Atg-Chart-Presentcont1 3
Atg-Chart-Presentcont1 3
Atg-Chart-Presentcont1 3
Am / is / are + -ing = something is happening now
I am I am not
You are You are not (aren’t)
He is He is not (isn’t)
She is cooking. She is not (isn’t) cooking.
It is It is not (isn’t)
We are We are not (aren’t)
They are They are not (aren’t)
Verbs that end in -e (make / write etc.) eing:
make making write writing drive driving
Vowels: a e i o u
Consonants: b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w y
Sometimes a word ends in a vowel + a consonant. For example: get, run, swim
Before adding –ing, the consonant at the end is ‘doubled’
get getting run running swim swimming
Do NOT double the letter if the word ends in two vowels + a consonant.
look looking read reading speak speaking
Do NOT double the letter if the word has two or more syllables and the last part is
not stressed.
Visit VIS-it (first part is stressed) visiting
begin be-GIN (last part is stressed) beginning