963 1,977
140 1,991 2,005 2,020 2,034 2,048 2,062 2,077 2,091 2,105 2,119
150 2,134 2,148 2,162 2,176 2,190 2,205 2,219 2,233 2,247 2,262
160 2,276 2,290 2,304 2,318 2,333 2,347 2,361 2,375 2,389 2,404
170 2,418 2,432 2,446 2,460 2,475 2,489 2,503 2,518 2,532 2,546
180 2,560 2,574 2,589 2,603 2,617 2,631 2,646 2,660 2,674 2,688
190 2,702 2,717 2,731 2,745 2,759 2,773 2,788 2,802 2,816 2,830
200 2,845 2,859 2,873 2,887 2,901 2,916 2,930 2,944 2,958 2,973
210 2,987 3,001 3,015 3,030 3,044 3,058 3,072 3,086 3,101 3,115
220 3,129 3,143 3,158 3,172 3,186 3,200 3,214 3,229 3,243 3,257
230 3,271 3,286 3,300 3,314 3,328 3,343 3,357 3,371 3,385 3,399
240 3,414 3,428 3,442 3,456 3,470 3,485 3,499 3,513 3,527 3,542
114E-3 Series 31
SEN00172-01 00 Index and foreword
Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversion: A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Centi-
grade temperature reading or vice versa is to enter the accompanying table in the center (boldface column)
of figures. These figures refer to the temperature in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade degrees.
If it is desired to convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade degrees, consider the center column to be a table of
Fahrenheit temperatures and read the corresponding Centigrade temperature in the column at the left.
If it is desired to convert from Centigrade to Fahrenheit degrees, consider the center column to be a table of
Centigrade values, and read the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature on the right.
1°C = 33.8°F
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
–40.4 –40 –40.0 –11.7 11 51.8 7.8 46 114.8 27.2 81 177.8
–37.2 –35 –31.0 –11.1 12 53.6 8.3 47 116.6 27.8 82 179.6
–34.4 –30 –22.0 –10.6 13 55.4 8.9 48 118.4 28.3 83 181.4
–31.7 –25 –13.0 –10.0 14 57.2 9.4 49 120.2 28.9 84 183.2
–28.9 –20 –4.0 –9.4 15 59.0 10.0 50 122.0 29.4 85 185.0
32 114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series
01 Specification 1
Specification and technical data
Specification and technical data...................................................................................................................... 2
General ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Specifications ....................................................................................................................................... 3
General view ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Dimensions table................................................................................................................................ 10
Engine performance curves ................................................................................................................11
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
2 114E-3 Series
01 Specification SEN00174-00
Specifications 1
1,129 {115}/1,450
Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm
High idle speed rpm 2,050 ± 50
Low idle speed rpm 1,000 ± 25
Min. fuel consumption ratio 226 {168}
Dry weight kg 865
Fuel injection system HPCR
Fuel injection system control Electronic control type
Lubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 40 (35)
Coolant amount l 10.4
Alternator — 24V, 35A 60A (if equipped)
Starting motor — 24V, 7.5kW 11kW (if equipped)
Battery — 12V, 120Ah/140Ah × 2
Turbocharger — HOLSET HX35W
Air compressor — —
Others — —
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
1,020 {104}/1,450
Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm
High idle speed rpm 2,245 ± 50
Low idle speed rpm 765 ± 25
Min. fuel consumption ratio 173 {238}
Dry weight kg 785
Fuel injection system HPCR
Fuel injection system control Electronic control type
Lubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 37 (32)
Coolant amount l 10.4
Alternator — 24V, 60A 90A (if equipped)
Starting motor — 24V, 7.5kW 11kW (if equipped)
Battery — 12V, 136Ah/140Ah × 2
Turbocharger — HOLSET HX40W
Air compressor — Equipped
Others — —
4 114E-3 Series
01 Specification SEN00174-00
1,012 {103.2}/1,450
Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm
High idle speed rpm 2,030 ± 50
Low idle speed rpm 825 ± 25
Min. fuel consumption ratio 167 {230}
Dry weight kg 860
Fuel injection system HPCR
Fuel injection system control Electronic control type
Lubricating oil amount (refill capacity) l 33 (28)
Coolant amount l 10.4
Alternator — 24V, 60A
Starting motor — 24V, 7.5kW 11kW (if equipped)
Battery — 12V, 112Ah/140Ah × 2
Turbocharger — HOLSET HX35W
Air compressor — —
Others — —
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
General view 1
SAA6D114E-3 (Left side view of engine)
Machine model: PC300-7, PC300LC-7, PC350-7, PC350LC-7
1. Crankshaft center
2. Flywheel housing rear surface
6 114E-3 Series
01 Specification SEN00174-00
1. Crankshaft center
2. Flywheel housing rear surface
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
1. Crankshaft center
2. Cylinder center
8 114E-3 Series
01 Specification SEN00174-00
1. Crankshaft center
2. Cylinder center
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
Dimensions table 1
Unit: mm
Dimension of each part
Engine Machine model
PC300-7, PC300LC-7, PC350-7, PC350LC-7 1,625 1,601 1,004
SAA6D114E-3 WA430-6 1,135 1,605 844
D65EX-15, D65PX-15, D65WX-15 1,189 1,532 909
a These dimensions are given for reference when the engine is set on a test bench.
10 114E-3 Series
01 Specification SEN00174-00
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
12 114E-3 Series
01 Specification SEN00174-00
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
14 114E-3 Series
SEN00174-00 01 Specification
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
1. Intake air inlet to turbocharger The combustion air system on the engine consists
2. Turbocharger air to charge air cooler of an air cleaner, intake air piping, turbocharger,
3. Charge air cooler charge air piping, charge air cooler (CAC), and
4. Intake manifold (integral part of cylinder head) intake air heater.
5. Intake valve Air is drawn through the air cleaner and into the
compressor side of the turbocharger (1). It is then
forced through the CAC piping (2), to the CAC (3),
the intake air heater (if applicable), and into the
intake manifold (4). From the intake manifold, air is
forced into the cylinders (5) and used for combus-
2 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Exhaust system 1
General Information
1. Exhaust valve
2. Exhaust manifold (pulse type)
3. Dual-entry turbocharger
4. Turbocharger exhaust outlet
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Turbocharger 1
General Information
4 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
6 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
8 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Cooling system 1
General Information
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
High pressure
Main filter
Priming pump
Fuel tank
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
12 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
The lift pump will run for 30 seconds after the key is
switched on to assist with fuel priming. The lift
pump will run during cranking and while the engine
is running until the 30 seconds has lapsed. The lift
pump will shut off anytime the key is switched
“OFF”. The 30 second timer is reset after each key
switch cycle and ECM power down.
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
14 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Maintenance standard 1
Turbocharger 1
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Cylinder head 1
16 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 17
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Cylinder block 1
Unit: mm
Replace bearing
2 Thickness of main bearing metal 3.446 – 3.454
Diameter of cam bushing mounting Correct or replace
3 Max. 64.013
hole block
Replace cam
4 Inside diameter of cam bushing Max. 60.120
18 114E-3 Series
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Cylinder liner 1
20 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 21
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Crankshaft 1
Unit: mm
22 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 23
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Connecting rod 1
24 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 25
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Vibration damper 1
Unit: mm
26 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Timing gear 1
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 27
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Camshaft 1
Unit: mm
28 114E-3 Series
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
30 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 31
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
32 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 33
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
34 114E-3 Series
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN00176-00
Unit: mm
114E-3 Series 35
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Oil pump 1
Unit: mm
Tightening torque of oil pump mounting Target (Nm {kgm}) Tigthen and
bolt 24 {2.4} retighten
36 114E-3 Series
SEN00176-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00261-00 20 Standard value table
Engine speed
Low idle speed rpm 1,000 ± 25 1,000 ± 25
Compression pressure 2
Engine speed: 250 – 280 rpm {kg/cm }
Oil pressure
At low idle
MPa Min. 0.15 0.08
(Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)
{kg/cm2} {Min. 1.5} {0.8}
At all speed
Oil temperature °C 80 – 110 120
(Oil in oil pan)
At continuous rated
Oil consumption ratio % Max. 0.15 0.3
(Ratio to fuel consumption)
Radiator pressure Opening pressure kPa
— —
Cooling system
2 114E-3 Series
20 Standard value table SEN00261-00
Engine speed
Low idle speed rpm 765 ± 25 765 ± 25
Compression pressure 2
Engine speed: 250 – 280 rpm {kg/cm }
Oil pressure
At low idle
MPa Min. 0.15 0.08
(Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)
{kg/cm2} {Min. 1.5} {0.8}
At all speed
Oil temperature °C 80 – 110 120
(Oil in oil pan)
At continuous rated
Oil consumption ratio % Max. 0.15 0.3
(Ratio to fuel consumption)
Radiator pressure Opening pressure kPa
— —
Cooling system
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00261-00 20 Standard value table
Engine speed
Low idle speed rpm 825 ± 25 825 ± 25
Compression pressure 2
Engine speed: 250 – 280 rpm {kg/cm }
Oil pressure
At low idle
MPa Min. 0.15 0.08
(Oil temperature: Min. 80°C)
{kg/cm2} {Min. 1.5} {0.8}
At all speed
Oil temperature °C 80 – 110 120
(Oil in oil pan)
At continuous rated
Oil consumption ratio % Max. 0.15 0.3
(Ratio to fuel consumption)
Radiator pressure Opening pressure kPa
— —
Cooling system
4 114E-3 Series
20 Standard value table SEN00261-00
a The table gives the standard values for machines without fan.
a The loads for the dynamometer are at an arm’s length of 716 mm.
a This table shows the standard values using the JIS correction factor.
a The output and torque values in the table are the standard values with the fan removed, so they are dif-
ferent from the specification values.
a This table shows the standard values with an air cleaner installed, muffler installed, alternator under no
a The dynamometer load shows the value for an arm length of 716 mm.
a Use ASTM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.
a Use SAE15W-40 as the lubricating oil.
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00261-00 20 Standard value table
Run-in standard
Engine SAA6D114E-3
1 2 3 4 5
Running time min 2 10 2 3 10
Engine speed rpm 765 1,000 1,200 1,600 2,100
Dynamometer load N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,097 {112}
Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {10} 22 {29.5} 76 {102} 173 {232}
a The loads for the dynamometer are at an arm’s length of 716 mm.
a This table shows the standard values using the JIS correction factor.
a This table shows the standard values with an air cleaner installed, muffler installed, alternator under no
a The dynamometer load shows the value for an arm length of 716 mm.
a Use ASTM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.
a Use SAE15W-40 as the lubricating oil.
6 114E-3 Series
20 Standard value table SEN00261-00
Run-in standard
Engine SAA6D114E-3
1 2 3 4 5
Running time min 2 10 2 3 10
Engine speed rpm 825 1,000 1,200 1,600 1,950
Dynamometer load N {kg} 0 {0} 98 {10} 245 {25} 637 {65} 1,058 {108}
Output kW {HP} 0 {0} 7.4 {10} 22 {29.5} 76 {102} 154 {206}
a The loads for the dynamometer are at an arm’s length of 716 mm.
a This table shows the standard values using the JIS correction factor.
a This table shows the standard values with an air cleaner installed, muffler installed, alternator under no
a The dynamometer load shows the value for an arm length of 716 mm.
a Use ASTM D975 diesel oil as the fuel.
a Use SAE15W-40 as the lubricating oil.
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00261-00 20 Standard value table
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
2 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
Testing air boost pressure 1 3. Run the engine at the rated output and test the
air boost pressure.
a Testing tools for air boost pressure a When testing with the engine mounted on
Symbol Part No. Part name the machine, test on the condition
described in the shop manual for the
A 799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit
a Connect INSITE (troubleshooting kit) to
k Be careful not to touch any hot part when the engine and measure air boost pres-
removing or installing the testing tools. sure between the aftercooler and intake
a The test point is subject to machine models. manifold using the monitoring function.
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
4 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
5. When the No. 1 cylinder is at the compression 4) Rotate the crankshaft forward 360°, pre-
top dead center, adjust the valve clearance cisely make alignment with the counter
indicated by q of the valve arrangement plan. mark placed on Step 4, and adjust the
valve clearance indicated by Q.
a At this moment, the stamp line (b) of
the fuel injection pump gear is aligned
with the stamp line (c) right below.
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
6 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
10. Install gasket D4 to the tip of adapter D3 and 15. Connect INSITE (troubleshooting kit) to the
connect it to the injector mount. engine and set the engine in the no-injection
cranking mode.
k If the engine is not set in the no-injec-
tion cranking mode, it will start during
testing and will be dangerous. Accord-
ingly, be sure to set the engine in this
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
5) Tighten retainer (8) of the fuel inlet con- Testing blow-by pressure 1
3 Retainer:
a Testing tool for blow-by pressure
40.2 ± 3.9 Nm {4.1 ± 0.4 kgm} Symbol Part No. Part name
E 799-201-1504 Blow-by checker
8 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
Testing oil pressure 1 4. Run the engine at the rated output and low idle
and test the oil pressure.
a Testing tools for oil pressure a When testing with the engine mounted on
Symbol Part No. Part name the machine, test on the condition
described in the shop manual for the
1 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
Gauge: 0.98 MPa
2 799-401-2320
{10 kg/cm2}
3 (10 x 1.0 mm o R1/8)
6215-81-9710 O-ring
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
10 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
2) Connect M10 computer check fitting G4 to 2) Install adapter G2 and nipple [1] of
fuel vacuum gauge G5. hydraulic tester G1 and connect it to
gauge G3.
12 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
4. Testing fuel low-pressure circuit pressure 4) After finishing testing, remove the testing
(fuel filter outlet side) tools and return the removed parts.
1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (4) q Fuel pressure pickup plug:
from the fuel main filter outlet side. 20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
14 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing leakage from pressure k When the engine cannot run, you
limiter and return rate from may test it by cranking the engine
with the starting motor. To protect
injector 1 the starting motor, do not continu-
a Testing tools for leakage from pressure limiter ously crank the engine 30 seconds
and return rate from injector or more.
Symbol Part No. Part name
1 (Setting) Supply pump testing tool
2 (Setting) Pressure limiter testing tool
H 3 (Setting) Injector testing tool
4 Measuring cylinder
16 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
a If the leakage from the pressure lim- 6) Run the engine at low idle and test the
iter is in the following range, it is nor- return rate from the injector.
mal. a If the return rate from the injector is in
the following range, it is normal.
Low idle Under 30 drops/min.
Low idle 300 cc/45 sec.
Cranking 100 cc/30 sec.
114E-3 Series 17
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
18 114E-3 Series
30 Testing and adjusting SEN00455-00
Testing fuel system for leakage 1 9. Inspect the fuel piping and devices for fuel
k Very high pressure is generated in the high- a Check mainly around the high-pressure
pressure circuit of the fuel system. If fuel circuit parts coated with the color checker
leaks while the engine is running, it is dan- for fuel leakage.
gerous since it can catch fire. a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it
After testing the fuel system or removing and inspect again from step 2.
its parts, test it for fuel leakage according a If no fuel leakage is detected, check is
to the following procedure. completed.
a Clean and degrease the engine and the parts
around it in advance so that you can test it eas-
ily for fuel leakage.
114E-3 Series 19
SEN00455-00 30 Testing and adjusting
20 114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting 1
General information on troubleshooting
General information on troubleshooting.......................................................................................................... 2
Points on troubleshooting..................................................................................................................... 2
Error and failure code table .................................................................................................................. 3
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00457-00 40 Troubleshooting
The aim of troubleshooting is to pinpoint the basic cause of the failure, to carry out repairs swiftly, and to pre-
vent reoccurrence of the failure. When carrying out troubleshooting, and important point is of course to
understand the structure and function. However, a short cut to effective troubleshooting is to ask the operator
various questions to form some idea of possible causes of the failure that would produce the reported symp-
2 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00457-00
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00457-00 40 Troubleshooting
4 114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting of mechanical system
Troubleshooting of mechanical system (S-mode)........................................................................................... 3
Method of using troubleshooting charts ............................................................................................... 3
S-1 Starting performance is poor ......................................................................................................... 6
S-2 Engine does not start..................................................................................................................... 7
S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly............................................................................................... 10
S-4 Engine stops during operations ....................................................................................................11
S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly ................................................................................................. 12
S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power)........................................................................................... 13
S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion)....................................................................... 14
S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) ........................................................... 15
S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly .............................................................................................. 16
S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive.................................................................................................. 17
S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) ........................................ 18
S-12 Oil pressure drops ..................................................................................................................... 19
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
2 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
Items listed in the [Questions] and [Check items] and related to the [Causes] are marked with E, Q, or w.
E : Causes to be referred to for questions and check items
Q : Causes related to questions and check items
w : Causes highly probable among ones marked with Q
a When narrowing the “causes”, apply the items marked with w before those marked with Q.
When narrowing the causes, do not apply the items marked with E. (If no items have other marks and
the causes cannot be narrowed, however, you may apply them.)
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
4 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
If we look from these 3 symptoms to find the causes, we find that there is a relationship with 5 causes. Let us
explain here the method of using this causal relationship to pinpoint the most probable cause.
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
Defective injector
This phenomenon does not indicate a trouble, however.
When starting switch is turned to HEAT, intake air heater mount does not become
warm q
6 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
on applicable machine
terminal B and terminal E
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
(*1)” in E-mode
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in supply pump PCV
(*2)” in E-mode
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in electric lift pump
(*3)” in E-mode
Inspect overflow valve directly q
Engine can be started in reduced cylinder mode q
Fuel flows out when pressure limiter return piping is disconnected q
8 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
wiring harness
Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E
Suddenly failed to start w w Q
(*1)” in E-mode
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in electric lift pump (*2)”
in E-mode
Engine can be started in reduced cylinder mode q
When specific gravity of electrolyte and voltage of battery are measured,
they are low
Coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally (if coolant tempera-
ture gauge is installed)
When starting switch is turned to HEAT, intake air heater mount does not
become warm
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
10 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in Ne speed sensor (*1)” in E-mode q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in Bkup speed sensor (*2)” in E-mode q
12 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
14 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
See S-7
Inspect oil cooler directly q
Inspect oil filter directly q
Spring of oil filter safety valve is hitched or broken q
Inspect turbocharger lubrication drain tube directly q
16 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not
If spill hose from injector is disconnected, much fuel spills q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in coolant temperature sensor (*2)”
in E-mode
Confirm with INSITE or with monitoring function on applicable machine side q q
114E-3 Series 17
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down)1
General causes why oil is in coolant Causes
q Internal leakage in lubrication system
on applicable
Carry out
Inspect cylinder block, liner directly q q
18 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
Oil pressure monitor indicates low oil pressure (if monitor is installed) Q w
Non-specified oil is being used Q Q
Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual
Indicates pressure drop at low idle w
Oil pressure monitor Indicates pressure drop at low, high idle Q w w w Q
(if installed) Indicates pressure drop on slopes w
Sometimes indicates pressure drop w Q
Oil level monitor indicates oil level drop (if monitor is installed) w w
Oil level in oil pan is low w
External hydraulic piping is leaking, crushed w
Check items
114E-3 Series 19
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
20 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
Suddenly overheated Q w Q
Condition of overheating
Always tends to overheat Q w w Q
Coolant temperature gauge Rises quickly Q w
(if installed) Does not go down from red range w
Radiator coolant level monitor indicates drop of coolant level (if monitor is
Engine oil level has risen, oil is milky w Q
Fan belt tension is low w
When fan pulley is turned, it has play w
Milky oil is floating on coolant w
There are excessive air bubbles in radiator, coolant spurts back w
When light bulb is held behind radiator core, no light passes through w
Check items
114E-3 Series 21
SEN00458-00 40 Troubleshooting
Gradually occurred Q Q
Abnormal noise
Suddenly occurred Q Q Q
Non-specified fuel is being used Q
Oil must be added more frequently w
Metal particles are found when oil filter is drained w w
Air leaks between turbocharger and cylinder head w
When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger w
When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w w
When engine is cranked, beat noise is generated around muffler w
When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, tempera-
Check items
w Q
ture of some cylinders is low
Blue under light load w
Exhaust smoke color
Black Q w Q
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular w
Abnormal noise is loud when engine is accelerated Q Q Q Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w
22 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00458-00
114E-3 Series 23
114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting of electrical system
(E-mode), Part 1
Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 1 ................................................................................... 3
Information in troubleshooting table ..................................................................................................... 3
E-1 Code [111/CA111] Engine Controller Internal Failure .................................................................... 5
E-2 Code [115/CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup Speed Sensor Error........................................................... 5
E-3 Code [122/CA122] Charge Air Press Sensor High Error ............................................................... 6
E-4 Code [123/CA123] Charge Air Press Sensor Low Error................................................................ 8
E-5 Code [131/CA131] Throttle Sensor High Error ............................................................................ 10
E-6 Code [132/CA132] Throttle Sensor Low Error............................................................................. 12
E-7 Code [144/CA144] Coolant Temp. Sensor High Error ................................................................. 14
E-8 Code [145/CA145] Coolant Temp. Sensor Low Error.................................................................. 16
E-9 Code [153/CA153] Charge Air Temp. Sensor High Error ............................................................ 18
E-10 Code [154/CA154] Charge Air Temp. Sensor Low Error ........................................................... 20
E-11 Code [155/CA155] Charge Air Press. High Speed Derate ........................................................ 22
E-12 Code [187/CA187] Sensor Sup. 2 Volt. Low Error..................................................................... 23
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
2 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
<Contents of description>
• Standard value in normal state to judge possible causes
• Remarks on judgment
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
4 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
6 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
8 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
10 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
12 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
14 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Short circuit in wiring har- without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 3 ness (With another wiring Wiring harness among all pins between J1
state harness) Resis- Min.
(female) (15) – J1 (female) (With all connec-
tance 100 kz
tors of wiring harness disconnected)
Connecting parts among coolant temperature sensor, engine wiring
harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.
Defective wiring harness
4 • Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal
• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin
• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
5 Defective engine controller J1 (female) Resistance
Between (15) – (38) 0.18 – 160 kz
Between (15) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz
16 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 17
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
18 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 19
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
20 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 21
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
22 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 23
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
24 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 25
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
26 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 27
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
28 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 29
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
30 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 31
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
Possible a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
causes and Short circuit in wiring har- without turning starting switch ON.
standard value 3 ness (with another wiring Wiring harness among all pins between J1
in normal state harness) Resis- Min.
(female) (2) – J1 (female) (With all connec-
tance 100 kz
tors of wiring harness disconnected)
Connecting parts among supply pump actuator, engine wiring har-
ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.
Defective wiring harness
4 • Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal
• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin
• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
5 Defective engine controller
J1 (Female) Resistance
Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz
32 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 33
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
34 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 35
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-20 Code [322/CA322] Injector No. 1 (L/B #1) System Open/Short Error1
36 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 37
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-21 Code [323/CA323] Injector No. 5 (L/B #5) System Open/Short Error1
38 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 39
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-22 Code [324/CA324] Injector No. 3 (L/B #3) System Open/Short Error1
40 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 41
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-23 Code [325/CA325] Injector No. 6 (L/B #6) System Open/Short Error1
42 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 43
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-24 Code [331/CA331] Injector No. 2 (L/B #2) System Open/Short Error1
44 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 45
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-25 Code [332/CA332] Injector No. 4 (L/B #4) System Open/Short Error1
46 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00459-00
114E-3 Series 47
SEN00459-00 40 Troubleshooting
48 114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting 1
Troubleshooting of electrical system
(E-mode), Part 2
Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode), Part 2 ................................................................................... 3
E-27 Code [351/CA351] INJ. Drive Circuit Error .................................................................................. 3
E-28 Code [352/CA352] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. Low Error....................................................................... 5
E-29 Code [386/CA386] Sensor Sup. 1 Volt. High Error...................................................................... 7
E-30 Code [428/CA428] Water Sensor High Level Error ..................................................................... 8
E-31 Code [429/CA429] Water Sensor Low Level Error .................................................................... 10
E-32 Code [431/CA431] Idle Validation Switch Error ......................................................................... 12
E-33 Code [432/CA432] Idle Validation Process Error....................................................................... 14
E-34 Code [435/CA435] Eng. Oil Switch Error................................................................................... 16
E-35 Code [441/CA441] Supply Voltage Low Error ........................................................................... 18
E-36 Code [442/CA442] Supply Voltage High Error........................................................................... 20
E-37 Code [449/CA449] Rail Press. High Error 2 .............................................................................. 22
E-38 Code [451/CA451] Rail Press. Sensor High Error ..................................................................... 24
E-39 Code [452/CA452] Rail Press. Sensor Low Error...................................................................... 26
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-40 Code [488/CA488] Charge Air Temp. High Torque Derate ........................................................ 28
E-41 Code [553/CA553] Rail Press. High Error 1 .............................................................................. 29
E-42 Code [559/CA559] Rail Press Low Error ................................................................................... 30
E-43 Code [689/CA689] Eng. Ne Speed Sensor Error....................................................................... 32
E-44 Code [731/CA731] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Phase Error........................................................ 34
E-45 Code [757/CA757] All Engine Controller Data Lost Error .......................................................... 36
E-46 Code [778/CA778] Eng. Bkup Speed Sensor Error ................................................................... 38
E-47 Code [1633/CA1633] KOMNET Error........................................................................................ 40
E-48 Code [2185/CA2185] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. High Error ........................................................ 42
E-49 Code [2186/CA2186] Throttle Sens. Sup. Volt. Low Error......................................................... 43
E-50 Code [2249/CA2249] Rail Press very Low Error ....................................................................... 44
E-51 Code [2265/CA2265] Abnormally high level in electric lift pump ............................................... 46
E-52 Code [2266/CA2266] Abnormally low level in electric lift pump................................................. 48
E-53 Code [2311/CA2311] IMV Solenoid Error .................................................................................. 50
E-54 Code [2555/CA2555] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage Low Error ................................. 52
E-55 Code [2556/CA2556] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage High Error................................. 54
E-56 Code [---/B@BAZG] Eng. Oil Press. Low Speed Derate ........................................................... 56
E-57 Code [---/B@BAZG] Eng. Oil Press Low Torque Derate ........................................................... 56
E-58 Code [---/B@BCNS] Eng. Overheat .......................................................................................... 57
2 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
4 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
6 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
8 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Short circuit in wiring har- without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 3 ness (With another wiring Wiring harness among all pins between J1
state harness) Resis- Min.
(female) (14) – J1 (female) (With all connec-
tance 100 kz
tors of wiring harness disconnected)
Connecting parts among water-in-fuel sensor, engine wiring har-
ness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.
Defective wiring harness
4 • Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal
• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin
• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
5 Defective engine controller J1 (female) Resistance
Between (14) – (47) Max. 10 z
Between (14) – chassis ground Min. 100 kz
10 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
12 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
14 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
Possible causes a Troubleshoot with starting switch OFF, then carry out trouble-
and standard Short circuit in wiring har- shooting without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 3 ness (With another wiring Wiring harness among all pins between J1
state harness) Resis- Min.
(female) (17) – J1 (female) (With all connec-
tance 100 kz
tors of wiring harness disconnected)
Connecting parts among engine oil pressure switch, engine wiring
harness, and engine controller are suspected. Inspect them directly.
Defective wiring harness
4 • Loose connector, broken lock, broken seal
• Corrosive, bent, broken, forced-in, or extended pin
• Humidity in connector, entry of dirt or dust, poor insulation
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
5 Defective engine controller
OIL PRESSURE SWITCH (male) Resistance
Between (1) – body Max. 10 z
16 114E-3 Series
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
18 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 19
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
20 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 21
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
22 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
Circuit diagram related to common rail pressure sensor and engine controller GND line
114E-3 Series 23
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
24 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 25
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
26 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 27
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
28 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 29
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
30 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 31
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
32 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 33
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
34 114E-3 Series
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
36 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 37
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
38 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 39
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
40 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 41
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
42 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 43
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
44 114E-3 Series
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
46 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 47
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
48 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 49
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
50 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 51
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-54 Code [2555/CA2555] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage Low
Error 1
52 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 53
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
E-55 Code [2556/CA2556] Intake Air Heater Relay Supply Voltage High
Error 1
54 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 55
SEN00460-00 40 Troubleshooting
56 114E-3 Series
40 Troubleshooting SEN00460-00
114E-3 Series 57
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00462-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
q In Assembly section, the work procedures, pre-
cautions and know-how for carrying out those
procedures, and quantity of the oil and coolant
added are described.
q The meanings of the symbols used in Assem-
bly section are as follows.
2 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00462-00
Cate- Komatsu
Part No. Q'ty Container Main features and applications
gory code
• Used to prevent rubber gaskets, rubber cushions, and cock
LT-1A 790-129-9030 150 g Tube
plugs from coming out
Polyethy- • Used for plastic (except polyethylene, polypropylene,
20 g
LT-1B 790-129-9050 lene con- tetrafluoroethylene and vinyl chloride), rubber, metal, and non-
(2 pcs.)
tainer metal parts which require immediate and strong adhesion
• Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals
LT-2 09940-00030 50 g lene con-
• Used to fix and seal bolts and plugs
790-129-9060 Adhesive:
(Set of 1 kg
LT-3 Can • Used to stick metals, glass, and plastics
adhesive and Hardener:
hardener) 500 g
LT-4 790-129-9040 250 g lene con- • Used to seal plugs
790-129-9120 75 g Tube • Heat-resistant seal used to repair engine
MH 705
Polyethy- • Quick-setting adhesive
790-129-9140 50 g lene con- • Setting time: Within 5 sec. to 3 min
tainer • Used mainly to stick metals, rubbers, plastics, and woods
• Quick-setting adhesive
Aron-alpha • Quick-hardening type (max. strength is obtained after 30
790-129-9130 2g lene con-
201 minutes)
• Used mainly to stick rubbers, plastics, and metals
Loctite • Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals
79A-129-9110 50 cc lene con-
648-50 • Used for fitted portions used at high temperature
• Used to stick or seal gaskets and packings of power train
LG-1 790-129-9010 200 g Tube
case, etc
• Used to seal various threaded portions, pipe joints, and
LG-5 790-129-9080 1 kg lene con-
• Used to seal tapered plugs, elbows, and nipples of hydraulic
Gasket sealant
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00462-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
Cate- Komatsu
Part No. Q'ty Container Main features and applications
gory code
G2-LI SYG2-400LI-A Various Various • General purpose type
SYG2-400CA-A • Used for bearings used at normal temperature under light
G2-CA Various Various
SYG2-160CA load in contact with water or steam
Molybdenum Bellows-
SYG2-400M 400 g × 10
disulfide type
SYG2-400M-A 400 g × 20 • Used for parts under heavy load
grease container
LM-G (G2-M) 16 kg Can
Hyper White
SYG2-16CNT Bellows-
Grease G2-T, • Seizure resistance and heat resistance higher than
SYG0-400T-A 400 g type
G0-T (*) molybdenum disulfide
(*) container
*: For cold dis- • Not conspicuous on machine since color is white
SYG0-16CNT 16 kg Can
G2-B, SYG2-400B
G2-BT (*) SYGA-16CNB Bellows-
• Since this grease is decomposed by natural bacteria in short
*: For use at SYG2-400BT 400 g type
period, it has less effects on microorganisms, animals, and
high temper- (*) container
ature and SYGA-16CNBT 16 kg Can
under heavy (*)
PAINT Glass • Used as primer for cab side
20 ml
PRIMER 580 container (Using limit: 4 months after date of manufacture)
GLASS Glass • Used as primer for glass side
20 ml
PRIMER 580 container (Using limit: 4 months after date of manufacture)
Adhesive for cab glass
4 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00462-00
Cate- Komatsu
Part No. Q'ty Container Main features and applications
gory code
• “S” is used for high-temperature season (April -
PENGUINE Polyethy-
October) and “W” for low-temperature season (October
SEAL 580 417-926-3910 320 ml lene
- April) as adhesive for glass
SUPER container
(Using limit: 4 months after date of manufacture)
“S” or “W”
No. 2505
SEKISUI Polyethy-
• Used to seal front window
SILICONE 20Y-54-55130 333 ml lene
(Using limit: 6 months after date of manufacture)
SEALANT container
GE TOSHIBA • Used to seal joints of glasses
SILICONES 22M-54-27220 333 ml Cartridge Translucent white seal
TOSSEAL 381 (Using limit: 12 months after date of manufacture)
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00462-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
New / Remodel
Work item Part No. Part name Remarks
A Repair stand t 1
Disassembly and assembly Special for KOMATSU
of engine assembly —
repair stand
B Adapter t 1
Special for CUMMINS
repair stand
Removal and installation of 795-102-2103
air intake valve and exhaust C Spring pusher q 1
valve 795-799-8800
6 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00462-00
New / Remodel
Work item Part No. Part name Remarks
114E-3 Series 7
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
1. Preparation work
Before disassembling the engine, check its
parts for cracking, damage, etc. and clean it
generally and carefully for accurate inspection
of its parts and quick disassembly and assem-
a Before cleaning the engine, carefully seal
or remove the openings, electric parts,
and wiring connectors so that water will
not enter them.
q Prepare stable engine stands (Blocks [1])
and secure engine assembly (1) on them
so that it will not tip over.
2 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
4 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
13. Common rail
The internal parts of the adapter
1) Remove the joint bolt of fuel drain tube (1).
may be damaged when the hose is
2) Remove mounting bolt (3) and common
removed. Accordingly, do not
rail (2).
reuse the adapter but use new one
when installing the hose again, as
a rule.
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
17. Main controller assembly 2) Rotate the crankshaft forward and set
Remove mounting bolts (2) and main controller stamp (a) of supply pump gear (2) to the
assembly (1). top to set the No. 1 cylinder to the top
dead center (TDC).
3) Remove nut (3) and washer (4).
6 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
5) Remove 4 nuts (5) and 1 bolt (6). 21. Fuel injector assembly
6) Push in tool P installed in step 4) to a Before removing the inlet connector,
remove supply pump assembly (7). remove all mud, etc. sticking around it so
that mud, etc. will not enter the hole of the
1) Remove retainers (1) and 6 inlet connec-
tors (2).
q Use tool M to remove the inlet con-
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
8 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
4) Remove exhaust manifolds (4) and (5). q Disassemble the cylinder head assembly
according to the following procedure.
1) Using tool C, compress valve spring (3)
and remove valve collet (4).
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
4) Remove valve seals (7-1) and (7-2) on the 3) Remove pulley (3).
upper side of the head.
a The valve seals are colored accord-
ing to their locations.
q Exhaust valve: Black valve seal
q Air intake valve: Blue valve seal
q Use tool Q to remove the valve
10 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
12 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
3] Remove pin (6) to disconnect piston 2) Install eyebolts [2] to flywheel (2) and lift
(4) and connecting rod (2). off the flywheel.
4] Remove the snap ring on the oppo- 4 Flywheel: 40 kg
site side.
35. Flywheel
1) Install lock plate [1] and remove mounting
bolt (1).
14 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00463-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
16 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00463-00
114E-3 Series 17
114E-3 Series
114E-3 Series 1
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
1. Preparation work
1) Install tool B.
q Mounting bolts on engine side
Position of bolt Size of bolt Tightening torque
24 ± 4 Nm
a M8
{2.5 ± 0.4 kgm}
a When reusing a cylinder liner, insert it in
43 ± 6 Nm the cylinder where it was, turning it 45°
b, c M10
{4.4 ± 0.6 kgm} from the original position. (Move the pit-
ted surface of the cylinder liner from the
2) Install the cylinder block to repair stand A. position where it has been pitted.)
4 Cylinder block: 245 kg
2 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
3) Push in cylinder liner (1) in cylinder block 7) If the projection of the cylinder liner varies
(2) with both hands. more than 0.025 mm in 180° of the periph-
a If the cylinder liner does not enter the ery of the liner, repeat steps 5) and 6) and
cylinder smoothly, the O-ring may be set the projection in the specified range.
broken. In this case, check the cylin-
der block for burrs. 3. Tappet
4) Using tool S, press fit cylinder liner (1). q Turn over the cylinder block.
a When reusing the camshaft and tappets,
be sure to combine them as they were.
a Do not install a used tappet to a new cam-
1) Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the tap-
114E-3 Series 3
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
5. Crankshaft
1) Install 6 upper bearings (7) and 1 upper
thrust bearing (6). 3) Using a nylon sling, lift up and install
a Set the projection of each bearing to crankshaft (4).
the cut of the cylinder block. a Take care not to damage the bear-
a When installing the bearings, check ings.
that their back sides are free from for- 4 Crankshaft: 80 kg
eign matter.
a Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the
inside of the bearings. Do not apply it
to the back side, however.
a When reusing the bearings, check the
marks made on them when removed
and install them to their original posi-
4 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 5
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
6. Piston and connecting rod assembly 4) Fit second ring (10) with the stamp of
1) Lightly hit the connecting rod bolt with a “TOP” near the abutment joint up.
plastic hammer until its head is aligned 5) Fit top ring (11) with the “dot” mark near
with the flat machined surface of the con- the abutment joint up.
necting rod and set in position. 6) When fitting each ring, set the abutment
joint off the thrust, anti-thrust, and piston
axis directions.
6 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
7) Set the piston and connecting rod. 8) Install bearings (12) to connecting rod (2)
q Set the “FRONT” mark at part (A) of and connecting rod cap (1).
piston (4) up and check that the q Check that the back side of the bear-
counter mark of the connecting rod ing is free from foreign matter.
cap is at part (B) of connecting rod (2) q Set projection (E) of the bearing to
at this time. cuts (F) of the connecting rod and
114E-3 Series 7
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
11) Tighten bolts (1) in the following order to 12) After installing the piston and connecting
install connecting rod caps (2). rod assembly, turn the crankshaft to check
a Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the that it rotates normally.
threaded portions of the bolts and 13) Measure the side clearance between the
inside of the connecting rod bearings. connecting rod and crankshaft with tool K.
a Side clearance: 0.10 – 0.30 mm
8 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 9
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
10 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
12. Front oil seal 3) Install carrier assembly (7) to front cover
1) Set front oil seal (8) to tool T with the oil (5).
seal lip side up. 2 Surface of flange:
a Since pilot tool [1] on the inside of the Gasket sealant (LG-7)
front oil seal is used to guide the front q Tighten the mounting bolts in the
c o v e r t o t h e c r a n k s h a ft , d o n o t numerical order shown below: [1] →
remove it from the front oil seal. [5]
q Pilot tool [1] is contained in the spare 3 Mounting bolt:
front oil seal. 9.8 ± 2.0 Nm {1.0 ± 0.2 kgm}
2) Insert oil seal (8) from the front cover 13. Front cover assembly
mounting side of carrier (7). a Check that the end corner and lip sliding
q Set the seal flush with the face on the surface of the crankshaft are free from
inserting side of the carrier. flaw, burr, sharp fin, rust, etc.
a Do not apply oil, grease, etc. to the crank-
shaft and seal lip. Wipe off oil and grease
from the shaft.
1) Install cover (5) with mounting bolts (6).
2 Cover mounting face:
Gasket sealant (LG-7)
114E-3 Series 11
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
2) Tightening order of bolts 2) Using alignment tool [1], insert the oil seal
Tighten the bolts in the numerical order until it is flush with the mounting flange
shown below: [1] → [26] surface of seal housing (1).
3 Mounting bolt: a While lightly hitting the top, bottom,
24 ± 4 Nm {2.4 ± 0.4 kgm} right, and left of alignment tool [1] with
a hammer to check that the seal car-
rier is not bent, push in the oil seal
until the outside of alignment tool [1]
touches the housing.
a Do not remove the seal mounting pilot
12 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
2) Insert seal housing (1), aligning it with 6) Remove the seal mounting pilot tool.
crankshaft (4). 7) Cut off gasket (5). (Right and left)
a Check that the end corner and lip slid- a Take care that the cut gasket will not
ing surface of the crankshaft are free fall in the engine.
from flaw, burr, sharp fin, rust, etc.
a Do not apply oil, grease, etc. to the
crankshaft and seal lip. Wipe off oil
and grease from the shaft.
2 Housing mounting face:
Gasket sealant (LG-7)
3) Evenly set the heights of seal housing (1)
and both sides (A) of the oil pan rail.
4) Install seal (3).
114E-3 Series 13
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
14 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 15
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
16 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 17
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
2] Apply engine oil (EO15W-40) to the 2) Before tightening the cylinder head
valve stem and inside of valve guide mounting bolts, check the following:
and install valve (6). 1] Measure stem length (a) of each
mounting bolt and check that it is
shorter than the using limit.
2] Using limit length of bolt: less than
162.6 mm
a If a bolt is longer than the using
limit, do not reuse it but replace
18 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
4) Install cylinder head assembly (2) to the q When not using angle tightening tool
cylinder block. Make a mark on the cylinder head and each
bolt with paint and then tighten the bolt by 120°
± 5°.
114E-3 Series 19
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
20 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 21
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
5) While the No. 6 cylinder is at the compres- a Take care that wiring harness (4) will
sion top dead center, adjust the valve not be pressed strongly against the
clearances marked with Q in the valve inside wall of housing (1), will not
arrangement drawing. come off guide (e), or will not be bent
a Adjust the valve clearance according sharply.
to steps 3) and 4) above.
22 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 23
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
24 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
1) Install common rail (16) temporarily with 9) Apply caulking material (e) (hatched part)
mounting bolts (17) (Tighten the bolts by to nut (20) of inlet connector (19) and cyl-
hand). inder head.
2) Tighten drain tube (18) temporarily. 2 Caulking material:
SEAL 381
114E-3 Series 25
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
38. Thermostat
Fit the O-ring and install thermostat (1).
26 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 27
SEN00464-00 50 Disassembly and assembly
2) Install pulley (3). 3) Place and fix engine assembly (1) on sta-
ble engine stand [1].
4) Install plates (3) and (5).
5) Install ground wire (4) of the main control-
ler to plate (3).
28 114E-3 Series
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN00464-00
114E-3 Series 29